#eodwulf & reader
peach-the-owl · 1 year
The NPC’s Masterlist
Kima & Allura
Little Notes
Leaving Home
Pumat Sol
Of a Kind Sol
One Wild Week
Into a World of Chaos
A God or a Fraud?
Wild Surge
Nothing More Valuable
Lost in the City (Astrid and Eodwulf & Child!Reader)
Little Treasure (J’mon Sa Ord & Child!Reader)
Cold Lies, Colder Truths (Anna Ripley & Child!Reader)
Lost at Sea (Orly & Child!Reader)
Siblings by Chance, Friends by Choice (Kaylie & Sibling!Reader)
Welcome to the Family (The Clays & Child!Reader)
Under the Weather (Marion & Child!Reader)
Hunger (Avantica &Child!Reader)
Cassandra & Child!Reader
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mithrilwren · 2 years
Thanks for the tag, @saturdaysky​ 💖 I’ll tag @the-littlest-goblin​ and @the-kaedageist​ and anyone else who wants to do this!
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published.   Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
I guess I’ll go in reverse order, starting with the fic I published a chapter of not ten minutes ago haha
General patterns: I tend to start either with a situating description that drops the reader into the most important location in the fic, or a bit of introspection on the part of the POV character. I do occasionally start with dialogue, but it’s not my go to approach - I’ll generally only do so when I need to establish a premise but I want to jump ahead to the good stuff as quickly as possible. (Otherwise, I tend to favour more leisurely, contemplative openings.)
1. Caleb Widogast’s 5 Cs of Safe Return [Caleb/Essek]
The little house sits along the western edge of the Tangles, just beyond the elegant disorder of the Court of Colors and its lively, winding streets.Its door is made of sturdy Dwendalian oak, but the floorboards are rosewood, brought from the shores of Nicodranas and laid in neat order by Caleb’s own hand. When rain falls over Rexxentrum, the scent of sea salt still lingers: faint, but there. 
2.  burning up (for you, baby) [Caleb/Essek]
The successful completion of a world-saving quest calls for a week in the sun: relaxation, rejuvenation, relocation (while the heat of Trent’s still-ongoing search dies down). With amulets slung over bathing wraps and under wide-brimmed hats, the Mighty Nein make their way back to Nicodranas, pay their respects to a grateful Yussa, and hit the beach.
3. Damage Control [Caleb/Essek]
“Ooo, look at this!”
Essek looks up from his perusal of the cabinet’s bottom shelf to find his vision obscured by a curtain of deep, vibrant blue. Above the obstruction peeks a brighter shade: Jester’s grinning face, as she brandishes what he now recognizes as a piece of heavy fabric before his nose.
4. Echoes [Caleb/Essek]
There was a time when a voice from the darkness was comforting. Hearing his own name in the moments between rest and wakefulness – sleepy recognition and then the warmth of fond annoyance as Jester poured her unfiltered thoughts into his mind, so loud and bright that none of the anxietyfearshame could force its way through. In the moments when Essek was most alone, he used to crave it – that too-brief cacophony of words, that intrusion without intent to coerce, or harm. A brief reprieve from the solitude of a lonely mind.
5. to say what lips cannot [Caleb/Essek]
It’s not hard to guess where the fascination began.
So much of a wizard’s work is done with the hands. A forefinger extends, leaving wisps of smoke in the fiery ember’s wake. Crooked thumbs come together and apart, and space rends before their passing. A dot of sweet nectar passed over the lip, and the tongue becomes as deft as the curling wrist that placed it there.
6. Out from the Willows [Beau/Yasha]
“Do you think she believed you?”
“I mean… no?” Yasha pulled her lips back over her teeth into an apologetic grimace. “I didn’t know how to ask, and she kept giving me that look.”
7. a liquor never brewed [Caduceus/Eodwulf]
“You don’t like meat, and you don’t like drink.” Eodwulf grins, arms uncrossing. “Is there anything you do like?”
“Well,” says Caduceus.
Eodwulf’s fingers brush the edge of his hair.
And Caduceus never finishes the thought.
8. your dust from mine [Fjord/Caduceus]
Fjord’s first memories are of darkness.
There are few lights in his world. A little window, with the shutters drawn by day. A candle at his bedside, always left burning, but no books to read by its sputtering flame. A pale globe, and two green orbs sunken within, who he comes to call ‘Nurse’ when he is old enough to speak.
Fjord learns all other words slowly, with no one there to teach him.
9. sharp as gold teeth [Vokodo/The Dragon Turtle]
Sharks know not to swim too close to Rumblecusp - where the surf is a degree too cold, where the water shimmers and spouts into the sky, where alien fish float on currents that run the wrong way, and scrounge their food amidst shards of obsidian ruin.
