#epe laminator
neoncherryblossom · 1 year
I think the reason why I like Metamy so much is because of how much I want Metal Sonic and Amy to interact in a meaningful way. Like this girl is one of, if not the kindest character in the entire franchise and she's one of the only characters who were genuinely just, nice to Metal even when they didn't have to (the other being Shadow in Sonic Rivals 2).
And that flower she gave him in Sonic Mania Adventures (ep 6) to give to Eggman? Eggman takes it but doesn't keep it and Metal does, because that's probably the first gift anyone has given him and he keeps it, even when he's shown to have 0 care for nature but he keeps this one because this one was given and no one's done that before and I think that means a lot to him.
I like to think he still has it somewhere, to remind him that someone cared enough about him to drag his heavy body all the way back to Eggman, even after he hurt her. Maybe it's laminated and hidden somewhere safe because he doesn't want any Badniks to touch it, because this is his thing. And I like to think if they interact one on one again, Metal would remember that and treat just a bit gentler, be far more lenient towards her than anyone else not because he doesn't think she's not capable, but he remembers when she was kind and decides this time, he'll repay it in little ways.
(I liked what Amy's anniversary comic did for her but I didn't like what it did to Metal Sonic. She got her chance to shine and it was great but I'm allowed to be a little salty about Metal not getting the same treatment but also I might have gotten my hopes too high in hindsight it was very obvious.)
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Leading with the heart, Storer style, step by step, and the LEFT HAND COLUMN
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We are all important.
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Time management
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Storer dedicated a whole ep to teach a demi-central character this lesson:
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Stress honor
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Too many rules get in the way.
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Preserve the attitude to lead and set up a family support system for your team (dos and don'ts)
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Laminated card with team's phone numbers
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Believe in handshake and mutual commitment (dos and dont's)
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Each team has to run its own race
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And that's only how he played out the book's first chapter throughout S1 and S2.
There's a lot more to come. I never recommend books, but I recommend this one -Sydcarmywise-
And lastly my own input.
BONUS TRACK: The left hand column, I work with this one every day of my life IRL and it's all about what it's UNDER THE TABLE. Meaning: When you lead a team there are things that are out there in the open, things you say, and directives and guidelines you give, those are the cards you put ON THE TABLE. Now, at the same time, if you lead, you will also benefit a lot if you care about what's left UNSAID, under the table as well. That's the LEFT HAND COLUMN because that's where the GAME CHANGER is. No matter what cards you put on the table for your team, what's under the table is what drives the game and can make you win it or lose it.
Guess what Storer did:
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rusty-gloinks · 6 months
Interesting thing. I actually think Alice is Lizzy and Thad's mother. Assuming the teacher is their father, she's the only other drone to have those strange orange eyes, and as we saw with the laminated card, her eyes used to be green, like thad's. Also, she's the only living drone I've seen that has the same hairstyle as Lizzy. For all we know, she has or is infected with the solver, so maybe she and Drone 029 will come back in ep 7.
this is honestly so cute to me but at the same time just so odd, I could never really see Alice as their mother ??(cause of her knowingly being evil .but,, besides the point .I love evil women) .HOWEVER ,post solver alice (if she does have it, which I’m assuming she does considering she worked ?at cabin fever labs) I could definitely see :3
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open-hangar · 1 month
New Akkadian Lore Yushamin Ep. 1
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باسم الحياة العظيمة، عندما نجتمع معًا
Name: Waheeda Habib
Place of Origin: [REDACTED BY ORDER OF SABBI], SPEC Station 3
Height and Weight: ~149 cm, ~41 kg
Assignment: Ashurbanipal Special Protection Unit [REDACTED BY ORDER OF SABBI] Unit Aleph
Etc.: [REDACTED BY ORDER OF SABBI] Unit Aleph. Any changes to assignment will result in immediate and extreme [REDACTED BY ORDER OF SABBI]
Waheeda Habib, first daughter of the Society for the Protection of Earth’s Culture (SPEC), watched from the portholes as the SPEC airship Shlama as they flew northward over the desert of what was once known as Arabian Peninsula. Waheeda did not want to be here. She was well known for not wanting to be many places, but if the teenager were to create a list of places that she did not want to be, all of the top places were on Earth, and any desert would likely be in the top 5. Luckily, (or unluckily, as it gave her less to complain about,) the desert quickly gave way to a lush green forest with trees reaching skyward that forced the Shlama to gain altitude to avoid.
Much of north-eastern Iraq had been quite verdant through a solid chunk of Earth’s history, but ever since the Himalayan Disaster, strange flora and fauna have reclaimed more and more of the Arabian desert. This was widely considered in the Asian branch of SPEC to be the closest to the Himalayas that was safe to explore in order to retrieve old Earth artifacts. But Waheeda could hardly believe it as she saw a 6-winged raptor fly past the window carrying another, larger bird in its beak.
“Now approaching Al’Ahdath Mosul. Please remain seated for the docking procedure.”
Al’Ahdath Mosul was, technically, another airship, but calling it that buries the lede. It’s much more like a floating city-slash-military base, held aloft by a series of Chargon engines and anchored by a thin elevator down to what was once the original Mosul. Waheeda’s cross-chest seat belt tightened in preparation for docking as the ship slowed, and settled with a solid ship-wide SHUNK.
“Welcome to Al’Ahdath Mosul. After leaving the ship, tourists and journalists must stay in the right corridor, and SPEC members transferring to SABBI must stay in the left corridor. Please enjoy your stay.”
Well, the girl formerly of SPEC but now of SABBI thought as her seatbelt automatically came undone, I’m definitely not here for fun. Left it is.
“Face forward,” a voice from outside the tiny photo booth said. A bright flash of light that seemed to pierce straight through her eyes and into her brain momentarily blinded her, and she involuntarily winced. “Don’t worry,” the same voice said. “Everyone does that. It came out fine.”
Outside the booth, her new handler Rami leaned against the doorway like a towering statue, his arm tented against the top arch. Her new ID was in his other hand, outstretched to her. It was already laminated and on a lanyard. She looked down at her dark, angry face and long curly hair surrounded by her relevant info, and a number indicating her clearance.
“Do you have to look at me like that?” Waheeda asked as she glanced sideways at Rami.
“Like what?”
“Like a creep.”
He stood up straighter, perhaps realizing that he was leaning over the girl in an intimidating way. “Depends…”
She didn’t like where this conversation was going, so made a conscious effort to get as far away from him as possible, walking in a random direction down the hallway they were in. “Depends on what?”
Rami laughed as he followed her “Are you a Lunarian?”
Waheeda felt sick to her stomach that this was the guy who was in charge of her, and could order her around. “Ew, no! I’m exactly as old as I look.”
“Ah, shame,” he replied. “Oh, and you’re going the wrong way, by the by.”
