#engraved wood card box
whatabunchofalices · 2 years
some eah fun facts from shannon hale’s books!
maddie takes chemythstry, riddling and storytelling 101 (she takes more classes but these were the ones mentioned!)
raven takes general villainy, home evilnomics, poison fruit theory, history of evil spells, kingdom mismanagement and music
when raven was younger her mother would tell her stories about the marsh king, the boogeyman, the scissorman, the wendigo, hungry witches, angry tigers and wicked sorcerers
when maddie is sad she’s hops arounds because who can be sad while hopping?
maddie has a flag language with her father (he spells out messages with flags). the mad hatter can also speak riddlish with flags
one of the cards the queen of hearts gave lizzie said “above all else, avoid these things: vats of poison, Jabberwocks, paper cuts in fingertips and Concern For Others. If ever you detect Concern For Others squirming into you, shout at people till the feeling goes away. Or the people do.”
lizzie throws hedgehogs at people but mostly she uses them for croquet (don’t worry wonderland hedgehogs are strong and are meant to be able to handle such activities)
lizzie carries around a butter knife with a heart engraved on the handle
lizzie can play the dulcimer
daring is a katy fairy fan (katy perry)
cupid loves when hunter does that hero pose where he rips off his shirt
cedar’s biggest fears are woodpeckers, wood-chippers, woodchucks, axes, fires, termites, never turning real, being stuck in a wooden body with an honesty curse forever, disappointing her dad and letting her friends down
apples’s ringtone is “you don’t know you’re charming” by one reflection (one direction)
apple always keeps a basket of candy and coins on her balcony
when hanging up on the phone instead of saying goodbye they say “the end”
there is a zip line inside the sleeping beauty palace
dexter bites his nails when he’s nervous (in this case he did it while thinking about his unknown destiny)
the charming family plays a game called “bag” which is similar to tag but when you get tagged the person who was “it” puts you in a bag and drags you around.
during summers lizzie and kitty are the only students to stay at eah. the white queen also stays
apple white has an one reflection (one direction) action figure collection
while maddie and lizzie are kitty’s friends, cedar is kitty’s “almost-friend”
ashlynn smells like a mix of cypress tree, lily of the valley, lemon cleaning soap, and the crinkly paper that lines new shoe boxes (according to kitty)
kitty also said that hunter smells like wood smoke, fir tree shavings, and soy turkey patties
raven has a tailor quick (taylor swift) shirt
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popjunkie42 · 11 months
Enchanted, Enthralled
I couldn't help it, Halloween weekend is upon us so I wrote you some smut as a treat.
(This is meant to be 3 chapters but tbh I do not have an ending yet, so please enjoy it as a little one-shot for now!)
Enchanted, Enthralled on A03
On a cold autumn night in Velaris, Feyre comes across a beautiful gift in her studio. But as a painting takes on a terrifying life of its own, Feyre begins to realize that not all is well. The question is: how long will her mate and friends take to notice, and will it be too late?
Or: Vampire!Feyre is let loose on an unsuspecting Rhysand.
Tags and Heads Up: Vampire!Feyre, vampire sex (with blood), dubcon (Feyre is possessed)
@rosanna-writer and @thesistersarcheron peer pressured me (they did not) and thanks to @witch-and-her-witcher and @xtaketwox for brainstorming with me!
Feyre wandered the streets of Velaris, chasing the fading sunlight, her boots crunching on fallen leaves.
The fall night air was chill as it twisted through the streets and snuck beneath her coat, the fabric of her skirts. Above her, the full moon hung low and heavy in the sky, its light shimmering off the cobblestones damp with mist. 
The air around her was full of the scents of autumn, of cider and smoke and mulled wine.
Feyre loved Velaris in the autumn, the brisk cold beaten back by glowing hearths and warm meals at her table. So different from before, when she was hungry, when autumn was the harbinger of winter. Of harsh times and empty pantries.
Or…after that. In endless Spring. Where all was quiet and stagnant, even in ever bloom.
She rounded a corner and took a moment to appreciate the Rainbow, glowing before her under the cold starlight. 
In the evenings, when there wasn’t dinner with the Inner Circle or some formal social event demanding a High Lady, Feyre liked to come to the studio. Knew she would have the place entirely to herself.
The door shut with the ring of a bell and she lit the fae lights in the room, the rest illuminated by the burning night lights of the city street.
The High Lady smiled as she doffed her coat and wandered through the maze of easels covered in the children’s paintings. She pulled off her gloves and scarf and set them gently down on her work bench on the far side of the room.
And paused. The usual mess was here, brushes and new supplies and paperwork and little gifts from the children. Sometimes Ressina teased her for the disorganized piles, but Feyre liked it. This was one of the few places she could spread out and destroy as well as make, without Nuala or Cerridwen or hell, even Rhys sometimes, following after her, picking up.
But what caught her eye was very out of place in the chaos. Atop the desk was a beautifully carved ornate wooden box. Though the wood was polished and immaculate, something about it screamed ancient . 
It was common enough for the children to bring her gifts, and often the parents. But never anything as grandiose as this. 
Patience never much of her strong suit, Feyre flipped the latch and lifted the heavy lid of the small chest until it hung back on its hinges.
No card, no engraving, no initials. Just twelve bottles of vibrant, fresh paint.
A soft smile played on her lips. Perhaps these were from the Continent, or one of the Master’s studios in Day? She was glad she was alone. Whoever had brought this perhaps had a sense of how embarrassed she would be, accepting such a luxurious gift.
The bottle of brilliant blue unscrewed easily and she grabbed a palette knife to mix the heavy pigment back in with the clear binder floating on top.
It was…mesmerizing. Bright and almost glowing. She wondered where they ever found the pigments to make something so otherworldly.
There was a lightness in her chest as she looked at the other bottles, each as vibrant and rich as the first. She had come here to paint, after all.
The city streets outside were bursting with life, even in the chill. The sounds of conversation and the clap of shoes against the cobblestones grew as patrons left the latest show out at the theater up the street. Music swelled from the city square just beyond, and street vendors hawked their wares.
But when Feyre painted, it all faded into the background.
For too long, she thought, shaking her head as if from a dream. She arched her back and groaned at the crick forming from her bad posture.
Her brush dunked in the water glass beside her as she rubbed her stiff neck. Had it really been so long? She was mixing the paints, brushing on a tinted under layer, and then…
Finally her eyes returned to her canvas and she gasped.
Sworls of choppy blue, green and white centered the canvas, looking like rippling waves. She could have sworn they moved. And around them, bands and bands of dark black. A frame. A mirror. A door.
She didn’t remember painting a single stroke.
The painting seemed to ripple again, and maybe it was the light but she could have sworn…there was something behind the brush strokes, depths upon hidden depths.
She felt a familiar feeling, a dread in her belly and prickling of her skin. So like those first steps Under the Mountain, tiptoeing and peeking around each corner, knowing something terrible was inevitable around one of them.