10. Ten A’Penny [one-sided Adaine Abernant/Figeroth Faeth]
There are times she catches herself in a loop, over and over, different words than the ones she used to know. When she was younger, it might have been ‘stupid, so stupid’ or ‘do better, be better, try harder this time’. Now it’s the same thing, over and over and over again, in a cycle that even the meds can’t break.
(I love her, I love her, I love her-)
(but not like that)
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cranesofibycus · 5 years
In light of everything that happened last week and everything that could happen this week, I felt like I needed to re-examine that first backstory reveal from 70 (!!) episodes ago. This is from c2e18, Whispers of War. It’s copied from @crtranscript, but I cut some of the less relevant crosstalk to make it a little more concise and reader-friendly. Thought I would share. 
LIAM: I am going to tell you the story of how I murdered my mother and father. When I was younger, I grew up in a small township outside of Rexxentrum called Blumenthal. My mother’s name was Una. My father’s name was Leofric. Everyone was very excited about me when I was young. I was bright and confident. People used to say that I glided through life and everything just worked for me. As I got older, it became clear that I had a knack for the arcane. Everyone talked about this Soltryce Academy, maybe I would go there someday. The way they do things at that Academy, they don’t take all comers, they look for the diamond in the rough and every couple of years they find one. But when I was a young man, adolescent, really, they found three of us. Another boy and a girl, and–
SAM: From your town?
LIAM: Ja, from Blumenthal. And we were accepted. (...) Anyway, we went there. I studied for a year. I worked so hard. It came easier to me than the other two, but they were also very accomplished. There were other students from other parts of the Empire there, and a little over a year of learning all they had to impart, I met a man named Trent Ikithon. He became our teacher. (...) After a year of studying in the main school, Trent handpicked all three of us again, and we left the school proper and went with him to a home out in the countryside where he trained us. It was a good time. We believed in the Empire, we were going to keep it strong. He was cruel. He hurt us a lot. Made us go through extreme circumstances, but we got strong. I also fell in love, but that’s another story. (...) We rose through the ranks and it was the Empire over all, and eventually, he wanted to test our allegiance, so strangers were brought in– traitors. Disgusting people, traitors to this empire, and we killed them.
MARISHA: He made you executioners?
LIAM: We wanted to be. (...) A few months of studying, of a little bit of torture, a little bit of murdering dissidents and traitors and deviants.
MARISHA: Then one day your parents are brought in as traitors. No?
LIAM: No. We were ready to graduate, and the last test of our allegiance was– I’m getting ahead of myself. I went on a trip home and visited my parents and when I was there, in the middle of the night, I awoke and overhead them talking, and went to the stair and listened to them talk about revolution and tearing the Empire down, and I felt disgraced and shame for my family. My mother and my father, who were so wonderful to me when I was a child, and were so happy for me to go to the Academy and believe in the Empire so much. I went back to the school and when the three of us were summoned and told what was expected of us, I knew what had to be done. We went to this other boy’s home first, Eodwulf, and we stood by as he killed his parents. We went to Astrid’s house, and had dinner with them, and she poisoned them. Then we went to my home and we grabbed a horse cart, and in the middle of the night, placed it against the door to the home and I set it on fire.
MARISHA: You had to do this to graduate, to prove your loyalty.
LIAM: Well, yeah, but it didn’t exactly go according to that plan because as soon as I heard my mother and father screaming inside… I was so sure. I was so sure… until I wasn’t, and I broke a bit.
SAM: Did you go in after them?
LIAM: No, I went to an asylum for a number of years. I broke. I don’t remember so well what happened to me there. It was quite a number of years. Years later, a woman was there, and she, another patient, put hands on me, and she took the clouds away. She took it all away, and not just my madness, but the fake memories that Ikithon put in my head of my parents.
SAM: Wait, there was a false memory? He tricked you?
MARISHA: Into hearing their talks against the Empire, is that what it was?
LIAM: Yes, but it doesn’t matter, because I still wanted to do it when I did it. (...) Doesn’t matter, I should have– I’m a disgusting person. It doesn’t matter. Anyway, all that gone, just like that. I ran. Not right away; I pretended like nothing had changed for several weeks. She was stark raving mad 15 minutes later herself, the woman who helped me. I killed one of Trent’s people there, and took this. I pull out the necklace. This has been keeping me hidden for years. For five years. (...) They can find who they want, but not with this. They cannot find me. I would really like to get into that library, because I would–
MARISHA: Like to run again?
LIAM: Hmm? No, I like you all.
MARISHA: You were just talking with Nott about running tomorrow.
LIAM: Well, that all depends on you, Beauregard.
MARISHA: If I don’t let you in?
LIAM: If you can keep a secret.
