#enuode au chref
enuode-au · 11 months
Jimmie Solidarity
The Kingpin Codfather
The title was given to him to honor his work in establishing the Codlands. Usually, it's shortened just to "Codfather".
Kingpin - Vital to the establishment of the Codlands
Codfather - The title given to him so no ruler would have to know his Coddish name
Ruler of the Codlands
Jimmie is not known for his leader-like qualities, at first glance. He acts casually around his citizens, assisting them with the daily tasks of farming, cooking, playing music, and constructing new areas for people to live and work in. However, the people of the Codlands all agree that he is the one most fit for the job. His willingness to cooperate, yet stubborn tendencies when he truly believes in something, made people start bringing issues to him to fix. And fix them he did! When the Codlands was still young, he helped assemble almost every part of the society. Because of his kindness, mindfulness, and strength in tough times, the people appointed him leader. If they believe someone else is more fit, they will hold an election to vote Jimmie out. However, no elections have taken place. His people love him, and he loves them back.
Age: 810
Birthday: July 11, 3201
This is the estimated date of his birth, as he was alone when he hatched.
Height: 2'7bl (7'9", 236cm)
Gender: Demiboy
Pronouns: he/him
Race: Codfolk, Oceanborne
Codfolk come from the ocean originally, but migrated out of it due to pressure from other species. They now live amphibiously, with much of their territory being on land while also being able to travel through water easily.
Oceanborne are similar to Ancients in that they originate from the oldest known ocean-dwellers. Oceanborne are rare and usually quite powerful (such as Lizzie), but Jimmie got the short end of the stick when it comes to size and grace.
Titles: Solidarity, the Codfather
Solidarity was a name gifted to him when he took power over the Codlands. He received it due to his nature to bring the Codfolk together with other Oceanborne and ocean-dwellers.
Codfather was given to him by his council so that he may use it in foreign situations, such as the World Meetings.
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enuode-au · 11 months
Callum "Fwhip" Tayin
The Redstone Prodigy
The title was given to him by other redstone engineers in recognition of his redstone abilities. He tends to act embarrassed when it's said.
Redstone - One of the only redstone engineers of his time
Prodigy - He is one of the most advanced young engineers
Ruler of the Grimlands
Fwhip was not born with redstone in his blood, but soon into his childhood, it might've seemed he was. While Gem studied magic, he focused more on the practical applications of redstone, which were severely under-researched in his childhood. He went from building simple circuits to developing lighting, doors, item organizers, and transportation systems using advanced redstone techniques. He isn't afraid to take risks, and enjoys the challenge of trying not to let anything blow up while he's building. His advancements in redstone technology made him famous, and increased the political strength of the Grimlands substantially. While he likes having fun and exploring in his time off, he's usually found in the Forge of Eastvale, working on the next big step in redstone engineering.
Age: 28
Birthday: March 15, 3983
It's the same as Gem's because they are identical twins.
Height: 1'13.5bl (5'6", 168cm)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Race: Human (Magic-enhanced)
Some humans are born with enhanced Magic capabilities.
Titles: Fwhip
He liked Fwhip a lot better than Callum.
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enuode-au · 8 months
Shelby "Shubble" Coliva
The Wolf Tamer
The title was given to him by her council upon learning of her wolf abilities. It's also a reference to one of her titles in Empires S1.
Wolf - She can speak to wolves
Tamer - They have a wolf pack that she communicates with often
Ruler of the Undergrowth
Shelby Coliva doesn't say she was raised in the woods by a pack of wolves, but it is partially true. Since she was a small child, he always took interest in the old gods of the Undergrove; specifically, Mother Wolf. By the time they were a teenager, they had successfully met Mother Wolf herself and had been granted support from the Undergrove's wolf packs. This led Shelby towards a more popular light, and she ended up being elected as the leader of the Undergrove (the youngest in the nation's history). When not busy with politics, he tries to learn as much as possible about his ancestry and native history, while also busying herself in gardening and exploring. While they are reserved on the outside, and may seem timid at first glance, they have a stubborn streak and will not tolerate anyone who disses or downplays her or her small nation.
