bradsmindbrain · 10 months
Supernova Character Guide for Everyone thus Far! (Will be Updated Over Time)
The Revolution
Name: Neil Astra (he/him)
Age: 20
Homeworld: Earth
Position: Leo Ranger, Field Commander
Initially, Neil lived a relatively normal life on Earth with his mother and younger brother Arthur, but all of that changed when the Dark Matter Empire invaded. After losing his mother during the invasion due to the building she was working in being crushed by an Executor-class Consumoai commanded by Mirfak, Neil had to take care of Arthur himself. Despite the loss of his mother hurting him very deeply, he still possesses an unshakable confidence and optimism that the Empire will collapse. This positive attitude led to him being chosen by the Leo Nova Sphere, a family heirloom from his mother’s side of the family that she passed on to him shortly before her death. Now the Leo Ranger, he’s incredibly happy to be able to help liberate the galaxy from the Empire, even if he’s less experienced in combat than the other rangers, especially Shen, who has more or less become his and Arthur’s adoptive father following Arthur becoming the Ursa Ranger. Strangely, he was able to do something to the Draco Nova Sphere, perfecting Shen’s morphing abilities and getting rid of his time limit…
Name: Leiurus Calchas (he/him)
Age: 25
Homeworld: Serket, Scorpius system
Position: Scorpius Ranger, spy of the Revolution
A man in his mid-twenties with an orange scorpion tail, as well as the chosen of the Scorpius Nova Sphere and the Scorpius Ranger. Initially appearing to oppose the Rangers and later allying with Kaus, in reality he's a spy for the Revolution, and the very first chosen that Shen found. Like all Serketians, he's able to modify the venom his tail injects for a variety of purposes. Despite willing to perform morally-grey actions to infiltrate the Empire, he opposes them as much as the other Rangers do, possessing a strong code of honor and a desire to atone for some mysterious crime. Despite this, Aster is incredibly antagonistic towards him, as he was present the night Aster's creator was kidnapped. As for Leiurus himself, he has a strong desire to make the Empire crumble and find his missing older brother, Eurypto, who’s become the Duke of the Scorpius system, Antares.
Name: Sirius (he/him)
Age: 35
Homeworld: Fenrisulfr, Lupus system
Position: Lupus Ranger
A blue-furred wolfman from the Lupus system, and the Lupus Ranger. Previously he lived a simple life with his wife and the rest of his clan on his homeworld, up until the Dark Matter Empire’s recent invasion of it. His clan tried to resist, but they all fell in battle, leaving him the sole survivor. Despite possessing the Lupus Nova Sphere, which was a wedding gift from his late wife, he wasn’t chosen by it until Neil helped him realize he still had things to fight for. Sirius appears gruff and serious (heh) but he is deeply loyal to the ones he cares about. Coming from a planet that was rarely contacted by the galaxy at large, he also finds himself being a bit awestruck by some of the galaxy’s technological advancements.
Name: Tip (they/them)
Age: 300 in Iustitian years, 25 in Earth years.
Homeworld: Iustitia, Libra system
Position: Libra Ranger
A bombastic mechanical life form from the Libra system who possesses the Libra Nova Sphere and fills the role of the Libra Ranger. Despite coming from a long line of high-ranking judges in the Libra system, they found such a life to be boring, and while working as an aid, helped a defendant, Hydra Trabem escape to receiving a charge they saw as ridiculous. From there, the duo went on to become a pair of the greatest thieves in the galaxy before crossing paths with the Revolution. Despite their eccentric and larger-than-life personality, they’re incredibly loyal, with a heart that’s almost as gold as the plating covering their body.
Name: Asterion “Aster” (he/him)
Age: 38
Homeworld: Crete, Taurus system
Position: Taurus Ranger
A large, strong, bull-like robot from the Taurus system who possesses the Taurus Nova Sphere and is the Taurus Ranger. He has a rather happy-go-lucky attitude, a strong belief in justice, and a love of puzzles. He also loves a good fight and showing off his strength, even using dumbbells despite them not giving any benefits. He joined the Revolution shortly after Brando did and a bit before Alura did, and as such he has a very strong bond with the two of them. Along with Brando and Alura, he was chosen by one of the three legendary Nova Spheres the Revolution was able to recover, and is ready to fight horn and hoof to free the galaxy from the Empire, though he seems to have his own personal reasons for it as well, that being to rescue his creator, Professor Minos Ain, who was kidnapped by the Empire. This has lead to some distrust towards Leiurus, who was present the night he was kidnapped. After learning that Antares was the one responsible, he’s teamed up with Leiurus to bring him down.
