#erix tales
arcanarix · 8 hours
Prompt: Gojo X Fem!Reader, orgasm denial, bondage (kinda?), blindfolds.
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Gojo may have a little bit of a . . . fixation. 
Specifically with placing you in positions and opportunities for him to be obscenely cruel (somehow in the best way possible).
He likes to use his headband to cover your eyes while he’s hard at work. After all, a little sensory deprivation does get him off, for some reason. He loves that you can’t see or expect what he’s doing. It’s all part of the thrill. You hate being left in the dark, too, which seems to get him really going. 
It’s absolutely cruel. He’s absolutely cruel, that Satoru.
You feel some nips at between your thighs and you jump in your spot. Your hands are suspended above your head as he pries your legs apart, getting a good view of your–likely soaked–cunt. Ugh, it’s embarrassing that you twitch, even with how used to his antics you are by now.
“Stop making me wait,” you growl, and Gojo clicks his tongue in disapproval. 
“Brat. What did we talk about here?” 
“What? I can’t help it! I hate suspense! It’s nerve-racking!” 
“That’s the idea, my love,” he purrs, as his breath fans against your clit, you feel your feet cross over each other but he prevents that from happening. 
“If you don’t fucking do something, I’ll yank these chains and ride you ‘til you can’t come anymore.”
“That’s a threat?” Gojo seems amused. You curse yourself.
“Goddammit, Satoru.”
“Mm. Insolence is not going to be rewarded. I think we’re done here.”
“Are you fucking joking?” you thrash about in those chains. “You better finish me off or I’m gonna–!” 
“--Do as you threaten? I can’t say I won’t let you.”
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Raoul Vaneigem - Coronavirus
Contestare il grado di pericolo del coronavirus ha sicuramente a che fare con l'assurdità. Di contro, non è altrettanto assurdo che una perturbazione del corso abituale delle malattie sia oggetto di un tale sfruttamento emotivo e faccia riaffiorare quell'arrogante incompetenza che un tempo pretese di tenere fuori dalla Francia la nube di Chernobyl? Certo, sappiamo con quanta facilità lo spettro dell'apocalisse esce dalla sua scatoletta per impadronirsi del primo cataclisma che passa, rimestare l'immaginario del diluvio universale e affondare il vomere della colpa nel suolo sterile di Sodoma e Gomorra.
La maledizione divina ha assecondato utilmente il potere. Almeno sin dal terremoto di Lisbona nel 1755, quando il marchese di Pombal, amico di Voltaire, approfittò del sisma per massacrare i gesuiti, ricostruire la città secondo le sue concezioni e liquidare allegramente i suoi rivali politici a colpi di processi "proto-staliniani". Non faremo a Pombal, oer quanto odioso possa essere, il torto di comparare il suo colpo di scena dittatoriale alle miserabili misure che il totalitarismo democratico applica mondialmente all'epidemia di coronavirus.
Che cinismo imputare alla propagazione del morbo la deplorevole insufficienza dei mezzi medici messi in opera! Sono decenni che il bene pubblico è messo a mal partito, che il settore ospedaliero paga lo scotto di una politica che favorisce gli interessi finanziari a danno della salute dei cittadini. C'è sempre più denaro per le banche e sempre meno letti e infermieri per gli ospedali. Quale fumisteria potrà ancora a lungo mascherare il fatto che questa gestione catastrofica del catastrofismo è inerente al capitalismo finanziario dominante a livello globale, e oggi a livello globale combattuto in nome della vita, del pianeta e delle specie da salvare.
Senza volere scivolare in quella rielaborazione della punizione divina che è l'idea di una Natura che si sbarazza dell'Uomo come di un parassita importuno e dannoso, non è tuttavia inutile ricordare che per millenni lo sfruttamento della natura umana e di quella terrestre ha imposto il dogma dell'anti-physis, dell’anti-natura. Il libro di Erix Postaire, Le epidemie del XXI secolo, pubblicato nel 1997, conferma gli effetti disastrosi della de-naturazione persistente, che denuncio da decenni. Evocando il dramma della "mucca pazza" (previsto da Rudolf Steiner fin dal 1920) l’autore ricorda che oltre a essere disarmati di fronte a certe malattie prendiamo coscienza che il progresso scientifico stesso può provocarle. Perorando la causa di un approccio responsabile alle epidemie e al loro trattamento, egli incrimina quella che Claude Gudin chiama "filosofia del fare cassa" nella sua prefazione: «A forza di subordinare la salute della popolazione alle leggi del profitto, fino a trasformare animali erbivori in carnivori, non rischiamo di provocare catastrofi fatali per la Natura e l'Umanità?». I governanti, lo sappiamo, hanno già risposto unanimemente SÌ. E che importa dal momento che il NO degli interessi finanziari continua a trionfare cinicamente?
Ci voleva il coronavirus per dimostrare ai più limitati che la de-naturazione per ragioni di convenienza economica ha conseguenze disastrose sulla salute generale - quella che continua a essere gestita imperturbabilmente da una OMS le cui preziose statistiche fungono da palliativo della sparizione degli ospedali pubblici? C'è una correlazione evidente tra il coronavirus e il collasso del capitalismo mondiale. Allo stesso tempo, appare non meno evidente che ciò che ricopre e sommerge l'epidemia del coronavirus è una peste emotiva, una paura nevrastenica, un panico che insieme dissimula le carenze terapeutiche e perpetua il male sconvolgendo il paziente. Durante le grandi pestilenze del passato, le popolazioni facevano penitenza e gridavano la loro colpa flagellandosi. I manager della disumanizzazione mondiale non hanno forse interesse a persuadere i popoli che non vi è scampo alla sorte miserabile che è loro riservata? Che non resta loro che la flagellazione della servitù volontaria? La formidabile macchina dei media non fa che rinverdire la vecchie menzogna del decreto celeste, impenetrabile, ineluttabile laddove il folle denaro ha soppiantato gli Dei sanguinari e capricciosi del passato.