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smellslikebutter · 4 years
Darling Critters,
If anyone out there is writing Eodwulf/Reader smut and happily focusing on his arms... please send fic my way...
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mighty-ink · 5 years
Equilibrium (1/?) Caleb Widogast x Reader
(spoilers for caleb’s backstory up to ~e49, written aug 9, 2019) Caleb knew you, over a decade ago...
Word count: ~1k
“Bren Aldric Ermendrud.”
You watched as a scrawny, auburn haired boy walked into the center of the room. He held his head high, standing with rigid and proper posture.
Everyone held their breath as the instructor looked back at his parchment. His eyes scanned the paper, one eyebrow raised in faint interest at whatever he read. He uttered your name.
You felt the gaze of the class on you as you, too, went to stand in the dueling circle. But you paid them no mind and focused on your opponent. Now closer and face to face, you could see the determined look in his blue eyes. You almost grinned in excitement, but schooled your features to cool resolve.
A burst of flame came at you. You sidestepped at the last second, surprised at his brashness. The heat of it warmed your face before it dispersed against the dome shield encircling the two of you.
Not wasting a second, you cast ice knife and flung the icy dagger at his exposed side. He hissed as it cut his side, and flinched when it exploded into many shards. Your surge of satisfaction was cut off as he retaliated with another flame that caught your left arm.
Both of you slowly walked about the perimeter of the circle, watching each other carefully. His eyes were alight in a way they weren’t before, lips drawn in a subtle smirk. You help but mirror him with a grin.
Muttering inaudibly under your breath, you released a ray of frost. At the same time, a cone of flames was shot from his outstretched fingertips.
The contrasting elements met in a spectacular clash, so bright it was almost blinding.
You rolled forward just before his spell ended, giving you a moment as he looked in brief confusion at where you once were. A moment was all you needed to get close and hold an ice knife to his throat.
His wide eyes met yours, throat further exposed in avoidance of the blade. His mouth was agape - whether in fear or awe, you weren’t sure. Both of you breathed hard as your classmates politely clapped.
Distantly, you could hear your instructor talking in hushed tones to the Archmage.
You flung your knife to the ground. It shattered instantly. Your opponent rubbed his neck gently as you extended your hand. He took it, grasping it firmly, warmth meeting your comparably cooler hand.
“Bran, was it?”
He huffed a quiet laugh, and replied with a soft Zemnian accent. “Bren. Bren Aldric Ermendrud.” Bren repeated your name in a questioning tone.
You nodded, glancing over his shoulder to see two other teens anxiously looking at him. One short, brown haired girl and one black haired boy. “Your friends?”
Bren looked back, a smile gracing his lips. “Ah, ja. Astrid and Eodwulf…we are from the same town.”
At this point your instructor commanded everyone’s attention. “You two, back to your seats. Next up…” ~~~ You walked down the halls of the Soltryce Academy, but faltered when you heard a familiar hiss of pain.
Quietly, you peeked into the room and saw Bren on the floor with a healing kit in front of him. The sleeves of his academy uniform were rolled up and you winced at the state of his arms. Red and angry burns stretched from his hands to his forearms.
You slipped in and locked the door behind you. He flinched at your entry, and you held your hands up. “Just me.”
He still watched you warily as you knelt before him. Bren moved closer to his healing kit, as if you were going to take it away from him. You felt a flash of hurt at his distrust, but it wasn’t as if you two have become close friends since your first duel. Still, you couldn’t just leave him like this. You gnawed on your lip, deciding.
With a sigh, you put your hand over your heart. “I swear to you, I just want to help. I won’t take your kit or hurt you.”
Slowly, you reached for his hand. He tensed, but let you hold his hand and inspect his arm. His gaze was honed in to your every movement.
“Do you have any salve?” You asked.
He nodded towards a tiny jar on the ground. “I can do it myself.”
“Uh huh.” You said skeptically. “Move your other arm for me, then.”
He reached for the jar with his free hand, but his face scrunched up in pain. You stilled that arm with a pointed look.
“Let me do it, please?”
He held your gaze and hesitantly nodded.
You unscrewed the jar of salve and with what you hoped was a feather light touch, applied it to his burns. He winced and hissed intermittently, but before long, you were done. Next, you wrapped clean bandages over his arms.
“Danke.” He murmured, then cleared his throat. “Thank you. I, uh, owe you one. Master Ikithon forbade my friends or staff from helping.”
You took him in, looking him over. In the halls as you passed by each other, or from a distance in the classroom, he carried himself confidently. Bren was always eager to learn, to follow, to be the best student. You met his eyes again, and he looked away quickly.
“You’re…scared of me?” You asked.
He studied the floor. “No…”
You hummed, unconvinced.
