#environmental activists are the coolest
softwaring · 1 year
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On December 10, 1997, Julia Butterfly Hill climbed a 1500-year-old redwood tree she named Luna, to protect the tree from logging. She stayed for 738 days, only climbing down on December 18th 1999 after the tree and surrounding area were granted protection. (Source)
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But yeah so from personal experience I know do not fucking trust people just because they say theyre activists. They can be the coolest environmental activist ever and then turn around and say some extremely racist bullshit and you NEED to call them out on it because we cannot have RACIST ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISTS
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laughingpinecone · 5 years
Trick or Treat time!
I am laughingpineapple on AO3
It’s a long list of characters so the specific requests aren’t overly detailed, please draw at will from my general likes and general fandom likes in addition or as an alternative to any of those!
All requests are art or fic - for art, the stuff I like is the kind that depicts the characters doing something. I’ll aways be happier with a very simple drawing of two characters walking together or sharing a cup of coffee than with an ambitious composition that looks like an Avengers poster.
They are also all for tricks and treats, except for The Swapper which is just tricks, but ignore at will for extra gifts.
Likes: worldbuilding, slice of life (doubly so if the event the fic focuses on is made up but canon-specific), missing moments, 5+1 and similar formats, bonding and emotional support/intimacy, physical intimacy, lingering touches, loyalty, casefic, surrealism, magical realism, established relationships, future fic, hurt/comfort or just comfort from the ample canon hurt, throwing characters into non-canon environments, banter, functional relationships between dysfunctional individuals, unexplained mysteries, bittersweet moods, journal/epistolary fic, dreams and memories and identities, canon-adjacent tropey plots, outsider POV, UST, exploration of secondary bits of canon, leaning on the uniqueness of the canon setting/mood, found families, characters reuniting after a long and/or harrowing time, friends-to-lovers, road trips, maps, mutual pining, cuddling, wintry moods, the feeling of flannel and other fabrics, ridiculous concepts played straight, sensory details, sickfic, places being haunted, people being haunted, the mystery of the woods, small hopes in bleak worlds, electricity, places that don’t quite add up, mismatched memories, caves and deep places, distant city lights at night
Cool with: any tense, any pov, any rating, plotty, not plotty, IF, nerdy canon references, unrequested characters popping up
DNW: non-canonical rape, non-canonical children, unrequested ships, canon retellings, consent issues
Twin Peaks: Harry Truman, James Hurley, Frank Truman, Albert Rosenfield, Tammy Preston, Monica Bellucci, Margaret Lanterman, Denise Bryson, Cynthia Knox, Constance Talbot, Bosomy Woman, Annie Blackburn, Jade, Wally Brando, Diane Evans, Doris Truman, Lucy Moran
The mystery of the woods. How do they relate to the woods, what do they gain and what do they lose in the woods. Case fic but they don’t find out jack shit, someone disappears, David Bowie was there, it’s complicated. Fragmented, shifted, mirrored identities. New Lodge spaces. The risks of staring into the void for too long. Gentle illusions. Transcendence. The moon. Static buzzing. Any title from the s3 ethereal whooshing compilation used as a prompt, actually. For treats, all these spooky things can remain in the background while the warmer hues of canon (all the food and cute friendships and Canadian geese and sparks of joy) take center place!
AUs and fusion AUs are great for this fandom! I have Final Fantasy on my mind a lot recently so any FFVI, VII, T, IX, X, XII or XIII reimagining would be fantastic, but also regular fantasy, space opera, sci-fantasy… anything fancy!
I ship Coop/Albert/Harry and all sides thereof, Laura/Donna, Tammy/Cynthia, Lucy/Andy, Gordon/Phillip, Chet/Sam. I love & for all of the above and Harry&Frank, Bookhouse Boys in general, Margaret&Hawk, James&Shelly, Margaret&Trumans, Albert&Frank, Albert&Doris, Tammy&Albert, Tammy&literally any woman in the cast, Denise&any Blue Rose, Cynthia&Constance, Constance&Twin Peaks cast, Annie&Audrey, Annie&Shelly, Wally&Coop&Laura, Diane&Albert, Diane&Phillip, Lucy&Margaret. $character&Laura is the free space here, when in doubt add Laura.
Canon-specific DNWs: any singular Dreamer being the ‘source’ of canon, BOB (let alone Judy) being forever defeated in the finale, Judy being an active malevolent presence in the characters’ lives, clear explanations for canonical ambiguities, ‘Odessaverse’ being the reality layer, the Fireman’s House by the Sea being the White Lodge
Harry Truman: his life in remission or something with animals Frank Truman: maybe he’s a tulpa or maybe he came back to a town he doesn’t recognize anymore Albert Rosenfield: splitting identities post-canon, leaving the FBI, something about his jazz collection Tammy Preston: Tammy infodumping 101, meeting legacy characters, trying not to implode like previous generations of blue rose Monica Bellucci: just give me your headcanons about whatever the hell that was about, possibly not as a retelling. Was she actual Monica, a masking memory for a different spirit, something else entirely... Margaret Lanterman: playing off any character we never see her share a scene with in canon, environmental activist, saplings enthusiast Denise Bryson: actual undercover FBI means she’s now part of office shenanigans, right? Or coming back to Twin Peaks years later Cynthia Knox: Garland’s legacy in the USAF is a heavy burden. going through an initiation of her own not unlike Tammy Constance Talbot: visiting Twin Peaks for whatever reason, being shaken by some supernatural event Bosomy Woman: who is she, where does she come from. is she friends with Phil. I’m down with her being Lois Duffy or not Jade: two things I love about her are that she comes out unscathed from a brush-in with the supernatural and that "Jade” is an alias she got from Invitation to Love. Expanding on either topic would be great (Invitation to Love fandom fic?) Wally Brando: the absolute coolest. That is unironically all. Tell me more about how cool he is, in the woods or on the road. Diane Evans: defragmenting her self somehow, in and out of the red room Doris Truman: what’s she like, who is she friends with. A coincidence in Hastings’ website makes me wonder if she’s an UFO enthusiast and interested in the zone Lucy Moran: Lucy's way of perceiving the world as a gateway to deeper truths which she may or may not be aware of. Also raccoons.
Ghost Trick: Cabanela, Jowd, Alma, Pigeon Man, Emma, Bailey
I am very interested in various characters finding about the erased timeline, but not getting their memories back, and having to live with being told about what they did but never remembering it. All what-ifs welcome (what if they managed an acceptable happy ending but didn’t reset the timeline, what if a different party went back to the past and kept their memories, what if Alma’s ghost stuck around…) Also open to AUs here, especially for generic fantasy or sci-fi settings or the Final Fantasy ones I prompted for Yuletide .
I ship Alma/Cabanela/Jowd, Alma/Jowd and Cabanela/Jowd and like all the & relationships in the game and more. Lots of love to Sissel and Missile always. (and Alma/Cabanela if Jowd isn’t around for some reason! Just don’t ignore him please!)