Lo scatenamento della barbarie poliziesca contro i manifestanti pacifici ha ampliamento mostrato che la legge militare è la sola cosa che funziona efficacemente. Essa confina oggi donne, uomini e bambini in quarantena. Fuori, il cimitero, dentro la televisione, la finestra aperta su un mondo chiuso! È la messa in una condizione capace di aggravare il malessere esistenziale facendo leva sulle emozioni ferite dall'angoscia, esacerbando l'acciecamento della collera impotente.
Ma anche la menzogna cede al disastro generale. La cretinizzazione di stato e populista tocca i suoi limiti. Non può negare che una esperienza è in corso. La disobbedienza civile si propaga e sogna società radicalmente nuove perché radicalmente umane. La solidarietà libera dalla loro pelle di montone individualista individui che non temono più di pensare da sé.
Il coronavirus è divenuto il rivelatore del fallimento dello Stato. Ecco quanto meno un oggetto di riflessione per le vittime del confinamento forzato. All'epoca della pubblicazione delle mie Modeste proposte agli scioperanti, alcuni amici mi hanno illustrato la difficoltà di ricorrere al rifiuto collettivo, che suggerivo, di pagare le imposte, le tasse, i prelievi fiscali. Ora, ecco che il fallimento inverato dello Stato-canaglia attesta una disintegrazione economica e sociale che rende assolutamente insolvibili le piccole e medie imprese, il commercio locale, i redditi bassi, gli agricoltori familiari e persino le professioni cosiddette liberali. Il collasso del Leviatano è riuscito a convincere più rapidamente delle nostre risoluzioni ad abbatterlo.
Il coronavirus ha fatto ancora meglio. Il blocco delle emissioni produttiviste ha diminuito la polluzione globale, esso risparmia milioni di persone da una morte messa in programma, la natura respira i delfini tornano ad amoreggiare in Sardegna, i canali di Venezia depurati dal turismo di massa ritrovano un'acqua limpida, la borsa affonda. La Spagna si risolve a nazionalizzare gli ospedali privati, come se riscoprisse la sicurezza sociale, come se allo Stato sovvenisse lo Stato sociale che ha distrutto.
Niente è acquisito, tutto comincia. L'utopia cammina ancora carponi. Lasciamo alla loro vacuità celeste i miliardi di banconote e d'idee vuote che girano in tondo sopra le nostre teste. L'importante è "curare da noi i nostri affari" lasciando che la bolla affaristica si disfi e imploda. Guardiamoci dal mancare di audacia e di fiducia in noi stessi!
Il nostro presente non è il confinamento che la sopravvivenza c'impone, è l'apertura a tutti i possibili. È sotto l'effetto del panico che lo Stato oligarchico è costretto ad adottare misure che ancora ieri decretava impossibili. È all'appello della vita e della terra da riparare che vogliamo rispondere. La quarantena è propizia alla riflessione. Il confinamento non abolisce la presenza della strada, la reinventa. Lasciatemi pensare, cum grano salis, che l'insurrezione della vita quotidiana ha virtù terapeutiche inaspettate.
17 marzo 2020
Raoul Vaneigem
[Il pezzo "Coronavirus" datato 17 marzo e apparso il 19 marzo su Lundi Matin è, come dice la redazione stessa, un'anticipazione di una raccolta di scritti di Vaneigem in via di pubblicazione sotto il titolo "L'insurrezione della vita quotidiana" per Editions Grevis https://editionsgrevis.com/]
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recentanimenews · 2 years
The Manga Review, 4/29/22
Back in March, Titan Comics announced that it would launching its own manga imprint, Titan Manga, with the publication of a new “director’s cut” of Takashi Okazaki’s Afro-Samurai. This week, Titan announced two more acquisitions: Kamen Rider Kuuga and Atom: The Beginning, both of which will debut in October. The deal is part of a new partnership with StoneBot Comics. In other licensing news, Seven Seas just unveiled its latest acquisitions, which include Malevolent Spirits: Monogatari, Let’s Buy the Land and Cultivate It in a Different World, Anti-Romance, and Night of the Living Cat, a horror-comedy in which “a virus transforms humans into cats.” The mode of transmission? Snuggling with an infected kitty! (Seriously, did my cats write this?!!)