“You have a reputation.” Bren began hesitantly. “You’re always by yourself, and people find you…icy. I wouldn’t have expected you to help me like this.”
You laughed at the pun. He relaxed slightly, a semblance of a grin forming. You shrugged. “People can make whatever assumptions they want. And-” You stopped yourself. You shouldn’t just tell him everything. You can’t tell him how it’s better for you to be alone.
“Anyway.” You put your hands out again. “I can numb the pain a bit, if you would like? On one condition, though.”
He let you take his hands again. “What condition?”
You blew out a cool, icy mist over his arms. He shivered at first, but sighed in relief as the cold soothed and numbed his burns.
Still holding his hands, you winked. “Don’t ruin my ‘reputation.’”
He flushed. “Ja, understood.” ~~~ A/N: a bit of a wip tbh but still fun……lots to think n decide about if i continue though
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confused-stars · 5 years
wanna read about dumb teenage wizard boys being hormonal and making out?
here’s part 5 of the blumenthal drei series!
read on ao3 
“I don’t see why it’s such a big deal! You’ll get the next one!” Eodwulf makes a dismissive gesture with his hand and Bren wants to strangle him.
They’ve lost the fucking witness, and Eodwulf if so nonchalant about this. This wasn’t his responsibility, this was all on Bren. Bren, who Trent trusted to be in charge of this.
“You don’t understand any of this, do you? I’m supposed to be the leader! I can’t afford mistakes! I’ve already covered for you too many times, just because you can’t control yourself!”
Immediately after he’s finished talking, Bren feels himself be pushed back, and the air left his lungs as he collided with the wall. Eodwulf is up in his face a moment later, arms on either side pinning him in place. Looming over him.
“Ja, you’re all high and mighty, Ikithon’s favorite, can’t do anything wrong. He thinks you’re perfect, doesn’t he? And you think so, too. You think you’re better than us.” He glares, and Bren wishes he hadn’t had that recent growth spurt, because he looks really scary from this angle. Eodwulf snarls. “Well, fuck you, Bren. I work so fucking hard every day. Maybe I wasn’t born with a mind like yours. But I’m going to be a warmage one day. I’m going to bring glory to the Empire, while you sit at home and still eat out of Ikithon’s hand ten years from now.”
Bren tenses as Eodwulf’s hands grip his shoulders, pain flaring up brightly for a moment before it dulls. Now he’s angry, too. “I’m not his lapdog,” he hisses, pushing against Eodwulf’s hold. He respects Trent. He’s grateful for all the opportunities he’s given them all. But Bren is still his own person.
Eodwulf huffs. “Yeah? Prove it.”
There’s a moment of tension, and then Bren surges forward and presses their lips together. It isn’t a gentle kiss by any means. More of a clash of lips and teeth, and Eodwulf very quickly uses his strength to keep Bren in place and take over, his tongue pushing past his lips and drawing a gasp from Bren.
He doesn’t kiss like Astrid at all, and that’s the only comparison Bren has. Astrid’s kisses are soft and quick, usually, more like an afterthought than anything else. She likes being held and having Bren trail his lips across her skin much more than actively kissing.
Eodwulf though… he kisses as if there’s a fire burning underneath his skin, as if he needs to share that heat with Bren to survive. He pushes and takes, and Bren finds himself reciprocating as much as he can. It’s hard to keep up with the sheer force that is Eodwulf, but he tries.
Neither of them can hold their breath forever though, so eventually they pull apart, panting.
Eodwulf grins. “That didn’t prove shit, just so you know.”
“Arschloch,” Bren breathes, and Eodwulf giggles breathlessly.
Bren laughs, too. Somehow his hands have gone from pushing against Eodwulf’s chest to being wrapped around his shoulders and holding him close.
Trent is going to be angry, and he’s going to blame Bren, but it doesn’t seem so bad anymore. Isn’t taking responsibility the least Bren can do?
Eodwulf is right, he tries harder than him and Astrid, because he’s a slow reader, despite his innate magical talent. It takes him a while to learn, but he has a drive, and he deserves this.
“I’m sorry,” Bren murmurs.
Eodwulf shakes his head and kisses him again, his lips warm against Bren’s. “No, I know he’s hard on you, too. I was just…”
“He’s hard on all of us,” Bren interrupts, “Sometimes I hate him for it. But he makes us stronger, doesn’t he?”
“Of course he does.” Eodwulf sighs. “I just wish he could see that I’m trying.”
“He does. I’m sure he does. He picked you, didn’t he?” Trent wouldn’t be keeping any of them around if he didn’t think they were worth the effort and the resources he puts into them.