Cabanela: graciously accepting some type of defeat, or being rightfully stubborn about something. Maybe situations in which he knows he doesn’t have to lead Jowd: time-displaced and touch-starved, or getting to the bottom of the morbid humor barrel. Knowing he’s at the center of everyone’s attention. (for the record, that beard is at the center of my attention. it is very nice) Alma: would be nice if she had a personality of her own. Ghost Alma with or without powers? Teaming up with Cabanela or Lynne? Maybe she has trouble communicating with them but she’s there? Pigeon Man: how do he and Lovey take to Sissel. Friendship with Cabanela in the new timeline. Emma: her plotting process, or her activist leanings, or both. Is she friends with Alma? Bailey: I like how simple he is, and his panic dance of course. Throw him at another character of your choice and see what happens? Cabanela, for example?
The Last Remnant: Kate, Pagus, Emma, David Nassau, Zolean, Sibal, Maddox
I’m very interested in post-game exploration, and getting a clearer feeling of any of the cities and assorted places. I like characterization based on battle quotes, red bubble dialogues, and even their unique stat (‘authority’ is a natural fit for David but ‘romance’ tells me something new about Sibal!) Character interaction. Bit of worldbuilding. What’s another festival they celebrate? Do they erect something else instead of the Valeria Heart? Any fun discoveries down in Siebenbur? Where the hell IS Veyriel, anyway, do they go look for it and if so what do they find out? End of an age. Old bonds.
I ship David/Rush (wouldn’t want it as the main focus of a David fic, but as background there or anywhere it’s great) and Pagus/Sibal/Maddox. David&Rush and Pagus&Sibal&Maddox are also great. I also love Torgal, Caedmon, Allan, Irina, Glenys, Sheryl, Roberto and the Duke of Ghor, but everyone, really.
Kate: any expansion of her tulpa narrative? Maybe while she makes a friend of your choice? Pagus: my history-loving nerd. I’m also not over the fact that it’s stated canon that for a Qsiti, he’s an absolute catch. What a babe. Emma: let her be grumpy at someone... maybe teaming up with David à la good cop bad cop David Nassau: nice things happening to David postcanon, please? He’s been through a lot and I love him. Who can understand him, what can give him purpose? Zolean: I need someone to adopt this sad fish now that he knows that his friend is gone. Military experience and lost friends preferred but not required. Sibal and/or Maddox: give me all the Qsiti worldbuilding, Siebenbur worldbuilding, Remnant daydreaming, backstory with Pagus, old men reunions after the ending...
Dark Souls: Solaire, Siegmeyer, Sieglinde, Logan, Gough, Artorias
I’m only familiar with the first game! It’s probably relevant to mention that I think that linking the fire is kind of a dumbass move, Gwyn is an ass, Kaathe has his own agenda and there’s no winning move in this world, or at least no obvious one. Feel free to deviate from anyone’s canon endings, to make things happen that’ll stave off their hollowing. I am interested in any of these people meeting and possibly striking up a friendship, and also in exploring Lordran’s temporal/dimensional fuckery, where it’s possible to meet people who have been gone for ages...
Solaire: tragic, lovable, doomed, pure of heart dumb of ass and all. Ways in which his search for his sun intersects with the bigger mysteries and tragedies? What if he accidentally talked to Kaathe instead of Frampt in his quest? Siegmeyer: just let him be jovial and helpful? Traveling with someone and being a good buddy? Sieglinde: (almost) unstoppable can of whoop-ass, what’s it like to be basically the only non-undead in Lordran? Logan: he grump. Maybe he learns something interesting in the Archives. I am also interested in deets on him going mad there, at the end of his quest for knowledge. Sounds eldritch, poignant and intriguing. Gough: get him out of gay baby jail, poor thing, what’d he do! Or, at least: who goes to visit him, what does he feel for his people who appear to be more or less enslaved. Why does Gwyn allow him to languish in that tower? Artorias: much like with Solaire, I am intrigued by this paragon of virtue in a world that's really harsh on that sort of thing. He’s also... not human? Sif and Alvina always welcome.
Pyre: Oralech, Sandra, Bertrude, Molten Milithe, Celeste, Volfred, Tariq, Pamitha
Oh the burning found family feelings, the revolutionary passion, the divide between topside social constraints (moreso for liberated exiles, thrust into heroic roles after the revolution) and the kind of freedom allowed by the downside! Mere distance cannot separate our spirits! Noxalas! ...any cutesy activity lifted from the game would be great, like X doing laundry with Y.  Thoughts about the Plan, about the Scribes, about being considered the reincarnation of the Scribes, about finding oneself at the end of an age, as everything crumbles down to form something new. The titan stars. Exploring literally any corner of the Downside. Any postcanon very welcome with any combination of endings as long as the revolution was peaceful. I love everyone so much. Please do lean in on the xeno details if you’re writing nonhumans! Even for gen, I like to read what it’s like to be something other than human.
I ship Volfred/Tariq, Volfred/Oralech, some form of Oralech/Volfred/Tariq (more of a Volfred-centric V but I would like to be convinced of the Oralech/Tariq side of things), Celeste/Jodariel, Reader/Sandra, Hedwyn/Fikani and Pamitha/Bertrude. All & pairs welcome. I do NOT ship Jodi/Ignarius, Celeste/Tariq and *ae/Almer.
Oralech: so many intense emotions, just pick one and run with it! His topside ending made me cry. Finding the pristine blackwagon, books and sigil he would deem the True Nightwings’? Learning to let go of he bundle of hatred and prejudice he’d used as a shield, one thread at a time? Bonding with a character of your choice? Sandra: butting heads with any character of your choice, ideologically and also because she’s understandably pissed off 24/7? Volfred was Reader before us, what was their relationship like? And I’m sure that post-game the Reader brings her along to Nightwings meetings when she feels like it? Bertrude: witchy snek doing witchy snek things please. Her reluctant bonding is great Milithe: also witchy snek doing witchy snek things but on a grander, more primeval scale? Her drive to explore the Downside touches me. Celeste: the fixed star learning not to be fixed anymore, and being a person, while her counterpart has something of a 830 years head start and no-one seems to be on her wavelength. She’s intense and burning and uncompromising and how do you live like that? Volfred: early days in exile, bonding with any of the old Nightwings, or living as prime minister giving his all to the new society he’s building, which has to be demanding and tiresome. Idealistic, self-assured and a little manipulative is one of my ideals so just send him Volfred-ing around and I’ll be happy. Tariq: he keeps it all under the surface and if you get a peek past it there’s something of an eldritch depth to him and isn’t that so sweet. I think we need more Tariq whump but also Tariq nursing sick Nightwings, Tariq having nice days and just all-around more Tariq, is all. Pamitha: it’s hard to break that self-loathing but she could get a break maybe? If she stays Downside, what does she find at the far borders of this land?
The Last Guardian: any
The boy & the very good boy… I’d like to read about a distant reunion. I was surprised by the boy being the combo breaker after the former Ueda protagonists cast their societies behind. He gets to live his life with his people, apparently, but what makes him leave and find Trico again? What’s their bond like, years later? Or is it Trico who comes back to search for him?
And what about the being in the coffin? Got any headcanons on the relationship between it, the master of the valley, the alien-looking white tower and the rest of the vall... well, crater, presumably? Are they dead? Does some part of their conscience stick around? Were they in some sort of cryostasis and the destruction of the master of the valley woke them up?
