#energystar pump
businesspikuk · 1 month
How to Choose the Right Energy-Efficient Central Heating Circulation Pump
With so many energy-efficient central heating circulation pumps on the market, choosing the right one for your home can seem like a daunting task. However, by considering a few key factors, you can ensure that you select a pump that meets your heating needs while maximizing efficiency and savings.
The first thing to consider when choosing a new pump is the size and layout of your home. Larger homes with multiple floors or zones may require a more powerful pump to ensure adequate circulation of hot water to all areas. Conversely, smaller homes or apartments may be able to make do with a smaller, less powerful pump.
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Next, you'll want to consider the energy efficiency rating of the pump. Look for pumps that have earned the ENERGY STAR label, which indicates that they meet strict efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency. ENERGY STAR pumps are typically up to 30% more efficient than standard models, helping you to save money on your energy bills while reducing your environmental impact.
Additionally, pay attention to the pump's flow rate and head pressure capabilities. A higher flow rate means that the pump can move more water through your system in less time, while a higher head pressure indicates the pump's ability to overcome resistance in your pipes and radiators. Ideally, you'll want a pump with a balance of both to ensure efficient and effective operation.
Finally, consider any additional features or technologies that the pump may offer. For example, some pumps come with built-in variable speed settings, allowing you to adjust the flow of water to match your specific heating needs. Others may incorporate smart technology that allows for remote monitoring and control of your heating system, maximizing efficiency and convenience.
In conclusion, choosing the right energy-efficient central heating circulation pump is essential for maximizing comfort, efficiency, and savings in your home. By considering factors such as size, efficiency rating, flow rate, and additional features, you can select a pump that meets your needs and helps you to achieve your energy-saving goals.
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esgjuly · 15 days
Canada's Net-Zero Energy-Ready Buildings
We are Net Zero Consultant in Agile Advisors, A building that is net-zero energy ready is created using the same models, construction techniques, and design as a structure that is NZE, but without any installed off-site or on-site renewable energy components. To lower thermal demand and enable correctly sized space and water heating equipment, enhanced air sealing, higher insulation levels, and high-performance windows and doors are essential components of net-zero energy "readiness. “Less than 1% of buildings in Canada qualify as NZEr. By adopting strict NZEr building codes, we must swiftly increase the number of NZEr buildings built annually. This will not only help us meet our global climate goals, but it will also improve our building industry by bringing in investments and providing all Canadians with local, well-paying jobs in the clean economy.
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Agile Advisors provide Net Zero Carbon, in addition to improving building occupant comfort, these measures—such adding more insulation or installing better windows—also increase the structure's longevity and resilience in the case of natural disasters like power outages or forest fires. One prevalent misconception is that since renewable energy is so widely available at low cost, these steps are not necessary. Renewable energy sources are crucial to achieving net zero energy buildings, but only after significant reductions in energy loads have been achieved through the use of energy-saving techniques like the ones mentioned above. Modern energy codes, like the 2020 national model codes, usually adopt an "envelope-first" strategy that prioritizes improved insulation, higher airtightness levels, energy-efficient windows, and HVAC systems.
Being a Net Zero in Agile Advisors, this strategy has the following advantages: Enhancements to the buildings' long-term resilience more comfortable and healthful indoor environment. Reduced energy requirements during the building's lifespan. The adoption of appropriately sized, cost-effective heating and cooling equipment can result in decreased equipment expenses. Future expensive retrofits will be less likely to be necessary for the building. Building owners and occupants can further minimize energy waste in their facilities by opting for and utilizing energy-efficient lighting options, such LEDs, as well as high-efficiency ENERGY STAR® appliances and equipment. The Integrated Design Process (IDP) brings together all stakeholders in the building ecosystem to optimize the house as a system, taking a comprehensive and cooperative approach to building design and construction.
We are a Net Zero Consultancy, building orientation, window optimization, and shading are examples of passive design techniques that reduce the energy consumption of the structure. Building performance and cost factors are better balanced when energy modeling is done during the design phase. A strategy to creating an airtight building envelope and ensuring balanced, whole-house ventilation is called "build it tight, ventilate right." A building's ability to provide a constant supply of clean, filtered air and regulate moisture is essential for its comfort, safety, and health. Heat is retained thanks to minimized thermal bridging and optimal insulation levels in the ceiling, walls, and flooring.
In our role as Net Zero Consultant, Heat losses can be reduced and a more comfortable atmosphere can be created by choosing windows and doors based on their performance as well as size and orientation optimization. Energy use and emissions are decreased by appropriately scaled and energy-efficient HVAC equipment, such as air source heat pumps. Heat loss and energy consumption are reduced when energy-efficient hot water heating equipment is positioned close to the point of use. Lower operating energy demands are the result of energy-efficient appliances and lighting, such as those with EnergyStar® ratings. Benefit from lower energy loads by using renewable energy sources like solar photovoltaics (PV).
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hotwaternow · 2 years
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Water heaters are the second largest consumer of energy in your home. As a certified Xcel rebate contractor Hot Water Now! connects you to BIG instant and ongoing savings and reduces your energy costs, consumption, and carbon emissions. That's a win-win-win-win-win. https://hotwaternowco.com/heat-pump-water-heater-lakewood-co.php #HybridElectricWaterHeater #HeatPumpWaterHeater #EnergyEfficient #EnergyStar #PlumbingContractor #DenverPlumber #HotWaterNow
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ultra-maha-us · 3 years
How to Save Power and Water With New Dishwashers
Just about any new dishwasher uses less energy and water compared to one you've now. Truth be told almost every dishwasher built today matches EnergyStar efficiency standards. If you are contemplating getting a new dishwasher, today may be the time since over living of the brand new dishwasher, the energy and water savings can certainly repay its preliminary cost.
Another important advantage of newer dishwashers is that the one you get would have been a ton quieter compared to one you have. This is because the newer types have a much better engine and pump style and higher degrees of insulation.
The fee in managing a dishwasher is for the energy needed seriously to temperature the water. If the dishwasher cleaning brand new dishwasher style uses less water, then less energy is needed to temperature small level of water. Dependant on where you reside, the cost of water usage is simply as an essential environmental problem as how much energy is being used. To be sure you are comparing apples to apples whenever you purchase a dishwasher, assess the general water usage requirements for an average load cycle for the versions you're considering buying.
