skulsakz · 4 months
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ermano scervino fall 2004
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ermanodelgcdo · 3 months
Now that you're up and mostly back in action, what are you gonna do first?
Find my wife.
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isaacapatow · 9 months
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* * #COMMUNITY CENTRE CONVO WITH @ijemmaokafor, @ermanodelgcdo, @reneebrxndxn, @colcreznik
-Ike's waiting for the rest of the Council with a table set up, most of the chairs on one side and a single one on the other; Cole's in that single chair, with Ike standing behind him, casually holding the crowbar- This right here is Cole Reznik. He's Sol's older brother, but as you might notice, Sol ain't here to put in a word for him. Not to mention, Cole didn't exactly approach the front gates.
Ijemma Okafor: -crossing her arms- Where did he approach?
Cole: A lovely little hole by what looked like a pond. -cole smiles up to jemma-
Ijemma Okafor: Like a fucking gopher? What hole??
Cole: No, I didn't El Chapo in here. There was a hole in the wall. Well, is in the wall. Still there.
Renee Brandon: -Renee sits up a bit straighter- There's a hole in the fence?
Cole: Yes ma'am
Ike: There's a hole in the fence. I'll get to that later.
Cole: Why not get to that now, legs? After all, it was 'cause of you that I found it. You and your iced mochas princess. -cole smiles up to ike with a shit-eating grin-
Renee Brandon: -Renee looks to Isaac with bewilderment- What is he talking about, Isaac?
Ermano: -looks to isaac with furrowed brows.- Yeah, Isaac.
Ike: -licks his teeth, looking distinctly displeased- Those suspected arsons that Silvy and me have been investigating. I found a hole in the wall that they were probably working on too -- I just didn't get around to boarding it up again.
Cole: -keeps the smile on his face but looks to the rest of the council-
Renee Brandon: -Renee stands up from her chair and walks behind it as she wipes her hand down her face- Are you kidding me?! We have children here and you don't think to patch up a hole in the wall as soon as you find it?!
Ermano: Isaac, you know better than that!
Ijemma Okafor: If I can advise...let's handle the matter at hand and save the infighting for later, when our company has gone?
Ike: Yeah, I know. I fucked up there, I'm sorry. But we can deal with me after this-- -points at Jemma in agreement- 
Ermano: -quiets at Jemma's advice, but keeps his glare at Isaac-
Ijemma Okafor: Sol's a pretty easygoing guy. Why is he not here to vouch for his brother?
Renee Brandon: -Renee is visually unhappy and decides to pace instead of sitting-
Cole: We don't exactly have great history. Sibling rivalry and all.
Ermano: -walks to Renee, putting a gentle hand on her back at an attempt to calm her-
Ike: Rivalry over what? To what extent?
Ijemma Okafor: Yeah, are we talking sports rivalry kind of thing? Or estrangement kind of thing?
Renee Brandon: -Renee is chewing on her fingernails when Ermano puts a hand on her shoulder. She stops pacing but right now, she can only think about how there is a hole in the wall and her kids are in danger.-
Cole: Call it me being mommy and daddy's favorite and him -he sucks on his teeth- not so much.
Ijemma Okafor: Okay look, the wise-ass thing might work for you in other situations, but this council here, we take our job pretty seriously. We don't let just anybody in here, and you've already broken that rule. So if you want to walk right back out, by all means, the sideways answers will do. But if you're here and looking to stay for a minute, we're gonna need you to shoot straight.
Ike: -grunts to back Jemma up- If you're the golden boy, then why the hell were you resorting to crawling through a hole instead of walking up to the front gate?
Cole: Sweetheart I've talked this way my entire life. That's fifty-some years of this shit. Can't teach an old dog new tricks. -points up to Ike- As for you, big dog, after following you and that lovely senorita to the hole, I didn't bother looking for another way in. Hell, all I knew at the time was that way. So my apologies for not investigating a little further. But, if we're really thinking about it, I've already helped this little community by giving an example at how weak the defenses are. If anything, I should get a goddamn metal.
Ijemma Okafor: -snorting- Jesus fucking christ, he really doesn't learn. We're uh, fresh out of medals. So you were just curious? Don't really care about being here or not being here? Have a habit of inspecting mysterious holes in walls?