“… I don’t wanna keep talking about this.” Eodwulf doesn’t sound convinced, and there’s a sadness in his eyes that Bren doesn’t like. But sadness is omnipresent in their lives now, just one more sacrifice they have to make.
“What do you want to do, then?” he asks, because there’s at least one way he can help.
Eodwulf smirks and presses him against the wall once more, and his kiss takes Bren’s breath away.
Astrid finds them like this twenty-two minutes later, and Bren’s neck is covered in hickeys. All she does is shake her head at them and walk up the stairs.
But that night when Bren sneaks into her room, Eodwulf is already curled up in bed with her, and they shift to make space for him.
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peach-the-owl · 3 years
Hello! Hope you are having a wonderful day! May I request for a scenario Caleb with a child!Magical!Reader (wizard/Sorcerer) where they meet Astrid & Eodwulf. Maybe the child gets lost and is found by Caleb's old school friends. All the while Caleb & the rest of the M9 are trying to find them while the child is with Astrid & Eodwulf.
Interesting. They might be a little OOC, idk, but I tried my best. I hope you still enjoy 😁
Lost in the City
Astrid & Eodwulf & Child!Magical!Reader
A bit of Caleb & Child!Reader
Rexxentrum was a huge city and very easy to get lost in if you’re not paying attention, which is exactly what happened to you. You swear you’d only looked away from the group for like 5 seconds and yet here you were alone amongst the busy streets. You remembered being told that if you ever got lost to stay where you were and they’d eventually find you, so you back up closer to a building and sit down against the wall. You didn’t know how long you’d have to wait for them to find you but you were already getting really bored, resorting to playing around with your own magic to help pass the time.
"Are you lost little one?" You hear a woman ask. You look up to see two individuals looming over you, one being a man with a stoic expression and the other being a woman, who most likely asked the question.
"I… well… ummm…" You fumble with your words shyly, what where you supposed to say to these strangers, you settle with just nodding your head.
"I see. That was some fine hand work with your magic, where did you learn to do that?" She sounded curious, but you also caught onto hints of caution and sternness in her voice as well.
"I have a really good teacher, but I wasn’t paying attention and now I lost them." You still fumble around your words a bit, trying to answer the previous question and explain your situation all at once.
"Perhaps we could help you locate them." The woman offers. You scratch at the back of your head in an unsure manner.
"I don’t know, I’m not really supposed to go with strangers."
"Well then let’s get to know each other a little, my name's Astrid. It’s a pleasure to meet you…" Astrid places a hand to her chest when introducing herself then gestures to you as her sentence trails off.
"My name's (y/n)." You finish for her with a small smile.
"(Y/n)." She repeats, she then gestures over to the man next to her. "This is my colleague…" She pauses again and stares at the man next to her.
"Eodwulf." He reply’s softly, making you strain your ears to try and hear him.
"It’s nice to meet you Ms. Astrid and Mr… Edgewolf?" You say questioningly, checking to make sure you got the names right. Astrid let’s out a cough into her fist to mask a small laugh that tried to surface while "Edgewolf" stares at you and sighs.
"It’s Eodwulf." He says more clearly this time, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. You nod and notice the fancy patterns that run up his arms making you point at them.
"What’re those designs on your arms for?" Your comment makes Eodwulf pull away his arm to stare at the line work, Astrid pulls up the sleeve of her outfit to reveal to you that she too has similar designs on her own arms.
"These tattoos help us to use powerful magic." She explains as simply as possible. You practically get stars in your eyes out of curiosity.
"Powerful magic? Can I see!? Can I see!?" You bounce a bit, with your position on the ground it wasn’t all that comfortable but you didn’t care that mush. The two look at each other a moment before Astrid gives a subtle nod and turns back to you.
"We can show a few of our tricks but not here, we'll need to go somewhere less public." She offers.
"Oh," you fidget a little nervously again. "I'm not really supposed to leave until my friends find me."
"You said you couldn’t go with strangers, but you know me and Eodwulf now, right?" You nod slowly at her. "Rexxentrum is a very large city, so it could take a long time for your friends to find you. If you travelled with us we can help you look for them or you might run into them sooner, if not we can always come back here to wait for them." You think on this a little, Astrid's reasoning sounding very convincing to you, so you look back at her with a large smile and give a nod. Astrid then offers out her hand for you to take which you happily accept, getting up off the ground and having her lead you to a different area.
After a good while of walking and searching, with no results, you’re brought to an open area that was defiantly made for training purposes. Astrid pulls you off to the side a good distance away for you to watch. You stare amazed at the display of power between the two, both very concentrated on each spell they decide to preform. When they’re done you’re left jaw dropped and clap for them amazed.
"That was so cool! You guys are like walking weapons!" You cheer for them.
"We are, aren’t we." Eodwulf straightens himself out a little, a proud smirk on his face at your compliment.
