gaeabound · 4 years
“ Hmm? “
If that’s true then it’s a good find. His eye starts searching the ground, scanning for routes until there’s suggestion on the other’s part. He stares but follows after in the end. He doesn’t mind being distrusting but he’d rather not choose to be a stubborn idiot (in most cases anyhow). When there’s an obvious benefit you need to grab it…. If it’s a burden you’ll just have to discard it. 
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“ You want to learn about guns? “
From the sound of it there’s not even base knowledge to speak of. Either there’s a time difference or more likely perhaps, a literal world of a difference. 
“ I guess I don’t mind if that’s enough for you. “
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“  is that what they are called, guns ? very well.  ”   the name feels foreign on his tongue, and he speaks it again, albeit in a whisper, and turned the word in his mouth.  this world’s strange technologies may have confused him, but every bit of knowledge to understand them was soaked up like a cactus to water.  it was undoubtedly a world of difference.  for now, however, he settled on leading the other as promised, and hoisted the makeshift bag of produce over his shoulder before setting off.
“  ━━ i did not expect it to be furnished ...  ”     he notes upon arrival, scanning the room.  there was a weathering couch on one side, layered with a thin coat of dust that suggested its extended vacancy; utensils were scattered over the floor, coupled with old papers; but everything seemed outfitted for one’s basic survival.  there was the familiar metal piping that poured water, cabinets up high, and he points to a lone stove on the left━━   “  oh, this room has a gun.  with luck, it may work enough to heat up a stew.  ”
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gaeabound · 4 years
Kanon stayed bowed to this stranger for a long time before rising up with the same neutral expression on his face. Internally, though- Sayo was concerned. The plant had been downed, but it could very realistically be dangerous. 
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“Hm. All things in this world want to eat- I suppose that’s one thing we all have in common. Human, furniture, plant… All of us get hungry.” Right… For a moment he got too hyped up by his graceful rescue that he nearly forgot his position as furniture. Furniture has no reason to be concerned if it gets gobbled up by the wilderness. “I’m not in search of anything. But, for your sake, we should seek for shelter.”
“  i suppose ...  ”   he murmured in agreement, turning over the words in his mind.  it was a matter of survival, after all. but, the pleasantries that were beginning to grow in the space between them, quickly withered away.  there was offense taken at the concern for kurowli’s safety ━━ or rather, in the manner it was spoken ━━   a dark glance shot back and teeth bared beneath his mask.  
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“  ━━ for my sake ?  you are mistaken, i am not foolish or in need of coddling.  what you saw was a mistake that will not repeat itself. ”   his voice turned cold and steady, taking on a subtle rasp from the bloom of anger welling in his chest.  to prove his point, the clench of a fist commanded the ground to be raised like jaws around the carnivorous plant, swallowing it into the earth and leaving nothing but stones and soil in its wake.   “  keep your wits about you, boy.  you are human and appear frail.  if we sought shelter, it would be for your sake, not mine.  ”
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gaeabound · 4 years
“ …! “
As soon as told Ogata quickly turns landing another bullet into one of the bigger creatures, followed by another. There are many. Stranger’s advice is sound though has his click his tongue. He knows that much - he can’t imagine to try to blast them all of at once, not with limited bullet count. 
“ So… “ he says as he loads another clip into the gun. 
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“ Any fine ideas where that is? Inside? “
That’s his guess anyway. There isn’t much outside anyhow. 
the other’s question resounds in the newfound silence, and it was within reason as options for sanctuary were severely limited upon this forsaken island.  kurowli had chosen the rooftops solely because it appealed to his comfort and provided a great vantage in terms of sight.  but, there was no telling how much longer it would remain safe.
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“  yes, it seems that they avoid the rooms,  ”   he answers, curling a hand beneath his chin in thought.  though that sounded more like a theory that required further evidence than a sound reply.  he paces in line with the roof’s edge before stopping at a corner, a furrow settling between his brows.  
“  but it is no longer wise to remain in this area.  there are quarters to the north that may serve as shelter,   ”   kurowli pauses briefly to consider just how far he should extend his support.  while it was unlike him to remain in anyone’s presence for long, perhaps this man knows how to operate the appliances scattered about.  a pack of vegetables could quickly be made into a stew, ingredients willing.   “  ━━ i will guide you there, if you share your knowledge on those metallic shapes that spit out fire.  ”
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gaeabound · 4 years
while the temperatures were far warmer than the wayward mountain peaks, the island was comfortable for the most part.  there were plenty of trees to take shelter upon, and the land was bountiful. the shore even reminded him of those he frequented for the bits and bobs that would wash upon them.  perhaps, it was the reminiscing thought of simple diversions that brought the god towards the island’s coast. 
but, he was not alone.  he catches the other’s presence and voice, canting his head to a side.
