#eponine was already in the friend zone
Me defending Marius and cosettes honour on Twitter today
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ExR: "God, I missed you"
Hope this suits your needs anon.
Summary: Enjolras returns home from college nervous that nobody will remember him.
Warnings: Intrusive thoughts, tell me if you need anything else listed/tagged.
Enjolras was worried. Even though he should be celebrating, he couldn’t shake the anxiety that stuck with him. He had just graduated from law school after seven excruciatingly long years. Now, he was moving back home. This wouldn’t be so much of a problem, except for the fact that he had a large group of friends he hadn’t seen for, what, three years now? Sure, he’d kept in contact, but that didn’t change the fact that he hadn’t seen them face to face in forever.
He tried to visit them every once in a while, but as uni progressed he’d had less and less time to do so. Instead, regular texting was how they had to communicate, but even that had slowed down as more and more work had been piled onto Enjolras’ workload. It’s not like he’d been avoiding them, he just hadn’t had much time to do anything other than schoolwork.
As he taped the last of his moving boxes, he looked around his now empty dorm room. Seeing it so lifeless only made him more anxious about leaving. He had lived in this room for seven long, stressful years. Now he had to go back to a place he barely remembered. 
A tiny, nagging voice in the back of his head appeared, bringing unwanted thoughts with it. “And you’re back to people who barely remember you. They haven’t seen you for three years, why would they want to see you now?”
“That’s not true,” Enjolras said, thinking aloud. “I texted them last night and they said they were glad I was coming back.”
“But remember how long it took them to reply? It took them an hour to just read the text. And Combeferre was the only one who replied. Sure sounds like excitement to me. They don’t want you back, they only replied out of pity.”
He tried to argue with the intrusive thoughts, but anything he did only made them worse. He tried using various distraction tactics Jehan had showed him, but those didn’t help either.
“What if when you get back everyone hates you? What if you get back and nobody remembers you? What if you get back and you blackout and murder everybody? What if-”
Overwhelmed with anxiety, he instinctively started tapping a rhythm against his leg. He focused on that until he couldn’t hear the thoughts anymore, then picked up the last box and walked outside.
Once the last box had been neatly arranged in the back of his car, he sat down in the driver’s seat but hesitated before turning the key. There was still one train of thought that stuck with him.
“What if when you get back, Grantaire hates you? What if when you get back Grantaire doesn’t remember you? What if you get back and something’s happened to Grantaire?”
These thoughts had been plaguing his mind for longer than he’d like to admit. He’d been in love with Grantaire for some time, but he’d never told him. He’d kept his feelings bottled up for years, and now it was coming back to bite him in the ass. His anxiety increased every time he thought of how reuniting with his friends, but more specifically, Grantaire would go. He decided to stop thinking about it, but that didn’t do much to calm his fears.
He started the ignition and began the hour-long drive, only his thoughts, and The Greatest Showman soundtrack for company. It was going to be a very, very long drive…
Grantaire woke to the sound of his phone going off like a siren, a million notifications screeching to be acknowledged. Still half asleep, he reached over to grab his phone, almost dropping it in the process. He turned on his phone to see more than 100 messages in the group chat, all of them probably important. He glanced at the time and almost fell off of his bed. Now wide awake, he scrambled to throw on some clothes.
“Courf is going to kill me,” he thought as he rushed out the door, scrambling to get to the Musain. “It’s 1 am and I just woke up. I thought I had an alarm set…”
While it wouldn’t be much of a problem any other day, today was the day Enjolras finally got back from uni. It had been years since he last saw him, and he had been texting less and less. It was understandable, given that he was in his graduating year, but it had still hurt when a text went unanswered for days.
Grantaire burst through the doors of the Musain to find everything arranged perfectly, waiting for Enjolras. Then he heard a voice from the other room.
“Is that Grantaire? Move aside ‘Ferre, I need to commit a crime.”
Courfeyrac entered the room, glaring at Grantaire with a murderous rage. 
“And just where have you been? You were supposed to help make the decorations! And help with the baking!”