How effectively a dishwasher washes is, needless to say, an essential feature. If it generally does not clear effectively, persons tend to operate it on the heavy cycle when usual have to do as effectively or they hand wash the meals first. Rinsing employs over 10 added gallons of water and some people eve use hot water to rinse. Hand scraping must certanly be great enough.
The best dishwashers work with a 2 pump design. One pump is useful for spraying the meals and the other to strain the unit. Two smaller pushes use less water than those versions that still work with a single treating pump which sprays in one single turning and rains in the other.
Most consumers could possibly get combined with the three basic cycles of mild, moderate, and heavy, as opposed to the half dozen which confuse cleaning. Newer electronic regulates are easy and successful and when they're concealed it looks great but you can't tell where the dishwasher is in its cycle. New versions also provide intelligent dust devices which evaluate how filthy the water would be to immediately determine once the meals are clean.
Other water and energy preserving functions incorporate a filtration alternative which strains the water inside the dishwasher to get rid of food particles. Self cleaning types work with a grinder for the meals but this does make those versions noisier. And finally, a rinse-hold function employs only 2 gallons of water to wash the meals if you should be not going to operate the dishwasher for a period of time.
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facthvac · 3 years
Questions to Ask When Buying a New HVAC System
This Post Was originally Posted on Fact Hvac on date May 18, 2021
Thinking of buying a new HVAC system? This is a smart home improvement project because of the crucial function a HVAC system plays in your home. The system not only creates a comfy indoor space but also eliminates pollutants to improve indoor air quality.
A new HVAC system allows you to enjoy new heating and cooling technology, better energy efficiency, and a healthier home. However, this is a costly home improvement project with a standard home HVAC replacement averaging $7,000. For a new home installation, the cost can go up to $12,500 or more.
For a project of this magnitude, there are some crucial factors you want to consider. The following questions will help you make the right decisions for your new HVAC project.
What’s the Right Size of HVAC System for My Home?
Homes differ in size, location, sunlight exposure, and number of occupants. When shopping for a new heating and cooling system, consider all these factors to identify the right size of HVAC unit.
If you are replacing an older unit, buying a new system that is the exact same size may not be the best decision. Your contractor can do an energy audit to determine the size of system you need.
The BTU/Tonnage size is also crucial and your contractor can use techniques such as the Manual J calculation to determine the right sized AC unit for your home. A system that is too small or large for your home will cost you more in electricity bills.
What’s the Efficiency Levels of the New HVAC Unit?
The best heating and cooling system leverages the latest technology to save on energy consumption. HVAC manufacturers now make highly efficient systems which go through stringent testing to get energy-efficiency ratings. Look for independent energy efficiency ratings such as ENERGYSTAR, and SEER labels to guarantee the model you install will help save you money on your electricity bill.
What Type of HVAC System Do I Choose?
With the advances in HVAC technologies, you have a wide range of options to choose from based on your heating or cooling needs. These include the split system, hybrid heat pump system, ductless mini-split heat pump, and packaged heating & air conditioning system.
Your HVAC contractor comes in handy for a comprehensive comparison of these systems and which one will best serve your needs.
What New Technologies Are Available?
When you shop around for a HVAC system, consider new technology that can save money, deliver convenience and make your home safer. Some new HVAC technologies to consider include:
Smart programmable thermostats
Sustainable HVAC technology
Zoned/customizable HVAC System
HVAC energy analysis software
Who’s the Right HVAC Contractor for the Job?
For this crucial home upgrade, use a certified, licensed, and insured HVAC contractor in your city. Look for an experienced contractor through referrals and recommendations, read online reviews, and ask for a price estimate.
A reliable contractor carries out an on-site estimation, gives a project timeline, uses premium brands and offers post-installation support services.
Final Thoughts
Before you purchase and replace your old HVAC equipment, ask these questions to get clarity on the project. The answers to these questions will give you the insight you need to make the right decisions.
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How to Choose the Best AC Installation Company
Commercial air conditioners can be quite complicated, as they're required in order to maintain comfortable and heated indoor environments in a wide variety of settings. While many people don't realize this, air conditioners, also known as 'passive heaters' or 'regulating heat pumps', are not actually a luxury item, but are an important component of a commercial space. If you're constructing a brand new building or looking to replace an old, outdated unit, be sure to find an installer with the proper knowledge and expertise. Commercial AC installation professionals know how critical these units are to a company's operations, and they have the tools, experience and training to properly install each and every unit on your building. Don't take any chances when it comes to the health and comfort of your employees and customers - call a professional today!
When choosing a new commercial air conditioning installation company or contractor, be sure to check their credentials and references. Call all of the companies that you're considering hiring and get quotes from each. Ask for references from the past jobs they've performed for you. Also, ask about their overall service and energy efficiency ratings, as well as their licensing and insurance policies. Finally, don't forget to inquire about the warranties offered with their services. Make sure the company offers a long enough warranty to cover your system in the event of breakdowns or mechanical failures, as well as a short enough warranty to meet your energy efficiency needs.
In addition to hiring a professional air conditioning installation business or contractor, consider purchasing a branded system, such as the EnergyStar system or the microwave system. These brands are built to provide the highest levels of energy efficiency and comfort, and are especially suited to commercial spaces. In addition to adding comfort and value to your business, purchasing branded commercial air conditioning systems will also help to protect your business equipment and other property.
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civilcoconstruction · 3 years
The Top Renovation Projects to Keep Your House Cool
You’re no stranger to extreme heat! Sweeten shares top tips to keep a house cool (and save money) during the summer
(Above) Design by Phoenix-based designer Ernesto Garcia
Phoenix is a favorite place to live because of the area’s favorable weather. Precipitation is low, the sun is strong, and temperatures are high. But sometimes, the temperatures run a bit too high for comfort.
Each year, on average, Phoenix’s temperature exceeds 100 degrees on 92 days. Knowing this, Sweeten wrote a homeowner’s guide on how to keep your house cool in those blazing months!
Sweeten matches home renovation projects with vetted general contractors, offering advice, support, and up to $50,000 in renovation financial protection— for free.
Choose the best HVAC system
Air-conditioning is a fact of life in Phoenix and the entire Valley of the Sun metro area. Passive cooling methods are crucial for maintaining a cooler home in Phoenix. But it is an inescapable fact that your home needs A/C. Choose the best possible A/C within your budget:
Check the SEER ratings. SEER is short for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating. This rating is listed on a yellow sticker on every central air conditioning unit. Look for high SEER numbers of at least 13. Maximize your cooling efficiency with SEER ratings of 15 to 17.