Name: Hydra Trabem
Age: 22
Homeworld: Gorgonia, Ophiuchus system
Position: Ophiuchus Ranger, Void Ophiuchus Ranger.
A stoic, vaguely reptilian man from the Ophiuchus system, chosen of the Ophiuchus Nova Sphere and the Ophiuchus Ranger. The world Gorgonia has discarded all emotion to avoid conflict, but Hydra wished to have emotions of his own, a major crime on Gorgonia. He was taken to the Libra system to face justice, but the aid of the judge overseeing his case, Tip, helped him escape. Acting as a duo of formidable thieves, they eventually came into contact with the Rangers. A stoic and logical young man, Hydra has made it his personal quest to have emotions of his own. He was brainwashed by Schedar and utilized artificial Nova Spheres created by Mirfak, becoming Ophiuchus Void. Tip was eventually able to break through to him, and has since used those artificial Nova Spheres to assist the Revolution as the Void Ophiuchus Ranger.
Name: Alura Palleon (she/her)
Age: 18
Homeworld: Tokage, Chameleon system
Position: Chameleon Ranger, Field Commander
A young but highly capable woman from the Chameleon system, being the chosen of the Chameleon Nova Sphere and filling the role of the Chameleon Ranger. Due to her upbringing on her home planet as she was raised to be the future leader of her village, she’s very no-nonsense despite her young age, but she can be quite excitable under the right circumstances. Despite resembling a human, she’s able to camouflage herself so well she appears to be invisible, something everyone on her home planet can do. Despite her young age and the fact that she was the last of the original three Rangers to join the Revolution, she’s easily the best fighter between herself, Aster, and Brando. Despite her serious nature, a memory in the forests of Tokage sticks with her to this day, that being an encounter with Audumla, the embodiment of all that is good in the universe.
Name: Birdie 8 (she/her)
Age: 25
Homeworld: Olympia Corp. Production Station 283, Aquila system
Position: Aquila Ranger, Secretary, Pilot
A bubbly, white and pink android from the Aquila system who serves as Commander Long’s personal secretary and as the pilot of the Orion. Like Aster, she’s just as much of a person as most people are despite being a robot, and is always willing to help the Rangers and the Commander with whatever they need with a joyful attitude. That being said, she does find Commander Long’s puns and antics to be quite grating at times despite working with him for nineteen years, but she still respects him, and he respects her enough to share some of his deepest secrets. She still makes time for herself, and plans on becoming an author following the Empire’s inevitable defeat. Secretly, she’s always dreamed of joining the fight against the Empire more directly, and her desire to do whatever it takes to accomplish that has caused the Aquila Nova Sphere to choose her, allowing her to become the Aquila Ranger and fight alongside the other Rangers like she always dreamed of.
Name: Brando Pesce (he/him)
Age: 28
Homeworld: Bahamut, Dorado System
Position: Dorado Ranger, Chef of the Orion
A big-hearted chef from the tropical world of Bahamut in the Dorado system, as well as the chosen of the Dorado Nova Sphere and the Dorado Ranger. Brando cares deeply for his comrades and is incredibly empathetic towards people in need, an aspect that might be why the Dorado Nova Sphere chose him. He’s incredibly considerate of just about everyone he comes across, even making meals for Aster and Birdie so they don’t feel left out during meals despite them being unable to eat. Despite his caring attitude, he’s more than capable of fending for himself, using the Star Weapon’s Star Saber mode with the grace of a master swordsman, delivering food-based quips all the while. This caring attitude appears to be from his childhood on his Imperial run homeworld, which was overrun by the Marquis Nozzie. Nozzie taxed resources extensively, so Brando’s desire to become a chef stemmed from his desire to help his community deal with it.