She couldn’t tear her eyes away.
The sounds of the street faded away again as her eyes focused and unfocused. Feyre felt her arm lift, her fingers picking up a brush. As if on its own. She took a dab of paint and the world faded away.
The second time, she still didn’t know how long she had been under. Because that’s what it felt like, thrashing under deep waves, being tossed back and forth. And somewhere, deeper still, a voice. Soothing and gentle. Telling her, just let go. 
Sink .
It was the voice of her mate that brought her back with a start.
-What are you up to? I’ll be winnowing back from the camp soon.
-I’ll meet you at home, she quickly sent down the bond.
The painting had changed. Her heart pounded between her ribs.
Looking back at her was a single slitted eye, red as hot coals. 
And she heard it whisper,
Sink .
Rhys panted as he rolled his hips upward, the chill night breeze from the cracked window doing little to cool the heat of his skin, dripping with sweat. 
Above him Feyre moaned, her hips grinding against his, her head tilting back to the ceiling with her mouth parted, tasting the air.
Only a single candle lit the room from the bedside table. The cold moonlight cast in, a sharp line through the curtain, the silver light piercing over her neck, her peaked breasts.
Rhys’s eyes were wide. Enchanted . She was so fierce and free tonight, taking everything she wanted. Feyre moved on him, her hand lifting to grasp her breast and he gasped as she clenched tighter around him.
She had been rough tonight, desperate. Throwing him against the wall and ripping away his fine black jacket the moment he stepped into the bedroom. He had barely had time to grin, to tease her for her lascivious hands and lips until he was thrown onto the bed, his clothes roughly stripped from his body.
He gripped her hips, trying to guide his body deeper into her. His pleasure was a wild, feral thing, setting off sparks in his mind the more he felt the wanton drag of his cock through her slick wetness.
Feyre opened her mouth in a gasp as her back arched, the light catching on her pointed canines. Her hands went to cover his on her hips, and he felt her talons growing and scratching against his skin.
Though he was inside her, touching her everywhere, his body only cried out more, more.
Her skin was pale, almost blue in the moonlight, but her body was burning, scorching him under his palms and where they were joined at the hip.
Through his lusty haze, he felt the sudden pangs of a hunger so desperate the breath caught in his throat.
Feyre whimpered, a delicious sound, and leaned forward on her knees to pitch towards him and suckle at the pulse throbbing in his neck.
“Rhys,” she panted. Her voice was deep, desperate. “I’m so hungry.”
He gasped as the feeling struck him down the bond, her aching emptiness traveling through the golden tether between them and gripping his heart.
Between his pleasure he felt the flashes, of a girl starving and cold in the woods, of moldy bread in a dank prison cell. All the times she was alone and he hadn’t been there to provide. It was driving him mad. He felt the urge to let his power rise, to turn back the sun and moon in the sky until he was there every moment she was alone and desperate and surround her with his wings. To place delectable morsels on her waiting tongue, let her suck the taste from his fingers.
That tongue was lapping against his neck, licking off beads of sweat, replaced by the scrape of her teeth, sharp against his skin.
Though she was in his arms, her cunt fluttering around him, his heart was breaking with her hunger, her need. His mate was starving. A primal urge rose within him, to provide, to satiate. 
“Darling ,” he cried, his voice breaking. “What do you need? Tell me,” he pleaded, his arms wrapping around her back, hot and slick with sweat.
She nipped at his neck. “ I’m so hungry,” she said again, nuzzling at his throat.
“Yes, yes,” he cried. As if he could, would ever deny her anything. Certainly not with his cock buried deep inside her and her voice this needy whine. “Take what you need,” he whispered into the dark.
Her body stilled at that and his own cried out at the lack of friction. But he felt her smile against his neck, and then her teeth scraped, and then she was biting, her sharp canines piercing through his flesh to reach his hammering pulse beneath it.
All feeling in his body rushed, like an errant wave, and he came with a hoarse cry as he spilled himself inside of her.
His vision is blurred and his mind is hazy as he comes down from his climax, the thoughts filtering through his mind like wandering clouds across the night sky. Feyre’s mouth is hot against his neck, a heady, burning sensation running down from her lips to his limbs, his body tingling. The feelings down the bond are glowing, warm, thankful. 
Instead of relaxing back into the bed, his body, he feels he’s moving up, and up, floating above the mattress. He feels a drip of something, blood or sweat, escape Feyre’s lips and travel down the muscles of his neck. Her teeth are sharp but her mouth is warm, her tongue dancing over his skin.
And oh, she’s so content. She hums against him, the sound reverberating through his neck to his skull. She’s taking and taking and all he wants is to give her more, to fill her up. She pierced his skin and all his strength, the swirling madness of his darkness rushed out to satiate her need.
She sucks harder and he feels his limbs going loose and light, his whole body weightless and attuned to every place they are connected. He groans with her ecstasy, her joy. Gone is the starving human girl in the forest, bitter and trembling. He is feeding his mate, his Feyre, and here on top of him she is safe and warm.
Just when his body feels like it might sink, might fall through the mattress and into whatever dark earth lies beneath it, she breaks from his neck with a gasp.
Feyre throws her head back towards the ceiling, panting, the moonlight cascading down her body once again. He watches, enraptured, feeling like he’s outside of his body, vaguely charting the dribble of blood dripping from her lips to her chin to her throat, pooling in the hollow of her collarbone.
He is so tired now. He files the vision of her blood stained teeth deep within him for another time. All he feels now is her pleased murmurings across the bond. A deep humming contentment in his chest. The male, now content, who dreamt sometimes about that ancient High Lord, dashing his body and blood against the stone streets of Velaris, to keep it safe. 
He groaned as she slipped off of him, but his hands wouldn’t quite work the way he wanted them to. The mattress dipping beside him as she collapsed. She was still breathing heavily, licking her lips. He turned his head and wished she would do the same, needing to drink in more of her.
And finally she did. She looked at him and smiled, a glint in her eyes that was strange but, her smile, that was enough to send a shiver down his body. His eyelids heavy, he smiled back.
“Are you happy, darling?” He whispered.
Safe and warm and fed.
Her smile widened as his eyes slowly drooped. A buzzing in the back of his head was the only thing keeping him from slipping away completely. His mind clung to the feel of her sharp talons, softly scraping against his skin. Drops of blood pooled with her sweat and finally drifted across her collarbone and down her shoulder.
“I’m so happy,” she said, and he fell into the darkness with a soft sigh. “You taste so good, my love.”
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Travel game box.
Possibly England. Late 19th cent. Mahogany and other woods, bone, engraved pewter fittings. H. 23,5 x w. 38 x d. 24,5 cm. Prof. rest. Board game travel case with double doors opening to the front, interior with lifting floor, in the lid reversible board with chess and backgammon game, game case contains chess pieces, pieces for backgammon and checkers, dominoes, 6 card boxes, 1 small bowl, solitaire cards, pieces for 'All Nines', 7 smaller and larger dice.
