#ep: 4x15 orpheus
on-this-day-btvs · 6 months
March 19, 2003
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Orpheus aired for ATS season 4, episode 15. Fred awkwardly flirts with Willow but Willow does not flirt back, mentioning she is dating someone back in Sunnydale [Kennedy].
This episode includes the last ATS appearances by Willow and Faith. This is the third ATS appearance by Willow, her others are in S2. This concludes Faith's three-episode ATS "redemption arc", her other appearances are in S1 and S2. Faith appears in six total episodes of ATS.
Willow is played by Alyson Hannigan. Wesley is played by Alexis Denisof. At the time of filming, Alyson was engaged to now-husband Alexis.
The shooter in the 1970s mind walk diner scene was played by Nate Dushku, who is Eliza Dushku's brother. This is Nate's only appearance in the Buffyverse.
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