Renee Brandon: -The pit seems to grow in her stomach and she can barely even focus on this asshole as she's already wondering just how many more spots there are in the wall. She looks to Ermano and keeps her voice low so Cole doesn't hear- What if there are other spots?
Ermano: We’re going to have to inspect the entire perimeter. -he whispers back, not liking the idea of there being more weak spots-
Ike: -ike's gaze flits over to renee and ermano, but he doesn't move from his place looming behind cole-
Cole: -points to jemma- That is where you’re wrong, sweetheart. I do care. All I want is a safe place to sleep where I don’t have to look over my shoulder 24/7, and food to eat. I ain’t gonna bother no one. In return, I got skills that can benefit your community. Like I pointed out, I found a weak spot; I’m happy to find more so y’all can patch them up.
Ike: -tightly- What skills, then.
Cole: -he smirks- I was a Marine. One hell of a sharpshooter. I can hunt almost anything almost a mile away, and haul the damn thing myself. Plus, I know my way around a knife. I can hunt, skin and butcher food for everyone. The cookin’ part, I’m shit at though.
Ike: Hunters, we have. We even have our own military men.
Ijemma Okafor: You know how to kill animals...any knowledge of how to take care of them?
Cole: What like livestock? It’s been a few years but yeah. Lived close to a farm at one point and helped on a ranch. -deliberately ignored ike-
Renee Brandon: -Renee shakes her head and keeps her voice in a whisper as she eyes Cole.- I don't like this, Ermano. Why are we even entertaining the idea of keeping him around?
Ike: -a little sharply- Renee, you wanna share with the class?
Ermano: Watch your tone, Isaac.
Renee Brandon: Like how you shared that there was a hole in the wall?
Ike: We're a Council. We're not two groups. That's all I'm saying.
Renee Brandon: -she shifts her weight so she can turn and glare at him- Alright, fine. I think that asking him about anything resembling keeping him around is a waste of time. He can't be trusted!
Ijemma Okafor: We don't know that. We suspect it. But he deserves to make a case, at least.
Ermano: Neither could Isaac, and look where he’s at. -he pointed out-
Ike: -tips his head in acquiescence of ermano's point-
Cole: -takes mental note to that comment-
Ijemma Okafor: As far as your skills go Mr Reznik, the keeping and caring of animals is of more value than the hunting of them, right now. But like Renee said, we have little reason to trust you. Why should we trust you?
Cole: Ya know, I never got your name ma’am. And I’m sure you’re sick of me calling you sweetheart. Can I get your name, please?
Ijemma Okafor: Jemma.
Ike: And that's Renee and that's Ermano, but those I'm sure you gleaned from listening to us.
Ijemma Okafor: I take it he knows you're Ike already?
Ike: The one and only.
Renee Brandon: Are you going to answer the question?
Cole: Thank you, Jemma. Where I’m from trust isn’t given, it’s earned. I understand we haven’t exactly gotten on the right foot for that. Nothing I say is going to change her mind. -points to renee- And quite honestly, nothing I say will probably change any mind in here. But don’t I deserve the same chance this one got -nods to isaac- to prove I’m trust worthy?
Ermano: -looks to isaac and renee, then to jemma-
Ijemma Okafor: And where is it you're from?
Cole: Same place Sol’s from: Pittsburgh. I was in New York City when the outbreak happened.
Renee Brandon: So you show up, crawl through a hole in the wall and then what? Just hide out and hope no one notices that there's suddenly a new face in town?
Cole: No, ma’am. I was gonna find whoever was in charge. I just happened to stumble on my long lost little brother. Not exactly the reunion I was hoping for but -shrugs- what are you gonna do?
Renee Brandon: Then why not come through the front gate?
Ike: He didn't make it that far. He chose to exploit the nearest entry.
Cole: As I stated before, I didn’t know there was a front gate. I followed legs over here to the wa— what he said
Renee Brandon: -glares at Isaac for giving him an answer-
Ike: It's ... -takes a breath, sounding reluctant- ...not the worst trait to have. Being opportunistic. He could've snuck around the perimeter easy, instead of walking through the junkyard.
Ermano: Isaac isn’t wrong. That area is open, anyone can hide there just fine.