“Would you believe me if I said I got… uh… caught in… traffic?”
“You live, like, a block away. Wait, do you even have a car? Nevermind, I don’t care. What I do care about is you showing up hours late! What is wrong with you!”
“Many things, but the relevant problem would be that my alarm didn’t go off when it was supposed to. Either that or I slept through it.”
Courfeyrac sighed, looking disappointed but not surprised. “At least you came… Well, since there’s nothing left to do, I guess you can just hang out until he gets here.”
Courfeyrac walked away and Grantaire sat down at a table, wondering if it was too early to start drinking. Suddenly, Combeferre rushed in through the door carrying a bag of chips.
“He’s coming! Everyone get out here, quick!”
Everyone scrambled out into the open, smiling excitedly and chattering loudly. After a few seconds, the noise died down as everyone waited in anticipation for Enjolras to walk through the door. Grantaire couldn’t see him come in over the crowd, but he did see the top of the door swing open and everyone rush toward him as they yelled “Surprise!”
The place erupted with laughs and smiles, talking about things they’ve missed out on and things to update Enjolras about. After everyone backed off and stopped crowding him so intensely, Grantaire tried to see him through the crowd with no luck. He wasn’t going to stand and try to push to the front, he wasn’t even that sure if Enjolras even wanted to see him.
He heard Eponine loudly announce how much she’d missed him and how she hated him for leaving her alone to deal with Courfeyrac, earning a very indignant “Hey!” from a fake-insulted Courf. He heard Enjolras and Eponine talk some more, not quite making out what they were saying. He zoned out, tuning back in when he heard his name.
“...Where’s Grantaire,” Enjolras said, sounding… anxious?
“Knowing him, he’s either still asleep or off somewhere drunk already,” Eponine said, trying not to laugh.
“Truly inspiring words, ‘Ponine. I can see how valued and noticeable I am in this friend group,” Grantaire said, voice dripping with sarcasm. The crowd parted as they turned to face him, and he could see Enjolras staring at him, a strange expression on his face.
“God, I missed you,” Enjolras said softly, almost too softly to hear. Grantaire smiled and stood up. He walked over to Enjolras and took his hands in his own.
“I missed you too.”
“Can I kiss you,” Enjolras asked, nervous but hopeful.
“Yeah,” he replied, not quite believing what was happening.
Then Enjolras’ lips were on his and everything else vanished. It felt like they stayed that way for years, but when Enjolras pulled away it was still too soon. 
“I told you something would happen.”
“Shut up Courf!”
Grantaire turned round to see a smug Courfeyrac receiving twenty dollars from a disgruntled Bahorel.
“Wait a second, did you guys bet on this,” Grantaire asked, shooting a glare their way.
“Yeah, and if you’d been here on time like the rest of us, you would’ve known,” Courfeyrac replied with a smirk.
Grantaire looked back at Enjolras who seemed embarrassed but not surprised. Grantaire rolled his eyes at the others, earning a small laugh from Enjolras.
“Alright Grantaire, don’t think that because you two idiots finally did something about those feelings of yours you’ll get to hog Enjolras. Especially because I called first dibs,” Courfeyrac said.
“You can’t call dibs Courfeyrac,” Combeferre replied.
“I can and I will,” he said, skipping over to Enjolras and Grantaire. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to steal my best friend for a moment.”
Courfeyrac grabbed Enjolras’ elbow dragging him away. Enjolras shot an amused look back at Grantaire before being hauled back into the crowd, Grantaire close behind him.
