sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Arashi / Leo / Izumi
Ensemble Stars
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Summary: Leo just wasn't feeling his best today as he's slowly getting demotivated from lack of inspiration, causing him to break down.
T/W: I'm not writing the breakdown in detail but it still is implied, so please read this with caution if you're sensitive to these topics!
This was…a mess. The practice room was dark with barely any light. Crumpled papers were scattered, pencils broken in half, laptop opened yet unresponsive, and Leo lying down on the floor without saying anything. He was extremely uninspired, and normally you would think that it’s no problem as ideas can just come another day, but not for him. He had a tendency to doubt his own worth by his crafts and his purpose, and with no inspiration comes no ideas for an outcome. Slowly his motivation, mood, and his current state couldn’t handle it anymore.
He was still laying down, his arms numb from staying still for so long. Tear stains covered his face and silent sniffles and hitched breaths kept coming out of his mouth. He was having trouble breathing but he didn't do anything to stop it but stayed there in despair. Well, that was until he heard knocking on the door.
“Oi, are we allowed to finally go in? Rehearsal starts in a minute.”
Izumi didn't mean anything harsh by it, he thought that Leo was just busy inside composing his heart out as per usual. No response. “Hm, alright. I won't disturb you but you have around five minutes left.” He left and Leo continued to weep silently, thinking that, that was the final interruption and he can pick himself up before rehearsal starts. Unfortunately, that didn't happen as suddenly the door to the practice room opened and a shadow revealed itself “Leo?” A gentle voice called out. Leo looked towards the door and saw Arashi, the very first witness to this…mess of a person.
She gasped, running her way to Leo immediately “ah!? What happened!? Did something hurt you?” She assumed, not being able to process everything just yet. The ginger tried to explain, but only a few words came out as his voice was currently…not in the best condition as he had to forcefully try to stop crying when she walked in. Arashi sat down beside Leo before slowly lifting his body and putting his head on her lap to support him while she took a breather to observe their surroundings, and then it clicked. Oh no. “Leo…you can ask for help y’know …?” She said, cradling him in her arms a bit while rubbing his head “it's one of those days, huh?” He couldn't reply as he was trying his best to stop the tears from flowing so he just nodded and planted his face on her chest. He really did his best not to cry since he didn't want them to feel like he's a burden, but be couldn't help letting out some sniffs and soft sobs around her.
He didn’t even notice that several minutes had passed and the door opens once again “Are you done yet? I have to contact Suou and—” “Sena give us a minute.” “What’s going on anyw— ah.” Izumi looked at the situation at hand and saw Arashi gently cradling Leo in a tight hug, trying her best to comfort him. He moved closer and sat beside them, leaning to peek at the ginger’s face that he quickly hid away. “…we’re cancelling practice.” “You changed your mind quickly, you had a change of heart too, Sena?” “You make it sound like I’m so cold. You should know me better than that.” Leo looked up with tears in the corner of his eyes, watching them bicker a bit. It wasn’t exactly the ‘fighting’ kind of bickering, it was playful and just full on friendly teasing. It changed the mood of the atmosphere entirely and he immediately felt a bit better with it.
“You aren’t like this most of the time.”
“You make it seem like it’s rare for me to be kind, how painful…!”
“It is rare! You're always so bossy!”
“No I'm not!”
“You're just kind when you're impulsi—”
A small giggle came out and the other two stopped bickering to look at Leo who had a tiny smile plastered on his face. When he realized that they're both looking at him, he hid his face on Arashi’s tummy again to hide his face heating up. “Hey don't hide…! It's nice that you're smiling now!” The blonde said rubbing his head while the other moved closer to Leo. “Why are you hiding? You're always smiling outside, what makes it so embarrassing now?” He couldn't explain it, but being taken care of by two of his friends felt…oddly comforting yet embarrassing. His flushed face wasn't calming down anytime sooner and it was still messy from the aftermath of his breakdown. He wasn't entirely better but it was still better than earlier. They just wanted to see him smile again.
Arashi pondered and came up with an idea “Leo, would it be alright to touch you…?” He looked at her confused about what she meant until she placed her hand on top of his side, it tickled a bit that he flinched before a small panicked smile revealed itself. “I know you're not…comfortable enough to talk about it or to even speak but, maybe this’ll help. That is, if you let me.” Izumi doesn't really understand what's happening but for Leo he felt conflicted. On one hand, he's a bit tired and he wants to rest but he also wants their efforts to help him not to go waste and let them. Shyly, he tugs on her jacket sleeve and nods, finally allowing her to do what she wanted, watching a smile grow on her face. “Ehehe~! You won't regret this I promise!”
Arashi wasted no time and started turning her hand into a claw and lightly scribbling Leo’s side, causing him to curl up in her lap while hugging her tummy “ACK—! Ahahahaha…!” He wasn’t protesting but he did have a hard time staying still. She was one of the most skilled ticklers he’s ever met so his sensitivity with her ability made it pretty hard for him to hold back his reactions. “Oh? Is tickling common for both of you?” Izumi asked genuinely as he used one hand to gently skitter the ginger’s nape, making him fold and giggle more. “Well, yeah but I don’t get to do this often to him for these. He’s so cute though isn’t he?” That was so embarrassing…! Leo was still there just giggling on her lap and they’re just casually discussing this…! He blushed from the words and hid even deeper into her.
“Hm? He gets shy from this?” Izumi was really just asking from inexperience, but his words keep on coming out as teasy and it did not help since he turned even redder! “Sena keep your mouth shut! You’re making him focus on those instead of this…!” On cue, she dug her fingers into his ribs, vibrating one by one “EEHEHEEK—! AHAHARA— EHEHE—! WAHAHAIT!” Leo started squirming around like crazy! He clamped his arms a bit and started kicking frantically while rolling around her lap. The gray haired one retracted his hand a bit and she just moved back to his sides “Oops-! I forgot you were really ticklish there. I’ll save that for last my bad…!” She said as Leo nodded, not really wanting to stop but he really can’t handle it there. It was unbearable!
Instead, she slipped her hand under his shirt and started tickling his stomach, making him curl up and cover his mouth to suppress his giggles, making Arashi get a playful yet pouty face. “Hey! You can’t cover up now!” She said, not stopping her tickling but huffing her cheeks pretending to be disappointed while Leo shook his head in disagreement. “She’s doing you a favor isn’t she? Least you can do is let her see your face, no?” Leo did not expect Izumi to start teasing him out of nowhere, and didn’t even expect him to suddenly grab his hands and pull them away from his face! That’s not all, he started to gently walk his fingers on his palm too! “EEEHahahaha…! Wahahahait—!” he giggled, cheeks puffing up while he turned his head side to side “Ihihit tihihickles…!” It caused both of the ticklers to laugh along with him with his obvious statement “Leo we’re tickling you! Of course it’s going to.”
The tickling went on for quite a while with both of them just randomly switching spots, causing Leo to squirm repeatedly. It didn’t matter though, he felt loved and he felt happy despite the sensation being unbearable! He was blushing, hiccuping, and even squealing all throughout and Izumi and Arashi would be lying if they said they didn’t find it cute.
After a few minutes, they stopped, leaving Leo tired and breathless but with a permanent smile on his face. He closed his eyes to try and catch his breath but he started to get sleepy and doze off a bit.
“Oi wake him up, he should at least walk back to his dorm before dozing off…!”
“Hush—! You might wake him up. I’ll just carry him back.”
“Don’t start crying to me about any complaints when doing so!”
“Honestly, I’ll most likely complain about you than him!”
Leo may have looked like he slept but he was still listening and couldn’t help but smile. He had a horrible start, but he was happy to end the day this way feeling loved and appreciated no matter his efforts! He shortly slept right after the bickering calmed down while the other two just carried him back to get him some rest.
A/N: This was a request by @ticklish-n-stuff and I did my best to write this! I hope you feel better and hopefully this makes your day slightly brighter! I'm not so sure if I did justice to the knights but I just hope this brings a smile to your face!
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Chin Up, Leader!
Eichi / Wataru / Tori / Yuzuru
Ensemble Stars
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Eichi recently feels lonely due to him being stuck, bedridden again. He really feels bad about being so ill and chooses to forget his problems by taking a small nap. What he doesn't know is that he has surprise visitors for the day.
T/W: No it doesn't include anything majorly triggering, but there is a bit of slight of angst at the start from Eichi's story. I'm not sure if this makes someone uncomfortable or not so I'm just making sure!
Quiet, it was all too quiet. It filled up the air so quickly, and it seemed to never disappear. It was too silent, silent enough to hear water dripping, silent enough to even hear the faint sound of the air conditioning. It was all too much, but, this is currently the reality for Eichi. He was bedridden again, having to stay in the hospital one more due to his poor health. He was used to it, but he really hated the silence that he experiences everyday from it. He sat up from his hospital bed and sighed, waiting for something to happen, yet as usual nothing did.
“Well, that’s on me for expecting too much” the blonde whispered as he took a sip of water from the glass beside his table. He waited just a bit more, maybe a few minutes passed by, but alas nothing happened. Eichi felt lonely, exaggeratingly lonely, and because of that he couldn’t help but feel disappointment. A few tears fell down his cheeks but he didn’t cry, he just let those tears stain his face before laying down and dozing off peacefully.
“Eichiiiii~!! We’ve come to stop b—ah” “…We should probably leave in order to not disturb him.” “But we just got here! We have flowers prepared so what gives?!”
Suddenly, loud yet enthusiastic sounds filled the room. They weren’t just random noises—but rather voices that Eichi could recognize, it was a bit cloudy though as he was awoken by the sudden chatter. His eyes fluttered open and he turned to his side— it was his unit-mates, all there standing in the doorway. They seemed to be arguing with something but it was barely recognizable with how they’re trying to whisper in their conversation.
“…ah, hello.” He sat up from his bed, rubbing his eyes. “I didn’t expect any visitors today” he said with a small smile to his face, somehow sending a shock to the other three. “Ah, we’ll just drop off our small present, then we’ll take our leave, Master Eichi.” said Yuzuru waving his hands as he placed the bouquets of flowers on Eichi’s beside, surprised when their leader suddenly grabbed his hands. “No-! I mean…” a slight flushed tone came out of the blonde’s mouth “…you came all the way here right? Why not stay? I always have room for the three of you”.
The three of them smiled and giggled slightly. “Did you miss us, Eichi~? Was it lonely without us?” Wataru teased, approaching the leader and then sitting next to him. “Mm…yes, it c-certainly was” he said, not even trying to hide it. Tori then took a seat on Eichi’s bed, careful not to hurt him but still wanted to stay close “Ehehe~! Don’t worry Eichi-sama, we’ll stay here for as long as you like!”. It was such a cute and calm moment that Eichi couldn’t help but feel loved.
All of a sudden a finger brushed up his cheek, it was Wataru’s. “Eichi, your face has stains. Did you cry…?” he asked so bluntly, making their leader go quiet for a few moments. “…yeah, just before I slept. It’s not anything to worry of anymore though, I’m already fine.” Despite his attempts at reassurance, it was obvious they weren’t buying it. “Did you feel lonely again…?” his tone softened, it was one of those signs that it was a genuine moment, and from that he couldn’t help show that he truly did feel alone as Eichi’s lips wobbled before turning into a frown trying to force itself to smile.
“Ahh come here” Wataru pulled Eichi’s head into a hug while Yuzuru then moved to sit beside the bed and Tori then hugged his torso. It felt nice to be close with all of them, their embraces warming him up, he can’t help but allow some tears to stream down his face again. “Ah—!! Nonono-! You can’t cry again! We’re here to cheer you up and that’s exactly what we’re going to do!” Wataru exclaimed cheerfully as Tori beamed as well. Eichi giggled “I’m not crying…I just got overwhelmed.” he said as he rubbed his eyes to stop the tears, and suddenly it went silent…too silent again.
“…e-eh-? E-Eh? Why did you gUYS—AH-!” Eichi suddenly had to stop rubbing his eyes as a sudden shock surged through his nape, then all over his body. Oh no. Not this method. “Eichi-sama don’t. worry. too. much~!” Tori playfully said as each pause poked his side, making the blonde fold on himself a bit, but found himself unable to as Tori laid on his lap. “Ehehe…! T-Tori, I-I’m a bit sensihitive the-hehehere?!” Eichi cut himself off again as there was suddenly a new wave of tickles by his neck. “Yes of course we knew that! That’s why this is the best course of action isn’t it? It’s entertaining too!.
Wataru’s words quickly made the fine leader blush. “Yuzuru, care to join us~?” he asked, making the leader’s eyes grow big from anticipation. The butler nodded and moved spots to stay close to Eichi’s side. The anticipation kept growing and Eichi’s nerves were set on fire as he waited for the feeling to finally get intense due to three ticklers at once. To his shock, that didn’t exactly happen…?