Name: Shen Long/Shen Arctos (he/him)
Age: 40
Homeworld: Ladon, Draco system
Position: Draco Ranger, Leader of the Revolution
The purple-scaled draconian leader of the Revolution, and formerly its head scientist. Shen became the leader of the Revolution nineteen years ago, long before he was ready for the position, though he has since grown into it. Despite appearing to be a kooky middle-aged man who loves puns, Shen is an incredibly competent leader and inventor, being the one responsible for the creation of the Supernova Morphers, Star Weapons, and the Nova Sphere tracker. He cares incredibly deeply for the Rangers, and will do whatever it takes to make sure they’re happy and safe. Despite all of this, he’s still deeply haunted by demons from his past, demons that involve Skragen and Calamartia, who were responsible for the death of his adoptive father, Theodore nineteen years ago, forcing him to take over as the leader of the Revolution. He carries deep guilt for what happened, as he disobeyed his father’s orders and believes that he’d still be alive if it wasn’t for him. Nineteen years ago he figured out a way to become a Ranger without one of the legendary Nova Spheres, instead using the Draco Nova Sphere, though it had a time limit. Despite this he helped the Revolution immensely, being known as the First Hero of the Revolution. Following an odd occurrence involving Neil and the other Nova Spheres, the time limit is gone, allowing Shen to join the team full-time as the Draco Ranger. Following Arthur becoming the Ursa Ranger, he became Neil and Arthur’s adoptive father.
Name: Arthur Astra (he/him)
Age: 12
Homeworld: Earth
Position: Ursa Ranger, Revolution asset
The younger brother of Neil, and a remarkably intelligent boy. Following their mother’s death, he was cared for by Neil, and while less impacted by their mother’s death than Neil was, is still hurt by it. Arthur is a remarkably intelligent and curious boy, and that curiosity only grew when he was taken aboard the Orion and had the opportunity to learn all about the rest of the Galaxy, though he has a particular interest in engineering. While he frequently teases and snarks at Neil, he does care deeply for his older brother, and quite likes Commander Long as well, as the Ladonian is always willing to answer any question he has. Compared to his brother, he’s far more cynical and pessimistic about the Empire’s defeat, though watching the Rangers battle the Empire seems to have planted a seed of hope in his heart, a seed that later blossomed following Shen becoming the Draco Ranger. This determination coupled with a strange power of his own allowed him to call forth the Ursa Minor Nova Sphere, allowing him to join the team as the Ursa Ranger.
Name: Kenneth Faulkner (he/him)
Age: 338 (chronologically), 32 (biologically)
Homeworld: Earth
Position: Phoenix Knight, former president of the Galactic Federation of Free Systems
Originally a fatally wounded Scottish warrior in 1717, Kenneth was abducted and experimented on by the Fenghuangians of the Phoenix system, bonding him with the Phoenix Nova Sphere. He later met with Ptolemy, an Astrographer, who created his Zords and Morpher with which he’d use to protect the galaxy as the Phoenix Knight. Eventually, he was elected to be the president of the Galactic Federation of Free Systems, a position he held until the Dark Matter Empire emerged. He fought valiantly, and while he lost many friends, he was able to destroy Karna Rog’s physical form at the cost of his immortality. While he was unconscious, he was outfitted with a special apparatus by Mirfak, which brainwashed him into becoming Ankaa for 300 years until it was destroyed by Neil. Kenneth is very cocky, but he has the skills to back it up, and underneath it he’s a man that cares deeply for others and is deeply haunted by his final battle against Karna Rog.
Name: Corvile (he/him)
Age: 338 (chronologically), 38 (biologically)
Homeworld: Verona, Corvus system
Position: Former advisor to the president of the Galactic Federation of Free Systems, Revolution asset.
Kenneth’s advisor and fiancé during his time as president. 300 years ago, he along with 86 other warriors were led into battle against the Empire, with Corvile wielding the Corvus Nova Sphere. Corvile appeared to sacrifice his life during Kenneth’s battle against Karna Rog, but following Hydra’s freedom from Schedar’s brainwashing, he was discovered in a cryosleep pod, claiming to have narrowly survived Karna Rog’s attack. In truth, he’s been the very reluctant vessel of Karna Rog’s metaphysical form for the past 300 years, as unlike other Nova Spheres, the Corvus Nova Sphere’s abilities mean Karna Rog is unaffected by it. Corvile’s a very sophisticated alien, and often had to clean up some of Kenneth’s political messes during his time as president, but despite this he still cares deeply for Kenneth, and likes to tease Kenneth about all the stress he caused him. He detests Karna Rog, and is incredibly confident that the Rangers will be able to kill the Emperor, even if it costs him his own life.
