echoplus · 5 years
(eochi) that’s how i feel
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flyoutlet-blog · 6 years
EOCHI, a new wave
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Last time, we talked about acloudyskye.
When all beats start to look like each other and form a generic scene, there will always be someone to break the chain. With a take of his own, creating beats unforeseen, here is eochi.
eochi (어치) is korean for jay, it also means worth, but can also mean idiot depending on usage of the word, im half korean
- eochi
eochi centers himself at making beats. The first thing you might think of as a beat in modern day could most likely be your typical kick, hat, snare, clap, sub, and a sample, real Metro Boomin style beats. This is though something else. When I first heard “6,″ the intro gave me an invitation. I wanted to reject it when I first heard how it continued, but felt the urge to stay when I listened to it. Through eochi’s hard flow, one thing started to stand out, and that was the use of electronic elements. I thought it was strange. What were they doing in a beat like this? I waited in anticipation for an answer on this, and the explanation was exactly as deep as I thought.
um idk i think it sounds neato
I curiously move on to his other songs. “everlasting” was faster to have me on my toes. While it still includes the electronic elements, I’m surprised by the snare roll eochi brought. Panning around, pitching, reverbed, and generally giving an odd divine feeling, I was in awe. eochi has said the vocals are a cutscene from Final Fantasy XV, but the main focus was really the snare roll. “highwind,” “bahamut,” “gone,” “crystals,” while they all have a different and unique vibe, they share the same roll.
making the same elements in your own songs helps people recognize that its you when they hear it. i also do this by putting the same “hahaha” sound in my songs
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The cover for everlasting.
Suddenly came “you make me smile (ꈍωꈍ)“
when i get bored with music i switch it up to keep me motivated
“you make me smile (ꈍωꈍ)“ steps away from eochi’s usual style of beats, and goes more into the electronic field. It starts off by going into the saws and waves of future bass, and out of the darker setting of the beats we heard before. We’re accompanied by soft sounds and an atmosphere of nature. The build plays along, but hearing eochi’s tag before the drop makes it drop the mask. eochi smoothly gets his sound implemented, and we’re left with a beautiful fusion of future bass and trap.
eochi once again goes out of his usual style of beats with his demo of the “ULTIMA KIT.” Using sounds of this kit, he shows his ability to make a variety of different styles. I would try to comment on my personal favorite but listening to the demo again makes me want to say all of them are my favorite. Though the ability to make all these different beats is shown, eochi has said that he does not think there are plans to make more in this style. For the ULTIMA KIT itself, it is better explained by eochi himself.
i made that kit for people who wanted to make music and did not have money to afford a kit of their own (most of the time artists make kits by putting their own sounds in a folder and then selling it) right now it has over 350 downloads and im glad people liked it
After having heard the demo to get an idea of what is in the ULTIMA KIT, it’s safe to say I will be downloading it, and you should too. It shouldn't be the only thing you're aiming for.
eochi's got a style of making beats that's overshadowed by more modern ones. For what he has so far, he's underrated, and a lot of people and essentially artists are missing out on this. You shouldn't be one of them.
Listen to eochi’s music and download the ULTIMA KIT here:
- flyoutlet
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anngersmy · 5 years
The Queen of Ireland
Sipping pints of the dark stuff they contemplated the news that was invading their peace. It was blaring out from the television that sat precariously balanced on a rickety shelf over the bar. There wasn't many in the pub, there never was anymore in this small town bypassed by the motorway to Dublin.
“Teresa May, UK prime minister, has lost the vote in Parliament. The troubled exit of Britain from the EU is likely to result in the return to a hard border for this island”
Images of car bombs, crying children,men in balaclavas and soldiers flashed across the screen.
Eochy looked over at his companion, her blond hair glittering in the dim light of the bar, her bright blue eyes glued to the screen while she pursed her ruby red lips in anger.
He coughed to get her attention.
“Do you remember that film, ya know the one with the students from Scotland stealing back that rock thing from the English? Do you remember?”