The tickling was so gentle and it felt so light, despite that, the blonde was still in stitches as he started to squirm lightly and giggles couldn’t stop pouring from his lips. “Ahahahah…! W-Wahahaiit…! Ihihit tihihickles~!” he giggled, a huge grin plastered on his face. “Because we’re tickling you, Eichi.” Wataru said smugly as he squeezed his side a bit, causing him to squeak. “EEK-!! Ehehehee…!! Nahahaha..! Plehehease..!” he said, not exactly sure what he’s pleading for.
Tori decided to switch techniques, changing from poking his sides to skittering his fingers lightly “Eichi-sama’s smile is so bright isn’t it?” he teased as the leader blushed more with his giggles growing a bit more frantic “Tohohori…!” It didn’t help that Yuzuru never spoke, teased, or switched spots nor techniques, it was less ticklish than whatever the other two did but it was so consistent that the tickles never went away even if the other two paused to think of ways to tease him every now and then “nohohoho…! Wahahait…!”
He opted to hug himself as protection as he couldn’t escape even if he tried. “Guhuhuys…! I—ehehe-! I cahahan’t..!” Eichi giggles as his face as flushed from laughing too much. Slowly but carefully, all three of them moved away and stopped. A permanent smile on their leader’s cheeks, that’s exactly what they we’re looking for!
“hah…ahaha…that was so mean..!” Eichi joked as residual giggles kept pouring as the other three laughed along with him. “You can’t call us mean-! You never told us to stop or tried pushing us away! Don’t be such a liar, Eichi~!” teased Wataru, not expecting to fluster him even more. Eichi’s face was red as a tomato, but he couldn’t deny that. It was not something he could get used to, but he really appreciated the affection and just giggled while covering his face with one hand and the other to gently swat Wataru away. All of Fine did have fun during that visit, staying longer than they hoped for to keep their leader company. Eichi would be lying if he said he wasn’t grateful for them.
A/n: I actually didn't know how to write for Fine as it was one of the unit's I didn't think of much in terms of liking, but I was always invested how their relationship worked with each other as I already did a small analysis on all the characters with their lore before as I'm super invested in the story! I'm not so confident I wrote them accurately, but I really did have so much fun writing this. Thank you so much @augustunicorn for this request it was so much fun to write!
I couldn't write for Eden just yet but I hope this'll suffice! This was based on a small comic about Fine where in they visited Eichi and wanted to gift him flowers! It was so cute!
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Curiosity Kills Arashi!
Leo / Arashi
Ensemble Stars
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Summary: Arashi always loved giving affection but never received much herself back...
"Kyahahah-! Rihitsuhuhu-!"
It was a peaceful night by the lobby where in it was mainly their small friend group hanging out before hitting the hay and going to bed. Mika and Ritsu were having a playful banter about something in their dorm that left Arashi confused, but she still had fun around them. She giggled and told them off but they didn't really stop their small tickle fight, so she just stayed seated as she watched them both continue their playfulness until they grew tired.
As they we're having their own childish play, Leo was above the entire lobby about to scream his lungs out about his lack of inspiration, when he suddenly saw the three of them sitting down by the lobby chairs living in the moment. However, something interesting caught his attention and it's not the other two, but Arashi. She was staring at them with a softened expression, but Leo couldn't help but notice the small spark of curiosity in her eyes despite him far away. "She was...staring so intently...huh" he whispered to himself, but kept it to his thoughts as he went back to his room to continue his tasks.
"...I want ask her about it tomorrow..."
The very next day, Leo forcibly lunged himself towards Arashi and hugging her tight from behind "ARASHIIIIIIIIIIIII~!!!!" "GYAH-!? Hey don't be so rough to girls-! What is it?" She said, fixing her hair and taking Leo off her back to move him in front of her to have a proper conversation. Leo beamed with excitement as he jumped a bit from his seat "I saw you yesterday! With the other two!! I want to ask you something!!!" "You seem ...way hyper today. Okay what's going on?" "You were watching them really really well yesterday, what's up with that? You rarely make that face...!"
On the outside, it felt like an innocent question, but Arashi's face suddenly heated up so quickly that she covered her face and only peeked her eyes out "U-Uh...it was nothing? I'm just happy my friends are after all...!" "Then you would start beaming too! That was something entirely different don't you think so too?" Shit. He caught on. Arashi didn't really expect Leo to see that, nor did she really expect or prepare for this question. It was always a habit of hers to stare at people cuddling, holding hands, or tickle fights like this as she was so used to giving them but never received the same for her, and she was fine with that. However, she couldn't help but wonder what it's like to experience it herself properly. So now she's faced to confront Leo, who seemed too eager about asking her. "Hmm...maybe it's because it was late at night?" She tried to reason herself out of this as she didn't want to deal with embarrassment about being curious of "childish" things like this.
Leo blinked, it was so obvious that she wanted to be involved in it so badly so why isn't she just being honest...? He hasn't said anything yet, but the moment he saw it he immediately knew what she was looking for. He was so eager to ask because he was looking forward to having fun with her but she wasn't admitting anything. "I guess I'll just have to make the big move today.." he thought to himself as he stood up and jumped on her, hugging her torso tight out of nowhere. "E-Eh!? What are you doing!?" "Having fun! Come on you're so easy to read!" Still staying in the hug, he somehow managed to grasp on her sides and dug in immediately.
She instantly bursted into squeals as she started kicking and squirming out of her seat "aAHAHAHAH-!? LE-HEOHOHO-!" She didn't expect the sudden attack nor did she expect Leo of all people to do it, but that didn't matter since all she was focused on was not trying to throw him on accident. Arashi wasn't used to receiving tickles at all, the best she ever got was just a poke or a quick scribble during her playful antics as a child, but this was entirely different. "EHEHEE NOHO-! I MIHIGHT FAHALL!" "So be it!" And as if it was on cue, they both went crashing down on the floor.
It really wasn't a problem as it only took a few seconds to recover before the ginger continued to torment his friend, who was squirming like a fish out of water. "You're really squirmy Arashi~! You always tickle us so we never expected this~! Coochie coochie coo~!" "LEHEHEO-!!" Her smile was so bright and her cheeks started to hurt a bit from laughing so much. Her face was red, her hair was messy, and her eyes were squeezed shut, this is definitely not the Arashi he was used to! Being a model always meant she looked presentable to be pretty but...she still was and this even looked better. Leo had to stop his train of thought as he snapped back to check if she was still fine with the torment but...she never once said stop.
He paused for a moment, fingers stopping leaving her breathless. Leo's eyes started to glow as another question popped in "Arashi are you having fun with this? Do you like it?" With that, her usual playful and open personality mellowed down as she just stayed silent with her face turning even redder than before. She avoided his gaze and furrowed her eyebrows a bit "... maybe." "We can do this again next time if you'd like!"
They both ended up laughing about it before continuing their own tasks before rehearsals. Arashi couldn't help but feel happy and excited about his words as she enjoyed this kind of playful affection. She was looking forward to the next time they get to do this...just maybe not taking her by surprise like this.
A/N: Here's my small gift for @ticklish-n-stuff just cause I said so and I'm just in the mood to write--
Anyways to whoever is reading this I hope you guys can share me your brainrots too 👉👈 I'd like to know y'all's favorites
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
for the tk prompt list i beg you 10 + 11 for niki/mayoi PLS 🥺
Kitchen Catastrophe!
Mayoi / Niki
Ensemble Stars
Ficlet + Number Request!
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Summary: Mayoi and Niki are working together to cook meals for both their units when Niki has other plans in mind.
Prompt 10 "You're doing that on purpose!"
Prompt 11 "...doing what on purpose?"
"E-Eh!? W-What are you doing?!"
It was just a peaceful night where Alkaloid and Crazy:B decided to eat together at the dorm kitchen, celebrating and discussing the usual business they had to tackle. While doing so, Niki had offered to cook for them which they all agreed, but he was soon followed by Mayoi as he wanted to assist him to get away from the little crowd, and so he let him.
Niki plopped his head onto Mayoi's shoulders, a satisfied smile quickly growing on his face. "Aah~! You smell good as always!" He mumbled into his neck, wrapping his arms around the other's waist giggling in satisfaction. What he didn't expect however, was the squeak and the little jolt that came out of his mouth, followed by a face that was so flushed he could be mistaken for a tomato. The purple haired one gasped and covered his mouth with both his hands, looking away from the other one's face. Deciding to play along, Niki continued to play innocent and pretend he didn't notice the sounds that just came out of him.
"A-Ah, shouldn't you be c-cooking at your own station!? S-So we can get more work done!" He suggested, face burning as he continued to do prep work, trying to avoid the other's gaze. Niki nodded, returning to his own station. However, he kept returning and plopping his head down Mayoi's neck, then taking a sharp inhale as if he's taking in the scent of what he was preparing, but it was all a facade to tickle the other's neck a bit more and it worked! "Stop that! You're doing that on purpose!" The phantom squeals out, scrunching his neck and squeezing his eyes shut. Niki chuckles and barely tries to hide his intentions anymore "...doing what on purpose?" "You're tihickling me!" "That's not tickling!" He dipped his head onto Mayoi's neck, nibbling away and grabbing his waist so he wouldn't fall to the ground as he started to squirm and laugh.
"EHEHEHEK--! YOU AHAHahahare!! EeheheEHEENOHOHO-!!" "I'm just simply trying to get a taste that's all!"
They've completely forgotten that their unit-mates were there in the other room, listening to the small situation in the kitchen. It was noisy and quite a mess to listen to, but they couldn't help but smile hearing Mayoi's pleading and laughter.
A/N: I swear I'll get back to writing!! It's just really hard to do so at the moment but I've been demotivated after losing my drafts :"D
Also this made me feel some type of way.
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Soft Spot
Anzu / Kaoru
Ensemble Stars
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Summary: Despite Kaoru trying to hold himself together around her, he can't necessarily hide his feelings normally since his old habits keep coming back and he still seeks affection of some sort. Anzu, despite being really focused on the rule of being strict with how to interact with idols, decided to let a moment slide to assist him
A/N: This is actually for a friend of mine (you know who you are.) who really loves Kaoru! I don't feel comfortable writing self inserts unfortunately but, I really wanted to write for Anzu for a while too so I hope this is good! This is just a small gift as appreciation for our little chats ^^!
It was a long day, a bit too eventful for Kaoru. The best summary for him is that he bit off more than he could chew since he offered to help so many people at once he didn't keep up himself. First, he had to listen to Koga practice his guitar and get frustrated, making him spend his time and comfort him. Next, he had to deal with school work and idol work at once! He isn't that required to do his work at school but he was really behind and the idol work was necessary! Not only that, but it went really roughly today with alot of cancelled plans, clashing schedules, and generally draining activities. Now he was too upset about it that he couldn't even go back to his dorm since he didn't really want to see the bright and shining Kaoru down in the dumps...! I mean, he didn't mind going there but he really didn't like bringing the mood down so his only choice now was isolating himself by going away to the beach on impulse.
The ride was long and lonely, with only the sounds of the road and the wind to accompany him. He really felt like his insecurities were coming to bite him today...! He felt like everything was burdening him now and he couldn't help but sulk about it. About an hour later, he arrived to the beach and instantly stayed on the sand to lay down and relax. The sun was setting and he wasn't in the mood to start surfing, but he really needed the comfort of the water to collect himself right now. Kaoru sighed, drawing on the sand and collecting shells to somehow calm him down, it worked but...not entirely. He needed something or someone right now, but he couldn't ask for it and this was the best he can do. He didn't want to be alone, that's all...
And it looks like fate was in his favor as back at ES, Anzu just got a task to discuss his new shuffle unit with him. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found so she had no choice but to ask around. She wasn't very lucky with information but, knowing him her best hope was to head to the beach as well so she started a trip since she had no contact with him whatsoever.
It was fading into the darkness of the night and Anzu had just arrived, immediately spotting him the moment she got there. She moved closer and saw that he had fallen asleep, dozing off as the water just soaked his body repeatedly. She sat beside him and watched the waters while waiting for him to wake up. It was...so unlike him so she didn't want to disturb him in-case he needed his rest. So this was the view he admired so much...Anzu understood why he found this place so calming and just stayed there in awe. A few minutes later, he woke up. Seeing that it was already dark out, he stood up and went to leave but-- "GYAH-!? Producer!?" Kaoru immediately fell back down, not expecting the girl beside him to be there. Anzu looked up at him and thought about telling him the truth about the shuffle but, it doesn't seem like the right time to discuss about it so she made up an excuse "Ah, hello Kaoru. I was just visiting 'cause it seems like you disappeared out of nowhere. Is something wrong?" She asks, expecting a joke or something but...she didn't exactly get that.