Waheeda stopped, and looked to her side at a sign painted on the wall. The direction she was walking had an arrow pointing labeled “Personal Chambers,” while the arrow pointing behind her was labeled “Mosul Elevator - SABBI Only.” She sighed, pointedly, while picking up her stride.
“Look, I have had a LONG trip and entering the atmosphere was NOT a fun experience. I just want to unpack my stuff and get used to natural gravity, ok?”
A sudden iron grip on her upper arm stopped the teen in her tracks, and she dropped her bags and turned around ready to slap the man holding her. She was interrupted by the terrifying gaze Rami brought down on her.
“I’m sorry if that didn’t sound like an order. You’re going topside no matter what. Leave your things, someone will grab them for you.”
The elevator was long. Long, uneventful, and scary, as Rami stood like an erect gargoyle in the exact middle of the enclosed space and Waheeda shrunk into the corner to get as much space between the two of them as possible. How long is this stupid elevator shaft, anyway, she thought to herself as time continued to stretch onward. Mosul isn’t THAT high up, is it? Eventually, finally, the elevator stopped, and a red light shined a laser over the entire space.
“Two occupants detected,” a robotic voice intones. “Provide identification.”
Rami raises his ID next to his face, and after a moment, the voice goes, “Rami Hafeez confirmed.” He turns around to the other occupant of the elevator expectantly, and finds her already following suit. “Waheeda Habib confirmed. Clearance granted to Yushamin Hangar 01.” The massive doors slide open, granting access to a metal grated walkway overlooking one of the secret prides of SABBI, Yushamin Unit Aleph.
As Waheeda walks onto the walkway, she immediately revolts in shock, her back slamming into the now closed doors of the elevator they had stepped out of. Her hand over her mouth does little to muffle her shocked outburst.
Comparing it to a Lanzer is what most minds would do, but that’s not even half of this thing. Waheeda could only see it as a monster. It was vaguely humanoid in shape, covered in spikes in the most terrifying places. The core of the thing was mostly shining dark metal, but covered in red plates and yellow… scales? And the entire thing was covered in transparent veins showing some liquid flowing underneath. But she spent the most time staring at what appeared to be the head.
Vaguely shaped like a crystal or a plumb bob, it was pointed at the bottom with a spike on its chin, widest at its forehead, and an amazing conical crown made of even more spikes on top. Its neck was not in the expected place, but rather sticking out the back of the head. It appeared to have 4 blank eyes and a covered mouth, and the entire display almost made Waheeda miss that massive metal halo behind its head, and its… floating(?) wings(???) that were glowing a faint green.
“That, my dear Ms. Habib, is why you’ve been transferred here,” Rami calmly explained while Waheeda began to hyperventilate. “You and your family care deeply about old Earth’s heritage. Well, it’s under attack, and long story short, we can’t trust Lanzers anymore.”
Art by @nebularobo
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telomeke-bbs · 1 year
This post continues a thread of the ten previous ones (all linked at the bottom of this write-up) on filming locations for Bad Buddy. 😊
By now it's no secret that BBS's legendary rooftop was at Chana City Residence (829 Pracha Uthit Rd, Bangkok): 💖
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(above) Chana City Residence in an image posted on Facebook linked here – for the write up on the rooftop location see this link here
However, Chana City Residence also provided the setting for two other filming locations in Bad Buddy:
Pran's apartment viewing at Ep.2 [4/4] 8.50 (when he decided to move out of his student accommodation) that was gatecrashed by Pat – their rough-housing on the bed, that suddenly stalled when stirrings of something more bubbled to the surface, was probably the first time the narrative told us plainly that their constant rivalry and oneupmanship was really part of a complicated love language; 😍
Wai's apartment (Ep.6 [1I4] 6.06), when Pran goes there to drop off his guitar in an effort to stifle his music-making instinct, which is one of the things that bind him to Pat (see this write-up here on Pran's musical spirit, and how he tried to deny that part of himself).
If the building, rooftop and interiors of these scenes looked familiar, you may be recalling them from some other BL series: Why R U and Oxygen filmed a lot here (Oxygen even has scenes at the rooftop! 🤩).
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(top) Bad Buddy Ep.2 [4/4] 10.40 – Pat gatecrashes Pran's apartment viewing at Chana City Residence; (bottom left and right) photographs of Chana City Residence posted by Kris Kanchanachayphoom on Google Maps here and here – the bedhead, curtains, gray shelving opposite the bed, horizontal blinds flanking the bedhead, the window mullions, pale cabinetry, timber strip flooring, armchair and side table are all a match
For good measure, here's a picture of the BBS gang (minus Ohm and Drake) behind the scenes in what looks like the very same room:
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The photograph above is from Drake Laedeke's Twitter (linked here); Nanon is wearing the same shirt he had on in Kacha Nontanun's music video for the song Secret (Pat's theme) that was filmed at the rooftop, which dates this image to the same day/night of the video's filming (you can also see the gang, dressed in the same clothes, in the Behind-the-Scenes phototaking at the rooftop in this YouTube video linked here, at timestamp 6.29)
The bedroom above wasn't used to portray Wai's apartment, however. Wai's room can be seen in Bad Buddy at Ep.6 [1I4] starting from timestamp 6.06:
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(above) BBS Ep.6 [1I4] 7.26
Although Wai's bed has a similar (upholstered) headboard, it is flanked by shelving and paneling rather than windows with blinds. This indicates that the room was portrayed by a different one at Chana City Residence – and the following photographs are a match:
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(above) Two photographs that match Wai's apartment posted by Kris Kanchanachayphoom on Google Maps, linked here and here; corroborating details include the shelving and cabinetry, the upholstered bedhead, the closet-lined corridor leading to the bathroom, the overall color scheme (ash timber laminate) and the worktable
So this bit is a little superfluous because it's outside the apartments, but the elevator and elevator lobby that we see after Pran's real estate viewing (at Ep.2 [4/4], starting from timestamp 12.10) are also at Chana City Residence:
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(above left) BBS Ep.2 [4/4] 12.16 – Pat emerges from unit 801 on Level 8 of Chana City Residence; (above right) Ep.2 [4/4] 13.32 – Pat leans into Pran in a subversion of the elevator crush trope, that will also get a callback in the LogTech elevator at Ep.3 [2/4] 5.14
Corroboration can be extrapolated from Oxygen The Series:
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(above) Oxygen The Series Ep.12 [4/4] 0.18 – the artwork on the wall, door frames and moldings, wall paneling with stainless steel strips, timber edging to the elevator jamb, unit door signage and overall color scheme of the Level 8 elevator lobby here are all a match for the elevator lobby in BBS
The Level 8 lobby details in the scene above naturally also match those of the elevator lobby at Level 1 (seen close-up in Oxygen The Series Ep.11 [1I4] 3.01), which in turn can be seen in the background at OTS Ep.12 [3I4] 5.17. And that scene (Ep.12 [3I4] 5.17) also has a sign with the name of the building on it – and it is indeed Chana City Residence. 🤩
[P.S. – here are the links to all the filming location posts:
Part 1 – The legendary rooftop, PatPran’s student apartments, their high school, the white arches behind the Engineering Canteen, the Zero Waste Village and various seaside scenes, their honeymoon suite, the hospital where Pat was treated for his gunshot graze, and the high school reunion.