"I want to be super strong like that one day! Then I can protect everyone from the bad guys." You say with invigorated determination for the future.
"With how well you can control your spells now, I think if you keep it up you’ll surely be just as powerful, if not more so when you’re older." Astrid gives you a side smile. You giggle with delight, then stop when you hear you stomach give a loud grumbling sound.
"Ummm…" You blush a little embarrassed. "I’m hungry."
"Then it’s lucky for you we don’t have any jobs to do at the moment. Why don’t we head over to the market and buy something to eat, maybe we'll even run into the people you’re looking for there."
"That’s really nice of you Ms. Astrid, are you sure it’s okay?" You look up at her with big curious eyes and she simply nods. The three of you make your way over to the market, you skipping ahead occasionally but not too far as to not get lost again.
"Are you sure we should be watching this child?" Eodwulf leans in closer to Astrid so only she could hear him.
"They may be a mere child, but they have strong potential to them." She whispers back. "Besides, their innocent excitement is a refreshing change of pace. Don’t you agree?" She quietly adds, Eodwulf nods after a moment of processing her words. At this point you hop up to the two of them again.
"Swing me!" You blurt out to Eodwulf. He stares at you confused, unsure what to do.
"I don’t…" His words trail off as he continues to stare.
"All you have to do is hold you hands, lift me up and I can swing back and forth from the momomtime." You try to explain, not knowing how to properly say momentum. Eodwulf turns to look at Astrid, who just raises an amused eyebrow wanting to see where this goes. He sighs softly before complying to your wishes, you swing your dangling legs around a bit to build up enough momentum to fling yourself out of his grip and safely land on the ground in front of him. "Again! Again again!" You happily chirp.
"Fine, but this is the last one." He tells you… You end up convincing him to swing you around about 15 more times, though you were pretty sure he secretly liked doing it. The last few times Astrid got herself involved too, both of them taking one of your hands in there’s and lifting you up to swing as you all continued to make your way to a marketplace.
"Something smells delicious." You comment, feeling your stomach growl at you again. You sit down at a bench with Astrid while Eodwulf handles grabbing something for the three of you to eat.
"Why don’t you tell me more about your magic (y/n)." Astrid starts.
"There’s not a lot to say, I’ve been practicing a lot but I’m not very good at the big spells yet so I try to stick to the little ones." You reply, waving your hand around and casting Mage Hand making it float around in circles before dismissing the spell.
"Still, someone your age being able to cast spells this quickly, as small as they may be, is quite an accomplishment. You must have a very good teacher."
"Yeah, he’s the best, everyone is." You give a wide smile.
"I just realized, you never gave us the names of the people we should be searching for. I can’t believe I just let that information slip by." Astrid says, the last part more to herself.
"Oh! There-"
"I’m back." Eodwulf interrupts you before you can finish, holding a box of sweet buns for the three of you to share. Quickly forgetting what you were about to say you happily take one and chow down, savouring the sweet taste.
"That was really good, thank you Mr. Eodwulf." You thank once you were done the sweet buns. You all get up and start to make your way around the market when a man dashes out of a side street a few feet away from you. You recognize them instantly. "Caleb!" You call to him happy to finally see a familiar face again. He whips around in your direction and for a moment he has a look of relief on his face, his gaze shifts up a bit and the relief turns quickly into fearful shock when he sees the people you’re with.
"You know this man?" Astrid asks, sounding surprised.
"Of course I do, that’s one of the friends I was looking for." You reply, completely unaware of the tension that arose between the three.
"(Y/n)," Caleb starts slowly, regaining your attention. "Come here please." He ushers you over, not breaking eye contact with his old classmates once.
"Thanks again for everything." You quickly say to the two before walking over to Caleb, who immediately pulls you behind him once you were within arms reach of him and takes a defensive pose.
"It’s been a while Bren." Astrid speaks slowly and in a lower voice then when she interacted with you. You tilt your head confused, wondering why she just called Caleb by a different name.
"Do you three know each other?" You ask, trying to figure out what was going on.
"It’s a long story, I’ll explain later." Caleb quickly brushes you off slowly backing the two of you away from Astrid and Eodwulf.
"That child you have there," Caleb pauses slightly at her words. "There something special. I’d keep a very close eye on them from now on if I were you." She subtly advises. Caleb looks at you a moment then back at Astrid.
"I plan to." Is all he says before the two of you finally walk off, most likely to rejoin the rest of the Nein.
"It was Bren all along." Eodwulf breaths, still a bit surprised about the encounter.
"It seems so." Astrid says blankly.
"What shall we tell Trent?" Eodwulf asks cautiously, looking at Astrid. She turns so that the two are staring into each other’s eyes, a stern look on her face.