“  hmph, i am not too fond of fish ... or swimming.  ”   he waves a hand as if it would dispel the suggestion of dipping beneath the ocean’s waves, his nose scrunching with disgust.  no reason was great enough for him to step into the foam any further than the length of his knees.  any form of hunger, be damned.  gold eyes turn away from the woman and instead scan the ground, searching.
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“  i have come to look for shells ━━   such as this one here,  ”   kurowli says and drops down onto his haunches, reaching for a pearlescent-pink shell that peeked out from the sand.  the pad of his thumbs brushes away the loose grains from its grooves, fascinated,   “  it is one of the few bounties the ocean offers.  ”
there was minimal shelter on this island, though for all it’s beauty and resources, sen could hardly be bothered by it. the ocean here was still a stranger despite the distance from spirale city, yet the mermaid had found its contents bountiful all the same. she had ventured to the reef, teeming with life, and had there encountered more food than she knew what to do with— eating her fill before snatching more for later.
the days she had spent on this island had passed rather languidly. for the entirety, sen had mostly managed to avoid other people— if they were even on this island with her, though truth be told she had been spending most of her time in the water. but sometimes a return to land was called for, and so she brought her catch ashore. the fish lay bundled in cloth in the sand, taken from the assortment of fabrics from her own clothing, and she was just settling the loose, light kimono over her shoulders as she spotted a figure emerging from the trees.
well, her solitude had been unlikely to last forever. regardless, sen pulls back her hair and wrings it out before bending to pick up the fish.
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“if you have the means, these waters are home to enough fish to last a lifetime,” she comments, throwing her voice across the beach so as to acknowledge the presence of this stranger, “though if not, i fear catching them may involve a great deal of swimming.”
@gaeabound​ / s.h.o.r.e. – NOMMIN.
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gaeabound · 4 years
[…] it is hard for me to be alone with my thoughts. They are not properly thoughts; they are memories which in my weakness haunt me and strangely move me.
— Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front. Ballantine, 1987
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gaeabound · 4 years
||  █ ▌— it’s no surprise that someone is already aboard this ship–floyd has encountered plenty of people on this island. it’s small, so it’s difficult not to do so. he’s ready for a fight if needed, but not seeking one out, and he turns his gaze upon the stranger, more curious than wary. the other’s words prompts a sigh. of course he was looking for resources of some kind… but of course there’s nothing of the sort here.
he’s not really surprised, so it’s impossible to be disappointed. instead, he just shrugs. that sucks, doesn’t it?
❝ i’m not looking for food. just… stuff. these ships have all sorts of weird things, but people are only looking for food or weapons… ❞
not that both things aren’t useful, but for someone who can fish with his bare hands and pluck the good shellfish out of tidepools, he’s not that concerned about it. ❝ your birds are interesting. i’ve never seen them fish for someone before. ❞
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that was part of the intrigue here, if he’s being honest. he’s never seen birds do much of anything that they’re told, but he’s never been the best at animal communication.
a brow is quirked at the other, finding their response to be quite strange.  what could these moldering ships have, besides the bare essentials, that could be of valuable interest ?  kurowli shifts against the railing, leaning an elbow upon the wood and giving them his full attention.  like the stranger, a sparkle of subtle curiosity glinted in his stern gaze.
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“  owls,  ”   he corrects, not fond of them being belittled to mere birds.  but, the talk of them starts to ease the cold temperament into something warmer, like a tight spool slowly unwinding.  with the wave of a hand, he motions at the owl beside him, and the other that flew behind him in the sea wind.   “  they are my companions, raised from birth.  and, while they would obey my orders, this is of their own choosing.  ” 
of course, there is a deeper connection that runs between them.  but, it’s not something deemed worth of sharing to just any passerby.  so instead of pursuing the conversation, kurowli cants his head to the side and changes the subject,   “  you had mentioned looking for ... stuff.  what does that entail ?  perhaps, i can help you.  ”
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gaeabound · 4 years
Perhaps it’s better that she was dragged to such a strange place at that specific time. Out of everyone, Kanon’s clothes were the least obstructing- allowing her to navigate around the island with relative ease. 
When she saw that bizarre scene, ‘Kanon’ only stared blankly at the man whose life was being threatened. Supernatural things certainly existed in this world, that was an undeniable truth, but… A monster like this had never been seen by Sayo even in her dreams of magic and witches.
