#enough so that when i first downloaded procreate the first thing i drew was a really shitty drawing of kotori
holytrickster · 5 months
catch me getting nothing done now actually because they made ???? LLSIF 2??? i downloaded it earlier god I hope it's good 😭 I never touched SIF for YEARS after high school but then I was really disappointed over it being shut down that game was my SHIT and I never liked how lives worked in all stars so I was just like ok guess no more silly love live mobile game for me
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sourgummiis · 29 days
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(Click 4 quality)
I hav 57 followers across my accounts on Tumblr
And 616 on tiktok on my TikTok account 👽
summary thing underneath the cut | heh.. Just a glimpse into my 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓽𝔂 (dark reality) /j
The drawing style was for younger me to be fulfilled, I literally started off as a gacha creator and did not know how to draw or edit or tween I was kinda just there 😿 | but I wanted to draw like this for so long but i didn't feel like learning how to draw + didn't have time. I switched up my account was alott,
I was not impressed with my art at all. And worked myself to a burn out which came out with artblock aaa, I was half near the point to giving up art and finding other hobbies, when my brother noticed It was probably because I was drawing with my finger on a like badly cracked iPhone. he and a few another family members chipped in to buy me a iPad and applepen, and they were both newest generation!1! (oh em GOSH!!) so the biggest thanks to him and everyone else in my family, I decided to start drawing again!! My first drawing was of tilin from the qsmp
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⇪ I was very proud of it, and when my brother found out I was drawing on Ibis paint, he bought me procreate (ANOTHER YAY!!) and kept drawing qsmp art until My friend DM showed me a screenshot of that one dreamtale two birds on a wire animatic.
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Thanks a lot DM, Im an undertale fan again
I started drawing undertale again
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The first thing I remembered was handplates, and after rewatching it and sobbing everywhere I drew gaster!!
Oh no I'm forgetting how to draw humans
Only skeleton
Okay j remembered how to draw humans lock in now!!
I went back in TikTok (I was previously a pngtuber, gacha creator, and A LOT more) deleted all my old videos (not my best choice) and uploaded UNDERTALE!1! , downloaded Tumblr, UNDERTALE!1!, went on artfight after being scared of it for 3 years, DREW DIFFERENT GROUPS OTHER THEN JUST SKELETONS, BUT STILL UNDERTALE!1! , went on streams of creators I like (They all were related to UNDERTALE and i made lots friends) I replayed the game, undertale yellow, deltarune, deltatraveler, everything like that
Learned how to draw better with the help of ME!! (Jk, thank u to all my buddies who helped me on whiteboard and magma😽 and YouTube + Pinterest + TikTok tips rahh)
I Kept drawing with the support of alot of people (my siblings and my friends were my BIGGEST supporters omg I cannot thank them enough rahh)
And now I'm here, how I got so COOLIO!! (I should make a video more about boring backstory because I feel like it)
And I know I don't have a large enough fanbase to post appreciation posts (to me and the two people who continuously like my uploads (I love my sister) (and you meowzcw even though u probably aren't reading this 😉 /p)
I have my own au and characters and like I'M AN ARTIST RAHHHHH!!!
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amalasdraws · 5 years
seriously tho,, ur art is— i have no words,, i wish i could draw like that but i am broke so the only thing at my disposal is a pencil and a sheet of paper
Ahh thank you!!I’m glad you like it!!
Ah tbh a pencil and a sheet of paper is all you need to draw!!Yes, true, I draw digitally, and if you want to draw like this, digitally, a pencil and a sheet of paper isn’t enough.But you can dooo so much which a pencil and a sheet of paper! This is what I did for the longest time! Before I had my tablet I drew traditional. On cheap copying paper with a pencil. And it helped me so much to get where I am.There are also some freeware art programs. Such as Firealpaca (which I use) or medibang. You can just download them for free. And to get a first idea of how the program works and to figure things out you can draw with your mouse. I did this first too and many other artists too.