Age: 37
Birthday: August 2, 3974
Height: 1'8bl (4'7", 140cm)
Gender: Genderfluid
Pronouns: she/he/they
Race: Gnome
Short, hardy, long-lived, and love the dirt.
Titles: Shubble, Shrub
She doesn’t like to give the other rulers his name.
A nickname given to them, considering their height and her home environment.
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enuode-au · 10 months
Anthon Pixlriff
The Copper King
The title was given to him by his family, who helped aid him in the first coppersmithing. Some people hear it and think he's made of copper.
Copper - Rekhia is known for its copper craftsmanship
King - He is indeed the king of Rekhia
Leader of Rekhia
Some claim that Anthon Pixlriff is the oldest man alive, and they might not be wrong. Over twelve thousand years ago, Pix was born into a lineage directly descending from the Ancient Builders. Because of this, he learned how to navigate the world as they did: crafting, smithing, enchanting, building, mining, the like. For a while, he was satisfied with traveling around the world on a solo adventure, learning the cultures and languages of the people he came across. He was eventually taught that this world was different than others, and that he'd have to play his game differently if he were to live a satisfactory life. Thus, he established a home in the mostly-uninhabited desert of Vryris, and soon, towns began springing up all along the Vryrisian Inlet. He stumbled upon the Vigil on a mining expedition one day, and brought it to his home to study. A siege caused him to lose his home and almost lose possession of the Vigil, but he was able to keep the Vigil and later rebuilt his home in the now-Capital of Rekhia, Sorkshailim. The Vigil remains protected in the city, and Pix has spent the past few thousand years watching over his people and his home.
Age: 12,186
Birthday: July 30, -8175
Whenever someone asks for the year, he just says "about this far back" and stretches his arms really long. People have learned to just stop asking.
Height: 1'17bl (6'1", 185cm)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Race: Ancient
An ancient is just a basically immortal and powerful line of humans. There are very few left in the world. Pix gained the ability of Prophet from his lineage.
Titles: Pix, Pixl
Pix doesn’t like using fancy titles. He lets people shorten his name how they want to.
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enuode-au · 11 months
Genny "Gem" Tayin
The Solitaire Wizard
The title was given to her by other wizards in recognition of her power and advancements in magic research. She is well-known and well-respected for her age.
Solitaire - Double meaning of 1) gemstone placed in jewelry and 2) lonesome
Wizard - Extremely adept at magic, earning the title of wizard
President of the Crystal Cliff Academy for Magic-users (CCAM)
Gem is, despite her humbleness, a worldwide figure, and even was before she joined the staff team of the Crystal Cliff Academy. At a young age, she dedicated most of her life to studying the magic that's inlaid upon many of the ancient artifacts collected by Mythland adventurers and traded to the Grimlands. Once she learned the basis of magic, she quickly began writing her own modern adaptions of magic, many of which have been popularized today. Now, she understands three magic-based languages and continues to create new spells and potions, but only when she isn't running the Academy. Her dedication, intelligence, and creativity have allowed for other people to use magic in new, practical ways, and the Academy is her magnum opus. She does everything she can to make sure her students are able to learn and thrive in their environment.
Age: 28
Birthday: March 15, 3983
It's the same as Fwhip's because they are identical twins.
Height: 1'13.5bl (5'6", 168cm)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Race: Human (Magic-enhanced)
Some humans are born with enhanced Magic capabilities.
Titles: Gem, Professor, Dr. Gem
Gem is her official business name that she uses in World Meetings.
Many of her students/coworkers call her Professor or Dr. Gem. She thought Gem sounded cooler than Genny.
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enuode-au · 10 months
Skott Smajor
The Light's Champion
The title was given to him by his Church when he became the Champion of Aeor. It's more common to shorten it to "Champion".
