Undertale Theory: The Statue Is Asriel’s Body Petrified In Stone
some may have come to the same theory, but here it is...
I believe that Statue that we see in the game, that we can give a umbrella to...
I don’t think it is just a statue, it might really be Asriel’s Body...
which it is that same statue that was suppose to be at the MTT Resort, and was suppose to be on the water fountain, but Mettaton had to be a insensitive jerk and take the statue off of it and replace it with himself...
this could mean that the the Original Prince Asriel was cleaved into different parts of himself, one being the dust with his memories becoming one with Flowey, and injected with determination...
the other half being his body, that is petrified in stone, and the other being his soul, which might be the one being used in the true lab’s generator and not Chara’s Soul.
for all we know, it could turn out the statue is Ralsei...
well if my theory about Ralsei turn out to be true, and the one who appears in Chapter 2, isn’t the same Ralsei, and he might of switch places with the real one when Susie was saving Kris from Lancer’s Dad...
I would like to call the possible Imposter, by either Arelis or Erisla...
then again, the name “Erisla” does seem to fit better...
also we know that Erisla, is hiding something, even if he does act all friendly and encouraging to both Kris and Susie, he still seem suspicious.
I mean, if we don’t hug him, or like try to get Kris to hug him...
after the fight with Spamton, doesn’t he hug Kris depending what we do when the picture of those two are taken on that love boat...?
but if we don’t get Kris to hug him, he does nothing....
and seems to ignore Kris’s negative feelings, I might have to either re-play the part in the game or like watch a walkthrough of it....
but does “Ralsei in Chapter 2, who I’m still gonna call “Erisla”...
doesn’t it seem like he suspicious, even when he tells a different version of the prophecy, is there more to that prophecy...?
the reason why Asriel is a stone statue, might have to do with the determination they got from their human sibling’s soul.
it might be possible the Royal Scientist, had taken the statue from the fountain, but never put it back in it’s place, which left Mettaton to place it with a statue of himself...
the Royal Scientist could of did experiments with the statue, having extract both the red soul inside it as well as some of the determination from it, and used it on a flower who would be called Flowey The Flower later on.
and if Sans had the “kiss of life” like Steven Quartz Universe...
then he could of been the one to cause Flowey to become who is now, like it could turn out the dust that was the Original Asriel’s Memories and the Determination, wasn’t enough.
and Sans (who use to be Steven) only gave the flower a kiss, just to be funny and to remember the good times when he use to do that when he was Steven.
but to his shock, Flowey ends up blinking at him and speaking his first words as a Flower.
picture Sans pulling a Darwin when trying to ditch the “flora-baby” on his brother Gaster Jr. (son of Gaster Sr...there can be two of them, lol.)
and Gaster Jr. tells Sans that Flowey is “He’s Your Son!”
which if that were true, that would maybe mean Sans & Alphys are Flowey’s parents, like Alphys could of been the one to inject Flowey with the determination, and Sans made him become fully sentient with the “kiss of life”...
so both Sans and Alphys have to take responsibility for the child they help create, even if it was by accident.
congrats Papyrus, your a Uncle...XD
and for all we know, Frisk’s name could stand for “Fallen Kris”
and the King & Queen had adopted two human children, and Frisk also known as Fallen-Kris the counterpart of the one from Deltarune, could of talked their brother into feeding Chara those flowers...
and when Asriel was saying for them to wake up, he might of been talking to Fallen-Kris who was in bed in the same room as Chara.
and if the Queen Toriel Ending is the True Timeline Pacifist Ending, while the True Pacifist Timeline is the Anomaly Timeline...
when we reload to back before we fight the King, and can choose to go back and the whole Undyne calling us for the favor will happen and we never had to reset in the first place, just reload if we did a true pacifist route...
the red soul, that is our the Player’s proxy-soul, it leaves the Frisk in the Queen Toriel Timeline, and they never leave the underground and is captured by Alphys and kept behind a very large glass in the true lab, and when we go down to the true lab, we don’t go to the True Pacifist/Anomaly Timeline one at first, we end up back in the Queen Toriel Timeline...