Part 2 – Pat and Pran’s family homes, the Flagpole Bar, the car park fight location, and the Jae Si Curry House.
Part 3 – Various locations at and around the rugby field, including Pat’s photoshoot with Ink, the rugby bleachers, the iced milk tea (and green tea wave) picnic table, InkPa’s photography picnic, the old bus stop and the new bus stop. Also Khun Noppharnach’s pharmacy.
Part 4 – Pat’s Engineering Faculty (in and around Rangsit University’s College of Engineering).
Part 5 – Pran’s Architecture Faculty (Rangsity University’s School of Architecture).
Part 6 – Various F&B and commercial locations (eateries, shops, malls and a market).
Part 7 – Pat’s post-graduation apartment and Pran’s residence in Singapore.
Part 8 – Various campus locations filmed within Rangsit University’s Digital Multimedia Complex, including the auditorium and the Freshy Day Song Contest.
Part 9 – The LogTech Building and Pran’s architectural office in Singapore.
Part 10 – Locations for the Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy special episodes.
Part 11 – The apartment for rent that Pran went to view in Ep.2, the elevator scene with Pat just after the viewing, and Wai’s apartment.
Part 12 – PatPran’s elementary and high schools, as well as the location of Pa’s near-drowning.
Part 13 – Random locations (Pran searching for his lost earphones, the covered car park where Wai spied on Pat serenading Pran with Nanon's Love Score, the airport car park, the SouthTech U Library, PatPran's rainy day ointment interlude, their motorbike and truck rides in Hua Hin, the approach road to Uncle Yod's bar, the filming location for the music videos Just Friend? and Our Song, and Pran's street address in Singapore).
Will update this list if I can track down the hardware stores – the one remaining location still unidentified! 🤣]
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kattahj · 3 months
Secret Crush on You, first thoughts
Thoughts on ep 1 of Secret Crush on You (which everyone recced to me after this post):
Yes, that's for sure some femme gays! Not sure about "taken seriously" so far, but as I understand it, that will change.
Also, half of GAP seems to be here! That's good, I love myself some FreenBecky!
I tend to find the OTT humour in Thai shows pretty awkward, but I laughed out several times during this! Especially at the gang's various attempts to hide from Nuea. (Jao with that spoon... WHAT are you doing?)
For a moment, I fully believed Toh was going to try to laminate those tangerines. (Don't laminate tangerines, people!)
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aossby · 5 months
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Flat Art
Bingung pilih hadiah? Beli hadiah tapi kok gitu" aja di toko? 🤔 Jangan khawatir! Art Of Sin menyediakan jasa digital art lho. Pastinya bakal berkesan banget untuk teman, keluarga, pasangan, atau mungkin selingkuhan *eh 😋 . Kenapa harus order di Art Of Sin? 🤔
Termurah se-Indonesia
Hasil selalu memuaskan
5 File master (png, jpg, pdf, eps, ai)
Proses menggunakan Adobe Illustrator + Adobe photoshop (bukan ai atau template)
Free cetak 1 lembar A3+ . Apa cuma menyediakan digital art aja? 🙄
Tenang, kami juga menyediakan berbagai macam karya seni manual maupun digital ya. Mulai dari sketsa, karikatur (manual/digital), pixel art (manual/digital), anime style, vector, WPAP (manual/digital), dan masih banyak lagi. . Bingung kan mau pesen yg mana? 😁 Langsung aja konsultasi dulu ke kami, gratis kok 😊 . Paper : A4 Tools : Pensil 2B - 8B + Pensil Charcoal Proses : 1x24 jam Finishing : Laminating . . WA : 0812-3155-8589 IG : aos.sby FB : Tara Pradipta Tele : 0821-4324-5036
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jakobdodson · 2 years
2022 in Music
Here is a note about the music I listened to in 2022. I hope you enjoy it!
Favorite Albums of 2022
Blue Rev - Alvvays
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Banger after banger after banger on here!
Favorite Songs:
After The Earthquake
Tile By Tile
Belinda Says
Bored In Bristol
A Light For Attracting Attention - The Smile 
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This is essentially a Radiohead album with a jazzy twist. Accordingly, it belongs here, among my favorites of the year. 
Favorite Songs:
Speech Bubbles
Open The Floodgates
Free In The Knowledge
Skirting On The Surface
Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You - Big Thief
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My most anticipated release of the year that easily surpassed my highest expectations. It explodes into several beautifully creative directions and where it could overwhelm with its ambition it tends to endear and make you smile.
Favorite Songs:
Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe in You
Flower of Blood
Red Moon
Promise Is a Pendulum
12,000 Lines
Runners Up
Dawn FM - The Weeknd 
Once Twice Melody - Beach House
Ice, Planets, Lungs, Mushrooms, and Lava - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
Dripfield - Goose
Music for Animals - Nils Frahm
Liked It
Misadventures of Doomscroller - Dawes
I’m Not Sorry, I’m Just Being Me - King Hannah
Good and Green Again - Jake Xerxes Fussell
Hell on Church Street - Punch Brothers
Time Skiffs - Animal Collective
Ants from Up There - Black Country, New Road 
Humble Quest - Maren Morris
The Joy of Music - Ben Rector
The Jacket - Widowspeak
Underground Complex No. 1 - Typhoon 
Fear of the Dawn - Jack White
Omnium Gatherum - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
Giving The World Away - Hatchie 
Break Me Open - S. Carey
Romeo & Juliet - Ryan Adams
One is One - Delta Spirit
Two Ribbons - Let’s Eat Grandma
Big Time - Angel Olsen
Preacher’s Daughter - Ethel Cain
Cruel Country - Wilco
The Loneliest Time - Carly Rae Jepsen
Surrender - Maggie Rogers
Teeth Marks - S.G. Goodman 
Take It Like A Man - Amanda Shires
Sons Of - Sam Prekop & John McEntire
Chloe and the Next 20th Century - Father John Misty
Reggae Film Star - Damian Jurado
Freakout/Release - Hot Chip
Will Of The People - Muse
WE - Arcade Fire
Birds In The Ceiling - John Moreland
Profound Mysteries II - Röyksopp 
sandhills music - Ben Seretan
I’m Sweating All the Time - Wormy
Heartmind - Cass McCombs
The Liar - John Fullbright
Midnights - Taylor Swift
Changes - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
Rolling Golden Holy - Bonny Light Horseman
Into the Blue - Broken Bells
I Walked With You a Ways - Plains
Laminated Denim - King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard
ILYSM - Wild Pink
Being Funny in a Foreign Language - The 1975
And In The Darkness, Hearts Aglow - Weyes Blood
Schvitz - Vulfpeck
Cowboy Ballads, Pt. 1 - Jesse Tabish
Drew Winn - Drew Winn
Can I Take My Hounds to Heaven? - Tyler Childers
Blue Skies - Dehd
Harry’s House - Harry Styles
Ali - Vieux Farka & Khruangbin
Quitters - Christian Lee Huston
Chris - Ryan Adams
Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers - Kendrick Lamar
Plonk - Huerco S.