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The Three Girls In Cabin Five
Day One - Red Hair Millie's POV "Have fun!" I waved at my mom while she drove off, turning to the, by now familiar, main building of the camp to tell them I'd arrived. "Millie! Back again?" Matthew yelled, looking up from his computer. "Yup, what cabin do I have this time?" He scrolled through a document for a bit. "Cabin number five." I nodded. "Is Maddie here yet?" "Oh you don't know yet..." "Don't know what?" I asked, frowning. "Maddie won't be here this year, you have a new roommate, Sadie Sink. She's new here so be kind. She's already here, by the way." I tried to hide the disappointed look on my face. Maddie and I both started coming to this camp in the same year. For the past four years we've always shared a cabin. "Okay, thanks!" I walked out and towards the blue cabin marked 5. Before opening the door I inhaled deeply. Change wasn't my forte and I was honestly quite nervous about meeting Sadie. But I knew she'd be more nervous, first years always are. I knocked, hearing a muffled "one second" coming from inside. The door opened and I was face to face with an angel. Her red hair was like winter fire, her eyes shone like the moon on a lake, her beautiful face stunned me in place, her sweet voice when she asked me if I was Millie made me melt. I nodded, probably looking like an idiot, and walked in. "So, which bed do you want?" She asked, snapping me from my daze. "I don't care, you choose." I replied, to be honest I wanted the one on the left but if she wanted that, it'd be no problem. "So how about I take the one on the right and you take the left, is that okay?" She asked, sounding quite unsure. "That's perfect." I replied, still feeling like I was floating because of her. She started unpacking some stuff and I did the same. She absentmindedly started to hum and it only took me a few seconds to recognize the song. "Oh miss believer my pretty sleeper your twisted mind is like snow on the road." I sang and she turned around instantly. "Wait you like Twenty One Pilots?" I nodded and she smiled a smile that could light up a room. I'd gotten to know Sadie a bit better in the hour leading up to lunch. I'd found out that her parents were getting a divorce so they shipped her off to a camp for the summer to work everything out, she was a dog person, she leaned more towards Fall Out Boy while I preferred Coldplay, her favorite Twenty One Pilots album was Vessel, mine was Blurryface, she liked theatre, I'm more interested in on-screen acting, and she's a dog person. Finally the lunch bell was heard all over the grounds and we walked towards the main hall, chatting about Josh Dun on the way. We walked in and I immediately spotted my friends already sitting at our table. Caleb and Gaten had started going to the camp two years before me, Finn one year before me, and Noah one year after me. I dragged Sadie over to them and we sat down. "Where's Mads?" Noah asked, biting into his sandwich. The food was served to the tables which was pretty cool. "Mads isn't here this year, meet Sadie, my new roommate." I replied and she waved at them lamely. They quickly introduced themselves and I zoned out while eating my lunch. Turned out I was staring at Sadie, only stopping when she snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Millie! Are you even paying attention." Finn yelled from the other side of the table. "Yeah, stop staring and answer the question." Gaten backed him up. "What question?" I asked, frowning at them. "Oh well I made a joke about being gay so now Sadie wants to know our sexualities." Noah answered. I swallowed nervously. "Please don't hate me but I'm pan, like Finn." I said, looking at Sadie like I expected her to yell at me. Instead she held up her hand. "High five, I'm gay." She replied and I quickly complied. "Mills, did you have to out me like that?" Finn asked me, pointing at me with his straw. "You would've outed yourself by pointing at a frying pan and saying 'me' eventually anyways." I said, rolling my eyes at him. "She has a point, you do do that." Caleb backed me up. Finn got up, rolling his eyes but smiling at us. "I'm gonna go sit with my friends now." He announced, walking over to a different table. He did this every lunch, spend the first half with us and the second half with Wyatt, Jaeden, Sophia, Chosen, Jeremy, and, most importantly, Jack Dylan Grazer, the boy he'd had a crush on since he met him. "I'm sorry did I say something wrong?" Sadie asked, looking at Finn's back. "Nah, it's an inside joke, you're good. He just likes to sit with the Losers every now and then." Caleb replied. "So what do you guys do all