“You mean The Stone of Scone?” she replied absentmindedly.
“Scone? Scone? You mean like the bun you eat with butter and jam or like the English eat with cream, that Scone?” he half said to himself while she continued watching the news.
“Well it's spelled the same. Why?”
“I was thinking about that stone. They thought it was the Stone of Destiny, An Lia Fáil, you know what? It wasn't. They were mad wrong, it never left the Hill of Tara.”
He looked at her waiting for her questions.
“How do you know that? Oh, who cares?
“ Well, I do know and you should care because with that stone and you we can sort out the whole English Brexit shite once and for all. I dreamt about it last night and I know exactly where it is. In my dream a cloaked person led me right to it. I googled it and there are loads of rumours that's where it's at. My dream is true, I'm being led to it.”
“You've lost me completely now. I haven't a notion what you're talking about.”
He was exasperating at times.
Eochy didn't give up.
“The feckin’ English are going to bring the troubles back if we don't do something about it and our gobshites of politicians are just bending over backwards for their EU lords and doing nothing about it so, SO, we have to. We have to go to Tara, dig up the real Lia Fáil 'cos the penis stone they have there now isn't it, it's just like a headstone or whatever. The real one is buried somewhere beside the mound of hostages. We need to get the real one and you need to stand on it and Bob's yer uncle, United Ireland, sorted.”
He sat back, delighted with himself and downed his pint in one.
“Right, losing me again”
Etain had to admit she was more interested now.
“You're always telling me you're 100% Irish and your line goes right back to the Kings of Ireland so there is a pretty good chance if you stand on the Stone it will screech with Joy because you're the rightful heir to the throne and we won't need to worry anymore about a hard or soft border as there will be no border!”
“You, my friend are most likely mad, polluted drunk definitely and while I'm loving the idea, there is a problem, I won't be the King of Ireland, I'm a woman. Ireland is a woman and the King is married to her, that's how it works”
Etain sat back and looked at him.
Eochy looked puzzled.
“Don't get you, why? We can have a queen, sure it's 2019 for feck sake and didn't we vote in same sex marriage. Queen of Ireland, let's get the stone!”
He stood up unsteadily and made his way to the bar.
All that night, Etain couldn't get the conversation out of her head. She had a romantic head on her shoulders. She really was a direct descendant of Niall of the Nine hostages and therefore of the last great king of Ireland, Conn of The Hundred Battles. Legend said he was the last king to make the Stone of Destiny sing out in joy as a true King who could unite the country. The next morning she was still seriously contemplating it, though she couldn't believe it herself. She rang Eochy who was only waiting for her call and they agreed to meet back in the pub and trash the crazy plan out over lunch.
She greeted him with
“It's an archaeological site of international importance, I don't want any damage done. Is there any non-invasive way we can locate it first before we start digging, like maybe echo sounding or a drone or something? And, we could get in trouble, big trouble. Could end up in jail”
Eochy smiled, delighted this was happening
“Aye, Maybe we'll be fined or something, which is a crying shame and us only trying to save the country for feck sake. Trouble will happen only if It doesn't work”
“Yeah, only if it doesn’t work. We will need more help with this but who can we trust?”
Eochy couldn't stop smiling
"I was thinking Aengus, well he has a drone and a good understanding of how to excavate without damaging the site.”
“Oh yeah, he should do, he IS an Archaeological student. Oh he won't agree.”
“I think he will.” answered Aengus himself as he wandered into the bar.
“Eochy already sold the whole idea to me. We should do it as soon as possible. I've the drone outside and there was very little growth so we should get a good look at the land. If there is anything there we will see it.”
They discussed it more as they ate their lunch and then drove to the sacred site to have a look for themselves and plan the raid. Etain was worried Aengus doing a drone flight might be traced back but he assured her there were plenty of drones up there all the time and in fact he had, in anticipation, already put a rumour out about a naked pagan ceremony either today or tomorrow so there will be lots of activity. They'll be lost in the midst of all the air traffic and no one will be suspicious of them being there too.