His expression softened and he just sat back down properly "uh, not really. It's just a rough day at work after all! No need to worry, you can go back." He said, patting her head trying to reassure her that nothing was wrong, but it was clearly a lie. Anzu really didn't want to pry since he seems secretive about it, though she wanted to do something about it cause he's nothing but nice to everyone, he needed a shoulder to lean on as well. She took his hand off her head, put it on his chest, and then it was her turn to give him pats on the head "Mm...if it's a rough work day, you should let me know if there's any problems, Kaoru." This made the blonde smile and lean into her touch "Okay, I'll let you know when something happens next time. Sorry for running off, producer." "I understand. It's okay to do something impulsive every now and then." It was so nice to relax and see this side of him, but she was afraid that he could immediately sulk right after if she left or if she left it this way. She had an idea but... executing it could go horribly wrong if she wasn't careful.
Anzu gently but slowly experimented by first letting her hands graze from his head to his nape, making him scrunch his neck a bit, smiling even more. Ah, it was so precious she couldn't help but feel a smile also grow on her face. Before she could continue admiring this side of him, she snapped out of it and continued her mission by gently putting her hands under his chin and started to lightly scratch it, finally letting giggles flow "hehey...! Prohohoducer?" He looked at her with wide eyes, already suspicious of her actions while she just continued that...blank smile. It was uncanny, in a playful way of course. Anzu wasn't even talking, she just kept her fingers there as he tried his best to stay still and resist "Prohohoducer...! Plehehease! Ihit tihickles!" Kaoru giggled as he held her hand but didn't even try to push it away. How cute...
"That's...the point Kaoru." Soon, the brunette used her other hand and immediately attacked his stomach, making him jolt and lay back down on the sand. "eHEHE!? Whyhyhy!? Wahait!" He tried to clamp his arms down to relieve the sensations, but even if he did, it still tickled like hell...! Anzu wasn't exactly like his unit-mates or his friends so he can't just...fight her off like how he normally would, and she wasn't doing it to harm him so he didn't know how to react! "Well, nothing? I just wanted to, what's wrong with that?" That wasn't true actually. This isn't necessarily 'cheer up' tickles cause no matter what she does, his burdens won't go away from a simple act but...this was more of 'please have this carefree moment between us' kind of tickles to let him know that he can depend on her. Anzu was never good at expressing it anyway due to her introverted nature, and that's fine to Kaoru since he's gladly accepting her company.
She stopped tickling by his neck and just used both her hands to start squeezing his sides "EEHEK-!! NAHAhahahaha!!" He started to squirm and kick his legs gently, it wasn't hurting her by any means but he was moving around so much! It looked so cute but it was really hard to tickle him this way. "You're so squirmy! I didn't expect you to be so ticklish Kaoru...!" Anzu said honestly, not meaning to tease him but it caused the other to blush "I- Eheheheeeee!! Ihim not thahahat tihicklish!!" "...not that ticklish?" She smirked "What do you mean 'not that ticklish'? Look." she squeezed both sides again "ACK-- Stohohop that..!!" He used both his hands to cover his mouth to stop the giggles from overflowing. "You're smiling lots though, but I guess I have to oblige" and with that, the brunette stopped her fingers and took it off his body. She really wasn't meant to stop, she was just teasing him...! After all, it's alright to act childish every now and then, especially to make someone happy.
That's ...the problem. Kaoru didn't really want it to stop, he was actually having fun! But he started blushing even harder realizing he had to admit than in order to get what he wanted. He slowly turned to her with a flushed face "u-uhm...producer?" "Yes?" She giggled, pretending to look innocent but failed horribly, making him while "producer please..." He pleaded, hoping that she'll actually give him a pass and spare him the embarrassment. "Please what Kaoru?" Ah. Yeah he wasn't spared from it. "C'mon you know what I mean, right?" He whined and hid his face in his hands again. "I don't really. What do you want? I'll gladly help if you tell me." He wanted to die from this, how can someone so timid and sweet be so evil at the same time...? He took a deep breath in, and just barely whispered "please continue...I needed that." In the softest voice ever. As much as she was having fun, Anzu didn't want to spoil this moment so she just gave in and started to tickle him again.
The sun had fully set as they both shared so much laughter on the beach, mainly Kaoru's since it lasted a while longer than anticipated. His hair got so tangled and his face was so flushed! Sand was everywhere and they both got really really messy! But once they were done, they hurried back and drove back to the city, dead asleep in the car from exhaustion. It didn't matter though, they both had smiles on their faces. The shuffle discussion can wait another day.
Also Anzu hurry up and show in game this is the most awkward fic thumbnail I've ever made LMAO.
Oh yeah I'm still sick but I wanted to write so to whoever reads this I'm sorry it it sounds half assed but I swear I did my best--
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Old Methods
Rinne / Hiiro
Ensemble Stars
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Summary: Hiiro feels so torn about his current life and his life back at home that he's so confused which morals to follow. Even if his brother is a troublemaker, he wants to assure that Hiiro shouldn't be burdened and should do what he wants.
"Should I tell them...? But they'd worry...! But if I don't I'll screw up..."
Hiiro was currently lost in thought, encountered with so many words of doubt with being a new leader and all. Even after he successfully lead Alkaloid out of their slump and getting his brother back on stage, something just doesn't sit right with him. He constantly felt like he wasn't deserving to be the leader as he already caused several problems, but it wasn't really his fault! He...just didn't see that.
He tossed and turned on his bed, constantly burying and messing the blankets as he couldn't get these voices out of his head. Hiiro felt hopeless knowing that he's somehow troubled by not knowing what things a leader should and shouldn't do yet, it was making him feel awful. He was so lost in his own little world that he didn't notice someone standing in the doorway of his dorm.
"Ahaha! You look quite funny tossing n' turning like that!" It was Rinne, his older brother standing there as he watched him just throw his little tantrum. Hiiro looked at him with wide eyes "A-Ah!? How long have you been standing there brother!?" He asked, his mouth gaping a bit in shock. The elder one sat beside him and gave his shoulder a playful punch "just got 'ere but man! I didn't expect to see that! Were you fighting a ghost or something!?" He teased before laughing more, causing his little brother to blush a bit.
"No actually..." Hiiro says looking down, a bit embarrassed to admit his predicament not realizing it's a genuine problem. "I'm not sure if I deserve to be the leader. I know it wasn't my choice but I wish I could be a better one for them, they need to depend on me and I somehow made things go bad." Hearing and listening to all this made Rinne realized, oh, this was a serious problem. It wasn't a laughing matter by any means. His expression softened a bit, getting rid of his cocky and brash attitude for a second, going back to the older brother Hiiro was more familiar with.
"..." He stayed silent for a bit, and Hiiro didn't really know what to do. Did he disappoint his brother now too? He was the next leader and he watches his little brother get dragged by emotions? What a shame...Hiiro really thought about every single possible thing that Rinne could say to say it's true but-
He was greeted by his older brother pulling them both into the bed, hugging him tightly like a wrestle. "Brother-!?" Hiiro squeals, eyes widening as he suddenly heard the other laugh. "Ahaha!" He continues to laugh, making his little brother stay confused during the hug "w-why are you laughing brother!?" Slowly, Rinne stops and turns to him, smiling and giggling "Well, didn't you say it yourself? You're gonna copy me and laugh your problems away! Why aren't you joining me?" He asks raising a brow. Hiiro hesitates, but he smiles a bit wobbly "I-I can smile but I don't think I should laugh when I have problems like this..."
Rinne blinks a bit, before a small playful grin grows on his face as he laughs more "... then I'll just force ya like before!" Suddenly, his hands go under Hiiro's shirt and started wiggling on his bare skin messily. It was more playful than torturous, it was kind of fun if anything!
Hiiro gasps before suddenly squirming like crazy! Doing his best to pull his brother's hands out of his shirt but unable to as they kept persisting "Aahahaha-! W-wait! Wait w-why!? Ahahahaha! B-Brother!" He giggles frantically, holding onto his hands instead still trying to pry them away. Rinne smiles at the sight, that's the smile he missed so much. His little brother being carefree and childish the way he's supposed to be! That's what he wanted, that's all he ever wanted! He's glad to get another opportunity like this.
As his fingers kept roaming around, Rinne giggles as he kept tormenting his little brother "you know why! You didn't want to join me and laugh our problems away! So this is all you get~ maybe you're regretting it now~?" He teases. "AHEHEHEHhehehheee! Nohoho! I-I didn't mean to! I-i wantehehed to join! I- ahahaah! Brohohotheeeerrr!!!!" Hiiro whines as he opted to clamp his arms down instead to attempt protecting himself, it wasn't working at all though! His fingers just kept messily going around his torso like it was a game!
Rinne chuckles before playfully pretending to be upset, moving his hands to squeeze Hiiro's hips while having a sad expression on his face "b-but, if you wanted to join then your big brother wouldn't be so sad~!" "I-I dihihidd!! Ahahaha! Lehehet gohohooooo!!" "B-but this makes me happy Hiiro~! Don't you want your brother happy~!?" He playfully retorts, trying to guilt his little brother a bit for fun. Hiiro shook his head as he kept squeaking "B-Brohohotheeheherrrr! Plehehehaseeeeeee! Ahahahaha! I-I can't! I can't!" He says through his giggles, unable to stop squirming as well.
After a minute or two, Rinne stops, leaving his little brother breathless. The bedsheets were messed up, Hiiro's shirt was wrinkled, his hair even poofier from all the squirming, red cheeks, and even a permanent smile! He was proud of his work and giggled victoriously before looking at his little brother "You used to be able to last longer than that~!" "I-its hard since you left for years y'know?" He says jokingly, but there was a hint of sadness in Hiiro's words. Rinne sighs before pulling him into a gentle hug, caressing his back "...I'm sorry" he whispers quietly "...You're no failure, okay? You just keep being called that because society is nothing more than a canvas of judgement. I'm sorry for leaving. I know ya understand me but...a big brother can't help but want the best for their siblings no?" Rinne has a soft expression on his face as he pulled Hiiro tighter "...I'm very grateful you did all the things for me as I did for you, don't forget that. You're a kid, don't feel so strict okay?"
A/N: Hey everyone! It's been a while since my last fic. I've been very very very busy with school so I'm sorry I haven't been online! I've been doing my best but it's really difficult with my life situation right now! I'd rather not disclose it, but I promise you, Yoyo is indeed trying her best! Hope this fics makes you guys happy!
He ruffles his little brother's hair before chuckling, Hiiro's expression changing from a sad smile to one with enthusiasm. Just like how they used to, they cuddled in bed to comfort each other for once. It was quiet, not as wild as both Amagi's were known as, but they needed this moment. It was childish, playful, and definitely unexpected but anything to provide them both with comfort, right?
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Different Sides
Hiiro / Aira
Ensemble Stars
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A/N: Before the summary, I'd like to ask everyone who would like to not be spoiled of the main story to please click off now! Thank you!
Summary: After the events of Idol Royale, Hiiro was left to sulk and overthink about his problems even if he's already comforted by his friend, Aira. Despite being used to Hiiro's constant change in mood, he still really dislikes the atmosphere and would like his real happy friend back.
After the events of Idol Royale, Hiiro felt awful. He didn't get his brother's motives, nor did he understand why he just suddenly chose to disappear and run back to his hometown. However, the main thing that really hurt him was when he had been disowned by the very own brother he loved and admired for so long. He just stood still, unable to move from the shock of what just happened as he could barely function just after that. Even if the stars were shining their best tonight, it wasn't enough to make Hiiro smile as he could feel his composure slowly dying down as his mouth was threatening to frown. He was staring at the sky for so long that he didn't realize that he's already fallen down to the ground just looking at it. Well, not until--
"Hiiro-kun! Where are you!?"
Hiiro turned around to see Aira running towards him "Eh!? Why are you on the floor!? It's dirty! And where have you been!? You've been missing all night!" Oh...right. He left early and ran off on his own, another impulsive decision but there was no other choice! The shorter one grabbed his arm and started lifting him, squeaking when Hiiro's weight was suddenly on him as he leaned towards him to hug him. "H-Hey!? What's going on? You've been acting out of it all day...! You need to tell us what's going on y'know?" Aira panicked, immediately trying to shoulder his weight to not make them both fall. "... I'm sorry, Aira..." He mumbled, burying his head on the blonde's neck. "...I won't ask you to tell me what's wrong now but...you can rely on me Hiiro-kun. I'll carry you back to the dorm, but since you're taller your legs will dangle a little bit..is that alright with you?" Aira asks and he felt the older one just nod "Thank you Aira..." He mumbled, hugging him tighter trying to not reveal his face as tears started running down his cheeks. He couldn't see it, but Aira could definitely feel Hiiro's sadness from his silent weeping.
