#england vs australia live score
jsprnt · 2 months
Americano PT. 7 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: I’m back baby! Thank you guys for waiting <3
W/C: 4.611
part six
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"I won't look. Don't trust me at all, do you?" I mutter to Amira after taking my top off, grabbing the shirt she's handing me with my eyes closed.
"You'll like it. It's a part of my surprise." She sighs, helping me pull the shirt down my body without my makeup getting on the collar.
"Can I look now?" I ask, eyes still squeezed shut.
"Yeah, turn around."
I turn, looking in the mirror. I stay quiet for a moment, then gasp in surprise.
"What? An England kit? Why are you making me betray Spain?" I attempt to joke, looking at her.
"Like you didn't live here for so many years." She scoffs, pushing me.
"I'm just kidding. Why the kit, though?" I ask, fixing the material in the mirror.
"Ta da!" She exclaims, I look back at her, frowning in confusion when she starts waving two keycards in my face. My hands fly to take one and I read it quickly.
"No, way! You got tickets for the England vs. Australia friendly?"
"Yeah, got them a couple days ago." She replies, and I eye her suspiciously.
"Oh- mister Trent got them for you? Guess he really likes you." I tease, watching her become more and more flustered.
"Shut up- he gave them to show his appreciation."
"Yeah, you want to believe that? You'll be upgraded to wag in a few weeks, trust." I add, laughing at her annoyed expression.
"Aren't you and Jude a thing?" She accuses, putting on her own kit. Finally, she grabs her handbag and car keys off her desk.
I register her words a little too late, but my head whips around in disgust.
"Over my dead body."
"You both were cute last time." She mumbles, both of us walking up to her parked car.
"Absolutely not." I state firmly, immediately connecting my phone to the car.
"Oh, how the tables have turned.." She whispers, but I hear her clearly. I send her a glare, though my glare gets even more intense when she pulls out her strawberry and mango-flavored vape.
"Put that thing away, now!"
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"I just realized how different watching a game feels when I'm not working." I say, admiring the full Wembley Stadium. We had finally arrived at our seats, and the view was perfect. Looking around, I do recognize some people, realizing this was probably the family section.
"Turn that working brain of yours off and enjoy. Look, it's starting!" Amira nags, wrapping her arm around mine in excitement.
I chuckle at her, deciding to just enjoy the match. Watching both England's and Australia's teams move around the pitch. Halftime comes around and ends quickly, making way for an opportunity for England. Grealish kicks the ball against the post, missing a chance and making us cringe, but we burst into cheers when Watkins manages to try again and scores.
The match ends with a 1-0 for England. When the whistle is blown, we sit down again. We'd stood up near full time, anticipating a last-minute goal from Australia. It was a friendly, we knew that, but making it exciting was so much more fun than just sitting there and watching the game.
"What now? Is your man coming here?" I ask, fixing my shirt and smiling cheekily at Amira.
"He said he will- after freshening up. Let's wait." She tells me, patting my thigh.
"Didn't even deny that he's your man?" I tease, watching her roll her eyes.
We're interrupted a couple minutes later. I hear someone shout her name, watching both Trent and Jude walk over to our seats. Trent greets us in a friendly manner, while Jude stands next to him like he was forced to come up.
I slowly allow Trent and Amira to have a private conversation, and my eyes land on Jude when they walk away to have some more privacy.
"What are you doing here? And what's with the kit?" He asks, arms crossed.
I scoff, mirroring his body language. Looking him up and down. 
"Can't attend a match now? Don't worry, I was over the moon since you weren't playing." I retort, being petty.
I watch him roll his eyes, his expression changing for a second. He opens his mouth to say something, but he hesitates for a moment.
"Who's on your back?"
"Your shirt number."
"I don't know- who?" I ask, turning around, confused, when I hear a sudden chuckle.
"Who's on the back?" I ask, trying to see with my phone camera, frowning at his smug face. What the hell was his problem?
I take a picture, turning to face him again as I click on the picture, freezing when I see Jude's last name and number. My expression falters, and I use all my strength to keep my composure.
Amira, you fucking witch..
"Think you're obsessed with me." He whispers, leaning in. I lean back immediately, like he's some highly infectious disease.
"You're sick, Bellingham. It’s just your name, calm down..”
I reply, annoyed at the fact that I couldn't take the shirt off or put my jacket on since I left it in the car.
He goes to say something else, but he's cut off when I hear a familiar voice call out to him. Both of us turning around to see his mom, her eyes lighting up with warmth when she recognizes me.
"Mrs. Bellingham.." I greet, permanent smile plastered on my face when she walks up to us. I notice both her- husband and youngest son behind her. 
How could I not recognize his dad and brother?
This past summer, my entire social media feed was plastered with photos of Jude and his family on their first day. Not to forget the fact that I was literally behind the camera when the pictures were taken.
She pulls me into an embrace, her arms wrapping around me warmly. The musky and orange blossom scent of her perfume greets me, and it smells like the most expensive bottle of YSL 'Libre' I have ever smelled.
"How nice is it to see you here. Are you off due to international break?"
"Yes, I thought I'd come visit family and friends out here..." I trail off, my eyes darting to her husband next to her. She notices the hesitation in my voice and introduces us to each other.
"I’m Mark, nice to meet you. I have heard some good things about you. I've also had some contact with your father on some legal matters over in Spain. Good man he is.." He shakes my hand firmly, a very kind smile on his face.
"Thank you, I hope he's been a great help to your family.."
I immediately switch my speech. Trying to sound totally different from the tone I had used with Jude.
"Oh right, this is our youngest son. Jobe.." Denise begins, pushing her son towards me.
I press my lips together to stifle a chuckle, awkwardly shaking the teenage boy's hand.
"Nice to meet you. Hope you're a better football player than your older brother over here?"
I say, pointing a thumb at Jude. It sounds like a joke, but when I glance at Jude, he's giving me the nastiest look when his parents aren't watching. Jobe has only muttered one or two words, but has probably already been nicer to me than his brother has ever been to me.
Jobe only replies with a small smile, so I look up at his parents.
"You must be proud.."
"Of course, equally proud of our two boys.."
Mark replies, holding his son's shoulders. I chuckle, looking at Denise when she speaks.
"Did you enjoy the game? Must be a change of scenery.."
"Oh- yeah, felt weird not working during a game. It was nice though, I was invited by a friend-"
I trail off, looking around to see Amira, noticing her giggle and chat with Trent a couple seats away.