“There are always prayer circles up there, The other drones will have plenty to look at while we work. It will be like we have a cloak of invisibility over us.” he laughed.
“Misdirection.” agreed Eochy.
When they got to the Hill there already was a bit of a crowd gathered in wait for the mysterious naked pagan ceremony just as Aengus had said. No one noticed them preparing their drone nor did they see that their drone was focused on one small area a little away from all the activity. They were taking detailed coverage over the mound of hostages while the prayer groups, who hadn't got naked yet, nor would they, were over at the phallic pillar.
Etain decided to take a closer look while the two men were playing with the drone. She wandered up to the entrance of the mound and stared into the darkness. A cloaked man approached her and asked was she joining the group. She said she was only having a look, having never been there before. His accent was Northern Irish, Antrim, like Eochy, she thought. He wandered off up the Hill.
The entrance was gated and locked. She had noticed that despite being an important historical site, there wasn't much other security about the place. The hill was accessible at all times, they would just need to be careful they weren't conspicuous, weren't followed up the Hill. They would need to bring something to cut the lock and dig. How do you carry a spade without drawing suspicion she wondered as she watched the eccentric group on the hill chanting.
When Etain came back down the two men had put away the drone.
“We took as much footage as we could and thermal imaging as well so if the stone is there we will see it.” Aengus said. “How did you get on?”
“I think I know how we get our shovels up there without looking suspicious, in the funniest way really, as anyone dressed like this would be suspicious anywhere else. We dress in cloaks and we carry our shovels in plain sight in our hands. Keeping the shovel part hidden under our cloaks and a candle on the handle we will walk to the mound in a procession as if we are performing a ritual. No one seems to pass any heed on that sort of carry on here.”
Aengus laughed.
“Great idea. We’'ll go back and examine this in detail, I'll enlarge it up and we can decide when we are coming back then.”
“The sooner the better I think” said Eochy, just to say something as he was feeling a bit superfluous.
“Imbolc” Etain said.
”Imbolc, First of February, day of the goddess Brigid, there will be activity here day and night just like there is at all the sites, no one will notice us.”
Aengus nodded
“That's less than a week, we better get back and examine these now so. You two ok to come over to mine?”
Eochy nodded.
“Yeah grand, will we stop by the pub and pick up our cars now or will you drop us in later?”
“I'll drop you there now and you can go home and pack a bag and come over to mine, we could be at this all night, you might as well stay over.”
When they all gathered again, excited with a little trepidation at what they were planning, each of them was afraid to say to the others that this might just be a risk not worth taking. No one in Ireland would appreciate them damaging the site. The authorities would most certainly frown at it. They may be arrested and all for a story, a magical legend that couldn't possibly be true but they just couldn't help themselves. It had turned into a quest, a mission, they felt obligated to follow now they had thought of it. Crime or no crime, they had to do it.
“Aengus, this is is very impressive” said Eochy as he looked around at the tech gadgets everywhere. One big screen was in front of the keypad with two smaller ones each side. Aengus was pointing at a spot he had circled on all three screens.
“See here, this darker patch in the photo, there's something solid there and here over in the thermal image you can see it more clearly. I've enlarged it in this one. It's rectangular, it's not as big or as phallic looking as the one they have up on the hill but if you look closely you can see a big crack down the middle where, according to legend, it split when Cú Chulainn hit it in anger. It could be it, maybe.”
Etain looked closely at the image.
“It's flat, you could stand or sit on it. I think it's worth a try. By the looks of it we have to break in through the entrance, follow the tunnel until we come to the back wall and dig into the left. It looks like there may have been a passage there before. I think we can do this without much interference with the site.”
“We don't know that for sure but we'll be years looking for permission and if the legends true well better now than never.” Aengus said against his better judgement.