After a few minutes, they arrived at their dorm and they had settled down... except that Hiiro wouldn't leave Aira's side and clutched his hand despite hiding under a quilt to cope with everything. "Is everything better now?" He asks, checking in but just got the quilt to shake, seemingly making it that Hiiro was saying no. Instead, he squeezed his hand tighter and a small sob made it's way out. The blonde gently moved closer and sat beside Hiiro, gently rubbing the quilt his under to comfort him while massaging his hand "I'm not...used to having friends so I was overjoyed when you just accepted me as one when we met Hiiro-kun." Aira's soft voice somehow encouraged the red-head to take a small peek from the quilt to pay attention more, still having a disappointed expression on his face. "I never had alot of friends since I was so used to them leaving so I never bothered to make new ones. So...this is a real nice experience for me but..." Aira rubbed his hand "I don't want my friend upset. It's unpreventable yet I really don't like it happening..." His thoughts were so... comforting. He's so used to Aira nagging him and he doesn't see this side of him that often...it felt nice. It wasn't enough to calm him down completely but it still did help.
"..." "I don't like it when you act it on your own and I scold you often...but I also don't like it when you keep your thoughts to yourself. You can share your burden with us, and if you don't want with all of us, then at least me." Aira himself had a disappointed expression, but it was mixed with worry and concern "... please don't shoulder all these to yourself. I'd like to be of help to you as well, just like you are to me." And just like that, they were now both sad, both for different reasons but felt the need to resonate with each other. Hiiro left the sheets and sat up to hug Aira out of nowhere, small sniffles still coming out of him. The shorter one caressed his back and rubbed his head as the other just hugged even tighter than he already had, trying to hide the tear stains on his face "well, I know I can't force you to be your usual self now but, could I at least try to lift your spirits Hiiro-kun-?" He looked up from his shoulder, not even trying to keep his tear stains hidden anymore "I'm already burdening you Aira, you don't have t--" "shhhh, it's not a burden. We're supposed to share our problems to help each other right? So is it a yes or a no?" Hesitantly, he agreed.
Initially, Aira only planned to sing Hiiro to sleep or to watch movies with him but, that all changed after he tried to wipe the remains of his tears from his face. He gently swiped the stains when the red-head giggled so suddenly, not even realizing he did so. The blonde's face immediately lit up as he found a way to lift his spirits even better than before. "Hiiro-kun, could you lie down for me?" Aira requests, making the other confused but he follows anyway, laying down on the bed as he waited for what his friend had in store for him. He adjusted his position and lifted Hiiro's head to lay on his lap instead. "I'll do it gently I promise!" He cheered, making him even more confused than he was beforehand. "Gently? What do you- eeEE!?" The taller one squeaked and scrunched his shoulders as Aira wormed his hands to tickle him on his neck. "Ahahahaha...! Ahahaira...!" Hiiro scrunched his nose up and squeezed his eyes shut, clamping his arms to his sides to prevent him from accidentally hitting his partner. "Ehehe~! You're smiling again! I'm so glad you're ticklish this is such a piece of cake!" He wasn't embarrassed but for some reason that comment just made Hiiro felt so shy that he started blushing...! "B-Buhut-! Ehehehe...!" "Ah, ah, ah! No ifs, ands, or buts! This is going to be my way of cheering you up right now!" "iHihiT tihihihickles alohohot...!"
Soon, Aira got bored of that spot after tickling his neck only for a couple of minutes and decided to give Hiiro a break before moving spots. "Eheheheehe...! I- Are you dohone...?" The red-head asked, opening one eye and peeking up and Aira's determined face. "No, but I am thinking about where to go next...! Where are you ticklish, Hiiro?" He asked without hesitation, making the other stutter a bit from the question. He was only used to tickle fights with his brother and nobody else, so this new approach felt so weird in a good way. However, it did feel more embarrassing with this direct approach. He was always like this, but why feel so hesitant now...! Suddenly, Hiiro snapped out of his small trance when he felt a poke to his rib "Eek-!" "Ah, I was asking you a question and you didn't answer! So where are you sensitive?". He couldn't not answer him and closed his eyes shyly "M-My stomach...and.." Hiiro stopped midway out of embarrassment, making Aira chuckle and shift positions to sit on his waist instead "okay I'll just find your spots myself! Prepare yourself, Hiiro-kun!" He lifted the other's shirt, and then skittered his fingers gently around his stomach, making him squeal and suck air in "AHAHAhahahaha...! Ahairahaha-!" The red-head was doing his best to not squirm alot but couldn't help but pound his fist on the bed a bit while using the other to cover his mouth. "Hey don't cover up your smile! I rarely see this side of you Hiiro-kun! Let me see it please!"
The older one shook his head, shutting his eyes closed as more embarrassing noises came out of him. The other one huffed his cheeks and decided to blow a quick raspberry on his stomach, making Hiiro jump in response "ACK-- AHAHAhaha-! That's unfahahair!" He said, removing his hands from his face and opted to grab Aira's hands with no avail. "Much better!" He said, tickling him even more now that his smile was now visible. It was so...bright. It was so bright that even he started smiling himself. Aira couldn't help but soften his own expression seeing his friend's genuine smile plastered on his face. How could something or someone want to ruin this smile...? It was so contagious! Aira swore that he'd somehow find a way to see this all the time but he had more important matters at hand. He didn't want to overwhelm Hiiro with tickles since this was just for comfort, but he also wanted to end it in a more exciting way to keep him giggling even after it's done.
He leaned closer towards Hiiro's neck, not stopping his gentle stomach tickles and buried himself on his shoulder, earning another squeal and more incoherent noises. "EHEHEEK-! WAHAHhahahahaha-! Noho-!" "Yes, Hiiro-kun! This is the only way to cheer you up!" He said and began to nuzzle his neck while tormenting his stomach at the same time. The red-head had the biggest smile on his face as his eyes were shut closed and his hair was all over the place! It was so cute and refreshing after his small frame of depression. Aira lost track of how long he tickled him but it ended up surprising him as Hiiro suddenly gained a new noise. "Ahahahairahaha-!! iHihiT tihihick- -hic!- hihihickles! NOhoho...!!" "You're hiccuping! That's so cute!" "Nohoho-! I- -hic!- I cahahan't!" And just like that, Aira stopped. He helped Hiiro sit up and rubbed his belly to get rid of the ghost tickles. After a while he got up to get him a glass of water to drink and took care of him after.
"Sorry for tormenting you, Hiiro-kun. But I hope that lifted some weight off your shoulders...! "
"Ehehe...thank you, A-Aira."
They didn't discuss anything right after. Only pure silence filled the dorm, not from awkwardness, but from comfort. Hiiro didn't want to talk about anything just after as the atmosphere had brightened so much from that. They both just sat and relaxed with each other's company, content with where they are right now. They're both pleased to have each other.
A/N: I did not sleep the previous day because Hiiro's big brother made me cry. /hj
But I needed some comfort right now so I wrote this...! But I hope that it somehow makes you guys comfortable too...
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Token of Joy
Wataru / Eichi
Ensemble Stars
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Summary: Eichi has been bothered that Wataru seems to always know how to make him happy and entertain him and wants to repay him back the same way, but he isn't exactly sure how to.
Wataru is a...very unique fellow. He's such a natural entertainer that he can immediately get people in the room to follow and match his energy, or cheer them up quite quickly no matter who it is. At the same time, he's also cunning and mysterious as a person himself, amazing range of one person. Well, that's what Eichi thought of him. Today it seemed like he couldn't get the thought of Wataru out of his head, he caught his eye in the best way and for some reason he couldn't forget it. He was so good at making people laugh, including himself and he always felt happy around him. But he had a small thought: did anyone else make Wataru smile the way he did to others...? He didn't think so since he always had a smile plastered on his face so he didn't know if there's anyone that can change his mind.
Eichi sighed and drank the water on his bed-side and kept wondering that stupid idea. Was it stupid? Not really, he had good intentions this time, it's just that it felt weird to think about it. He was so caught up in thinking that he didn't notice that a certain blue-haired magician had snuck in and had a big smile on his face as he sat there by the window. "EICH-" "GYAH-!" The blonde jumped as he didn't expect him by the window "You scared me--!" "How are you not used to me by now?" Wataru chuckled as he entered the hospital room and sat down beside him "You know I visit everytime you're here. You should know me by know." He said, pinching Eichi's cheek. He sighed and then gazed at him softly "well, that's my fault for letting my guard down."
The blue haired man stared at him for a while as the other seemed to return to this...state. He was lost in his own thoughts, how peculiar. He always was but right now...? That seems odd. "Hm? You seem to be thinking about something. Anything on your mind?" He asks, fixing his position on the bed while Eichi just looked at him with a blank expression "Mm...sort of. It's something you might find odd though, which says quite alot considering you yourself are very..." "Odd?" "Well, I guess so." They both giggled before curiosity got over Wataru again "So what were you thinking about anyway?" "Just...a small question. Has anyone ever made you happy...?" Honestly, that was...no small question. "Of course! But that's a deep question isn't it? Anything in particular happened?" A pause before Eichi spoke again "well, nothing really. I'm just curious since you did develop yourself to entertain others to make them smile. Though I'm not sure if someone else did the same for you." That was... surprisingly such a cute and wholesome realization. He was so used to Eichi's weird and unique way of viewing things that he was just taken aback by this that it took him a few moments before he could even respond.
"Aww~! You're thinking about me-? Wataru-? That's so sweet I'm almost melting from it!" He teased, making the other chuckle "I'm always thinking about you. It's just this one hasn't particularly left my mind." Oh. He was being so genuine that it left him speechless. He cleared his throat and tried to hide the blush that grew on his face from Eichi's words, pretending that he was fine and not taken by surprise. "A-hem...! Alright then! So what can I do now to satisfy you?" Wataru teased again, bowing and twirling his hands as a joke, pretending to be a courting prince. The blonde put his finger on his chin, pretending to think "hm...what's a good way to make you laugh?" He hummed and kept tapping his finger "how about that one method you usually use on me?" Usually...? Which one...? He was so confused since he's done so much things to entertain and make Eichi smile. Which trick was it? He's done so many of them, that was pretty hard to tell.
Wataru's expression was so serious for once, was he genuinely thinking this hard about it...? That's such a new face he's never seen before! Eichi found it so entertaining since he was mainly teasing, but that face is so rewarding. Even if he did love Wataru's confused face, he really didn't want to waste time and decided to help him realize what he meant. At first, he walked his fingers up his sides gently, but it only seemed to make the blue haired one stare at it with great curiosity but not much of a reaction. Well, that was his own doing. The moment his fingers reached just below his ribs, the immediately let go of his sides and used one hand to skitter his ribs quick enough to make it tickle, but not enough to actually make him laugh, just startle him. "A-AH!?" Wataru twitched and his eyes grew wide, he was never one to lose his cool but honestly this is one of those things he was never prepared for. It's not that it was a bad thing, it's just one of those things that were unexpected. Eichi never fails to surprise him.
"Well? Does that ring a bell?" Again! He left him speechless! He always knew Eichi was cunning and found ways to get what he wants and he usually complies, but this...? How exactly does one deal with...this? "Wataru?" Oh he blanked out for a moment "Yes??!" "Ahaha! Did I surprise you somehow? I'm sorry. I was mainly having fun with you, but you don't seem on board with me." This was one of his tricks but...Eichi's intentions were just ...pure this time, I don't think he can necessarily reject that. With just a bit of hesitation, Wataru gently moved Eichi a bit to the side to make room for him on his bed, and then laid down beside him. "Anything to satisfy you!" He says with a smile, however despite it being bright he was so nervous about this! He was usually never on the receiving end so this felt new, but whatever to please him so! He could definitely turn this down but, it was in his nature to entertain those around him.
"Wait, you're actually agreeing to this?" To his surprise, yes Wataru was actually on board with him. He really expected him to retaliate and turn the tables than just...this? "You asked for it didn't you? Why are you so hesitant now?" Wataru asked trying to somehow tease him back to hopefully regain some of his flare but, yeah that's hot happening. Eichi did not hesitate at all! He shifted their positions a bit so he sat on his waist and he shoved his hands in his armpits immediately, making Wataru clamp is arms down "AHAHAH!?" He shifted side-to-side, trying to not kick his legs out since the hospital bed was a bit tight and he could risk hurting his friend. "You know Wataru, this is one of those few moments I've seen you lose your composure. Are you actually embarrassed by this?" That tone...! Eichi was trying to sound genuine but Wataru can hear the faint tease in his voice "Eihihichi...!" "What? I'm just asking. Are you too embarrassed to answer?" "Stohohop that!" "Oh this is interesting~" he wasn't even hiding it anymore! He was partially regretting letting him do this but his intentions were clear...how conflicting!
