nocturnalstarseed · 1 year
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Fear is one of those emotions we all have at some point in our lives. Whenever you feel fear, you are on the verge of something big. Learn to see fear as a gift. Now is the time to start speaking your truth with love and face your fears. It takes courage to break the old patterns and process the path that your higher self wants you to take. When you stop fearing your loneliness, you stop settling for less than what you deserve. Energy is the driving force behind our choices, our relationships, our interactions, how we feel, and how we move on any given day. You are allowed to change anything at any time. Walk confidently and glow from the inside out. Become aware of your deep subconscious fearful beliefs or patterns and consciously choose to release them. Fear can't stop you. You are surrounded by divine guidance and support. You've got this!
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nocturnalstarseed · 1 year
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Consider what makes you happy and move towards it. Having the fulfillment you desire is within your reach. Don't hesitate to move towards something more fulfilling. Your soul longs for it. It is okay to put yourself first. Your needs and wants are important. Concentrate on finding a path that makes you feel fulfilled, and the rest will follow. Your outer world and circumstances reflect your inner world. The world acts as your mirror to help you refine your beliefs and preferences so that you can create a life of even greater joy and fulfillment. Sometimes you may have to let go of the life you have been planning for so that you can embrace the life that is waiting for you. You are worthy of so much more than you realize.
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nocturnalstarseed · 1 year
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Everyone's basic need throughout life is to be seen, accepted, and loved exactly as they are. In loving conditions, our inner child remains vibrant, open, and confident. But at the same time, no parent can fully see and satisfy a child's needs. There is always a small shortfall. This card reminds you that it's never too late to heal and have a happy childhood. Examine your inner narrative and feel your emotions when they come and go. Allow the entirety of the emotion to flow through you like a wave. As adults, we can choose for ourselves the best possible soil that enables our growth and well-being. You can still create a happy and peaceful life for yourself, even if you feel broken.
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nocturnalstarseed · 1 year
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Is it difficult for you to be still?
Have you been listening to advice from others and lost your connection to your own inner guidance? The ego and the lively movement of the mind are built into every person. Regain your balance in solitude and stillness. Everything is found in silence, but listening to yourself is not always easy. Use mindfulness exercises to clear your headspace. Many times, when we rush in, we fail to see how destructive our actions can be. So meditate and listen to your soul's wisdom before proceeding further. It's in the stillness where you receive the message, so don't be afraid to sit in silence. Stillness can be your greatest asset. Your own voice and true self-knowledge rise from the soul.
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nocturnalstarseed · 1 year
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Be open to new experiences instead of trying to control everything. The controlling mind wants to decide how and in what order things happen, and at the same time, it prevents life from happening. It also takes a lot of energy to control every uncomfortable situation or person you come across. Surrender and relax more. Let it go. If you want to create your dreams, you have to dare to throw yourself into the flow of life. Life is meant to be experienced. Are you courageous enough? Can you let life happen?
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nocturnalstarseed · 1 year
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My fascination with abstract painting lies in the colors, the random mixing, and the shapes that are beyond my control. The end result is something marvelous, untamed, and messy, but still, the whole is balanced. How did it happen?
This deck combines two things I love, my spiritual path and abstract art. I believe that abstract art speaks to the subconscious. Our logical minds can never fully understand the beauty of an abstract painting. Thousands of vibrant colors and uncontrolled shapes awaken the deepest emotions within us. Art has a healing effect on our lives and we can express ourselves through art in endless ways. For me, painting gave me the opportunity to give up control. I had to accept that I could not control the paint perfectly. The painting guided me, not the other way around. By letting go of a certain outcome, my paintings came to life.
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nocturnalstarseed · 1 year
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Are you ready to work hard for your dreams?
You are the co-creator of your life. Focus on honing your skills with determination. Work hard to use your abilities for the greater good. Self-discipline is very relevant right now. Work may be sometimes boring, but know that your approach will lead you to success. Only through continuous effort will you be able to reap the benefits. You may not be where you want to be, but you're not where you were a year ago or a month ago. Figure out what your plan is, craft a plan, and follow through diligently. Be ready to commit to the long-term to see the success you are aiming for.