Over pizza and a bottle, or two, of wine they discussed it more and had a plan of action for the next Thursday night, 31st of January, the eve of Imbolc. Eochy went over to close the curtains as it got dark and noticed a hooded figure standing under the lamppost across the street. While it was odd, he didn't mention it.
Dressed in cloaks the three gathered their tools from the boot of Aengus’s car, set the battery powered candles on the top of them and made their way up the Hill. They passed a few other cloaked and unusual individuals muttering chants as they wandered up and down the Hill. No one passed much heed on them. They got to the mound of hostages and Etain snapped the lock. Looking around to ensure no one noticed them they slipped inside and pulled the gate behind them. Down the dark passage they went to the end and started to dig at the wall on the left of them. They worked quickly and quietly, each taking turns to keep watch at the gate while the spiritual people outside wandered about their business. Aengus kept a close eye on what they were doing and anything of interest they found he noted it's position, documented it and photographed it. It slowed the process down but he insisted.
The night went on. Eochy was on watch and Etain and Aengus were working away when Etain hit a large hard rock. They both cleared all around it and pulled at it until they had it out and were preparing it to drag out of the mound. They were so excited they never noticed that Eochy had returned and he wasn't alone. Etain recognised the man from the day she had been here before and she looked at Eochy.
“I'm sorry, I had no choice. I owe them money. They were going to hurt you, kill you and me. I didn't have a dream. I made it up. I had to get you here, they wanted to make sure they got the stone so it can never happen, never come to pass and only a true queen could find it.”
“But it was your idea!”
“No it was mine.” The unwanted visitor stepped out and smiled at Etain.
“We can't take any chances now can we? There won't be a United Ireland in my lifetime or ever, not when we've disposed of you and the stone.”
“You said you wouldn't hurt her!”
“I did, I lied.”
He pointed his gun at Etain ready to shoot.
While they were talking, Aengus, unnoticed had been cleaning the stone and reading the Ogham lettering on its side in a low whisper. He pulled Etain onto it and finished reading. A guttural roar of deep joy vibrated through the chamber. Eochy and the intruder fell to the ground. Gusts of whirling wind surrounded them whispering
“We are released, our time has come.”
Aengus and Etain looked at each other wondering what they had done, They knew there would be a United Ireland but they didn't know under whose, or what, rule.
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omokoshaban · 4 years
suffering & painful death shall befall who killed her, ~ Yul Edochie Say as he Mourn the death of Ibidun
suffering & painful death shall befall who killed her, ~ Yul Edochie Say as he Mourn the death of Ibidun
Nollywood actor, Yul Eochie has said that he believed their are more to the death of Ibidun than just Cardiac arrest.
The Nollywood legend who still daught if actually Ibidun died due to cardiac arrest, took to his twitter handle to pray for the departed soul, saying that if anyone has hand in the death of the woman, it shall never be well with persons, suffering and painful death shall visit…
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vm-design-posts · 4 years
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Eochy, the son of Erc, married a Princess, Tailtiu, in whose honour right up to the mid-twentieth century, the Irish held the Tailteann Games
Featured above is my quick sketch of Tailtiu, Irish Princess
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echoplus · 5 years
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2hypedrn · 3 years
Blog 7: FAV WEEK?? :
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ALOHA, my favourite amigos~ This week was super exciting and fun! Ugh, I am so happy I got my WestJet scarf literally two months into this field placement :'). Couldn't have been more grateful! So delighted on progress check day we could see some of my friends/colleagues :D and proff Grace and Patrick too :))) <3
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I over at the US oversize drops waiting for guests to drop off their bags for me to scan, I took this pic last week where I did not receive my scarf yet felt out of place LOL:'> *Anyways, super easy, just scan guest's boarding pass and have them place their baggage on the scale to weigh it and also scan the baggage tag to proceed to the security scan machine ~ woot woot. Then, wait for the thumbs-up signal to press the button to send the baggage down~ TADA!