"But she seems busy.." I laugh, they follow my line of sight and chuckle, nodding in acknowledgment.
"You're also wearing an England kit.." His dad notices, pointing to my shirt.
"Jude's, I presume?" His mom asks, making me nod. I turn, giving them a quick look at the "Bellingham" and number 10 on my back.
I'm wearing their last name on my back, that is really weird, if given some thought..
"A gift too.." I smile, facing them again.
I notice that they all glance at Jude for a moment before Denise speaks up again.
"Why don't you join us for dinner tonight? A small appreciation for helping Jude out with his Spanish and adjusting in Madrid."
Damn, how close did they think we were?
Lovely, very nice of her, but that would be a masterclass in awkwardness.
"That's incredibly kind of you, Mrs Bellingham, but I'm sure you don't get many dinners together as a family. So, I don't want to inconvenience your family. Besides, I've got some dinner reservations with my high school friends.."
Her expression immediately turns into an understanding one. I thank her once again for the invitation, holding her hand to convey my appreciation. Finishing our chat, I grab my bag from my seat, pulling it on my shoulder.
"I've got to go, roads will be busy.."
"Right, why don't you accompany y/n down, son?" Mark says, throwing his son a look.
I dart my eyes to Jude, his expression falters before he nods, listening to his dad.
I quickly bid them farewell, walking down alongside Jude.
"You didn't even jump in to save me once.” I mutter, grabbing my phone out of my handbag. Checking for any messages from Amira. 
Where did this little minx go?
"I was struggling to breathe when my mum invited you for dinner. Kept my mouth shut with difficulty.."
"How helpful.” I scoff, biting my lip in anticipation as we wait in front of Amira's car. The grey Audi A5 easily recognizable next to all the expensive sports cars.
"You can leave, you know.." I break the silence, looking up at Jude, resting my weight against the car door.
The alarm won't go off, right?
"You think my mom is going to be happy when I leave you here alone?" He asks, scrolling through his phone.
I sigh, sending one last threatening text message to Amira before shoving my phone in my pocket. An awkward silence ensues before I break it again.
"So, are you actually going to play next Tuesday against Italy?" I ask, giving him a skeptical look.
"Why? Want to see me play?" He smirks, putting his hand in the pocket of his blue sweatpants.
"Is that a genuine question? Obviously not.." I answer, furrowing my brows.
He scoffs, poking his tongue through his cheek. Looking me up and down.
"Why would I voluntarily come to see you?" I add, widening my eyes, looking at him in disbelief. 
"Your friend will probably come, with the way we're waiting for her and Trent.."
I look around the empty parking lot, was this a camera prank?
What the hell were these two doing anyway?
Speaking of the minx, she finally appears a good ten minutes later. I could've sworn if she didnt have a deep skin tone, she'd probably be as red as a tomato. Because, honey she looked flustered.
I raise my brows at her- disheveled appearance, instinctively giving Jude a knowing look.
Though, my look of scrutiny stops when I realize those two were onto some- freaky shit. Seems like Jude realizes at the same time, because, he too looks away from me.
"I'm leaving.." He quickly blurts, walking away without looking back. I watch his figure disappear, snapped out of my trance when Amira taps me.
"What the fuck? What did you two do?!" I ask, laughing loudly. Sure, I was annoyed that I had to wait for her, but my best friend's happiness was more important.
"Get in the car! I've got to tell you every single detail.."
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"What's it called again?" I turn to Amira, asking her about the name of the venue we're supposed to go to.
I had been in London for a couple of days now. From family dinners to meeting up with high school classmates, all of it kept me busy. Everything had been very fun and memorable so far.
Last night, England played their match against Italy for the EURO qualifiers. I couldn't lie, the 3-1 win for England was very satisfying, especially when watching live from Wembley Stadium.
Right now, Amira and I are in the car. Getting driven to the restaurant or bar - Trent had invited us to. A small gathering to close off international break, if you could call it that.
Small or big party, Amira and I had to look our best. For obvious reasons, I am wearing the black mini-dress I had tried on in Amira's office.
"Novikov Restaurant & Bar.." She mutters, touching her lipgloss up while looking at her phone camera.
"You ever been?" I ask, equally fidgety with my appearance.
"Yes, nice place, but we'll probably go clubbing after."
I raise my eyebrows at her, sighing, before leaning against her shoulder.
"Will you keep me from getting drunk?"
"Can't save you, darling.."
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Yeah, y/n is an absolutely a goner. Everyone within meters of her is aware of it, though to her, her limit has not even been reached yet.
She throws her head back as she downs another shot of- she doesn't even know. She took and gulped down anything that was handed to her by her best friend.
All she knows is- it burns in the back of her throat- like a fucking bitch. She doesn't even stop to think about why she's doing it, all she's been wanting to do, is take her mind off work and university. The opportunity was presented to her in a shot glass, and who would refuse?
A smart, responsible person, probably...
"Go dance with him.." y/n mutters, wiping the spilled and dribbling alcohol off her chin. Eagerly pushing her friend in Trent's direction.
The football player had invited the both of them for a reason, and to drunk y/n this was a good opportunity to play Cupido.
"No! I want to dance with you." Her friend replies, grabbing y/n's wrist.
"Go! You can dance with me anytime, go now!" She ushers, pushing Amira away with all the strength in her arms.
She giggles to herself when she notices Trent grab Amira's hand, feeling like her mission was partially accomplished.
Though, her happiness is short-lived when she curses herself. Her feet were practically going numb due to the stilettos her stylist bestie had forced her to wear.
To forget the uncomfortable feeling, she decided to get another drink. She clutches onto her handbag, starting to walk- or stumble towards the bartender.
She knew how to have fun on her own, there was no problem in that regard.
"Oh, fuck- sorry.." She slurs, looking up when her forehead collides with a hard chest. She makes immediate eye contact with a completely sober Jude, he raises a questioning brow, taking her disheveled appearance in.
"I take it back.." She loudly says, pushing past him to get to the bar. Loud music drums into her ears, causing her senses to tingle.
She's about to order a drink, but before she has the opportunity to speak, she's rudely interrupted by someone.
"A whisky neat, for the beauty here.." Someone says, she turns her head in a flash. Fucking pissed, a man dared to speak for her and over her.