and what we believe is reflection, is really the Frisk we leave behind when we reload, so the Frisk we control is facing themselves, possibly believing that it is just a reflection...
with the proxy-soul inside of them, Frisk can be Frisk....and can have a happy life with their new goat mom...
but for the one that doesn’t have the proxy-soul in them anymore, we can call them “Fallen-Kris”...
and when we do go through that elevator and to the hall that leads to the room where the elevator is, it is back in the true lab in the True Pacifist/Anomaly Timeline...
we can’t go back to the Queen Toriel Timeline, because both the doors to the elevator closes, and we can only go back to the True Pacifist/Anomaly Timeline, but we do end up getting a phone call from a voice that Frisk doesn’t recognize.
and for all we know, that voice could be either Ralsei or Erisla or Dess.
we could believe it is Asriel at first, but what if it isn’t, and what if the whole Hyper God Of Death Asriel happens in another timeline, and the one where we see Small Asriel, happens in another Timeline...
and we end up controlling both Frisks, from the Queen Toriel Timeline and the Anomaly Timeline, The Lost Souls from the Queen Toriel Timeline, kind of take control of the ones that are from the True Pacifist/Anomaly Timeline, that is until they are free from the lost souls control by Frisk/Player’s kindness and friendship.
and when this happens the lost soul counterparts go back to their own timelines, but their memories restored and them still being stuck in the underground.
it could be possible that Erisla could be lying about the whole Darkners turn to stone if they go to a dark world they don’t belong...
like for all we know, he could be using a Cockatrice on both Lancer and Rouxls Kaard, but the Cockatrice would have to peck them a lot or however they turn them to stone, in order for it to work...
Erisla could of put a Cockatrice in Kris’s pocket, knowing that it would go after both Rouxls and Lancer, and the only thing keeping them from turning to stone, would be Kris’s sub-space pocket.
it could turn out that Kris’s sub-space pocket could also be connected to the same void spaces that any Alternate Version of Sans would end up hanging out in, and if they see a “light” they could try to follow it, only to find themself ending up coming out someone’s pocket...
Kris’s pockets are dimensional doorways to the Undertale & Delatarune Multiverse, I wonder if that would scare the villain versions of Sans...?
it could turn out the stone statue, could turn out to be Asriel from Deltarune, like he could of saved his younger sibling Kris, from the Cockatrice, but it end up turning him to stone, and Kris put him in their sub-space pocket, but he ends up switching places with the stone statue of the once living Prince Asriel of Undertale, and when Kris does bring their “brother” home he is stuck as a statue but Kris doesn’t notice anything different about their brother until much later on...
both versions of Asriel’s original bodies become stone statues by different means, or by the same means....who knows.
but only one of them still has their soul, and isn’t being used to power the whole underground, and being mistaken as a human soul but might be a fused human-monster soul, but it is turned the same way as the human soul.
it might be a weird and crazy theory, but it could be possible that the stone statue in the Undertale game, is really Prince Asriel’s Original Body....
and he ended up being cleaved, like the stone statue is his original body, the dust that hold his memories become part of Flowey, and the red soul in the generator is the still fused soul of Asriel/The Fallen Human...
it’s okay that not everyone agrees about this theory, not all theories have to be correct, but I still like the idea about the whole stone statue turning out to be Prince Asriel’s Original Body.        
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opieghoul · 6 years
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@fawnduu Drew my Skyrim gaybies for a patreon commission and I'm dying LOOK HOW FUCKING CUTE THEY ARE 😭
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dcreedartaccount · 2 years
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This started as a collab between my friends and me, but I ended up loving my sketch so much I finished it out fully in my style. Circa 2021
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Deltarune x Undertale: Calling Faux-Ralsei by the Fan-Name "Erisla" or "Arelis", And Undertale Theory That Asriel Has The Integrity Soul...