Young Jump just published the final chapter in Satoru Noda’s bloody revenge saga Golden Kamuy. Not to worry: Noda’s ice-hockey drama Supinamarada! will take its place. [Anime News Network]
CLAMP fans rejoice: the collective will resume work on xxxHolic-rei, though they haven’t announced a date for its official return. [Anime News Network]
Also in the news is Moto Hagio, who is one of this year’s Eisner Hall of Fame nominees. [Comic-Con International]
Kodansha just announced its May digital manga releases. The most promising of the lot: When a Cat Faces West, a new series from the creator of Mushishi. [Crunchyroll]
Are you a parent, teacher, or librarian looking for kid-friendly manga recommendations? Brigid Alverson’s got you covered with a helpful list of titles that are suitable for pre-teen and young teen readers. [ICv2]
The librarians at No Flying No Tights compile a list of their favorite cute comics, from Umi Sakurai’s A Man and His Cat to Claire Belton’s I Am Pusheen the Cat. (Warning to dog lovers: this list cants heavily towards cat comics.) [No Flying No Tights]
Bill Kartalopoulos files a lengthy report on the 49th Angoulême International Comics Festival. Among the highlights was a special exhibit honoring the legacy of Kitaro creator Shigeru Mizuki. [The Comics Journal]
Kelli Ewing offers a sneak peak at Hen Kai Pan, the latest series from Eldo Yoshimizu (Ryuko). [Panel Patter]
Wondering what to read next? Masha Zhdanova takes a look at this month’s new VIZ Media titles. [Women Write About Comics]
Over at Anime News Network, Rebecca Silverman declares Sakamoto Days a “fun” series with a “well executed premise,” while Lynzee Loveridge argues that Sensei’s Pious Lie “does a lot of interesting, if uncomfortable, things that make it worth a read.” AiPT’s Eric Alex Cline gives high marks to Island in a Puddle, a new thriller from Kei Sanbe (Erased), while Megan D., host of The Manga Test Drive, takes Kaoru Mori’s Shirley for a spin.
Bungo Stray Dogs Wan!, Vol. 1 (Demelza, Anime UK News)
Chainsaw Man, Vol. 10 (Josh Piedra, The Outerhaven)
Cheeky Brat, Vol. 2 (Justin and Krystallina, The OASG)
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Being a Virgin Can Make You a Wizard?!, Vol. 4 (Sarah, Anime UK News)
Cross-Dressing Villainess Cecilia Sylvie, Vol. 1 (Renee Scott, Good Comics for Kids)
Crueler Than Dead, Vol. 2 (Nick Smith, ICv2)
Death Note Short Stories (Nick Smith, ICv2)
Even Though We’re Adults, Vol. 4 (Jaime, Yuri Stargirl)
Getting Closer to You, Vol. 1 (Erix Alex Cline, AiPT!)
Goodbye, Eri (Elvie Mae Parian, Women Write About Comics)
Hiraeth: The End of the Journey, Vol. 1 (Danica Davidson, Otaku USA)
Ima Koi: Now I’m in Love, Vol. 1 (Danica Davidson, Otaku USA)
Ima Koi: Now I’m in Love, Vol. 1 (Carrie McClain, Women Write About Comics)
Karakuri Odette, Vol. 2 (Thomas Zoth, The Fandom Post)
Lady Murasaki’s Tale of Genji: The Manga (Nick Smith, ICv2)
The Lion and the Bride, Vols. 1-3 (Krystallina, Daiyamanga)
Love After World Domination, Vol. 2 (Justin, The OASG)
Miss Me? (SKJAM, SKJAM! Reviews)
The Music of Marie (Josh Piedra, The Outerhaven)
Orochi (Danica Davidson, Otaku USA)
Ragna Crimson, Vol. 4 (Grant Jones, Anime News Network)
Sakura’s Dedication, Vol. 1 (King Baby Duck, The Boston Bastard Brigade)
Sasaki and Miyano, Vol. 5 (Sarah, Anime UK News)
Sex Ed 120%, Vol. 3 (Erica Friedman, Okazu)
Spy x Family, Vol. 7 (Josh Piedra, The Outerhaven)
Wave, Listen to Me!, Vol. 8 (HWR, Anime UK News)
The Way of the Househusband, Vol. 7 (King Baby Duck, The Boston Bastard Brigade)
By: Katherine Dacey
0 notes
shadesmaclean · 7 years
Author’s Notes:
-rough draft: July 05, 2015 – Sept 19, 2016 -word draft: March 14 – Oct 09, 2016 -additional revisions: October 2016 Whoops, can’t believe I forgot to post this before. Boy is my face red… Well, here we are again, at the end of another tale. Given how making projections and predictions always seems to end in disappointment, all I will say concerning Tradewinds 21 is that it is coming along, and I will post progress reports when it’s close enough for me to measure with some accuracy. Though there have been some supplemental points, the basic world-building for this portion of the series is mostly concluded, so if nothing else, I can focus more of my attention on the story itself. When I first came up with the basic premise for “Into the Woods” many years ago, it was mostly provoked by The Blair Witch Project (over time by other “Dark Woods” sort of tales, as well), and my sense of disappointment with the results. As someone who grew up in the mountains, I found myself constantly facepalming at the continual folly of a group of city kids who clearly didn’t have enough prior wilderness experience between them to find their way out of my back yard, let alone more remote forest. In hindsight, I think my old project goal of “Blair Witch Done Right” was a bit too arrogant, presumptuous, and rooted in my younger self’s easy disappointment with others’ failure at things I saw myself having little difficulty. Even my old “Follow the river, dumbass!” response to every other leg of the movie left little consideration for whether or not my strategy would have worked any better if there were indeed eldritch and possibly unnatural forces working against me every step of the way. Though I would still hold that in the real world, without such entities or phenomena, following the river would’ve gotten me back to civilization faster than walking around in circles ever would have. As for the Woods themselves, by the time I got to writing this portion of the series, this region had become tied to larger world-building endeavors, that would dovetail into the next couple tales, as well. Camp Stilton, Kelly Edwards, Rannigan’s Wharf, all of it needing to be more menacing than just “spooky” to explain the region’s long-standing abandonment. From there, a blind woodsman could surely spot the Lovecraftian influence from a mile away, though much of it came up in the course of writing each chapter, as almost as much of a surprise to me as it was to our poor protagonists. All I started out with was just the premise of fractured layers of reality, and just sort of let it run its course as they struggled with each obstacle and adversary. Though the phases of the moons started out inspired by a bit from the Blair Witch video games (I’m afraid I have no idea if any of the games themselves are any good, but if you can find any of the soundtracks, the best stuff is almost— almost, mind you— on par with Yamaoka’s stuff from the original Silent Hill trilogy, and at least worth a listen in spite of the cornier tracks), they quickly took on a life of their own as I found myself imagining moons I would not care to walk under myself. As for Roxy and Erix, all I can do is apologize for now, as they have both proven too stubborn to die, save perhaps by the other’s hand, and only time will tell what became of either of them. Even the town of Pickford showed me a thing or two, as the nature of the anomaly required them to be more proactive in their own defense than I originally would have imagined, but it does set the stage for a lot of what comes next, when Shades’ feet have a mind of their own, leading them all into trouble… -03/11/17
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arcanarix · 9 hours
gojo X reader, gojo X gn! reader, gojo X fem!reader/afab reader, etc.
