yellowmanula · 3 months
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Open Mic w Efemerii, było śmiesznie i pozytywnie
Karmelicka 7
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pressredcards · 11 months
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my new unhinged wife. my insane babygirl.
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reignsan · 11 months
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Pretender-class Typhon-Ephemeros
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ac-liveblogs · 2 months
FGO 9th anniversary + summer 2024 predictions
Historically, my predictions haven't panned out super great. I've gotten maybe 2 things right in the past, and both were obvious (Hot British Summer, and NY Kotomine.)
But I'm gonna try again anyway!!!
Firstly, who it's not going to be - Solomon/Goetia or U-Olga. If they become playable, and I have my doubts on the first and Nasu said the second wouldn't (do we trust him though), it'll be closer to the Lostbelt arc finale.
It also won't be Galahad - if he drops, it'll be during OC3, as Nasu said that's when the Shielder class would be addressed. If FGO keeps its current publishing schedule, that'll be in the first half of next year, though obviously I can pray for sooner.
There is the possibility it'll be another Type-Moon character like Ciel, though given we've already gotten two this year (Aoko, Hibiki+Chikagi), TM would seriously be pushing their luck to do another so soon. So I doubt it'll be a TM legacy character.
Fate/Strange Fake characters will probably get dropped with or after the anime.
Possible Existing Candidates include Beni-Enma Alter or Camazotz. Camazotz would follow Aesc as a LB breakout character showing up as an anni servant. I still think we're more likely to see Beni-Enma Alter attached to an event though. We also still have Typhon Ephemeros, but I'm not sure she's anni material.
It's been awhile since we got a preview character - Castoria was the last, I think. Or maybe Koyan of Light by technicality. (We're due another Arts-breaking support servant, right?) My money's on a preview character, honestly.
More Importantly(?) - Summer!
We're likely to see some LB7 servants cropping up this year, and given her role in the last LB this might also finally be Eresh's year! My predictions are as follows:
Tlaloc (this one is almost guaranteed imo)
Kukulkan and/or Quetzalcoatl
Nitocris Alter
It's been awhile since our last Koyanskaya. We're due another soon, surely.
There's also a chance for characters like Pope Johanna or Bazett. Getting either of them will certainly give Constantine or Cu costumes respectively. Though if we get a LB7 oriented summer, Tez will probably get a costume. Personally, I'd like to see Nitocris Alter get a swimsuit - and then she can drag Cleopatra and Ozymandias along with her (to get animation updates).
Costumes I'd love to see: Ozy, Moriarty (Ruler), Duryodhana or Rama. Kirei would be pretty funny too though. Not holding out too much hope for any of these.
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 months
Top 5 non collab/non .5 events?
Honorable mention) Onigashima
I already praised Ushi Gozen's characterization enough in the posts about her, but this one lose points because Ushi gets less good in her future appearances.
Honorable mention) Cjeste Pyramid Himeji Castle
Liz Love is a powerful and important universal constant but unfortunately, only one Eliza event was actually good.
Honorable mention) Nightingale's Christmas
Nightingale bias, she's still in the Servant top 3 after all this time. My hot take here is that despite Last Encore, this was actually Nursery Rhyme's best showing.
Honorable mention) Karna's Christmas
Vritra is fun in every scene she's in and you know I also love the rest of the India cast.
Honorable mention) Little Big Tengu
Consistently great humor, Kiichi has a solid personality, and I have way too many feelings about Taira no Kagekiyo.
Honorable mention) Ptolemy's Grail Front
Love the Investiture cast finally together, love Theseus, love Ephemeros. Simultaneously wins and loses a lot of points for Ephemeros's arc being just discount Goetia.
5) Arctic Summerworld
Characters I like were picked for the side cast (Erice, Asclepius, and Zetian). Characters I like were picked for the central cast (Skadi and Douman) and handled pretty well. Ibuki was a significant antagonist downgrade over Skadi, but she's decent overall.
4) Aeaea's Spring Breeze
Circe is our friend. I'm saying this on behalf of everyone in the world. Less universally, Jason and Arjuna are also my friend. This event also debuted the Greek flashback artstyle and that was really groundbreaking at the time.
3) Murder at the Kogetsukan
Somehow a solid orthodox murder mystery in my mobile game.
2) Gudaguda Ryouma's Close Call
There's a lot I don't care about in this event, but the wedding carries it so hard. And there is still a lot outside of it that I do care, like Okuni's past and personality, and Izou's big moment.
1) Chaldea Thriller Night
Two story updates a day was intense, but luckily the event came out when I had the time to experience it right. The mystery was handled with a lot of care and Xu Fu's characterization with triple as much.
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massivechestplate · 9 months
Alright People, New Years is coming.