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nocturnalstarseed · 1 year
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What beliefs about love are not serving your highest self?
Love is in the air! You are loved, lovable, and loving. Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Welcome opportunities to give and receive love. Your ability to love is precious. Don't let the cold of other people and the harsh world change that. You are blessed with the ability to feel so deeply. Take all this love that you give to others and, once in a while, direct it to yourself and recharge. You are being guided to make choices that are based on love. This card is your reminder to do that. You are worthy of love and the magic of love surrounds you at this time. Your self-love must always be stronger than your desire to be loved by others.
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nocturnalstarseed · 1 year
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Are you ready to release what does not serve you?
The first step to releasing is to allow yourself to feel the feeling without resisting it, fearing it, or condemning it. Drop the judgment and accept that it is just a feeling. It is resistance that keeps the feeling in place. Be ready to release all that no longer serves you, so a better version of you can emerge. You have learned all that you need to learn from this situation, and it's time to move on from it. Send love and healing to those you are releasing. Bad habits are challenging to break, but you are standing on the precipice of something remarkable.
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nocturnalstarseed · 2 years
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Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?
A powerful transformation is happening, little by little. You are not stuck. You are being summoned to level up to something magnificent. Now it's time to get curious about an improved version of yourself. Be genuine with your thoughts and words as you move towards self-discovery. Your dedication to becoming the best version of yourself is rapidly attracting abundant and exiting opportunities into your life.
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nocturnalstarseed · 2 years
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Card number 17 is Uncertainty.
Uncertainty was definitely present in 2022. I realized that I just had to learn to live with uncertainty. I'm not going to have all the answers ahead of time and that's totally okay. At first, uncertainty felt uncomfortable and the mind craved answers obsessively. Over time, I noticed how I felt easier and the unknown didn't feel so threatening anymore. There will always be some uncertainty in our lives.
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nocturnalstarseed · 2 years
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This is one of my favorite cards in my deck.
I never thought I would create my own Oracle deck. But here we are. Creating Endless Expression has been a journey and I'm so proud of myself if I'm able to bring this project into life next year. I am really excited to see these beautiful cards in all their glory.
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nocturnalstarseed · 2 years
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First prototype printed!
A total of 44 cards are included in this deck.
One of the most significant projects I have undertaken this year is my Endless Expression Oracle deck. This deck combines two things I love, my spiritual path and abstract art. I have finished all the paintings and now the next step is organizing a fundraising campaign for next year. I am very determined to finish this project and hopefully I will be able to raise the funding I need. 🔥 
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nocturnalstarseed · 6 months
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Consider what makes you happy and move towards it. Having the fulfillment you desire is within your reach. Don't hesitate to move towards something more fulfilling. Your soul longs for it. It is okay to put yourself first. Your needs and wants are important. Concentrate on finding a path that makes you feel fulfilled, and the rest will follow. Your outer world and circumstances reflect your inner world. The world acts as your mirror to help you refine your beliefs and preferences so that you can create a life of even greater joy and fulfillment.
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nocturnalstarseed · 10 months
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You are being guided to flow like water. Move with grace. Ask yourself how you can move with the flow rather than pushing against it. Savor the beauty of the present moment and know that you are on the path to healing and growth. When you find the flow, let it carry you forward. Pay attention to anything that makes you feel passionate, excited, and fully alive. Enjoy small steps and try not to panic about the big picture.
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nocturnalstarseed · 11 months
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You are saying goodbye to a long and meaningful chapter in your life and taking the next step on your journey. You need to let this old cycle end so a new cycle can begin. Every ending is an opportunity for a new beginning. Life is a cycle. There will always be less abundant and less bright times. Not everyone and everything is going to stay forever in your life. People and situations leave because they have completed their purpose. You might have tried everything to keep these relationships in your life, but now it's time to listen to your gut and follow the messages you are receiving. These relationships have now expired. Even if certain things seem a little shaken up right now in some areas, trust that peace and clarity will soon prevail.
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