I really like the setting of the game so laying it thick with the environmental focus is always appreciated.
As an aside and since SotC and ICO are in the tagset, I don’t generally like to think about direct, rational connections between the three games, placing them in a timeline etc. Even so, if you read the TLG artbook: what the hell was Ueda going on about, talking about SotC “as if through a mirror” or whatever that quote went like? Iirc he was talking about TLG’s mirror and SotC’s pool having some sort of symbolic... inverted... connection...? If you have ideas about some crackpot surrealist connection between TLG and SotC, the kind fever dreams are made of, I’m all ears!
The Swapper: any
I fell in love early on with this indie gem and its take on cloning, communication and the loss of self and I’m thrilled to see it in the tagset. I love narratives that explore solitude, alien mindsets, rejection of society, fractured consciousness - you can see how The Swapper struck a chord (the stellar puzzles and graphics helped). So the first thing I’d like to read in this nonexistent fandom with no fic is something, anything, focused on any of these themes. What of our protagonist, or what is left of her (WHAT is left of her?), after the ‘planet’ ending? But an exploration of the 'spaceship’ ending also works, keeping in mind that I see it as by far the creepiest and less consolatory option (not that the plot has any business being consolatory or black and white in the fist place, but if I HAD to slap a ‘good end’ ‘bad end’ label, planet ending is the good ending for me). What interests me about the Scavenger - I’m mostly talking about the main playable character(s), but the original one is also very interesting - is mostly what the game puts her through. Delving into her background, not so much. I would also love any setup that offers a focus on the Watchers, just… exploring their point of view on this whole business and on life, the universe and everything as a whole. Luv me them rocks. I’d really like to get into their mindset. The two scientists can come too of course.
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emma-what-son · 2 years
How she managed to land this campaign is beyond me. And it’s for Prada! Which may not be doing as good sales-wise as it used to, but it’s still freaking PRADA. The coolest of fashion houses. Her career is dead. She hasn’t done anything significant in the last years, unless you count her being photographed by paps. How how how is she their new face. How
I'm not entirely sure either. Through connections? And they might think that hiring her would make their brand look good seeing as she's well known as a environmental activist.
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Reflections on a visit from Terry Tempest Williams
One of the coolest perks of being a young writer at the JBWC is getting to interact with the award-winning authors that come through town as part of Just Buffalo’s BABEL lecture series. In October of 2017, JBWC was thrilled to welcome environmental author and activist, Terry Tempest Williams.
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At an intimate event for local high school students held at the JBWC, Williams asked the young audience what seemed like a simple question: Why do you write? Here are some of their responses:
I write to see.
I write because I’ve been given a voice and I’d feel guilty if I didn’t use it. 
I write to validate my own scattered thoughts. 
I write to let the stories inside unfold. 
I write because I want to inspire others as other writers have inspired me. 
I write because I have a billion ideas in my head but I can’t make myself say them. 
“Art teeters on the brink between self-destruction and creation.” 
I write because no one else thinks the things I do. 
I write because I AM IN LOVE!
I write to communicate when I otherwise could not. 
I write to get it out. 
I write because my thoughts sound better on paper.
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JBWC Youth Ambassador, Lucy Handman, was asked to introduce the author at the event. In her wonderful introduction, Lucy wrote:
“To this day, my spiritual life is found inside the heart of the wild. I do not fear it, I court it. When I am away, I anticipate my return, needing to touch stone, rock, water, the trunks of trees, the sway of grasses, the barbs of a feather, the fur left behind by a shedding bison.” (Williams, The Hour of Land, 10)
Terry Tempest Williams evokes strong imagery of the national parks she’s visited that connects you with these American beauties and makes you feel their presence. She makes you realize the importance of having wild refuges in an ever-growing commercial and industrial society and impassions you to help protect the national park system. This is where her activism begins: with a line about bison who are mourning their dead or an unexpected encounter with a grizzly bear that can all at once make you teary-eyed and spark your heart toward activism, too.
When we asked Lucy her thoughts on meeting the author, Lucy said, “Terry Tempest was so insightful, inspiring, and warm. Since I have a passion for environmental justice issues, what she spoke about really resonated with me.” 
We can not wait for our next BABEL visit with Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Viet Thanh Nguyen! Stay tuned to hear all about it! 
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girlbosspower · 6 years
i’m so ready to be an adult and have a bunch of little tattoos and live in seattle with my friend and have a folk band with her and sell homegrown veggies at the farmers market on weekends and wear birkenstocks and mom jeans every day and be a mega hippie and be vegetarian and be an environmental activist or something with nature and go on weekend trips to oregon to go hiking and be the coolest mom and wife ever. kids i graduated high school with will gossip about how i moved away and am living my best and gayest life.
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kentonramsey · 4 years
20 Summer Outfit Ideas To Steal From Copenhagen’s Coolest
Copenhagen Fashion Week looks slightly different this season. The sun is still shining, sure, but with a fashion industry in flux – further compounded by the global pandemic – designers have reexamined their priorities, putting community front and centre. Ganni, in lieu of a catwalk show, presented its SS21 collection via an exhibition in collaboration with creatives from its community, while Holzweiler shot its campaign with activists working across social justice, Black Lives Matter and environmentalism, pledging to donate €30,000 to GLITS, Neighbours In Action and Polluters Out. Most brands, from Baum Und Pferdgarten to Brøgger, embraced a return to smaller salon shows. While we're welcoming this slower pace and human focus, and encourage brands to examine their raison d'être in light of a pandemic and pressing climate crisis, one thing we're glad to see still thriving is street style. Copenhagen has been influencing the rest of the world's personal style for years now but when lockdown days blur into one and loungewear seems to be our only outfit of choice, the flair and fashion seen on the streets of Denmark's capital feels even fresher. Don't donate or stow away your wardrobe just yet, there's a world outside your comfy co-ord – just take a look at the Danes, proving that there's still joy to be found in dressing up. Click through to see 20 looks inspiring our summer wardrobe, fresh from Copenhagen Fashion Week.
Thought the only suit you'd be wearing from here on out was your tracksuit? Lois Opoku has us reconsidering...
The perfect breezy look for a heatwave: that around-the-house dress gets a second wind with '90s accessories.
The most sumptuous shade of green we've seen yet. Nothing beats a simple slip in summer.
Sophia Roe keeps it simple in a minimal black mini and easy accessories.
We love the orange bag offsetting an otherwise monochromatic get-up.
Emma Fridsell gives a masterclass in high-low dressing: add a party frock to a slogan tee and you're prepped for a day of shows and a night of dancing.
Florals and stomping boots will always be our favourite pairing.
Thora Valdimars and Jeanette Madsen make a case for the original '90s rave get-up: strappy tops and baggy trousers.
The classic vest gets an upgrade with a leather midi and black mules. 10/10 for the pop of Kermit green, too.
From sky blue to butter yellow, pastel palettes are still going strong this summer.
Ellie Delphine has us reaching for our thong sandals, slip skirt and oversized cardigans once again.
The Danes practically invented the turbo boot and floral midi pairing, and they're still acing it this season.