Palomino - First Aid Kit
Alpha Zulu - Phoenix
God Save the Animals - Alex G
No Rules Sandy - Sylvan Esso
Not from 2022
Ram - Paul McCartney, Linda McCartney 
Plum - Widowspeak
Tago Mago - CAN
Ege Bamyasi - CAN
Night Moves - Bob Seger
Dots & Loops - Stereolab
Haven’t Listened Yet...
ForeverEverAndEverNoMore - Brian Eno
Empire Central - Snarky Puppy
Björk - Fossora
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Cool It Down
FM - Ryan Adams 
Entering Heaven Alive - Jack White
Inside Problems - Andrew Bird
Kumoyo Island - Kikagaku Moyo
Dropout Boogie - The Black Keys
Headful of Sugar - Sunflower Bean
Everything Was Beautiful - Spritualized
Electricity- Ibibio Sound Machine
(watch my moves) - Kurt Vile
You Belong There - Daniel Rossen 
El Mirador - Calexico
Unlimited Love - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Things Are Great - Band of Horses
caroline - caroline
Pompeii - Cate Le Bon
The Dream - alt-j
Anaïs Mitchell - Anaïs Mitchell
Laurel Hell - Mitski 
Silver Sash - Wovenhand
Concerts Attended in 2022:
The War on Drugs - Cains Ballroom - Tulsa, OK - 6/4/22
John Fullbright - Fassler Hall - Tulsa, OK - 10/2/22
Spoon - Austin City Limits - Austin, TX - 10/9/22
Goose - Austin City Limits - Austin, TX - 10/9/22
Kacey Musgraves - Austin City Limits - Austin, TX - 10/9/22
Luke Combs - Paycom Center - Oklahoma City, OK - 12/9/22
The Book of Mormon - Eugene O’Neill Theatre - New York, NY - 12/21/22
Links to past lists:
10 Albums that changed my life
Happy Listening!
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telomeke · 2 years
So uh I spotted something interesting in this official pilot that I think will be familiar to you. Adding it to this week's shared locations!!
AAAAAAA!!!!! Tinidee!!! The Bad Buddy student apartments ride again!!! 💖
Thanks for the heads-up @sliceduplife and for tagging me on this week's QL Shared Filming Locations post (linked here). 🥰 Making my post public now that yours is up! 💖
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(top) Make a Wish trailer timestamp 0.13; (bottom) BBS Ep.8 [1I4] 5.56
Fluke's angel is on Level 6 while Pat and Pran were on Level 4 though. And it's indicative of how much Bad Buddy has taken over my brain that I can recognize this location with just one glance – the carpet, the timber moldings and the recessed cove lighting that's switched off on one side... all so familiar to me. 😂
Thanks for highlighting – I feel like I just bumped into an old friend! 💖 And apologies to Make a Wish and also to the Tinidee people, but this location will always and only ever be PatPran's student apartments to me. 🥰
P.S. The "hospital" in the Make a Wish trailer (linked here) looks like the first storey corridor and lobby of Tinidee as well. I just did a quick check with BBS and the granite flooring, aircon FCU, timber laminate, and ceiling/corridor design all look to be a match... 💖
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darkmoonkestrel · 7 days
daily kestrel 14:
went to the elementary school today and wore my dot dress in celebration of dot day! sadly not many kids were wearing dots, the post on social media didn't get a lot of views apparently
did my book reading/lesson with the science class today which went well, pretty happy with that. discovered that I did not miss the book club last week, that's actually starting next week so that's some lingering anxiety off my shoulders. unfortunately the dot day stuff we hung up got taken down which made me sad, we didn't even get to add the dots of the last classes who made them (and the laminated part was gone too so the librarian is gonna have to make a new one next year)
I got home and helped Paige finish up putting away all the ground beef she cooked today, and she let me have some of the last batch to make loose meat sandwiches. sometimes one of those poverty meals as a kid just hits hard, all you need is seasoned ground beef and white sandwich bread and mustard. I finished my practicum blog post around the time Peyton got home, and we all ended up taking separate naps. Peyton went into Paige's room, I konked out on the couch, and Paige fell asleep in her couch spot
I had a headache even after I woke up so I took some meds for that and rotted on the couch for almost an hour while Paige made breakfast for dinner. we watched a couple EPs of Bob's Burgers while we ate and then I disappeared to the office to play like two hours of Slime Rancher 2. I got knocked out twice and lost several valuable resources so I'm a little salty about that but it'll be fine I'll get that stuff back it'll just take a while
anyway I drafted part of this post yesterday and then was tired enough when Peyton told me he was going to bed that I just saved my game and followed him to the land of sleep and totally forgot to actually post this so this is for Monday, September 16th
0 notes
seoclassified · 15 days
Ultimate Insulation Solution: Double-Side Grid Golden Foil EPE Foam Insulation (5mm)
1. Why Choose Double-Side Grid Golden Foil EPE Foam Insulation?
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The Double-Side Grid Golden Foil EPE Foam Insulation (5mm) is the ultimate choice for homeowners and builders looking for reliable insulation. Whether you're focusing on energy efficiency or soundproofing, this product stands out due to its superior insulating properties. It is versatile, cost-effective, and easy to install, making it the perfect solution for both residential and commercial applications.
This insulation offers enhanced thermal resistance, helping to keep your space cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Its lightweight nature doesn’t compromise its durability, and the foil layer reflects heat back into the room, further reducing energy consumption. Whether you're working on a new build or a renovation project, the Double-Side Grid Golden Foil EPE Foam Insulation provides long-lasting performance, protecting your property from fluctuating temperatures and noise.
2. Introduction
Insulation is one of the most critical aspects of any building project. Without effective insulation, you risk increased energy costs and an uncomfortable living or working environment. The Double-Side Grid Golden Foil EPE Foam Insulation (5mm) is a versatile and efficient insulation product that addresses multiple needs, including thermal efficiency, soundproofing, and moisture resistance. Made from high-quality EPE (Expanded Polyethylene) foam, this product is covered in a grid-patterned double-side golden foil, which enhances its ability to reflect heat and block unwanted noise. Its 5mm thickness ensures optimal performance without adding unnecessary bulk to your walls, floors, or ceilings.
3. Key Features
Double-Sided Foil Layer: The double-side grid golden foil enhances the insulation’s ability to reflect heat, reducing energy loss.