Prompt: Gojo woos reader with the corniest of the corniest pick up lines. But you beat him at his own game.
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“Sights like yours inspired the creation of beautiful words.” 
You whip around, eyebrows raised from curiosity and also confusion–what’s been up with Gojo as of late? You decide to humor him for once, though. Lately he can’t seem to leave you alone. And lately, you don’t seem to mind it that much. 
In fact, maybe a part of you likes it a little too much. More than appropriate between ‘friends.’ 
“Oh yeah? What else you got up your sleeve, Satoru?” 
“Even the most ignorant would recognize your radiance,” he continues while purring your name. Yep, cue a brilliant rosy flush across your whole face! What’s with him!? 
“Don’t stop now,” you giggle, eyes twinkling like the stars above. “Keep it comin’. Did Suguru put you up to this, or was this all your own prerogative?” 
“I must say,” he goes on, addressing your name and looming over you with that classic Satoru smirk on his face. “You’ve taken more breaths from me than I have in my entire life.”
“Clever,” you reply, and then something comes to mind. Maybe not the suavest line, but perhaps enough to stump him? “Satoru, if I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together.”
Gojo chuckles, familiar with that line, indeed.
But you do catch a hint of a blush! There’s as much payback as you’re ever going to get from someone as collected as him.
“Well,” he says, adjusting his headband as he calls your name again. “I did not know ‘divine’ until I noticed the way you shine.”
Hmm . . . can you just make something up out of thin air? Something right out of your ass? Perhaps not. But you can sure damn try.
“Well then Satoru,” you step on your tiptoes to reach his ear, whispering in it. “Art has no depiction that would fit your divine description.” 
You swear you heal him swallow. Does Satoru ever get nervous? Sure he does! It’s just a rare event, like a solar eclipse.
“And even in silence, Satoru, you speak into my soul.” You blow into his ear for emphasis.
And perhaps to be a little risque. 
That seems to do him in right there.
He addresses your name again, stammering. 
“If you don’t let me take you to dinner right now–!” 
“--I’m not opposed~” 
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arcanarix · 11 hours
toji x gn! reader, toji x afab!reader, etc. || reader is insecure sometimes, toji fixes that.
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Toji is adaptable. That’s ingrained in his DNA; he’s far from a creature of habit. He gets off on all kinds of thrills (yes, in and out of the bedroom). He’s the sort of person who can’t be tied down or stuck in a place for too long. That’s why he can’t hold down a typical 9 to 5 and opted for dirty money. Because he needs that high however he can get it.
Maybe the one place he seeks stability is in his relationships. You see this firsthand. After all, he’s been married before, and even checks in on his son, Megumi, from his first marriage often. 
You have to admit, it does touch your heart in a way you never thought possible before. He really is a big ole softie beneath all of that bravado he sports on the day to day. It’s likely the people he works with knows that too. Hopefully it’s not something weaponized against him later on down the line. Then that means you have a huge target slapped on your back . . . 
Sometimes, you can’t help but wonder if he finds you boring compared to what he does for a living and how he maintains his lifestyle. Constantly on the go, constantly staying active, never leaving things unfinished and always tying up any loose ends before he can move onto the next thing. He’s as efficient as he is proactive. 
You prefer the opposite lifestyle–something easier going, something easy, in general. After the kind of chaotic life you have led in the past, prior to meeting Toji, it’s necessary for your sanity now. 
But if Toji genuinely feels a certain type of way, he is going to tell you straight up. He’s not only a man of action. He’s a man whose words align with his actions. There’s no bullshit with him, which is a breath of fresh air considering your personal history with relationships. The fact that a guy like him is your true first healthy relationship might be something of a concern to your close friends and family . . . 
“Toji?” you murmur, as you turn over to rest on your left elbow. Aforementioned man is scrolling through his newsfeed on his smartphone, with his reading glasses and all. He looks so unthreatening in this setting. No one will guess he’s a heinous murderer . . .
Toji glances sideways to meet your eyes, immediately softening under the subdued lighting of your bedroom. Even the lighting of his phone screen is dulled, so as not to disturb your own slumber, but you haven’t fallen asleep just yet as your brain is beseeched by worries you shouldn’t have in the first place.
“Are you happy with me?” 