Properly size your A/C unit. Units incapable of handling your home’s heat will become taxed. Plus, your home will never cool down enough. Units that are larger than needed are an unnecessary expense.
Central A/C units are popular. But they are no longer the only game in town. Ductless mini-split units, one per room, are less expensive. Also, they do not require ductwork.
Look at heat pumps. Despite their name, heat pumps cool homes just like air-conditioners. The difference is that they can be reversed to heat up the home.
Your general contractor can discuss with you the many factors that play into the choice. These factors: building materials, type and extent of insulation, and number of windows.
Install insulated ductwork
You wouldn’t want a water pipe riddled with holes. You would barely get any water out of it. In the same sense, the HVAC ductwork in your attic is riddled with holes when it’s uninsulated.
Cool air expensively generated by your air conditioner can be lost in your attic. The cool air begins at the A/C. It runs through your hot attic in basic sheet metal ducts. The cool air warms up. By the time the air reaches the rooms, it is warmer than it should be.
There are many insulated ductwork options you can discuss with your contractor. Sheet metal ducts with fibrous glass insulation liner or wrap are a common choice. Or fibrous glass insulation boards can be added to ducts and plenums.
Buy “cooler” lighting and appliances
Lights can give off an enormous amount of heat. One halogen recessed light can raise the temperature of a 64-square-foot space by 15 degrees F in about one hour. Multiplied many times over, an array of these lights can warm up a house. Use cooler LED lights. Fluorescent lights can be used in laundry rooms or work areas.
Also, shop for efficient appliances. Refrigerators, dishwashers, clothes washers, and dryers all produce heat. Purchase better-designed appliances that give off less heat.
Choose a “cool” roof
If you have ever tried to walk on a dark roof in the summer, you will know how hot they can get. A hot roof will transmit heat into the attic. Insulation in the attic will slow some of the heat, but some heat will still enter the home.
“Cool roof” is a general term for any roof with qualities that keep heat out of your house. At a minimum, a cool roof can be a light-colored roof. But a white- or light-colored roof can still absorb up to 70-percent of solar radiation. Look instead for specially coated shingles that contain glass and aluminum particles. Even traditional terra cotta roof tiles are considered to be a cool roofing material.
Check out cool roof ratings from the non-profit Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC). The basic ratings are similar to the familiar EnergyStar ratings for appliances.
Install high vents or a whole-house fan
Desert temperatures that soar during the day drop equally during the night. Phoenix’s night-time temperatures are often half that of daytime temperatures. Use this to your advantage with night-flushing.
Night-flushing means to open up your house as much as possible during the night to flush out built-up heat. Vents installed high up on the walls can help with this. Whole-house fans pull air through open windows and send it out through the roof. This also ventilates the attic. You don’t necessarily need to install new ductwork, either. Speak to a contractor about modifying existing HVAC ductwork for a whole-house fan.
Landscaping for a cooler home
The City of Phoenix has an ongoing effort to cool the city—and you can do it at home, too. Phoenix’s Tree and Shade Master Plan aims to shade at least 25-percent of the city. Speak to your contractor about adding large shade trees like eucalyptus, elm, pine, ash, or pecan. Even trees with less foliage like olives, palms, and citrus can keep a home cooler.
Paint the home in light colors
There is a reason for all of those different shades of beige on homes around Phoenix: it’s cooler. Upwards of 90-percent of the sun’s radiant energy can be absorbed by dark paint colors. Conversely, lighter colors do an excellent job of repelling radiant energy.
If beige isn’t your thing, you’ll find a wide range of other light colors that block the heat. Light-gray, cream, blue, ivory, and of course, white, are perfect for holding back the heat.
Take these steps to help keep your house cool while being more efficient for the planet and your wallet. Happy (green) renovating!
Remodeling isn’t just for new homes: See Sweeten’s guide to renovating for resale. (You’ll thank us when you sell!)
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, scope, and style. Follow the blog, Sweeten Stories, for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation with Sweeten.
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Source link
from CIVICLO Construction & Interior https://civilco.construction/the-top-renovation-projects-to-keep-your-house-cool/
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mujeeburrehman · 3 years
The Top Renovation Projects to Keep Your House Cool
You’re no stranger to extreme heat! Sweeten shares top tips to keep a house cool (and save money) during the summer
(Above) Design by Phoenix-based designer Ernesto Garcia
Phoenix is a favorite place to live because of the area’s favorable weather. Precipitation is low, the sun is strong, and temperatures are high. But sometimes, the temperatures run a bit too high for comfort.
Each year, on average, Phoenix’s temperature exceeds 100 degrees on 92 days. Knowing this, Sweeten wrote a homeowner’s guide on how to keep your house cool in those blazing months!
Sweeten matches home renovation projects with vetted general contractors, offering advice, support, and up to $50,000 in renovation financial protection— for free.
Choose the best HVAC system
Air-conditioning is a fact of life in Phoenix and the entire Valley of the Sun metro area. Passive cooling methods are crucial for maintaining a cooler home in Phoenix. But it is an inescapable fact that your home needs A/C. Choose the best possible A/C within your budget:
Check the SEER ratings. SEER is short for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating. This rating is listed on a yellow sticker on every central air conditioning unit. Look for high SEER numbers of at least 13. Maximize your cooling efficiency with SEER ratings of 15 to 17.
Properly size your A/C unit. Units incapable of handling your home’s heat will become taxed. Plus, your home will never cool down enough. Units that are larger than needed are an unnecessary expense.
Central A/C units are popular. But they are no longer the only game in town. Ductless mini-split units, one per room, are less expensive. Also, they do not require ductwork.
Look at heat pumps. Despite their name, heat pumps cool homes just like air-conditioners. The difference is that they can be reversed to heat up the home.
Your general contractor can discuss with you the many factors that play into the choice. These factors: building materials, type and extent of insulation, and number of windows.
Install insulated ductwork
You wouldn’t want a water pipe riddled with holes. You would barely get any water out of it. In the same sense, the HVAC ductwork in your attic is riddled with holes when it’s uninsulated.
Cool air expensively generated by your air conditioner can be lost in your attic. The cool air begins at the A/C. It runs through your hot attic in basic sheet metal ducts. The cool air warms up. By the time the air reaches the rooms, it is warmer than it should be.
There are many insulated ductwork options you can discuss with your contractor. Sheet metal ducts with fibrous glass insulation liner or wrap are a common choice. Or fibrous glass insulation boards can be added to ducts and plenums.