Ijemma Okafor: That brings us to the next order of business though. Obviously, we're living in shit times. While you're welcome to give us your whole life story, what we're interested in, in terms of the vetting process, is what these shit times have forced you to do. We've got kids here. People with some serious PTSD. How can you assure us that you're not a danger to our people?
Cole: I’ve never liked kids so I’ll steer clear of them. As for PTSD, I have some of my own. I was honorable discharged from the Marines with a purple heart. -cole raised his pant leg, showing the healed burnt scars- Saved my platoon from an M8. When it comes to people I care about, I’ll jump in front of a bullet. Plus, if I’m voted to stay, it’s the first safe place I’ll ever be part of. I won’t let anyone from the outside put it in jeopardy.
Ike: It's a long length of hard road from NYC, pardner. I should know. Not easy to make that trek without some blood on your hands.
Cole: You want me to admit I’ve killed people? Sure, I’ve killed people. Both before and after. Each time was to keep either me or others safe. But how many have you killed. And you. -points to ermano-
Renee Brandon: No, we want you to tell us what you've done. And not just what you think we want to hear. I want the God honest's truth from you - what have you done between New York and here?
Cole: Survived. -stares at Renee, not letting up.-
Ike: -shoves the back of cole's chair- Answer her.
Cole: -he rolled his eyes- For the first year I traveled on my own. It was easy. Just stay out of everyone’s way and every man for themselves. Then I came across a family who took me in. I traveled with them for a bit but they wanted to go North and I wanted to go South. So we parted. I kept moving. Any time I came across a group, we’d part. The last group I was in got attacked by a hoard. I got out and now I’m here. Need me to mark down every time I took a shit too?
Ike: -murmuring- If she asks you to.
Cole: Oh fuck off -he mumbled back-
Renee Brandon: -glares at him- What kinds of groups?
Cole: None like the Savages. There were a few groups who started to get a bit … hostile, but I left anytime they showed those signs. There was one group who burnt down a community much like this one in upstate Penn. I was there for that. After that night I left. I might seem like I’m unhinged, but I’m not homicidal.
Ike: -comes around to the side of the table, putting the crowbar down on it- I'm ready for a decision.
Ermano: I’m ready as well.
Renee Brandon: -Renee had already pretty much made up her mind a while ago but she keeps her eyes on Cole as she backs up from the table and nods.-
Ijemma Okafor: Hey, I'm just here to advise, y'all do your thing.
Ike: I vote he stays.
Ermano: He stays
Renee Brandon: -Renee looks between the two of them.- Are you serious?
Ike: So that's a no from you? Great. He can cool his heels in a cell and we'll get Salem's vote tomorrow. -goes to the door and opens it, whistling; somebody comes over and Ike gestures to Cole- Get up. This is your escort to your accommodations. Don't cause trouble.
Cole: -stands and gets in the cell- I’ve been in worse. You gonna keep me company, big boy? -smirks at isaac as he passes-
Ermano: I’m sorry Renee. But if you think about it, if he really came in to cause problems, he would’ve dealt with Sol. Brother or not. But he’s here instead.
Ike: We don't need to convince her. Renee's got reasons -- good reasons -- for being wary.
Renee Brandon: -she watches Cole the entire way out of the door before looking between Isaac and Ermano- We had to drag the answers out of him. That doesn't give either of you big red flag? And he sneaks in because he follows Isaac? Why not approach him before coming in?
Ike: He clearly think's he's a laugh and a half -- he wants to fuck with us a little bit. He's testing the waters, too, as much as we are. It's just he's got more to lose, but my guess is he's at a point where he figures anything could mean losing.
Ermano: Not everyone is an open book, either. Four years on the road, jumping from group to group? Makes people close up.
Ijemma Okafor: The thing with Sol is weird. I know not all siblings are like the Brookes, but Sol's a pretty reasonable guy. It doesn't really matter, but we might wanna try to get that story.
Ike: We will. He's got some time in the cell, yet.
Ermano: Good luck opening that wound.
Renee Brandon: I don't trust him. And I sure as hell don't feel comfortable letting him walk free-range around Redwood. I also don't feel great about there being a hole in the wall that anyone can get through.
Ike: I'll take care of it. There shouldn't be any others but I'll ... get on that.
Ermano: If you don’t mind, Ike. I’ll get on it. I’ll have security do perimeter as soon as possible.
Ike: -clenches his jaw for a minute, but nods- Sure.
