uailogenos · 1 year
Sadly, I didn't think to do this in time for Eponaliâ, Sonnassodion (the Winter Solstice), and the beginning of Hanukkah, and it's early for some of these, but:
Χanuccâ lau̯enâ ollobo adbertontios!
(Blessed Hanukkah to all who celebrate!)
I̯oulâ lau̯enâ ollobo adbertontios!
(Blessed Yule to all who celebrate!)
Mâtronoχtion lau̯enon ollobo adbertontios!
(Blessed Mōdraniht to all who celebrate!)
Îu̯os Χrîsti lau̯enos ollobo adbertontios!
(Blessed Christmas to all who celebrate!)
Cu̯anððâ lau̯enâ ollobo adbertontios!
(Blessed Kwanzaa to all who celebrate!)
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uailogenos · 1 year
Adbertâs Eponî -- offerings for Eponâ, since I missed Eponâliâ.
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