#ep 3's hallway scene is still a must that puts it on the list
leconcombrerit · 2 years
Pran's teary eyes in episode 4 still get me and it remains my favorite. Pat being a total menace and unabashedly flirting without even realizing it is also perfect. Ink is perfect too. We got our first bits of Inkpa. Flashbacks of heavy pining. I'm a simple girl I don't ask for much more than that.
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aspiestvmusings · 7 years
Here is a list of thing I want to see happen on Scorpion in s4: 
Things I want to see/know/hear about in S4: 
Quintis talking about the events of past year and/or talking about “when is the right time” aka proper conclusion to the Cd-baby plot with them talking about..things. And deciding when the right time would be, and what option they will choose (bio kid, adoption)
Quintis pregnancy plot or adoption plot (I would prefer a pregnancy plot...after the events of 3x07, but I’d also love an adoption story, which is still very fitting for them)* #ep403getstheballrollingkinda
If there is a Quintis pregnancy, I hope we don’t jump from “month 1″ to “month 9″ fast, but instead get to see the whole, or at least most of the, journey. because this plot gives opportunity for some pretty great comedy (grumpy, tough mechanic with a big belly putting everyone in their places who think a pregnant lady cannot work. a’la Brennan/Bones style + using Toby as an errands boy) + some sweet Quintis moments (Toby will go all out and do all that "sweet/annoying” stuff like talking to the belly, and reading to the baby, and so on...) And we’d get emotional plot...with her worrying that something could happen during childbirth (like it did with her mom), and worry about the genius/normal possibility, plus worrying about becoming parents... even if that was addressed already during the s3 Cd-baby plot... 
If there is a Quintis baby, then I personally hope he/she will be a genius (even if they won’t know for a little while). Though two geniuses raising a “normal” would also make an interesting story, I’d love to see Quintis & The Team raising a genius & teaching him/her... their skills (like they’re doing with Ralph, though they started with him only at age 9...now we could start with age 9 days...)
If there is a Quintis baby, then unless they name him/her Marcus or Grace, they better come up with a great name. Also.. my vote still goes to baby girl, because the team needs more girls-power, and the team’s already growing a boy-genius (Ralph), so they need a girl-genius (Baby Quintis), too. 
NEW! Since we know there will be a Quintis family plot (pregnancy or adoption...is the question...) and we know there have been several mentions of Toby’s gambling past, and since Happy’s emotional storyline lead to the Quintis wedding, then it’s only logical that it’ll be Toby’s emotional storyline thatll lead to a Quintis baby. And I hope that they’ll use of of these “dramatic” scenarious: a) have Collins be the threat (to pregnant Happy, to their newborn baby or their adopted kid); b)  Have Collins play some more mind games and “drive” Toby to gambling/almost gambling...and we’d explore the addict storyline this way; c) have “Bruno” or someone from Toby’s past be a threat...demanding payment...now that both Quintis & TeamScorpion are extra broke + Quintis is planning to have a child. Making him just stressed or actually gamble.; d) Have there be some fertility issues or Quintis thinking this isn’t happening for them, but then happening for real  (opposite of S3 Cd-baby plot: in s3 they were excited aboiut a baby that never was...in s they would then be unhappy (worried, anxious) about not having a baby, when there actually would be one... That’s as far as I want them to go with “fertility issues” for these two. Drama is loved by tv writers, and it looks great on screen, but 100% “no” is in my books not an option for these two. If I have one wish...it’s that the show would let them have also a bio kid...
If there is a Quintis baby... Allie could be the first “nanny”...until Patrick is out/back again. Or they could bring back Ray...again. ETA: Or expand Patty’s (Sly’s team-mate for his other job...as the Alderman) job description.  Or Ada, who will be cured by then. (Ada could replace Happy in the field til she’s on maternity leave/stuck in the garage and/or be the babysitter for a while) Or someone else from the past.. Or the team could just stay in the Garage, to babysit the littlest genius, one member at a time (different team member in each ep/during each case...they’ve used this option a lot in s2 & s3 already...) Basically... if they wanted to..they could make it work storyline wise (and production wise...with working with small humans on set) The logistics, both for the fictional characters and the real world production team might be a lot to handle, but it can be done! 