Renee Brandon: I want to know how no one has noticed this before now? Who knows how long it's been there.
Ermano: From where he described it was, that area doesn’t get a lot of foot traffic.
Obviously that’ll change. I’ll have inside security make frequent rounds up there
Renee Brandon: -Renee crosses her arms in front of her, hugging herself tightly as she heaves out a breath- Can we at least look into how it was made? See if we can figure out if it' was opened from the inside or outside?
Ermano: I'll personally do a thorough investigation.
Ike: Is that really -- I said it was part of the arson shit! Obviously from the outside.
Ermano: It’s to save her peace of mind, Ike.
Renee Brandon: -looks to Isaac incredulously. She's about to unload a piece of her mind on him when Ermano manages to explain it a lot more eloquently than she was about to-
Ike: -a little weakly- I just don't see the point of turning it into some kind of witch hunt. Is all.
Ermano: No one said anything about a witch hunt. We just want to make sure it can’t happen to any other part of the our defenses.
Ijemma Okafor: -side eyes Ike and his strange tone of voice but saves her questions for another time-
Renee Brandon: And making sure there's not something or someone that's trying to threaten everyone that's here in town. 
Ermano: -points at renee, agreeing to her statement- We got young kids here, Ike. I’m just making sure we stay protected. And I hate to admit it, but Cole’s right. He did show us that we’re not as protected as we thought.
Ike: Yeah, I know, I know. You're right. It's good you're on it. -scrubs his hand against his throat, grimacing- We done here?
Ermano: -looks to renee, waiting for her answer-
Renee Brandon: -she takes a deep breath and looks between the two of them. She's still clearly pissed that Isaac didn't mention the hole in the wall and upset that there was a current breach to the town, but discussing it anymore was a waste of time. She looks at Ermano and nods before walking quickly out of the community center-
Ermano: -waits for renee to be completely gone before returning his attention to isaac- Are you hiding something?
Ike: -looks pained- Look, man -- give it a rest, okay? You got stuff to do, getting security on it.
Ermano: I’m going to take that as a yes. -lifts a finger to point at him- If you had anything to do with that hole, you better tell me now.
Ike: I didn't block it up fast enough.
Ermano: -narrows his eyes but decides to leave it alone- Fine. Now we learn from our mistakes and do better, yes? -doesn’t wait for an answer and leaves to get security together-
Ike: -nudges Jemma- Walk you home? -obviously a nonsensical thing to say, considering she lives basically a few steps away-
Ijemma Okafor: -nearly smiling- Please?
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nickitxrres · 10 months
closed starter for @ermanodelgcdo
location: Ermano's Airstream
It wasn't all that often that Nicki spent the evenings by herself. She was the epitome of a social butterfly. If she wasn't with Ike or Mayra she was often wandering around looking for someone to pass the time with. Because after all, that's all they really had nowadays - time. Excess time that they had somehow earned by not being mauled by a zombie or killed by bloodthirsty cutthroats who wanted to see the world burn. Eventually their time would come to an end and Nicki was adamant that she spent her final days on this hellhole enjoying every last moment of it.
Now one of the latest times she had gone out, she had found a little something that seemed way too good to be true. Nicki had half a mind to show up at Ike's with it and let shenanigans ensue, but Mr. Papi seemed extra grumpy about unexpected visitors so she wandered with purpose....
Straight to Ermano's Airstream.
"Just the man I was looking for," she announced her arrival, walking with a skip in her step as she grew closer to the man. She waited until she got closer to hold up her prize - a dusty bottle of rum. "This baby was literally begging for me to bring back to drink and rum is not a drink to enjoy alone. What do you say, 'Mano? Save a girl from drinking alone under the stars?*
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lucienmelaina · 8 months
Name 3-5 people in Redwood who you find personally attractive.
Attraction can mean a lot of different things, and I could ramble for hours, but since I would be called a nerd and people just want the gossip:
Orion is undeniably hot and I know we work well together, Ermano is an all-around attractive person, and Ike is exactly the type of guy I would go for if he wasn't an asshole.
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@orioncarnell @ermanodelgcdo @isaacapatow
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emberapatow · 10 months
with: @ermanodelgcdo where: community center, bar area
It felt like it was impossible to avoid the news of what happened - if even Ember heard about it, and she only arrived recently, so not a lot of people who would go to her to tell her about the tragedy, it was indication enough that the ripples were going through the settlement.