Thermal Efficiency: The product's high R-value ensures excellent thermal performance, keeping interiors at a comfortable temperature year-round.
Soundproofing: The foam layer effectively absorbs sound, making it ideal for reducing noise in multi-story buildings or urban environments.
Moisture Barrier: This insulation also acts as a vapor barrier, protecting your home or building from moisture damage.
Durability: Made from high-quality EPE foam, it is resistant to wear and tear, ensuring a long-lasting solution.
Lightweight & Easy to Install: Its lightweight nature means you won’t need additional structural support, and the installation process is straightforward.
For more detailed specifications and to purchase, visit the Double-Side Grid Golden Foil EPE Foam Insulation product page.
4. Benefits
Energy Savings: This insulation helps maintain indoor temperatures, significantly reducing heating and cooling costs.
Noise Reduction: Its foam composition absorbs sound, making it perfect for apartments, offices, and other noise-sensitive environments.
Protection from Moisture: The foil not only reflects heat but also serves as a vapor barrier, preventing dampness and mold.
Long-Term Durability: Resistant to compression and damage, this insulation maintains its structure over time, ensuring reliable performance.
Easy Installation: It’s designed for simple, DIY-friendly installation without requiring professional help.
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5. Perfect Application
The Double-Side Grid Golden Foil EPE Foam Insulation is ideal for a wide range of applications:
Residential Homes: Perfect for adding insulation to walls, floors, attics, and basements. It’s especially useful in areas prone to extreme temperatures.
Commercial Spaces: This insulation is highly effective in reducing noise in office buildings, ensuring a more comfortable working environment.
Renovation Projects: It’s a must-have for retrofit projects, as it improves energy efficiency and reduces noise without the need for major structural changes.
Under Flooring: It can be used as an underlay for wood, laminate, or tile floors, adding an extra layer of insulation and soundproofing.
Find out more on the product page here: Double-Side Grid Golden Foil EPE Foam Insulation.
6. How to Purchase
Purchasing the Double-Side Grid Golden Foil EPE Foam Insulation (5mm) is straightforward. Visit the product page on Decor Idea’s website, where you can explore detailed product specifications, view customer reviews, and select the quantity you need. After adding the product to your cart, proceed to checkout. Decor Idea offers secure payment methods and convenient delivery options to ensure your insulation reaches you promptly and in perfect condition.
7. Customer Stories
John S. from London says, "We installed the Double-Side Grid Golden Foil EPE Foam Insulation in our attic, and the difference in temperature is incredible. It's cooler in the summer and much warmer in the winter. We’ve also noticed a reduction in our energy bills!"
Emily P., a homeowner in Manchester, shares, "I used this insulation during a renovation project. Not only was it easy to install, but it has also made a huge difference in reducing the noise between floors in our home. The rooms feel much quieter now."
Tom R., who manages a small office building, states, "We used this insulation in our office renovation, and it has worked wonders in keeping the noise levels down. Plus, the team noticed a significant improvement in maintaining a comfortable temperature."
By choosing Double-Side Grid Golden Foil EPE Foam Insulation (5mm), you're investing in a high-performance, cost-effective solution that offers thermal efficiency, soundproofing, and moisture protection. Perfect for residential or commercial use, this insulation will help you save on energy bills, reduce noise, and protect your property from moisture damage.
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ductsystems · 4 months
Breathe Easy with Flexibility: Exploring the Power of Flexible Ducts (Ducting Supplies Epping)
At Advanced Duct Systems, your trusted supplier of ducting supplies in Epping, we understand the importance of efficient airflow in your home or business. While rigid ducting remains a popular choice, flexible ducts, also known as flex ducts, offer a unique set of advantages, particularly when dealing with tight spaces or intricate layouts. Let's delve into the world of flexible ducting and explore how it can benefit your ventilation project.
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Beyond the Straight and Narrow: Unveiling the Advantages of Flexible Ducts
While rigid ducting offers a robust and reliable solution, its inflexibility can pose challenges in certain scenarios. Here's where flexible ducting shines:
Conquering Tight Spaces: Flexible ducts, as the name suggests, can bend and maneuver around obstacles, making them ideal for navigating cramped crawl spaces, attics, or areas with existing plumbing or electrical lines.
Simplified Installation: The bendable nature of flex ducts allows for easier installation, especially in retrofit projects where modifying existing structures might not be feasible.
Reduced Labor Costs: The ease of installation often translates to faster completion times, potentially leading to lower labor costs for your ventilation project.
Noise Reduction: Certain types of flexible ducts can dampen sound transmission, contributing to a quieter ventilation system.
Ducting Supplies Epping: Unpacking the World of Flexible Ducts
Not all flexible ducts are created equal. At Advanced Duct Systems, we offer a variety of flex duct options to suit your specific needs:
Insulated vs. Non-Insulated: Insulated flex ducts minimize heat gain or loss during air transmission, improving energy efficiency. Non-insulated ducts are suitable for short runs or applications where temperature control isn't a major concern.
Material Options: We offer flexible ducts constructed from different materials, each with its own advantages. Common choices include aluminum foil, laminated foil/metalized polyester, and PVC-coated polyester.
Diameter and Length: Flexible ducts come in various diameters and lengths to accommodate diverse ventilation requirements. Our team can help you determine the right size for your project.
Advanced Duct Systems Epping: Your Partner in Flexible Solutions
Looking for the best ducting supplies in Epping, including flexible ducts? Here's why Advanced Duct Systems is your ideal partner:
Extensive Product Range: We offer a comprehensive selection of flexible ducts, along with all the necessary accessories for a successful installation.
Expert Guidance: Our knowledgeable staff is here to answer your questions, recommend the most suitable flex duct option for your project, and guide you through the selection process.
Competitive Prices: We provide high-quality ducting supplies at competitive prices, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.
Commitment to Customer Satisfaction: We prioritize your satisfaction and are here to support you throughout your ventilation project.
Imagine Efficient Ventilation Made Easy
Imagine a seamless ventilation system installation, navigating tight spaces with ease thanks to the flexibility of flex ducts. Picture reduced labor costs and a quieter ventilation system contributing to a more comfortable environment. That's the power of flexible ducts!
Beyond Flexible Ducts: A Comprehensive Ducting Solution
While flexible ducts offer unique advantages, Advanced Duct Systems Epping is your one-stop shop for all your ducting needs:
Rigid Ducts: We offer a variety of rigid duct options, perfect for situations requiring a more robust solution.
Ducting Accessories: From connectors and clamps to dampers and grilles, we have all the necessary accessories for a complete ventilation system.
Ventilation System Design: Our team can assist with designing an efficient and effective ventilation system for your home or business.
Contact Advanced Duct Systems Epping Today!