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Those harsh words didn’t seem to do much to bring Kanon back from his shock, but he at least managed to move. It would be difficult for that stranger to free himself when bound like that, so Kanon took the liberty of cutting him free. Without thinking, he threw the knife into the plants ‘mouth’- it’s fragile body getting pierced from by even a rusted knife.
“Forgive me for acting so slowly.” Elegantly, Kanon bows in apology. “Are you okay, sir?”
when the vines were severed, gravity had nearly caused him to stumble backward before he found purchase and his footing.  the other had acted immediately and utilized a rusted knife so efficiently; it took him by surprise.  with the carnivorous plant seemingly damaged, kurowli pulled the remnant vines away from his arms and proceeded to rub at his raw wrists.
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“  i’m fine,  ”   he said simply, but there was a rough edge present in his tone.  frankly, being left helpless and at the mercy of mere vegetation sparked his ire, conjuring the thought of uprooting the damned thing.  and for a moment, the god had considered it ━━ lest the plant recovers from its stupor and ensnares another fool.   
“  it seems that one must tread carefully, for even the smallest of leaves have mouths that hunger for flesh,  ”   he continued, eyeing the bundle of motionless vines before turning his attention towards his savior.  the words of appreciation choked in his throat, but kurowli forced himself to say them.   “  i ... thank you.  had i something to reward you with, i would ... are you in search of anything ? ”
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gaeabound · 4 years
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his brows had begun to knit together in a strain to grasp for concentration.  probing the area with his mind’s eye required a fair deal of focus, much more than usual in this weakened state.  yet, any grace of silence was swiftly interrupted by the scrabble of nearing creatures or gunfire blasts, taking all forms of progress along with them. 
“  ━━  that infernal device is much too loud,  ”   he griped, peering from over the rooftop’s edge and watching the other man through narrowed eyes.  the weapon in question was not strange, per se, but no doubt it continued to attract monstrous creatures into a cycle of foolishness.  in reasoning, contempt was nearly spat.  but, the words were carefully considered before spoken,   "  see, there is another approaching quickly on your right ━━  you’ll end up dead before long, cease your fighting now and find some shelter.  "
@anglerfishnabe​​   /  haugst island   (  shore event sc.  )
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gaeabound · 4 years
@phasemacha​   said  :  A memory that your character cherishes + What your character does when they wake up
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04:  a memory that your character cherishes
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the very first moment he met his two owls.  while it was only the action of taking them in and raising them in their mother’s absence, it also marked the first steps on the road of acceptance ━━  of what he became, of what lies ahead in the future.  even now he remains at odds with his history, but that disposition changed from a state of distress to something amendable, thanks to finding stability in flying companions.
19:  what your character does when they wake up
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under normal circumstances, sleep isn’t something he bothers much with.  but in the event he does catch a few z’s, he’ll stretch out any stiffness from his muscles ( particularly his neck and back ) upon waking before checking up on his surroundings / his owls.  on the rare occasion, he may even fall back to sleep if nothing requires his immediate attention because sleep is just that good. 
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gaeabound · 4 years
01:  A memory from your character’s childhood
02:  A memory from your character’s teenage years
03:  A memory from your character’s career
04:  A memory that your character cherishes
05:  A memory that your character wishes to erase  
06:  Something that makes your character angry
07:  Something that makes your character happy
08:  Something that makes your character laugh
09:  Something that frightens your character
10:  Something that turns your character on
11:  Describe your character’s childhood friend
12:  Describe your character’s parents
13:  Describe your character’s former lover
14:  Describe your character’s present best friend
15:  Describe your character’s worst enemy
16:  What your character does on a day of
17:  What kind of books your character reads
18:  What kind of music your character likes
19:  What your character does when they wake up
20:  What your character is like at social events
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gaeabound · 4 years
he utterly hated this island ━━ where the ocean's presence was suffocating, and the few pieces of land were no different from coastal rock stacks.  on top of that, the promise of shelter and materials belied the need to cross between ships and that infernal ocean;  in fact, if glares could physically cut, his would have long severed the waters by now.  with a grumble, kurowli carefully leans over the rotting wooden rail, making sure his owls remain safe as they both hunted for fish below.  whatever this ship once held in its cupboards has either been eaten by decay or raided, leaving only a few bottles of spirit and a simple bag of salt behind.