The Quintis place (that we will finally see Happy’s place/... now Quintis place/home) - that set has to be built for S4, and I want to see it...how they’ve combined their stuff, and what their home looks like after they’ve settled in. I just want to see Toby’s hat hanging on a coat-hook in the hallway, and their things “mixed” (Happy & her tools, Toby & his books) - their two personal styles combined, creating a new...”their” place... I cannot wait to see the set for their house/apartment. 
Quintis “domestic” scene - not a “bedroom” scene as some mean it, but them just being home, casually - watching cop shows on tv together, reading books, playing board-games, building something, teaching each-other each others skill sets, just talking or bickering or “fighting” about little things (”no the picture goes on that wall” ...”no, it goes on THAT wall...”), waking up together (we gotta get confirmation if Happy is the little spoon or not...after 2x13 we gotta know)... 
Toby carrying Happy to bed (or to the sofa), and covering her up with a blanket, after she’s fallen asleep 
Happy taking care of a sick Toby/Toby taking care of a sick Happy 
Quintis movie-nights (it’s been hinted that they’re both movie fans, and love watching tv shows, so...) - seeing them watch a movie/tv marathon...
Happy wearing Toby’s clothes (his Harvard-Tee, his hoodies... works both for pregnant Happy...whose clothes don’t fit her anymore, and for non-pregnant Happy ...who just likes “to feel him close” that way)
Quintis "You can leave your hat on” scene...where this song plays and/or Happy says this to Toby...before we cut to black (end of scene/ep). We know she secretly loves the hat, and we know they (both!) love to dress up for “alone time”, so... this is in character.  #weneedaconfirmationabouthowHappyreallyfeelsaboutthehat #iloveyourhat #icanseehistupidhat 
Quintis dancing to “Shiny Happy People” at their home/in the extra baby room/in the Garage/on the rooftop... recreating the 2x13 Patrick & Grace Quinn - Happy’s parents - scene from the VHS tape Happy watched. Bonus points if Happy is pregnant during this dance scene. 
Quintis team-work during cases! Happy getting to show off her mechanic skills & Toby getting to show off his doctor skills. And vice versa/in reverse - Toby showing off what he’s learned from her & Happy showing off what shes learned from him. #ep405 #ep410
Quintis teaching each other their skills (a’la 1x13 deleted end scene style: Toby teaching Happy about noticing human behaviour -- like he did in 3x22 with that hand placement comment and medicine & Happy teaching Toby mechanics, buildings stuff, etc...)
The return of significant little things/presents - the dollhouse from 2x04 (that they worked on together in season 2), the rocking chair (from 3x06 that Toby “built” for Happy and their kid), the “attaboy” key-fob (that Happy gave Toby as a present in 3x11), the “Sparking Mike ” toy robot (that Toby gave Happy as a present), the “Toby Dick” framed picture (from 3x22)...among other things. I want to see all those items in the Quintis home...and their places in their home... Several can be used as decorating the “extra room” aka future baby Grace/Marcus Quinn-Curtis room. #ep407
Married Quintis being the same two adorable genius dorks, bickering, and being simply themselves... (confirming that simply signing some papers doesn’t mean that a person’s personality changes completely, and they still remain themselves, even if they do change, and adapt to each other more and more...) #everysingleepisode
Quintis still adapting to living together & being married. Fun storylines and scenes about them getting used to the “changes” in their lives. (They moved in together, officially, in ep 322, and got to cohabitate only for a month til their wedding day & the 3-week “deserted island” adventure aka their “honeymoon”... so it’s still kinda new for them...