Ready to explore the world of flexible ducts and find the perfect solution for your ventilation project? Contact Advanced Duct Systems Epping today! Browse our extensive selection of ducting supplies, discuss your project requirements with our knowledgeable staff, and get expert advice to achieve optimal airflow in your home or business.
Contact Web - https://ductsystems.com.au/duct-felxible-stainless-steel-suppliers-epping/ Mail - [email protected] Ph - 1300 382848 Address - 3/11 Cooper St Campbellfield VIC 3061 AU
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insulationking · 5 months
The Perfect Shield: Insulated Moisture-Resistant Plasterboard Explained
Insulated moisture resistant plasterboard serves as a robust shield against both moisture and temperature fluctuations, offering a perfect solution for environments prone to dampness and condensation. This essay will delve into the intricacies of insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard, elucidating its importance, composition, benefits, and applications in various settings.
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Understanding Insulated Moisture-Resistant Plasterboard
Insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard, often referred to as green board or MR board, is a specialized building material designed to withstand moisture exposure while providing thermal insulation properties. It is composed of a gypsum core encapsulated in a moisture-resistant facing material, typically made of fiberglass or a water-resistant paper liner. The facing material acts as a barrier against moisture infiltration, preventing the growth of mold and mildew and maintaining the structural integrity of the plasterboard.
The Importance of Insulated Moisture-Resistant Plasterboard
Insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard plays a crucial role in environments where moisture levels are high or fluctuate frequently. Dampness and condensation can not only compromise the integrity of conventional plasterboard but also lead to mold growth, odors, and indoor air quality issues. By incorporating moisture-resistant properties, insulated plasterboard offers a durable and resilient solution for areas prone to moisture exposure, such as bathrooms, kitchens, utility rooms, and basements.
Composition and Construction
Insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard is engineered with several key components to enhance its performance in damp environments:
Gypsum Core: The core of the plasterboard is composed of gypsum, a naturally occurring mineral known for its fire resistance and structural strength. Gypsum provides the primary structural support and thermal insulation properties of the plasterboard.
Moisture-Resistant Facing: The facing material of the plasterboard is designed to repel moisture and prevent water penetration. It may consist of fiberglass matting or a water-resistant paper liner treated with additives to enhance its moisture resistance properties.
Insulation Layer: In some cases, insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard may include an additional insulation layer to improve thermal performance. This insulation layer is typically made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) or extruded polystyrene (XPS) foam, providing enhanced energy efficiency and thermal comfort.
Vapor Barrier: Some variants of insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard feature a built-in vapor barrier to further prevent moisture infiltration and condensation. The vapor barrier is typically a thin layer of polyethylene film or foil laminated to the back of the plasterboard, reducing the risk of moisture-related issues.
Benefits of Insulated Moisture-Resistant Plasterboard
Moisture Resistance: The primary benefit of insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard is its ability to withstand moisture exposure without compromising its structural integrity. The moisture-resistant facing material prevents water penetration and inhibits the growth of mold, mildew, and rot, ensuring long-term durability and performance in damp environments.
Mold Prevention: By repelling moisture and maintaining dry conditions, insulated plasterboard helps prevent the growth of mold and mildew, which can pose health risks and degrade indoor air quality. The moisture-resistant properties of the plasterboard create a hostile environment for mold growth, safeguarding the health and well-being of occupants.
Durability and Longevity: Insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard is designed to withstand the rigors of high-moisture environments, offering superior durability and longevity compared to conventional plasterboard. Its moisture-resistant properties ensure that it remains structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing over time, even in areas prone to moisture exposure.
Thermal Insulation: In addition to moisture resistance, insulated plasterboard provides thermal insulation properties, helping to regulate indoor temperatures and improve energy efficiency. The insulation layer reduces heat transfer through walls and ceilings, minimizing heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, and creating a more comfortable and energy-efficient indoor environment.
Versatility: Insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard is suitable for a wide range of applications in residential, commercial, and institutional settings. It can be used for interior walls, ceilings, and partitions in bathrooms, kitchens, utility rooms, basements, and other areas prone to moisture exposure, providing versatile protection against dampness and condensation.
Applications of Insulated Moisture-Resistant Plasterboard
Insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard finds applications in various settings where moisture resistance and thermal insulation are paramount:
Bathrooms and Kitchens: Insulated plasterboard is commonly used in bathrooms and kitchens, where moisture levels are high due to bathing, cooking, and washing activities. It provides durable and moisture-resistant wall and ceiling surfaces, preventing water damage and mold growth in these areas.
Utility Rooms: Utility rooms such as laundry rooms and boiler rooms are susceptible to moisture infiltration from water heaters, washing machines, and other appliances. Insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard offers reliable protection against dampness and condensation in utility rooms, ensuring long-term durability and performance.
Basements: Basements are prone to moisture problems due to their below-grade location and lack of ventilation. Insulated plasterboard helps create a dry and comfortable basement environment by resisting moisture infiltration and preventing mold growth on walls and ceilings.
Commercial and Institutional Buildings: Insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard is also used in commercial and institutional buildings, such as schools, hospitals, and hotels, where moisture resistance and thermal insulation are essential for maintaining indoor air quality and occupant comfort.
Installation and Maintenance
Installing insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard follows similar procedures to conventional plasterboard installation, including cutting, fitting, and fastening the boards to wall or ceiling framing. Proper installation techniques, including sealing joints and penetrations, are essential for maximizing moisture resistance and ensuring long-term performance.
Maintenance of insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard primarily involves regular cleaning and inspection to remove dirt, dust, and mold growth. Any signs of water damage or moisture infiltration should be promptly addressed to prevent further deterioration and maintain the integrity of the plasterboard.
In conclusion, insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard serves as a perfect shield against moisture and temperature fluctuations in building environments. Its moisture-resistant properties, combined with thermal insulation capabilities, offer durable and long-lasting protection against dampness, condensation, and mold growth. From bathrooms and kitchens to utility rooms and basements, insulated plasterboard provides versatile solutions for areas prone to moisture exposure, ensuring occupant health, comfort, and well-being. By incorporating insulated moisture-resistant plasterboard into building design and construction, builders and homeowners can create resilient and sustainable environments that withstand the challenges of moisture and temperature fluctuations for years to come.
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telomeke-bbs · 2 years
This post is a continuation of my seven previous ones on filming locations for Bad Buddy (linked here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7). This instalment focuses on the scenes that were shot at the Digital Multimedia Complex, Building 15 of Rangsit University (RSU).
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(above) This external view of RSU Building 15 (The Digital Multimedia Complex) is from the Pantip Forum (linked here)
I didn't realize it at first, but this building was used a lot in Bad Buddy. For example, scenes at the SouthTechnology Auditorium were in reality filmed at the main auditorium of the DMC:
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(above) This image of the DMC auditorium is from a Facebook post by Rangsit University dated 1 September 2022 (linked here)
If this auditorium looks familiar, you may be recognizing it from its time on SOTUS – it was the venue for the Freshy Night Star and Moon Contest in that granddaddy BL series (and can be seen on YouTube at Ep.5 [1I4] 6.14, linked here).