Stahl Auctions
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roppongi-division · 5 months
As the well-reputed figure of Roppongi and one of most famous producers in Japan, plenty of presents were surely expected on Kai Quinlan’s birthday.
—And the reality wasn’t much out of expectation since there was literally a nonstop flood of gifts kept sending over to his house even until it was almost the end of his birthday.
However, by whatever whim that took over him at that time, his brown eyes suddenly noticed a peculiar box hiding in the midst of it all.
But to describe it ‘peculiar’, actually it had nothing that could be called ‘special’ about it… Neither having a gaudy size nor shrouding in the flamboyant decor that declared to have his attention, this plain-looking box was just standing there quietly rebeling whatever trend other presents trying to overwhelm it with its own existence —Hmm, looks like sometimes the simplicity can make something stand out as well.
And after carefully unpacking the present, he found a couple of gifts containing in the midst of foam peanuts packing inside.
One was the phone amplifier in the design of a miniature concert speaker, and the other was a certain instrument made from wood …It was a blue kalimba with a deer motif engraving on its wooden body;
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As for the last one, there was a handmade card attaching in it as well, so he picked it up and gave it some read.
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“To Mr. DJ Veenyle of Roppongi
Happy Birthday and wish you a good year onwards! The clubmates at my school keep asking me to send you their gift, so I consider sending mine too.
Actually, I think my gift might not be much of your style …but I hope it could bring something new to your creativity.
Looking forwards to your next work and may this year be filled with joy and success,
Nara Division”
While Kai really appreciated the note and the phone amplifier (which he would definitely use in the near future since one never knew when inspiration would strike and you needed to jot something down on your cell phone), it was the kalimba that really had his attention. Giving several of the metal tines a few taps, he really liked the sound that came from each one. Before he knew it, he was fiddling with it, trying to make a whole song on the small wooden instrument.
"I wonder if it's possible to implement this into one of my songs..." he thought. Smiling at the thought, the radio DJ continued playing with the instrument as he walked back to his music studio, eager to see what other ideas he could come up with this unorthodox, yet strangely unique instrument. He also recalled that one of the members of Nara Division was a musician himself. Yuuya Kanata, if memory served him correctly.
"I'll definitely have to remember to give him and his friends a shoutout or a hit song when November rolls around..."
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ka-go-me · 9 months
sparesovereign asked: A present laid at Kagome's doorstep. Inside the small, decorative box was a hand-carved comb, with rosemaling etchings engraved into the dark wood. The note attached to the gift read, "Dear Kagome, I hope you have been well! I saw this in the market and thought it suited you well! I hope you have a wonderful holiday and a merry Christmas! Your friend, Anna."
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『 @sparesovereign 』
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「巫女」:: The miko came out to the veranda and noticing the box, picked it up gingerly, a bemused look on her face, as she turned it over to inspect it. Once it was right side up again, she carefully opened it and saw what was laid within. Her face lit up and her mouth became a perfect o as she reached in and lifted the comb and card out.::
. "Oh my goodness....This is gorgeous~!!"
. ::She muttered, and lost no time putting her blue-black hair up with it! She grinned::
. "Thank you Anna-chan~! Now I need to give the perfect gift to her!"
. ::She hurried in to collect it and head off to Arendelle!::
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igoldenlaser · 3 months
Laser Cutter & Engraver Machine for Wood
The woodworking is a craft as old as time, and there is a reason that it remains popular even today.  There is a certain, rustic beauty to wood which makes it a timeless material of choice for hundreds of applications.  Fortunately, laser technology has made it possible for woodworking to be easier, faster, and more accessible to amateurs and professionals alike.
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Why choose a wood laser cutter from iGOLDENLasers?
Our machines have been utilised in a huge range of industries, from compact modern CNC machines for schools and workshops to purpose built machines for complete production lines.  With a wood laser cutter, you can drastically increase production whilst lowering costs.  Our British design and manufactured wood laser cutting machines are of the highest quality, leaving a feather-free cut so there is no need for a 'post process' to sand the edge – a major advantage compared to other machines such as routers.
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It’s important to understand that we do offer a wide range of wood laser cutting machines for different requirements, so if you’re unsure on the best system for your specific application, it’s best to contact a member of our team.  That said, with any of our systems, you’re guaranteed a reliable wood laser cutter that marks and engraves most woods, as well as plywood and MDF, but they can also cut or engrave many other materials, including ceramics, stone, glass, card, paper and fabric.
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For the full run down on the types of wood suitable for laser cutting and laser engraving, see the list below:
Fine wood
Genuine wood
Solid timber
Solid wood
VeneerAnd many more!
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Having designed and manufactured wood laser cutters for a diverse range of clients, we have a strong understanding on our customers’ typical applications, and some of these include creating coasters, toys, wood inlays, gift box decorations and architectural models.
What is Laser Engraving And Cutting Machine? 
The laser machine is the general term for laser engraving machines, laser cutting machines, and laser marking machines. The laser machine uses its high-temperature working principle to act on the surface of the processed material, and at the same time draws patterns and texts required by customers based on the graphics input into the machine.
Wood Laser Cutter
In the past, creating custom wood pieces involved the use of a saw, perhaps a hammer, chisel, and a lot of elbow grease. Today, 3d wood laser cutters and engravers are two of the most popular options in the industry due to the versatility, reliability and insane accuracy. Laser technology is used for virtually any category of woodworking: from architecture and furniture to toys and crafts.
Insofar as laser cutting is concerned, wood can be separated into two distinct groups:
Natural timber from various species of tree. For example, maple or cherry wood.
Man-made wood manufactured by bonding wood pulp, fibers or shavings. For example, MDF or plywood
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How thick of wood can a CO2 laser cut through?
Multiple factors are at work here but generally speaking a CO2 laser with 50 watts of power is more than capable of cleanly laser cutting thru 1/4″ wood (in a single pass) and up to 3/4″ with 150 watts. Factors such as the speed of the laser and the type of wood being processed will alter a laser’s wood cutting ability.  As an example, Cherry and Walnut can require up to 25% more cutting power compared to Maple.  And solid oak often requires even more.  We have a lot of experience with processing woods and have material processing charts you can use as a starting point.
All natural timbers can be cut by a CO2 laser at the 10.6µm wavelength. Limitations only apply with regard to thickness and the degree of charring that is acceptable to the customer.
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Can any type of wood be cut and engraved with the laser?
Wood is an organic or natural material and is easily processed using a CO2 powered laser. However, factors within each type of wood will contribute to how the laser reacts such as the woods resin, content, and density and can dramatically effect the finished result. Soft woods including pines, cedar, or balsa wood will often require a reduction in laser power or increasing the laser head speed so as to prevent burn marks. On the other hand hardwoods need a higher laser power or slower speeds to effectively process. 