Quintis honeymoon... a proper one. Not really seeing their honeymoon (they, and the whole team, really need a long vacation after the year of crazy events they’ve had...so 6 weeks off is a must...and good reason for a timejump on the show...) but seeing them leave for their vacation, and returning after... #idontthinkthiswillhappenforthem
Quintis duet! Quintis singing....together. Or one of them playing the piano/an intrument, and the other one singing... #kinda
Quintis high5-s, Quintis fist-bumps, Quintis foreheard/top-of-the-head kisses, Quintis hugs, Quintis kisses #LittleSweetQuintisMoments#401 #402 
Quintis nicknames! More nicknames from Toby. But also from Happy! #getcreativewithnicknames #401 #402 
Quintis Garage Rooftop scenes! Quintis/Team at Kovelsky’s scenes
Flashback to 2x13 rooftop cuddling in the tent (what happened after the ep ended)
Flashback to the moment when Quintis became official - the when, how... revealed in detail (either shown visually as a flashback, or revealed in words/by someone telling the story)
Quintis planting an oak tree (their tree, “a mighty love oak”) and/or tend to one they planted on their wedding day/during/after the honeymoon  PS. If it’s not a topic in S3 finale/wedding ep, then definitely in s4, please
Toby’s “new” car! After his old blue convertible was blown up in last seasons premiere... did Happy fix it up, or did Toby already got a new car (or have they just carpooled/both drove Happy’s truck), or will he be getting a new car... will they be getting a new car (a “family car”) soon? 
Perfect Quintis Christmas! 
Quintis book-club! Toby reading two books at once (and Happy admiring the sight) and Happy reading a book and/or Toby/Happy both reading a book... #bookreadingdate #quietnightathomeorinthegarage 
Quintis as the support team in the Garage (a la 3x08) - both Toby & Happy staying behind during a case, and being together in the Garage, communicating via comms with the others. 
Toby’s new computer and mobile phone backgrounds/wallpapers to be shown. The old/usual “playing cards decks wallpaper” replaced with something else, possibly Happy/Quintis/team related. 
A Valentine’s day episode! Quintis Valentines day! 
Quintis anniversary! Quintis 1st wedding anniversary (May 2018....a year after their May 2017 wedding), Quintis 1st date/get together anniversary... 
Happy (and the team) having to save Toby’s life during a case (kind of like Toby did in 2x13 in the South Pole, and/or the team did in 2x12 at the dam...but not like 2x06...where she kinda did already...)
Toby and his gambling past - Bruno & his debts (payment plan) story line brought back/continued and finished. Learn to identity of Bruno, and learn more about Toby’s debts etc.  PS. If it’s not a topic in S3 finale/wedding ep, then definitely in s4, please
NEW! (added after s4 premiere) Quintis/TeamScorpion Vs Collins. He’ll be back...we all know it. And while I think he’ll go after Walt/Paige/Ralph...I kinda wish that maybe he’ll go after Happy (pregnant Happy) or Quintis kid... so we’d get a great emotional storyline. And see again the fierce Happy. Cause they’re all scared of Queen Happy...also Collins. She is a worthy opponent to him, and after 224 she would so extra scary if the bearded trickster tried to hurt her/her gamily again. 
Sly and “Megan Dodd Pediatric Care Unit/Ward” - that plot was dropped too fast (no explanation given why & no mention of this plot or why it was “forgotten” in any of the interviews or dvd extras...or anywhere), with no resolution at the end of s2. One way to bring it back (after so much time, and make it seem natural) is simply to have it be related to Quintis baby - they visit the place when the baby is born (it’s obvious Quintis baby is gonna be born “in the middle of nowhere, during a mission”..but after that they will go to the hospital for a checkup, and it’d be a great time to “casually” mention MDPCW, and give “closure” to that “dropped” plot, with just one little scene)
Storyline for Sly! #ep401 #ep402 #ep403
Storyline for Cabe! #ep402 #ep403
Ada (Happy’s mechanic friend, Ada Pearce, from 3x18) to be mentioned or returning. Either we hear how Walt’s search for a donor match goes and how her life in the bubble/after getting out of the bubble has gone OR we actually get to see her again. Ada would be a perfect “replacement” on the team on the field while Happy is stuck in the Garage. As in: for the Happy/Quintis pregnancy plot (that is coming..in the future) Cause while Toby and others (as seen in 3x16, 3x14, etc) have picked up things from Happy’s skillset, it would be better to have a “mechanic” on the team during missions. Or just extra member of the team (like Tim was for a while - two federal agents instead of one) Or...she could be the nanny/babysitter. 