I totally get the feeling of being broke and I know that when being broke even 40$ are A LOT of money and it doesn’t help when people say ohh it’s only 40, get it!But maybe if you like the free digital programs and enjoyed drawing with a mouse and want to do more you could maybe save up for a small tablet over time. You don’t need to have a touch tablet (like a cintiq) or ipad or anything to draw! Get a small old intuos. New they can be 80-100 (which is a lot yes)…other brands than wacom maybe even cheaper. And you might find good deals of used and cheaper tablets even.I bought one tablet, 4 years ago. A small wacom intuos, cause I was lucky and had a job and could put some money aside. I still draw on this one. With a free program I downloaded.
Art supplies don’t have to be expensive. And you can do a lot with a small budget.I know those ipads and procreate videos on IG look fancy, or the videos with nice watercolors. But you don’t need this! Its nice. But you don’t need it!And you can do so much and learn so much by just using what you have! And go for it!Don’t let being broke stop you from drawing!Use this pencil up until it’s gone! Doodle on every corner of that sheet. Use recipes, use old notebooks, use old books, steal a pen from your local bank ( you know those ones that they have for you to sign things), buy a pack of cheap bic pens at the 99cents store, and just draw!
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
An Academic (and Organic) Approach to the Mulefoot Hog
By Cherie Dawn Haas – When Bill Landon and Sharyn Jones, of Pleasant Ridge Hamlets in Kentucky, chose to branch into the unknown and begin raising the Mulefoot hog in 2015, they began their journey into farming with an area in which they felt right at home: research.
That’s because both Bill and Sharyn are university professors with a passion that is rooted in history. It seems only natural, then, that their textbook and internet reading and conversations with others in the farming community would eventually lead them to the Mulefoot hog, a heritage pig breed that has its own ages-old and meaningful story in world cultures.
Traits of the Mulefoot hog include an independence and ability to survive on its own, partly because of its naturally high amount of fat and even the amount of hair on its body, which keeps it warm through winter. A close relative of the wild boar, it basically only needs food and a water supply; even the mothers can have healthy, unassisted births. Because of these low-maintenance qualities, it seemed the perfect livestock to start Pleasant Ridge Hamlets, a hilly three acres with a breathtaking view in northern Kentucky.
But the seemingly easy nature of raising the homestead hog, the Mulefoot hog specifically, isn’t the only thing that drew them in. “I think the Mulefoot hog is an attractive animal for one,” Bill says. “When you look at the animal’s eyes, it looks back at you with intelligence. They recognize us and they know our routines. It’s really quite interesting.”
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Saving Heritage Pig Breeds
Thanks to farmers such as Bill and Sharyn, the Mulefoot hog has a better chance of surviving; as recently as the 1960’s it had almost become extinct. But Sharyn reminds us of a saying in the heritage pig breeds community: “you have to eat it to save it.”
“That’s what we’re trying to do – get the word out and let people taste it,” she says. At the 2017 county farm tour, “people were going crazy for the bacon. It’s kind of a revolution in your mouth.”
Part of the reason for the rich meat flavor is that it’s organic. Bill and Sharyn are able to raise their pigs almost 100 percent free of vaccines or medications because the animals are living in a way that so closely resembles the wild. Although fenced in, the pigs forage for some of their food, eating grasses and even walnuts that fall from a tree that offers them summer shade.
In addition to managing Pleasant Ridge Hamlets, Bill is an Italian Renaissance expert and teaches history at Northern Kentucky University (NKU); Sharyn is an anthropologist who teaches archeology, cultural anthropology, and classes on food and culture at NKU.
In addition to what their livestock find on their own, Bill and Sharyn have found that when it comes to feeding pigs, learning was a bit of trial and error.
“Initially we were kind of blown away by how expensive it was to maintain the non-GMO feeding regime for the pigs,” Sharyn said. Bill added, “We got worried because we thought that raising pigs for meat the way we wanted to would be unaffordable.”
But after further research and experimentation, they learned that their pigs do well with 12 to 16 percent protein, which is less than the amount recommended by the industry. More than that amount, however, caused their first pigs to balloon up to an incredible 900 pounds, which isn’t ideal, either.