Toji perks an eyebrow and he places his phone on the nightstand. You notice it’s faced up, like always. His screen can light up any time with a notification.
“Are you suspecting I’m not happy, or something?” 
“No,” you lie. Toji gives you a pointed look. You deflate, clearly on the losing side in this situation. “Yes . . . “
“Did I do something wrong?” 
“No! It’s nothing you did in particular. It’s just . . . what do you see in me?” I’m nothing special. Not like you. I don’t even have the guts to touch a sword or a gun or any weapon of choice when it really matters. How can I protect you as well as you protect me? We’re supposed to be a team too, right? Not just partners . . . ?
Toji looks hard in your eyes, but that expression of his doesn’t lose its softness which gives you a sense of comfort, at the very least. He brings his hand to his head, scratching his hair as if he’s racking his mind for the right words to respond to such an on the spot question. You have to admit; you feel like since you have already dug your grave, you should lie in there and let him bury you alive then and there. 
You can absolutely expect him to tell you the full and honest truth, criminal or otherwise, he’s still not a liar. So you’re not sure if you’re ready for the cold, hard truth just yet but you can’t shake this nagging feeling in your chest and you just need some reassurance. That’s not much to ask for, isn’t it?
“What isn’t there to like about you?” Toji begins, tone as soft as that mushy expression on his face. You almost can’t believe someone as cold-blooded as him can even sport an expression like that. Then again, that must be what got his first wife to stick around, right? “You’re beautiful, you’re talented, you’re strong as fuck . . . even if you don’t believe it yourself.”
“You must be full of shit if you think I’m going to fall for that sweet talking.”
“When did you ever think of me as full of shit?” 
Never, which is the problem! “You are a man of truth. Maybe not of justice, but of truth.”
Toji smirks. “I don’t play on any sides, you know. Just whoever’s on mine.”
“You know I’d never leave yours.”
“And that’s another reason to love you,” he tells you, brushing a strand of hair away from your face. “You shouldn’t doubt yourself so much. It’s not good for your health.”
“Oh and what do you know about health, Mr. I Ate Five Quarter Pounders in One Sitting!?” 
“I’m a grown man! And I work out more than you!” 
“You know what–I can’t argue with that. But if I ate even a fourth as much as you, I’d be 300lbs by now.”
Toji chuckles at the idea. 
“And I’d still like you regardless.”
You can’t help the brilliant brush on your cheeks which is thankfully hidden from him. 
“Sheesh, were you always this sappy?” 
“Actually, not always. You just bring it out of me. Why, would you rather see another side of me right now?” 
“Nah,” you sneak a peck on his lips. “This is good. Besides, too tired for another round anyways. You wear me out way too much, Zenin.”
“Fushiguro,” he corrects. 
“You really have something against that clan.”
“If you had my history with them you would as well.”
“Again, I can’t really argue with that.”
You and Toji share a little smile. .
“So find anything interesting on your news feed?” you ask, peering over at his phone. Some notifications light up amid your conversation.
“Nah. Just a lot of celebrity gossip. Nothing special. Although you might like this picture of Henry Cavill I found not too long ago. It’s probably already lost in the sea of posts, but I can try to dig around for it–!” 
“--you silly, I appreciate it, but it’s not that important." You steal another kiss on his cheek. "Night, big oaf."
"Good night," he replies.
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arcanarix · 27 days
toji catches you in the shower attempting to pleasure yourself. he won’t have it. not at all.
pleasure only comes to you on his terms. you’re aware of this and yet you can’t help yourself, because toji isn’t there all the time. (you can’t expect him to be either.)
“no princess of mine should have to get off on her own,” he grunts, tone disapproving as he pushes away the shower curtains and revealing you while you’re reveling in the shower with the most exquisite, light pressure and high temperatures. toji can never understand how you can tolerate those scalding hot showers and remain in there until the water’s too cold to enjoy it anymore. you can never imagine showering in lukewarm, you remember retorting.
“you took too long,” you pout, but then bring your finger up to his lips. The one soaked in you, and he suckles onto the tip. “i so hate to be left waiting.”
clicking his tongue, toji bows his head in apology. “that’s on me, then. now let me help you with that.”
his hand snakes down your exposed stomach until it rests on your pussy lips, and you sigh, gripping onto the bar behind you to stabilize yourself. he works his fingers, gentle, experimental. curious. acting as if he has no idea how to get you going (of course he does). you bite your lip, stifling a little giggle because you do miss his playful yet possessive side. it doesn’t come out as often anymore. he’s been stressed. such things come with his line of work.
you always suggest a typical 9 to 5 but apparently, that’s too restrictive and rigid of a schedule. plus he also hates leaving you in wait. a 9 to 5 means less time with you. toji can’t have that.
you can’t have that, either, honestly.
“toji—!” you plea, grip tightening around the bar as he increases tempo, inserting two large fingers inside of you.
“don’t be shy, baby. scream for me. i live to please my girl.”
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arcanarix · 25 days
cleaning off toji’s cock has become routine. you LOVE it. you’re absolutely addicted and drunk off of it. it’s helped him calm down some after tough days at work. it’s helped him destress just before work. oh, you just love to be of service.
he guides you, gripping you by your ponytail and your nose is soon nuzzling the base of his cock. the rest of his incredible girth is filling your mouth and throat. he makes you stay there for a good few moments before guiding you back up so your lips are grazing his tip, a line of spit stuck to it that you break up with a swipe of your tongue. he groans, and you smirk in all knowing sin. you don’t have to do much to get him to just lose it and he bucks himself back up into your mouth. you almost splutter but you don’t. miraculously. or not. you have enough practice.