It was such a mixed, weird feeling for Ember - but if there was one thing she's learned over her life, no matter what happened, people need to eat, but making food is the last place on most people's minds. So one way she could help - go to the kitchen, get things rolling and feed whoever comes inside.
She couldn't sleep, so it was relatively early when she arrived to the community center, so she expected to be alone - except when she passed by the bar, suddenly realizing that soembody was sitting in the dark by the counter and she actually, physically jumped from surprise, reaching for her--
"Fuck!" But it was just somebody sitting there, with a glass in his hands. Ember pressed her palm against her chest as she took a couple of deep breaths before taking a step into the darkness, her eyes adjusting. "Ermano?"
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fridayflores · 10 months
** say the word // one of the towers // @ermanodelgcdo
One hour had passed, and Alba had neither moved, nor said a word. When she adjusted the scope rings of her sniper gun, she felt like waking up from a long sleep. Out in the zone, she had spent many nights like this, watching, observing, praying that she saw no sign of life. Now, she was praying to see exactly that. Most of the fifteen comrades she had been with had either died or been infected with the virus. Except for one. Juan, the guy she had always felt close to - and his absence made her nervous, simply because she didn't know what had happened to him. Was he dead? Was he infected? Or was he alive, in the need of help still?
Two months had passed since she last heard of him, and every day she climbed up into one of the towers, watching for one or two hours, sometimes three, sometimes ten. She'd seen deers and other animals, but nothing else, not even one of the zombies.
Alba didn't move when she heard steps approaching, eyes focused on watching the wild.
"What do you want.", she half asked, half said, trying to make it obvious that she wasn't keen on company, and likely wouldn't be. After her daily lookout sessions, she mostly returned to her hut, working on a cure - nothing she'd been successful with yet.
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ginnypark · 11 months
@ermanodelgcdo Ginny's house; dusk.
"Oh, don't look at me like that." Ermano is doing his Muppet face – well, technically speaking, he's always doing that face. It's hereditary. But the Sam Eagle similarities are especially striking at the moment given his heavily furrowed brows. A face she recognizes not only from here, but from DC, specifically when they'd gotten to the tougher parts of those sometimes grueling interviews she'd put him through.
They're directed at Ginny once again, now, those heavy-cast brows. She'd been dispatched to the cells to bring the new arrivals food and water... but mostly to gain some information. Rarely is she above prying, and maybe she'll get there once the two folks in cages warm up to her a bit, but she's not there yet. "I'm trying to be at least a little polite to kick things off. They've got to trust one of us."
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She'd been standing but sits on her own front step now, a wordless invite for Ermano to do the same, staring out at the cemetery, the scattered fireflies glowing among the makeshift graves. "Did they arrive the old-fashioned way?" Meaning: approached Redwood on their own. Which, ostensibly, she'd also done... if you didn't count the fact that she was covered in blood and had promptly thrown up when trying to explain what happened. It'd been Ermano who'd found her first and, mercifully, hadn't spread the puking details.
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reneebrxndxn · 3 months
closed starter for @ermanodelgcdo
location: clinic
Things were slowly starting to settle down at the clinic. Slowly, being the key word. Most everyone had come through that needed the check up and treatments and for the most part, the injuries were superficial. Not to belittle what they went through because the trauma from whatever happened was obvious on every person's face that walked through those doors but the physical injuries would heal without a problem. Mentally, that was a whole other story.
Renee was in the middle of taking inventory of what she had left after everything when the door opened. She spun in her seat, ready to ask what happened when she spotted Ermano. That's right - he was swinging by today for a check up. "Oh good, it's you. I was a little worried you might be a new injury," she admitted as she put her pencil down. "How are we feeling today?"
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davxdalexander · 11 months
closed starter for @ermanodelgcdo
It was very, very rare that David ever sought out help when he went on a hunt. Yeah, sure, sometimes he would accompany some of the other hunters to keep an eye on them, but when he was leading a hunt, there was just something nice about being one with nature by himself. However, he also wasn't an idiot. As much as he liked his solo hunts, he also knew when he was heading in certain directions that he needed assistance. And considering he had spotted tracks heading towards a known hot spots for rogue raiders and infected, there was no way he was heading out there alone.