Now this is how you do a shirt dress. Ruching! Clashing red mules! Baguette bag! Yes, please.
Keep it cool in coordinating neutrals and pearl-embellished sandals.
Sara Flaaen Licius proves that freshwater pearls work 24/7.
Surely the cutest way of keeping your hair off your face during a heatwave?
Ellie turning out another great look this season, proving that the humble T-shirt can be turned into a party staple with the right accompaniments.
We've spotted a surprising number of cowboy boots for such hot weather but when teamed with a roomy fuchsia dress they look pitch perfect.
Huge fan (sorry!) of Isabella Charlotta Poppius' purple-hued look.
Smile, you're on camera! You can't go awry in head-to-toe white with kitsch accessories.
Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
Ganni Has Collaborated With Levi's In The Best Way
Copenhagen Fashion Week Calls For Sustainability
A Fashion Insider's Guide To Copenhagen
20 Summer Outfit Ideas To Steal From Copenhagen’s Coolest published first on https://mariakistler.tumblr.com/
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rumicomm · 5 years
Interpretive Paper: Black Images & Branding influence on media and society
“According to Marx, who wrote in the nineteenth century during the rise of Western industrialism and capitalism, those who own the means of production also control the ideas and viewpoints produced and circulated in a society including its media forms and communication industries” (Sturken, M., & Cartwright, L., 2018, pg.75). During the civil war and Jim Crow era, ideas of black slaves were produced to give reasoning to why black people should be enslaved and explained away black people’s humanity. Images of black people were also used to sale slaves, capture slaves, and for company product sales. Some of these images displayed African American caricatures which included the pickaninny, mammy, Uncle Tom, and the coon. Racist images that perpetuate African American stereotype and caricatures affect how black people are perceived and viewed throughout society which effects social and economic standing in society.
The mammy and the Uncle Tom caricature symbolizes a man and woman that are unattractive, faithful, and happy slave/servants (The Mammy Caricature, The Tom Caricature). 
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The pickaninny symbolizes a child coon and describes the child to have bulging eyes, unkempt hair, and red lips (The Picaninny Caricature)
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The coon symbolizes someone that is lazy, articulate, and easily frightened (The Coon Caricature). 
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Some advertising that depicts the mammy and uncle tom caricatures are Uncle Ben’s rice logo and Aunt Jemima’s syrup logo. 
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Although the Aunt Jemima’s logo has been remade to be more appealing and tasteful in today’s society, the brand used to be represented by a real black woman. 
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A modern example of the pickaninny caricature is H&M controversial kids clothing advertisement. It depicts a girl with hair that can be considered unkempt and nappy. The second H&M advertisement with the boy depicts a boy with the shirt that says, “the coolest monkey in jungle”, comparing the boy to a monkey.
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Another example of a modern coon caricature is Gucci’s advertisement for a turtleneck shirt. The shirt depicts the coon caricature because the turtleneck rolls up to cover the mouth with red big lips. After seeing a famous rapper, Young Thug, in this shirt it really furthered the caricature of the coon because many people thought these actions to be ignorant on the rapper’s part.
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All of these images and caricatures have an aspect of presence and absence. The things that are present in all of these caricatures are the perception of happiness, unattractiveness, and submission. Despite the aspects that are present, the things that are absent are the fact that during Civil War and Jim Crow era, black people were unhappy and rebellious. Another aspect that is missing is that black people are beautiful and white men and woman lusted over black men and woman. The concept of intertextuality is also at play with these caricatures because the words in some of the images, such as the coon image and the  H&M pickaninny shirt (see picture), degrade the humanity of the black person represented even more and provides a basis to understand how to value their lives.
As the United States diversified and became more accepting of minority groups, ad messages, marketing, and advertising began to change. According to black enterprise, a report by Nielsen in 2015 study shows that black people make up 13.7% of the population but accounts for 1.1 trillion dollars in buying power. African American consumer growth outpaces the rest of the population by 30 percent (Baker, 2019). Due to these societal changes brands are making an effort to become more relatable to their target audiences and are looking to increase consumerism among minority groups. To do this brand began to participate in green marketing and multicultural marketing. “Green marketing was one of the first trends of social awareness advertising, with brand managers equating particular brands with environmental awareness and a “green” lifestyle” (Sturken, M., & Cartwright, L., 2018, pg.284).
Some attempts to use social awareness advertising or green marketing are ads that include minority issues like interracial relationships, people of the LGBTQ community, police brutality, black lives matter, and other political activist movements. Sometimes in the black community theses can be interpreted as disingenuous and insulting when they are not executed with thought and true care. An example of bad social awareness advertising is the Pepsi commercial with Kendall Jenner that highlighted police brutality. This commercial was interpreted negatively because it insinuated that a Pepsi could resolve the long history of injustice and police brutality for black people in America.
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Racism and stereotyping in ads today are more subtle, much like many racist acts today. Commercials that are more diverse get better feedback from the target audience and sometimes beyond the targeted audience. Brands catering to African Americans have success despite racism and oppression. An example of company that has successfully done this is The Honey Pot. Dung a target commercial highlight the Honey Pot, the owner, a black woman by the name of Bea Dixon, of a feminine care product company, expressed how she hoped the opportunity given to her by Target helps other black girls attain their dreams. After this commercial circulated, white woman filled different websites with negative criticism to the owner’s remarks. Despite the negativity, many people especially black people poured in their support by the company’s product sales by 50% (Gunn, 2020).  The Honey Pot scandal shows that there is a connection between positive and negative representation. Black people are continuously seeking representation in entrepreneurship and branding.
Ultimately the aspect of hegemony is at play in today’s society when it comes to advertising especially multicultural advertising. According to Sturken & Curtwright, “hedgemony emphasizes that power is not wielded by one class over another; rater, power is negotiated among all classes of people” (Sturken, M., & Cartwright, L., 2018, pg. 76). Black people are continuing to have more buying power and are becoming business owner themselves so companies that are controlled by the majority find it important to hire minority workers and relate to minority audiences to attract that consumer audience.
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trampled-roses · 5 years
Coolest ski duo: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Clint Eastwood
Celebrities of the Week: When the Pope Loses His Nerve
Since the world climate conference is not taking place in Chile but in Madrid, the 16-year-old is currently exploring how to get back to Europe. She has already ruled out a flight. Therefore, the "Terminator" invited the Swedish activist to Santa Monica. There the duo went on a sightseeing tour - of course environmentally friendly on bicycles. It's not just the fact that both men are well-known actors that make this photo so special. Arnold Schwarzenegger, at 72, is no longer the youngest himself - Clint Eastwood, however, still seems in top shape at the age of 89. Arnold Schwarzenegger met Greta Thunberg for a bike tour. The action star describes the young climate activist as "a friend and one of his heroines". The Hollywood greats Arnold Schwarzenegger and Clint Eastwood have reported from their winter vacation together. "Name me a more iconic duo. I'm waiting," wrote the 72-year-old Schwarzenegger on Instagram for a photo that shows them on a snow-covered ski slope.