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nero-draco · 11 months
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Draco vs Typhon
Draco gives Holy Grail, Typhon Ephemeros is anti Holy Grail. Both are Dragon.
It also fits since enemy is Extra class but has gimmick of being defensively weak against every other class, so it's a fair fight with each other can deal maximum damage.
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So who says she's only good because her class defensive advantage?
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cryopon · 4 months
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"LINK UP: Enlist in the Ephemeros Signal Corps"
postcard i made to sell/distribute at the stripdagen haarlem comic market last weekend
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melonisopod · 11 months
Typhon-Ephemeros is just Fate's version of Snow White's Apple.
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yellowmanula · 3 months
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UWAGA! Ephemeros odbędzie się 6 lipca w Efemeria. W części muzycznej wystąpi Olga Rembielińska aka DJ Yellow Manula Wydarzenie tradycyjnie poprowadzą: Janusz Andrzej Wieczorek i Michał Krzywak Zapraszamy
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eagledreaming · 11 months
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Ephemeros trying to revive Typhon is funny, given for Wunna's FGO Verse he has Typhon (Avenger). So it kinda just feels like Ephemeros doing her whole evil villain speech only for her to stop mid-speech realising the Typhon behind Wunna like.
"Hey uh... Master of Chaldea, what's that you got there?"
"A smoothie? I can get some for you if it's rude, I just thought these speeches go on for a bit so I might take a drink." Ge is completely missing the fact that she's talking about Typhon.
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the-world-annealing · 2 years
(Inspired vaguely by @slatestarscratchpad's Columbian Exchange)
Ephemero: Excuse me, sir? Could you step aside for a second? I'm here to take down that statue and you're blocking my access.
Permanento: Never!
Ephemero: Hey, I'm just doing my job here!
Permanento: I don't care! City hall is really letting a few activists pressure them in removing the statue of general Nyrkoson, who lost his life guarding our borders from the Yorvardian invasion?
Ephemero: Well, if you're going to make this about his actions, he also killed and tortured prisoners, sent Yorvardian war orphans off to foreign lands for adoption, and popularized the use of nerve gas. Back when they built this statue nobody might have minded, but today we're enlightened enough to reject those actions, and the man who perpetuated them!
Permanento: Oh, sure, by our modern standards general Nyrkoson isn't a great person, but it's not about that! Statues aren't supposed to be an endorsement and display of those heroes who we still revere today! Statues are a way to trick rational egomaniacs into serving the common cause!
Ephemero: What? I thought you were going to make an argument about judging people by 'the values of their time', but this doesn't quite sound like it. Carry on?
Permanento: There's a group of people - a pretty large group, actually - that just doesn't care about others, won't lift a finger to help them, just cares about their own sense of greatness and importance. So society says, 'hey, if you are a prosocial champion of our values, if you make sacrifices to advance them, and accomplish great things, then we'll give you a statue to honor your deeds into the far future'. There's other stuff to it too, but let's use the statue as a symbol for now. And know what, it works! Off the egoists go to cure disease, right wrongs, even give their own lives: all for the chance at eternal heroism. If we start knocking down statues, we're changing the bargain to 'advance our values and we shall honor you until those values cease to appeal to us': that's a much worse deal!
Ephemero: Is it? Sure, you're getting fewer glory-seeking heroes, but you're getting better ones, right?
Permanento: Elaborate?
Ephemero: Well, imagine the 1800s. From your own, modern perspective, would you want the honored heroes of the 1800s to be its greatest doctors, or its greatest politicians?
Permanento: I'd imagine the doctors hold up a bit better? I like medicine, but a lot of 1800s politicians were pretty racist. I have no trouble admitting that, just as I'm fine with admitting Nyrkoson shouldn't get honored if he lived today.
Ephemero: Exactly! And people in the 1800s could have figured that out! They know that political trends come and go, but pretty much every society honors great medical achievements! But under your system, the egomaniacs don't really care: as long as they get a statue before their politics get too outdated, they're good! On the other hand, if their accomplishments must be justified to all future civilizations, then the medical track looks a lot better all of a sudden. We would still encourage greatness: just the greatness we like best!
Permanento: Now hold on! In the present day, that means people won't support present-day values: they will support the values of the society they imagine to be dominant for the coming centuries. I want heroes to serve our values, not those of their imaginary future-dwellers!
Ephemero: Well, predicting the future is hard, so they'll probably look at current-day causes that are steadily growing in support, or all-time success stories. Certainly, nobody who wants to become one of posterity's heroes would serve causes dwindling in popularity, like homophobia!
Permanento: Or nuclear power?