In Bad Buddy this auditorium was the setting for many scenes:
Toto briefing the Architecture students on plans for the musical – Ep.7 [1I4] 8.50;
Pran getting a gift of food from Pat (via food delivery) – Ep.7 [2/4] 3.15;
The musical audition process – Ep.7 [2/4] 13.25 and Ep.7 [3I4] 1.07;
Pa turning up with Pat's drumsticks – Ep.7 [3I4] 1.38 (significance of this explained here);
Rehearsals – Ep.7 [3I4] 6.11, Ep.7 [4/4] 0.22, Ep.8 [1I4] 6.53; Ep.8 [2/4] 8.15; Ep.8 [4/4] 0.24;
Pran exploding at Chart – Ep.7 [4/4] 1.11;
Pat taking on the role of Riam to save the play (and his beloved's ass) – Ep.7 [4/4] 4.26;
PatPran's backstage argument, followed by Pat's shirtless pleading performance on the ranat ek, their reconciliation behind the scenes, and of course the curtain drop – all starting from Ep.8 [4/4] 1.37;
Wai's control room revenge – Ep.9 [1I4] 1.47; and
The final curtain call for the play (Ep.9 [1I4] 6.24).
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(above) Ep.7 [3I4] 1.41
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(above) Ep.7 [4/4] 6.39
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(above) Ep.7 [4/4] 6.45
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(above) Pat seated on the raised edge of the stage at Ep.8 [4/4] 3.22; the name of his university (South Technology) is just visible on the flyer he is holding
Corroborating details are: the two-toned, staggered and crenellated relief of the back wall, the semi-circular stage with its raised edge, and the rectangular panels on the timber-laminated front of that apron.
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(above left) This image dated 21 November 2021 is from a photo taken within the control room by Art Chindapol and posted to Facebook, linked here; (above right) this is from BBS Ep.8 [4/4] 10.24 – the window frame and the vertical ribs above the window (which are an acoustic wall treatment to attenuate reverberation), as well as the back wall of the stage are all a match; this auditorium doesn't look like it has real flying facilities or theater curtains, so Bad Buddy's red curtain drop was all artifice (Wai couldn't have made that curtain fall from the control room)
Another location in Bad Buddy where a lot of scenes were filmed is the atrium of the Digital Multimedia Complex:
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(top) This image from Facebook dated 27 August 2018 (linked here) shows the atrium at the Digital Multimedia Complex; (bottom left) this image dated 31 August 2011 was taken by Dame. H on Foursquare (linked here) and it shows the staircase between the blue feature wall and the orange beech-paneled wall, that likely leads to the auditorium; (bottom right) this image from Facebook dated 26 June 2022 (linked here) is a close-up of the staircase
Multiple scenes were shot at the DMC atrium:
The Freshy Day Song Contest (starting at Ep.5 [3I4] 4.55) was staged on the lowest level, next to the multi-colored curved glass wall;
Pat's not-a-love-confession to Ink (in between staring hopeless and lovelorn at Pran, during the scene starting at Ep.5 [3I4] 9.50) was filmed at the semi-circular mezzanine above the multi-colored curved glass wall;
Spouse-material Ink stepping in to save Pa and her signature-seeking freshy compatriots from (male) senior harassment (Ep.7 [2/4] 0.18) – this took place at the bottom of the staircase between the blue feature wall (with the light gray diagonal groove lines) and the orange beech-paneled wall at the back;
Wai being lovestruck by Pa, when he bumps into her at Ep.7 [3I4] 0.20 at the same staircase, with the blue feature wall behind them;
Pran informing Pat that the role of Riam would be going to Chart, on the same staircase (Ep.7 [3I4] 3.42);
Ink's photoshoot of the Kwan-Riam musical cast (in front of the beech-paneled wall), where Pa brings her an assortment of camera lenses, and where Ink rebuffs Wai's efforts to find out more about Pa – Ep.8 [1I4] 10.59;
Ink inviting Pa to develop photos with her, and Pa discussing peer mentors with her friends over Ink's snacks (also in front of the beech-paneled wall) – Ep.10 [3I4] 11.58.
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(top) Ep.5 [3I4] 12.55; (middle) Ep.5 [3I4] 6.50; (bottom) another view of the atrium space from Facebook dated 26 Jun 2022 (linked here) – the curved glass-paneled wall on the left and the hanging banners are all a match, while the mural on the right with the yellow letters spelling the the word "CREATIVE" on a dark blue background matches what we see behind Ink and Pat at Ep.5 [3I4] 6.50
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(above) Ep.5 [3I4] 9.50 – the angled balusters of the railing that Pat is sitting on match what we see at the semi-circular mezzanine in the atrium of the Digital Multimedia Complex
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(above) Ep.7 [2/4] 0.41
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(above) Ep.7 [3I4] 0.23
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(above) Ep.7 [3I4] 3.44
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(above) Ep.8 [1I4] 11.02
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(above) Ep.8 [1I4] 11.04
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(above) Ep.8 [1I4] 11.15
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(above) Ep.8 [1I4] 12.10
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(above) Ep.10 [3I4] 12.30
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(above) Ep.10 [3I4] 12.34
The scene where Pat runs after Wai in an effort to mend their friendship (after the last performance of the Riam and Kwan musical, at Ep.9 [1I4] 7.20) was probably filmed just outside the auditorium:
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(top) Ep.9 [1I4] 7.20; (bottom) this matching interior photo, dated 23 November 2020, was taken at the Digital Multimedia Complex and posted on Facebook by อัฐพน���์ แดงเลิศ, linked here
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(top) The red arrow shows the location of Pran and Wai's conversation, behind the glass wall, in this aerial shot of the Digital Multimedia Complex from YouTube video Drone RSU Photo at timestamp 3.06; (bottom) this screenshot from Google Street View showing the view outside the glass wall is further corroboration – the white buildings on the left as well as the terminalia mantaly trees, with their distinctive tiered branching, are what we see behind Pran and Wai at Ep.9 [1I4] 7.20
The scene where Pa loses her contact lenses and is rescued by Ink (Ep.7 [1I4] 7.21) was filmed at the main entrance staircase of the Digital Multimedia Complex:
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(top) Ep.7 [1I4] 7.58; (bottom) this is a screencap from YouTube video ทัวร์ม.รังสิต ครบทุกคณะใน มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต [ฉบับเต็ม] หรูหราหรือเปล่า ? / rangsit university at timestamp 11.02 – the box-up lettering of the signage, wall groove lines and collapsible metal grilles are all corroborating details
Still more Bad Buddy filming locations to come. Will be posting them in due course! 😊
[Afterpost Edit – here are the links to all the filming location posts:
Part 1 – The legendary rooftop, PatPran’s student apartments, their high school, the white arches behind the Engineering Canteen, the Zero Waste Village and various seaside scenes, their honeymoon suite, the hospital where Pat was treated for his gunshot graze, and the high school reunion.