"We don’t." Is all she replies with before the two make their way back through the market.
Earlier/elsewhere in the city while you were having a lovely day…
"Where's (y/n)?" Caleb asks the group, already starting to panic.
"Didn’t Jester say she was taking them to the pastry shop with her?" Beau asks.
"What?! No, I was going with Nott. I thought you and Yasha were taking them around the market." Jester retorts.
"We lost our child!" Nott cry's out.
"It’s okay, all we have to do is look for them in the last place we saw them right?" Jester brings up trying to calm everyone’s nerves down.
"Jester's right," Fjord jumps in, "we just need to make a plan to search for them, what do you say Caleb?…… Caleb?" They all look over to see that Caleb had already run off to start searching.
"Oh boy, this is… this isn’t good. Do we wait for him to… should we follow?" Caduceus questions. After a short debate they all head out to now look for you and Caleb.
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peach-the-owl · 3 years
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Chaos? With the Mighty Nein? Never…
Tirck or Treat
Child of the Nein (Mighty Nein & Child Reader)
This is set post-campaign so… semi-spoilers?
If there was one thing you loved about this holiday, besides the free candy, it was the different pranks you could pull off. Grab some eggs and lay waste to an annoying nobleman's house, or better yet dress up or disguise yourself and scare the living daylights out of others. That is exactly what you set out to do, you and Jester easily using some paint to write messages on walls and simply causing chaos around Nicodranas. Fjord tried to keep you in check but it was pretty obvious there would be no stopping the two of you, especially when you gave him a near heart attack jumping out from around the corner looking like a ghost. The evening was well spent, playing keep away from those you pranked as well as guards, and if you were careful enough not to get caught you were still able to go around a get free candy, easily being spoiled by your grandparent at the Lavish Chateau. Finally when the day came to an end you would spend the night going through all your goodies at either the Lavish Chateau or aboard the Nein Heroz, all while recalling your actions to your favourite archfey/god who was sipping away at the drink in his hand and munching on some of his own "free" candy while listening amused by your tales.
A night where you could go out dressed up as whoever or whatever you wanted, demand for free stuff and then get said stuff without question? Sign you up this instant! No longer having to worry about things like the end of the world and just getting to spend time with your new family was also a bonus. You and Luc eager to go out and collect as many treats as possible, unfortunately you had to wait until Veth and Yeza were ready to take you both but once you were out and about there was no stopping you. The thing is, unlike Veth you had been a goblin from birth, so a lot of those traits still stuck with you after your transformation, including an itching of greed. Luckily for you, you now had a new partner in crime in your brother, the two of you sneaking away from your parents to… indulge in more of the festivities, and by indulge of course we mean the two of you managed to steal candy from other children. You two may have also broke into someone’s house because you heard they had giant cookies and wanted them all for yourselves, no big deal or anything. To say your parents were worried is an understatement, they were freaking out when they realized the two of you snuck off on your own. To make a long story short, when you were finally located it was by the town guard, you and Luc held the biggest and proudest smiles on your faces as the guards dangled you both in front of your parents. Veth was admittedly impressed but you were both still grounded for a week. Best night of your life.
One part of you wanted to use Polymorph to have the best "costume" the other part knew doing so would give you the intelligence of the animal you’d change into, but that still wasn’t going to stop you from trying. Caleb was in a near panic trying to dispel the wolf form you had decided to turn yourself into, but you were being extra slippery from his grasp, your mind in that state thinking he wanted to play a game of chase. Two more familiar faces appeared during your little chase, Astrid and Eodwulf trying to corner you so they could also attempt to dispel your polymorph, again try is the keyword here as you manage to find an escape route before they’re close enough to stop you. People were backing out of your way as you dart around the streets, your original objective having been completely lost to you by now. The town guard were called which only put Caleb farther into a panic (my goodness you wild child, how dare you make your father worry so much) now needing to get to you before they did. You finally skidded to a stop in front of an elven man who looked familiar yet didn’t all at once, a simple wave of his hand and your back to being yourself again with a dark blush of embarrassment. Caleb was beyond relieved to see you were okay, being calmed by a disguised Essek, he still had to tell you off for your irresponsibility with your magic. You also weren’t allowed to use spells without supervision for a good while, stating that you weren’t adventuring anymore so things would be a little different now. You sigh in defeat, knowing he was right, although on the plus side since no one really knew you were the culprit you were still allowed to go around and collect your candy under the watchful eye of the adults, this time no Polymorph for you.