[Don’t Reblog Without Permission.]
I can't help but think that Ralsei in Chapter 2 isn't the same one Kris & Susie befriended in Chapter 1....
and if the Player can tell that "Ralsei" isn't Ralsei, then so can Kris....all but Susie, who might not think there is anything different about Ralsei.
but there is something different about him, any fan can tell by just looking at him that even if he might appear to look like Ralsei, he is possibly not the same one.
one of the names that we could call “Ralsei” that appears in Chapter 2, is Erisla, another name that we could call him could be "Aliser" which would be slightly different from the name "Alisre"...which I did give the name "Alisre" to a OC.
we can't deny that in Chapter 2, "Ralsei" has been acting strange...even if he might seem like he's being his sweet and fluffy prince self, but there just seems to be going on. for all we know, he could of came from one of the Timelines from Undertale. also I think it might be possible that when we do get the True Pacifist Ending (which I believe is a Anomaly Timeline Ending, and the Queen Toriel Ending might be the True Timeline of the Pacifist.) Flowey, well the Flowey from that Anomaly Timeline, when he is Asriel, there is this Blue Line Around him...
what if it turns out the Integrity Soul stayed with him, even after freeing all the Monsters from the Underground...?
this would mean that Little Asriel wouldn't know that he wont be turning back into a flower, because he has the Integrity Soul inside of him. it is thanks to a Anagram Generator, that I want to call "Ralsei" by the name Erisla...
but anyway it might be possible that if we don’t do a Reset after doing a Full Pacifist Route, and do as Flowey says and just reload from where we last saved before facing King Asgore  in the room where we the Player & Frisk are suppose to fight him...
we can choose not to fight him yet when we reload and go back, and surprisingly when we do, the whole Undyne finally calls us happens, and didn’t have to Reset back to the Ruins for it to happen...
anyway we do end up taking the letter to Alphys, and if we do go to the true lab, we find out some secrets, but I think we don’t go to the True Pacifist/Anomaly Timeline’s True Lab at first, and the Elevator may acts as a way to travel to different worlds and timelines...
Frisk doesn’t get back to the Anomaly Timeline until we go through that other elevator in the true lab and go through it to the hall that has those screens and has that room with the generator in it.
the place we were in before would possibly be the Queen Toriel Ending Timeline, and the reason why Frisk never answered the phone calls they get from Sans, Undyne and Papyrus, is because they are in the true lab, behind a large glass prison....and it isn’t a mirror or Frisk’s reflection.
when we reload, the red soul is technically abandoning one version of Frisk, and heading to the version that hasn’t did the actions that the other has done...
I believe that what we see in the true lab, that big glass that looks like a large mirror, isn’t a mirror and the Alphys in the Queen Toriel Ending Timeline had captured Frisk before they could leave, then she locked them up in the true lab in the Queen Toriel Ending.
we are possibly being tricked into believing that is just Frisk’s reflection, but really it isn’t and it really is just the Frisk we end up leaving behind in the Queen Toriel Ending Timeline, when we reload back to before we face King Asgore, and even if we go in the room, we can choose to go back and then Undyne will call us and ask for that favor.
the Elevator might also be able to timeline jump, jumping from the True Pacifist/Anomaly Timeline to the Queen Toriel Ending Timeline.
and for all we know, the Elevator could also take someone to Deltarune...
but the Elevator that ends up going to Deltarune, might be in the Hospital.
there might be other parts of Hometown we don’t know about yet, it could be really big, maybe being like from the ruins to hot-land big.
I still think the Ralsei we see in Chapter 2, isn’t the same one we see in Chapter 1, because of the whole differences sizes of their horns, the Ralsei that appears in Chapter 2 appearing to be slightly taller than the one from Chapter 1, and the whole Ralsei from Chapter 1 has smaller feet.
plus I think the Other-Ralsei aka Faux-Ralsei aka “Erisla” might of locked that door with that delta rune on it, the same one that Kris and Ralsei go through.
and the Real Ralsei and One of the Lancers is trapped in that dark world.