Light's - Aeor reference, since it is the God of Light
Champion - His position as Aeor's Champion
King of Hoen Yssler
The third child of the Smajor family, Skott was raised under the Ohonist church as a devout follower of Aeor. When the Champion died, he was blessed with Aeor's Light, and soon became recognized as the next Champion. Through a series of unfortunate events, he became the King of Hoen Yssler, and as he is also the Champion, he suddenly had immense power in his hands. However, he never strayed from his God or his nation, and is known as a benevolent and merciful leader of his people. That doesn't mean he's docile, though; he has no hesitation in battle, and doesn't like backing out of challenges he thinks he can win. While he is often seen as rather stoic and passive, he has an affinity for strenuous activities such as flying, snowboarding, and hunting. He likes keeping himself well-rounded, and prefers a full schedule.
Age: 173
Birthday: February 25, 3838
Xornoth (older sibling) is supposed to be 28 years older than him, and Heidi (older sister) is supposed to be 40 years older.
Height: 2'12bl (8'7", 262cm)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Race: Avian-elf
The Avian in him gave him his wings and legs, while the elf gave him his ears, torso height, and pale skin. These two races both naturally have a longer lifespan than humans.
Titles: Smajor, Major, King Smajor, Lord
His most commonly used name, and the only one he gives out to other people.
Major is just a shortened version of Smajor. People use it if they want to bug him.
King Smajor is his official title, and what many of his council/associates call him formally.
Lord is most commonly used when Aeor’s presence within him is strong.
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enuode-au · 11 months
Joel Smallbeans
The Great Creator
The title was given to him by his Great Creator through a routine transfer of power. He will eventually relinquish the title to a future Claytion.
Great - Mezalean term for highest-ranking
Creator - He makes all Mezaleans of the Smallbeans generation
King of Mezalea
Both a crafter and crafted, Joel Smallbeans works tirelessly as the Great Creator of the Claytion Mezaleans. The day of his Creation, the bean harvest was meager, granting him the name Smallbeans. His Great Creator taught him all he knows about art, from sculpting to painting to architecture to wood-carving. Once he learned enough, he became Mezalea's Great Creator, making the next population of Mezaleans within his own two hands. He acts as Mezalea's king when he isn't elbow-deep in his work, dealing with politics, foreign policy, civil disputes, and nationwide issues. Despite his busy schedule, he makes time for "fun" activities, like visiting Lizzie in the Ocean Empire, expanding his palace, or remodeling parts of his clay body to improve them.
Age: 68
Birthday: June 18, 3943
It's actually his creation day, but Mezalea very rarely celebrates birthdays anyways.
Height: 1'12.5bl (5'2", 157cm)
Gender: Boyflux
Pronouns: he/him
Race: Claytion
Clay Creations, or Claytions, are not born, per se. Instead, there is a certified “Great Creator” that creates a certain amount of Claytions every season. Usually, these Creators have impeccable talent at sculpting, and also have the ability to use the magic that bring the Claytions to life. Joel is this “Great Creator.”
Titles: Smallbeans, Sir Joel
Smallbeans is much more formal than Joel.
Sir Joel makes him feel silly. He mainly uses it with Lizzie and other close friends.
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enuode-au · 11 months
Lizzie D. Shadowlady
The Ocean Queen
The title was given to her by her people when she took hold of the underwater civilizations. It doesn't need to be fancy to hold power.
Ocean - They were born in the ocean and rules there
Queen - She is the queen of the empire
Queen of the Ocean Empire
Born and raised in the depths of the ancient oceans, Lizzie Doa has spent most of their long life alone. She hatched from an egg in the bottom of a trench, and spent hundreds of years learning vital survival skills which they still have today. After a few thousand years, she found another egg lost in the deep trenches, and took to caring for it until it hatched a few millenia later. By the time this egg hatched, she had revealed themself to the people of the Upper Ocean, and declared herself the only person suitable to rule all the conflicting towns. Since taking rule, they've expanded the Ocean Empire across the entire North Ocean, as well as inhabiting a few islands that she helps convert into oceanfolk- and human-friendly environments.