It's a young man, around her age- slightly older judging from his appearance. His brown hair is slicked back with an estimated ten kilograms of hairgel, along with the tackiest combination of a white button-down and- skinny jeans.
"No, thank you!" y/n replies waving her hand and shouting over the loud music. She blinks a multitude of times, trying to clear her vision and mind.
"What'd ya mean, luv? Not suited to your taste?"
"I'm not interested.." She says, turning away from him and ordering her own drink. Fidgeting with the clasp of her bag and pulling bills out of her wallet.
"Oh, come on. Can't you see how much of a catch I am?" the douchebag insists, pointing up and down his frame.
She rolls her eyes at the words. This time her eyes might stay there permanently because the stranger continues repeating the corniest of words.
"No, thank you.." She repeats, taking a huge gulp of her pink Cosmo, looking away, and continuing to ignore him.
Should she start barking like a rabid dog to scare him off?
"Come on, babygirl... Would it hurt to smile for me?”
She almost chokes on her drink at the words. Eyes hazy and unfocused, one thing she's sure of- this man is about to get a taste of her leather handbag.
"Does it look like I'm interested?!" Her voice isn't loud, though her tone is sharp and full of irritation. She takes a step back, giving him the most repulsed look.
"I like my women feisty and alluring like you.." The guys persist, placing a nasty hand on her hip, a little too close to her backside.
"Get your filthy hand off me.." She demands, the grip on her glass tightening. Her brows furrow and her mood drops tremendously fast.
"Your words are sharp, but your body seems to be enjoying this. Let loose for me, sweetheart. Won’t ya?” His breath reeks of the most pungent alcohol she’s ever smelled, and his hand keeps inching closer to her bottom.
'Oh, fuck no' she thinks, placing the glass on the bar table. Readjusting her grip on her bag.
"Can you fuckin' let go of her?" She hears a loud voice say, Brum accent thick, but it's already too late.
She moves her handbag behind her, creating a good distance for maximum impact, before using all her force to hit the guy square in the face. The contact makes a loud noise, and surprisingly enough, it's detectable over the insanely loud music.
The guy immediately retreats, stumbling a couple steps back in shock. He cradles his head, screams of agony leaving his disgustingly filthy mouth.
"I said no- didn't I? Are you fucking deaf?!" She curses, temperature rising as she breathes in harshly. She can't even register what's happening- but he deserved it and had it coming.
"Let’s go..” A familiar voice exclaims, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her towards the restroom. He pulls her into the unisex section, locking the door behind them.
She struggles against him, her heels tripping and scratching against the floor. The now blood-stained handbag slips out of her hand, dropping to the floor.
"Let me go! You fucking creep! I swear, I'll bite it off!" She shouts, eyes shut tightly, as she hits his rock-hard chest multiple times. Hand squeezed up in a tight fist as she keeps trying to get out of his hold.
"y/n!" He shouts, trying to get her to look at him. He doesn't know the full story of what happened. All he saw was the guy touching her, putting his hands on her, and he was sent flying with a blow to the face.
Jude is impressed, though that's not his main thought or concern when y/n is fighting him as if he's the guy who was bothering her.
She’s drunk, but still recognizes his voice. The way he pronounces her name, not with venom and hatred per usual. No, instead, with the upmost panic and concern. He wants to snap her out of it, back to reality, back to him.
Her eyes snap open, arms held tightly by Jude. His fingers digging into her skin. Both of his hands keeping her up and steady.
"Jude?" She mumbles, looking up at him with the widest eyes imaginable. Her mascara running down her hot and sweaty face. Her favorite lipstick smudged at the corner of her mouth.
"It's me, you're good." He replies, noticing the faraway look in her eyes. His voice softens, lowering to a gentle decibel. Unlike the booming and ear-deafening music and conversations outside of the enclosed space they're in.
"Sit.." he gestures, pointing to the restroom countertop. She looks up, blinking repeatedly, she's not thinking of sitting when her mind and thoughts are still hazy and in fight or flight mode.
"Can I lift you up?" Jude suddenly asks, his hands leaving her arms. It sends a surge of extra adrenaline through her body, but she nods absentmindedly, looking away.
Jude takes a deep breath, hands reaching to the back of her thighs. He lifts her up easily, placing her on the countertop. His biceps flex under his sleeves, a frustrated noise leaving his lips.
y/n sniffles, the shock of it all sobering her up a bit. She raises her head, looking up at him. He stands in front of her, practically in between her legs.
He looks away, grabbing a paper towel from the roll and handing it to her.
"Here, wipe your- nose.." He mumbles, watching her. He walks away and grabs her bag off the floor, meticulously wiping the blood away with a dampened paper towel.
"Fucking bastard.." Jude mutters underneath his breath, venom on the tip of his tongue, as anger rushes through his veins. Though, y/n had practically handled it all on her own. Even in her drunk- mess of a state, she’d managed to break the lowlife’s nose and his ego.
The only thing that kept him from running out and breaking the bastard’s limb was the image of him already suffering and withering on the ground. Bloody, broken nose making him look so pathetic and disgusting, like the person he genuinely is.
y/n wipes her nose, eyes wet and irritated. The pounding in her head seems to increase as she struggles to hold her tears back. Although, she’d kept sort of calm in the moment, her heart was hammering in her chest. She could stand up for herself, that was no problem. It was the fact that she wasn’t fully coherent, which made her feel absolute terror in the moment.
All of the mixed emotions and alcohol make the nauseating feeling in her chest and stomach worse. Her eyes flutter for a moment, and she gags, clamping her hand over her mouth.
The noise alerts Jude, it takes him out of his murderous and aggressive thoughts. He looks up, immediately holding his hands out to her.
"Are you going to be sick?" He asks, eyebrows raised. She nods, hand still clasped around her mouth. Her mouth salivates, an imminent sign of needing to puke. It prompts Jude to help her down the countertop, his hands on both of her sides.
When her feet hit the floor, she practically leaps over to the toilet, retching and heaving over the toilet bowl. A warm hand is placed on her nape and forehead, trying to put pressure on those parts to stabilize her.
A choked sob leaves her dry lips, sweat beginning to glisten on her forehead. There was nothing she hated more than throwing up, the way it made her feel weak and out of control was an absolute nightmare to her.
"It's alright.." She hears, the soft whisper reaching her thumping ears. She takes a breath, squeezing her eyes tightly before heaving again. Her body shakes as all fluids leave her stomach, and the pungent smell of stomach acid makes her condition even worse.