Buy “cooler” lighting and appliances
Lights can give off an enormous amount of heat. One halogen recessed light can raise the temperature of a 64-square-foot space by 15 degrees F in about one hour. Multiplied many times over, an array of these lights can warm up a house. Use cooler LED lights. Fluorescent lights can be used in laundry rooms or work areas.
Also, shop for efficient appliances. Refrigerators, dishwashers, clothes washers, and dryers all produce heat. Purchase better-designed appliances that give off less heat.
Choose a “cool” roof
If you have ever tried to walk on a dark roof in the summer, you will know how hot they can get. A hot roof will transmit heat into the attic. Insulation in the attic will slow some of the heat, but some heat will still enter the home.
“Cool roof” is a general term for any roof with qualities that keep heat out of your house. At a minimum, a cool roof can be a light-colored roof. But a white- or light-colored roof can still absorb up to 70-percent of solar radiation. Look instead for specially coated shingles that contain glass and aluminum particles. Even traditional terra cotta roof tiles are considered to be a cool roofing material.
Check out cool roof ratings from the non-profit Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC). The basic ratings are similar to the familiar EnergyStar ratings for appliances.
Install high vents or a whole-house fan
Desert temperatures that soar during the day drop equally during the night. Phoenix’s night-time temperatures are often half that of daytime temperatures. Use this to your advantage with night-flushing.
Night-flushing means to open up your house as much as possible during the night to flush out built-up heat. Vents installed high up on the walls can help with this. Whole-house fans pull air through open windows and send it out through the roof. This also ventilates the attic. You don’t necessarily need to install new ductwork, either. Speak to a contractor about modifying existing HVAC ductwork for a whole-house fan.
Landscaping for a cooler home
The City of Phoenix has an ongoing effort to cool the city—and you can do it at home, too. Phoenix’s Tree and Shade Master Plan aims to shade at least 25-percent of the city. Speak to your contractor about adding large shade trees like eucalyptus, elm, pine, ash, or pecan. Even trees with less foliage like olives, palms, and citrus can keep a home cooler.
Paint the home in light colors
There is a reason for all of those different shades of beige on homes around Phoenix: it’s cooler. Upwards of 90-percent of the sun’s radiant energy can be absorbed by dark paint colors. Conversely, lighter colors do an excellent job of repelling radiant energy.
If beige isn’t your thing, you’ll find a wide range of other light colors that block the heat. Light-gray, cream, blue, ivory, and of course, white, are perfect for holding back the heat.
Take these steps to help keep your house cool while being more efficient for the planet and your wallet. Happy (green) renovating!
Remodeling isn’t just for new homes: See Sweeten’s guide to renovating for resale. (You’ll thank us when you sell!)
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, scope, and style. Follow the blog, Sweeten Stories, for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation with Sweeten.
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Source link
source https://civilco.construction/the-top-renovation-projects-to-keep-your-house-cool/ from Civilco Construction & Interior https://civilcoconstruction.blogspot.com/2021/03/the-top-renovation-projects-to-keep.html
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korrational · 4 years
Tipps Auf Verwendung Heizungen
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Wenn Jack Frost kommt wieder in Ihrem Nase es ist Zeit, um zeigen bis der Hitze. Für alle Menschen bedeutet dies einfach erhöhen der Wärme auf dem thermostat des zentral/ Heizsystems. Oft, obwohl, Sie einfach benötigen Wärme in einem kleinen Bereich für eine Weile, und auch macht Sinn, zu nutzen eine Raumheizung als zu Wärme das ganze Eigentum. Zu herausfinden HeatCore Erfahrungen, Sie muss besuchen unsere Website.
Die ideal Methode zu verwenden eine HeatCore Geld sparen ist zu nur Wärme 1 Zimmer, aber machen die rest von Ihre Haus Kühler. das gesagt ,/ die National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) erinnert uns daran, dass Raumheizungen Konten für 1/3 von die meisten hausbrände und 4 von 5 Wohnungheizfeuer Todesfälle und daher unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sicherheit kann sein entscheidend.
Tipps zu helfen, Sie you wählen, verwenden, und pflegen-Heizung und das bedeutet Sie können bleiben fest wohlig warm, auch wenn das Wetter draußen ist schreckliche.
Sicherheit Zuerst
Egal was Art oder Hersteller von Raum Heizung Sie opt zu verwenden, Folgen diese Sicherheit Tipps von der NFPA zu Verringern die Chancen von Bränden und Schaden:
Halten Sie alles, was kann brennen, einschließlich Bettwäsche, Möbel, und Vorhänge mindestens 3 Füße auseinander von die Raum Heizung.
Besitzen eine drei-Fuß "kid-free zone" um Raum Heizungen und nie machen Gebrauch von eine Raum Heizung in ein Kind Schlafzimmer.
Führen Sie die Netzkabel zusätzlich zu Teppichboden und Schritt über diese , um verhindern das abreiben des Kabels zu vermeiden. Nicht verwenden elektrische Schnüre.
Schalten Sie Raumheizungen aus, wenn Sie zu Schlaf gehen oder ein Raum verlassen.
Nicht verwenden eine Raum Heizung at eine feuchten oder feuchten Bereich es sei denn es ist speziell entwickelt für dass Zweck.
Schalten Sie Raumheizungen Weg, bevor Sie den Bereich verlassen oder zu Bett gehen.
Niemals put eine Raumheizung on eine counter es sei denn, es ist speziell gemacht for es.
Installieren Rauch und Kohlenmonoxid Alarme und untersuchen monatlich.
Nur kaufen Sie" UL Listed " und welches zeigt die UL-Markierung in Ihr label an. Dies kann eine unabhängige Organisation die auf Sicherheit prüft.
Nicht verwenden Benzin - oder - öl-brennen Raum Heizungen drinnen, nur im freien oder von Räume öffnen zu die außen wie Zelte oder Veranden.
Lesen und befolgen Sie alle Hersteller Richtlinien für die Raumheizung.