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What's a blog without my super cute collection of pets I've encountered at work >O< !! So tiny aha aw ~ my heart <3 A small carry-on for an even smol doggo. I think I love seeing the guest's pets more than actual people hehe...
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This is Gemma. She's a very exciting doggo. She's only 6! Very friendly and loves belly rubs and climbing on ppl ahah~ This is me holding the leash, preparing for Gemma to be placed back into her unbelievably large kennel for departure! Zip ties? READY! Gemma was the star of the check-in area. She loved the attention for sure, lolz. Hope you had a pleasant check-in and flight experience with WestJet Gemma :) Take care!
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Last but not least :D I MEAN, LOOK AT HER? Speechless! Too adorbs xoxo~ Inspires me to work at a pet shop like AW~.
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AAAHH, honestly, a cat person ~ Got a little too close HAHA I got licked :p (yes, yes, ilyt Gemma)
ALSO, I saw a well-known person often referred to as WongFu for his YouTube videos among the Asian entertainment and AHHH I missed the opportunity to capture a picture ;(( but he did thank me for assisting him at the US Bag drops so I was super grateful but I was unsure if it was him lol anyways that was fun and sad aha ~
Did you know if you're not a resident of any country then you're an Alien lol that is actually an option to be selected at the check-in on the computers lol?
Ok ok, this concludes my blog 7, eochy signing out, peace out!
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flyoutlet-blog · 6 years
ONUMI, pack of action
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Last week, we talked about eochi.
Next on the list is the Michael Bay of music. Some would stack layers to fill up the air, while some would do it another way. Rarely letting the intensity decrease, or bring the song out of sight, here on flyoutlet is onumi.
onumi's just a way to express what's going on in my life, and for some reason it's gotten an audience to express to
- onumi
The title I bring you today, pack of action, mainly came from what I associated with “Before My Body Is Dry.” This was the first song I heard from onumi. The concept slowly forms in the intro, but is there for the rest of the track. Regardless of how few elements onumi makes use of in the different parts of the song, the air is constantly full of action, something happening, and there is always something that fills in to maintain this action. Relistening to be able to explain this made me want to say it was the percussion, but while it is also the percussion, it generally seems that the few elements are played at a rate where I’m not left without something to focus on. It’s all so wide and surrounding that it keeps you aware.
Of course there’s no thinking of action when looking away from the deeper perspective. There is only experiencing it. The song introduces vocals that do like the the few elements, and fill out the space to keep the air full. As a bonus, there’s an altered layer of vocals underneath. Towards the drop, the gear is shifted and the speed goes up, and instead of the slower more vocal-oriented part we’ve just listened to, the bass breaks through the drop, and the vocals turn into a sort of lead that covers what the bass couldn’t.
i agree, my music is usually very ADHD in a way. i don't aim for that, but it comes out from how i write my music. I write it in chunks at a time and try to avoid using too many loops or repeating elements, so that usually leads to really weird / interesting places
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The cover for “Before My Body Is Dry”
More recently is what onumi has turned into a two track EP, the “DESTRUDO / LIBIDO EP.” With “オヌミ - デストルドー (DESTRUDO),” the intro isn’t as action-packed, but the more you hear of the drums after that, the more you know something is coming. From a small bass to one that is just destructive, I’m put back in awareness, and surprisingly still being able to listen to the music casually. A thing I really liked about this track was the glitching used in the drop. I got taste for the way onumi put something small in a glitching loop and took it far with change of effects and tempo.
the EP is 2 tracks from an album i was making, i decided to take a different approach to writing the album so i released what i had made so far as a short EP.
The second half of the EP, “オヌミ - リビドー (LIBIDO)” brought something that made me more as curious as it had made me worked up by action. Already at the start are so many different things suddenly making their way into the track, and it left me curious of what the next thing could’ve been. I was wrong most of the time. But from “オヌミ - リビドー (LIBIDO)” I gained that onumi has control of the tempo. onumi’s playing with it as changing it was nothing and it works. Opposite to “Before My Body Is Dry,” the drop here slows down and regains speed when it’s almost over, but it comes naturally when listening to it.