Ephemero: Fair; I am assuming that on the whole, society is getting more correct on the big issues over time. But even if we aren't, and norms never neatly converge on truth, that's just more reason to stick with the all-time favorites: feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, curing the sick!
Permanento: Well, that's a very interesting philosophy, but there's one thing you haven't thought about, and it poses a major problem.
Ephemero: Which is?
Permanento: If you ever spread this philosophy far enough: enough for it to become an actual widespread ideal, enough for a public debate to start along the same lines as mine and yours, arguing whether or not statues should stand forever...
Ephemero: Oh.
Permanento: ...what side do you think all the driven, glory-obsessed egomaniacs will flock to support?
Ephemero: "I'm still going to need to take Nyrkoson down." Permanento: "No can do: I'm hoping this bullheaded resistance get me immortalized by future statue-lovers."
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ac-liveblogs · 9 months
FGO JP New Years 2024 Servant Predictions
We've passed Christmas without real incident - Nemo Santa seems to be about all we're getting for now, which is fine, so I'm skipping right ahead to my NY Servant predictions!
I'm fairly characters like U-Olga Marie and Galahad are off the table. We've had story-relevant characters dropping pretty consistently at New Years, but Rasputin and Koyanskaya of Darkness dropped after story chapters directly related to them and Muramasa was about to be super relevant in the upcoming LB6 (and there was no space for him with all those banners... I don't think we'll get another SQ Apocalypse like LB6 again honestly), so I'd honestly be shocked.
Roman/Goetia/Whoever is a fever dream. He's Final Chapter material if at all.
With Nemo Santa dropping, Grand Rider Noah is super not happening. RIP
We're still sitting on Camazotz, Izcalli and Typhon Ephemeros from earlier in the year. Personally, I think Camazotz is very unlikely - I think he'll go the "implemented two years later once the devs confirmed he was popular" route. Izcalli does not have the star power or presence for New Years... or any event, really. Major 4 star energy. Typhon Ephemeros doesn't seem unlikely.
We're also still waiting on Beni-Enma Alter. It would make sense to drop her at New Years, given the original Beni-Enma was also a New Years Servant - and unlike Camazotz and Typhon Ephemeros, she has a servant sprite already good to go.
There's a chance it'll be a preview servant for an Ordeal Call chapter, though with the exception of Musashi we haven't really had "sneak preview" NY servants before.
I think my actual money's on Beni-Enma Alter, though Typhon-Ephemeros comes in second. Of course, it could be some random Foreigner servant again. Never forget that possibility...!
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web1995 · 2 years
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File:Rhithrogena germanica subimago on Equisetum hyemale.jpg
Deutsch: Eine weibliche Subimago (ein geflügeltes Vorimaginalstadium) der Märzbräune (Rhithrogena germanica) aus der Familie Heptageniidae. Die Subimagines besitzen eine behaarte Haut (Subimaginalhaut), die auch die Flügel überzieht. Diese sind deshalb bei den Subimagines stets etwas trüb und haben häufig, wie auch bei R. germanica, eine bestimmte Musterung. Imaginalflügel sind hingegen in aller Regel hyalin und klar durchscheinend. Die Eintagsfliegen (Ephemeroptera, auch Ephemoptera; von gr. ephemeros - eintägig, pteron - Flügel) sind die ursprünglichsten unter den Fluginsekten (Pterygota). Es gibt sie schon seit 200 Millionen Jahren. Die Eintagsfliegen bilden eine Ordnung innerhalb der Klasse der Insekten (Insecta). Von den bekannten 2.800 Arten leben in Mitteleuropa mehr als 100. Die Eintagsfliege im Bild ruht auf einem Winter-Schachtelhalm Equisetum hyemale aus der Klasse der Schachtelhalme (Equisetopsida). English: A female subimago of March Brown (Rhithrogena germanica) mayfly in the family Heptageniidae. Mayflies are insects which belong to the Order Ephemeroptera (from the Greek ephemeros, short-lived and pteron, wing, referring to the short life span of adults). They have been placed into an ancient group of insects termed the Paleoptera, which also contains the dragonflies and damselflies. They are aquatic insects whose immature stage (called naiad or, colloquially, nymph) usually lasts one year in fresh water. It is resting on a Rough Horsetail Equisetum hyemale stem. Français : Un subimago femelle de (Rhithrogena germanica) sur une fructification de Prêle. Rhithrogena germanica est une mouche de mai ou éphémère de la famille des Heptageniidés. Rhithrogena germanica est une espèce répandue en Europe, sur toutes les rivières, mais avec une prédilection pour les eaux froides et oxygénées de moyenne montagne.
Identification: Dr. Arne Haybach at www.ephemeroptera.de (thanks!)
8 January 2008
Richard Bartz, Munich aka Makro Freak Image:MFB.jpg
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