Special versions of wood laser cutter are made for specific wood cutting applications such as, for example,  laser cutting plywood for label dies. However, for the purpose of this article we are referring to a typical benchtop format laser cutter <100w.
For most industries laser cutting anything beyond 12mm natural timber and 9mm plywood produces an undesirable result because the feed rate (speed of cut) combined with optical limitations causes the wood to adversely burn.
When laser cutting wood the rate of laser fume extraction, particularly underside extraction and air assist delivered through the nosecone, can never be too much. When vaporised, wood produces a very dense fume that if not immediately evacuated from the cutting line will rise into the path of the beam and absorb laser power, significantly dropping the feed rate of the cut and in turn accelerating the degree of charring at the edge of the cut.
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High amounts of debris from wood laser cutting machine can also contaminate laser optics causing them to fail prematurely and also cause HAZ (Heat Affected Zone), which is an undesirable staining to the edge and surfaces of the material.
In machines where the design of extraction is poor, surface HAZ can be minimised by first applying a low-tack, paper based tape to both surfaces of the wood. The tape acts as a masking barrier, attracting the contamination. After laser cutting the paper is removed and the wood surface underneath is clean.
Natural timber has a tendency to warp, which is challenging for a wood cutting laser as this causes the beam to defocus, producing undesirable results. Therefore, if the application calls for laser cutting of natural timber it is best to process the material as soon as possible after receiving it from the mill.
Man-made or engineered woods can contain resins that are actually designed to be fire retardant. This is unhelpful when trying to burn through the wood with a laser cutter!
 Therefore, if the application calls for using a form of engineered wood it’s wise to be very selective about the exact type of material you use. For example, plywood is most commonly available in a WBP or exterior grade. The resins used to bond this type of plywood are among the least laser friendly and will resist the laser cutting process, accelerating HAZ.
Interior grade plywood, sometimes called white glue plywood, is among the most laser friendly plywood’s. Not as commonly available as exterior grade, interior grade should be used as a preference for laser cutting if the job specification allows it as the resins in the material will vaporise much cleaner.
An often overlooked aspect is that of the surface finish of wood prior to laser cutting. If the part to be laser cut is the finished item then the surface should always be sealed/finished before it is laser cut. This reduces HAZ and any HAZ present can be wiped off with a slightly damp cloth. If however the material is to be post processed, such as sanding for example, then pre-sealing the wood is not absolutely necessary as the HAZ will be removed during post processing.
At Laser Systems we manufacture a wide range laser, marking and engraving solutions ideally configured for laser cutting and laser engraving wood. Our experts would be happy to recommend which configuration best suits your application.
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theanamachine-blog · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Princess Tiana Disney Wood Recipe Box with Blank Cards NWT parks merch.
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cricutguide · 5 months
Fun and Easy Cricut Maker 3 Projects for Beginners [2024]
Cricut Maker 3 projects for beginners are not a big deal. You might be wondering why I am making this sentence with so much confidence. Well, it comes when you have done a lot of crafting over the years. And when you are an expert in a particular area, it is easy to say things like — “it’s not a big deal; it’s just a piece of cake!”
Yes, dear crafters, experience indeed speaks! However, gaining such an experience is not just a one-day process. I have created many projects, tried all the Cricut models, and know how to set up and use them. This is really a challenging learning process. I have spent days and nights on this valuable learning.
Today is the day I am writing this blog and telling you to try some crafts that I have made on Cricut Maker 3. Let’s delve into this guide to learn more.
1. Cake Topper
Every year, we celebrate a birthday, and decorating a cake is a very important task. But there are some Cricut Maker 3 projects for beginners that they can try to elevate this birthday celebration. Yes, you heard it right! It is a simple cake topper.
Yes, this is one of the easiest projects I have ever created using my Maker 3 machine. So, without any further delay, add this Cricut Maker 3 project ideas to your list.
2. T-shirts
Now, you can also make a personalized shirt using a robust machine like Cricut Maker 3. Creating a shirt on Cricut is a piece of cake. Just select a design on the Cricut Design Space app and start cutting it on your trusty Maker 3 machine. The machine is advanced enough to cut every inch very precisely, making it look like a professional design on your shirts.
3. Greeting Card
Although technology has changed drastically in recent years, people still prefer to try old things, such as greeting cards. I made this greeting card on Cricut Maker 3, especially for my lovely husband. The Cricut Maker 3 is a versatile machine that can make almost every type of craft.
So, whether you are looking for Cricut Maker 3 projects for beginners or experienced crafters, you can do it seamlessly.
4. Organizing Labels
Now, it’s time to organize your pantry or kitchen. For this, you can make some labels using permanent Smart Vinyl material. Start creating labels for each container in your kitchen. This will help your mom find the right container with the right ingredients.
The best part is that you can try multiple font styles with different sizes. Cricut Design Space has numerous font styles that are available for free. Just go and grab them.
5. 3D Paper Star Candy Box
Are you looking for 3D Cricut Maker 3 projects for beginners? If so, you will need to try this paper candy box. Given the shape of the star, it doesn’t only look beautiful but is also a useful thing for keeping all your sweetie candies.
Although I love paper crafts, they are easy to make and don’t cost too much. Also, when they are three-dimensional in shape, they attract more attention.
6. Wood Sign
In order to make this wood sign, I used a leftover scrap that I found in my husband’s carpentry shop. This silly signboard is perfect for your bathroom. Since I saw many such signs in other shops, I was eager to give it a try myself. Since I have my incredible Cricut Maker 3 machine, I made this bathroom sign.
It is not the first time I made this bookmark; however, making it out of leather is something I have tried for the first time. Besides, I have used the same machine multiple times to make multiple things. Since this is a leather material, I have to use an Engraving tool to engrave the words. Also, to make the cut, I used a knife blade.
8. Coffee Mug
The coffee mug is one of the best Cricut Maker 3 projects for beginners, as it can be given as a gift. I love making this craft, and the result is quite satisfying. If you want to try this, you will also want a Cricut Mug Press so that you can transfer your infusible ink onto your mug.
However, the cutting design can be easily done on your Cricut Maker 3 machine. And trust me, Maker 3 will do its work nicely.
9. Ceramic Coasters
Coasters are an inseparable part of our lives. They are necessary to keep our dining tables clean. And who does not want to create something easy and creative, especially when your guests come to your home for dinner? With personalized crafters, you can make people feel more special and loved. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get started!
Question 1: Can I make greeting cards on my Cricut Maker 3?
Answer: Yes, you can make greeting cards on your Cricut Maker 3 to make greeting cards using a Cricut card mat and cards. With its adaptive tool features, you can easily make cuts and engrave and emboss your materials. For Cricut, it is relatively easy; robust machines like Cricut Maker 3 are specially designed for it.
