bubonem · 4 years
Tucked away in the corner of a bookstore, the author was flipping through the several books she was intent on buying. Despite owning her own store, old habits died hard, and she was the stubborn sort, anyhow.
Yet, absorbing herself in new literature caused her to pay little attention to her surroundings. She felt no need to when she was indulging herself like this; a potential mistake, as someone did approach her eventually. Eto looked up with a glare, assuming the woman was an employee about to ask her to leave, but...
“Ah.” Eto hesitated, somewhat surprised to see what she felt might be a familiar face. She detected mutual recognition, but, Eto was struggling to place the young woman. A rarity, and an immediate conundrum for the author.
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“... Can I help you with something?”
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How often has he caught sight of eyes that carried heavy weight?  How often as he, himself, looked in a mirror and saw the very weight trying to crush him.  So what led him to wonder of what may be on her mind was merely empathy.  What he didn’t know was what could be the cause of it.  He doubted her thoughts were similar to the thoughts he had in the past.  What he did know was that too much pressure can break anything.  No one was a diamond here.
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“Penny for your thoughts?” he would ask as he cautiously approached.  Maybe an odd term to use, and it wasn’t like he expected an answer considering that they were complete strangers.  Still, it was a way to strike up conversation. He may not learn anything, but talking could relieve whatever pressure was on the mind even if nothing was said about it.  Distractions were quite powerful in the right settings.
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gaeabound · 4 years
extreme caution was expected when cast-off to a strange island with equally stranger creatures; this he knew.  but when decadent globes of fruit came into view ━━ hanging from a low canopy with an alluring scent ━━  caution had been carelessly tossed to winds.  in reaching for the it, kurowli’s wrists and forearms were quickly bound by tenacious vines that pulled towards a ravenous bulb, blooming in a spew of foul gasses.  spines even grew within its fleshy petals, or were those teeth ?  he struggles to put up resistance, refusing to become this plant’s next meal, but his grip was slipping, and the vines were quite strong.
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“  ━━ don’t just stand there,  ”   he growled at the sudden presence of a stranger, gold eyes narrowing into a dark look.  a fairly rusted knife laid some feet away, caged in the skeletal hands of some unfortunate soul. tauntingly.   “  move, or make yourself useful and throw that blade to me.  ”
@epitaphriddle​ / foss island   (  shore event sc.  )
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Holmes a killer of mystery. There are many detective before and after him. But in terms of the detective that latch on to the mind of the masses the easiest. None more so then Sherlock Holmes.
But even Holmes himself isn’t all knowing. He not some machine that always have all the answers. Even the great detective is simply human in the end. EXCEPTIONAL human without a doubt.
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Holmes is lost. He was suppose to be heading to a certain singularity to retrieve a piece of Atlas tech that HELP him solve the biggest mystery of all time. Yet he now stuck in this city unable to get out as he find a curious child looking around.
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“Hello there. I swear Uncle here nobody suspcious. But do you have any idea where i am? I was traveling when i suddenly got transported here for some odd reason.”
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splittwice · 4 years
Villains typically aren’t nice. That was always the definition of one, the common knowledge worldwide when it comes to going face to face with one. Twice was different. A different sort of villain. A man who has killed others in the past, but always had a good heart for others. So when running into someone and knocking her to the ground, the man could only stare at her to process what had just happen before giving any sort of reaction.
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“GAAAAAAAH!? I’m so sorry about that missy! I didn’t even see you turn the corner. It’s like some cliche situation where you’ll meet your soulmate after bumping into one another; I reach down and give you a hand and you fall madly in love with me and we go through one hour and twenty minute of a rom-com before I start falling for you! Oh no. What if that was our destiny! I never signed up for any of this I just want to live me life the normal way. What even is a normal life anyway? I should help her out anyway, I can’t leave some stranger on the ground, that would be rude. Leave her.” Making up his mind, Twice brought a hand out to help the other up. Who knows if the other was able to keep up with his own self monologue at this point.
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undispxted · 4 years
His luck was simply nonexistent in this place.  Either he found no answers to his questions, or he found himself pulling teeth out of his knuckles.  Probably meant his reputation would be more of a thug than anything.  How much his mother would be proud, right?  A groan left him as he held his head from the headache brewing.  He needed to find a way to relax and rid of this stress he was building up, but he only found himself wasting time no matter what he pulled.  Though, his distraction nearly had him crashing into another.  Thankfully he had stopped before hand with a ‘woah’ leaving him.
“Sorry, sorry.  Not payin’ attention.  My bad,” he spoke his apology as he did not need to come off rude for his own mistake.  He probably should had stopped somewhere to calm himself down.  Instead, he was nearly plowing others over, probably one of the worst sides of his size in this place.  Best not to worry since nothing did come from this outside of a small moment of embarrassment. 
“A lot on the mind.  Still gettin’ my bearin’s,” an excuse but it was a proper one.