Name: Theodore Arctos (he/him)
Age (at time of death): 45
Homeworld: Maritimus, Ursa Major system
Position: Founder of the Revolution, former Leader of the Revolution
The Revolution’s late founder and its previous leader, as well as Shen’s adoptive father. Following an attack on a town on the planet Ladon, Theodore found the egg that hatched into Shen, and raised the Ladonean as his own son. Theodore died protecting Shen from Skragen and Calamartia after Shen’s time limit expired while trying to stop their attack on the Revolution’s previous base. Theodore was a kind man, but one who wasn’t afraid to tell people what they needed to hear. He loved the stars and the various stories and legends about the constellation systems, something that be passed down to Shen. He cared incredibly deeply for Shen despite not being related by blood or even being the same species, and was always incredibly proud of how intelligent his adoptive son was, and that only grew when Shen found a way to morph and help the Revolution. His death caused his soul to latch onto the Ursa Major Nova Sphere, which was on him at the time of his death. This allowed him to continue watching over his son even after death. During an attack by Kaus and the Marquis Mothema, Arthur caused his spirit to materialize by using the Hrsa Major Nova Sphere in the Supernova Morpher, who would go on to empower the Ursa Major Nova Sphere for Arthur to use. Following a reunion with his son, he finally passed on.
The Dark Matter Empire
Name: Karna Rog (he/him)
Homeworld: [REDACTED]
Position: Emperor of the Dark Matter Empire
The white-robed Emperor of the tyrannical Dark Matter Empire that has conquered the galaxy. Incredibly mysterious, only the Empire’s Dukes are allowed to interact with him directly, and only the Knights of Andromeda are permitted to see his face underneath his hood. The Emperor is not cruel, nor is he compassionate, and many of his own Dukes and Duchesses find his lackadaisical and cold indifference towards everything and everyone to be deeply disconcerting. On occasion he does show fondness for his bodyguard, Ankaa, but those moments are few and far between. On rare occasions he does show emotions, but the last time anyone but the Knights of Andromeda discussed it with him went incredibly poorly for the poor Duke that asked about it. In truth, he’s an embodiment of all the despair, suffering, and hatred held together by dark matter. He also tends to talk to himself, as if there’s someone only he can see… this unseen force is Corvile, his vessel, who still has some semblance of control over himself and can communicate with Karna Rog.
Name: Ankaa (he/him)
Age: Unknown
Homeworld: Unknown
Position: Duke of the Phoenix system, Karna Rog’s bodyguard
The mysterious, gold-masked Duke of the Phoenix system and the Emperor’s bodyguard. Ankaa emotes even less than his charge does, not even speaking at all. Not much is known about him, even among the other Dukes, who frequently speculate what his true nature could be, whether he's a living being or some machine cooked up by Mirfak and the rest of the Empire’s scientists. Only the Emperor himself and the Knights of Andromeda are aware of Ankaa’s history and what he truly is, though given his silence and unfaltering loyalty to Karna Rog, they rarely discuss it. After Shen became the Draco Ranger and Arthur became the Ursa Ranger, Karna Rog assigned him and Antares to assist Kaus, Skragen, and Calamartia in killing the Rangers, with Ankaa being the first of the two to arrive and coming very close to killing Neil. In addition to being highly skilled at swordplay, Ankaa also possesses incredibly potent pyrokinetic and thermokinetic abilities, making him one of Karna Rog’s most lethal subordinates. In reality, he’s a brainwashed Kenneth Faulkner.
Name: Mirfak (he/him)
Age 300+
Homeworld: Quetzalco, Perseus system
Position: Knight of Andromeda, Duke of the Perseus system, Head Scientist of the Empire
Sir Mirfak of Perseus is the youngest of the Knights of Andromeda, the Emperor’s three foremost subordinates and the Empire’s head scientist. Known as the “Maniac of Perseus” to the Revolution, an incident in his past caused the  entire left side of his body to be replaced with cybernetics. Despite being the youngest of the Knights of Andromeda, he’s the most pragmatic of the three, formulating schemes like he does chemicals. As the Empire’s head scientist, he’s tasked with overseeing Project Wormwood, a top-secret project that is only known to the scientists working on it, the Knights of Andromeda, and the Emperor himself. He’s also the one responsible for the death of Neil and Arthur’s mother. Despite his position, recent events have led him to conclude that the Emperor is unfit to continue ruling the Empire, and that someone else should step in.