“fuck, baby. mouth’s so good. so perfect. like it’s made for this.” he brings out his phone and captures the moment for himself. “all of this is mine.”
you manage to nod, of course it is. of course you are. all of this is his.
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arcanarix · 1 month
CW // stalker toji jerking off to you in the bath
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toji knows his way around your studio apartment. not that it takes a genius. even with all of the drastic measures a gal usually takes to ensure no home invasion or any other unspeakable crimes, he can find his way to slip inside without you ever knowing. but he has a feeling that you do know, and that you probably get off to the attention.
you prepare a hot steamy bath with some epsom salt and some of your favorite bath bombs and bath oils, lighting some candles for that little bit of ambiance and shutting off the lights to your bathroom. you sit on the edge of the tub clad in a towel and your hair wrapped in those cute hats girls make to protect their hair. toji still doesn’t know what kind of sorcery that is but he remembers how his wife used to do that. it’s freaking adorable, yet ladies think nothing of it.
you don’t bother to close your door all the way which provides toji just enough of a good view of you. the way you perch yourself on that tub and the steam encapsulates your body makes him keen.
god, you’re an ethereal beauty and you definitely know it even if you never admit it out loud. you know it goes against your rep. toji knows as well as anyone else the pressure to keep an image of yourself up, even if it’s one you don’t agree with yourself.
toji’s careful, slipping his hand down his sweats, stroking the tip of his yearning cock. how it aches to just push past those beautiful plump lips of yours, messy them up with his cum. toji wants so bad to fuck into your mouth until he’s balls deep into your throat and until your lips are red and cracked from struggling to keep up. he loves watching you relax and unwind just as much as he loves tearing you apart.
you finally reveal your full figure to him, folding your towel and setting it aside. you are careful as you sink into the tub and sigh in relief as the exhaustion from the day releases with each exhale.
and toji also breathes, quietly and through his nose as he strokes himself into hardness.
his eyes scan every inch of your body, as your stretch your arms over your head and then lean against the tub. enjoying the scents of lavender and mint from the bath bombs and oils. you pamper yourself the way you deserve and all toji can think is how he wants to lick every inch of your milky skin.
he feels himself coming. he must excuse himself, to finish. and to let you relax in solitude, for now. but he’s going to return in just moments, in the dead of night while you’re resting to steal you.
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arcanarix · 17 days
Mine. || toji X afab!reader
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it's not a secret: toji loathes being told what to do. just like any other haughty, overpowered, overconfident man, he doesn't appreciate being bossed around by anyone. literally anyone. unless it comes with a pretty penny, of course. he still wlll complete any job he's given his own way. he'll always find a way to twist and bend the rules in his job just like he does with you in the bedroom
on the list of toji's numerous other vices, he also doesn't like to share his things. he takes the word MINE to heart. you're included in the mix. you do enjoy the hint of posssessiveness he displays now and then but tonight is a whole other side of him you've never seen.
when he comes home, he's shouting your name and scouring the living room and the entire first floor for you. finally, he finds you in the kitchen, slaving away over cleaning these damn dishes he left this morning because he's been called for some dirty work.
"baby," you start, twisting your head over your shoulder to catch him fuming like an insolent teenager. you're still not sure the cause of this. ". . . are you okay?"
"no," he states in a blunt manner. he pulls out his cell phone and shows you your instagram page. "who the hell is user1000392?"
you shrug as you scrub away some of this morning's breakfast away on one of the plates.
"some rando, why?"
"he commented beautiful on every single one of your posts, so i tracked him down and gave him a piece of my mnd."
"oh my god, toji," you sigh out loud. you finally twist your body around and lock your eyes with his, darkened like he'd been cursed. "you didn't."
"i did, and i will continue." in nanoseconds he's inches away from you and he presses a contradictory pleasant, feathery kiss to your temple. "Mine."
you fight the urge to roll your eyes but you're smiling in spite of that.
"right. yours," you reply, returning his kiss, but on his lips. you feel his tense body relax into it. when you pull away, you say: "you know i got eyes for no one else but you."
"i'm well aware of that. unfortunately other people aren't so bright."
"you're unbelievable."
"but you love me."
your heart flutters and you hate it. "i sure do."
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arcanarix · 15 days
toji x afab!reader, etc
cw // analingus, ass worship, gaping, squirting, toji is his own warning basically
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plugging up your puckered tight anal hole has become toji’s preferred pastime. maybe he has one too insatiable of an oral fixation, er well. Specifically he has too insatiable of a fixation on YOU.
he likes the way your cute back hole squeezes around his finger or his tongue, or on nothing at all. right now his huge tongue is deep inside, licking and slurping at your inner walls, and while you are relaxed, you feel drool leaking down the hand you’ve bitten down on while concealing those lewd little whimpers. your face is pressed hard into your feathery soft mattress; your ass holding high.
sometimes he just rests his tongue inside for what feels like hours, pushing in more on occasion. and your little hole flexes each time. sometimes he slides two of those beefy fingers in along with his tongue, in awe at how easily you suck it all inside you.
a sudden deep push of his tongue catches you off guard, and your breath hitches before you’re keening, squealing and clawing at the bedsheets.