Wie Sie Arbeiten
Raumheizungen heizen Sie und auch den Raum, den Sie besetzen zwei Manieren: durch strahlend Wärme und Konvektion. Strahlungswärme ist wie die Wärme, die Sie fühlen, wenn Sonne trifft Ihre/ Haut. Je näher Sie der Raumheizung sind, desto mehr von dem strahlend Wärme werden Sie fühlen. Konvektion tritt auf, wenn Atmosphäre umschließend die Heizung erhitzt wird. Das heiße Luft steigt zur Decke hin, reißt umgebend innen Luft in Richtung der Heizung, durch welche diese Atmosphäre erhitzt wird und auch beginnt zu steigen. Luft an der Decke dann beginnt zu kühlen und fallen, bis es angezogen in Richtung der Heizung noch mehr ist. Das ist genannt eine Konvektion Schleife auch, while Luft-Atmosphäre gegen die Decke, wird neigen Gefühl wärmer, so die convective loop letztendlich Hilfe von Wärme die ganzen Zimmer. Eine Heizung mit einem integrierten Lüfter wird natürlich mehr von dem Wärme weiter von der Mini-Heizlüfter im Vergleich zu verlassen on Konvektion unabhängig, Erwärmung eine Fläche gleichmäßiger und schnell.
Die Langfristige
Wenn du hast sah, um einen stillstandsheizung da Ihrer Haus ist immer kalt und zugig in der winter können Ende Ausgaben weitere Geld power in der der Zukunft notwendig. Elektrische Raumheizungen sind von Natur aus ineffektiv als Heizquelle. Als Sache der Tat, die Abteilung von Energie EnergyStar Programm nicht festgelegt Heizstrahler in der der energy star Programm deshalb. Eine zentrale elektrische heizung Pumpe oder gas grills, sogar/ eine ältere version, ist wahrscheinlich viel/ effizienter at Heizung Ihr Haus. Das ist warum es ist wesentlich nie zu einsetzen eine stillstandsheizung wie alles mehr als ein temporäres bandage für Ort heat. Lösen Sie Alternativ das problem actual: das problem inadäquat efficiency Ihrer shell house' s. Verbringen eine wenig Menge von Bargeld zu jumpstart und Luft-Dichtung Ihre Haus zu verhindern kalte Luft infiltration und halten Wärme von Ihre bestehenden zentralen Heizung system. Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz Ihres house' s shell hilft Ihnen zu save you Geld und machen Sie Ihr Haus zu einem komfortabler und sicherer Ort zu live in die long haul.
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fightsandgirls · 4 years
Empfehlungen Auf Verwendung Heizungen
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Wenn Jack Frost kommt wieder in Ihrem Nase, dann es ist Zeit, um zeigen der Hitze. Für die meisten Menschen bedeutet dies erhöhen der Temperatur auf dem thermostat des zentral/ Heizsystems. In vielen Fällen, jedoch, Sie nur benötigen Wärme in einem kleinen Bereich für eine Weile, und auch macht Sinn, zu nutzen eine Raumheizung im Vergleich zu zu warm das ganze Eigentum. Zu finden Sie heraus HeatCore Erfahrungen, Sie müssen sehen unsere Website.
Die beste Methode zu beschäftigen eine HeatCore verbringen weniger ist zu nur Wärme 1 Zimmer, aber machen die Rest von Ihre home Kühler. Dennoch ,/ die National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) erinnert uns daran, dass Raumheizungen Konten für 1/3 von hausbrände und 4 von 5 Haus heizfeuer Todesfälle, so unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sicherheit ist ein muss.
Tipps zu allow Sie zu wählen, verwenden, und pflegen-Heizung so Sie können bleiben fest kuschelig-warme, auch wenn das Wetter draußen ist beängstigende.
Sicherheit Zuerst
Unabhängig Davon, was Art oder Hersteller von Raum Heizung Sie Wählen zu verwenden, Folgen diese Sicherheit Tipps von der NFPA zu Verringern die Chancen von Bränden und Schaden:
Halten Sie alles, was kann brennen, einschließlich Möbel, Bettwäsche, und Vorhänge mindestens 3 Füße auseinander von die Raum Heizung.
Besitzen eine drei-Fuß "kid-free zone" um Raum Heizungen und nie verwenden eine Raum Heizung at ein Kinder Schlafzimmer.
Führen Sie die Netzkabel zusätzlich zu Teppichboden und Schritt über Sie zu verhindern das abreiben des Kabels zu vermeiden. Nicht verwenden elektrische Schnüre.
Schalten Sie Raumheizungen aus, wenn Sie zu Bett gehen oder ein Zimmer verlassen.
Nicht verwenden eine Raum Heizung in eine feuchten oder nassen Bereich es sei denn es ist speziell gemacht für dass Zweck.
Schalten Sie Raumheizungen Weg, bevor Sie den Bereich verlassen oder zu Schlaf gehen.
Niemals place eine Raumheizung onto eine countertop es sei denn, es ist speziell entworfen to es.
Installieren Rauch und Kohlenmonoxid Alarme und untersuchen monatlich.
Einfach kaufen Sie" UL Listed " und welches zeigt die UL-Markierung in Ihr eigenes label an. Dies ist eine unabhängige Organisation prüft.
Nicht verwenden Benzin - oder öl-brennen Raum Heizungen innen, nur im freien oder in Räume öffnen zu die im freien wie Zelte oder Veranden.
Lesen und befolgen Sie alle Hersteller Richtlinien für Ihre Raumheizung.
Wie Sie Arbeiten
Raumheizungen heizen Sie und den Raum, den Sie besetzen in zwei Manieren: durch strahlend Wärme und Konvektion. Strahlungswärme ist ähnlich die Wärme, die Sie fühlen, wenn Sonnenlicht trifft Ihre/ Haut. Je näher Sie der Raumheizung sind, größer von dem glühend Wärme werden Sie fühlen. Konvektion tritt auf, wenn Luft umschließend die Heizung erhitzt wird. Das heiße Luft steigt zur Decke hin, reißt umgebend kühl Luft in Richtung der Heizung, wo diese Luft erhitzt wird und auch beginnt zu steigen. Luft an der Decke dann beginnt zu kühlen und fallen, bis es gezogen in Richtung der Heizung noch mehr ist. Das ist bezeichnet als eine Konvektion Schleife und, while gegen die Decke, wird neigen Gefühl wärmer, so die convective loop letztendlich Hilfe Wärme die ganz Zimmer. Eine Heizung mit einem integrierten Lüfter wird natürlich mehr von Ihrem Wärme weiter von der HeatCore als zählen on Konvektion allein, Erwärmung ein Raum gleichmäßiger und schnell.
