#eric lancien
thomas-querqy · 2 years
Flics et casseurs  - Reportage : Alain Lewkowicz et Olivier Minot - Réalisation : Eric Lancien et Jean-Christophe Francis
Les pieds sur terre France Culture - première diffusion 06/2016
Mais que fait la police ? sur les NGT 2016
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tonus-yo · 1 month
UPCOMING Clémentine Bruno Educational Complex September 8-22, 2024 With the support of Fluxus Art Projects
Paris Internationale (10th edition) October 16-20, 2024 Jacent Hélène Yamba-Guimbi 2025 Hélène Yamba-Guimbi PAST
Antoine Trapp unreal : sex : entanglement Organised by Cocotte June 8–23, 2024
Jakob Forster Someday I’ll love Jakob Forster curated by nièce May 4–19, 2024
Book launch If with Insistence on the Tension Gravity as Intercessor a Future Interject by Roger van Voorhees Published by Bauer Verlag May 11, 2024
Slackers Fabienne Audéoud, Julie Beaufils, Barbara Bloom, Charlie Boisson, Camille Brée, Marcel Devillers, Sarah Holveck, François Lancien-Guilberteau, Phung-Tien Phan, Ludovic Sauvage, Julie Vayssière, Ana Vega, Xe Xe Curated by Fiona Vilmer October 7-22, 2023
Clémentine Adou Daddy long legs’ hands September 9-24, 2023
Salon d’été Hanna Rochereau July 22-23, 2023
Basel Social Club Fabienne Audéoud, Jacent June 12-18, 2023
Clémence de la Tour du Pin Topological-Ease May 13-28, 2023
Théo Robine-Langlois Ton cœurps change 1-16 April, 2023
Gina Folly Simplify Complexity November 26–December 11, 2022
Mamoune with Agnès Racine, Louise Sartor, Jacent, Zhiliang Jin Invited by Sans titre at Pina, Vienna November 18–December 18, 2022
Only One Step From Heaven Marilou Bal, Eva Barto, Arnaud Eubelen, Matthias Groebel, Barbara Kasten, Marlie Mul, Yoël Pytowski, Eric Tabuchi & Nelly Monnier, Niklas Taleb, Tobias Zielony Curated by Reine Aliénor at La SIRA, in collaboration with Shivers Only October 21–November 18, 2022
Book launch ‘oberih’ by Understructures October 20, 2022
Elephant’s Leg Chino Amobi, Juliette Bonneviot, Charlotte Houette October 18–November 6, 2022
PRK-1U Anna-Sophie Berger, Louisa Boeszoermeny, Nicolas Ceccaldi, Hélène Fauquet, Gina Folly, Sébastien Maloberti, Dan Mitchell, Patrik Pion, Aurilian, Heji Shin, Richard Sides, Gil Zinck Curated by Reine Aliénor October 18-24, 2021
Matthieu Palud Recent paintings at Liste Showtime Online September 18-30, 2021
Paul Bonnet, Kim Farkas, Charlotte Houette, François Lancien-Guilberteau, Matthieu Palud, Christophe de Rohan-Chabot, Louise Sartor, Jacent Group show October 11–November 3, 2019
Fabienne Audéoud A Retrospective, 1:15 scale October 11–November 3, 2019
Matthieu Palud Peintures récentes February 16–March 10, 2019
Renaud Perriches Dominus October 26–November 11, 2018
Natsuko Uchino September 28–October 14, 2018
Gaëlle Leenhardt La fosse aux lions February 25–March 11, 2018
Heike-Karin Föll Ma line Curated by Maurin Dietrich & Cathrin Mayer October 16–November 5, 2017
Paris Internationale 2017 October 18-22, 2017
Hugo Avigo European Painter Tour September 8-22, 2017
Anne Fellner & Burkhard Beschow Castle of Insolence 24 June–10 July, 2017
Jacent (Jade Fourès-Varnier & Vincent de Hoÿm) Chez Jacent May 21–June 10, 2017
Camilla Wills March 30–April 16, 2017
Paul Bonnet, Julien Laugier & Guillaume Maraud, Matthieu Palud, Louise Sartor Reopening group show January 27–February 15, 2017
Louise Sartor, Signe Rose Sometimes my way is more important than the truth, Parfois mon avis est plus important que la vérité December 5-20, 2015
Steinar Haga Kristensen, Kristian Ø. Dahl Entourage du prophète malade Curated by Benoît Lamy de La Chapelle October 25–November 15, 2015
Yann Gerstberger, Julien Goniche Gravillon May 16-31, 2015