Question 2: Can Cricut Maker 3 cut wood?
Answer: Absolutely, yes! You can cut all types of wood materials made for crafting. Cricut Maker 3 is designed to cut delicate and tough materials easily in one go. All you need to do is use the right blade and wood. Speaking of the thickness of the wood, Maker 3 can cut up to 2.4mm thick wood in no time.
Question 3: Can I cut 3mm plywood on Cricut Maker 3?
Answer: 3mm thickness is too much for a Cricut Maker 3 machine. Hence, you can’t cut your plywood with this thickness. The suitable thickness that you can cut for wood is 2.4 mm. So ensure your wood thickness is within this range, not more than. Also, don’t try to cut without checking the compatibility of the machines; if it doesn’t support it, don’t cut it.
Source: Cricut Maker 3 projects for beginners
Visit here For More Information: Cricut.com/setup
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todays-an-adventure · 6 months
I’m just going to start storing art ideas here when I come across them.
Create a box for my boyfriend for his MTG cards.
- Get antique style hinges and a clasp for the box
- Potentially add corner protectors
- Stain the wood - either use the rosewood or dark wood stain or potentially get a new one
- consider investing in wood burner kit so I can engrave if not paint on the box
- Maybe paint a dragon from one of the cards
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athulyaaindia · 7 months
Memorable Return Gift Ideas for Baraatis: Celebrate Their Presence with Tokens of Appreciation
Introduction: Baraatis, the esteemed guests who accompany the groom's wedding procession, play a significant role in Indian weddings. Expressing gratitude to these guests with thoughtful return gifts is a tradition that adds warmth and appreciation to the festivities. In this article, we present a collection of return gift ideas tailored for baraatis, ensuring they depart with cherished mementos that reflect the joy of the occasion.
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Miniature Traditional Instruments (Rs 150 - Rs 200):
return gift ideas for barati of traditional Indian musical instruments such as tabla, sitar, or flute.
These decorative pieces are a nod to the festive music and culture of Indian weddings.
Guests can display them at home or on their desks as reminders of the joyful celebration.
Personalized Keychains with Groom's and Bride's Initials (Rs 100 - Rs 150):
Customized keychains featuring the initials of the couple, adding a personal touch.
Guests can use these keychains to accessorize their keys or bags, keeping the wedding memories close.
Opt for elegant designs and quality materials for a lasting impression.
Decorative Pocket Watches (Rs 200 - Rs 250):
Vintage-style pocket watches with intricate designs and engravings.
These timeless pieces are both functional and stylish, making them memorable gifts.
Guests can wear them as accessories or keep them as collector's items.
Embroidered Silk Pouches with Sweets (Rs 150 - Rs 200 per set):
Silk pouches embroidered with traditional motifs and filled with delectable sweets.
These elegant pouches double as gift packaging and can be reused for storing small items.
Guests will appreciate the blend of aesthetics and sweetness in this thoughtful gift.
Aromatic Potpourri Sets (Rs 100 - Rs 150 per set):
Potpourri sets featuring a blend of dried flowers, herbs, and spices in decorative jars.
Guests can place these fragrant mixes in their homes for a pleasant and calming ambiance.
Choose scents like lavender, rose, or jasmine for a soothing effect.
Handcrafted Wooden Coasters (Rs 80 - Rs 120 per set):
Set of wooden coasters with intricate carvings or designs.
These practical gifts protect surfaces from drink stains while adding a touch of elegance.
Guests can use them during daily routines or special occasions.
Artisanal Soap and Hand Towel Sets (Rs 120 - Rs 180 per set):
Sets featuring handmade soaps with natural ingredients and soft hand towels.
These spa-inspired gifts promote relaxation and pampering.
Guests can enjoy a luxurious bath experience with these thoughtfully curated sets.
Decorative Wall Hangings or Hangable Ornaments (Rs 100 - Rs 150):
Intricately designed wall hangings or ornaments in metal or wood.
Guests can adorn their homes with these decorative pieces, adding a festive touch.
Opt for auspicious symbols or motifs related to weddings for a meaningful gift.
Herbal Tea Gift Boxes (Rs 150 - Rs 200 per set):
Assorted herbal tea blends in attractive gift boxes.
Guests can enjoy a variety of flavors like green tea, chamomile, or peppermint.
Perfect for relaxation and wellness after the celebratory events.
Customized Thank You Cards or Photo Frames (Rs 50 - Rs 100 per piece):
Personalized thank you cards with a heartfelt message from the couple.
Photo frames featuring a group photo from the wedding or a picture with the baraatis.
These personalized tokens of appreciation will remind guests of the special bond shared during the wedding.
Conclusion: Selecting return gifts for baraatis is an opportunity to express gratitude and leave a lasting impression on these esteemed guests. The gift ideas presented, all within the Rs 200 budget range, are thoughtful and meaningful, reflecting the joy and spirit of the wedding celebration. Whether it's a miniature instrument, personalized keychain, or aromatic potpourri set, each gift is designed to convey appreciation for the guests' presence and participation in the festivities. By choosing these memorable tokens, couples can create lasting memories and strengthen the bond with their baraatis.
For more info. visit us:
Wholesale Gift Hampers
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return gifts for marriage
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tipsycad147 · 1 year
5 Witchy Gifts for Divination Witches
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We all love to get nice things, especially when we’re just starting a new activity. In regards to Divination you can get some pretty useful accessories, whether for yourself or a witchy friend. In this post you’ll find some witchy gift ideas on the best items you can easily find. In fact, you can even craft most of them!
First, let me remind you that there’s no need to get too many things for your practice. With that said, there’s nothing wrong with getting some nice witchy accessories. Plus, you can have some fun building your own aesthetic or just getting crafty with it. There are many useful tools in witchcraft beyond wands, chalices, cauldrons, etc.
Divination is basically a practice in which the practitioner functions as a channel to some divine information. There are many different ways and tools you can use to help you with that channeling: Some of them are Tarot cards, Runes, Pendulum, etc. However, what else would ease your Divination practice? Just because it gets its foundation on intuition, it doesn’t mean there aren’t nice tools to get. Here are some simple items to get as a gift for yourself or a witchy friend.
Altar Cloth
Altar cloths are very practical when it comes to practicing Divination. Would you use your Oracle cards over a sticky or dusty surface? Me neither. But, even if we get rid of all the mess on the table, there might be some residual energy left over. Sometimes we can’t get the chance to cleanse our space or fully remove unwanted energy. That’s when an altar cloth comes to save the day. I usually pull it out of my bag and place it over where I am going to perform my Divination ritual. This can also help to put you into the right frame of mind. When performing divination, it can be helpful to go through the same rituals each time to connect to the divinity and align yourself with the answers it will prevent. Almost like warming up before a race.
For making an Altar Cloth you’d just need a piece of fabric, needle and some thread. You can also find them in many stores. They’re not really expensive and you can find many patterns for your cloth. You can also get one with nice designs over it.