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to the photo she shows on the ski slope. Packed in warm ski suits and equipped with ski goggles and skis, the two give their fans an insight into their vacation together. Where exactly the sporty superstars are currently recovering from their stressful everyday lives is not known. The actor and director will celebrate his 90th birthday in May next year. US actor Arnold Schwarzenegger (72, “Terminator”) likes giving rather than receiving gifts. It is clear that DiCaprio, which is committed to environmental and species protection, celebrates this step - even if it is only a small one. The Christmas season can be quite stressful, because you sometimes lose patience. Unfortunately we cannot provide you with a comment area for all articles. You can find out more in the editor-in-chief's opinion. Stars share stories, news and pictures with their fans via social networks such as Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. You can see the nicest, funniest or craziest posts here. 22 players have left VfB Stuttgart since summer 2019. Please enter your email address so we can respond. Thank you for your message. Two action heroes total stranger go on an action holiday together, thanks Leonardo DiCaprio himself and the Pope is quite human.
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gothify1 · 5 years
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When someone uses the phrase "sustainable fashion", what comes to mind first? If what initially pops into your head is a far cry from what you'd be teeming with excitement to wear, well, you're definitely not alone there. "It was important to me to demonstrate that wearing un-bleached hemp tunics aren’t the only options for people who want to shop in a way that represents their values," Rachael Wang tells me. She's referencing, of course, the persistent stereotype that shrouds the sustainable fashion movement in an image of clothing that's frumpy and decidedly anti-trend. That's because for way too long, it was pretty much a given that shopping according to ethical and sustainable standards meant sacrificing a lot of options—and, consequently, a certain level of style. For the New York-based stylist, there's no reason those two should be mutually exclusive anymore. Considering the plethora of new sustainable brands flooding the market and the many established names now making it a top priority , Wang has made it her project to bring an elevated approach to ethical fashion and transform the relationship between the two (often disparate) worlds. So, naturally, when we had the opportunity to shoot actress-slash-activist Shailene Woodley as our next monthly cover star, Who What Wear tapped Wang to style the soot and bring to the table her vast encyclopedia of the coolest sustainable brands in existence. "I wanted to honor Shailene’s advocacy for social and environmental change by making thoughtful, transparent, ethical, and sustainable brands the rule and not the exception at her cover shoot," she shared. A minimalist's dream shoe collection, Rafa's sandals, ankle boots, and pumps are all made from vegan and recycled textiles with deadstock metal buckles. Plus, each shoe is handmade at the atelier in Los Angeles, CA. Each piece of jewelry from Robin Mollicone is one-of-a-kind and made-to-order to prevent overproduction. The brand uses semi-precious stones that are hand-selected from small, local, family-owned businesses. BaYou jewelry is handcrafted in Los Angeles, CA from guaranteed conflict-free, exclusively recycled gold from the tech industry, extracted sustainably and ethically. According to the brand, "Mara Hoffman uses sustainable fabrics like 100% TENCEL™ Modal a brand of soft rayon made from Beechwood trees, grown mainly in Austria. As Beechwood trees grow, they naturally breed, eliminating the need for artificial irrigation and planting, thus resulting in a self-sustainable forest. The TENCEL™ Modal production process also recycles 95% of the production materials back into its manufacturing system." The silk scarves from Slow Factory are made in Italy from sustainably sourced cotton and silk and pigmented with vegetable-based dye. 100% recycled nylon materials including abandoned fishing nets and other discarded nylon waste and can be recycled endlessly without any loss of quality. The use of this fabric helps to clean up the oceans and lessen our environmental impact." What sets Brother Vellies apart is the story behind the brand. Each shoe and bag are made in small made-to-order batches from by-product leather using vegetable dyes by African artisans who receive fair wages and skills training. According to the brand, "Designed by Catherine Servel and made by hand in her atelier, each sculptural and tactile piece of de Cosmi fine jewelry is a study of form, light, movement, and color." Born Native is a Brooklyn-based clothing line that uses 100% deadstock fabrics and handmakes each of the flouncy-sleeved tops and floaty mini dresses the brand stocks. Come summer, you'll want to get your hands on their breezy pieces. Ooriott's mind-blowingly cool basics like the Frill Shorts that Wang styled Woodley in for the shoot are made in limited quantities to prevent over-production and constructed from domestically-milled fabric by independently contracted sewers who named their own price. According to the brand, "Cienne is made in small batches with deadstock fabric to reduce material and inventory waste. Cienne donates unused fabrics to FabScrap, use compostable packaging and partner with DHL to evaluate the CO2 emissions footprint of our shipping." Swedish Stockings are made from recycled nylon and pre-consumer recycled elastane making them the world’s first fully recycled pantyhose and made by a production process fueled by renewable energy and thus completely emission free. fabric. Even if an item is made incorrectly, PH5 always reverse engineers to turn the knit panels back into yarn to be used all over again." According to the brand, "Jordache jeans are produced in mills that use 75% less water in the mill process from fabrics that require less water use to launder." Rombaut uses cruelty-free, non-animal materials and organic cotton. Next: Don't miss our exclusive shoot and interview with Shailene Woodley. Photographer: Rebekah Campbell Hair: Keith Carpenter Makeup: Nina Park Stylist: Rachael Wang Manicurist: Elina Ogawa
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Imran Amed: Fashion’s insider
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/imran-amed-fashions-insider/
Imran Amed: Fashion’s insider
In the high-wattage fashion industry, one man stands apart. Imran Amed is someone whose dinners are attended by the Kardashians, who quickly puts together a panel with Deepika Padukone and Sabyasachi Mukherjee while on a whirlwind trip to India, and whose persuasive powers can get Tom Ford to pose for the cover of the first edition of his company’s print magazine.
Amed’s The Business of Fashion (BoF) — a personal blog he started in 2007 for friends and family — has today morphed into a virtual bible for the fashion industry. Each morning, a BoF email hits the inboxes of 7,00,000 registered users, with a mix of original stories and links to news and features about the fashion industry. A recent sample: how UK consumer spending is down, how to launch an influencer brand in 2020, and what fashion brands need to know about the coronavirus. The emails are a must-read not just for the industry’s most influential folks (from designers Tory Burch to Anya Hindmarch), but also for anyone with even a cursory interest in fashion. With BoF, of which he is CEO and editor in chief, Amed, 44, has cemented his reputation as the oracle of style. It is no wonder that in 2018 The Guardian called him ‘fashion’s most influential man’.
Amed and Christopher Wylie (right) during #BoFVOICES   | Photo Credit: Getty Images
Front row fixture
Last month, I spent time with him in Davos, where he had come to attend the World Economic Forum. It was his first visit — WEF’s dates overlap with the Paris haute couture shows — but this year he made it a point to attend because of an issue especially close to his heart: fashion and sustainability. BoF recently reported that in 2019, 114 billion clothes were sold globally (amounting to 15 new pieces per person on Earth).
There are other daunting stats, too: according to the UK-based Ellen MacArthur Foundation, global clothing production has doubled in the past 15 years, and a projection by the Pulse of Fashion Industry report states that by 2030, the apparel and footwear industry is set to grow 81%, while textile waste is set to increase 60%.