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Roxy was leading him up to Ermano's airstream. Yeah, he could have asked any of his other hunters to go with, but since he didn't know if he was going to run into infected, raiders or some other terrifying alternative, well, he wanted to be safe than sorry. He had his bow slung over his shoulder with his quiver and after adjusting the weapon, he knocked on Ermano's door. "Delgado, it's Alexander. I know your ass is in there. I can smell you all the way out here."
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cassbrookes · 8 months
Redwood Prom! Who's your vote for King and Queen (gender neutral so you can choose whoever you want)
"Ermano and Ike. I think it'd be hysterical to watch Ike play it up while Ermano is just being dragged along for the ride. Sorry, Boss."
@ermanodelgcdo @isaacapatow
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ermanodelgcdo · 3 months
It took no convincing for Renee to take Bruno for the night, leaving the home empty for Ermano and Adriana. They needed it. Hell, she needed it. After all Adriana had done to ensure Ermano's recovery went smoothly - all the bickers, and listening to him whining - the least he could do was pamper his exwife. He prepared a dinner with a little help from Mayra, poured some wine, lit candles and waited for Adriana to return home. When he heard the front door open, Ermano stood from the dining table with a smile. "Welcome home, mi amor. Have a good day?" He hoped his efforts were a nice surprise for her to come home to.
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isaacapatow · 10 months
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jakehawk · 8 months
Who is a person you'd like to talk to more/get to know better?
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"I'd say I'm still in the process of getting to know everyone better since me and the Hawks have only been here a few months now. But I'm guessing you want actual names so, let me think: Clint, Ermano, and Ijemma."
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emberapatow · 11 months
with: @ermanodelgcdo where: outside of redwood, t-10 to arrival
It was pitch dark, but her eyes have gotten used to it by now and Ember was moving slowly but surely, her hands hovering over her weapon at all times. It was a quiet night, no zombies in sight, but she's seen enough to know never to let her guard down.
She's seen signs of other people around in recent days, but what she hasn't expected was to bump right into a wall - it was rare and precious and at this point Ember didn't have any real assumption that she'd get into one, but finding this here, around the place where her father was last seen, maybe...
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A rustling sound from the side and Ember was moving fast, reaching for her gun and pointing it towards the sound. "Anyone there?" she called out just loud enough, hopefully, so only anything that made the noise would hear her and not attract anything else right out of the gate.
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adrixnadelgxdo · 9 months
closed starter for @ermanodelgcdo
location: Ermano's airstream
Adriana was completely in awe of Redwood. While not as big as Demeter people-wise, it was quite a big plot of land with a lot of amenities that she didn't think were possible. Even Demeter didn't have a laundromat! This place truly was remarkable and she was glad to have stumbled upon it. If not for her sake, then for Bruno's.
Speaking of Bruno, the little boy had made some friends it seemed and had asked her if it was okay if he could go to their homes and play. Adriana didn't see why not - everyone she had encountered so far was nice and friendly. And, well....the kids Bruno was going to go play with, their mother was a doctor and part of the Council. If anyone could be trusted to make sure Bruno was safe, it was her. It also gave her time to roam around a bit and find her way. Her little home by the farm was nice and needed some work to clean it up, of course, and make it hers, but that was going to come with time. But what was most surprising was that she wasn't far from another face she didn't think she'd see - David, one of Ermano's friends from the Army.
She was honestly very surprised that he remembered her and had offered to help her clean up the place if she wanted it. Adriana appreciated it and then the two caught up for a bit in her kitchen, about what happened after everything and how they wound up there. They both, it seemed, had quite the story to tell. And as they spoke, he asked how things were between her and her ex-husband and she had simply shrugged. She honestly didn't know - things seemed awkward between them and they hadn't really had a chance to talk yet. So leave it to David to point out where she could find Ermano, as if the man knew - which of course he did.
So Adriana followed David's directions to Ermano's airstream (also not far from her either) and the closer she got, the more nervous she felt. What if he didn't want to talk? She owed him an explanation about the divorce, didn't she? Her fingers were nervously tucked under her arms, both to shield her from the cold and stop them from fidgeting as she approached. She could see him sitting outside and she let go of one of her hands to wave. "Hey.....David said I might find you here," she explained as she got closer.
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