Paul Bonnet Evildoers at Passerby / Galerie Alain Gutharc May 8-28, 2015
Luca Francesconi Nightmare carbohydrates April 17–May 3, 2015
Julien Laugier, Guillaume Maraud At L’Âge d'Or September 20–October 12, 2014
Jacent (Jade Fourès-Varnier & Vincent de Hoÿm) 3rd mind myth June 15–July 16, 2014
Matthieu Palud Paintingzzz March 14–30, 2014
Michelle Naismith, Timothy Davies Grand opening! Curated by The Ister (BE) February 7–March 1st, 2014
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amsaklapper-blog · 7 years
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Paul S. Nouvel  Danger permanent 
(based on a scenario of Henri Tremesaigues)
Paul S. Nouvel was one of the many pseudonyms of Jean-Michel Sorel. Sorel was a short-film director, a journalist, songwriter, sometimes poet, a translator (or supposed translator). He started at Dermée’s editions, but as the latter paid him with cherry tails, he went to produce elsewhere. At Ferenczi, for example. But it was at Editions de L'Arabesque that he gave the bulk of his work. According to him, the future as a popular writer was teamwork, two or three: one for the script, one for the plan, one for writing.
So Henri Tremesaigues has provided him with a lot of scenarios. This teamwork that Sorel advocated is not always obvious, as the words of Roger Maury (who signed Jacky Fray at L'Arabesque), another novelist involved in the several hands’writing  and occasional collaborator of Tremesaigues and Sorel: "It is true that Tremesaigues has some difficulties in writing. He submits synopses to his friends and drives them. With me, it worked a lot, but it did not bring me anything because I can do my scenarios myself. In short, I was working for him. I told him so and we stopped working together, but we stayed good friends because he was a very nice fellow. Of course, Tremesaigues provided scenarios to Sorel and Vlatimo. Sorel was out of inspiration, although writing very well (I myself did four scenarios to help him when he was on a slippery slope). Vlatimo, on the other hand, is very good. But he has a pig character that prevents him from finding publishers. "
Two Sorel novels, at least, have been adapted to the screen: “Y'en marre!” (Yvon Govar, 1958) and “Me faire ça à moi”! (Pierre Grimblat, 1959).
It is difficult to authenticate some of Sorel’s many pen-names and to certify that they belonged only to him. Let us quote, in alphabetical order: Yvon Brozonech, Gil Darcy (collective), Laura Désir (collective), Ex-Agent SR 23, Jean-Michel, Pépé Larista (collective), Larry Layne, Mario Mambo, Tugdual Marech, , Michel Rosel, Mike Saig (with Tremesaigues), Minh S. Selvom, Sylvio Sereno, Eric Solder, Michel Soler, Y.-M. Soler and Simon Tang. He was also at the publisher M. Grillet, in genre Erotism: Sevani Abdul Hamid, Marc Lancien and Cyprius de Pharos.
Danger permanent (Espionnage #377, 1965) is an exemple of team writing by Sorel & Tremesaigues.
cover art: Jef de Wulf
publisher: Editions de L’Arabesque
collection director: Eric Dornes
source:amsaklapper’s collection. [quote first published in “Le Rocambole” #51]
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armandfortierfrance · 7 years
L'ancien directeur général de Lafarge mis en examen
Eric Olsen a été placé sous contrôle judiciaire. Le cimentier est soupçonné d'avoir versé de l'argent au groupe terroriste Etat islamique pour pouvoir continuer son activité en Syrie. par Les Echos - Immobilier BTP https://www.lesechos.fr/industrie-services/immobilier-btp/030997851351-lancien-directeur-general-de-lafarge-mis-en-examen-2136677.php
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