Name: Schedar (she/her)
Age: 300+
Homeworld: Acámbaro, Cassiopeia system
Position: Knight of Andromeda, Duchess of the Cassiopeia system, Empire’s Minister of Propaganda
Dame Schedar of Cassiopeia is the second of the Knights of Andromeda, as well as the one tasked with the creation of the Empire’s propaganda. Like all Acámbaroans, she’s capable of compelling people to do her bidding with the sound of her voice, which pairs well with her position as Minister of Propaganda, this has led her to being dubbed the “Witch of Cassiopeia” by the Revolution. Despite her bubbly attitude, love of dancing around, and eagerness to please her fans on the Galaxy’s social media, she’s easily the cruelest of the Knights, sometimes going as far as to do actions that actively harm the Empire for the sake of twisting the knife. 
Name: Alderamin (he/him)
Age: 300+
Homeworld: Sabinain, Cepheus system
Position: Knight of Andromeda, Duke of the Cepheus system, Warlord of the Empire
Sir Alderamin of the Cepheus system is the eldest of the Knights of Andromeda in addition to being the Empire’s warmonger. Of the Knights, he’s the most loyal to the Emperor, and has led the conquest of numerous planets in his name. He’s an excellent military strategist, but his solution to other complex problems often amounts to crushing it. He has a love of combat, and partakes in countless invasions of planets even though that is often delegated to Dukes of that planet’s constellation system. He isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty either, often personally leading his conquests himself and overwhelming his opponents with incredible force, earning him the nickname “Butcher of Cepheus” from the Revolution.
Name: Antares/Eurypto Calchas (he/him)
Age: 35
Homeworld: Serket, Scorpius system
Position: Duke of the Scorpius system, top Jester of the Empire
Jester is the title given to the Empire’s assassins, and Antares is easily its most successful one on top of recently becoming the Duke of the Scorpius system. He’s incredibly cruel but also incredibly efficient, and has gained infamy from dispatching his marks in quick but incredibly painful ways. He possesses a scorpion-like tail, and is able to modify its venom to induce a variety of effects in his victims. His loyalty to the Emperor is matched only by his loyalty to Schedar. After Shen and Arthur became Rangers, Antares was assigned alongside Ankaa to help Kaus, Skragen, and Calamartia terminate the Rangers, though he has yet to arrive. In addition Leiurus claims that Antares is his older brother, Eurypto. While this is true, the way Antares recounts events is quite a bit different than Leiurus’s…
Name: Felis/Cassius Bodmin (he/him)
Age: 40
Homeworld: Nanzca, Hydra system
Position: Duke of the Hydra system
A man clad in red, feline-like armor and the Duke of the Hydra system. Since his promotion to Duke, he has set his eyes on getting his clutches on the Cerberus Zord, an immensely powerful Zord known as the Beast of Ruin. He’s aided in his quest by his two favorite Marquises, Yetton and Aquaereo. Petty and cruel, he also wishes to take revenge on the Revolution for a perceived slight against him in the past. His real name is Cassius Bodmin, and he was kicked out of the Revolution by his childhood friend Shen, as the two of them worked together to locate the Cerberus Zord, but Shen discovered that he wished to use the Cerberus Zord to destroy Imperial-controlled planets with no regard for innocents. Since then, he turned to the Empire.
Name: Kaus (he/him)
Age: 60
Homeworld: Ojikazo, Sagittarius system
Position: Duke of the Sagittarius system
Of the Emperor’s innumerable subordinates, Duke Kaus is easily one of his most staunch supporters out of all of them. Tasked with hunting down the Rangers, Kaus likens it to his time hunting on his home planet, though he doesn’t let it get in the way of his mission. His zealous loyalty to the Emperor is frightening, and is willing to kill for something as simple as someone mocking the Emperor. This zealotry extends to his fellow Dukes and Duchesses as well, and he will not hesitate to call them out for their perceived lack of loyalty to the Emperor. Initially thought to have died following the crash of his Consumoai, he is still very much alive. Not many know why he’s as loyal as he is, but recently Mirfak has become the target of his ire.