“We overfed our first three pigs,” Sharyn said, “and the females became very mean to the male. Then they wouldn’t procreate, and it was sad to watch because he was so sweet but was mistreated by the females.” Today, Bill and Sharyn mostly feed their Mulefoot hogs corn with local brewery grains mixed in.
An Organic Lifecycle
As with the beginning of their endeavor into farming, Bill and Sharyn continue to do research when new problems arise. For example, one challenge came during an icy and wet November. “When our piglets were born, one of them, our runt named Harry Potter, had gotten a cold,” Sharyn said. “He was sneezing and had a runny nose and runny eyes. He was just the size of a kitten at the time. We knew he wasn’t going to be okay.”
“It was really sad,” Bill said, “because he would just stand in the corner and cough.”
They knew he needed some extra help before either dying or infecting the rest of the pigs, and so they began looking into different options. Their research led them to study farming practices beyond America and across the Atlantic Ocean.
“The Italians, who raise expensive pigs for prosciutto (which ours are very good for) realized that there’s a lot invested in the animal, and their hogs are also free-ranging; they’re not confined,” Bill said. “When an animal gets sick, that’s the only time they’ll administer something — to treat that particular sickness, and then beyond that, they don’t intrude on the pig’s lifestyle. I considered that the Italians have been doing it very successfully, and Italian produce is some of the best in the world. I thought if we took that approach, that seems to be the one that’s closest to nature, but also you do intervene if necessary, but only when necessary, to save a pig’s life.”
While Bill and Sharyn strongly lean toward letting their animals live free of vaccines and medications, they decided the best solution was to follow the Italian method, which is to intervene only if an animal’s life is in danger. This way they’re able to save that animal and keep the disease from spreading.
Which is what Bill and Sharyn did; they made an informed decision to give Harry Potter (the piglet) and his mother a shot of penicillin to return him to health and protect the other piglets. After just a few more days, he was back to his healthy and happy self.
Because the hogs are free-range, they tend to live a healthier life altogether, which Sharyn explains: “What we found in researching the history of giving vaccinations to livestock in big farming operations — especially in the cases where they’re confined and they’re not getting outside, where they don’t have more than several feet per animal to move for their whole life — antibiotics are essential. If one animal gets sick, they all get sick because of their close and unsanitary confines. That’s why medications are so essential in that context.
“In this context, where they roam freely, they go swimming when they want, they forage, they get a wide diversity of really healthy foods — they’re not getting sick like they do in those other situations. Most small farmers don’t have herds of a size that would necessitate medication, but at the same time the farming industry tells us you have to feed medicated foods to your young chickens and your young pigs and things like that; it has become almost impossible to find foods that aren’t medicated. As a farmer, you’re compelled to go the medication route because there’s this myth that you need to. But in reality, you don’t.”
Some farmers are fortunate enough to have a relationship with local breweries, which donate their spent grains from the beer to the farm. It’s a tasty treat for the animals and gives them a healthy variety in their diet.
The organic nature of Pleasant Ridge Hamlets extends beyond the livestock, too. Their grass, gardens, and fruit trees are chemical-free, and so completely safe for both their family and their Mulefoot hogs. “We take some risks because we don’t spray for pests or fungus,” Bill said as he explained that because of this, they sometimes don’t harvest any fruit. “When we had peaches, they weren’t pretty, but they tasted good and the pigs ate them; they eat anything we don’t eat, and then, in turn, it goes back to the land.”
He went on to explain that in the future they’ll be rotating the pigs in three separate areas, one of which used to be a tomato garden that was destroyed by intensive farming. “We let it grow back and started mowing it infrequently and in three years it has returned to a healthy piece of ground,” Bill added. “Nature has a way of restoring itself if you let it.”
Do you think the Mulefoot hog would be a good fit for your farm? Tell us why or why not in the comments section!
Follow Pleasant Ridge Hamlets on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/pleasantridgehamlets.
Cherie Dawn Haas is a writer who manages a small hobby farm in the Bluegrass State with her husband and two sons. https://www.instagram.com/cheriedawnhaas/
  An Academic (and Organic) Approach to the Mulefoot Hog was originally posted by All About Chickens
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