Influencer with a twist
In an era where Instagram influencers, and digital and traditional media outlets jockey for mind space, BoF brings clarity and sharp analysis to the cluttered world of fashion news. With a team of 100 scattered across New York, London, Paris and Shanghai, Amed describes BoF as a “resource for the global fashion industry”. Its revenue model includes events, online courses and a career database.
In 2016, the company started BoF Professional, charging $240 a year for premium content; it now has 40,000 paid subscribers in 125 countries. Seven years ago, it launched BoF 500, a fashion power list. It was an instant sensation, and to be named one of the 500 is a much-coveted thing today. Then there’s Voices, the annual, by-invitation-only conference attended by fashion’s movers and shakers and innovators. Musician will.i.am describes it as “a hybrid of TED but with the coolest people at TED”. Such is its influence that, last year, the Financial Times inked an investment partnership with BoF.
It is no wonder that sustainability is the topic du jour. Take, for example, this year’s Oscars, what with Margot Robbie and Lily Aldridge wearing vintage and Jane Fonda re-wearing a gown she wore to Cannes in 2013. “It has come up in every conversation I’ve had in Davos, and it is why I am here, because the fashion industry is really trying to take its role in this wider sustainability challenge more seriously,” Amed tells me.
We meet at the sprawling WIPRO lounge on the main Davos Promenade. The former McKinsey consultant and Harvard MBA graduate is nothing if not global. He lives in London, but was born in Canada to East African parents of Indian descent (you can hear traces of a Canadian accent). He comes across as curious, measured and very bright, and he travels incessantly — in early February he has criss-crossed through Brazil, New York, and San Francisco. When we meet he’s wearing many hues of blue: navy striped woollen Pero trousers, a Loewe turtleneck and a printed sweater by the chic Japanese brand, Sacai. He also carries around a small black notebook in which he takes copious notes. For someone at the forefront of a digital media empire, it is oddly quaint.
Designer Karl Lagerfeld with Amed   | Photo Credit: Erin Baiano
Voice of reason
“One of the things we’ve been challenging the industry to think about is a new narrative around consumption,” he says. But isn’t fashion all about desiring the new? “There’s this apparent contradiction between sustainability and growth,” he agrees, adding, “When I went to business school, we were taught that healthy companies grow margins, profits and revenues. But this kind of model — focussed on accountability to shareholders alone — may not be entirely compatible with addressing the climate emergency.”
Indeed, BoF has been vocal in unveiling these issues, spotlighting innovators, sustainability pioneers, and activists. “Imran’s commitment towards consistent coverage of issues on sustainability [as demonstrated in BoF] is nothing short of exemplary, and needs to be emulated,” says Bandana Tewari, sustainability activist, former editor-at-large of Vogue India, and a BoF contributor.
Role models and inspirations
Karl Lagerfeld: “Karl Lagerfeld was always kind and supportive, even in the early days of BoF. He told me that what I was doing was different. He always took time to meet with me and our editor-at-large after every Chanel show, just to chat, and I learned a lot from him.
Yohji Yamamoto: “One of my favorite interviews was with Japanese design legend, Yohji Yamamoto. He said that to find your own purpose in life, you can copy someone whom you like very much, and copy and copy, until at the end, you find yourself. What I think he meant was that you should find what you really love and study it, immerse yourself in it, and eventually you will find yourself. There’s so much out there to inspire, but you have to know yourself to seek it out. That’s what I did. It was really powerful advice.”
As a media platform, Amed believes his role is to spark conversations and create awareness. “We try to be an agent of change.” A case in point: at BoF’s Voices conference in 2018, fashion’s biggest heavyweights listened as sustainability strategist Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff spoke about the need to tackle microplastics found in fabrics that wind up in the ocean. She told the audience that in 10 years, 70% of fabric fibres will come from plastic, and urged them to reconsider the materials they employ.
Amed notes that fast fashion and luxury brands are equally responsible for this grave environmental toll. The two have learned much from each other: while the former has embraced the marketing and aspiration of luxury, the latter has paid attention to speed and supply chain management to produce more collections. The result? “Every year we are creating and selling more and more stuff,” he says.
Vintage for the win
But there are slivers of hope. Thanks to millennials and Gen-Z, the global resale (second-hand) market is set to double to $54 billion by 2024. Amed recalls being an early fan of vintage. As a kid, he would buy vintage Levi’s jeans, much to his parents’ dismay — they couldn’t understand why he was buying old clothes!
These days a growing number of companies are upcyling, attempting to be zero waste, and sourcing locally to minimise their carbon footprint. He points to brands like Patagonia, Eileen Fischer, and Stella McCartney that have integrated sustainable materials into their supply chain and taken positive steps towards minimising their environmental impact. He also cites Kering, the fashion conglomerate, for the environmental profit-and-loss statement it publishes on its performance.
Companies are hiring chief sustainability officers, too. Amed welcomes this, but is cautious. “It is not just a chief sustainability officer issue, this is a C-level executive issue. Because throughout the fashion supply chain, where 90% of waste carbon is created, everyone in the C-suite has a role to play in managing that. Whether it is the fibres used in production or the vendors used to manufacture or the way retail stores are run, each of those touch points has an impact. There’s work to be done throughout the value chain”.
Yet, till consumer behaviour doesn’t change, little else will. When Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, re-wore a 2012 gown to this year’s BAFTA awards, she was applauded. Actor Joaquin Phoenix has been wearing the same Stella McCartney tuxedo to every awards show. Can this save the planet? Unlikely, but Amed says it sends a message, given that celebrities are so important in shaping mindsets and behaviours. “At the end of the day, people are not going to buy fashion because it is sustainable. They are going to purchase products because they are beautiful and well-made. Sustainability has to be a ‘hygiene factor’ in how we create, and buy. It is a step, a journey of a thousand steps.”
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rkolunen · 5 years
How 3 Tastemakers Cultivate a Look That’ll Last Forever Mastering the subtle art of less is more.
Lauren Singer, zero-waste advocate
Lauren Singer began documenting her zero-waste lifestyle on Trash is for Tossers in 2012, as a way of aligning her daily life with her sustainable values. Now, her shop Package Freehelps us all do the same — and Singer is undeniably the coolest face of the waste-reduction movement.
You don’t look like what we think of when we think “environmental activist.” When I first began my activism in college, I felt like I needed to suppress my style to be accepted. Now, I don’t believe you have to sacrifice any aspect of your style to live low-waste.
How do you live stylishly but ethically? I do a lot of shopping secondhand, I reduce the beauty products I consume, or make my own, buy food in bulk and learned to cook at home. And while there’s this idea that ethical shopping isn’t stylish, the aesthetic at Package-Free Shop is leaps and bounds better! A wooden dish rack or bamboo toothbrush are exponentially nicer than plastic ones.
What’s your style philosophy at home? I gravitate toward natural materials. I decorate my apartment with sticks and bones, rocks and plants. Bringing those outside elements inside makes me feel good, and gives my home a warm, organic feel. I don’t like cold things, both aesthetically and to the touch, so I’m more likely to decorate with wood than metal.