Oh it was getting worse...! He got even bolder and sat on Wataru's waist, fully trapping him now. He took his hands out of his armpits and dug on his hips "wAHAHAIT! EHEHEICHIHIHI-! YOHOHOU'RE SO CRUHUEHUEL!" "Well, you commented that I was hesitant. Now that I'm not, are you regretting it?" There was no answer, the magician just kept laughing his head off, opting to hold onto Eichi's wrists instead since the tickling made him so weak! That didn't seem to help though as even if he knew where he was moving, it still tickled so much from anticipation "WAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO-!! NOT THEHEHERE!" "Your stomach? It seems that you're weak to alot of spots, Wataru." And just like that Eichi then lifted his shirt and started to skitter his nails directly on his stomach, no protection from his shirt or anything. "NONONONOHOHO-! EIHIHICHI!" "You said I could! I also didn't expect you to be this sensitive, I like this side of you Wataru." He was teasing him so badly that Wataru, the one who was usually cool and composed and the one who was often at higher ground in terms of teasing, was reduced to a blushing mess that couldn't do anything but laugh and squirm.
Soon, those fingers wandered off to his ribs, pressing them down and he couldn't keep his hands on Eichi's wrists and clamped his arms down again "HEHEHEY-! YOHOHOU'RE HAVING TOO MUHUCH FUHUHN-!! EHEHEICHIHIHI-!!" He screamed and threw his head back. He always tickled him but never the other way around cause he was too ticklish for his own good, and this was definitely killing him. He can't handle much anymore and thank god Eichi picked up on it and paused for a moment "okay, don't kill me. I want to try something before I finish, it'll only be short I promise." "y-yohohou already killed mehehe...! Ihim tihihireHEHED WAH-! ACK-- WAHAHAIT-WAHAHHAHAIT-!!! STOHOHOP NONO-WAHAH-!! EIHICHI PLEHEHEASE!" Wataru tried to suck his stomach but Eichi lifted his shirt and blew a big raspberry in the middle of his belly button "That's your best reaction so far! I'll go for one more and that's it~" "NOOHohohoho-!! Ehehenohohough!! I- cAHAHAN'T -!! EEEK- EHEHEHEHEEEE!!" The room was filled with so much squeals and squeaks, the bed was so loud from how much squirming was happening and it was already messy. Wataru was red as a tomato and his hair was so disheveled that it was tangled in tiny little knots everywhere. Tears trickled down his face as he pounded his fists on his sides and his legs kicked out as much as he could. His eyes were sealed shut and his mouth was hurting from smiling so widely. What a sight to see this side of him, it was truly precious.
Eichi stopped, rubbing his tummy to get rid of the remaining tingles but accidentally just tickled him more. He put his shirt down and smiled down at the giggly wreck underneath him "Thank you. That was...an experience. I want to do it more in the future." Again!? Wataru opened his eyes slowly, blurry and messy as he sat up, panting and hugging his stomach "yohou're ruthless...! Noho more!" "I'm not tickling you anymore!" "You said you wanted to do it again!" "Well not now, I just want to see his side of you more often." Well, he got even redder and covered his face, fully accepting the fact he fully lost his cool. The rest of the visit was just Wataru trying to regain his flare but they were both satisfied with what happened. It ended up being a longer visit as he stayed there for hours as they both took a nap out of exhaustion.
A/N: Hello Hello! Happy New Year Everyone! I hope y'all had an exciting holiday!!! Actually I just got back from a big break and I'm a bit tired now. Though I hope this is enough to the anon who requested it, and anon I hope you have fun reading this!!
Lee!Wataru is such a cute concept tbh...
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Adonis / Rei
Ensemble Stars
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A/N: Before the summary, this kind of has a ship implied! It's Adosou/Soudonis! If you're not comfortable with the ship, I advise you to click off for your own comfort ^^!
Summary: Adonis has never experienced a crush before so he's terrible at hiding it, making Rei a bit suspicious about what's going on.
This felt all so wrong! Not wrong but...conflicting. Adonis had been having a never ending conflict for days, even weeks now. At first he was denying it, but now he just fully accepted that he accidentally caught feelings for someone he's not supposed to, his best friend. There was nothing wrong with liking Souma! It's just that...he was kinda conflicted on how this'll change their friendship. He felt all giddy and happy inside whenever he'd see him, but now that he's sure that he likes him, he couldn't help but changed the way he acted. Adonis started freezing around him, stopped talking mid sentence, or even accidentally getting red around him. It was so embarrassing...! Not only that, but Souma also started noticing the change that made him feel even worse since he thought he was sick! But he couldn't help it especially since he started seeing him in an entirely different way. He didn't want to but it just happened...!
These thoughts clouded Adonis' head to the point he couldn't even think straight and started messing up during rehearsals. He would start doing his moves late and get behind or he would forget to sing and skip some parts of the song. He felt so embarrassed from all of this...! He just wanted all of it to go away as he didn't know how to exactly deal with these kinds of things. As they were packing up, Adonis sat down on the practice room's floor and sighed. "Oi Adonis, tomorrow we'll just practice better tomorrow and don't be upset about it!" Koga said, patting his back to comfort him about his mistakes. "Thank you Oogami. I'm sorry for today, I'm not thinking straight that's all." And just shortly after, both Kaoru and Koga left the practice room and waved goodbye. Adonis planned to stay for a while longer to get rid of his frustration through cleaning but was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder.
"You've been oddly out of it~ Is there something on your mind?" Rei asked as he stood behind his junior, both hands rubbing his shoulders to ease tension yet failing at it. He felt him raise his shoulders with a sharp inhale and he looked slowly back at him "y-yes, I'm fine. Thanks for asking Sakuma-senpai." Adonis smiled and tried to keep on cleaning to not show the faint blush growing on his cheeks. He doesn't want him to press on other wise it'll make this more embarrassing, but knowing his senior, nothing good will come out soon enough. He continued to wipe a damp towel down the floor but was once again interrupted by his senior who was staring down at him with a smirk. He once again grabbed his shoulders and pulled him to sit up straight "Hm? There it is again, you're acting real weird. What's gotten into ya?" The purple haired one sealed his eyes shut as he didn't want to face his senior with a flushed face as he tried to hide his expression again "I can assure you I'm fine, it's just that we should continue cleaning. I can finish it so you won't have to Sakuma-senpai." He says, trying to excuse his way out of this but it's not working as the other kept closing in on the distance between them. "Hmm..." Rei hums, staring into his junior's face, clearly admiring at how he still had the guts to hold his facial expressions despite it being obvious. "Alright, just do your best for tomorrow's practice. Take a rest and go home after."
The door creaked open and then shut. 'He finally left..." Adonis thought as he wiped the floors clean before standing up to put away the cleaning materials. He still thought about it...What if Souma thought of it as weird? What if he doesn't want to be friends anymore if he finds out? All these couldn't leave his mind and he sighed heavily, opening the cabinet to return the items. Before he could even store all the equipment, hands suddenly pulled him back out of nowhere and hugged him as they both fell down to the floor. "AH!? Who goes the-" "So you're hiding something from us, Adonis-kun?~" Rei had somehow managed to trick him into thinking he left the room and is now holding him into this tight hug on the floor, trying to get him to spill. Normally, Adonis wasn't stubborn but for this case? He was keeping his mouth sealed shut. He didn't want his secrets out so he shook his head and tried to lie again "Oh so now you're keeping secrets? It's pretty obvious y'know..." The purple haired one's eyes grew wide as he turned his head around to face the evil smirk on the 'vampire's' mouth "O-Obvious...?" He questioned, his mouth shaking from nervousness "You've been blushing the entire time and you're even more silent than before. Someone caught your eye~?" He teased, it was mainly a joke but he struck gold when Adonis' face burned bright red and he turned away from him. His assumptions were right...! That was so cute...! "A-Ah, I was just teasing but did I get it right!?" Rei asked from excitement but the other refused to answer and kept his back turned from him to not show his really really really red face!
"Wait so who is it--?! C'mon tell me--! Don't leave me curious Adonis-kun!" Rei trapped Adonis into a tighter hug, making him unable to escape which causes him to panic a bit. Oh they were gonna stay here for a while... "I-It's no one! I promise!" "You're lying it shows on your face! You're too honest, you can't lie very well...!" Rei started giggling as he started playfully tormenting his very flustered junior. "I'm not lying...!" "This is my first time seeing you like this! It's such endearing side of you. I'm still curious on who it is though and you know I won't stop 'til you spill their name~" this was getting dangerous! Adonis tried to get out of his grasp but he was trapped so well that he couldn't even squirm as much. He honestly expected Rei to just keep him there for as long as he wants but his nerves got set on fire right after he felt a hand squeeze both his ribs "aAH-!? S-Sakuma-senpai what are you doing..?!" His eyes lit up in panic as he tried to get away, but he underestimated the strength of his senior as he held him down with ease. "Just motivating you a bit...! You've been so tense you should at least smile while, y'know, spilling the name...!" And just like that ten fingers suddenly dug under his shirt from behind and started scratching his stomach. Adonis threw his head back and kicked his legs out, covering his mouth partially to hide his blush "WAHAHAhahait! NOhoho! Yohou're tihihicklIHIHINng meheheee...! SahahahaHAHAKUHUMAhaha-sehenpai!!" This was so humiliating! Not only did he have to think about how he'll subtly try to confess about his feelings, but he couldn't even think straight due to the sensations!
Honestly, Rei understood if he didn't want to say anything, he just wanted to tease him since it was rare to see his junior act like this! He was always so calm and collected that it felt so nice to see him go out of character every once and a while. The vampire chuckled and hugged him tighter, putting on leg on his thighs to trap him fully. He moved his hands and started to skitter his fingers on Adonis' sides. "Well, I am tickling you Adonis-kun. So of course it's gonna feel like that. I mean, you already know how to get me to stop right~?" "NOhohoho-!!" "Oh? You don't know what I want?" "NOhoho...! I mehehean stop tihihickling mehehHEHEHehe-!" Adonis' eyes were squeezed shut as he tried to focus on squirming away and enduring the tickles. He wasn't that ticklish but he was still weak to it! "Well I'll stop the moment you tell me what I want~! C'mon it's not that hard loverboy...!" "Dohohon't cahahall mehehe thahahat!!" "Hm, fair point it does sound more like a nickname for Kaoru. Fine no nicknames but I'm curious! I promise I won't snitch!" Adonis shook his head and tried to push Rei away to no avail. He can't let him know...! It's not that personal but it's so embarrassing! He wasn't known for romance or any of that stuff, this was going to be the end of him...!
'He's persistent to these things huh...' Rei thought while continuing his torment 'Well he did have three sisters...I guess he's used to these.' He moved onto squeezing his hips which earned a much more rewarding reaction as Adonis started jumping and squirming even more, laughter increasing by tenfold "AHAHAHhahahaHAHHAHA!! STOHOHOhohop ihihit-!!! ThheherHEHERES NOHOHOTHING TO Sahahay-! sahaHAHAKUMA- SEHENPAI!!" He shook his head trying to deny it but when he peeked one eye open he saw Rei's teasy expression. It was obvious he didn't fall for it. "Red face, constantly freezing, you're not even that outgoing but you still somehow made yourself shyer. It's so obvious~! There's nothing to be ashamed of!" And just like that, Adonis' face heated up even more! His face was so red he didn't even bother to fight back anymore and retreated his hands to cover his face. "Still being stubborn hm?" He hummed as he moved closer to the purple haired one's neck, whispering in his ear "remember, this can and will get worse...!" That...wasn't an empty threat. As much as Rei was known as their senior for being too chill about things and even complaining that he was too old for alot of activities, he was still an older brother that often tormented the members of UNDEAD and others with tickling if something particular didn't go his way. Knowing this, he started feeling even more nervous than before.
