sofidra · 2 years
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Ooohh how I wanted to draw these three together-
I imagine Error’s half watching a rerun of Undernovela and half listening to their banter. Just a very nice Gyftmas atmosphere. As long as you don’t think too hard about what all these beautiful souls hanging on strings from nowhere mean…
I tried to make each of with different glitches, and I consider this result a success!
This is for @satellite-starss 1000 dtiys! Check out their post about it :p
His grumpy face omll
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also I really liked those small earrings satellite has on her picture so I added them in
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lunacythelunatic · 3 years
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miikamiela · 4 years
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Scribble and Miscue from my multiverse, Shredverse!
Realised that I forgot to post tons of stuff here, so prepare for mass-posting xD Lets see... I originally made them and a few more as doodles in class, but forgot about them. Currently finally drew them digitally and starting to develop them in an RP! Which means.... BIOS!
Name: Scribble Age/Age Range: Looks around 20, but is around 5k+ Pronouns: He/Him Verse: Shredverse General Personality: A bit shy, tends to hide. Depends a lot on Dismiss. Attaches himself to someone until Dismiss comes to get him, which doesnt always turn out well.  Tends to be polite and sweet when on his vials. Without them he sits in place and stares into nothingness, only moves if he's told to. ALSO, he is really bad at faking emotions. Summarized Backstory: Same as OG Ink, but had a bad encounter with some less then nice AU's, causing him to take the 'don't let urself be seen' thing much more seriously. His relationship with his Error (unnamed as of yet =P) isnt really enemies, though they still fight. After one of their fights, he landed near Dismiss' as a statue, where a vial of his broke on Dismiss' head. He helped Dismiss, after which they were never apart again. He wears a rainbow vial around his neck as a back-up, while he has all the other vials in the pouch on his thigh, having it that way ever since the vial broke on Dismiss. Other: His weapon is a giant brush, which on one side is a normal brush while on the other its a digi-pen. He wears matching badges with Dismiss, with only the colors being slightly different. His eyelights dont change shape, but they do change color. Scribble and Dismiss aren't in a romantic relationship, though it may seem like it because of how much they depend on each other. They don't see each other in that way. Ref: He likes to hide things in his sleeve
Name: Miscue Age/Age Range: Looks 27, but is... old. 5k+ Pronouns: He/Him, She/Her Verse: Shredverse General Personality: Mischievious. Likes seeing what makes others tick. Protective over loved ones. Sadistic. His haphephobia has a lot to do with his glitches, with cause him pain if touched. Only people he trusts  can touch him without causing him pain. His kids can touch him whenever without any of that, since they carry part of his code. Summarized Backstory:  Not FGoD!!! After Geno became Error, Error had been insane for a long time, doing ya know, the usual. Destroying xD Gained fractions of sanity while with Avoid's group, but full got clearheaded when Decay found him DestructiveDeath? Yes pls! During the years of insanity, he managed to befriend Ink, who had yet to change to 'Scribble'. Scribble at first fought with him but at some point realised that Miscue's destroying had become part of the story/script, so he stopped actually fighting, and it became more sparring. They don't see each other often now that Dismiss is in the picture, but occasionally Miscue - who by now changed his name from Error to Miscue, following the apparent trend starting where all others change their names xD - will visit with Decay to catch up. It doesnt happen often because he has to take care of his kids. He takes part in the Prank Wars of Avoid's group Ref: Taller then Decay, Miscue is 5'7 (1.75m) He wears somewhat the same clothes as canon!Error, but without the scarf and bandages over his shins. He isn't injured, but they help strengthen his legs. In the current timeline he’s pregnant~
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sofidra · 3 years
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@dzik49ilol_slicetale I don’t post often, but I feel like this was worth sharing:p Collab w/ @dzik49ilol_slicetale , he has some cool stuff art, go check it out! #collab #undertale #undertaleau #undertaleausans #undertalefanart #undertaleart #undertaleaus #undertaleausanstheskeleton #undertaleaufanart #slash #slashtale #fight #error #errorsans #errortale #errortalesans #errortaleau #aftertale #digitalart #digitaldrawing #glitchy #strings https://www.instagram.com/p/CUvjdpuInS6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lunacythelunatic · 4 years
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can’t choose ;---; Ps: this is my error sans human
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