“Please,” you beg through desperate, whiny pants, and toji twirls his tongue along your walls in response, pumping his fingers and you feel something—
—he starts playing with your pussy lips with his opposite hand, and you cry out again. so needy. so wanting. you’re so full of him, and yet it’s not enough. you need something.
his thumb circles around your clit, and that’s what gets you. once toji catches onto what’s happening, his mouth pops off of your back hole and he angles his mouth just right to catch your release, spilling onto his tongue and he doesn’t flinch. He’s pleased, in fact, that after you finish pouring your arousal onto his tongue, he swallows and sighs like he's had a refreshing drink.
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arcanarix · 29 days
focus on me. // toji / afab!reader
content: mentions of light foreplay, handholding, pillow talk
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
toji has one goal in mind every waking moment of his ilfe: how can he prioritize you?
it's like since he's met you, everything in his life aligned. something in him clicks, and he can get his shit together when it matters enough to him. you're not sure what it is about you, exactly, but who are you to complain when you have the most attentive, affectionate, respectful boyfriend in the world? one that cares about the little things as much as the big things, because these are things that matter to you and therefore it matters to him. to anyone outside the relationship, maybe his love is all too consuming, all too obsessive and borderline unhealthy but maybe those same people haven't experienced love like this. love so pure, love so . . . dare you say it, wholesome.
you swear you may have found your forever man, after years and years of bad luck in the realm of dating.
toji doesn't mind if you're quiet. toji doesn't mind--in fact, adores--when you're loud. no one's there to hear you but him. but whether it's a pleasant little sigh or a needy purr out of you, he loves the fact that he can please you. from the light kisses between your thighs. to the way his breath fans against your skin, which is sensitive as fuck as it is but especially down there. he takes his time, not wanting to overwhelm you.
and his hand coming up to hold and squeeze yours as he kisses along your stomach, you sigh out loud again. you know he achieves his goal each and every waking moment of your lives. you return the squeeze, and he pauses, meeting your eyes.
"all good, baby?"
"mmmhmm-mmhm," you reply. "all this and you aren't even going to talk about your day?"
toji perks an eyebrow with an amused twinkle in his eye. "do you WANT to hear about mundane work stuff?"
"i want to hear about what else matters to you."
"nothing other than you. everything else i do--and i do mean everything--all of that is just to help me give you everything."
you almost want to smack the guy for being so suave like that, but grinning, you sit up to his level, pressing a kiss to his scar.
"please. you're important, too, toji, so let's think about what you want."
"i'm not going to complain, not one bit," he swears.
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arcanarix · 28 days
thinking more on stalker toji.
how he’s managed to manipulate you into thinking he’s the man you’ve been waiting for all along. your superman, the one to sweep you off of your feet. he’s studied you enough, observed the way you live and carry yourself enough to know your ins and outs. in many ways quite literally.
not only are you willing to ride his dick into oblivion, you’ll sloppily suck and slurp on that cock, in the nastiest, most eager to please him way. he brings out a whole beast in you that you never knew dwelled inside, because you may have grown up with the case of good girl syndrome or have come across as the naive or innocent type. toji knows you better than that—he definitely knows you better than anyone—and so do you. ;)
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arcanarix · 15 days
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@lupanaoflaminar || thanks for the suggestion! apologies for the delay. enjoy!
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aang notices a change in the dynamic between zuko and katara.
how does he notice this shift?
appa detects that dramatic shift first--nudging him and pointing out how much closer and intimate they've gotten. from exchanging little whispers, maybe sweet nothings for all that aang knows, or stealing glances when they can. it must cease in aang's world, because he does see katara first and that means she's his turf, thank you very much.
appa disagrees.
never does he feel more betrayed, but if there's anyone's judgment aang trusts more than anyone's, it's appa's. so he knows when to wave that little white flag in the realm of his disastrous excuse for a love life. katara seems interested in zuko, as much as she vehemently denies it to his face.
appa knows better; now aang knows better.
it's another evening of watching those two fumble around each other like imbeciles. ok zuko's the imbecile, especially for weasling his way into her radar like this; katara's the smartest, prettiest, most powerful girl in the world in aang's eyes (though her interest in zuko has him reconsidering that judgment). appa adjusts his position where he is by aang and yawns, just before taking action.
zuko and katara choose to sit next to each other by the fire, but there's a healthy distance between them. something aang appreciates, but apparently appa has other plans. zuko relaxes his posture, tension releasing from his body and feeling at peace in katara's presence. aang continues to glower like a jealous partner. that's just like aang always feels around her. zuko does seem to want to make a move but is petrified about proceeding. firelord title aside, he's just like any other awkward teenager working through complicated emotions like feelings for a girl near and dear to him.
aang tries to ignore the jealousy pooling in his gut. really, he does. he's given the time to back COMPLETELY off. he knows katara doesn't belong to anyone, and she can be with whoever makes her happy. if zuko makes her happy, then that's that. appa has a great judge of character after all and zuko is still his dearest friend above all else.
while katara's attending to some strands of hair that have gone astray from the humidity, zuko admires her with the most soft affection glimmering in his amber eyes. it makes aang sick to his stomach. that's how AANG always looks at katara . . .
he catches zuko glancing at her every now and then, and almost tries to reach his hand out to her, but retracts at the last minute. he's probably groaning to himself, and appa, as fed up with these antics as he is, nudges zuko hard by the shoulder and now he's barely centimeters from smelling katara's freshly washed hair.
"s-sorry! sorry. don't know what got over appa and i uhhhh -- am i invading your personal space?"
katara glances up at him with a puzzled expression before shaking her head with a smile.