It's all a blur, like a foggy fever dream. The only thing she can register are the sweet words reaching her burning ears. Full of reassurance and gentleness while she felt like she was losing her mind in the moment.
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I hold back a gasp as my eyes land on the photo on my Instagram feed. I immediately sit up from my chair. My jaw slacks open as I read the caption.
"Jude Bellingham and alleged girlfriend spotted getting cozy after Australia friendly."
"The 20-year-old Madrid star seemed pretty happy to see his name and number on her shirt. The moment was captured by attendees, who provided us with pictures of the athlete's parents and his alleged lover having a seemingly very nice conversation. It seems like Mrs. and Mr. Bellingham approve."
"The identity of the young woman hasn't been revealed or confirmed as of yet. With some speculation about her father having close ties to Real Madrid CF."
I resist the urge to cry my eyes out at the association and immediately stand up from my desk. Practically skipping steps when running down the stairs, almost running into a group of fellow staff members.
My eyes dart around the cafeteria to spot the douche I needed to find. I make a beeline towards him as I watch him interact with the other players.
"I'm sorry, guys. I need him for a quick moment."
I say not waiting for anyone to answer. I grab onto Jude's upper arm and drag him out of the cafeteria. I hear some teasing whistles behind us, but I ignore them as I pull him into one of the small meditation rooms.
"What are you even doing-" he begins, but I cut him off as I shove my phone into his face. Showing him the photos and the caption which will probably keep me up tonight.
"What the fuck is this, huh?" I ask, raising my brows. Analyzing his facial expression as I fold my arms defensively.
I expect him to frown, get angry, get upset, but instead-
He fucking smirks, an amused chuckle leaving his lips. He snatches my phone, fingers tapping to read the comments on the post.
"Really? Is this a laughing matter to you?" I exclaim, ready to have a mental breakdown, while he just continues scrolling through the comments, starting to read them out loud.
"Not his usual type."
"He can do better."
I grunt, snatching my phone out of his hands, annoyed.
"I can play this game too, idiot!" I say, scrolling through the comments as well.
"He must be crazy, she's too pretty for him." I begin, passive aggressively reading positive comments about myself. I look up at him, watching him roll his eyes as he shoves his hands in his pocket.
"Well? What are you going to do about it?" I say, turning my phone off.
"What can I do about it?"
"This is your fault? If you weren't annoying me with your stupid antics, they wouldn't have made these speculations."
"You engaged in my 'stupid antics'!"
"Ugh- just send a cease and desist letter or something!"
"It's an Instagram gossip page, not a damn newspaper!"
I huff in annoyance, pacing around the small room.
"Can't you like- deny rumors?"
"I'm a football player, not a reality TV personality! They speculate about everything in my life already. Why would I deny them this time around?"
"Is that a question you really want an answer to?"
"Come on! What bad does it do you to be tied to me? Only good if you ask me.." He shrugs, and I don't miss the smirk on his face.
"Never mind, I'll ask my dad to handle it!" I say, walking past him to push the door open. I close my eyes in annoyance when it doesn't budge.
"You need to pull.." I hear Jude speak, the smile on his face practically audible from behind me.
"Fuck off.." I mutter seething in anger, pushing the door open and leaving him behind in the meditation room.
175 notes · View notes
that-soccer-guru · 11 months
Week 1 World Cup Recap
Well hello everyone. Will this be proof that player interactions will get more notes than sports talk? We shall see!
Week one is over and we got a LOT of surprises, so without further ado here's the points table by group. (Yes, I made my own bracket tracker, let me live)((yes more opinions and notes no one asked for but I AM GONNA GIVE ANYWAYS BC WORLD CUP TIME IS MY TIME BABEEY))
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Group A with a lil sprinkle of Week 2 for good measure. Norway absolutely showed some nerves at being in this world stage, and the Philippines is one of the few teams who I feel played better than the scoreboard reflects. There was a lot of beautiful tactical acumen in that game, and no spoilers for week 2 conversations but well... you can see the score there. Philippines is absolutely presenting us with a beautiful project and they do NOT want to be left behind. Group A is most definitely getting hairy out here.
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Group B. No Sam Kerr for Australia didn't slow them down half as much as I think the pundits expected, and they managed a solid if not a little uninspired win over Ireland. There was a lot of physicality that allows ME to laugh in the face of that "the game was too physical" nonsense Ireland pulled with Colombia ahead of the cup. Canada very predictably is crumbling under their own weight--is it tactics (and their coaching), an aging squad, the quality of the other teams? Who's to say, but it shows. And Nigeria, I feel, only narrowly missed on a goal or two that would've made this score reflect the game a lot more.
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Group C again with a spoiler for week 2 (by now the Spain and Canada games in week 2 have been played but I'm rewatching my recorded games bc I am an ADULT and cannot stay up/wake up early for these crazy schedules and be productive, so here we are). Spain had the good luck of getting to step into the cup with a relatively weaker team--they got the ideal game to settle into the fact that they're missing a lot of key pieces but they hit the ground RUNNING. It also showed that it might be time for Costa Rica to look for a different coaching strategy, and I say this as someone who's a BIG fan of Valverde. This team is leaving WAY too much space and playing all to the ball and not to the players looking for space and it showed in both the Spain game and the Week 2 Japan game.
I'll admit I didn't watch the Zambia game but I am not at all surprised that a squad full of speed and discipline kicked ass like they did. Rip Zambia there, do better damn it, I've seen the quality and grit in this team and I want to see it next week.
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Group D. HOLY SPIRIT OF FUTBOL, BATMAN! That Haiti game was BEAUTIFUL. Of course England comes in with a lot of missing pieces into the cup, but Haiti capitalized on everything. Speed, decisiveness, dribbling, spaces, passes, it was beautiful. A dumb handball and a penalty really did them in. Sadly they're missing some decisiveness up-front, especially in that last kick at goal, but they showed they belong and they're here to stay.
China deserved better than what happened with that miracle goal. Denmark played a very weak game and China had every opportunity to win it, unfortunately this game is cruel and there's no such thing as "deserve", there is goal scoring, and that failed them. Excited for that China vs Haiti, and wishing a speedy recovery to Jennyfer Limage, ACL tears are brutal and getting to this stage and be taken out by such a bitch of an injury is painful for everyone involved.
