#erik u madman
Behold! The Valentine I save every time I switch phones.
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thekrazykeke · 6 years
Pray for Me Outtakes #1
In which the reader proves she’s a badass and Erik is more than a bit turned on.
Also when she and Erik first encounter ‘Hunters’; Pray for Me and What is Love? is all a part of the same universe, so some things interconnect and get mentioned in the sequel. Boop.
@elaindeereads @autumn242 @punkrockwxnnabe @palmsofgranate @strawberrysoftkitten @wikiwakanda @lovemekaycee @managingmischiefdaily @gothambrat @marvel-snatched-my-wigs
Salt Lake City, Utah 1 1/2 months after leaving Wakanda 8:32 P.M.
“So, run this by me again.” Erik is lowkey digging these wireless communicators, kind of like bluetooth headsets but even better. “Rukiya sent you details about where a shipment of African artifacts are being moved...” He opened the car door, only to find the key in the middle of the hand rest. 
‘That’s a robbery waiting to happen.’
He can hear the roar of a motorcycle very clearly. “And normally there’s only one or two security detail cars tagging the shipments.” He can hear your voice in his ear, almost as if you’re right next to him. 
Wakanda got the good shit, clearly.
The car purred to life after he twisted the key in the ignition. “But there’s more than two cars acting as security detail today. Okay, I’m not seeing the issue? Besides it’s starting to get dark and this road is empty for miles except for the dock that extends past that hard pass through the canyon. Maybe they just consider this shipment more valuable than the others?”
“N’Jadaka, you’re rambling.” Your voice is quiet, but comforting. "I told you that sometimes things get very complicated while performing such transactions, yes?”
“There ain’t no artifacts being transported, is it?”
There’s a long silence. A guilty silence.
“Y/N.” He can already feel a headache coming on.
“Well, to be fair, there might technically be an artifact or two...” You drag out your words. “I just didn’t know how to tell you that sometimes, only sometimes, do I do things like this.”
“We gon talk ‘bout this shit when we back at the hotel.” Erik stated, his voice ringing with finality. “Speed up. I’m coming in hot. There’s a tail that just pulled up on yo ass.” 
“I see him.” You murmur, voice soft, an edge of something darker that had his dick twitching in his pants.
‘Not the time.’ 
Pushing the gear shift out of park, he put his foot on the gas pedal and the car burst through the metal ramp designed to keep cars from going over the edge (A/N: Y’all know the technical term). He’s airborne for a few minutes before gravity does it’s job and he’s hitting the side of the hill, laughing wildly, a bit crazily, like a madman. Dirt and debris kick up every which way as Erik whips and turns the car this way and that. Near the bottom, the car smashes directly into a tinted black car speeding after an individual on a motorcycle. 
Shifting the gear so that he backed up, he put his foot on the gas pedal and rammed the car forward, metal and metal screeched and shot off sparks. 
“Did you get him?”
Pressing a button, Erik is impressed when an actual machine gun appeared at the top. The person attempted to open his or her door but again he pressed the button and the machine gun fired off several rounds. 
“Yea, they definitely gone.” Putting the car in reverse, he zoomed by the car which had been shot up to hell and back and the two people, white -- male and female -- are dead. “I’ma catch up wit’chu.”
“Good, stay on my tail. I feel better knowing you’ve got my back.”  
Definitely not the time to be popping inappropriate boners, but she’s cute. So fucking cute. 
And so he and Y/N engage these people in something of a car chase. People are firing on them, and he has a mini heart attack every time he sees her perform a daredevil stunt to shake them off and confuse them. Eventually, Erik does catch up to her in the car and they’re side by side. 
The back door of the armored convoy opens, revealing a heavily muscled male with a shotgun. Behind him are several people of all race, age, and color, they’re in chains. 
Grinding his teeth, he put his foot on the pedal, willing the car to drive faster. Y/N has stood up on the motorcycle, balancing herself as she does a sort of ballerina swan spin/dive and threw a wicked looking chakram at the gunman just as he fired. The bullet is sliced in half and bounces harmlessly on the shield of the car while the chakram ricochets off the caravan’s side wall and hit the gunman in the chest. 
“Come on, come on, come on...” 
Y/N’s kimoyo beads lit up and the chakram returned to her hold. Erik watches as she parkour’s to the top of the moving vehicle and strides forward... He pulls to the left and speeds up. Just as he’s a few feet from almost passing the van up, he notes that she tosses the chakram again, severing the lever which kept it attached to the other containers and shipments. Pulling out his gun, he fires two rounds into the skull of the driver before hitting the breaks as his soulmate swings her body in through the open driver seat’s window, taking the wheel and control of the vehicle. 
“We got this?”
“Ohh, we so got this.” The van with Y/N driving takes off first and he watches as the other cars stopped, doing U-turns as they realized belatedly what had happened. Flicking a lever on both sides of the car revealed a rocket launcher and something that looked straight out of a video game; perhaps an energy blaster. ‘Ooo, what does this button do?’ Pressing the button that said ‘Warning!’ Erik grinned as the cars were lit up like the Fourth of July by that energy. 
“I want this car for my birthday.”
“It’s on a loan from Rukiya. Ask really nice and she’ll give it to you. Meet you back at the hotel?” 
“Yeah. I just wanna check something.” 
While wading through the wreckage and carnage, eventually after thirty minutes, Erik finds a severed hand with a strange tattoo. Throwing it in the trunk, he figures that Rukiya might know something; she’s the expert of experts, as they say. And when the car pulled off, it changed colors; there’s a new license plate and everything. 
Nah. Rukiya had the good shit.
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