Before he could even process anything, Rei had somehow found a way to locate his worst spot immediately! He hadn't even gotten involved in any of the tickle fights he started before! Adonis' eyes shot open as he felt a squeeze on his thighs, jumping up before crashing down and laid down on Rei's chest unintentionally. "EHEHEEK-! WAhahait-! We can...! Uhm... Just not there!" "Oh? Are you going to...maybe tell me now?" He really isn't giving up is he? "Okay fine! I'll admit, maybe I...do like someone but that's it...! Please just nohot there!" "You're already giggling out of nervousness...!" "Yohou're too clohose!" His junior was giggling a storm! He wasn't even touching him just yet! "Well, I'm hearing no names so I have no choice, I'm hurt Adonis-kun!" "W-Wahait-but-but I already admIHI- NOHOHO ACK--! WAIT NOHOHOT THEHEHERE-!! NOT THEHEHEHERE!!" The younger started to squirm so much that his hair was disheveled and his face was beet red. Rei couldn't see it since he was facing his back but he could see his ears tinting red and his words jumbling up. He switched his technique from squeezing to kneading and--
"EEHEHEK-! NOHO NOT LIKE- EHEEHEK- SAAHAHAKU-!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA-!! OKAY! OKAHAHAY!!" "Hm? Okay?" "IHI'LL TEHELL YOU JUS-- EEHEHE NOHOOHO!!" Adonis just lost it and started pounding his fists on the ground and flailed around so much he couldn't control himself anymore. Tears were rolling down his eyes and his laughter softened up, he reached his limit. Rei stopped and started to give his head a little rub to calm him down "Ah woops-! I didn't mean to take it too far this time. I'm sorry Adonis-kun." He softened his expression before turning to his junior "you don't actually have to tell me, it's just a small tease since I didn't think you'd actually fall for someone right n--" "It's Kanzaki". He actually gave his name!? Rei was so shocked that he couldn't help but keep his mouth open a bit, not realizing that he embarrassed his junior even more as he covered his face and tried to rush away. "AH! Ah ah ah! Wait nono! I didn't mean anything bad by it! It's just that I was surprised! He's the one from AKATSUKI correct? Samurai?" "Yeah..." "I know he's one of your trusted friends so I think it's pretty nice that you ended up liking him out of all people." For some reason, those words comforted him than anything. Adonis couldn't help but turn his gaze over to his senior with a slight blush on his cheeks. "I mean, Kaoru and I mainly joke about being partners with a fan or some lady but, I consider you to be lucky that your first crush is someone you trust! Don't you think so too?" He ruffled his messy hair even more and looked at him with a gentle smile "I didn't want to pry but it looked too cute. Say, you should be like this more often." "If it doesn't include you tiring me out like this then maybe I'd consider it." "Well it was your fault for it anyway!" They ended up talking in the practice room far longer than they expected. It was a refreshing to finally get it off his chest and at least talk about it with someone. Even if it's just a small crush at it's purest form of innocence, he was still happy to know that the experience was normal and that he gets to share a moment with his senior.
A/N: I'm having a difficult time writing the requests right now since even if I have a scenario, it's pretty difficult to execute them! I'll do my best to fulfill them but in the meantime I hope y'all enjoyed this one cause I had fun writing it the most <3.
It's a little more intense than usual and it's something out of my comfort zone but, it was so fun to write that even I got myself thinking about it ^^"
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
A Smile Would Be Enough
Shu / Mika
Ensemble Stars
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Summary: Mika's doubts are getting into his head again as he feels like he loves Shu but doesn't deserve him. Shu does his best to reassure his partner that they're both lucky to have each other.
It was Shu’s birthday, and honestly it was like any other celebration but it felt so…empty, only to him that is. The birthday boy didn’t seem to be…happy about it, rather he noticed that something doesn’t seem so normal. The party was lively, all his friends were there, and even people he didn’t know cared for him went to greet, it was perfect and he was happy he came home to Japan for this! Just one problem…Kagehira was missing.
Not, missing-missing, but he wasn’t his normal self. Normally he would be clingy and stay by his side the entire time, but right now he wasn’t there. He only dropped by to give a gift and then left, nothing more to say than “Welcome back Oshi-San!” He smiled through it but the moment he stepped out the door it faded so quickly, and Shu knew that. He didn’t even open his gift yet since he wanted him to see his reaction, yet Mika was nowhere to be found.
“Dammit-! Where could he—” Shu wondered frantically as he searched and searched around the room for him, but he was nowhere to be seen from the party. He was worried, very worried, what could he have done for that to happen…? Without thinking, he bolted out his own birthday party as he desperately tried finding him. He kept running and running until he reached the very rooftop of the building, panting from exhaustion and close to giving up. He was out of hope and was about to head back to get some rest when he started hearing small whimpers coming from behind the plants. Silently, he went to investigate by slowly walking up to the noise.
It was Kagehira.
He was covering his mouth trying to suppress his sobs, but his tears won’t stop overflowing. Shu couldn’t help but feel his heart sink, and even if he wasn’t supposed to, he decided to speak in order to somehow understand what was going on “Kagehira.” Mika’s breath hitched and he wiped his tears in a panic, turning his head around so quickly someone thought his neck could snap! “A-Ah Oshi-san…! W-What are you doing here?! Your party is downstairs…!” he asked, but then he was shushed by the other as a finger covered his mouth “Sh, this isn’t about me. Why are you crying? You left the party earlier too, you know better than that.”
Mika’s eyes dampened as he started sniffling again, covering his eyes all of a sudden “Don’t worry about m-me and worry about your party—! Ah-!” Despite his pleading for his partner to ignore him, he gently moved him aside and sat right beside him. “Kagehira, you're not being yourself today. What's going on?” Even when he's cornered, Mika refused to open up about it and tried lying his way out “What do you mean? Nothing's wrong.” He instantly started to regret it as Shu’s expression changed from concerned to slightly annoyed. Oh no, he’s a burden again.
“Kagehira, you’re free now. I can’t help you if you won’t tell me what’s going on.” Gently, Shu grabbed Mika’s hands and placed them onto his “I know I’m not a good person but I’d like to help you if you gave me a chan—” “You’re not a bad person Oshi-san…that’s the problem.” Shu’s eyes widened, not only was he called nice but that’s causing him pain…? He turned to Mika and waited for him to continue. “W-Well…I was…doubting myself again. I know I’m needy and constantly clinging on to you, but I don’t want to be a burden when I just want to be around you…nothing bad happened! It’s just that I don’t know how to repay you for being so patient with me….”
Mika was getting nervous and then—
“If anything, I should repay you Kagehira. I’m not the kindest person, and yet you keep me company despite knowing and seeing my flaws that I don’t even show entirely. I don’t…know how to pick my words well but…take this as my way of saying that you’re not a burden.” His grip around Mika’s hand went tighter, not in a way that harmed him but comforted him. Mika smiled just a bit, leaning onto Shu’s shoulder “…thank you Oshi-san. Maybe that makes us even…? But that means that it’s my turn to repay you!” “Huh?” “Because you said it last!”. Shu couldn't help but gaze at him softly seeing how his childish logic works, and he didn't mind. It was quite entertaining to be honest.
“Well, hm, maybe I can ask you to repay me…” he smiled a bit as Mika’s eyes grew wide in excitement “Ah? What is it?” It was simple. He wanted him to genuinely smile big like he usually does. That's all he wants. “Well, is it possible that I get repaid with a smile?” Mika blinked, not expecting that, yet he still smiled. It was small and a bit forced but it was still happy, just not entirely as tear stains covered his face and his face was red from crying. Shu gently caressed his face removing the tear stains and wiped his remaining tears “that's good, but how about your usual smile…?” “That's too much to ask for Oshi-san!” “Oh is it really…?” “I just cried, I don't think I can do that…!!” His whining was also childish, it was endearing. Shu can't even paint a picture on how he sees himself as a burden with this much of a heart, but he had to snap himself out of it.
“Hm…well I have an idea. If you want me to stop, the word is ‘doll’ “ “Doll? Oshi-san what do you mean by that? And stop for wHAHAHA-AHA!?” Before Mika could even finish processing what he meant, he had snuck his arm around his back and started to gently scribble his sides while his other arm dug between his lower ribs and upper stomach, surprising Mika and just leaned back even more as he shook his head and threw it back in laughter “AAHAHAhahaha-!? wAHAHAIT— Oshihi-sahahaahn!? You didn't tehehehell meeheheheheee—!!” Mika whined as he used his hands to try and stop the other but Shu was persistent kept moving around to avoid getting caught “Well, I did tell you I had an idea…?” “noHohot THIHIHIhihihis!! Eek-! iHihiT tihihihickles—!!”. Mika kept squirming gently as he didn't really mind the playful affection, but he was too sensitive!
Shu’s hands moved from his sides to skittering both on his neck and it earned such a cute squeal as Mika started to grab onto his jacket trying to pry him off “EEK—!! Wahahait-! I- eehek-!! Oshi-sahahahannnn!!! Eeek-!!” “You squeak alot, I didn't know you could do that.” “ihihiT tihihihickles! I- eek- cahahan't help it!!” The pink haired one couldn't help but stare at him for a bit, admiring the smile plastered on his face. He skittered his nails all across his neck including his nape, causing Mika to scrunch up and shut his eyes tight “Nahahaha-eek!!! Stahahap-!! Ihihim sensihihitive-!!” Shu chuckles “I can see that…”
“You know what, how can you even see yourself as a burden when you're smiling like this?” To emphasize his point, one hand moved down to squeeze his hip, causing Mika to instinctively fall down and keep his head on Shu’s lap “it's a shame I'm the reason for you having that pitiful expression in the first place.” Another squeeze “The only thing I can do is make it up through reversing my actions, no?” “NGA-H!! NOhoho-!! Nononohoho-!! No need to mahahake up for ihihit-! NOHohohot thehere-!!” that wasn't even his worst spot! He just knew that he was so sensitive and Mika was a bit embarrassed about it that he started to blush. “Hm, you're turning red there, do you want me to stop?” Shu asked with genuine concern, unintentionally flustering his partner. Since he didn't get a response he slowed to a stop, Mika caught his breath but he didn't exactly wanted it to end just yet.
“Sorry I didn't mean to do that…I just wanted to cheer you up since I'm no good with words, I'm s-” “I didn't say it yet though…”. Oh god, that was embarrassing. Why did he say that!? Mika was flustered the moment he said that, his neck and face burning from embarrassment when suddenly “WAH- AHAHAHAHA-!? WH-!?” “I didn't expect you to enjoy this but, I'd rather spend my time this way” Shu said, slipping his fingers under his partner's shirt and scribbling his stomach “I'll continue until you actually want me to stop if this is what you want.”
For a long while, they kept on going with their playful moment, the party long forgotten. The visitors actually got slightly concerned about where Shu went but after they saw both him and Mika with the biggest smiles on their faces while doing so, they decided to just leave it be. A word wasn't spoken about it, but that was the best birthday Shu had.
A/N: This was supposed to be my very first fic but it was taken by Adonis/Souma due to the anon that submitted it. It's still the way I imagined it and I hope it brings a smile to someone's day!
Even if it was...angsty as hell-- I actually have like-- 5 fics written but It might be too overwhelming to post it all at once.
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sunlit-tickles · 1 year
A Troubled Mind
Kaoru / Reader
Ensemble Stars
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Hey everyone my name is Kaoru Hakaze I was born on November 3rd I'm a student at Yumenosaki Gakuen High School I'm a senior student right there, and my blood type is B, and my class is 3A That's pretty much it, thank you.
... I promise I'll return to writing I'm sorry guys HAAHHSHSSBDBD I PROMISE I ACTUALLY HAVE A KAORU FIC ON COMING
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Shh, don't wake him up!
Yuuta / Nagisa / Kaoru
Ensemble Stars
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Summary: Yuuta accidentally hugged Nagisa in his sleep and doesn't seem to be aware of it, but Nagisa doesn't mind. That is until Yuuta starts absent mindedly tickling him, Kaoru isn't exactly...helpful.
This was... awkward.
So far, their dorm was fairly...quiet. It wasn't the 'awkward' quiet kind, but rather the kind where in everyone rarely talked since they're all stuck in their own little worlds. Yuta was usually playing games by himself, sometimes inviting Kaoru if he had the time; Nagisa was mostly out for work or practice; and Kaoru was doing something similar. Everyone was so used to them just talking a bit or just greeting, but a real hangout? That was out of the picture so they're not that close to each other. That just...makes this dilemma worse, if it was a dilemma, it was just an uncommon situation.
Yuta was very tired from work today, unable to even think of anything but 'go home, go home, go home'. The moment he got to his dorm he went straight for the couch, hugging his brother and dozing off completely. What he failed to realize is that... that's not his brother. Nagisa was the one on the couch, reading his book when Yuta came home and hugged his torso and fell asleep on his lap. He didn't really mind but how would he feel about it when he woke up...? They weren't particularly close so he was worried that Yuta might get mad at him for not waking him up to move, but he didn't want to disturb his rest! He looked exhausted and burnt out that he just wanted him to take a break even if he'll hate him when he wakes up.
Nagisa decided to just let him sleep the night here, not like he was going to get up anyway as he was still reading and didn't plan to rest himself anytime soon. It was all so peaceful and honestly pretty sweet, sweet enough that it made the leader of Eden slightly feel happy himself from this. He was already pleased reading his book, but felt even happier that he could somehow be of comfort in a way.
