#ended up feeling weirdly out of place after all thay kff debate
bstrdwulf · 1 year
im borderline kin-for-fun, dont get me wrong im 100% non-human physically, mentally, and any other '-ly's. I have a very lax sense of my species, i can see traits in other things and go "yeah thats me" and happily ID as that thing even if im not fully that thing. Easiest way i can explain it is comparing it to mogai gender hoards, but with my species not my gender (ooh i might make a species hoard, that sounds fun). That said, i dont rlly use kin terms when it comes to those less strong identities bcs ive seen so much anti-kff rhetoric; i even started to repress any relation i had to certain things because it didnt seem 'true enough', for instance ive been trying to ignore my kinship with sharks because it didnt make sense.. im a mammal? i dont have gills or fins and yet i would happily say that i am a shark. These identities tend to be contradictory and confusing, and also i cant tell if theyre involuntary or not? i dont know what they are but i wouldnt be comfortable saying theyre kintypes.. i think i might move away from using otherkin terms entirely
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