Name: Skragen (he/him)
Age: 55
Homeworld: Cryskull, Crux system
Position: Jester of the Empire
A white, squid-like alien covered in crystals that serves as one of the Empire’s most dangerous Jesters as well as Calamartia’s husband. Following Kaus’s apparent death, the two of them were sent to terminate the Rangers. Between him and his wife he’s the more cerebral of the two, always speaking in a polite tone, but that being said he’s capable of immense cruelty. Despite this, he does genuinely love Calamartia and enjoys their assignments together, as well as being fond of ink-related puns. As a Cryskullian he possesses the ability to use telekinesis from the crystal on his head and the crystals and suckers covering his body act as extra eyes. He also claims to have the ability to read minds, allowing him to avoid almost any attack, though this claim is dubious. Years ago, he and his wife also did battle against a Ranger, different from the ones now, Shen. He and his wife were also the ones who killed Shen’s adoptive father, Theodore Arctos.
Name: Calamartia (she/her)
Age: 54
Homeworld: Vivifica, Octans system
Position: Jester of the Empire
A red, octopus-like alien who’s Skragen’s wife and another incredibly dangerous Jester. Like her husband, she was assigned to hunt down the Rangers following Kaus’s apparent death. She’s far more crude and hot-blooded than her husband is, and takes great pleasure in fighting, even naming her weapons. “Jelly brain” is one of her go to insults, but she can go a lot lower than that. She cares deeply for her husband, and he’s probably one of the few things she cares more about than a good fight. As a Vivifican, she can regenerate from most injuries, and can even regrow her entire body so long as a small part of it remains intact. This means that like her husband, she’s incredibly difficult to harm, just in a different way. Like Skragen, she battled a Ranger in the past, Shen, and was responsible for the death of Shen’s adoptive father, Theodore Arctos.
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444names · 2 years
ukrainian names + the entire wikipedia article on "autobiography" in german BUT excluding "y"
Abertung Absche Alblern Albstagia Alig Alinko Alizig Allem Allo Anamenten Andemerie Anden Anjam Anter Anterbior Antertig Antlia Antsion Apolen Apopät Arstinna Arte Athensche Aufahmana Aufis Aufka Augen Augenen Augnia Aula Aums Ausgaben Ausgen Austona Aute Autobion Auton Auts Avher Bedr Bedregen Beischt Beksisia Bektiogra Bektiost Bereilia Berent Berko Bers Berstgra Besanna Bewma Bezufas Bihr Biogrid Bion Bombraus Borpole Bort Braf Brisan Bucheit Buchrstig Bzunde Bändenke Büch Chariffer Chrt Danesch Dangen Danurgen Danzgände Darschre Darvit Dasse Deis Deldel Dellega Demoffen Dena Denis Denn Deren Dich Dichm Dierstint Diesch Diestona Dimara Dins Diven Dmia Dminne Duktik Echar Echsen Ecsit Ehelmen Eigung Eina Einas Eindhe Eing Einksank Eische Eisse Eitelin Eitenneum Eitten Eitzen Ekana Ekargent Elensa Elit Emilena Emilim Ephig Erden Eren Erena Eriedron Erlers Erliker Erlit Ersen Erzhief Esse Estiv Eues Evges Evgl Evhungsa Fige Fika Finer Fort Fragen France Frata Fren Führo Galleisco Gass Gatas Gatten Gegt Gendere Gesche Gess Gessen Getrunem Ginet Gotals Grafie Grafik Grauto Gunden Gung Gunklung Göschelme Hafiewis Haltese Hance Hannen Hatschen Hedonst Heine Hell Hellt Heren Hergab Hischii Hissank Histia Hlagon Hoffer Hosla Hörfas Ider Immen Imref Inden Inenn Ines Inetam Inetwis Inkung Inte Irieh Irisprägt Ivand Izolfe Jahm Jahmen Jeanden Johan Johda Johdander Jula Julichs Juria Kafin Kalia Kata Katen Kathieben Kation Katutond Khre Khrissen Kina Kins Klanen Klaver Kliche Klung Klungese Kole Kondeona Konfen Kosla Krien Lagewfole Laris Lebe Legoriell Leispäiss Leren Leuton Leutors Levhendhe Liliacht Linn Lion Liten Lubov Mach Maki Malt Mana Maricton Marsterst Marwar Maten Matsit Matten Maximan Maximen Mech Mechlote Memerift Mihrtazie Milicht Milo Mitliche Mits Nachris Nadigerd Nasta Nasten Nata Nataleksa Natiogibt Natung Nikana Nisser Nutor Nutorgab Odaben Ofern Offt Ofjous Oksa Olegen Olen Oleria Olerrs Olhen Otter Ottum Oxan Palich Palt Pergin Pert Plationen Plav Polies Polit Polo Pombrosla Pron Pronen Pros Prosten Proße Prunte Prägt Randlunde Recsij Reibung Rein Reinie Reten Roksa Roksand Rolo