However, that peace was somehow disturbed when Yuta started shifted positions and buried his face into Nagisa's tummy, hugging him but he also decided to try and get comfortable by moving his head side-to-side, not realizing he was accidentally nuzzling the other. The white haired one jolted and immediately closed his book while biting his lip, oh dear, it tickled.
Gently, he placed his book aside and then used both hands to cover his mouth, but Yuta remained by his tummy and his little breaths still tickled. This went on for a few minutes until Nagisa heard the door creak open "I'm back~!" Announced Kaoru, and he really wanted to greet him back but giggles were threatening to spill and he stayed quiet. "Hm? Ran-kun? Are you ignoring me?" He asked, approaching the couch to check if he was asleep or if he was actually ignoring him, and Kaoru just got something ten times better. "Aww that's so cute~! You two were bonding huh? That's so sw-- eh? Why is your mouth covered?" He tried to pry his hands off his mouth but Nagisa was persistent. He really refused to let go until Yuta started to nuzzle his tummy again and he let go immediately as he held onto the couch instead "he- ehehehe...! Hehe's tickling me...!" Nagisa whispered, trying his hardest to keep his mouth shut to not wake up the younger on his lap. Kaoru suddenly had the biggest smile on his face, chuckling realizing the predicament Nagisa was in "then why not just move him to his bed or wake him up now?" "Hehehe's tihired-! Hehelp...!" He begged, he really didn't want to wake Yuta but the ticklish feeling never went away. Instead of actually helping, the blonde had other ideas.
Kaoru gently wormed one hand under Nagisa's chin, causing him to scrunch his neck up. He fell right into Kaoru's trap! The other started to wiggle his hand while it's trapped under his neck and his reactions suddenly flared up as he squeaked, covering his mouth again but his chest was heaving trying to stop his laughter. Since he refused to be loud, he just whispered to the best of his abilities as giggles didn't stop from bubbling from his throat "Kahahaoru-kuhun..! Wahait...! You're gonna wahake him uhup....!" He said fully keeping his eyes shut as Kaoru smiled "Y'know, I didn't actually think you'd be ticklish Nagisa-kun. Come on, let me have a bit of fun...!" He said as his other hand gently poked and prodded his ribs, making Nagisa fold but not entirely as he was so confused on not even touching Yuta to not wake him up. He was really trying but Kaoru was making it so much worse for him! "Ee-p! Stohop that ...! You're mahaking it hahaharder...! Kahaoru-kun plehehease…!” He begged “please what, Nagisa-kun?” He replied, no way he's falling for this. “Ehe-p!! Dohohon’t!” Oh no…he was definitely falling for it. Nagisa doesn't even notice that the silly little prank he was pulling, he was so embarrassed by being tickled already and he can't even retaliate because of the risk it would bring. “Tihihihickle m- ah…! Wahahait-!! NonONO-!” And the dam broke.
He couldn't keep his voice down no more and started laughing genuinely the moment Kaoru started squeezing his thighs. He was shaking a LOT. It was one of his worst spots and he couldn't move so he just threw his head back trying to push the blonde away “KAHAHAHAORUHUHU— WAHAIT-!! NOT NOHOW-!! DOHOHON'T-!! YOU'LL WAKE HIM UHUHUP-!” and right on cue, Yuta did. “H-Hey what's going on…? I hea- GYAH!?” he sat right up when he realized he was laying down on Nagisa’s lap, blushing furiously as he watched the scene in front of him where he hasn't exactly stopped tickling him. Even if he was laughing his head off, Nagisa still tried to apologize for waking him up “EEK- KAORU STOHOP I- IHIM SORRY-!!” “Oh you're awake?” And he stopped “oh my bad, I had too much fun with Ran-kun over here I think I got carried away” he said looking over at the flustered man just across the couch. “I'm so sorry it was my fault for disturbing you!! I really thought I slept on my brother not you!!” Yuta cried, how shameful to do this to his roommates…! He was about to leave the dorm to sleep somewhere else out of embarrassment but then a hand was placed on his head, giving him a small yet comforting pat “Ihit’s okay…you can hug me anytime. Besides you looked tired, I'm sorry for disturbing you.”
And from that point onward, the three of them became a little closer by just snuggling all up in the couch from being drained from energy. It was eventful in comparison to other days and they were all grateful for it.
A/N: I just wanted to say that...I think their dorm dynamic is super cute? Kaoru best big bro!! This dorm is just him adopting these two tbh AHSHJDJE also sorry for my fics being short! These are mostly ficlets since I'm still celebrating the holidays. I love these three so much though so I'll probably write for them again next time!
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Tatsumi / Mayoi
Ensemble Stars
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Summary: Mayoi is being his usual self by appreciating his friends' charms in his own way. However, due to some circumstances, he has to work with Tatsumi for more than usual and can't help but adore his genuine laugh the most.
Curses! Curses! Curses!
This must be karma for being a weirdo!
Well…not really, Mayoi was being…slightly overdramatic. Nevermind, slightly was an understatement. Well, Mayoi isn't necessarily a “weirdo”, he just expresses his love towards his friends in his own way! He just…finds it weird himself. It doesn't matter right now! He felt so cursed! Or…blessed?
Despite Alkaloid being lead by Hiiro, he still needed help since he was still new to the city life. He needed all the time to adjust and learn things, so everything else should be off his shoulders right now. Being his seniors, Mayoi and Tatsumi offered to help with his workload, and Hiiro felt shy but still accepted it as he knew that whatever he did alone could result in major consequences for all of them. So right now Mayoi had to work with Tatsumi for a long time and for a lot of work! It was fine working with someone you're comfortable with and he's happy to be with Tatsumi but…he was…too charming. As always, the phantom had listed down his friends’ charms and Tatsumi was not an exception. He was calm, collected, and…too cool. However, every now and then he would chuckle at small things but that's about it. Despite it being short and collected giggles, Mayoi can't help but fall for his endearing laugh…! I mean, the eldest of the group was always smiling and all but…he was curious of something else…
Mayoi wanted to really really really hear him laugh! Like, release everything and not be so held back. He knows that he really isn't and that's just the way he is, but it's so cute to think about his usual demeanor changing from soft and calm to dynamic and lively! He really wanted to know what he looked like that way…!
No response.
“Mayoi-san?” A poke to the side, Mayoi flinched. “Ah… sorry, were you deep in thought perhaps? I'll be moving on then if you need more time…”
The phantom started to shake his head aggressively “N-No it's okay!! I zoned out a bit there-! A disgusting creature like me should apologize …! I didn't mean to!” And there it was, the chuckle that got him thinking in the first place. Tatsumi giggled and pet his head “You're not a disgusting creature and I just wanted to tell you that work has ended. Though, I do want to ask if it's alright…are you not feeling well?” he said as he placed his hand underneath Mayoi’s chin to check his temperature making the other panic and moved away “A-Ah-! You shouldn't touch me! Or your hands will get dirty”. Honestly, he didn't really mind and it just tickled…and oh god that gave him an idea, escalating his thoughts into quite of…it's own thing. “My apologies! I forgot you were uncomfortable with contact…” Tatsumi apologized and just sat next to him on his bunk bed “but you seem bothered, would you like to talk about it?”. Mayoi shook his head and Tatsumi respected that, not confronting any further. Oh dear, that touch bothered him throughout the day. Now he had even more ideas and he can't stop thinking about it!! Curses!!
They continued their work separately and went back to the dorms at night to prepare to rest as a unit and get ready for the next day. Except that, Aira wanted to go take a walk and Hiiro was no different, so they told them that they'd just be out for an hour or two while they remained in the room. Mayoi tossed and turned in his bed but couldn't sleep and he can't help but think about Tatsumi’s smiling face and all— such disgusting thoughts!! He thought to himself. His thoughts were shortly cut-off by a small, soft knock on his bed-side. Mayoi turned over to look at the knocker, it was Tatsumi of course- but he was still surprised…!
“A-Ah, were you sleeping?” “Nonono! Not at all!!” “Good…I was just wondering if you were really okay, you've been acting so…out of place today. More than usual it seems. I'd like to help.” HNGG-!! HE WAS SO KIND-!! Mayoi felt like his heart was about to explode, he can't just ask him can he? But the thoughts kept going through his head! He wanted to really really see him laugh…! “u-uhm…it's nothing bad but-! Ah I can't!” Mayoi screeched and slammed his head down his pillow to hide his humiliation! “Mayoi-san!? Please calm down! Whatever it is I'll do my best to assist you!!” Tatsumi said as he immediately moved Mayoi to sit down once more, but he still didn't let go of the pillow.
“Tatsumi-San…it's…r-really weird!! D-Don’t try to help a monster like me!!” He panics again, flinching when the other held his hand “well, I prefer to not be the judge of that. I'm not even aware of what you're thinking of. If it's bothering you that much, I'd really like to help. Is there something wrong with me?” He asks out of genuine concern. Goddamit…! Now he got him guilty too! Mayoi shook his head frantically and covered his face with one hand “it's…embarrassing…” “but I'd like to hear it out at least…?” he shook his head at the thought of it but…he couldn't really resist and started mumbling.
“A-Ah? I couldn't quite hear you?”
“Mayoi-san? I didn't quite catch that…?”
“Could I…uhm…t-tickle you?”
Tatsumi started blushing as he fell silent, he didn't find it weird!! He was just taken aback by the question. Mayoi started frantically shaking his hands “Nevermind nevermind!! Please i-ignore what I just said!! Please—” “I don't mind…!” he gasped and looked at his friend for a bit. “What do you mean you don't mind…?” “Well…I'm not sure what to do just yet, but I'm willing to try it if it'll help you!” He was too kind! Mayoi blushed himself before gently laying Tatsumi down on his bed as he sat on his waist, making the other nervous from anticipation. He wasn't exactly subjected to alot of tickling or general touchy affection so this was a new experience for him! He did agree to help him, so he might as well go with it.
Mayoi’s fingers creeped under his sweater and gently started to scribble his stomach, and oh my god he did not expect a squeal to come out of him! “EEhehehee—! Kyah-! I—” Tatsumi closed his eyes shut and shook his head, he was much more sensitive than he imagined! He hugged the pillow tighter and blushed “Aahaahahaha…! I dihihidn’t expect this…!” He said with all honesty, he was so adorable! “I didn’t expect you to be this sensitive either…! This is…such an adorable side of you Tatsumi-san!” As much as he appreciated his compliments, it somehow made him feel more vulnerable has his face heated up once again.
His hands drifted from his stomach to his sides and Tatsumi instantly jumped a bit before falling back into the bed, surprising them both “WAH-?! AHAHAHahahHhaha-! I-EHEHehehe?!” the elder one didn’t even know he was that sensitive there! He started to kick his feet and his grip on the pillow tightened even more “MAHAHahahaahayohOHOIIIEHEHE—!!” Mayoi was so entranced that him suddenly calling out his name caught him off guard and he stopped instantly. “W-Wah?! I’m so sorry I took it too far—!! I didn’t mean t—” “it’s fihihine…” He wanted to say more but he hugged his stomach trying to catch his breath “pleheease move spohohots first…! It reheally tickled there…!” he said trying to hide his residual giggles yet failing miserably. The other nodded, keeping in mind that maybe he should leave his sides for last since it looks like his worst spot.
Instead, he moved down to his lower body and gently squeezed the older ones knees, making him squeak and jolt everytime he touches “EEK! AHhahaha! Eeek-!! iHihiT TIHIHICKLES!” “I really feel guilty for indulging in this…but you're so cute…! I didn't know you could get this squeaky!”. There it is again! He can't exactly tell Mayoi off since he's genuinely complimenting him, but he felt so much more sensitive since it felt like a tease…! Tatsumi kept jumping from his bed when Mayoi started to scratch underneath both knees, he didn't want to kick him on accident but he's squirming out if his control! He was so cute ..! He was taking everything so genuinely! Mayoi started to feel bad for having so much fun while doing this and felt even more guilty for what he's about to do “How much does it tickle here, Tatsumi-san?” He asked while the other just did his best to answer through his giggles “A-AHAhaha-! Ahahalot-!! I- eehhehek! I cahahan’t help it!” Tatsumi honestly felt so flustered and now he couldn't tell if he was teasing or genuinely asking, but he still answered to the best of his abilities. “How about here?” Mayoi then stopped tormenting his knees and moved on to squeezing his hips, and the other started to jolt and squirm alot again “GYAH-! NAHAHAhahahaha!! M-Mahahayohohoehehe-sahan!” “it tickles alot here too?” He couldn't do anything but nod as he laughed his head off.
