#esp after the end of CC2
inkedwaters · 1 year
*    ⟢   lysandra ennar - ashryver → @starlightfreed : ❝ god ,  it  feels  like  i’ve  been  here  before. ❞
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it is not the first time someone has recalled their time here. the land between lands is a wonderous paradise. unless the memories are taken, as they were from the unworthy, the land remains suspended in the minds of travellers as a dreamscape. something of a smile dances over her lips, russet gaze moving over the travellers features. " perhaps you have been here in a dream, ma'am ? " head tilts, sending chestnut curls sprawling over her shoulder before turning to the preparations for dinner in front of her. small this time, the inn had not seen many visitors for some time. " are you travelling for long ? " changing the topic with practiced ease, deft fingers slicing into the vibrant green vegetables that only grew in this land alone; part of the test she was soon to conduct upon this traveller and all the others.
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nikethestatue · 2 years
“This is probably very unpopular but sometimes I feel like Feyre is overshadowed (not sure if this is the right term) by Rhys in her own series. Like...Feyre is the MC and Rhys is her LI. Sometimes I feel like SJM pushes him more than her” This is so true! I was waiting for her to mention Feyre in her livestream about CC3 but she just says “I’m excited to have BRYCE interact with Rhysand and Azriel! 🤩” I was like “……girl what 🥹🧐”
I like that they both feel mutually important in ACOTAR! because I love them as a pairing, they work as a duo that make eachother better anyway, but that doesn’t mean we don’t love feyre when it doesn’t have to do with rhysand, she’s so strong, fierce, loving and just inspiring for alot of us. im so grateful for discovering a heroine like feyre and aelin, I adore them both so much. my two morally grey yet soft queens 🛐
In all honestly though while we’re on the topic…If SJM continues to not involve Feyre for a third book (esp now that her other heroine out of three is there with feyre! like okay where is this headed and what will Bryce and Feyre’s dynamic be? they’re both treated as the female leaders of their worlds sort of, so they have mutual power in common just like they would with Aelin) and not actually let her USE her powers for once I think it may ruin CC3 for me or future books. Like why make her so powerful and not even have her use her powers in her last book lol? It’s weird writing to build someone up, not let them have their moment for their powers then end their pov without giving those powers justice. she just casually has done nothing with the power of 7 courts? after she was like “imagine what she could do if she combined them all, could freeze armies, mist them, burn them, drown them and make it your own.” what did she do in acowar? she waited the war out and “saved her strength” for the cauldron. did she help save them? yeah but what made her trying to do so exciting? he just flew her there, they healed it and the end for feyre’s role. there’s this popular booktuber that said this same this thing when it comes to feyre and SJM. she’s powerful af and then not even used and she just laughed about it because honestly who does that so casually. Idk guys sorry for the rant but ik I’ll going into CC3 wondering what she’ll have planned for feyre and what will happen with hunt..feyre is not meant to be an equal to the IC, she’s the only high lady with each of those high lords powers. Write her as such or why even make her so powerful? It doesn’t make sense even as a writer stop building things up and never touching on them again..who’s that messy when writing? I feel like she truly treats it as fanfiction sometimes, and is just in her own world not caring about canon or writing criticisms. It makes me grateful that other authors at least listen to criticism that makes sense, because they always end up fixing their mess up sometimes and the next book shows that they made changes. Im not used to an author who just continues what it is they’re doing for years and just viewing it as entitled fans responses that she blocks out and doesn’t let affect her story telling.
Wanting Bryce to meet all the Acotar boys first and foremost was her answer, when all she does in CC is have every guy thirst over her excessively like CC2, like yes hot but it became excessive. It makes me like “is this a reason why she can’t wait for the guys to interact with her? Because she likes it when the character she’s immersed in is in the spotlight of them or viewed as a queen or powerful by men in the series? like if so just be more subtle? Idk maybe she actually does have plans for Feyre and maybe even Aelin but there’s nothing that gives me that feeling that she does have a plan.
I agree that SJM is not good with worldbuilding around Feysand, and especially around Feyre.
For example, in ACOTAR, Lucien explains that the High Lords are a different species--they are Fae, but they are way beyond that because of course their power sustains their Courts. It controls the weather, controls elements, etc. The Power chooses them and they basically transform into this higher being.
Well, what about Feyre then? What does it mean for her to be a HL? Is it just a title that Rhys gave her? But does it come with special powers? Doesn't seem like it! Say he died, would she be able to sustain the NC?
This issue has never been resolved by SJM. Like did she just want to make Rhys a wonderful feminist hero who gave his wife a title? Because again, in the world that she created, women, apparently, cannot be High Ladies, because power never selects them, and hence we only have High Lords. Or does this title come with something?
Also, Feyre has the power of the 7 High Lords. Yet, when Helion described the loss of his power to her, he mentioned it's like a missing scale on a fish. So, if his power is THAT immense that the loss of it feels so insignificant, even with the powers of all 7 Lords, what does Feyre actually have?
Unfortunately, it's these constant annoying inconsistencies that make it so difficult to understand what Feyre actually is. Like, water wolves are nice, but Rhys could hide an entire city with virtually no power, for 50 years.
The issue is that SJM doesn't expand and doesn't explain the world that she has built. She'll throw some piece of information out there, and then it's just there, without any followup.
Like here is an example: It says that Day, Summer and Winter courts rebelled against Amarantha. She executed the previous HLs. Does it mean that Helion's been a HL for only like 30 years? It sure doesn't sound like that from the books. Also, we are to assume that Tarquin became a HL UtM (and perhaps Helion too, but let's set that aside)--so did the Power choose him there? Shouldn't he have had ALL of his power then? He didn't drink that wine that they all drank that took away their powers.
I don't know. I can go on and on, but unfortunately, Feyre seems to be stuck doing a lot of painting now, and being a mom. Both are fine, but then why give her all these amazing powers and never do anything with them? I am really hoping that whatever the FINAL battle is, Feyre can step in and do something amazing. And I don't really want Bryce to overshadow Feyre. I'd much rather read about Feyre than Bryce, tbh.
Unfortunately, it's the writer's inconsistencies that we have to live with. Which is a shame.
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