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Group E. I also didn't watch the US game, my apologies, but I won't be a hypocrite and say "well what happened with the team that won 13-0 last world cup?" because this is more a symptom that the gaps are closing between the superpowers of this game and the rest of the world, and I for one love to see it. (Yes, I choose to watch Oppenheimer over the game, no I am not sorry).
Portugal v Netherlands was a VERY physical game, and the Netherlands is showing cracks, especially in the midfield, but you can't argue with results and you definitely can't argue with the initiative in plays and the SPEED the midfielders kick off with to run at goal. That said, Portugal played with a lot of heart, but they're missing that final 3rd pass/game. Once they find it? They're gonna be amazing!
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Group F. HOLY SPIRIT OF FOOTBALL PART 2, BATMAN! Jamaica man, what a fucking team! Starting from the beautiful kits and the spirit they played with, they absolutely nullified France. They were very patient, waited for France to get frantic and make mistakes, which they did, and absolutely went for this very VERY important tie. This absolutely keeps them in the running to make it out of group stages and, honestly, I wouldn't count them out. Heartbreaker double yellow but that's on poor team management, the bench needs to start learning to sub out cautioned players, but what else is new.
Brazil man, BRAZIL WITH EL JOGO BONITO. Dream world cup debut for Ary, roaring into the competition with a beautiful hatty. If they can stay healthy and show patience and willingness to stick with the strategy, they can go far. Exciting game up ahead in week 2!
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Group G. What a fucking game that Sweden v South Africa game was! Honestly I thought South Africa had them for a moment. It became a matter of fatigue and the little mistakes that this can lead to in the end. Sweden needs to take this victory as a salve from the heavens and make some adjustments, and South Africa needs to shake this, because they absolutely have what it takes to make it out of this group.
I am not going to lie, I am heartbroken AND angry for/with Argentina. They played a good game from the midfield down, really good defensive lines, but what the FUCK happened in the final third? Banini was, as Andres Cantor likes to say "alone against the world", making amazing runs and having 0 support in the area for any crosses. If the midfield and the forward line don't start to play through her, as one Jamie Tartt taught us, this is gonna be a quick and painful ending for SUCH a talented and promising team. Get it together, this game could've been a win if there was better connection up ahead.
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Group H. This one is, I think, the game that DEFINITELY isn't reflected by the final score. Morocco is really freaking good? Good through passes, very talented wingers, their defense, of course, needs a lot of work, especially in recognizing clear and present danger which the Germans absolutely exploited, but overall this ass kicking is not what I would've expected from the team I watched. Germany played their best edition of their game, let the other team hold the ball and batter themselves against your lines, exploit mistakes, use height and speed, and start knocking on heaven's door early and decisively. No notes. Alexandra Popp is the moment. The German team also have an ADORABLE crochet koala bear as their team mascot and I love it.
And now the moment I've been waiting for. Ehem. CAMPEON, COLOMBIA CAMPEON!!! Please tell me the English streams talked about Abadia serving a 2 game suspension because NOTHING says Colombia more than "the cup hasn't even started and your coach is already suspended" (he's was suspended following the Copa America final and this is the first time he can serve the games, but it's hysterical seeing him, sitting with the audience with his white board, angry as hell). Clearly they're shaking the nerves off, and Colombia gave South Korea a LOT of latitude. There were a lot of stupid mistakes (wtf was that ninja kick, miss Vanegas!?), they played a very physical game in the beginning (we will never win anything on fairplay and I've accepted this), but when it came time to put on the screws they delivered. What can I say about the Wunderkind too. Linda didn't even pick up her head for that senior world cup goal, she just knew it was right, and she was correct. They exploited South Korea's weaknesses and delivered results. Tighter lines and better discipline for the game against Germany and we might just make it very freaking far y'all!
This cup is giving us SO MUCH entertainment, incredible games, and a show of how quickly the world is advancing. Excited for week 2!
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cricketimage · 11 days
Best australia vs england match highlights
Welcome to Cricket Khabri, the ultimate destination for cricket enthusiasts who crave the latest news, insightful analysis, and comprehensive coverage of the cricketing world. We share your passion for cricket and are dedicated to bringing you the most current and detailed information available. Whether you follow every match with fervor or enjoy an occasional game, our blog is designed to keep you informed and engaged.
Our team of experienced writers and analysts works tirelessly to provide real-time updates on matches, tournaments, and series from across the globe. From the electrifying action of the Indian Premier League (IPL) to the historic battles of the Ashes, Cricket Khabri covers it all. We ensure you stay up-to-date with timely updates on scores, player performances, and crucial moments in every match, so you never miss out on any important developments.
Cricket Khabri is known for its in-depth analysis. Cricket is a game of intricate strategies, skills, and subtle nuances, and our experts delve deep into these aspects to offer you comprehensive insights. Our analysis covers match strategies, player techniques, and team dynamics, helping you understand the game on a deeper level. Whether it’s a thrilling century, a game-changing bowling spell, or the introduction of a new rule, our articles break down the complexities of the game and provide expert opinions that enhance your appreciation of cricket.
We also shine a spotlight on the players who make the game so exciting. Our player profiles and interviews section is dedicated to bringing you closer to the cricketers you admire. We feature detailed profiles of players, highlighting their careers, achievements, and personal journeys. Our exclusive interviews with players offer a glimpse into their lives, thoughts, and experiences both on and off the field. These stories celebrate the players' successes and provide inspiration and insight into their dedication and hard work.
Beyond news and analysis, Cricket Khabri explores the rich history and cultural significance of cricket. We delve into memorable moments from the past, iconic matches, and legendary players who have left an indelible mark on the sport. Our historical pieces and feature articles celebrate the heritage of cricket and its impact on societies around the world.
At Cricket Khabri, our mission is to be your trusted source for all things cricket. We strive to deliver content that is informative, engaging, and enjoyable, catering to cricket fans of all ages and backgrounds. Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey through the world of cricket. Stay tuned for more updates, analysis, and stories that celebrate the spirit of the game.