Divination Charts
Divination charts are always handy when you need to set specific spaces or movements. The most common one is the pendulum chart. This can be as simple as a cross which has four possible answers depending on the pendulum’s movement. In runes there are some spreads which involve reading them according to where they fall. And for astrological readings it’s nice to have an Astrological Chart template. 
The good part is that you can print charts on a piece of paper or just draw them yourself whenever you need to use one. If you’re looking for something with a bit more of an enhanced aesthetic, there are charts and templates sold online made of resin, engraved wood, or other beautiful materials. If you’re not sure about which one to choose, you could get a set of posters with many chart designs on it.
Traveling Divination Box
A beautiful witchy box is pretty useful to store your divination and other witchcraft tools in. They’re nice to protect your tools from getting ruined by daylight, humidity or any other kind of damage from environmental exposure. You can find boxes made from many materials such as wood, plastic, cardboard, etc. I would recommend you get a wood one as they’re safe for the environment and guilt-free. You can find a ton of different designs on boxes, from painted colorful ones to more rustic engraved ones. If you choose the right one, you can match your altar aesthetic. Whether it is softcore, punk, cottagecore or any other, you’ll find a matching box. On top of that, if you’re someone who travels a lot, then a box is really helpful to take your divination tools in your luggage. You can make your own traveling witchcraft box, but you’d need some special tools and materials.
If you know someone who practices Dice Divination, then a nice dice cup is also a good alternative.
Witchy Bags
There’s one slight problem with boxes. They’re not so comfortable for carrying daily items because they’re a bit too big and bulky. If you’re someone that always wants your tool at hand, maybe bags are a better choice. They’re useful to take your Divination set wherever you need. Of course, you can always find a bag that will match your style, since there’s a limitless variety of patterns, fabrics, and materials.
They’re also easy to craft since you just need a piece of cloth, needles and thread. Or, you can even crochet one. I'm trying to make one myself, even though I’m only a beginner at crocheting.
Crystals and Jewelry
Crystals are good for charging with intention and energy to help aid you in your divination practices. You can wear jewelry when performing a reading to help facilitate the intention that you set. Something like a ring or necklace can help you channel the information you receive. Or you place some crystals among your tools to charge them with divine energy. Remember that charging your Divination tools is as important as cleansing them. There are plenty of stones used for Divination, but here’s a list with the ones I recommend.
Amethyst: This stone is well known in Divination as it helps connect with your inner self. The best way to use it is as a necklace when making a reading.
Fluorite: This stone is related to the Third Eye. The third eye chakra allows us to connect with our intuition. Fluorite can help you ease that connection. I’d recommend using it as jewelry.
Moonstone: Due to its connection to the Moon, this crystal helps to decode some cryptic messages. Moonstone is a great choice to place on your altar, aside from your divination tool of choice. 
Obsidian: Many crystal balls are made out of obsidian as it allows you to unveil some truth that might be hidden. This is the best stone for you to have always in your bag.
Why would you need any of this?
Actually, you don’t need many things to practice witchcraft. But it’s ok to treat yourself with nice items from time to time. Your practice should be a reflection on how you treat your sacred self. There are many stores where you can find some of these things that would help you with your practice. And, as I said, some of these items can be an entertaining DIY project. In regards to crafting, use that time to connect with your inner self. That’s always good exercise for Divination witches.
Divination is more about interacting with the energies than memorizing facts. Don’t forget to keep practicing - this will help you interact with your tools and become an expert. If you have neglected this part of your practice, don’t worry, it’s possible that all you need is some inspiration. I hope you have found some inspiration to connect with Divination as you read this post. Now you have plenty of ideas on what to do next with your coven or witchy friend.
If you were looking for a sign to pull a card from your Tarot deck, this is it. Now go grab your Rune set, hold still your pendulum and let’s unveil some secrets. See you soon.
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designmachine · 1 year
6 Fun and Easy Cricut Projects for Beginners in 2023
Whether it is unique gifts or custom clothing for parties, there is almost everything possible with Cricut. Even if you want to use your Cricut for business, then you can also do this with these Cricut machines. The Cricut machine can cut fabric, felt, balsa wood, chipboard, cardboard, cardstock, vinyl, matboard, and so much more. It allows you to emboss, score, and even use pen & and markers to write or draw beautiful designs. Now, designing your gift box for Christmas and a T-shirt for yourself is just a click away!
In the post, we will cover the easiest and simplest 6 Cricut projects you can try in 2023.
1.  Paper Cards
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Do you want to appreciate someone's hard work, generosity, or help? Then try to show your feelings with Thanks a Latte Card, and this will be the best Cricut project to create this year. However, it can help make your card mat for anyone you want to send it to. The machine provides all the packages of cards with inserts and envelopes, making it easy for you to pick a design and be good to go!
We believe that making this "Thanks a Latte" sign can also be perfect for any coffee lover. For this, you just need to tuck a gift card and make it a thoughtful end-of-year gift for your teachers or as a sign of appreciation to anyone you want to appreciate.
2.  Coffee Mug
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Adding design to your coffee mug is one of the simplest Cricut projects. We personally love to use coffee mugs with interesting texts and photos. Also, we consider this one of the best gifts to give someone we love. But, writing text or photos on these mugs is quite costly and time-consuming. However, you can infuse these interesting texts and pictures on your coffee mug with Cricut machines like Cricut Explore to the latest Cricut Maker 3, including Cricut Joy which can cut all the designs to apply to your mugs. With these machines, you have the freedom to make your own design as you wish.
3.  Leather Bookmarks
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If you are an avid reader, then you know the importance of keeping bookmarks in your book. And making such Cricut projects is also easy for all beginners. To create these leather bookmarks, you will need an Engraving Tool to engrave the text into the piece of tooling before cutting it out with the knife blade. In addition to the engraving tool, it only works with the Maker cutting machine as it uses the Adaptive Tool System and can apply the necessary pressure to engrave the materials.
4.  Designing Pillow Cover
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Now, adding design to your pillow is made easy for you. You can work with heat transfer vinyl and make DIY pillows cover as Cricut projects. However, the premade Cricut iron-on designs make it simple to create pillows, T-shirts, and more! You should also install the Cricut Design Space to create your designs and send them to your Cricut machine to get the design for your own pillow cover.
5.  Templates for Water Bottles
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Want to make your own personalized bottles? The customized water bottle can be the favorite Cricut project for anyone. It's quite simple and easy to make projects on Cricut Maker that will give you a unique piece of personalized drinking ware. Moreover, the Cricut Premium Permanent vinyl is the perfect fit for your water bottles as it can withstand all kinds of different conditions. Also, it will last for up to three years or more. This vinyl is suitable because there is no issue with the dishwasher, making it longer to stick with your bottle.  