Living in the grove you didn’t go out much to celebrate these little traditions, and there was nothing wrong with that, after all a graveyard could provide all the spooky happenings one would expect this time of year. Caduceus did make some baked goods for you as well, hearing from Jester a bit about the traditions she adored so much, not wanting you to be completely left out. You and Clarabelle were playing around, you using your Wildshape abilities for added entertainment as she'd try to catch you while being a squirrel or small bird, when you were both called back to the temple. Being greeted by your grandparents telling you Caduceus had something waiting for you, heading over you greet him in a hug before marvelling at the plate of sweets meant for you. Being the kind soul you are you happily shared some with the family, but still kept a good amount for yourself. It was a calm and pleasant evening, a warm wind blowing by like a comforting hug as the day came to a close.
You were excited, Fjord was reluctant. He wanted you to enjoy yourself but as we all know he isn’t the biggest fan of spooky things. Still he’d tough it out for you, besides it probably wasn’t so bad and you had Jester to accompany you as well, making for some extra fun. A tiefling, half-orc and half-elven child walking the streets, you three sounded like the start to a bad joke, course this "joke" took a wild turn when some random kid thought it’d be funny to try and scare you and some of the other kids. The last thing they were expecting was your fast reflexes in the fight or flight response, you easily choosing fight and ending up holding your weapon at the kids neck. They ran off in tears, calling for their mama and dada while you now had a crowd of other kids awing at your talent. Things calmed a little afterwards but of course that kid had to come waltzing back, and of course they just so happened to also be the head of the guards kid. Lets just say it ended up being a mad dash back to the boat to avoid any heat on your tails for a while, at least you had fun and you still had your candy.
You were a little torn on what to do, on one hand you could go out and get your free candy, on the other you could stay back and help sniff out any traitors or corruption. You choose candy, unfortunately Beau couldn’t come because she was knee deep in paperwork making you slightly rethink your choice, however fortunately you still had Yasha who was willing to go out with you. After getting ready and some extra reassurance from Beau that she was fine and wanted her two favourite people to enjoy themselves, you were off. It started off normal and fine but somehow, by one means or another, gathering candy turned into betting to see who could beat you in a fight and win the jackpot of sweets (some kids got cocky and you put them in their place real fast). One would wonder where the parents are in this situation, and while some mothers and fathers were opposed, ushering their kids away, others were surprisingly on board with this. After all you weren’t being lethal, a bloody nose at worst, the way to win was to pin someone down for 10 seconds. It was going great, until the guard had to get involved and break the whole thing up, those worried parents earlier being such killjoys. You came home on Yasha’s shoulder with a bruised eye, bags of candy, a proud smile and a story Beau found to be very entertaining.
To be completely honest, this was more so Beau’s idea. Although what she'd all told you about this little tradition did seem interesting to you, why not give it a shot. Having some free time the three of you set off to the streets, Beau telling you all the ins and outs of what people would do for the holiday. A lot of it didn't make much sense to you but others seemed to enjoy it and it was kinda fun getting all dressed up in a costume. You being an Assimar we’re able to add a bit of an extra wow factor you yourself with your special ability, shocking some and scaring others with your appearance when you did. Of course with your natural ability came some slight property damage to the streets, but at least you put on a cool show before having to flee from any angered guards or civilians. You spent the rest of the evening back home in the garden with Yasha while Beau got back to work, the two of you happily tending to the different plants and maybe snacking on a few of the bugs you managed to catch.
A free chance to scare people, plus free candy!? You'd have to be crazy to think the two of you wouldn’t relish in this tradition, sometimes going a little over the top. Who could blame you though, put you both together in the right situation and it’s bound to turn into show of sorts. One of your favourite things to do was tell the other kids scary tales, by the end of which Molly would pop out scaring them all, you both laughing and savouring in the stacks of candy the others would leave behind in their panic. You’d happily indulge in as much candy as you could before having to make a run for it to avoid any angry parents coming after you. Rinse and repeat in a different area of the city and soon enough you're off, hiding out at Beau and Yasha's place for cover, easily sharing your large bounty of candy with them while telling each other scary stories. All in all it was good, and no one got arrested this time.
It was kinda hilarious how you had to teach him about this tradition… again, he was fascinated by the idea of course and agreed to go along with you, though it really wouldn’t have taken much convincing anyways. You kept it pretty simple, and by simple we of course mean you dressed up multiple different times to get as much candy and sweets and possible from the same houses. Kingsley very much taking a liking to the scaring aspect of the holiday, maybe too big of a liking, using his naturally intimidating looks to really rile up people. It started with the ship crew, the two of you getting a great laugh when you made Fjord nearly jump overboard, Jester chuckling in the background. Unfortunately, one wrong step and he was suddenly in the hands of the guards, so of course you put on your little childish charms, with some bardic magic for extra help and talked them into letting him out. You laugh as the two of you exit the jail when he comments how he doesn’t regret a thing and would absolutely do it again.
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