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The cover for “DESTRUDO / LIBIDO EP”
I looked out for “オヌミ - あなたの嘘 (YOUR LIE)” before and while writing this. When I finally got to listen to it, I knew I should’ve expected the drop but I was caught off guard. I was also caught off guard when the break wasn’t as intense as I had thought it would be like the other onumi tracks I had just heard. All those strings that introduced me to the second drop made everything chill, and “オヌミ - あなたの嘘 (YOUR LIE)” somehow became a calmer listening experience.
i actually don't really try to aim for crazy energetic stuff, i used to not even really be able to make it (i used to make synthwavey chill stuff) i'm not really sure how onumi landed on doing crazy bass stuff but it just kinda happened and now it's how i can express thoughts
I also looked out for “オヌミ - あなたの嘘 (YOUR LIE)” because that was the one to make me start looking more carefully at the cover arts. This track’s cover art was the first to catch my eye when I first heard of onumi, but now having listened to multiple tracks, I take a second look and discover how they could relate to how I’ve spoken about the tracks. While there isn’t so much on them, they are still made in a way that brings more than what it is at a first look. It goes again with an illustration and words that are formatted to be wake interest. I’d rather take that up with onumi.
i make all my own art, i recently remade all my old covers and now i'm using 3d models. The models are made in a character creation type thing and then i do the textures colors and lighting in blender, export them to photoshop, and edit them. The art for destrudo involved purposely corrupting the model and making it super glitchy.
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The cover for  “オヌミ - あなたの嘘 (YOUR LIE)”
Besides original tracks we’ve newly discovered, onumi also has a couple of remixes where her style goes through. The remix of Porter Robinson’s “Sad Machine” is the one I’m currently stuck on. onumi had a great spin on this song, and there are more remixes and collabs to discover for yourself. Learning that “Before My Body Is Dry” was a remix itself, was quite surprising.
before my body is dry is actually a remix of a song from the anime Kill La Kill by the same name. [...] Was very fun to make, nice way to show off my more musical side that people sometimes don't notice underneath all the loud noises
Having listened to a part of onumi’s discography, and now knowing more of what’s going on on onumi’s side, I am excited to hear what the future brings. onumi’s music is definitely something more people would want to hear, but haven’t heard yet. Maybe it’s time.
Listen to onumi’s music here:
- flyoutlet
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1chiro · 10 years
Yebisuu, tch more like yebi-booooo
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jxpn · 11 years
Hi aw your blog is so cute! n-n
oh my gosh thanku so much! (≧∇≦)
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echoplus · 4 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/album/7fYxGcraoOgA2MqxPORuVR?si=9dbu7lFoThCkaMWPxGCq7g) masterpiece, words that i couldnt ever say
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echoplus · 5 years
another realm
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echoplus · 5 years
floating in it
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echoplus · 5 years
(eochi) eochi senpai made me float
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echoplus · 6 years
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2hypedrn · 3 years
Hello hello! Welcome back to Eochy's blogs. Nothing special this week, just casual convos with my westjetter coworkers. Relatively quiet after 8 am from 9-11 am phew. Super hectic from 6 to 7 am tho!!
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Just me chilling, waiting for guests and taking a small break from being on my feet all morning~
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I know I missed many pictures for today's blog this week, but fear not, I will be sure to for tomorrow's blog. I am still waiting for my Westjet scarf that is planned to arrive next week, so I am super excited and eager to finally get it after so long!
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This was last week's pic of Melanie and me finally having a shift together after what felt like FOREVER!! The hours are so much more worthwhile when you work with ur best mate :') During the hours that are not busy, I like to stroll down to the US destinations and just see how things are doing there, it is usually not that busy, but it always seems like the baggage drops aren't cooperating. Sometimes it is just because it jammed or because guests forget to attach to baggage tags!
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