"not at all zuko." in fact to zuko's delight and aang's disapproval she scoots into him, practically in his lap. "is that better?"
"i, uh, yes! of course," zuko stammers. appa groans before returning to aang's side, pleased with his role of zuko's personal wingman.
"you know you're supposed to be on my side," aang whispers. "but i guess it's just not meant to be with us."
appa grunts in response, as if to affirm what aang said is true.
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arcanarix · 25 days
accidentally seeing toji in all of his glory // toji x afab!reader
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sometimes, it's hard to believe it. you're dating the man of your dreams. something a long time ago, believed only occurs in fairy tales because relationships never work out the way you want them to litrally ever. and you're no special case in that regard. either past partners cheat, lie, behave erractically and/or have visceral reactions to otherwise what may have been settled with ample communication, or something else that doesn't align with your values.
until you meet toji, you're tired of it. you swear yourself off the dating scene--dating apps, dating forums, dating sites, going to bars, going to clubs, blind dates set up by friends or family. you stop cold turky. but toji? toji changes your mind. and you're the stubborn hyper-independent type.
stopping at his doorstep, you take a minute to breathe. this is a big big step for you, going to his house for a night in. you're not even sure where it's going or if he'll make any advances (which you will happily welcome because god is he sexy as fuck), but you're taking the leap here.
and that leap of faith is through ringing that raggedy ass doorbell.
and he answers, clad in a towel and damp hair, clicking to his forehead and the sides and back of nis neck. even some water is still all over his chest, and it looks like steam's coming out of his restroom that's definitely close by. you're not that discreet when you swallow, your mouth void of moisture all of a sudden. and he definitely picks up on it and doesn't comment to spare you any embarrassment.
"early," he comments, before stepping aside to let you inside. "i'm sorry for not being ready."
"that's nothing to apologize for!" you assure him. wow you actually find words while stuck in your stupor. still a little dazed, you amble inside and put your things by the hallway console table. from the mirror you see toji adjusting his towel and your hands fly up to your mouth to conceal a gasp when you see just a little glimpse of his--
--"you weren't ready to see this much of me?" toji inquires with light amusement in his tone.
"oh stop teasing me, it's been a while for me. but for what it's worth, hot damn."
toji chuckles, "alright, beautiful, let me get dressed. take out's going to be here soon."
"great! i'm starved," and suddenly not for food and for this hot piece of ass you're lucky to call your boyfriend.
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arcanarix · 14 days
toji x gn!reader, afab!reader
CW // stalker toji, under desk oral / cunnilingus
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toji murmurs your name into your ear as your eyes squeeze shut, desperate to ignore the embarrassment burning in your chest.
“what’s wrong? you don’t need to be shy.”
you’re supposed to be in a video call with your supervisor in half an hour. but toji has a little issue with keeping his hands to himself. not that it ever bothers you, but you have to plaster on that customer service voice and expression and maintaining that while toji’s free roaming hands are sneaking down to your thighs is next to impossible.
“if i get fired, you owe me a job,” you threaten, “and honestly, i can’t afford that now.”
oh toji knows you can’t, and that’s why he’s slick about this, slipping under your desk and prying your legs apart. your face reddens, and you adjust yourself, swiping a facial tissue off of your large monitor stand and wiping the sweat and heat away.
toji can’t keep his hands to himself. toji can’t let you have your personal space either. not that you’re aware but up until now he knows how you spend every second of your day. he only wants to get to know you a bit more intimately. to you you have dated only three or so months but to him? Three years.
his eyes shimmer at the sight. since you work from home, you forgo wearing pants and sometimes even your underwear in the house which has given him plenty of open opportunities obviously not to your knowledge.
your pussy is so cute, so bubblegum pink, and so ripe and all his to devour as you struggle to contain your moans and cries for him to just take you right there. sometimes he idolizes taking you in front of your boss or supervisors, but he knows you don’t enjoy playing with fire in that regard and he respects your boundaries.
you jump in your seat as your video call begins, and sighing, you opt for shutting off the video while toji is trailing kisses between your inner thighs, leaving little marks behind. greeting the supervisor, the meeting begins and you know toji’s going to take his sweet time but also is sneaky about everything. you’re not so sure you can behave though.
You’re caught off guard as your supervisor calls out to you and toji’s nose is pressed into your already dripping cunt; you can hear the wetness splatter onto your chair. you know it’s in your head but you also have sharp ears.
“Is everything alright?”
“er, yes, um,” you compose yourself, hooking your legs around toji’s neck and pulling him in close. you stifle a giggle as his tongue flicks along your nethers, like he’s honored to get to do this to you, like he’s proud to be on his knees for you.
“please, what were you saying about the deployment stage?”
“right. so let’s see here in these charts . . .”
it’s all white noise to you. try as you might your senses are all zeroed in on toji’s remarkable and skilled tongue.
your eyes trail down but they just see the crown of toji’s head. he’s hiding the little noises he makes pigging out on your cunt, and you bite down on your lip as your legs close in a little more.
the supervisor addresses you again.
“have you finished your assigned work?”
“yes sir, i did everything expected of me this week—!”
—toji pries your legs apart for more access, targeting your little clit.
“well done. looks like that’s all for this evening. great work team!”
you sign off and sigh in exasperation before melting into your chair and into the sensation of toji going to town on you.
“don’t you dare fucking stop.”
“mmm. Wouldn’t dream of it.”
toji never plans to, anyway.
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