More (mentions, at least) of the Mechan-Chicks! website and the mechanchiks and their fun adventures/teamwork. They helped fix Ada’s house after the 3x18 case/events. They must do similar projects..more often..now... 
The return of old “fan fave” characters: Collins as the teams main opponent and the shows main villain, Ray #Ray-turn, Allie, Ada, Maya, Megan (in flashbacks...somehow), Patrick (Happy’s dad), Drew (Ralph’s dad), Walt’s parents, Patty (3x15) etc... #Patty403 #Allie403 #Ray405 #Richard405 
Allie returning (since she obviously isn’t really a fan of working for Patel, then she might enjoy another job change), and she cold become the Scorpion “office assistant” or the (Quintis baby) nanny/babysitter while others are on missions. 
The return of Mark Collins. Collins vs Cyclone (in whatever form, please) #ep401 #ep402 #
Team Scorpion VS Team Anti-Scorpion. The Team facing an enemy, who are geniuses & like them, only with bad intentions. Two teams of geniuses going against each other. The team meeting their match(es).
Grandpa/Dad Cabe & his kiddos (the team) scenes/moments/storylines.... 
More Ralph/Team, Ralph/Quintis, Ralph/Sly, Ralph/Walt...scenes and storylines.
Ferret Bueller - seen again, or his fate mentioned. #
A team origins episode (story) - how everyone met (in detail) We’ve gotten glimpses of the backstory and “how I met everyone” in past episodes - 1x02, 1x03, 1x10, 1x22, 3x23... but we don’t know all the details and haven’t really seen the “flashbacks” to the first meetings or the early days of the team...when they were still “building the company”
A case involving a baby/toddler/child that the team has to protect & take care of (babysit, take custody of during the case), and Quintis is tasked with looking after the kid. (a la Peraltiago in 4x16 with Terry’s kids) And this leads to them having the “babies” talk and/or be a test-run for their future (if it’s already conformed they’re going to be parents)
Cases with animals/living creatures (deer in 4x03 already confirmed). Unless they’re saving the case with scorpions for the shows series finale/last season, I hope to see also a case involving a scorpion...soon. 
Happy building stuff! Happy making more presents to her family members (like she’s built stuff for Sly & “Megan” & Toby - Birdroni, photo phrames, comics humidifier, wedding band, keychain) & Toby “building” stuff... #ep402
The Curtis Clan - an episode/storyline focused on Toby and his family/parents - finally meeting his dad/mom/parents/family. He’s the last team members whose parent(s) we haven’t met. Or heard much about at all. PS. If it’s not a topic in S3 finale/wedding ep, then definitely in s4, please
The story behind Toby’s fedora/hat - when did it become his signature look, and the reasons behind it...etc
The story behind Toby’s “bracelet” - what’s the significance of it?
*Here’s one scenario for the Quintis pregnancy/baby plot (reveal) IN A SEPARATE POST 
This is the first, very initial list. More things will be added to the list...with time. 
PS. This list does not include anything about the shows lead ship/main couple... on purpose. Not because I don’t have thoughts on them (the Ralph, Walt, Paige family & dynamic... because I do), but because I’ve decided not to blog about this ship, hence leaving out anything related to their storylines. Also from this list.
Post created/Last update: April 25th, 2017/Oct 6th, 2017
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