#enzo vogrincic birth chart
ghostl0re 8 months
this is just for fun this post is not to be taken as a complete reality of his personality. astrology is a hobby for me i study it and read charts for fun so im not an expert. also this post was written based on his chart with NO houses.
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(images for mere representation of his energy)
moon (moon tri. mars, moon sext. uranus and neptune, moon tri. pluto; magnetic, attractive, he could be able to read people easily and may want constant change) and mercury (mercury tri. mars; energetic, loves to learn, active) in pisces honestly i can sense it in his interviews. may appear shy. he feels a lot, there was this interview where he said he connected spiritually w Numa...yeah. he's sensitive. VERY. an empath.
venus in aries im not surprised you can actually see it in certain videos with a certain person (iyyk) (venus sq. mars, venus opp. jupiter, venus sq. uranus, neptune; commitment problems, low self-esteem, sweet person regardless) he kinda needs constant stimulation or he'll get bored but when he loves he goes all in and with passion (im not gonna talk about the s3x煤al stuff cuz i feel like im crossing a line lol i respect him) if he's not interested in someone believe me YOU'LL KNOW
sun in aries like are we surprised? he's sooo confident also prob very flirty, FUN, a leader, impulsive and definitely energetic (sun opp. jupiter, sun tr. pluto; could have a big ego and is also an influential person, if we read his chart w gemini rising he has sun conj. moon; caring person) let's not forget all that aries chaotic energy like sarcasm, wanting to do everything fast in life, thinking they're always right, being judgemental, optimistic, bursts of energy, wanting attention or getting over things easily, honest AF lol
mars in cancer soo passive-agressive and a protector of those he loves, loyal, moody, sensitive and just nice overall. (mars sq. jupiter, mars opp uranus, neptune; bro gets the work done but could be unpredictable, dramatic, could be one of those people that just loses their shit just chaotic overall, cancer helps A LOT tho)
jupiter in libra popular, charismatic, creative, kind he's great w the arts but i think we already knew that lol he could have a lot of luck in the arts and look at him now, everyone loves him
saturn in aquarius a leader, responsible, secretive, loyal and confident he gets the work done (saturn sq. pluto; he could be stubborn af, face hard challenges, etc. could get dark but also very good cuz it makes him a resilient person)
uranus and neptune in capricorn (generational planets) hard working, determined, responsible, wants success, independent. (uranus conj. neptune, uranus sext. pluto, neptune sext. pluto; strong personality, curious mind, imaginative, could be curious in spiritual topics)
pluto in scorpio (generational planet) remember Bayona used to say Enzo had this mysterious energy? pluto in scorpio could be one of the many reasons (f.e his pisces moon) why he seems mysterious, he could feel a lot since is a water sign, emotional, MAGNETIC but this planet as well as uranus and neptune are more about a whole generation.
lilith in pisces bro he's super and i mean SUPER intuitive, EMPHATIC and creative (he has A LOT of water in his chart) he has a vivid imagination but it also signifies addictions or anxiety (i wont be diving into it tho) lilith in pisces could mean self-sabotage tendencies, excesssive tendencies (in anything), lives in their head, trust issues, escapism and repress their emotions. and that's all because this placement feels A LOT is always connected with everyone and everything.
chiron in leo he has the wound of talent he prob thinks he's not talented enough he actually thought he was gonna get fired many times lmfao
summary: he's very VERY emotional person. i almost drowned looking at his chart, water king. water makes him a super sensitive dude, his fire placements make him more energetic and confident, he's emotional, spontaneous, fun, energetic, down to earth, unpredictable, expressive, ambitious, spiritual, sensitive and impulsive, reads people like a book, he feels deeply, most likely an empath. i would say that the reason he's captivating are his pisces placements (if i knew his birth time this would be so much more detailed) he probably had (or has) anxiety and self-doubt thoughts i see him more of an ambivert kind of person, you can see in his interviews and even in his insta posts how deep and sensitive he is but also his fiery combination, he just seems fun. overall he's a super cool dude i like his energy a lot, he's very magnetic. im gonna say a weird thing but he kinda reminds me of getaway car (yes...the taylor swift song, wanna know the specific part of the song that reminds me more of him? after the bridge, when piano intensifies loll)
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note: im not including his north and south node cuz they're more specific depending on the house they land, i would love to know his birth time to get more specific things but alr
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ghostl0re 7 months
hii I love your analysis of enzo's chart. what do you think his rising is? I don't know a lot about astrology but I think capricorn or scorpio. also what do you mean when u say you can see his aries venus in certain videos?
(you can reply publicly or privately I don't mind either way!)
hiiii first i wanna say thank you馃挒!! i spent a few days writing it and studying him and his chart it was so much fun i hope i can do another one for another artist soon. and also i want to apologize if this took a long time to answer i was honestly not feeling like myself so i waited a little bit. anyway to answer your questions:
1- i think he's a capricorn rising. he has a lot of bone structure, he appears short or average height (honestly blame this a little to the latino genes we're not that tall lol) but has this elongated shape either way, like he seems tall sometimes but then he doesn't lol also at first impression he seems serious, someone who takes his job super seriously not only that but capricorn risings can discover their identity through work something that enzo could definitely be and potentially grew stronger with Numa's character he probably feels like he found a new version of himself while playing as Numa (which this isn't totally my opinion he has said he changed after playing as Numa). but we don't know for sure many say he's could be a gemini rising which i see some traits but capricorn convince me more for some reason.
2- what i meant is that venus in aries looks for stimulation and excitement in their relationships, they want to have fun like kids with their partners and the videos im talking about are the old videos with his ex gf they always seemed like kids having fun and experiencing new stuff all the time but also very romantic which is another trait of this placement.
thank u sm for your questions and sorry again for not answering sooner i hope i answered your questions. and you're welcome to ask me anything else. have a great day馃挆
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ghostl0re 8 months
about to read enzo's birth chart to find out whyyy he's so captivating im so in loveee w the whole cast i aint gonna lie
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