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My oc Zoe 💜
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raouwul · 1 year
DAY 25! Prince Zija @randompurr / @xputting-my-pieces-togetherx
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Does it count? I say yes since I rarely do backgrounds and this bad boy belongs to purr! I honestly feel sooo bad for doing Aida dirty on our first arttrade so I put more pizazz into this 🥲 enjoy the nippies and abs !!!
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Ren knew this dark entity was too much for him and Aro
If there was a way for Aro to be safe he would summon all the power he can manage just so his best friend can have a chance at life. he will take it, he’s got this.
He knows the risk of become drunk in Holy Power, they warned him it could be too much and kill him. Ren was strong, he was the strongest human-nephilim in the realm, but uncertainty made him waver.
The dark Entity was now the form of a titan of old, at least 2 stories high and a level S.
It was feeding off a tragedy that happened nearby. It was the cause…
Aro moved from the rubble next to him. “Ren we have to call for backup… this.. thing is too much and too many people have suffered..”
Ren heard the screams of people and other nephilims fighting in the distance “Sadly we are the back up until Andros gets here..” he helped Aro get up and gave him a stern look “ I’m going to do it.”
“Are you fucking for reals. YOU CANT! YOU WILL DIE!”
“We are dead anyway. Look I will give you 10 seconds to run-“
“YOU HAVE TO!” The moment that sentence left his mouth the entity striked. Ren let his guard down and the entity got the best of him. He was sent flying.
Aro fought with all his might but he could feel the negative energy he was feeling being absorbed by the entity. It thrives on it. It laughed in ecstasy from their despair. There was screams and fight all around them.
It was having a feast.
Aro took a deep breath, he can do this, he has trained all his life for this. To send this things back to the hell the came from. Aro concentrated and his swords danced. He was fast but the entity was faster.
He swung and aimed for the entity’s foot but it evaded and clawed him in the eye.
He yelled.
The pain was too much.
The thing hit his stomach and sent him flying.
Aro wished he could just die. People who he grew up with where dying, and he could do nothing to stop it.. so he got up once more and gave it his all.
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Aro heard light and steady footsteps going towards to beast, he didn’t turn but he knew it was Ren, he felt the energy he was giving off, and it gave him goosebumps he just hoped Ren is still in one piece after this..
Ren released his limit. He was going to end this thing and send it back to the hell it came from.
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(I haven’t been hit with oc inspiration in a while so I too it like a good girl)
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Omg sorry this is taking me a LONG time Dx
Here is day 1-4, I thought I was going to finish day 5 yesterday but I’m almost there!
Thank you @raouwul for inviting me to do this with ya! 💜
Thank you @bolthamos for the prompts!
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DAY 7~ World Lore~
Set up: future present Earth 5
Once the sky opened on a certain day.
Angels fell.
people cried and prayed as they thought the day of long forsaken had come to meet and take them away.
the earth roared and the ground split swallowing the Angels as they fell. Monsters crawled out instead.
A majestic hand came out of the heavens and pushed the fallen and the demons back into hell...
the Earth felt silent as the clock started ticking once again and mother earth sowed the ground as if nothing had ever happened...
Finding a piece of herself (AIDA)
Set up: somewhere in between Earth and the Underworld.
Aida is a soldier of the 6th, Affiliated with Azreal Angel of D*ath. THE 6TH is a group of 6 angels bestowed with the powers to purify or end negative energy (as in sending back to hell), their sole reason for existing is to end the negative energies(demons) that try to escape hell.
On a eternal time. there was no day or night nor time.
Aida was sitting by one of the little streams connected to River of Cocytus. It wasnt as bad as the main river which was full of cries so loud you lost your sense of direction, she did not dare to get close to it, but this one was nice as sometimes you could see images of peoples memories. Aida felt transfixed in the images. She was not allowed to have emotions as it would hinder her work, but she did often wondered what life on the inbetween plain would be like. The combination of their own heaven and hell on Earth was something Aida mulled about, all the Why would they do this? Why would that happen? Why did their emotions make them do that mistake? What are emotions, the reason why the human beings are being tested everyday... led by emotions and from the time they sleep to being fully awake. Was she experiencing curiosity? is this an emotion and was she going to get in trouble for having an experience... her only purpose was to close portals everytime they opened and send back negative energies that tried to escape.
She wasnt allowed to question or feel.
In her teal eyes a red speck appeared but she was unaware of it...
(HINT.HINT. Aida and Ren end up together <3)
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this was hard but since they all just fit together i decided to just post it all in the same post! and sorry for grammar typos and stuff English is not my first language also i didnt proof read so yolo?
(also please dont steal my idea it took me like YEARS to come up with it cuz im slow asf)
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Day 10!
Wow! I actually posted when I was suppose to xD
I did a fast sketch so Zija doesn’t look as nice BUT Zija still looks nice
But he would get mad if I said that to him >.>
He is a dragon so he loves shiny and beautiful things
His flaw is that he is unbothered and doesn’t care about anything but himself.
Well only to a certain extend because if something is bothering Xayah he will fix it just to see her pearly white smile. He doesn’t like the feeling of being bound to a place so he gave up the rights to the throne. In reality Xayah and him would have fought to d*ath when their Royal father passed.
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A very short story about the time Ren and Aida took in a stray kitten.. 💜
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This is Danica!!
Like Aida, she’s been with me for a long timexD
She is a Fae
It don’t look like it but she likes to set things on fire 💀
Also I redesigned her cuz it was about time xD
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My oc Aida 💜
Original outfit design
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Last post for today.
This is Princess Xayah
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(hubby named her and he let me named his wolf in wow xD his name is mango)
She is a fighter but she still does her role
(She has gone through countless golden jewelry because she rips it off and tosses it to the side. Don’t worry her maid catches it and sends it to get fixed xD)
She’s a dragon of course, her and Zija are brother and sister, unlike Zija she has 2 powers, air and gravity
She is potentially a crown princess since Zija wants a free life and to explore the world.
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I drew an outline pose and I was going to draw link but I drew Azari xD my high elf 💜
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I did some silly sketches xD
I do have a 3 new ocs
The one on the left is my new oc they are called Minerva
And the one on the right is Malaikah x3
I always draw my characters so emotionless so I’m hoping to not do that hahah
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Just doodled something real quick of my 3 ocs!
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