I still think it could be possible that Lancer is a Quadruplet, and one of the Quadruplets is trapped in the Card Kingdom with the Real Ralsei.
maybe one of the ways they could get out and try to warn Kris and Susie about the fake, would be to go through the place that was made to be Jevil’s prison.   
they can’t go the other way, because it and it’s light world door counterpart are locked, and the light world counterpart of that door, would be the closet door in the unused classroom.
 and it might be possible that Erisla did go to the light world and lock that door in the unused classroom before they went back and switched places with the real Ralsei.
the switch may have happen when Susie was saving Kris from King Spade.
not everyone has to agree about this theory, same goes with the theory that the integrity soul stayed inside of Asriel’s body after breaking the barrier.
and if this were true, this would mean that Asriel never turned back into Flowey.
and the Flowey that speaks with us, when we free all the monsters and either have Frisk stay with Toriel or just go off to other places...
that Flowey might be the one from the Queen Toriel Ending Timeline, but is able to see what is happening in the Anomaly Timeline aka “True Pacifist Timeline”
and it would mean that it isn’t the Flowey that would turn into Asriel.
even the Flowey from the Demo Timeline, can be seen as a different Flowey.
but only one of the versions of Flowey, would become Asriel, and that would be the version from the Anomaly Timeline that is also called the True Pacifist Timeline.
the Pacifist Timeline where Queen Toriel becomes the new leader after the death of her ex-husband, could be the True Timeline of the Pacifist Route.
while the True Pacifist Route, where all the monsters are finally free, is a Anomaly Timeline....
also I had figured out that I could still go into Sans’s room even after getting that key in the drawer in his room and then going to that secret lab he has behind his and Papyrus’s house...
so even if after checking out the secret lab, I could still go into Sans’s bedroom.
well it did take me a while to figure out I didn’t need to reset to get Undyne to call to ask for that favor about Alphys...
just had to beat Omega-Flowey first, then listen to Flowey when he says to reload from the last save before we fight King Asgore and then go back and then wait for the call from Undyne to trigger...
of course this would mean that the Undyne who would of NEVER called, would be the one from the Queen Toriel Ending Timeline, and it would also mean that in the Queen Toriel Timeline, Undyne & Alphys never got together as girlfriends.....and the only Undyne & Alphys that did end up getting together and becoming a couple, would be the versions of them from the Anomaly Timeline where all the monsters were free from the underground.
and if the Integrity Soul did stay with Asriel, it might of had a good reason...
maybe the human that is still part of that soul, wanted to give Asriel a chance to be happy, and the reason why Asriel didn’t turn into the same form he had after fusing with their human sibling’s soul, might have to do with LV...
the human half part of the Integrity soul, could be sleeping, or like a deep sleep and leaving Asriel as the new owner of the Integrity soul.
at least until science and magic find a way to give Asriel his own soul back....
which might be that red heart that is powering the generator in the true lab.
if the Original Prince Asriel’s dust can fall on to a flower that would later become Flowey, then some of the Original Chara’s determination could of fell on Asriel’s Soul and turned it Red and made it turn the other way around...
and that would have those who had just got to the throne room, to mistake Asriel’s Soul for their human sibling’s and then take it to the true lab and later use it to power the whole underground.
this would also mean that red heart that is in that generator in the true lab, isn’t Chara’s Soul.......but it’s Asriel’s Soul instead.
well I’m still going to believe it is possible, even if some might disagree...
and I’m also still gonna believe that the Ralsei that appears in Chapter 2, is a Imposter and had switched places with the one that first appears in Chapter 1.
not all theories have to be correct, but if this weird theory happens to be true...
then I still want to call the Other-Ralsei that appears in Chapter 2, by Erisla.                             
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opieghoul · 5 years
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That one time I figured out how to get my gaybies together in-game and marry them 💚
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