Click now:- https://cricketkhabri.in/
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cavenewstimes · 11 days
England vs Australia LIVE: T20 World Cup latest score and updates from Barbados
England take on Australia in the Cricket World Cup on Saturday (Getty Images) Sign up to our free sport newsletter for all the latest news on everything from cycling to boxing Sign up to our free sport email for all the latest news England take on Australia in their second match of the T20 World Cup after their opener against Scotland was washed out in Barbados. The old rivalry between the two…
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isoccerng · 5 months
Check out the live scores of English Premier League
The English Premier League features live matches between various teams such as Tottenham Hotspur vsBrentford, Bournemouth vs Manchester United, Fulhamvs Crystal Palace, Liverpool vs Aston Villa, Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Everton, Nottingham Forest vs Arsenal. The live scores of English Premier League are mentioned on the platform/website of iSoccerng. We provide the latest sports news related to soccer, football, and many more. In our website, you get information about live matches, fixtures, and results. Some countries hosting the matches are England, Argentina, Australia, China, Denmark, and Italy.
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tsportsday · 6 months
England on Thursday became the first team to feature in 100 women’s Tests during its one-off match against India at the DY Patil Stadium in Navi Mumbai.England played its first official Test during the 1934-35 women’s Ashes, beating Australia 2-0 in a three-match series.However., England has only won 20 of its previous 99 contests, losing 15 and drawing 64 of them. While it has remained unbeaten in Tests against New Zealand, West Indies and South Africa, England has a negative head-to-head record against Australia (9-13) and India (1-2).IND-W vs ENG-W LIVE SCOREEngland’s win percentage of 20.20 per cent is second in women’s Tests, only behind Australia among teams to have featured in at least 30 Tests.Former England batter Jan Brittin leads the batting charts in women’s Tests with 1935 runs 27 matches. She is followed by compatriot Charlotte Edwards (1676). Mary Duggan remains the highest wicket-taker for England and overall with 77 scalps in 17 matches.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlVyDQwLwts[/embed]
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winmatch458 · 8 months
Clash of Titans: Netherlands vs. New Zealand in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023
Today, on October 9, 2023, cricket fans around the world are gearing up for an epic showdown between the Netherlands and New Zealand in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023. This highly anticipated match, scheduled at the Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium in Hyderabad, India, promises to deliver thrilling cricket action. In this essay, we'll delve into the excitement surrounding this encounter, the teams' rankings, and how Winmatch enhances the cricket experience for fans worldwide.
The Stage: ICC Cricket World Cup 2023
The ICC Cricket World Cup is one of the most prestigious tournaments in international cricket, and the 2023 edition is no exception. Teams from around the globe have gathered to compete for the coveted trophy. The tournament showcases the best of cricketing talent, with each match adding to the excitement and drama that cricket fans adore.
The Matchup: Netherlands vs. New Zealand
Netherlands and New Zealand find themselves in Group 1 of the 2023 Cricket World Cup, alongside cricket powerhouses India, England, and Australia. While New Zealand boasts the top spot in the ICC ODI rankings, Netherlands holds the 14th position. On paper, New Zealand is the clear favorite, but cricket often offers surprises, and Netherlands will be eager to upset the odds.
Netherlands: The Underdogs with Potential
Netherlands, often considered the underdogs in international cricket, have shown moments of brilliance. Their journey in the 2023 World Cup is a testament to their determination and passion for the game. While they face formidable opponents in Group 1, Netherlands has the opportunity to make a statement and demonstrate their cricketing prowess.
New Zealand: The World-Class Contenders
New Zealand, on the other hand, is a cricketing powerhouse. With a strong squad, a history of success, and the top rank in the ICC ODI rankings, they enter the World Cup as one of the favorites. Led by experienced players and a fearless captain, New Zealand aims to clinch the trophy and add to their storied cricket legacy.
Winmatch: Elevating the Cricket Experience
As cricket enthusiasts worldwide eagerly await this clash, steps in to elevate the cricket experience. Here's how Winmatch enhances the joy of following the game:
Live Scores and Updates: Winmatch provides real-time updates, ensuring fans stay connected to the match even if they can't watch it live. Live scores, ball-by-ball commentary, and match statistics keep fans engaged.
Expert Analysis: Winmatch offers insights from cricket experts, helping fans understand the game's nuances. Pre-match analysis, post-match reviews, and expert opinions add depth to the cricketing experience.
Interactive Community: Cricket fans can connect with like-minded enthusiasts on Winmatch. Engage in discussions, share your thoughts, and partake in polls and quizzes to test your cricket knowledge.
Fantasy Leagues: For those seeking an immersive experience, hosts fantasy leagues where fans can create their dream teams, compete with friends, and win prizes based on their team's performance.
Betting and Predictions: Winmatch's betting platform allows fans to make predictions on match outcomes, top performers, and more. It's an opportunity to test your cricket intuition and potentially earn rewards.
The clash between Netherlands and New Zealand in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 is a testament to the global appeal of cricket. While New Zealand stands as the favorite, Netherlands carries the hopes of cricket romantics who believe in the magic of the underdog. As fans eagerly await this showdown, Winmatch enriches their cricket experience with live updates, expert analysis, an interactive community, fantasy leagues, and betting options. The Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium in Hyderabad is set to witness a thrilling battle, and Winmatch ensures that fans across the world are part of the excitement, bringing the joy of cricket closer to home.
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cricaza-0158 · 8 months
Clash of Titans: Netherlands vs. New Zealand in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023
Today, on October 9, 2023, cricket fans around the world are gearing up for an epic showdown between the Netherlands and New Zealand in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023. This highly anticipated match, scheduled at the Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium in Hyderabad, India, promises to deliver thrilling cricket action. In this essay, we'll delve into the excitement surrounding this encounter, the teams' rankings, and how Cricaza enhances the cricket experience for fans worldwide.
The Stage: ICC Cricket World Cup 2023
The ICC Cricket World Cup is one of the most prestigious tournaments in international cricket, and the 2023 edition is no exception. Teams from around the globe have gathered to compete for the coveted trophy. The tournament showcases the best of cricketing talent, with each match adding to the excitement and drama that cricket fans adore.
The Matchup: Netherlands vs. New Zealand
Netherlands and New Zealand find themselves in Group 1 of the 2023 Cricket World Cup, alongside cricket powerhouses India, England, and Australia. While New Zealand boasts the top spot in the ICC ODI rankings, Netherlands holds the 14th position. On paper, New Zealand is the clear favorite, but cricket often offers surprises, and Netherlands will be eager to upset the odds.
Netherlands: The Underdogs with Potential
Netherlands, often considered the underdogs in international cricket, have shown moments of brilliance. Their journey in the 2023 World Cup is a testament to their determination and passion for the game. While they face formidable opponents in Group 1, Netherlands has the opportunity to make a statement and demonstrate their cricketing prowess.
