#idk i know its like. silly and escapist but it was one of my favorite things in highschool even if it has problems
holytrickster · 5 months
catch me getting nothing done now actually because they made ???? LLSIF 2??? i downloaded it earlier god I hope it's good 😭 I never touched SIF for YEARS after high school but then I was really disappointed over it being shut down that game was my SHIT and I never liked how lives worked in all stars so I was just like ok guess no more silly love live mobile game for me
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pancakes-talks · 1 year
Ayo I was just thinking about demiboy head canons for characters for my favorite shows and started thinking about adventure time I was like "hmm well I can't count fin cause like he's very much portrayed as a boy coming of age sort of character" but then I thought about it a little bit more and I think I can jam these puzzle pieces together even if they don't match.
So in the lemon grabs episode you know the grease one where lemon grabs has been rebuilt by pb after the lemon hopes arc. He's lying in bed and sees cracks in the ceiling and it bothers him. Its from when lemon John died for the betterment of the kingdom. Lemon grabs then goes and finds that one cave and does the whole selflessness vs self thing. Lemon chooses the mirror of himself and realizes he's "grease". He's gross and unlikable to many people and hard to understand. but he understands himself, he likes himself, and chooses to continue being himself. And as fin follows him through this cave when hes standing in front of the three choices he also chooses himself. And in that mirror he is portrayed as a butterfly. He's a butterfly because it signifies change and transition. And yes he's ultimately a boy coming of age and learning how to grow; but I'm going to argue that it's because he's trans. He's a boy and doesn't know how to be a man or what that feels like.
Which brings me to the Dave episode where he dresses up as a middle aged dude, a somewhat more "manly" persona that's nothing like him. And he's doing this as an escapist coping mechanism. People see him as this cool adventuring hero that is always helping others. But the candy people have become somewhat parasocial attached to him. Asking him to come to dinner every night, waiting outside his window, watching him every time he goes out fighting. They want him to perform for them and don't respect that he needs to go home and rest not just his body but also mentally. Although fin seems like a really chill and easy going guy im going to say he uses up a lot of his energy making sure he's doing good by others. He's constantly surrounded by these candy people who expect so much from him. So he's masking a lot trying to play like this cool guy, and he's grown tired of it. He just wants to be a normal dude, he wants to know what its like just to be a man. He wants to know what it's like to not worry about how others perceive him. what it's like to not have every aspect of you not picked. So he cuts his hair, and dyes it, puts on a fake mustache, and lowers his voice. He masculinizes his appearance, his attitude, and even his name.
I know that both of those episodes are very different, but in the end both times fin has to choose being himself and being content with that even if it isn't easy. Idk maybe I'm being silly. He's also been a girl in past lifes but I don't really think that counts cause he's also a comet. I can't think of anymore episodes at the moment, I might add more later, feel free to add anything yourselves. Also just thank you if you read my rambling at all z:]
Ahhh wait his relationship with Marceline and bubblegum in later seasons. Even though Bonnie and Marcy definitely have their own growth to do (the king of ooo + stakes) they still seem so confident to fin. They're so much older and seem like they have it figured out.
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spudmcloughlin · 4 years
hey!! i hope you don’t mind me bothering about this-i’m new to watching jacksepticeye videos and was wondering if you had any recs of any good videos or stuff i can’t miss? lately i’ve only been watching the videos he puts out everyday :)
oh my goodness strap yourself in bc this is gonna get Long
first of all, welcome to the community!! most of the time it’s super friendly here and everyone is very welcoming. i’ve made so many friends here over the years and it’s just a fantastic place to be! i hope you enjoy it as much as i do, and feel free to come off anon to chat any time!
nostalgia week is a great place to start, it kinda gives you an idea of the most iconic series in the entire 7 years of the channel!
so a lot of my favorite series are the classics: subnautica, the sims (when he was still doing it), undertale is still up there! i rewatch it all the time! papers please, reading your comments, the escapists (which became one of my favorite games ever), those are all old series that i loved at the time and hold a very special place in my heart.
then we’ve got some silly games: the surgery games, happy wheels (you HAVE to watch happy wheels, that’s where about 90% of the well known channel memes came from. this is arguably the most popular series on the entire channel), skate 3 (that’s quite the blast from the past but it’s still fun to watch now and then!), EVIE!!!, akinator, bio inc redemption, would you rather, those are all good series that don’t really have a chronological order, you can put them on in the background and not pay attention or just watch one video from the middle of the playlist and it wouldn’t really matter
some of my favorite long series are: life is strange, shadow of the colossus (which is his favorite game EVER so watch that if you wanna hear him be happy for 10 hours straight), doki doki literature club (huge trigger warnings tho, depression, mentions of abuse, self harm and suicide, all that good stuff), the boss (developed by @sarcastic-pasta-games go check em out!), detroit: become human, MINECRAFT, inside, spyro 3, ori and the blind forest
next up we’ve got the egos. HOO. FUCKING. BOY. i’m just gonna link my own playlist of every video they’ve shown up in as well as their individual playlists bc explaining these would Literally take 90 minutes and i don’t have 90 minutes! we’ve got antisepticeye, who appeared for the first time in october 2016, dr henrik von schneeplestein, chase brody, jameson jackson, marvin the magnificent magician, and jackieboy man. i would die for every single one of them (and if it interests you, you better catch up quick bc we’re getting more of them soon!!)
up next are non gaming series: funniest home videos, meme time, flamingo shorts (a short story), pokemon go, bloopers and outtakes, try not to cringe, guessing phrases in other languages, drumming videos (his cover of "unholy confessions” by avenged sevenfold is so fucking good but it’s not in the playlist ;-;) and he’s also got a lot that don’t belong in a series like “the jacksepticeye roast” (not to be confused with pewdiepie’s jacksepticeye roast, or jack’s pewdiepie roast), reacting to weird/scary videos, there’s a lot of videos he gets from twitter i just can’t think of any more
i also feel the need to mention, a lot of these are from a long time ago so he’s changed so so much since a lot of these series. most of these are from the green hair days, but that’s when the channel was booming and it was kinda at its peak. so please don’t fall into the trap a lot of people do where they fall in love with that version of sean, and then become disappointed when he’s not like that anymore and want him to change back. also for the love of fuck do NOT ask him to dye his hair again lmfao he will smite you (not really he’s just annoyed by people asking all the time)
so TL;DR there is so much you’ve missed lmao but it’s all there on the channel just waiting for you to watch, the best/most iconic series are happy wheels, reading comments, undertale, subnautica, papers please, detroit: become human, and all the original anti stuff (even if you don’t get super into the egos, that whole month was extremely iconic and EVERYONE knows about it)
thank you so much for asking and i hope you love it!!! if you’d like i could also make a post about all the community memes over the years and explanations lmfao but i feel like that could take a long time and i’d miss a lot idk lmk haha
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