Romar Rosie Roson Rostes Rous Rousland Rozal Rozij Rusen Russan Samer Samesen Schaft Sche Schern Schria Schrt Seaums Selen Semachert Sent Serfung Serina Sers Sert Serzis Siente Siken Sion Siza Soes Sogra Sonslana Sozav Spana Spann Spiechne Spros Stalien Stas Stasse Stehrna Sten Ster Stges Stioson Stivers Suaragder Sublav Subomit Subov Svia Svian Tagen Tataltsa Tatia Teta Tethenis Thentesta Thorwans Titena Todenklav Trohne Troßena Twarkas Töner Underna Unksin Valen Valetro Valtsia Vasten Verderfas Verspie Vert Verzieln Vgebes Viden Viderin Vielt Viken Viktumen Viliana Viogrin Viter Vitrache Viturkana Vitäts Volexane Vomehrt Vonasten Vorpolen Wachen Wahrossch Wariele Weichlien Weithest Weitädte Werer Werge Wier Wisel Wuch Wucheist Wuchre Wundenna Wuro Yaki Yaktenen Yarhiss Yegonden Yehrij Yehtlizav Yelleres Yevhunfer Yevkolg Yospektie Yulaftten Yulark Yulassit Yulich Zeicher Zeusla Zeutolo Zeuzeit Zhafigen Zina Zinlicht Zoir Zufacht Üben
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kentaromulti · 3 years
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Uchu Sentai Kyuranger Ep. 2 Previews
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toku-explained · 3 years
Space Shogunate Jark Matter
An evil government which has conquered all 88 constellations placing the Moraimars towers on every world to drain their Planetium, the Moraimars are also capable of changing into giant robots. The power structure of the organisation is largely kept secret, beyond the knowledge of Don Armage standing at the top of the government.
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The foot soldiers are the Indavers, and the elite Tsuyoindavers. Some Tsuyoindavers are allowed to server as Daikaans.
Each governed world is overseen by a Daikaan, with each constellation ruled by a Karo. Each of them have an enlarging Inro in their body, which grows them when defeated. Earth, due to it's surplus Planetium is ruled by multiple Daikaan.
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Eriedrone is the first Karo to appear, ruler of Sagittarius constellation. After becoming aware of the Kyurangers, he starts arranging to oppose them.
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Ikargen is on of Don Armage's elite assassins, responsible for eliminating Big Bear. A fierce opponent, capable of standing up to all 11 Kyurangers at once.
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Madakko is one of the elite assassins, having helped eliminate Big Bear. She possesses the ability to revive after being destroyed as long as a piece of her body remains, but her personality changes each time.
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Scorpio appears as the newly appointed Karo of earth after Ikargen's defeat, having spent some time as an assassin. The elder brother of Stinger who one day betrayed their village and the lessons of kindness he had always taught to Jark Matter, his current form is a result of Don Armage's dark magic. He claims in meeting Stinger again he aims to destroy Jark Matter from within, but the truth is unclear.
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Tecchu is the first of the 3 Vice Shoguns called into action after the re-emergence of Ohtori Tsurugi, told to target Tsurugi in particular. He has no knowledge of Tsurugi beyond what he was told by Don Armage, despite Tsurugi having fought him 300 years earlier.
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The second of the Vice Shoguns called into action, she has an idol-like character and has the ability to manipulate emotions, as she does to Naga Ray to turn him into Hebitsukai Metal.
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Kukuruga is the last of the Vice Shoguns to appear. He was responsible for the conquest of Caen in the Shishi System, and therefore the corruption of King Aslan.
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Don Armage is the leader of Jark Matter, appearing in shadows for much of the series. 300 years ago he attempted to conquer the universe, an effort that Ohtori Tsurugi claims to have stopped along with his army from the 88 systems, ending with Tsurugi destroying Don Armage. Despite this, Don Armage remains alive in the present, having used Tsurugi's absence to take control of the universe.