day?" Sadie asked while we were walking towards the woods. "There's this spot in the woods, we usually hang out there, especially on the first day. It's a tradition, kind of like our talent night." I replied, stepping over a hole in the ground. Last year a few younger kids dug it and multiple people fell in, one even broke a leg. "Talent night?" She asked, eyebrows raised. God, she was pretty. "Yeah, it's a bit of a joke. The Losers and the Strangers get together and we just kinda do stuff. Finn usually brings his guitar and for some reason Jack always has a flute. Jaeden and Wyatt always write some overly dramatic and accidentally romantic play. Gaten, Caleb and I sing, rehearsing starts tomorrow, you should join us. If we get Finn to join we can do "One Day More". Noah and Chosen both do comedy, Jeremy always hosts, and Sophia is always a surprise." She nodded. "I'd like to join. I love musical theater." I laughed. "I know, you ranted about how Eponine deserved better, remember?" "She did though!" She replied, sounding slightly offended at my laughing before joining me. "Oi! Lovebirds! Hurry up!" Gaten yelled and we joined them again. "You think the Losers are there yet?" Noah asked me. "Probably, how much you wanna bet Jaeden and Wyatt are touching in some way and Jack is in Finn's lap." "I'm not gonna bet against that." He replied, laughing. I was right. Sophia was sitting on a rock rolling her eyes at Jack and Finn, who for some reason weren't dating, and Wyatt and Jaeden, who both claimed to be straight. Chosen and Jeremy were talking about the talent night. "Hiya, Losers." I greeted them, sitting down next to Sophia. Sadie waved and quickly joined me. I touched her arm reassuringly. "So, Mills, you gonna introduce us?" Sophia asked me. "Oh right," I was so lost in staring at Sadie that I'd forgotten, "Sophia, this is Sadie, Sadie, Sophia." The waved at each other. "Oh great now I have to compete with another redhead." Sophia joked and they both started laughing. I gotta admit that I felt a little jealous. "So, have any of our ships sailed yet?" I asked Sophia, cutting off their conversation. "No, all of them are still denying it." She groaned. "Not denying anything, just not gay!" Jaeden yelled from the other side of the circle we were sat in. We all started laughing, including Wyatt. "Wyatt, why must you betray me like this." Jaeden said in a mock-offended voice. "Shut up, you love me." We all held our breaths. "As a friend!" Jaeden yelled, making us laugh again. We hung out for a few hours before the bell sounded, signaling that it was time for dinner and introduction night. "First day is macaroni day, so I hope you like mac and cheese." I said, walking next to Sadie towards the main building. "Hell yeah, Kraft Mac and Cheese is my life, my love, my religion." I snorted at her comment. "I see you've been talking to Gaten." We both started laughing. "Y'know, he once threw a bowl of it to his sister because she wouldn't stop annoying him." She burst out laughing again. "Wait really?" I nodded and she pulled Gaten next to us by by his shirt. "Yo." "Is it true you once threw a bowl of the holy food to your sister?" Sadie asked him, trying not to laugh. "Millie!" He annoyedly exclaimed before starting to laugh. We joined him and we were still laughing by the time we reached the building. We usually called the main building The Hall (yes the capital letters are important). "So, who's ready for some mac and cheese and gayness." Finn said, pointing at Wyatt and Jaeden who had been walking behind us holding hands. We all raised our hands and Jaeden raised his middle finger. "Leggo." Caleb said and we all walked in and sat at our usual table. During dinner the tables were pushed together and all the Losers and Strangers fit at one. "So what you're trying to tell me is that you bought an actual okay-quality trumpet for fifty bucks?" Finn asked me, his eyes nearly falling out of his head. "The cheapest trumpet I've ever seen was 350 bucks and that was a shitty one." He continued. Finn's parents ran a music shop in Toronto. "But really, fifty bucks?" I nodded and he turned back to his food with a shocked expression. We sat next to each other in silence for a good five minutes. "Fifty bucks?" "Yes, Finnley." I laughed. "Damn." Immediately after everyone had finished eating their dessert, which was chocolate pudding, we were ushered outside and all two-hundred and thirty six of us sat around the unlit campfire. "What's happening?" Sadie asked to my left. "It's this lame-ass tradition. You'll see." I replied just as I saw Matthew taking the torch from a running David and continuing to sprint to the pile of wood. "Oh no, don't tell