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“  if you are searching for resources, best look elsewhere,  ”   he states upon hearing the approach of footsteps.  a stony glance is spared at the other for a moment, before his attention shifts back towards a catch in an owl’s beak.  sadly, much too small to eat.   “  ━━ lest you wish to survive on molded foods, then go right ahead.  ”
@labebantur​​​ /  volaat island   (  shore event sc.  )
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gaeabound · 4 years
extreme caution was expected when cast-off to a strange island with equally stranger creatures; this he knew.  but when decadent globes of fruit came into view ━━ hanging from a low canopy with an alluring scent ━━  caution had been carelessly tossed to winds.  in reaching for the it, kurowli’s wrists and forearms were quickly bound by tenacious vines that pulled towards a ravenous bulb, blooming in a spew of foul gasses.  spines even grew within its fleshy petals, or were those teeth ?  he struggles to put up resistance, refusing to become this plant’s next meal, but his grip was slipping, and the vines were quite strong.
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“  ━━ don’t just stand there,  ”   he growled at the sudden presence of a stranger, gold eyes narrowing into a dark look.  a fairly rusted knife laid some feet away, caged in the skeletal hands of some unfortunate soul. tauntingly.   “  move, or make yourself useful and throw that blade to me.  ”
@epitaphriddle​ / foss island   (  shore event sc.  )
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gaeabound · 4 years
Great Horned Owl
Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) by Jan Lewis
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gaeabound · 4 years
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━━arriving amidst chaos is just his luck.  while retaining his tracking skills, it only benefits once he’s seen the island.  so there’ll be lots of exploring and scavenging to be done; starter call w/ a soft cap of 3.  i’ll likely stick to foss island, but can randomize for the others !  below are some deets, lmk you’d prefer a specific location: 
haugst:  not a big fan.  will protect those with barriers if attacked, but he will likely complain the entire time about the place.  has limited knowledge on industrial stuff too, so he’ll likely be useless rip.
nommin:  isn’t too different from the shores back home, so he’ll be doing fairly well with hunting and survival.  probably get into trouble with monkeys.  doesn’t like monkeys. 
foss:  dinos are entirely new, so that’ll be a trip.  but the island is rich in earth and minerals, so this is The Place™ dangers be damned.  up until the lava starts to pop...
volaat:  like haugst, he’ll be out of his element; quite literally.  fears hates water / the sea so much, he’ll either stay cooped in a ship and be stubborn about it or try to help search for resources. 
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gaeabound · 4 years
prob will regret this, but reapplying as Kurowli, an OC. application is under the links or /app
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Kurowli!
You will be housed in TOWNHOUSE 208.
You’ll be returned everything you had previously.
-- mod altair.
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gaeabound · 5 years
♡ - … My muse’s younger self
a drabble about my muse from another point of view ( accepting ) // @kryptonizes
♡ - … my muse’s younger self
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“ i– is that … really me ? ”  the boy asks with eyes fixated ahead and mouth agape, watching the shifting colors of smoke —- poured from a fortune teller’s censer —- depict his future self. the image struck an unpleasant twinge behind his eyes as it sifts and occasionally blurs the figure of a man overlooking a mountain; mysteriously aggressive and sharp-eyed. the boy swallows and briefly glances at the older woman, whom nodded gently in confirmation that it was indeed him.
there was so much to take in, so much to reason with. he draws in a breath, nervously wringing his hands together, trying to find a place to begin in what now seemed so wrong. when he had asked the wandering fortune teller to have a glimpse into his future, he hoped to see a sight that would be pleasing; something that would shine a ray of hope into his dreary life. perhaps, success or a loving family; maybe some recognition ? the feeling of invisibility already weighed upon his shoulders like an irremovable cloak, what was he supposed to feel towards himself now ?
he looks into the golden eyes of his future self one last time and shakes his head. there was hardly any aggression in him to be directed at a mere insect. “ this can’t be right.  t– there must be some mistake— ”
“ my child, ”  the woman interrupts from beyond the fog of smoke. her firm tone nearly makes him jump up from the cushions in panic. she assures with a crooked smile and wills the smoke and images to disperse, “ the future is not permanent, all beasts know this. do not be so disappointed, what you see is only a glimpse of what awaits. perhaps, your future may change … ”
with that, she then dismisses him away along with a twinge of hope, the boy giving his thanks and taking his leave. yet, as he crosses the threshold back into the village, he fails to notice the magic of the teller beginning to wear and all that was witnessed in the tent will soon all be forgotten.
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gaeabound · 5 years
“don’t worry, i’ve got you.”
protector / protectee starters ( accepting ) // @pureryudo
—– she says the words and he grits his teeth in return. it wasn’t a pain so much physical than it was phantom, the dull ache of something lost, and he must have hissed loudly enough for her to notice. of course kaede would show concern and all over nothing. he tsks at her, lowering his hand away from the scar on his cheek; from the ridges and furrows that marred his skin.
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“ you’re making a big deal over this, ” he assures in his own nonchalant manner. “ it’s fine— i’m fine, it’s just the scar. don’t you worry over me. ”
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