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silversurvival · 4 years
silverash had wandered throughout this strange land, learning as much as he can about this foreign world. although he is unable to discover why he has been brought here, he has begun to develop a working knowledge of what here is. magical, strange, surreal. these words still can’t capture what his eyes have already seen. and, the colorful path he is following only adds to the enigma.
before long, the sun shines brightly again and he shields his eyes, squinting to get a clear view of what he has now found. it seems to be a cliff overseeing an island -- and, what’s more, someone was already here.
his tail flicks once curiously, and he remains quiet as he approaches the edge and the small figure.
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“excuse my intrusion,” he finally says, as he takes as seat nearby her.
silence falls between them as he stares at the city that’s under his feet. his tail curls up besides him and he makes himself comfortable, his mind deep in thoughts. but, silverash eventually turns to face his company, sharp eyes taking in as many details about the person sitting besides him.
his gaze didn’t linger long and he faces the view of the city again. he breaks the silence, and asks, "my apologies in advance for this sudden inquiry, but are you in pain?” 
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nyctern · 4 years
@epitaphriddle liked for a starter
☽☾ ⋯ Magic came in many forms here, and Leian had learnt of that truth quickly, but the knowledge of living without the magic commonplace to the City had came to her even quicker. Her sword cracked against the skull of her foe, stumbling to the ground in a sickening display of splattered blood and splintering wood. Broken wood driven into another, but even her quick and light feet couldn’t dance out of the way of fire.
“A little help here?!” She called out, darting another few paces away. Too many of them, and with strength she’d never even dream of. It’s another step, misguided this time, that slips her off the hole’s edge, grip barely clinging on to rubble and soil that lined the darkened maw.
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isolaradiale · 4 years
Hello! Without prior reserve, I'm apping Sayo Yasuda from Umineko no Naku Koro Ni! Application can be found under /app or in the sidebar! Thank you!
Welcome to beautiful Isola Radiale, Sayo!
You’ll be staying in CONDO 432!
You will be given a bb gun.
Enjoy your stay!
– ⋆ capella!
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dazaisensei · 4 years
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A boy stood there in a black coat. His was long and thin like a withered and dying tree despite his young age. He smiled, and while his face was handsome, he did not look at all pleasant. When he breathed there was alcohol on his breath.
He took a step and he stumbled. He had been kicked out of the bar, and just by coincidence he crossed paths with the other. He tried to stand up straight, but sagged a little bit. “It’s a princess, a beautiful princess.” He said. He was just playing around.
He put his hand on his chest, and pretended to be a prince and not a dog of the mafia. Bandages covered his face and over half of his body. He moved in long dramatic motions as he spoke. “You’ve got such pretty eyes, princess.”
Dazai smiled. 
“So lonely, you look like you could die.” 
He noticed how dead her eyes looked behind their idealistic light and, he was the type of boy who found more beauty in death then in life. 
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fiendishfeline · 4 years
- @epitaphriddle​​  ♡’d
       ❝  hey! why the hell you starin’ into space for? don’t you know it’s dangerous?  ❞  
       it would be dangerous for him too, knowing what was at stake. kyo had impulsively pulled them backwards before some bastard on their dumb bike could collide with them as he couldn’t just stand around and watch. after seeing how chaotic this world seemed to be, surrounded by mysteries that even he can’t figure out... kyo was more cautious than usual today.  looking at them reminded him of tohru when she was stupidly staring into space, not that it was any of his business if they didn’t want to tell him anything.
       ❝  you should watch where you’re standin’, what are you thinking about that has got you so absorbed, huh?  ❞  
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hybridsalvation · 4 years
     // @epitaphriddle​  |  Security Breach: Part I
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          “Dammit-- I can’t see a damn thing here!“
     The fog didn’t seem like it’d be this thick upon arrival... yet seemingly out of nowhere, the mist around him seemed to grow bigger and thicker, his vision getting more blurry. He was certain there might be people still trapped in Archimedes in these conditions, and the lack of vision would surely prevent them from escaping quickly. Yet that didn’t let Ichigo stop himself from going in-- after all, he still had access to his Flash Steps. So long as he knew where West was, he could send himself to safety in the blink of an eye.
     But where was West now? The sun is blotted out from the sky. His only chance is to feel for the faint, chilling breeze from the blizzard in Cotes. But he can’t go back just yet... he has to try and find someone, anyone that needs to escape.
     Fifteen more minutes. He can spare that much time at least.
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doublemasked · 3 years
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;; sooooo i definitely fell off the ball this march - bad month for me! but i’d like to do some event threads! so here’s a starter call, capped at 2, but with the people I didn’t get a chance to write a non-event starter call + castmates allowed to like over the cap! anyone who I owe starters to is tagged below the cut!
childe is far more inclined toward combat events, but he’s also more than willing to do other stuff too! we’re here to party
@oneeyedpsychic​ @epitaphriddle​ @oncefca​
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isolaradiale · 4 years
Updated my OOC contacts and reapplying as Sayo Yasuda from Umineko! App is under /app!
Welcome back to scenic Isola Radiale, Sayo!
You’ll be staying in CONDO 457!
You’ll retain everything you were given previously.
Enjoy your stay!
– ⋆ betelgeuse.
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