#esp regarding hymns and. whole
purpleleafsyt · 6 months
Continung with my Hanahaki symbolizing self destruction, Hanahaki where the flowers bloom straight through your flesh as it develops, and you can forcibly and painfully remove it(both as a metaphor for self harm and isolation in refusing to let symtoms be known to others)
But, if you decide to care for the left over flower, it will stay blossomed. You can care for entire gardens if you can manage it, surrounding yourself with the beauty of your own pain
..... this will be happening in Hymn to the Garden Bed whenever I get around to writing it, btw. Idk which one of the HMS it happens to first yet but the flowers eventually start blooming on all of them
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deathfavor · 2 years
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Chrollo’s various themes between the 2 versions of HxH are drastically different. But they are BOTH very fitting for Chrollo. They simply focus on two different aspects. The 2011 version focuses more on Chrollo’s capabilities and the spider as a whole , as well as his drive. The 1999 version focuses more on Chrollo’s typical state of mind and visible appearance to most. The calm , mysteriousness that is the head of the spider. And for his official character song , it’s almost solely focused on his lack of self
1999 OSTyes its a slower version bc i can’t find it by itself, move it to 1.5 for the original
Atmospherically it feels a lot like being in an abandoned cathedral. This song focuses a lot more on the mysterious side of Chrollo , his almost ever present internal and external calm. But the sound of the wind-like notes in the background also is nod towards Chrollo’s lack of individual identity and his intrigue in human nature to an extent. Even the slightly melancholic tone at times can be attributed to that. And of course we have those deeper , darker notes around 1:05 that are a nod to the heavy religious aspects around Chrollo’s character. It directly replicates some hymns or somber pieces of music of churches , especially Roman Catholic churches. But as a whole , this piece keeps the mysteriousness and his calm and calculating side with a nice dose of his religious symbolism thrown in with a shot of lacking individual identity ( which will be brought up more seriously later in this post ). It tries to focus on him and who he is ( a wanderer ) when even Chrollo doesn’t focus on himself.
This one could arguably be more Chrollo’s theme compared to the ‘ official ‘ given it plays almost exclusively for Chrollo ( whereas the other is shown with other troupe members too ) . This one is rather similar to the 1999 compared to the 2011 , but it has traces of both. The slower speed is his calculating , calm side once again showing. The humming another nod to religious imagery. But this song also has the more dangerous and ominous undertones that the 1999 doesn’t. This is a nice blend between the two. It allows a glimpse of Chrollo’s mind , of the man who walks with death without fear. But it also hints at his darkness , of his roots from Meteor City. It’s also a fun play simply on how most people probably view Chrollo. Other than those who can sense his presence / Nen , most people just think he’s a young man who wanders ( even the Mafia comment on how young he seems ) and yet beneath that exterior appearance is a very dangerous person that the secondary notes ( esp around 0:35 ) hint at. It leads well into the next part of what he and his actions CAN be.
2011 OST
As I mentioned above , this theme looks more towards Chrollo as the head of the spider and the destructive capabilities he possesses and actions of the spider. It’s louder , more chaotic , and yet it still has its own rhythm to is in the chaos of it all. Like Chrollo is orchestrating it much in the way he orchestrates the chaos and mayhem that the Phantom Troupe can and do unleash like the requiem for Uvogin. It’s more ominous and aggressively dangerous , showing the truth of how dangerous Chrollo is despite his youth. Like the other songs with Chrollo , there is the choir in the background to serve as a nod towards his religious symbolism. Interestingly though this takes a more blatantly demonstrative showcase in which Chrollo does have a lot of corrupted religious imagery / symbolism. It can also show the chaos of Chrollo himself. Externally he often looks and is calm , even amidst atrocious acts , of his need to steal and wreck havoc and regard ONLY for the troupe and no others. It’s also a lot more of an ‘ epic ‘ piece ( not as in cool , as in literary epic ) to show the grandiose of what the spider is capable of , of what Chrollo can orchestrate. The music isn’t letting you look into Chrollo as a character like the 1999 , in this one the music IS a weapon. In the 1999 , it is soft and quiet much like Chrollo is. But the 2011 music speaks of his actions which are loud and brutal.
ONE THIRTEENTH - official character song
This one doesn’t even hide anything. All the other character songs are typically very personal. Even Machi talks more about herself in her song. But the fact Chrollo’s DOESN’T shows his lack of singular identity. He briefly mentions “ Searching for yourself ? Well let’s see how it is “ He focuses his song on the spider “ The Unstoppable Spider will live on “ ( a nod to the fact that even if he dies the spider will live ) , on the rules of the spider ( If your interests differ , just consult the coin ) , and only uses ‘ WE ‘ throughout the song other than the line ‘ I can take advantage of it , right ? ‘ which specifically references HIS choice at the HEAD OF THE SPIDER on what they will do when they have the prophecies handed out. It’s not him as chrollo , it’s him as the head of the spider. He otherwise doesn’t use singular pronouns. But his song also only references actions in the show / manga. It doesn’t mention his feelings or personal thoughts ( unlike Machi’s who does ). It’s Chrollo's mindset that his spider IS him. All his troupe members are part of him , he depends on them for identity. It , for a very brief moment , does start to dip into a bit more like the 1999 symbolism near 3:19 in how it starts to slow down and grow a bit quieter , before speading back up when he says “ The Spider’s soul must live on ‘. Not him , but the spider & what it stands for. The song has the speed and heavier nature of 2011 because it’s directly emphasizing that. That Chrollo ISN’T an individual in his eyes , he is the spider. But lyrically is pulls on the 1999 lack of identity aspect because he never speaks of himself ; only the group as a whole.
