#enjoy your Shakarian tasties :)
saltybiowarefantears · 2 months
9 People You Want to Know Better
Tagged by @pinacoladamatata for this one. Let me see if I can even think of nine people to tag for this... Definitely no pressure to do this at all! But I think I'll go with: @elfroot-and-laurels @emmavakarian-theirin @awbutwhy @ashabellanars @drakonovisny @elphael @esmeralda-juniper @jamesspadersexposedankles @feyriane
Three Ships: Solavellan (translated as Solas and Inquisitor because we're not here for limited romance), LawLu, Shakarian. Honestly the last slot could be used for a number of different ones, but these three are pretty foundational for me.
First Ship: It's so hard for my goldfish brain to remember things back too far, but if I think about it for a bit, I have to say Daine and Numair from the Immortals series by Tamora Pierce. I'm sure there were other pairings I enjoyed seeing or wanted them to get together, but these two... Whenever I read any books set in Tortall post-Immortals series it'd be
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"WHERE'S DAINE AND NUMAIR!" First time actively seeking out a ship, impatiently waiting for them to get together when I was reading, etc, etc. Probably my first real ship.
Last Movie: Hmmm I haven't watched a lot of movies lately. It's either Godzilla Minus One with Alex. Or when I had a cold and decided it was a good idea to put on Oppenheimer. Fell asleep half way through because of course I did drugged up on cold juice. Can't remember which one was the last one though.
Last Song: I Remember - Les Friction. Me with my Solavellan playlist on repeat? It's more likely than you think.
Currently Reading: Tevinter Nights very, very slowly. I've been awful with my reading list lately.
Currently Watching: Mob Psycho with Alex
Currently Eating: Just finished a tasty veggie sandwich for lunch
Currently Craving: sushi..... playing Dave the Diver will do that to a person
Blank template for your convenience below the cut!
Three Ships:
First Ship:
Last Movie:
Last Song:
Currently Reading:
Currently Watching:
Currently Eating:
Currently Craving:
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n7viper · 2 years
5, 8, 13 Shakarian & 22, 30, 37, 43 & 50 Mihren for OTP asks please 🥰
Random OTP Askerinos
This ended up being a longer post than intended, so I'm putting it under a cut :)
5. Who is louder in bed?
Lia! You'd think she would learn to be a little quieter after serving on ships for so long but... no. But that's fine because it gives him a chance to cover her mouth and keep her quiet :)
8. Who causes the tomfoolery and who has to try and stop the tomfoolery?
Oho! You're subverting expectations to ask about the other ship, I see. (Because you know the Mihren answer) For Lia and Garrus, I'd say they're equally as likely to cause tomfoolery that requires a third party to stop it. Lia is normally pretty straight-laced and doesn't tend to get into trouble, but they're both just horrible influences on each other.
13. Would they hate-fuck if they were mad at one another? If they had a falling out?
Honestly, I don't think so. I could see Lia being tempted to, but Garrus doesn't seem like the type to me.
Mihren (is that then canon name now? lol):
22. Who would be a lovey dovey drunk?
I really immediately thought of Cullen, but this might actually be Mihri too now that I think about it some more. So both of them? She wouldn't consistently be more lovey dovey, she's definitely usually just even hornier than normal.
But when they're drunk and alone? More than a few times, she thinks about everything that has happened to them and has to take a moment before she gets teary-eyed about it all. She's settling down. It feels... comforting. They make such an odd couple, but it doesn't matter. They're in love. (Gross 🤮)
30. Who is older, and who makes the ‘older’ jokes?
Cullen is older by about 5 years but acts like it's by 20. Mihri only really teases him about it when he's being especially grumpy and knows that it'll annoy him.
37. When the person who doesn’t normally have nightmares, has a nightmare, how does the other comfort them?
In general, Mihri doesn’t really start getting severe nightmares until after In Hushed Whispers. Even before then, she and Cullen don’t get together until early Skyhold and don’t sleep together until after Halamshiral (done before Adamant).
This isn’t an OTP answer, but let’s take a quick intermission. This reminded me of a hc I’ve had for a while, so I’ll let you have it. Mihri and Cassandra usually share a tent while traveling. There are many times where Cass has to comfort Mihri after a nightmare. Cass is kinda awkward about it, but she does try. It takes several occurrences before Mihri finally breaks down and admits that she’s haunted by what happened in that dark future and watching Cass and the others die to save her. Ok, back to our regularly scheduled OTP hours now.
Cullen usually pulls Mihri closer to his chest, and she usually turns to face him. Even if she doesn’t, he massages her scalp and runs his fingers through her hair the way she likes it. If it’s a nightmare that causes the anchor to flare, he holds her hand. He always asks if she’d like to talk about it, but she usually declines. It’s pretty much always a lot of bear hugging, forehead kisses, and fingers through her hair.
43. How do they say ‘I love you’ without actually saying it? Ex “Have you drank any water today?”
Honestly, Cullen just strikes me as a words of affirmation kind of guy. He's the type to drive you bonkers because he's just constantly saying it, to the point where it feels like it's lost its meaning. So not much to say on that front.
For Mihri, she shows her love through gifts; little trinkets that she picks up on her travels that she says reminds her of him. She shows love with meals sent to his office, through pulling him away from his desk late in the night so that he can finally sleep. Most of all, she says it by being honest with him and not putting up a front like she does with everyone else.
50. Who is more likely to cling to the other while they sleep?
I already answered this here, but I'm obsessed with the fact that three separate people asked me this. I am so soft 🥺
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