Age: 10,198
Birthday: November 4, -6187
Whenever someone asks for the year, she doesn't know how to respond and just says "before your time".
Height: 3'1.5bl (10'1", 307cm)
Gender: Girlflux
Pronouns: she/they
Race: Axofolk, Oceanborne
Axofolk are as they read; axolotl-based intelligent life forms.
Lizzie is more Oceanborne than Jimmie is, surprisingly enough. That’s why she has more physical characteristics of Oceanborne.
Titles: Lady of the Shadows, LDShadowlady, Shadowlady
Her official title, given to them before the name Lizzie D. was. She shortened it later on.
LDShadowlady is what she uses with other world leaders usually.
Shadowlady is the easier to say version of LDShadowlady. They let others use them interchangeably. 
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enuode-au · 11 months
Joseph "Joey" Kasefa
The Evoked Chimera
The title was given to him by the people of his hometown that knew him before and after the Capital Slaughter incident. He doesn't like people using it.
Evoked - Referencing that Totems can be dropped by Evokers, and that he's died and been revived using a totem
Chimera - His race, which is only found in the Lost Empire
Leader of the Lost Empire
A mysterious yet flamboyant leader, Joey Kasefa is as intriguing as they come. He harbors knowledge of a nation long-forgotten by the rest of the world, and he isn't afraid to share his culture with others. He is a native to the Lost Empire, and spent his early years in a small coastal town on the main island. When he became an adult, he took up the hobby of traveling across the islands, exploring the land he would one day rule. Upon arriving at the center of the island, he accidentally sprung conflict upon the city there, resulting in what is called the Capital Slaughter incident. That sparked the Revival, transforming every human within the nation, including himself, into a Chimera, as well as turning them all to stone. A good few years went by before he broke free from his stone imprisonment, and the Heart of the Jungle chose him as the leader of the Nation. He continues to travel, though he now expands his map to the main continent of Enuode.
Age: 337
Birthday: December 14, 3674
No one he knows personally from when he was born is alive.
Height: 1'15.5bl (5'10", 178cm)
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Race: Chimera with Gargoyle-influences
He was born as a human (not enhanced by magic). Through the Revival, he became a Chimera, with additional leopard, red junglefowl, and snake traits.
He became cursed in the Capital Slaughter incident, and turned to stone for a short while before emerging as a stone-flesh hybrid being. He lost his ability to fly long-distance because of the weight, and mostly walks to Losheedi (he flies over the ocean).
Titles: Joey
Because he only recently joined the World Council and other foreign issues, he feels no need to impress them. Going by his first name makes him most confident.
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enuode-au · 1 year
Hi everyone, I wanna introduce this AU I've been rotating in my brain for a few months.
It's called Enuode, or the Enuode AU in more fancy terms. It's basically just a rewrite/restructuring of Empires S1 that I started as a kind of world-building exercise, and it ended up becoming something really cool. There's a lot I wanna share with yall!
Everything Enuode: #enuode au
Character references: #enuode au chref
Worldbuilding lore: #enuode au world
Character lore: #enuode au chlor
Fun facts!: #enuode au facts
Extra tidbits: #enuode au extra
Art posts: #enuode au art
Asks: #enuode au asks
Some of the people, places, empires, and events are renamed! I'll be sure to clarify what's what.
NOT ALL CANON LORE IS HERE! If you're looking for a retelling of some canon event, it's probably not here! I'm not following much of the original lore here, and I make up a ton of new lore.
I make things fairly practical! I love practical worldbuilding. So, yes, I will explain how the wind affects temperature, why the Nether is weird, ecosystems, cultural differences, the like. I love practicality.
Map with Links to Nation Information
Link to Discord Server
Hi, I'm Viyella! I don't watch too much MCYT stuff right now, but I'm very much in love with Hermitcraft S9. And Empires S1, naturally. Also there's gonna be a new edition to the life series soon, and I'm gonna go insane over that. Please talk to me!!! I'm not scary I promise ^_^'
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