This particular piece I just wanted to share. It’s a subtle , sad nod towards most of them coming from Meteor City , where the world does not care about them but they all have each other. Those lighter notes around 1:12 being what showcases the troupe’s bond in finding each other , in Chrollo’s happiness because he does care for his troupe members so much. They’re a part of him. In some ways its a blend of Chrollo’s themes and the spider’s history.
I love all the Troupe OSTs and they’re very fitting in the chaos & danger they bring , but this one is especially noteworthy because it isn’t the sinister , chaotic , dangerous sound the other osts in both 1999 & 2011 are for them. This is them with each other , with the bonds they all share versus how the rest of the world looks at them.
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queensconquest · 2 years
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Chrollo’s  various  themes  between  the  2  versions  of  HxH  are  drastically different.  But  they  are  both  very  fitting  for  Chrollo.  They  simply  focus  on  two  different  aspects.  The 2011  version  focuses  more  on  Chrollo’s  capabilities  and  the  spider  as  a  whole  ,  as  well  as  his  drive.  The 1999  version  focuses  more  on  Chrollo’s  typical  state  of  mind  and  visible  appearance  to  most.  The  calm  ,  mysteriousness  that  is  the  head  of  the  spider.  And  for  his  official  character  song  ,  it’s  almost  solely  focused  on  his  lack  of  self
1999 OST  yes its a slower version bc i can’t find it by itself, move it to 1.5 for the original
Atmospherically  it  feels  a  lot  like  being  in  an  abandoned  cathedral.  This  song  focuses  a  lot  more  on  the  mysterious  side  of  Chrollo  ,  his  almost  ever  present  internal  and  external  calm.  But  the  sound  of  the  wind-like  notes  in  the  background  also  is  nod  towards  Chrollo’s  lack  of  individual  identity  and  his  intrigue  in  human  nature  to  an  extent.  Even  the  slightly  melancholic  tone  at  times  can  be  attributed  to  that.  And  of  course  we  have  those  deeper  ,  darker  notes  around  1:05  that  are  a  nod  to  the  heavy  religious  aspects  around  Chrollo’s  character.  It  directly  replicates  some  hymns  or  somber  pieces  of  music  of  churches  ,  especially  Roman  Catholic  churches.  But  as  a  whole  ,  this  piece  keeps  the  mysteriousness  and  his  calm  and  calculating  side  with  a  nice  dose  of  his  religious  symbolism  thrown  in  with  a  shot  of  lacking  individual  identity  (  which  will  be  brought  up  more  seriously  later  in  this  post  ).  It  tries  to  focus  on  him  and  who  he  is  (  a  wanderer  )  when  even  Chrollo  doesn’t  focus  on  himself.
This  one  could  arguably  be  more  Chrollo’s  theme  compared  to  the  ‘  official  ‘  given  it  plays  almost  exclusively  for  Chrollo  (  whereas  the  other  is  shown  with  other  troupe  members  too  )  .  This  one  is  rather  similar  to  the  1999  compared  to  the  2011  ,  but  it  has  traces  of  both.  The  slower  speed  it  his  calculating  ,  calm  side  once  again  showing.  The  humming  another  nod  to  religious  imagery.  But  this  song  also  has  the  more  dangerous  and  ominous  undertones  that  the  1999  doesn’t.  This  is  a  nice  blend  between  the  two.  It  allows  a  glimpse  of  Chrollo’s  mind  , of  the  man  who  walks  with  death  without  fear.  But  it  also  hints  at  his  darkness  ,  of  his  roots  from  Meteor  City.  It’s  also  a  fun  play  simply  on  how  most  people  probably  view  Chrollo.  Other  than  those  who  can  sense  his  presence  /  Nen  ,  most  people  just  think  he’s  a  young  man  who  wanders  (  even  the  Mafia  comment  on  how  young  he  seems  )  and  yet  beneath  that  exterior  appearance  is  a  very  dangerous  person  that  the  secondary  notes  (  esp  around  0:35  )  hint  at.  It  leads  well  into  the  next  part  of  what  he  and  his  actions  CAN  be.