New Zealand: The World-Class Contenders
New Zealand, on the other hand, is a cricketing powerhouse. With a strong squad, a history of success, and the top rank in the ICC ODI rankings, they enter the World Cup as one of the favorites. Led by experienced players and a fearless captain, New Zealand aims to clinch the trophy and add to their storied cricket legacy.
Cricaza: Elevating the Cricket Experience
As cricket enthusiasts worldwide eagerly await this clash, steps in to elevate the cricket experience. Here's how Cricaza enhances the joy of following the game:
Live Scores and Updates: Cricaza provides real-time updates, ensuring fans stay connected to the match even if they can't watch it live. Live scores, ball-by-ball commentary, and match statistics keep fans engaged.
Expert Analysis: Cricaza offers insights from cricket experts, helping fans understand the game's nuances. Pre-match analysis, post-match reviews, and expert opinions add depth to the cricketing experience.
Interactive Community: Cricket fans can connect with like-minded enthusiasts on Cricaza. Engage in discussions, share your thoughts, and partake in polls and quizzes to test your cricket knowledge.
Fantasy Leagues: For those seeking an immersive experience, hosts fantasy leagues where fans can create their dream teams, compete with friends, and win prizes based on their team's performance.
Betting and Predictions: Cricaza's betting platform allows fans to make predictions on match outcomes, top performers, and more. It's an opportunity to test your cricket intuition and potentially earn rewards.
The clash between Netherlands and New Zealand in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023 is a testament to the global appeal of cricket. While New Zealand stands as the favorite, Netherlands carries the hopes of cricket romantics who believe in the magic of the underdog. As fans eagerly await this showdown, Cricaza enriches their cricket experience with live updates, expert analysis, an interactive community, fantasy leagues, and betting options. The Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium in Hyderabad is set to witness a thrilling battle, and Cricaza ensures that fans across the world are part of the excitement, bringing the joy of cricket closer to home.
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dailyrugbytoday · 9 months
Rugby New Zealand V Uruguay, Rugby World Cup 2023
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/rugby-new-zealand-v-uruguay-rugby-world-cup-2023/
The Daily Rugby
Rugby New Zealand V Uruguay, Rugby World Cup 2023
8am Friday for live updates of the All Blacks v Uruguay World Cup pool clash. Uruguay sought to win two games at the Rugby World Cup for the first time. On Wednesday, Namibia was eliminated. The next opportunity for Uruguay in the pool round is Thursday against New Zealand. The All Blacks and Los Teros will square off for the first time in Lyon.
Any side that defeats a big rugby-playing nation by nearly 100 points must be the World Cup favorite, right? After the All Blacks’ 96-point thrashing of Italy on Friday night at the Parc Olympique Lyonnais, that must be how it appears.
The Azzurri showed considerable attacking promise during the 2023 Six Nations competition, even though they ultimately lost all five games and were last in the standings whilst still being below the top 10 in the world. They were approaching the encounter with New Zealand with something resembling confidence after winning their first two games in Pool A. Aaron Smith scored a hat-trick in the All Blacks’ win over Italy.
Where is the Rugby World Cup 2023 third-place play-off held?
This year, the match will be played at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, where the final and most of the other knockout games will be played.
Even if the game offers little celebration to the two sides participating in, it remains an excellent opportunity to see some great rugby and take in the world cup before it’s culmination the next day.
Sunday 1 Oct – Australia vs Portugal, Stade Geoffroy-Guichard, 4.45pm – ITV4
Sunday 1 Oct – South Africa vs Tonga, Stade de Marseille, 8pm
Thursday 5 Oct – New Zealand vs Uruguay, OL Stadium, 8pm – ITV4
Friday 6 Oct – France vs Italy, OL Stadium, 8pm
Saturday 7 Oct – Wales vs Georgia, Stade de la Beaujoire, 2pm
Saturday 7 Oct – England vs Samoa, Stade Pierre-Mauroy, 4.45pm
Saturday 7 Oct – Ireland vs Scotland, Stade de France, 8pm
Sunday 8 Oct – Japan vs Argentina, Stade de la Beaujoire, 12pm
Sunday 8 Oct – Tonga vs Romania, Stade Pierre-Mauroy, 4.45pm – ITV4
Sunday 8 Oct – Fiji vs Portugal, Stade de Toulouse, 8pm – ITV4
How will the Rugby World Cup be broadcast?
The 2023 Rugby World Cup will be broadcast exclusively by ITV, which will broadcast every game live.
All of All Blacks games today will be broadcast on ITV1, with a few games occasionally airing on ITV4 when there are scheduling conflicts. Additionally, ITVX offers online streaming.
The presenting crew is led by Mark Pougatch, who will also be joined by Jill Douglas, David Flatman, and Hugh Woozencroft in hosting coverage from France.
Jonny Wilkinson, Maggie Alphonsi, Sam Warburton, Jamie Roberts, Brian O’Driscoll, Greig Laidlaw, Philippa Tuttiett, Bryan Habana, Sir Clive Woodward, Rory Best, John Barclay, Sergio Parisse, Gareth Thomas, Jim Hamilton, George Gregan, Sir Ian McGeechan, Lawrence Dallaglio, and Sean Fitzpatrick are among the pundits who provide insightful commentary.
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yesonlinetvshowstuff · 11 months
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Australia had a steady start to their innings and will like to make that big and put England under pressure. Scroll down to get live streaming and telecast details. 🏏 How to Watch ENG vs AUS 5th Test 2023 Day 2 Live Streaming Online in India? Get Live Telecast Channel Details of England vs Australia Ashes Cricket Match Score Updates on TV.
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indynewssource · 11 months
England vs Australia live: Latest scores from the Ashes fifth Test Reading Time: 2 minutes So, the 2023 Ashes will end as it began: with a... https://indynewssource.com/england-vs-australia-live-latest-scores-from-the-ashes-fifth-test/
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bharatsearch · 11 months
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daddyscore · 1 year
ENG vs AUS Prediction: When and Where to Watch, Playing XI, Pitch Report, Weather for 3rd Ashes Test
The Headingley in Leeds will host this third Test, with the score line reading 2-0 in favor of Australia. After winning the first Test, Australia carried forward the winning momentum and beat England in the second Test at Lord’s by 43 runs. Steve Smith scored a century for Australia whereas Ben Duckett missed out on his maiden Ashes ton by two runs. Australia set a target of 371 for the hosts.
