#enjoying itso far
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DAY 7~ World Lore~
Set up: future present Earth 5
Once the sky opened on a certain day.
Angels fell.
people cried and prayed as they thought the day of long forsaken had come to meet and take them away.
the earth roared and the ground split swallowing the Angels as they fell. Monsters crawled out instead.
A majestic hand came out of the heavens and pushed the fallen and the demons back into hell...
the Earth felt silent as the clock started ticking once again and mother earth sowed the ground as if nothing had ever happened...
Finding a piece of herself (AIDA)
Set up: somewhere in between Earth and the Underworld.
Aida is a soldier of the 6th, Affiliated with Azreal Angel of D*ath. THE 6TH is a group of 6 angels bestowed with the powers to purify or end negative energy (as in sending back to hell), their sole reason for existing is to end the negative energies(demons) that try to escape hell.
On a eternal time. there was no day or night nor time.
Aida was sitting by one of the little streams connected to River of Cocytus. It wasnt as bad as the main river which was full of cries so loud you lost your sense of direction, she did not dare to get close to it, but this one was nice as sometimes you could see images of peoples memories. Aida felt transfixed in the images. She was not allowed to have emotions as it would hinder her work, but she did often wondered what life on the inbetween plain would be like. The combination of their own heaven and hell on Earth was something Aida mulled about, all the Why would they do this? Why would that happen? Why did their emotions make them do that mistake? What are emotions, the reason why the human beings are being tested everyday... led by emotions and from the time they sleep to being fully awake. Was she experiencing curiosity? is this an emotion and was she going to get in trouble for having an experience... her only purpose was to close portals everytime they opened and send back negative energies that tried to escape.
She wasnt allowed to question or feel.
In her teal eyes a red speck appeared but she was unaware of it...
(HINT.HINT. Aida and Ren end up together <3)
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this was hard but since they all just fit together i decided to just post it all in the same post! and sorry for grammar typos and stuff English is not my first language also i didnt proof read so yolo?
(also please dont steal my idea it took me like YEARS to come up with it cuz im slow asf)
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monsterbroth · 4 years
I got pan-pan a couple of days ago and I got around to playing it last night and I have thoughts I wanna get out of my head, I haven’t finished it yet but it feels like I’m close? unless there’s something after this point there might be more game than I think, I’m going to assume not though.
I am scared of puzzle games and it’s really weird they always set of the scared of mirrors and things part of my brain and I don’t know why, the like puzzle solved music in pan-pan does not help it’s very foreboding. When I was a kid I had a professor layton game and getting something right scared me so bad that I’ve never played a professor layton game since. This isn’t really relevant.
This is spoilers pan-pan is really great so far and short and I’d recommend itso I don’t wanna spoil solutions n things!!
The puzzles are good! I think, I don’t play these a lot because of above? but I enjoyed them and didn’t get stuck anywhere aside from one part coz I didn’t know you’d get abilities n that one area wasn’t as much an isolated branch right at the start. And also where I am now which isn’t really stuck I’m unsure where I’m being directed for the final? part. and the wandering around to search is a liiiittle slow but maybe I’m just impatient
The solution to the bird problem made me feel evil not in a fun way I just still feel awful about that, the bird wake up music will play in my brain for the rest of my life though
I will never forgive them for killing my robot pal that was unecessary and mean, I felt bad about it as soon as I activated it and saw the other ones. why’d they do that they didn’t need to!!
The like leaf person? with the cool mask wearing the leaves? they’re super cool I like them
and the frog thing and the little cave dudes are super cute!!
I dunno. Anyway it’s really neat so far I’d recommend it for sure, the music is killer
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brookslkct146-blog · 4 years
4 Dirty Little Secrets About the naked girl Industry
Far too close. Do you know what I'm saying? You would like to honor their space. That you really do not desire them to really feel like you are just going to inflict them upon them and flirt with them the whole time cause they truly are there to cool in the beach. They're there to chat about boys, and talk to labour, talk about their bitchy friends, anything.
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Thus one, get near to the particular item. So something which I found, like that they had been listening to Drakethey certainly were listening to music and so they actually received introuble. There was an old lady Lang outside and they said that they got to it in French and that I guess that the older lady chewed out him to like playing loudly songs.
Plus they're and they enjoy had this full very little argument. Therefore there, those are two things you may speak about. Therefore among the musicyou can state, ah, cool track. I enjoy this song. It's cool. You really don't go over there and be like, Oh my God, which is such a cool track. Wow. It really is amazing. No, you would just like to produce some very first contact.
So that you take a look at them and you want to like cool or even a hand gesture which states, ah. Superior tune. Plus then they proceed, yeah, okay. And then you move back to what you're doing, whether you are reading a publication, if you're talking to your boys, whether you're looking at the sea, then you never take that and then conduct in their space and devote your own period.
Don't do this because that's too debilitating. Now we're talking about if you should be in a situation in which you have got any opportunity for you to play together with itso get from the area and find an excuse to create the first strategy, the initial ice breaker of experiencing dialog. So, hey, they are Hearing Drake. Ah, trendy song, trendy track.
Return to exactly what you're doing. S O that lets them have some time to recognize that there, but in addition you are not just planning to pounce them and merely be like, okay, today I need all your own time. Cause they're not there because of that. S O the old lady choose a mouth? Yells in them, turn down your songs.
We're here three to unwind, all. Therefore then you can use this scenario and proceed, you hot naked girl just consider these and only conduct something like this. Just like, wow, what is your own problem? It's not trendy. It isn't trendy. And then they are going to look back in you at the time and because they truly are stripped off. Therefore they've got emotion involved plus so they're like, yeah, perhaps not so close.
It's bullshit. Therefore you see what I'm saying? You. For opportunities you could engage. So at that time you can type of giggle and laugh off it. Then you may wander up and say, hi, my name is Mark, my name is John. What's your title? And after that you definitely protracted the conversation was the dilemma. What was she so mad?
You're not even playing the track that extended term. Ah. Then you definitely take it from there. You simply start construction. But if you are not really sure how to build conversation, I generated this product known as creating men and women great conversation daily, and this is like foundational items which you have to know howto construct online dialog.
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bolandoando · 6 years
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The Blue Lady’s Hands by John Champagne
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Feel free to share important lessons you’ve learned over the years.Here’s a few of mine:1.) Don’t think about the futureWith every person you meet. Focus on the step-by-step process and have fun2.) Don’t fear rejection, just go for itWhen initiating a conversation with someone online, do not be afraid to initiate a time and place to meet up. Texting only with someone you don’t know well can get boring pretty quickly3.) You’ll find someone when you least expect itSo find something you enjoy doing outside the house, and try out events relating to that4.) Stop comparing yourself to othersYou don’t know everyone else’s full story or the circumstances of why they’re together. Obsessing over another’s success will simply lead to you dating because you’ll think of it as a competition. As opposed to a fun activity.5.) Set goals for yourselfChallenge yourself to learn new things, get outside your comfort zone, and become a person your younger counterpart would look up to.6.) Being in a relationship won’t magically solve all your problemsUnderstand that finding someone doesn’t automatically mean you’ll •Get better grades •Get that job you’ve always wanted •Get really Fit •Find a nice house to live in You are your own person, know you are far more in control of improving your life than they are7.) Everyone gets rejected.Everyone, no matter who they are or how successful they are, get rejected more times than you might think. Only difference is they do a better job of hiding it8.) Never give upNo matter how bleak things may look, understand that there are many, MANY people out there who are just like you, and feel the exact same way you do about dating. You’ll find one of them one day, I promise via /r/dating_advice
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