6.  Engraved Keychains
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Keychains are also used widely as a gift. This Cricut Maker machine can help you to create keychains. To engrave your Keychains, you need to buy an engraving tool. Once you own this tool, you will have endless opportunities to create various Cricut projects with fine inscriptions. This engraving tool is capable of engraving soft metals, acrylic, leather, paper, plastic, and more. Also, the Cricut Maker and Cricut Maker 3 are only compatible with engraving. So what are you waiting for? Start making your keychains with beautiful designs that you can imagine!
This blog covers all the ideas for making Cricut projects with cutting machines. Projects include card making, coffee mugs, leather bookmarks, designing pillow covers, templates for water bottles, and engraved keychains. Also, these projects are easy to make and do not require any prior experience. Now, fill the joy in your crafting journey with these 6 easy Cricut projects!
Question 1: Do we need Cricut Access to design?
No, Cricut Access is just a subscription-based service that offers collections of fonts and images and ready-to-make projects. However, you don't need to spend a penny to get these projects. Moreover, Cricut Access subscribers with a paid subscription receive a coupon code for $10 off materials and accessories, which also includes free shipping. In addition to a paid subscription, the code works for up to 3 months, so make sure you use the code to stock up on your favorite materials & accessories.
Question 2: Where can I get the new SVG files?
The best free SVG files allow you to create some amazing Cricut projects. There are many sites available that offer free SVG files to download. However, while designing for Cricut, you can upload your own SVG files. Furthermore, SVG files are generally two-dimensional images that are layered and resized without losing any quality.
Question 3: What types of projects are available in Design Space?
Design space consists of ready-to-make projects which are created by various professional artists. These ready-made projects include everything from home decor to fashion to paper crafting, including a wide range of free projects. Also, you will get new projects added to this app on a regular basis. To find these Ready-to-Make projects, you can go to the Design Space Projects page. Further, if you need to select a project category, then use the categories menu or search bar. There you will find all your ready-made Cricut projects.
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popjunkie42 · 11 months
Fic word search game!
Was tagged ages ago by @thesistersarcheron but I wanted to wait until I had time and was at my desktop for easier searching!
Find 5 words in your WIPs and share!
haughty, vibrant, dance, surge, ice
Annnd we're going under a cut because there is some NSWF smut in here and there is a lot :p
(you're in luck, this is a smutty one-off I sort of abandoned ages ago where Rhys and Feyre have some High Lord roleplay fun, I will finish this one day)
“You’re in quite a mood tonight,” he growled out.
I asked you a question, she sent down the bond.
He looked at her a few seconds more, considering. She could see in his face the moment he decided to play. His mask slipped on just a little bit more, his mouth going hard, the muscles in his jaw clenching. A haughty, bored look infused his face.
He nodded at her, permission to continue.
She smiled before taking him in her mouth fully.
Feyre worked on him slowly with her lips, her tongue, her hands. As if they had all night long. And they did.
She loved watching him struggle to keep his composure.
“You have no idea,” he said quietly, slipping a bit more, “how many months before we mated I dreamed of feeling your lips on me.”
She hummed a bit with him in her mouth and felt his body respond.
She loved the glimpses of their secret shared history. Loved knowing that all along there was the love, the desire, and the hope behind all.
Is this what you want, High Lord? She asked innocently into his mind.
(this is from my Vampire!Feyre Halloween WIP that may or may not get finished in time)
But what caught her eye was very out of place in the chaos. Atop the desk was a beautifully carved ornate wooden box. Though the wood was polished and immaculate, something about it screamed ancient. 
It was common for the children to bring her gifts, and often the parents. But never anything as grandiose as this. 
Patience never much of her strong suit, Feyre flipped the latch and lifted the heavy lid of the small chest until it hung back on its hinges.
No card, no engraving, no initials. Just twelve bottles of vibrant, fresh paint.
A soft smile played on her lips. Perhaps these were from the Continent, or one of the Master’s studios in Day? She was glad she was alone. Whoever had brought this perhaps had a sense of how embarrassed she would be taking such a luxurious gift.
The bottle of brilliant blue unscrewed easily and she grabbed a palette knife to mix the heavy pigment back in with the clear binder floating on top.
It was..mesmerizing. Bright and almost glowing. She wondered where they ever found the pigments to make something so otherworldly.
There was a lightness in her chest as she looked at the other bottles, each as vibrant and rich as the first. She had come here to paint, after all.
(this is a WIP I am maybe working on for Feyre week in March, which starts out with Feyre in the human lands hunting in the midst of summer and turns into something...else)
It was approaching the heat of the day. Far past the time for wandering deer and rabbits, who were no doubt bedded down in the secret cool corners of the forest. And several hours still until the sun would grow heavy and begin to dip past the trees, calling them out again to dance in the twilight and risk her arrows.
But she forgot all that when the breeze kicked up, rustling the green leaves around her, some of them burnt and crisp at the edges. Feyre felt the sweat dry and cool on her body, let the sweet cloying scents of flowers and fruit fill her nose, and closed her eyes.
Feyre avoided reflecting on her life, this new life with her family in a hovel surviving day by day, too often. It was easier to shut off her mind and listen only to the groaning in her hungry stomach or the aches and needs of her body. 
But now, this time in summer…sometimes her mind peeked up again from wherever it had hidden inside her, and began to hum, as if it were happily sunning itself on a warm rock. Content.
(this is a secret thing I am writing now and starts with a letter from Emissary Lucien to Thesan during the human-faerie war)
The Peregryn legion you sent to our aid were invaluable in our victory on the coast of the western Spring lands. Indeed, through whatever grand insight you possess, they arrived in the knick of time, as our armies were on the verge of being overwhelmed. The turn of the tide led to a grand victory on our side. Though casualties were great, the land has been held successfully by our warband and will, we believe, provide strategic ground for both monitoring Hybern’s forces and maintaining a foothold on the shore, to prevent further ships and troops from docking in Prythian and adding to our troubles. 
Indeed, if you’ll forgive me for my storytelling, I can tell you the sight of feathered wings will forever bring a surge of joy to the hearts of the Spring Court rebel warriors, and the tales of the Peregryn’s bravery will long be told in our lands and at our tables. The legion’s arrival at dawn, the rising sun at their backs, was the stuff of grand tales and poetry, and seemed to us a blessing from the Cauldron and the Mother. Lord Tamlin (and myself) sincerely hope that his future court and the Dawn Court may remember this great victory and the strength of our combined partnership in the days and years to come
(here is a snippet of a poem I never did anything with)
When you set yourself alight
I am the dry firewood at your feet
and when you turn to ice let me be
the jagged crystals of water
when you burn like the sun
I will be
the cold earth awakening to your touch
tagging (with no pressure!) @xtaketwox @adreamof-spring @kestrel-tree @shadowdaddyazriel @asnowfern
Your words should you choose to accept them: vibrant, dance, shadow, curious, smirk
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tamlovesfashion · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Wood Storage Box Engraved w/Matching Playing Card Set of 2.