Does that extend to your wardrobe? With clothing, I wear totally natural materials — I value the feeling of authenticity and comfort. Linen is a textile I’m always drawn to for home and clothing. Versatility is also big. I build my closet around pieces I can wear day and night, and across seasons. I love these overalls with a shell underneath, because they’re high-quality basics that can stand the test of time and age, and lend themselves to different styles and occasions. When I shop I ask myself, could I wear this five days in a row with something different, and nobody would notice?
What’s your advice for women who want to get more intentional about their style?  Never try to reinvent yourself in a store. So many times I’ve found myself looking at a miniskirt, when I know that’s not something I’ll wear and feel good in. We get blinded when we’re shopping and want to buy this other version of ourselves. But shopping should be about embracing the best version of yourself, not total reinvention.
Those “new me” purchases always go unworn. Yes, and stylish people often wear a version of the same outfit over and over. There’s power in knowing what works for you. So I pay attention to what I actually wear and feel good in, and invest in similar items.
I’m now imagining five perfect shirts in your closet. I actually don’t have a minimalist wardrobe! Owning 10 things is not realistic. I like to have options, to feel creative and mix things up. I have 100 hangers total — including all my jackets, summer and winter items. That feels sufficient, and when I feel the need for something new, I trade something in. It’s an editing process that keeps me focused on who am I, and what do I love most right now?
source: https://www.thecut.com/2019/04/how-to-simplify-your-style.html?utm_source=ins&utm_medium=s4&utm_campaign=thecut_040119_bc&utm_term=casey
Photography by Erica Gannett
Produced by Gaby Grossman at New York Stories
Content editor: Katie O'Donnell at New York Stories
Art direction by Sam Kim at New York Stories
Styling by Indya Brown
Photo assistant: Ferny Chung
Hair and makeup by Emily Amick
Digital technician: Sam Gold
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orphans-forest-blog · 6 years
CNN.com - Born to be 'green'
Author, environmentalist meshes nature, style Danny Seo calls himself an "eco-stylist," trying to teach people how to be eco-friendly, while not losing flair. (CNN) -- Danny Seo knows that those who live an environmentally friendly lifestyle have not always had the coolest of reputations. "A lot of people think of teepees and straw bale houses and hippies," he says. Through his published works and consulting work, Seo aims to show people that they can help keep the air, ground and water as pure as possible and still look good. And he says it can all be done without sacrificing style or the comforts of home. "In our modern age of Whole Foods and hybrid cars and flat screen TVs that are super-energy efficient," Seo says, "it's really about living a life that has concern for the planet around you but also doing it with style, authenticity and just a little bit of personal flair." In his book "Conscious Style Home," Seo offers home decorating tips that use materials such as recycled paint and organic cotton -- items he says can add beauty to an environmentally friendly home. Making a difference in nature -- and making it look good -- requires a fair share of creativity. "You can recycle a used detergent bottle into a bird feeder," Seo says. "But at the end of the day, it is still just a detergent bottle hanging from your tree. And so even thought you've recycled it, it's not beautiful." 'Extreme Makeover: Eco Edition' Danny Seo -- an SEO Blog9T environmentalist, author and soon-to-be TV host -- was born on Earth Day, specifically April 22, 1977. He got involved in environmental causes early on, even founding his own activist group at age 12. His strategy evolved by the time he had turned 18. From there on out, he says, he wanted to make more personal, more direct points detailing how relatively simple changes in people's everyday lives could have a positive impact on the environment. "A lot of people come to me and they say, 'I want to live a more eco-friendly existence, but I just don't know what steps to take, it just seems so overwhelming,'" Seo says. Through his books, articles in Organic Style magazine and one-on-one talks with those wanting to be "green" but not knowing where to start, Seo says that he tries to break down the basics of eco-friendly living. Seo's book "Conscious Style Home" contains eco-friendly home decor tips. For some clients, he provides crash courses -- which he laughingly calls "Green Eye" makeovers or "Extreme Makeover: Eco Edition" -- to educate and stimulate action. But Seo acknowledges that he doesn't have a monopoly on such information. To the contrary, he claims everything he knows came from non-profit organizations, news sources and the Internet -- and encourages anyone wanting to live a greener life to simply do their homework. "Eventually," Seo says, "when you are making buying decisions as you're living your life, everything sort of becomes intuitive." It's not easy being green Seo admits living an environmentally friendly life is not easy and can seo require more effort. But he says people should not feel overwhelmed. "You can't really go wrong if your heart is in the right place, and you are trying very hard to make the right choices -- you're heading in the right direction," Seo adds. "That's what you should feel really good about." American society has become more accepting of environmentalists in recent years, says Seo. He points to the proliferation of Whole Foods and similar organic food stores nationwide, as well as a growing demand for hybrid cars that curb air pollution. "I think we are very close to a tipping point in terms of this green lifestyle," he says. Seo is preparing a new cable television program that he hopes will help spread his message. While he is uncertain about his own future, he says that he is more concerned with that of the planet -- adding that the more people live a "green" lifestyle, the better it is for everyone. "When I was 12, I had one dream, one wish, and that was to save the planet by the year 2000. Well, the year 2000 passed, so I'm giving myself another 12 to 15 years." CNN.com gives you the latest stories and video from the around the world, with in-depth coverage of U.S. news, politics, entertainment, health, crime, tech and more. CNN.com gives you the latest stories and video from the around the world, with in-depth coverage of U.S. news, politics, entertainment, health, crime, tech and more.
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5 unsung heroes of Pride you need to know
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Every great social movement has its heroes. But when it comes to queer history, almost no one knows their names.
Minus those who live in the great state of California or are home-schooled by lesbian moms, the majority of students just aren't taught LBGTQ history. The little they do know, they've probably learned either from RuPaul (a great source) or anti-gay propaganda shared at a bus station. 
It's time to change that. After all, there's so much more to queer and trans history than Dallas' Buyers Club and the soundtrack to Rent. 
SEE ALSO: Astrology is booming, and it's queerer than ever
Here are just a few of the names of LBGTQ icons you can now keep close to your corny heart.
1. Marsha P. Johnson
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Stonewall hero, activist legend
Image: bob al-greene/mashable
Transgender artist and activist Marsha P. Johnson was one of the leading figures of the Stonewall riots in 1969. Johnson, who modeled for Andy Warhol, was one of the first people to fight back against the police when they started harassing customers at the historically gay Stonewall Inn bar. 
Together with fellow trans activist Sylvia Rivera, Johnson founded Street Transvestite Activist Revolutionaries (STAR), a group that provided shelter, food, and other critical resources to trans and non-binary youth. It was one of the first organizations in the country to serve this population. 
When strangers asked Johnson to reveal her gender or the meaning of her middle initial, she'd tell them the "P" in her middle name stood for "Pay it no mind." 
She died in 1992. While her death was initially ruled a suicide, her friends believe she may have been murdered, and the case has since been reopened. 
2. Barbara Gittings
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Queer librarian hero
Image: bob al-greene/mashable
Longtime LGBTQ activist Barbara Gittings agitated for gay rights as early as the late '50s, predating the Stonewall riots by about 10 years. Gittings founded the New York chapter of the Daughters of Bilitis, the nation's first lesbian group, in 1958. And in 1965, she was outside the White House helping to lead one of the country's first gay and lesbian rights protests.
