#engineer class Shepard ftw
ampdraws · 5 months
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dustiesmasseffect · 7 years
Mass Effect Ask Meme
I was tagged a million years ago by @bioware-effect / @thevirdirthara and I have some extra time at work today, so here I am!
Favorite Character? Outside of Shepard (because lbh, that’s a gimme) I’ll go with the clear answer to anyone: Kasumi. There’s so much to her character and yes, I may have a severe case of the head canons with her, but I find her compelling, cheerful, insightful, and ultimately sad. Let’s not forget that this woman held her partner/lover in her arms while he bled out and then manages to be uplifting and supportive of all those around her.
Paragon or Renegade? I play pretty close to Paragon with some Renegade mixed in. I’d say 70/30. Io is proving to be more renegade than I anticipated as I continue to work through ME2 with her again. It’s very difficult for me to be an ass even to fictional characters though.
Favorite class? Vanguard for single player. N7 Fury (Adept) for multiplayer followed closely by Engineer.
War Hero, Sole Survivor, or Ruthless? Io is and has always been a War Hero in game. In her actual story, she’s a War Hero with heavy Sole Survivor implications. She has tons of survivor’s guilt.
Spacer, Colonist, or Earthborn? Earthborn. Always. There’s something to me about leaving this place behind to move on to whatever is out there. IDK, I’m very sentimental about our planet.
Favorite alien? Elcor have always been top on my list of faves.
Favorite planet/location? If I could live on the Citadel now, I totally would. I don’t know the names of a lot of the planets though so I don’t even know if I’d choose one of those instead. >_<
Favorite DLC? Citadel has high place on this list. Stolen Memory for obvious reasons. <3 I actually really like Bring Down the Sky as well. It’s a great addition to ME1.
Favorite weapon? Locust SMG Phaeston Assault Rifle Scorpion Heavy Pistol Carnifex Heavy Pistol Piranha Shotgun
Favorite Shepard/OC? Io’ken Shepard (duh!)
Favorite mission? Recruiting Tali in ME2 Favorite track? Probably Tali’s theme from ME2. I don’t usually listen to single tracks by themselves - I listen to all the soundtracks in one big playlist so it’s hard for me to pull out the names of individual songs.
ME1. ME2 or ME3? ME3 for gameplay (combat roll FTW!) ME2 for story
SR-1 or SR-2? SR-2
I tag all of you that want to do this!
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