Soon, he returned to his torso and slipped under his sweater again, but this time targeting his ribs by pinching it repeatedly. Tatsumi let go of the pillow as he clamped his arms down instead “EHEHEehehehe!! I-! IHIHIT AHahahalso tihihickles thehEHEHERE-!!” He was so ticklish and he felt like he's about to hit his limit soon, but Mayoi didn't stop yet so he might not be satisfied yet. Tatsumi was really doing his best to take it as much as he could to satisfy his friend, not realizing he already is and he's just waiting for him to ask him to stop. Thank god that the other could tell and slowed down “I'm about to stop, so could I go back here?” His hands moved down and traced his sides again. He was really really ticklish there! But it was almost done anyway, a little more couldn't hurt right? “Yehehes…! Just be cahaHAREFUL—!! EEEK-!!” And Mayoi went to town.
He was laughing his head off, squirming so much that his hair was flying everywhere, his cheeks permanently tinted red, his eyes watery as a bit of tears slid down his face, he was a mess! That was such a rare sight to see and Mayoi couldn't have felt more satisfied. Slowly and gently, he slipped his fingers out of his sweater and got off his waist, rubbing his stomach to try and calm him down “a-are you okay!? I didn't take it too far didn't I…?” Tatsumi shook his head as he sat up while clutching his own stomach “I'm fihine…! I just didn't really expect that I'd be so sensitive. Do you feel better though?” He asked, and he was satisfied with the other smiling with happiness after. “I'm glad that you're smiling now, well why not return the favor…?” “Favor?” “Mhm! I thought it was fairly fun so you could try it…!” “A-Ah? Me try it? I don't think sOHOHO-!! AH WAIT TATSUMI-SAHAN-!” and there they were, lost in laughter again. Actually, Hiiro and Aira had returned ages ago but decided to just go out to take a walk together this time to not disturb their own time. It was pretty rare to see their seniors have fun after all!
A/N: Yoyo finally decides to write a fic where nobody cries-- Please Alkaloid/Crazy:B/Akatsuki are my absolute favorites I need to write for them more istg-- Also I love that most alkaloid fics are Hiiro/Aira but man I needed to get this out of my system! The seniors of Alkaloid need a bit more attention too!
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Unexpected Fates
HiMERU / Tatsumi
Ensemble Stars
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Summary: It seems like fate has other plans to make these two meet.
"What is it this time, Kazehaya Tatsumi?"
Honestly, this is not a scenario that he had thought of in mind. Tatsumi was unable to sleep that night, and he wasn't exactly sure why. It was odd considering he's so used to going to bed the earliest and sleeping through, but his sleep keeps getting disturbed as he woke up again and again. No nightmares, physical pain, or anything. He couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard he tried, so he decided to not waste time in bed and instead take a small walk, not even bothering to change since it was late at night. In doing so, he somehow wandered in the garden. It was beautiful even at night and it definitely helped him keep his mind at ease but he didn't expect what he would encounter there.
As he kept walking, he stumbled upon a familiar face, it was HiMERU. How twisted fate must be to keep giving him reasons to meet each other.
"Ah, it's nothing of concern HiMERU-san. I simply couldn't sleep, that's all." He priest answered honestly, brushing his hair a bit in embarrassment of his image being a bit messy at the moment. The other glanced at him head to toe "Nothing of concern? You're out at this hour wandering in the dark in...pajamas." he pointed at his outfit, making him blush in the process and hug his stomach from getting a bit flustered. "Ahahah, I didn't expect to meet anyone at this hour so I didn't have time to prepare. Well, it must be weird just seeing someone walk around in pajamas." "It is weird." "You don't say..." Tatsumi laughed while HiMERU grunted, how amusing. "The least you can do is somehow fix yourself and be presentable." With that, the blue haired idol approached the other and took his hands off from his stomach and started unbuttoning his top.
"A-Ah you don't have to..! I can do it myself!" Tatsumi panicked, breath hitching a bit as he felt his face flush and his nerves get set on fire. "Don't make a fuss. It's nothing but just fixing your top." This was embarrassing, and not only that but HiMERU's touches were gentle, too gentle. It tickled a bit, but he was so sensitive that it felt worse than it really does. His fingers continue to graze down his torso as he started fixing the buttons instead. "H-HiMERU-san please..." "Why are you making this a big deal?" "Nothing-! It's just that... you're tickling me...?" HiMERU looked up in confusion as the other's face went fully red. "...this? This tickles you?" On queue, he poked his exposed navel just to experiment a bit. As expected, a small yelp escaped his lips and he moved back to avoid his fingers. "Ahah...! Yehes, so I'll just button my own shirt so it's no proble- eh!?"
Without warning, Tatsumi suddenly felt his back onto the wall of a cold building, plants and everything surrounding them. He looked up to see a serious but a small smile peeking despite him not wanting to. HiMERU leaned closer and stared at the other for a long while before opening his mouth "...this is...amusing." and with that, he explored his torso as he gently started to scribble his sides. He earned a squeak from the other as he slowly started sliding down the wall and onto the floor trying to get away from the ticklish shocks all over his body "eEHEHEEHEHEhehehehehe..! WAhait-! HIHIMEHeheheru-sahahan! Wahahait!" "Wait? For what?" Tatsumi started finding an excuse but he couldn't come up with anything as tickling just clouded his brain! HiMERU gave a small smirk before moving his hands and started skittering his fingers with slightly more pressure on his stomach. "Now you don't have an excuse now do you, Kazehaya Tatsumi?"
His face flushed and opted to hug his torso instead to try and resist, but it didn't work and he was still a laughing mess...! The blue haired one tried his best to retain his cool and composed persona, but his true feelings were showing as his expression softened without him noticing. Tatsumi squeezes his eyes shut as HiMERU dug deeper and started kneading his hips, making him jump and squirm even more and his hands moved to push the other away "hIHIHIMERU-SAHAHAN-!! PLEHEHEASE!" Realizing he was somehow endeared by the situation, he immediately stopped and hid his smile as fast as he could. HiMERU let him go and helped him up as he looked away to avoid eye contact with him. "Are you tired now...?" "Yehes...what was that for?" He didn't...have a real reason. It was just something he didn't expect and he was fond of it but, he would never admit that. "It's to help you sleep. Now go back to the dorms, it's late." What a weird situation...but it was definitely something new.
I wrote this a day before and didn't make it. How unfortunate aaaa
Feel free to request something else if you want to!! I wish you the best for your birthday!!
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Souma / Adonis
Ensemble Stars
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Summary: Souma has been doing alot of schoolwork to catch up for being behind.
"Ahahaha...! Ahadonis-dono!"
"Oh? I didn't know you were ticklish here."
It was right after school and it seems that Souma was worn out. He had been doing way more schoolwork than usual to catch up and it was so tiring! He had more work to do so he invited Adonis to accompany him to the library but...things didn't exactly turn out the way he did.
"Wahahait...! I cahahan't make nohoise...!"
Souma giggled as he bit the sleeve of his uniform to hide his laughter. His friend offered to massage his back for him to somehow wind him back but it ended up turning into a tickling session the moment the samurai started to squeak.
"Just a little bit more... it's just to wind you down trust me."
A/N: Hello Hello!! I've been experimenting a bit so I wrote this ficlet! They are waaay shorter than my usual fics but it's just to satisfy small scenario thoughts I have in mind! I'll be posting more of these but I can assure you that requests are going to be full fics than ficlets!
And with that he couldn't push him away and just accepted the electric shocks around his body. It may have tickled alot but he was right, it did help him relax a little bit, even if it got him squeaking and squealing in the library. At least they didn't get kicked out, right?
I'll be using a smaller image banner than my usual banner too to determine normal fics from my ficlets ^^!
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Kaoru / Chiaki
Ensemble Stars
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Summary: Despite Kaoru being into romance, the burden of the A-Z shuffle really took a toll on him as he's out of ideas. Luckily, Chiaki is a...very creative person.
"It's a bit difficult to plan these sorts of things without any experience..."
The A-Z project was way more difficult than they ever imagined. Well, not difficult in a normal sense, but rather it wasn't something they really specialized in. Dating.
Chiaki and Kaoru will admit, they we're into it but...they don't have any experience themselves and it was taking a toll on Kaoru, mainly because he was the captain of the unit and he felt the weight of the project burdening his shoulders. When Chiaki decided to ask him out on a "date", he felt relatively better as their conversation continued.
"Mhm! I mean, the only girl I have experience with is the producer and nobody else!"
"I could say the same...but how should I even impress a girl...? This is so confusing...!"
"Hm...let's see...what did the fans find charming about our members? Maybe there we have a chance!"
The blonde pondered a bit...well, his members did mention things their fans had commented at some point. Would that really be helpful...? "Then, I suppose we can go over their charms. For Sakasaki it's his ability and habits of remaining mysterious, as for Tenma it's his joyful and carefree nature. Shiina mentioned the producer saying it's his smile, and for you it's--"
"Ah that one! Let's try Shiina's! Considering it's the easiest one out of them all for ya! So c'mon, let me see it...!"
Kaoru wasn't really prepared for that response but gave his best nonetheless. He angled himself correctly and gave a smile, but it wasn't really a smile. It was his usual smug smirk that alot of fans did like, but it happened so often that they weren't charmed by it anymore. Chiaki furrowed his eyebrows and clicked his tongue "Try again! Still smile but maybe a bit differently?"
He obliged and this time had an entirely different expression. It was still a smile, but it felt more like a tease-kind of face and Chiaki wasn't...charmed at all. This went on for so long that they both ended up sitting on the grass somewhere at the park from exhaustion. "I don't think my smiles are as charming as Shiina's. Let's just try something else..."
"No! Wait I have an idea, but there's something you need to do for me."
The atmosphere suddenly changed but out of pure desperation, he nodded his head. The brunette smiled and sat down with his legs spread "Alright! Sit here!" "Eh!? I'm not doing that--" "Just trust me!" He was hesitant but he sat between his legs and blushed a bit "what now?" "Okay as much as possible don't hit me or kick me! But endure it as much as you can!" "What are you going to do!?" "Hush! Okay...3...2...1...tickle tickle!"
Without warning, he started to scribble his fingers on Kaoru's sides as the blonde bursted into giggles but did his best to not move from his position. He pounded on the grass a bit and shook alot, but he was holding up fairly well. Though his face heated up even more as his laughter kept pouring out.
"GAHAHAhahahahahaaa!! Wahait!! What's this fohor-!?! Stohop!!"
"Don't worry about it! I won't tell you or it'll ruin my plan! Where's your worst spot I need it as well so I can stop tickling you faster~!"
"Nohohohoho-!! You'll just tickle me thehehehere!!"
"Well...yeah but it's supposed to help the date plan."
How can it possibly help the date plan!? Kaoru was getting confused but he can't think of ways where it would even matter. Chiaki was reliable but this situation was weird...! Even if it didn't make any sense, he raised his arms a bit and touched his ribs, giggling at his constant scribbling on his sides still. The brunette paused and chuckled "Okay! For this part I'm going to go for that spot! You can squirm this time but please try not to hit me too hard!"
Kaoru puffed his cheeks and positioned himself a bit better, shutting his eyes right. When he didn't feel any tickling, he peeked one eye open, shivering from anticipation when suddenly--
He felt one hand dig into each rib, making sure to really press it and vibrate to make sure it felt really really bad, and it did. Kaoru squealed and his hands shot up with his eyes shut even tighter, a slight tear building up on the side of his eye. He knew he can't last long but he was surprised to hear--
And the tickling was over. Kaoru heaved and tried his best to catch his breath while he was wondering what that was. Chiaki on the other hand, was on his phone with the biggest smile on his face. "I told you it'll work!" "W-What did?" And with that, he turned his phone towards the other and showed him the picture. Kaoru had the biggest, most genuine smile plastered on his face. The tears somehow illuminated light from around them and his cheeks flushed pink looked so vibrant, not to mention his hair being dynamic and natural on the photo. It was one of Kaoru's best pictures and Chiaki was right, it was his most charming smile, that even he was charmed himself!
However, he was embarrassed about the whole ordeal and can't accept it that well. He stood up and started walking away, covering his flustered face trying to pretend that all of this didn't happen. Of course, the brunette followed him all throughout.
"Come on~! It's your most charming photo! Look at how genuine your smile is!"
"Morrichi! Just...delete that photo it's embarrassing!"
"No it's not, it's your cutest one too!"
"Stop that-!"
Despite his protests, Kaoru was very happy in that moment. He felt majority of his worries washed away and he felt that he could face his juniors much more confidently now. Of course, he'd never say that and it'll never come out of his mouth, stupid cute loverboy.
A/N: FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON, I'M IN THE MOOD TO WRITE FOR MY FRIENDS!! There's two more after this fic and I hope everyone who reads this gets to smile as brightly as Kaoru does!
And I know you're probably asleep at this hour but when you wake up @nstsumep, good morning! Here's my gift for ya my friend! It's one of our little brainrots but I wrote a fic about it!
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