Die Haul
Wenn du hast aktiviert, um einen stillstandsheizung weil Ihrer home ist ständig kalt und zugig in der winter können wind Ausgaben weitere Geld power in der lange Sicht als notwendig. Elektrische Raumheizungen sind von Natur aus ineffizient als Heizquelle. Als Sache der Tat, die Abteilung von Energie EnergyStar Programm nicht bescheinigen Heizstrahler in der energy star Programm deshalb. Eine grundlegende zimmer heizung Pumpe oder gas grills, sogar/ eine ältere Modell, ist wahrscheinlich viel/ effizienter in Heizung Ihr Haus. Das ist warum es ist unerlässlich nie zu einsetzen eine stillstandsheizung genau wie alles weitere als ein temporäres bandage für Ort heat. Lösen Sie Alternativ das problem true: das problem inadäquat efficiency Ihrer shell home 's. Verbringen eine kleine Menge von Bargeld zu jumpstart und Luft-Dichtung Ihre eigenen Haus zu vermeiden kalte Luft infiltration und halten Wärme von die bestehenden zentralen Wärme system. Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz Ihres house' s shell hilft Ihnen zu help you save Geld und machen Sie Ihr Haus zu einem komfortabler und sicherer Ort zu wohnen in die very long term.
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utilitys · 4 years
Empfehlungen Auf Verwendung Heizungen
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Wenn Jack Frost kommt wieder in Ihrem Nase, dann es ist Zeit, um zeigen bis der Hitze. Für mehrere Menschen bedeutet dies nur erhöhen der Wärme auf dem thermostat des zentral/ Heizsystems. Oft, jedoch, Sie einfach benötigen Wärme in einem kleinen Bereich für eine kurze Zeit, und auch macht mehr Sinn, zu nutzen eine Raumheizung im Vergleich zu zu Wärme das ganze Haus. Zu ermitteln HeatCore Test, Sie muss sehen unsere web site.
Die beste Methode zu Arbeit mit eine HeatCore Geld sparen ist zu nur Wärme one Zimmer, aber lassen die rest von one home Kühler. das gesagt ,/ die National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) erinnert uns daran, dass Raumheizungen Konten für 1/3 von alle hausbrände und 4 von 5 Haus heizfeuer Todesfälle und daher unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sicherheit kann sein entscheidend.
Tipps zu helfen, Sie you select, verwenden, und pflegen-Heizung das heißt Sie können bleiben fest wohlig warm, auch wenn das Wetter draußen ist schreckliche.
Sicherheit Zuerst
Egal was Art oder Marke von Raum Heizung Sie Wählen zu verwenden, Folgen diese Sicherheit Tipps von der NFPA zu Verringern die Chancen von Bränden und Verletzung:
Halten Sie alles, was kann brennen, einschließlich Bettwäsche, Möbel, und Vorhänge mindestens 3 Füße auseinander von die Raum Heizung.
Haben eine drei-Fuß "kid-free zone" um Raum Heizungen und nie verwenden eine Raum Heizung at ein Kinder Schlafzimmer.
Führen Sie die Netzkabel über Teppichboden und Schritt über Sie zu vermeiden das abreiben des Kabels zu vermeiden. nicht verwenden elektrische Schnüre.
Schalten Sie Raumheizungen aus, wenn Sie zu Bett gehen oder ein Raum verlassen.
Nicht verwenden eine Raum Heizung at eine feuchten oder nassen Bereich es sei denn es ist speziell gemacht für diese Zweck.
Schalten Sie Raumheizungen Weg, bevor Sie den Bereich verlassen oder zu Bett gehen.
Niemals place eine Raumheizung onto eine countertop es sei denn, es ist speziell gemacht for es.
Installieren Rauch und Kohlenmonoxid Alarme und test monatlich.
Nur kaufen Sie" UL Listed " und das zeigt die UL-Markierung in Ihr eigenes label an. Dies kann eine unabhängige Organisation die auf Sicherheit prüft.
Nicht verwenden gas - powered oder - öl-brennen Raum Heizungen drinnen, nur im freien oder von Räume in der Nähe die im freien wie Zelte oder Veranden.
Lesen und befolgen Sie alle Hersteller Richtlinien für Ihre Raumheizung.
Wie Sie Arbeiten
Raumheizungen heizen Sie und den Raum, den Sie bewohnen in zwei Wege: durch strahlend Wärme und Konvektion. Strahlungswärme ist wie die Wärme, die Sie fühlen, wenn Sonnenlicht trifft Ihre/ Haut. Je näher Sie der Raumheizung sind, größer von diesem glühend Wärme werden Sie fühlen. Konvektion tritt auf, wenn Luft umgebend die Heizung erhitzt wird. Das Wärme steigt zur Decke hin, zieht umgebend innen Atmosphäre in Richtung der Heizung, durch welche diese Luft erhitzt wird und auch beginnt zu steigen. Luft an der Decke später beginnt zu kühlen und zusammenbrechen, bis es angezogen in Richtung der Heizung noch wieder ist. Dies ist bezeichnet als eine Konvektion Schleife auch, während Sie Luft-Atmosphäre gegen die Decke, wird neigen Gefühl wärmer, die convective loop letztendlich Hilfe Wärme die ganz Zimmer. Eine Heizung mit einem eingebauten Lüfter wird natürlich mehr von dem Wärme weiter von der HeatCore als zählen on Konvektion allein, Erwärmung ein Raum gleichmäßiger und schnell.
Die Term
Wenn du hast aktiviert, um Ihrer stillstandsheizung weil Ihrer home ist ständig kalt und zugig in der winter könnte Ende Ausgaben extra Geld Strom von der lange Sicht als notwendig. Elektrische Raumheizungen sind von Natur aus ineffektiv als Heizquelle. Als Frage der Tatdie Abteilung von Energie EnergyStar Programm nicht bescheinigen Heizstrahler von der energy star Programm weil das. Eine grundlegende heizung Pumpe oder gas grills, sogar/ eine ältere Modell, ist wahrscheinlich viel/ effizienter in Heizung Ihr Eigentum. Das ist warum es ist entscheidend nie zu verwenden eine stillstandsheizung wie alles mehr als ein temporäres bandage für Wärme. Lösen Sie stattdessen das problem actual: das problem poor efficiency Ihrer shell house' s. Verbringen eine kleine Menge von Geld zu jumpstart und Luft-Dichtung Ihre Eigentum zu stop kalte Luft infiltration und behalten Wärme von die bestehenden zentralen Heizung system. Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz Ihres home 's shell hilft Ihnen zu save you Geld und machen Sie Ihr Haus zu einem bequemer und sicherer Ort zu live at die very long term.