Part 2 – Pat and Pran’s family homes, the Flagpole Bar, the car park fight location, and the Jae Si Curry House.
Part 3 – Various locations at and around the rugby field, including Pat’s photoshoot with Ink, the rugby bleachers, the iced milk tea (and green tea wave) picnic table, InkPa’s photography picnic, the old bus stop and the new bus stop. Also Khun Noppharnach’s pharmacy.
Part 4 – Pat’s Engineering Faculty (in and around Rangsit University’s College of Engineering).
Part 5 – Pran’s Architecture Faculty (Rangsity University’s School of Architecture).
Part 6 – Various F&B and commercial locations (eateries, shops, malls and a market).
Part 7 – Pat’s post-graduation apartment and Pran’s residence in Singapore.
Part 8 – Various campus locations filmed within Rangsit University’s Digital Multimedia Complex, including the auditorium and the Freshy Day Song Contest.
Part 9 – The LogTech Building and Pran’s architectural office in Singapore.
Part 10 – Locations for the Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy special episodes.
Part 11 – The apartment for rent that Pran went to view in Ep.2, the elevator scene with Pat just after the viewing, and Wai’s apartment.
Part 12 – PatPran’s elementary and high schools, as well as the location of Pa’s near-drowning.
Part 13 – Random locations (Pran searching for his lost earphones, the covered car park where Wai spied on Pat serenading Pran with Nanon's Love Score, the airport car park, the SouthTech U Library, PatPran's rainy day ointment interlude, their motorbike and truck rides in Hua Hin, the approach road to Uncle Yod's bar, the filming location for the music videos Just Friend? and Our Song, and Pran's street address in Singapore).
Will update this list if I can track down the hardware stores – the one remaining location still unidentified! 🤣]
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mykpopwire · 5 months
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Live Nation Singapore is thrilled to announce that K-pop’s hottest rising stars and monster rookie group, BABYMONSTER, will be bringing their first fanmeet tour to greet their local fans this coming June!
BABYMONSTER took the K-pop scene by storm with their explosive debut this year. Known for their youthful and vibrant energy, the group captivates audiences with their catchy music, synchronized choreography, and undeniable stage presence. This fanmeet marks BABYMONSTER’s first official interaction with their fans, promising an unforgettable experience. It will feature electrifying performances of their hit songs from their debut EP, “BABYMONS7ER”, engaging interactions with the group, and exclusive opportunities for fans to get up close and personal with their favourite stars! VIP ticket holders will enjoy various fan benefits, including a chance to snap a group photo with the girls, win an autographed poster, and greet them during the hi-bye session. Additionally, they will receive exclusive collectibles such as a laminate with lanyard, postcard, and photo cards.
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[BABYMONSTER PRESENTS : SEE YOU THERE] IN SINGAPORE will take place at The Star Theatre on 15 June 2024 (Saturday). Singtel mobile users will enjoy an exclusive priority sale on 6 May (Mon), 2:00pm to 11:59pm. Visit www.singtel.com/babymonster for more information. Live Nation members can secure tickets during the Live Nation presale on 7 May (Tue), 2pm - 11:59pm. Visit  livenation.sg for free membership signup and presale access. Tickets for the general public will go on sale on 8 May (Wed), from 2pm onwards via ticketmaster.sg.
*photos courtesy of Live Nation Singapore
Don’t forget to like, follow and subscribe to MY K-POP WIRE for more K-Pop interview, debut, comeback and event updates!
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rrccases2 · 6 months
Art of Packaging: Transforming Sheets into Essential Packing Materials
Packaging plays a pivotal role in safeguarding products during transit, ensuring they reach their destination intact and in pristine condition. Among the myriad of materials used for packaging, sheets stand out as versatile assets. What may seem like a simple sheet of material holds the potential to be molded, folded, and transformed into a variety of Packing materials from sheets, each serving a unique purpose. In this blog, we delve into the world of packing materials derived from sheets, exploring their versatility, benefits, and sustainable potential.
The Foundation: Cardboard Sheets
Cardboard sheets are the unsung heroes of packaging. Sturdy yet flexible, they serve as the foundation for various packing materials. From corrugated cardboard used in shipping boxes to flat cardboard sheets utilized as dividers and protective layers, their versatility knows no bounds. These sheets can be easily customized to fit any product, providing cushioning and support while minimizing the risk of damage during transportation.
Bubble Wrap: More Than Just a Popping Sensation
Who can resist the satisfying pop of bubble wrap? But beyond its entertainment value, bubble wrap is an effective packing material derived from sheets. By laminating two sheets and trapping air pockets between them, bubble wrap creates a cushioning layer that absorbs shocks and vibrations. Whether wrapping fragile items or filling void spaces within packages, bubble wrap offers unparalleled protection while remaining lightweight and cost-effective.
Foam Sheets: Soft Yet Protective
Foam sheets, made from materials such as polyethylene or polyurethane, are prized for their soft yet resilient nature. These sheets can be cut to size and used to cushion delicate items, providing a protective barrier against impacts and abrasions. From electronics to glassware, foam sheets conform to the shape of the product, ensuring a snug fit that minimizes movement during transit. Additionally, foam sheets are reusable and recyclable, making them an eco-friendly choice for sustainable packaging solutions.
Packing Peanuts: Lightweight Fillers
Packing peanuts, often overlooked, are another ingenious creation derived from sheets. These lightweight fillers, typically made from expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam, excel at filling void spaces within packages. By interlocking and conforming to the contours of the product, packing peanuts prevent shifting and settling during shipping, maintaining product integrity throughout the journey. Despite their lightweight nature, packing peanuts offer impressive shock absorption capabilities, safeguarding even the most fragile items.
Paper Cushioning: Sustainable and Versatile
In an era of heightened environmental consciousness, paper-based Packing materials from sheets have emerged as sustainable alternatives to traditional plastics. Paper sheets, whether crumpled, shredded, or folded, provide excellent cushioning and void-fill properties while being biodegradable and recyclable. From kraft paper to newsprint, these sheets offer versatility and eco-friendliness without compromising on performance.
From cardboard to foam, sheets serve as the building blocks of a diverse array of packing materials, each designed to protect and preserve products during transit. Whether it's safeguarding fragile glassware or cushioning sensitive electronics, these materials play a crucial role in ensuring that goods arrive safely at their destination. Moreover, with sustainability at the forefront of packaging innovations, the versatility and eco-friendly attributes of sheet-based packing materials make them indispensable assets in the modern packaging landscape. As we continue to seek innovative solutions for safer, more sustainable packaging, the humble sheet remains a timeless cornerstone of the art of packaging.
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