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Ben Stokes led from the front and smashed a brilliant ton. He was about to play the iconic ‘Headingley’ knock four years down the line before he fell on 155 and the Aussies wrapped up the tail.
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IND vs AUS, Match Details
Teams: England vs Australia
Captains:  Ben Stokes is going to Lead England Cricket Team
Pat Cummins is going to lead Australia Cricket Team
When:  July 6th, 2023, Thursday Match is going to start at 3.30 pm IST
Venue: Headingley, Leeds
Head to Head of England vs Australia: both England and Australia have total 357 encounters out which England won 110 times and Australia won 151 times with 96 draws.
Likely Playing XI
England: Zak Crawley, Ben Duckett, Harry Brook, Joe Root, Jonny Bairstow (wk), Ben Stokes (c), Moeen Ali, Chris Woakes, Mark Wood, Stuart Broad, Ollie Robinson
On Bench: Chris Woakes, BM Duckett, DW Lawrence, JC Tongue, Mark Wood, MJ Leach
Australia: David Warner, Usman Khawaja, Marnus Labuschagne, Steven Smith, Travis Head, Cameron Green, Alex Carey (wk), Mitchell Starc, Pat Cummins (c), Todd Murphy, Josh Hazlewood
On Bench: JP Inglis, MS Harris, Matt Renshaw, MR Marsh, Michael Neser, Josh Hazlewood, Todd Murphy
Pitch Report: The pitch at the Headingley is a well-balanced track. The seamers are expected to get some assistance from the surface as the ball tends to move laterally. The spinners may come into play as the game progresses and posting a big total in the first innings will be crucial at this venue.
Most Probable Best performers in ENG vs AUS
Probable Best Batsman: Joe Root
Probable Best Bowler: Pat Cummins
Weather Forecast for Today in Headingley, Leeds
Maximum Temperature: 21° Celcius
Minimum Temperature: 14° Celcius
Wind Speed: 10 km/hr
Chances of Rain: 5%
Capacity of Stadium: 18, 350
Prediction to win: Team Australia is most likely to win the match
Where to Watch
Live Streaming: Download our app for fastest score
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12blogmk · 1 year
Australia 339/5 in 83.0 Overs | England vs Australia Live Cricket Score, Ashes 2023: Australia take firm grip on Lord's Test
On the other hand, after winning the toss, England were unable to strike early despite the conditions being in their favour. Josh Tongue, who was England’s most impressive bowler on Day 1, struck on either side of the Lunch break. However, no support from the other end meant England were unable to mount the pressure. As he has so often done, Joe Root went bang, bang in a single over to pull…
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finenews-247 · 1 year
Krishnamachari Srikkanth Expresses Concern for Rishabh Pant's Fitness for the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023
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 India and Australia are very excited to perform in the ICC Cricket World Cup 2023. The countdown begins now to the Cricket World Cup 2023, which will be held in three months. The first match will be played between England and New Zealand on October 5 in Ahmedabad. Visit finenews247 for the latest breaking cricket news online.
India, the host, will turn the World Cup game scenario on its head with their performance against Australia on October 8. The Chennai public will gather to watch the live IND vs. AUS 2023 match. We all have seen the dynamic performance that stood the mind of many cricket addicts.
India had a successful campaign in the 2019 ICC Cricket World Cup, finishing as one of the top-four teams in the tournament. They won seven out of their nine group-stage matches and finished at the top of the points table. However, in the semi-final, India suffered a defeat against New Zealand and was eliminated from the tournament.
Australia, on the other hand, had an excellent run in the tournament and emerged as the champions. They won seven out of their nine group-stage matches and finished second in the points table. Australia then went on to defeat England in the semi-final and New Zealand in the final to claim their fifth ICC Cricket World Cup title.
In the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup, which was co-hosted by India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, India had an outstanding tournament. They performed exceptionally well throughout the competition.
India won all their group-stage matches, defeating Bangladesh, England, Ireland, the Netherlands, South Africa, and the West Indies. They finished at the top of Group B in the group stage.
In the knockout stage, India faced Australia in the quarterfinals and emerged victorious. They then faced arch-rivals Pakistan in the semi-final, winning that match as well.
In the final, held on April 2, 2011, at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai, India faced Sri Lanka. After Sri Lanka set a target of 275 runs, India successfully chased it down with six wickets in hand and ten balls to spare. Gautam Gambhir and MS Dhoni played crucial innings for India in the final, with Dhoni hitting the winning runs with a six to secure India's victory.
This triumph in the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup marked India's second-ever World Cup win, with their first coming in 1983. While Australia won the ICC Cricket World Cup trophy five times, i.e., in 1987, 1999, 2003, 2007, and 2015 seasons. Let’s see if this season will be the luckiest one for India or Australia.
According to today’s cricket news Online, Krishnamachari Srikkanth felt concerned about his country’s position in the World Cup, as India is dealing with an injured player. Rishabh Pant, after a road accident, is still recovering his health. But we have no idea whether he will be fit to confirm his seat in the India squad or not.I really think that Rishabh should get well soon, as the whole nation is waiting to watch him live in the upcoming cricket competition. Otherwise, Rishabh Pant’s absence would be a critical thing for India in the 2023 World Cup, Says former India opener Krishnamachari Srikkanth. He also pointed out that KL Rahul’s injury would be the reason for India's lower scores in the International League. However, at some point, I do think that India will score well with the opening players, like Captain Rohit and Shubman Gill, and will do better against each participant in the cricket competition. Check the finenews247 page for the latest cricket news updates Online In India.
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isoccerng · 11 months
Check out the live scores of English Premier League | iSoccerng
The English Premier League features live matches between various teams such as Tottenham Hotspur vs Brentford, Bournemouth vs Manchester United, Fulham vs Crystal Palace, Liverpool vs Aston Villa, Wolverhampton Wanderers vs Everton, Nottingham Forest vs Arsenal. The live scores of English Premier League are mentioned on the platform/website of iSoccerng. We provide the latest sports news related to soccer, football, and many more. In our website, you get information about live matches, fixtures, and results. Some countries hosting the matches are England, Argentina, Australia, China, Denmark, and Italy.    https://isoccerng.com/livescores/
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