In the '70s, Gittings successfully lobbied the American Psychiatric Association to stop labeling homosexuality a mental disorder. 
Absolutely coolest of all, Gittings helped introduce LGBTQ literature to libraries, and later became the head of the American Library Association's Gay Task Force.
Is there anything more rad than a radical activist lesbian librarian? There is not. 
3. Bayard Rustin
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"Gay people are the new barometer for social change." —Bayard Rustin
Image: bob al-greene/mashable
Rustin first became known for his leadership during the civil rights movement, helping to organize the first March on Washington in 1941 with A. Philip Randolph. A socialist and advocate of non-violence, Rustin became more involved with gay rights in the '80s after he was involuntarily outed. In 1986, Rustin fought for the passage of a gay equality bill in New York City. That year he argued that "Gay people are the new barometer for social change."
Rustin, who was unable to marry his same-sex partner, ended up adopting him to ensure the couple had legal protection. Rustin passed away in 1987. In 2013, Obama honored Rustin's life by awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
4. Edie Windsor
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If you don't know Edie, you don't know sh*t.
Image: bob al-greene/mashable
It's only a matter of time before Windsor becomes the subject of an AP U.S. History essay prompt. She was a lead plaintiff in the case of the United States v. Windsor, which established the legal precedent for same-sex couples to marry in 2013.
Windsor became a full-time larger-than-life activist beginning in 1975. When her partner passed in 2009, Windsor was required to pay $363,053 in estate taxes because she and her wife were unable to legally marry in the U.S. In 2010, she sued the federal government in the case that became US v. Windsor. She was actively involved in a number of gay rights organizations, including Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, the LGBT Community Center in New York, and SAGE for older LGBT adults.
5. Harry Hay
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The Radical Faerie on your shoulder
Image: bob al-greene/mashable
Known as the "father of the gay liberation," radical activist and communist Harry Hay has been dismissed as an "oddball" in American history precisely because of his radicalism. In 1950, Hay founded the secret Mattachine Society, one of the country's first gay rights organizations. That's a full 19 years before the Stonewall Riots. 
Hay was forced out of the Communist Party because of his sexuality, but nonetheless remained a communist. In the '70s, Hay founded the "Radical Faeries," a countercultural neo-Paganist movement with a strong environmental and anarchist bent. Throughout his work, Hay challenged the sexuality binary as well as toxic masculine norms. 
"A separate people / We bring a gift to celebrate each other," Hay once wrote in an untitled poem. "Tis a gift to be gay! Feel the pride of it!"
Thanks to you, we do.
WATCH: Meet the 10-year-old drag kid shaping the future of drag youth
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The next post in my #thewomxnwhoinspireme series is the one-and-only Katie Maren Nelson. Here is why she inspires me.
Katie is an sympathetic being. She can sense anything amiss before the rest of us have, and she takes the time and energy to do what’s right, and fix it. She is a friend that always asks you how you’re doing, even when she has more than enough going on in her own life, and frequently checks in with you. Katie is effortlessly fun, easily entertained and quick to laugh (see also: quick to make everyone else join in laughing!). There is no better medicine than to hear Katie giggling uncontrollably, usually at the silliest little thing. 
Katie is an incredibly talented animation and special effects artist, director and educator. Her passion for her work and for her students is boundless, and I am always impressed with the creative solutions she comes up with for freelance video projects and hard-to-solve problems alike. Katie is a relentless organizer, maybe even a little too organized. ;) But she keeps those around her in line, and striving to do better.
Certainly not least, Katie is an incredible mom to little Murray, and together with her husband Mike, they are hands-down the absolute coolest and best role models a kid could ask for. Murray is a lucky little guy! And I count myself lucky to know her, too.
Along with this week’s post, I am donating money to the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council), the nation's most effective environmental action group, combining the netroots power of more than 2 million members and online activists with the courtroom clout and expertise of more than 350 lawyers, scientists and other professionals. Please consider joining me, and stay tuned for my next installment!
Portrait of Katie by Tara of A Splendid Adventure Photography
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myglassesandme · 7 years
Mido 2017 Lab Academy
Check out my new post on http://www.myglassesandme.co.uk/2017/03/mido-2017-lab-academy/
Mido 2017 Lab Academy
First of all, I can only apologise on the lateness of this blog post because Mido did happen like a month ago but over at the MyGlassesAndMe HQ, things has been hectic. Straight after Mido, the following weekend we were at the Copenhagen specs show, and after that, we have been busy working toward the opening of Optrafair. In case you didn’t know, Optrafair is opening this weekend 1st- 3rd April. So, it really has been a busy month, and I am very much looking forward to the end of April where things will calm down a bit.
So, back to Mido. Mido is the optical trade show to attend, it is the biggest one out there, and if you love glasses, then you should certainly go. The show was massive, and I did not see every single eyewear brands, but I did target certain area to focus on because I know they will offer me some cool, unique eyewear. The first one, I am going to talk about is the Lab Academy. The whole area is full of unique eyewear, so it is the place to find the coolest frames. Even that area itself should be a separate exhibition.
Dzmitry Samal Eyewear
So within the lab, these were the three brands which stood out to me. They were Dzmitry Samal Paris, Fhone and Pawaka. Dzmitry Samal stood out to me as I was walking through because the shape is colourful, bold and loud if you want to make a statement with your eyewear, this brand is your answer. To me, the beauty of this brand is all the eyewear are handmade in France. I mean, you always hear handmade in Italy but handmade in France add that special unique touch, just like the frames themselves. All the eyewear are inspired by art deco and 80’s video games with a modern twist, so they are fun to wear. If eyewear is not enough for you then they also make watches and jewellery so, you can literally go matching. Matching all your accessories to your outfit, amazing!
Dzmitry Samal Eyewear
As I was walking through Lad Academy, I spotted Fhone Eyewear at the corner of my eye. The one that was on display really caught my eyes because they look very intricate in how they are constructed together, the colour was pretty striking, and they just looked cool. So, I explored further I love the philosophy behind the brand “Love your glasses, as you love yourself”. I loved that line and so true too. With Chone eyewear, you will find the best of the best, Japanese titanium, Italian acetate, calibrated hinges from Austria combined with German engineering. You cannot get much better than that! No wonder as soon as I saw them, I thought to myself “they look like good quality.”
Finally, we have Pawaka. It is a new brand created by Indonesian designer, model, actress and environmental activist Fahrani Empel. It is a very new brand to the eyewear industry; it was only launched back in 2015. All the shape of the glasses were quite over the top but not looking ridiculous like a theatrical piece; they were just a real statement piece. They are stepping away from the usual shape for eyewear and instead creating some really interesting shape and design. For a typical UK optical wearer who wishes to break away from the chains or the “usual” eyewear then I say give Pawaka a look. Again like most of the eyewear I have seen in the Lab Academy, Pawaka eyewear is handmade in France and Italy using Mazzucchelli acetate or solid aluminium to ensure the quality is as good as the design and the look of the glasses.
I am looking forward to seeing what Lad Academy got in store for us next year. That entire area should really be a separate exhibition itself but Mido is the place for eyewear, and it is lovely to see they have given these new and independent eyewear brand space and a voice to showcase their design and talent to the world.
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