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bradsmindbrain · 10 months
Supernova Chapter 2!
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bradsmindbrain · 8 months
Supernova Chapter 18!
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bradsmindbrain · 11 months
So just as an fyi for Supernova, due to the way I’m pacing quite a few events will be changed in regards to when they occur. This is mostly because episode 1 of Kyuranger will be split into 2 due to the pacing I’m going for, so every other episode afterward moves forward in when they occur for the most part (3 becomes 4, 4 becomes 5, etc). Other major pacing changes include Skragen (Ikagen), Kaus (Eriedron), and the Knights of Andromeda (Vice-Shoguns) surviving longer, the time between Ryu Commander and Koguma Skyblue’s introductions being increased (since we immediately got blindsided by another ranger not part of the core 9 being introduced immediately after another was), and a couple arcs being altered among other things.
On an unrelated note, I can picture what the series logo would look like, so I’ll tell you guys in case one of you wants to make it since I have no photoshop skills whatsoever. Of course it would have the standard Power Rangers logo at the top, and beneath it would be Supernova, with the letters being black with white outlines with star glittering stars the black like the visors of the Ranger costumes. The A at the end would be replaced with that asymmetric star in the Kyuranger logo, with the same black color and glitter as the rest of the letters. Since supernova is nine letters, the outlines of each letter also have a glow correspond to one of the nine original rangers. S has a red glow, U has a orange glow, P has a blue glow, E has a gold glow, R has a black glow, N has a silver glow, O has a green glow, V has a pink glow, and A/the star has a yellow glow. Behind the letters is a white burst of light that gets either more purple, cyan, or crimson towards each of its edges.
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bradsmindbrain · 9 months
It’s What You’ve All Been Waiting For, Supernova Chapter 9!
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bradsmindbrain · 10 months
Chapter 7!
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bradsmindbrain · 10 months
Supernova Chapter 5!
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bradsmindbrain · 10 months
Supernova Chapter 4!
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bradsmindbrain · 10 months
Supernova Chapter 3!
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bradsmindbrain · 10 months
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Anyway, here’s the “Make my Monster Grow!” of Supernova.
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bradsmindbrain · 11 months
Before I officially start work on Power Rangers Supernova (title, yay!) here’s the (mostly) major villain names too:
Don Armage: Karna Rog (Don Armage is an anagram of Armageddon (missing a d but still) while Karna Rog is an anagram of Ragnarok)
Kukuruga: Mirfak (the brightest star in Perseus, which is what Kukuruga is partially based on)
Akyanba: Schedar (the brightest star in Cassiopeia, which is what she’s partially based on)
Tecchu: Alderamin (the brightest star in Cepheus, which is what I think he’s partially based on)
Scorpio: Eurypto Calchas (Later Antares) (Eurypto is meant to bring to mind Eurypterid, prehistoric sea scorpions, while Calchas is a genus of scorpion. Antares is the brightest star in Scorpius)
Eriedron: Kaus (brightest star in Sagittarius, which is what he’s partially based on)
Ikagen: Skragen (Skull+Kraken, as he’s based on the Kraken and crystal skulls)
Madakko: Calamartia (Calamari+Martian+Marsha since she’s based on octopus-like Martians)
Geth Indaver: Cassius Bodmin (Later Felis) (Cassius is the one who orchestrated the assassination of Caesar, which fits his role in the adaptation in a way. Bodmin is a reference to Bodmin Moor, a location known for the Beast of Bodmin Moor, a Phantom Cat, and Geth Indaver is partially based on Phantom Cats. Felis is the name of a no longer existing constellation, as well as a star that’s part of the Hydra constellation)
Don Aslan: Ankaa (not explaining since it’s massive spoilers for the end of the first season of the adaptation)
Indaver: Greyder (Portmanteau of Grey (aliens that they’re based on), invader, and raider)
Tsuyoindaver: Flatborg (Named after the Flatwoods monster, which they’re based on, and cyborg, since they’re mechanically enhanced Indavers) (As an aside I’m not naming all of the Daikaan which are just modified Tsuyoindaver costumes aside from Ommo Indaver because that would be absolutely miserable)
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bradsmindbrain · 9 months
Ankaa is Built Different
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bradsmindbrain · 10 months
Take a shot every time the word “dream” is used next chapter (don’t).
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