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makernewmachine · 1 year
Cricut Machine Cut a Number of Items Cut with Cricut Design Space
The Cricut machine is the most widely used tool for DIY and crafting. It can also be used for anything that you intend to cut through a scissor. This machine is so advanced that it can provide you with an easy-to-use design by cutting things like paper, fabric, acrylic, plastic, leather, and many more.
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These machines are available in different models, each with its smart features. So, are you ready to know what stunning task this smart machine can perform? In this blog, we are going to cover the 7 most stunning tasks you can do with a Cricut machine.
1.  Cutting
You will be amazed to know that the machine can cut 300 different materials. You can create fun shapes and various kinds of letters or words for scrapbooking. It uses a small movable blade which moves back and forward across the material to cut things.
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The cutting process on this machine is very simple. You just need to create your design in Cricut Design Space. It doesn't matter what kind of design or shape you want to cut. You need to design and then send it to the Cricut machine. After that, it will cut your design according to your demand.
2.  Designing T-Shirt
Today's generation likes customized t-shirts, and this is the best thing to give as a gift to someone you love. Also, you don't have to waste your hours to get just one T-shirt from any shopping mall. Be it eye-catching texts or design. A Cricut machine can do your t-shirt design without the need for anyone.
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To design a t-shirt, you need Design Space, a software program. Here, you can create or edit your designs. So, when you are done with your design, you need to send it to your machine and load your materials. Eventually, it will cut your desirable design.
3.  Engraving
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Not all Cricut machines, but some can be used to engrave materials. Infuse your permanent design into your projects. From plastic to metals, it can inscribe various types of materials. However, the speed and pressure are different for different people. So, you must use it only if you know how to use this machine. There are five types of materials that you can engrave with a Cricut Maker. They are Wood, Plastic, Leather, Metal, and Glass.
4.  DIY Projects
When planning a party for a special occasion, you may have noticed that decorations can be quite expensive. However, you can save money using a Cricut machine to create your decorations. This device is easy to use and can make different decor, such as banners, bunting, and table centerpieces. With a little creativity, you can use this product to create unique and custom decorations that will make your party stand out.
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Also, there are many ways to use a Cricut machine to make your DIY projects for the home. For example, you can craft leather jewelry, table & food signs, greeting cards, and customized mugs and tumblers.
5.  Gift Boxes
When we send a gift to someone we love, we want it to be as appealing as possible. We often focus on the gift box so that it looks good when it is received.
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You can use various types of ready-made templates from the internet by adding your creativity, such as changing fonts in texts and colors to your gift box designs. After you have finished designing, print the tags and attach them to your gift.
This article discussed the 5 stunning tasks we can perform on the Cricut machine. We discussed cutting different materials, including paper, fabric, acrylic, plastic, and leather. In addition to engraving and home decor, this machine can be used for personal projects such as designing t-shirts and gift boxes.
What is Cricut Design Space?
The Design Space is the software that helps you to communicate with your Cricut machine. Design Space is a platform where you create and choose all your designs and send them to your device. The software is compatible with Joy, Maker Series and Explore Series. Also, you can use Cricut software on various devices such as PC, Mac, and iOS devices, including Android.
What can I do on the Cricut machine?
The Cricut machine is a smart cutting machine used for various tasks, including cutting, engraving, and making DIY projects. It can also be used to design personalized T-shirts, and with its wide range of compatible materials, it can be used to make a variety of crafts. The possibilities are endless with this gadget! This device is a great investment if you're looking for a way to get creative and make your own unique projects.
Can I use a Cricut machine to print?
It does not print in the traditional sense. It has no built-in printer and cannot print images directly onto a surface. However, it has a feature called Print Then Cut that allows you to print an image on a piece of paper or cardstock and then use the Cricut machine to cut it out. This is a great way to create projects, such as custom cards or T-shirts.
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louismonteblog · 2 years
30th Birthday Gift Ideas for Him That Will Make His Day Extra Special
The 30th birthday is a milestone that marks the end of the carefree twenties and the beginning of a new phase of life. It is an occasion to celebrate the achievements of the past and look to the future. Finding the perfect gift for a man on his 30th birthday can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With a little thought and effort, you can make their day even more special and memorable. Here are some ideas to help you choose a gift that will show them how much you care.
One of the best ways to make his day extra special is by planning a surprise birthday party. You can invite their close friends and family members to celebrate the occasion. You can decorate the party venue with balloons, streamers and his favorite snacks and drinks. A surprise birthday party will not only make him feel loved and appreciated, but will also give him a chance to socialize and make new memories.
If he is an adventure seeker, you can surprise him with a unique experience. It could be a hot air balloon ride, a zip-lining adventure or a bungee jumping session. An experience gift can be a great way to create new memories and strengthen your bond. This will not only make their day special but will also add some excitement to their life.
Another way to make his day extra special is by taking him on a romantic getaway. You can plan a weekend trip to a cozy bed and breakfast, a secluded cabin in the woods or a beach front resort. A romantic getaway will give him a chance to relax, unwind and spend quality time with you. This can be a perfect gift for the man who loves to travel and explore new places.
If you want to give a more tangible gift, consider something that meshes with his hobbies or interests. For example, if he likes to play golf, you can gift him a golf club or a set of personalized golf balls. If he is a tech-savvy person, you can gift him a new gadget or accessory. A thoughtful gift that caters to his interests will not only please him but also show that you appreciate and support his hobby.
A gift that he will cherish for years to come is a personalized item. You can get their initials engraved on a piece of jewelry or a leather item like a wallet or watch strap. Personalization adds a thoughtful touch to any gift and shows that you put effort into choosing the gift.
If your budget is tight, you can still give a meaningful gift that will make their day extra special. You can create a personalized video message or a scrapbook that showcases your journey together. You can also plan a picnic at a local park or a home-cooked meal with his favorite dishes. The key is to focus on the emotion and effort rather than the price of the gift.
Another gift idea is to give him a subscription service that is tailored to his interests. This could be a monthly book subscription, monthly snack box, or monthly shaving kit. A subscription gift will not only show him that you care about his interests but also provide a monthly reminder of your thoughtfulness.
Finally, don't forget to add a thoughtful card that expresses your love and appreciation for him. A heartfelt message will make him feel loved and valued. You can write about your favorite memories together or your hopes and dreams for the future. A card adds a personal touch to any gift and shows that you took the time to make his day extra special.
In conclusion, finding the perfect gift for a man on his 30th birthday can be a challenging task, but with a little creativity, you can make his day extra special and memorable. Planning a surprise birthday party, giving him a one-of-a-kind experience, or taking him on a romantic getaway can be some great ways to show him how much you care. Remember, the most important thing is to choose a gift that reflects his personality, interests, and values.
See You Again
With Love, The Louis Monte Team
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