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viorqoveuzzo · 4 years
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12000 BTU Mini Split Air Conditioner and Heat Pump 22 SEER ENERGYSTAR ( Discount 17 % ) #12000 #Mini https://ebay.to/2GNe2kc
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figsandnewtons · 7 years
environmental rambles #1: the market is unequipped to handle the fight against climate change
It just occurred to me that for all I post about politics, I don’t actually post about my area of expertise—that being environmental policy and sustainable measures. And as I’m getting deeper into conversations with people, I forget how much I just assume is known. So here’s a loose series I’m going to begin. I have no outline or general idea about how long these posts will be.
The key issue when tackling *climate change* or environmental degradation (ugh do I have to write a post that explains how this is a real problem? Please no.), and frankly the key issue when tackling anything in this political climate, is money. Because solving any problem usually requires shelling out, and we have a very entrenched economic system where profit is valued above all else. For instance, with healthcare, consider how many conversations there were about the burdens on small to mid-sized business, or costs shifting to states, or how best to implement price controls. It’s the first thing anyone looks at.
Climate change is tough, because our largest sources of GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions are electricity, transportation, and heating. It seems logical to tackle the actual shit we burn to power this stuff, which is why there’s a push for renewables, or for nuclear energy (97% renewable, but that 3% is a Problem). Ditto for mixing our gas with ethanol (there’s claims that GHG emissions are net-zero because corn fields act as carbon sinks, but honestly, corn production in the USA is its own damn topic), or the push to mass transit, telecommuting, the purchasing of off-sets for travel, and electric cars.
Believe it or not, we do have scientific solutions to all of this, at least at some level. We are able to generate electricity through processes that do not emit many or any GHGs (solar, wind, hydroelectric, tidal power, etc., though strengths and weaknesses of all of these is another topic). However, there’s obvious shortcomings in how our electrical grid distributes it, in storage technology, in differing regional capabilities...it’s a whole thing, trust me.
Now, that’s not to say there aren’t challenges to how we currently get delivered electricity, but those challenges have been accommodated by our infrastructure, which is shaped largely by our market. It is more economic currently to keep sending electricity through our shitty and inefficient grid using a Large, Centralized Power Plant™ than it is to implement SMART-grid technology, to have a variety of power sources (geothermal heatpumps coupled with solar panels), and so on. Ever play Sim City 2000? Stick the power plant there, lay down the wires, and you have civilization. Nifty.
On another level, there is nothing that stops businesses from being incredibly unenvironmental in their practices. One example, which I promise I will detail more later, is that properly fertilized soil (soil cows have pooped on) acts as a carbon sink. Yet our current agro system is such that it is *cheaper* to pump in chemical fertilizers (which emits GHGs in their production and are usually quite oil-reliant), to use monocultures for efficient crop growth and harvesting (limiting biodiversity, and creating strains that are increasingly pesticide resistant, thereby needing to up the amount of pesticides used, which also have an environmental footprint), and to stick cows onto concrete feedlots where they are fed with said monocultured corn to get really fat really quickly.
What I just described...there is a ton of environmental damage in this practice, and that’s not even counting methane pockets from all the cows shitting and burping together, or the intense, intense water requirements (and water pollution) of such a system. But these damages, these costs to our environment, are external to our market system.
And that’s the crux of it, the tragedy of the commons, where any shared resource is vulnerable to self-interested behavior, and it’s exceedingly difficult to do anything about it without regulations. In this case, the resource is our entire planet.
These externalities—GHG emissions, biodiversity loss, water pollution, etc.—mean that the company or actor creating the problem is not the one who has to pay for it. So it is offset to someone else, be it the people who have to pay for the water clean-up, or on a larger scale, the economic costs as our planet heats up (droughts, increased extreme weather events, floods, environmental refugees...I can keep going for a while). Therefore, there is no economic incentive for an individual actor to stop doing it, unless there is pressure from clients/consumers (brand reputation risk), or economic risk to their business model as a result of climate change/environmental degradation. These are risks that most businesses do not consider, unless they are specifically asked to do so.
Similarly, there is little economic benefit for individuals to act in the best interest of the environment. Buying offsets for a plane flight is an additional cost to you. Electric cars are often more expensive. Taking public transportation to work is often more expensive or inaccessible to where you need to go. Walking/riding a bike is likely infeasible. There’s exceptions (EnergyStar rated products save in the long-run, just as measures to properly insulate your home or change lighting can improve heating and cooling bills), but overall all, incentives are entirely lacking. Or penalities for bad behavior, though there are exceptions there too.
Gas is soooo expensive in California, and it’s really annoying to pay $20 as a toll when driving into NYC, right? Yes, but this is the kind of shit that’s been implemented to create an economic penalty for acting against the best interest of the planet. The issue is that it’s not consistent across the board, and it’s usually not enough to actually affect our systems, especially when larger standards and regulations, such as our CAFE standards for allowable fuel efficiency in vehicles produced, matter more (and are currently in danger of being stripped away entirely). A good example is how in Southern California people are told to limit showers and restaurants stopped providing water without request to tackle the drought, and yet nothing was done about the intense irrigation needs of farmers. Why the fuck is cotton and rice grown in a desert?!
Oh, because it’s cheap and can be.
So this is sticking point #1 for why climate change feels so unsolvable. Our entire economic system fails to account for this. The “invisible hand of the market” doesn’t have a way of placing a dollar value on environmental degradation. A carbon tax is one solution that could alter this entirely and allow the harm we’re doing to be properly valued. Implementing it across the board...that’s more difficult. And there really would be small to mid-sized businesses, as well as individual consumers, who would be hurt. How do you pass policy that would make our meat at least 3x as expensive? I mean, it should be, it *needs* to be, but politically, how do you get something like that any traction?
There’s no simple answer, other than championing politicians on all levels of government who champion this cause. I’m sure that won’t take too long or anything...
On that cheery note, until next time.