me it's like the Olympics." Sadie groaned next to me. Matthew was already standing in front of the pile with his arms raised triumphantly before throwing the torch into the wood. It quickly caught fire and we all cheered. He took a bow and joined David at the edge so Winona could welcome us. "Welcome everybody, I'd like to first say the names of the first years and the ones that won't be coming back this year before officially starting the evening." She started like that every year. "First the newbies. Joining us this year are Henry McBersley, Alexis Linetti, and Lisa and Frank Duke." We didn't get a lot of new people each year but the people that did join usually stayed for a long time due to the camp being amazing. "The ones who have unfortunately left us are Maddie Ziegler, Sidera Hoying, and Polly and Cas Howell." I liked Sidera, she was really creative and we hung out every now and then. Polly and Cas, the twins, were a bit weird but always happy and smiley. "Now let's get to the fun stuff." Winona announced and Matthew and David started throwing bags of marshmallows around. "Is every night gonna be this fun?" Sadie asked me that night while laying on her bed on her back. Her long red hair was in a messy bun and her eyes stared at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I'd never been that jealous of a ceiling before. I laid down on my own bed and nodded before realizing she couldn't see that. "Yeah, the camp is awesome. We have rehearsals for the talent night tomorrow, so we gotta be up early. We should expect the boys here by 6 am." I mumbled, turning off the last light in the cabin. "It's already 2 am!" Sadie near yelled. "I know, go to sleep." I still wasn't asleep by 3 am but that was okay. If I had some coffee with breakfast it should all work out. "Millie." I suddenly heard Sadie whisper. "Yeah?" I whispered back. "Are you awake?" "No, I have a hidden talent where I can have entire conversations in my sleep." "Fine, I'll just go back to sleep then." Her words were serious but her tone was joking. "Noooo, what was it?" I asked her. "Wanna go prank the guys?" She asked. My face lit up but she couldn't see. "Uhm yeah!" I said, turning on the lights. "What do you plan on doing, I'm on board whatever it is." I said and I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I say some classic shaving cream and a feather, maybe some makeup and a sharpie." She said, pulling out her makeup bag and her pencil case. "I can get us shaving cream and feathers." I said, putting on a bra, flipflops, and a hoodie, over my sweatpants. "Let's go." She replied, also getting "dressed". "Are you sure he won't be mad?" Sadie asked me for the nth time. I shook my head. "He won't be, if anything, he'll give us a camera to film it." I replied, knocking on the door. "Millie? It's 3 am." Shawn Levy said as soon as he opened. "I know but I need to borrow some feathers from one of the old pillows and your shaving cream." "I'm not gonna ask, one second, I'll throw in a camera too." I smiled at Sadie and she smirked back. "Thank's Shawn." I said when he handed me the bag before running off towards the green cabin number 9 with a neon pink door. "Let me guess, they asked for this cabin?" Sadie asked, eyeing the four-person cabin. "Oh definitely, I totally didn't bribe Matthew to give them this." I replied and she started laughing. I quickly slapped my hand over her mouth. "Sorry" she whispered when I let her go. "Could you hold this?" I asked Sadie, handing her the bag before pulling out the key David had borrowed me. "Where did you get that?" Sadie asked. "I know a guy." I replied and she kissed my cheek. "Hallelujah." She whispered, I was too shocked to say something. I grabbed the sharpie and started attacking Finn's face with it, carefully drawing some things like the phrase "I love JDG." And a couple of dicks. Also a pan pride flag which I filled in with eyeshadow, Sadie and I worked together like we'd been doing it all our lives. We were finally done drawing on all of their faces and decided to give Noah and Caleb a hand full of shaving cream. "Ready? Three." I mouthed, getting ready while the camera filmed from an angle that they were both in shot. "Two." Sadie and I both got ready. "One." We both started tickling them with the feathers and they woke up almost at the same time, smacking their hands into their faces. Sadie and I ran out of there with the camera while it was still dark. Even outside we could hear a loud "what the fuck." from Caleb and Noah remembering he spoke French a little and just yelling out "merde." We silently laughed on the way back to cabin number 5.
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