#enoch longarm sallow
necromatador · 5 months
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Doodled a thing inspired by the smut I'm writing but very loosely.
Sorry, can't crop it any lower or Tumblr would have a conniption ;P
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necromatador · 5 months
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The opening (so far) of the smut that is now collaborative b/w myself and Rhys featuring our PF2e dumbasses. Takes place between levels 1 & 2 lmao
Also why Dunsmith trusts the giant fuzzball that is Kid Hickory/Kol Fizzleblast to NOT clog her bathhouse's drains is beyond me.
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necromatador · 7 months
Tonight on Outlaws of Alkenstar
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We made it through the Wailing Scrapyard! Kol only got a little bitten by Bristlebane! Also only got whipped a little by her! It was a very confusing fight!
We've officially finished Chapter 1 of Outlaws, and everyone survived! Now we're level 2! We're playing with the optional archetype rules, so now Kol also has the Accidental Sharpshooter Dedication which is gonna be hilarious!
Oh, I should probably mention our party:
There's Kol Fizzleblast the witch gnoll gunslinger, so far only known to the party as Kid Hickory. A semi-famous outlaw who got sold out to the shieldmarshals by Ambrost Mugland.
There's Lilly (seen above) the kitsune fire kineticist, an odd tourist who ended up somewhere she shouldn't have been and saw something she shouldn't have seen, becoming wanted in the city of Alkenstar by Ambrost Mugland and the corrupt shieldmarshal Anjelique Loveless.
Mallow, the sylph/ratfolk witch and candy-maker who was framed by Mugland for an, and I quote, "Shai-Hulud-esque gummy worm incident" in the Mana Wastes just outside Alkenstar. Has a candy dragon familiar named Syrup.
Enoch Sallow, known only to the party currently as Longarm, a fleshwarp monk/alchemist who is mysterious and secretive but also strong and our only healer. The rest of the party doesn't know why he's in on this whole thing.
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