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hotwaternow · 3 years
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| EPA estimates that if all heat pumps, central air conditioners, and #ElectricWaterHeaters sold in the U.S. met the new ENERGY STAR standards, the energy cost savings would grow to $11 billion a year and avoid 255 billion pounds of #GreenhouseGases per year, equivalent to a third of all direct greenhouse gas emissions from American homes and apartments in 2019. The new standards for heat pumps introduce more rigorous efficiency requirements and a new #ENERGYSTAR Cold Climate designation that will help consumers and contractors easily identify equipment optimized for low outside temperatures. These requirements help ensure that #HeatPumps have the capacity to efficiently provide a comfortable level of heat when it is very cold, avoiding the need for less efficient backup heating. https://hotwaternowco.com/heat-pump-water-heater-lakewood-co.php #Rheem #HybridElectricWaterHeater #Proterra
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deborahringgold · 4 years
Saving Energy with EnergySage, part 6: Heating & Cooling
Reading Time: 3 minutes
This post is the fifth in our series about how to save on your energy bills even when you’re spending more time at home, as the entire EnergySage team is, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic (here are the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth.) Continue to check our blog for more ideas for how you can take control of your energy bills in the coming weeks. 
Depending on what part of the country you are in, you might be well on your way to summertime temperatures, or just emerging from winter. Either way, we’re in a transition period, adjusting to new temperatures week by week and spending far more time at home than we usually do. In this installment of Saving Energy with EnergySage, Keith Morency discusses the impact of heating and cooling systems on your energy bills, and steps to can take to mitigate both electricity consumption and costs.
What types of systems do you use for heating and cooling?
In order to minimize the amount of energy that you use during this period, it’s very important to understand the types of systems that your home or apartment relies on for regulating temperature. In most instances, we’re talking about either fossil fuel-based or electric systems. 
If your heating system is powered by electricity, you’re likely using an electric furnace or baseboard heaters. Baseboard heaters are fairly obvious, but sometimes it can be harder to tell if you have a gas, oil or electric furnace. (Tip: if your furnace runs on gas or oil, there is usually a little window on the front of it where you can see flame – electric furnaces will not have this.)
If you use electric heat to keep your house warm in the winter, you’re going to see a spike in usage that can result in higher electricity bills. This can be made worse by homes that lack good insulation (is it time to replace your windows?) or by roommates constantly battling over the thermostat. You should try to keep your house as airtight as possible to keep warm air inside your home, and to maintain a reasonable, level temperature to prevent your system from over-stressing after repeatedly turning on and off. From there, proper layering and cozy blankets should be more than enough to get you through the winter.
Many of the same principles apply with a gas-heating system, but the impact these systems have on your electric bill will be minimal (instead, you’ll see the changes on your gas bill). Your impact on the planet, on the other hand, can be much higher, and these types of systems are often more expensive than electric systems. To save money and energy over the long term, you might want to look into air source heat pumps – we have a great write up on those here.
Since we’re entering spring, it might be nice to open your windows and let in that temperate air. But soon enough we’ll all be looking for ways to cool down our homes and apartments. For many, this means turning to in-window air conditioning units or to central air conditioning systems, powered by external condensers. These systems are almost entirely electric, and this can put a massive strain on both the electric grid and your electricity bill. For this reason, it’s important to take whatever measures possible to mitigate the amount that we rely on these systems (or, you can install a solar PV +storage system and control your own energy – you can save money, carbon emissions and support your local grid all at the same time!)
If you have fans, make the most of them by creating cross breezes throughout your home, circulating the warm air as best as you can. Of course, you are more limited by the number of layers you can shed in the summertime, so if you do have to turn on the AC, make sure that the machines you use are as efficient as possible (Another tip: when shopping for energy-efficient appliances, keep an eye out for the EnergyStar™ logo!) It’s also important to seal up your home tightly to keep the cold air in. 
Additional EnergySage resources for saving energy
Looking for more ways to save on electricity bills? We’ve got you covered – check out the resources below to learn more: 
Energy efficiency 101
How to save on electric bills with energy efficiency
Top 10 ways to save energy
Shop smart home gadgets & energy products
Cost & benefits of air source heat pumps
Find out what solar costs in your area in 2020
from Solar Energy https://news.energysage.com/saving-energy-with-energysage-part-6/
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itsdiyparts · 4 years
Honeywell THX321WFS2001W/U - T10 Pro Smart Thermostat with RedLINK™ Room Sensor
Overview The T10 Pro Smart Thermostat with included REDLINK™ indoor room sensor is the newest member of the T Series lineup of thermostats utilizing both RedLINK and Wi-Fi capabilities. It allows homeowners to prioritize spaces in their house where they want to direct their comfort. 3H/2C Heat Pump or 2H/2C Conventional, Geofencing and flexible programmability available. Utilizes the Honeywell Home App. ENERGYSTAR® Certified. Application
24 VAC systems, up to 3H/2C heat pump or 2H/2C conventional. Gas, Oil, Electric, Steam / Gravity Systems and dual fuel.
Name Honeywell THX321WFS2001W/U - T10 Pro Smart Thermostat with RedLINK™ Room Sensor
Manufacturer Product Number THX321WFS2001W/U
SKU - PIM Number 1544236931702570
ERP Number 388240
Unit of Measure EA
Weight 0.8 Pounds (Lb)
Length 6.0 Inches (In)
Width 5.5 Inches (In)
Height 2.6 Inches (In)
Country of Origin MEX
Brand Honeywell
Voltage 24 VAC
Electrical Connection Hardwired
Electrical Rating 20-30 VAC
Power Method Hardwired
Batteries Included No
750mV Compatible No
Auto Changeover Yes
Built In Wi-Fi Yes
Change/Check Reminders Yes
Daylight Savings Time Ready Yes
Digital Yes
Digital-Non Programmable Yes
Digital-Programmable Yes
Display Yes
Display Options LED Back Light
Displays Outdoor Temperature Yes
Heat Pump Compatible Yes
Humidification Yes
Indoor Remote Sensor Yes
Language English
Low Battery Indicator No
Programmable Fan Yes
Stages Cool 2
Stages Heat 3
Temperature Settings per Day 4
Vacation Mode Yes
Battery Backup No
Accuracy ± 1.5°F at 70°F
Ambient Temperature Range 37°F to 102°F (2.7°C to 38.8°C)
Application 24 Vac systems, up to 3H/2C heat pump or 2H/2C conventional. Gas, Oil, Electric, Steam / Gravity Systems & dual fuel.
Color White
Dual Transformer Compatible Yes
Fan Switching Yes
Manual Yes
Mounting UWP
Operating Temperature Range 37°F to 102°F
Removable Interface Yes
System Switching Yes
Temperature Range 40°F to 99°F (4.4°C to 37.2°C)
Terminal Designations RC, R, C, W, O/B, Y, Y2, G, E, AUX, K, L, U, U, S, S
Warranty Offered Yes
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