2011 OST
As  I  mentioned  above  ,  this  theme  looks  more  towards  Chrollo  as  the  head  of  the  spider  and  the  destructive  capabilities  he  possesses  and  actions  of  the  spider.  It’s  louder ,  more  chaotic  ,  and  yet  it  still  has  its  own  rhythm  to  is  in  the  chaos  of  it  all.  Like  Chrollo  is  orchestrating  it  much  in  the  way  he  orchestrates  the  chaos  and  mayhem  that  the  Phantom  Troupe  can  and  do  unleash  like  the  requiem  for  Uvogin.  It’s  more  ominous  and aggressively  dangerous  ,  showing  the  truth  of  how  dangerous  Chrollo  is  despite  his  youth.  Like  the  other  songs  with  Chrollo  ,  there  is  the  choir  in  the  background  to  serve  as  a  nod  towards  his  religious  symbolism.  Interestingly  though  this  takes  a  more  blatantly  demonstrative  showcase  in  which  Chrollo  does  have  a  lot  of  corrupted  religious  imagery  /  symbolism.  It  can  also  show  the  chaos  of  Chrollo  himself.  Externally  he  often  looks  and  is  calm  ,  even  amidst  atrocious  acts  ,  of  his  need  to  steal  and  wreck  havoc  and  regard  ONLY  for  the  troupe  and  no  others.  It’s  also  a  lot  more  of  an  ‘  epic  ‘  piece  (  not  as  in  cool  ,  as  in  literary  epic  )  to  show  the  grandiose  of  what  the  spider  is  capable  of  ,  of  what  Chrollo  can  orchestrate.  The  music  isn’t  letting  you  look  into  Chrollo  as  a  character  like  the  1999  ,  in  this  one  the  music  IS  a  weapon.  In  the  1999  ,  it  is  soft  and  quiet  much  like  Chrollo  is.  But  the  2011  music  speaks  of  his  actions  which  are  loud  and  brutal.
ONE THIRTEENTH - official character song
This  one  doesn’t  even  hide  anything.  All  the  other  character  songs  are  typically  very  personal.  Even  Machi talks  more  about  herself  in  her  song.  But  the  fact  Chrollo’s  DOESN’T  shows  his  lack  of  singular  identity.  He  briefly  mentions  “  Searching  for  yourself  ?  Well  let’s  see  how  it  is  “  He  focuses  his  song  on  the  spider  “  The  Unstoppable  Spider  will  live  on  “  (  a  nod  to  the  fact  that  even  if  he  dies  the  spider  will  live  )  ,  on  the  rules  of  the  spider  (  If  your  interests  differ ,   just  consult  the  coin  )  ,  and  only  uses  ‘  WE  ‘  throughout  the  song  other  than  the  line  ‘  I  can  take  advantage  of  it  ,  right ?  ‘  which  specifically  references  HIS  choice  at  the  HEAD  OF  THE  SPIDER  on  what  they  will  do  when  they  have  the  prophecies  handed  out.  It’s  not  him  as  chrollo  ,  it’s  him  as  the  head  of  the  spider.  He  otherwise  doesn’t  use  singular  pronouns.  But  his  song  also  only  references  actions  in  the  show  /  manga.  It  doesn’t  mention  his  feelings  or  personal  thoughts  (  unlike  Machi’s  who  does  ).  It’s  Chrollo's  mindset  that  his  spider  IS  him.  All  his  troupe  members  are  part  of  him  ,  he  depends  on  them  for  identity.  It  ,  for  a  very  brief  moment  ,  does  start  to  dip  into  a  bit  more  like  the  1999  symbolism  near  3:19  in  how  it  starts  to  slow  down  and  grow  a  bit  quieter  ,  before  speading  back  up  when  he  says  “  The  Spider’s  soul  must  live  on  ‘.  Not  him  ,  but  the  spider  &  what  it  stands  for.  The  song  has  the  speed  and  heavier  nature  of  2011  because  it’s  directly  emphasizing  that.  That  Chrollo  ISN’T  an  individual  in  his  eyes  ,  he  is  the  spider.  But  lyrically  is  pulls  on  the  1999  lack  of  identity  aspect  because  he  never  speaks  of  himself  ;  only  the  group  as a  whole.
This  particular  piece  I  just  wanted  to  share.  It’s  a  subtle  ,  sad  nod  towards  most  of  them  coming  from  Meteor  City  ,  where  the  world  does  not  care  about  them  but  they  all  have  each  other.  Those  lighter  notes  around  1:12  being  what  showcases  the  troupe’s  bond  in  finding  each  other  ,  in  Chrollo’s  happiness  because  he  does  care  for  his  troupe  members  so  much.  They’re  a  part  of  him.   In  some  ways  its  a  blend  of  Chrollo’s  themes  and  the  spider’s  history.
I  love  all  the  Troupe  OSTs  and  they’re  very  fitting  in  the  chaos  &  danger  they  bring  ,  but  this  one  is  especially  noteworthy  because  it  isn’t  the  sinister  ,  chaotic  ,  dangerous  sound  the  other  osts  in  both  1999  &  2011  are  for  them.  This  is  them  with  each  other  ,  with  the  bonds  they  all  share  versus  how  the  rest  of  the  world  looks  at  them.
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dracimexidae · 5 years
URL music game
rules: spell out your URL with song titles and tag some friends
I was tagged by @doedreamss (thank you, dearie!! <3 )
Since I already did this game once with my main blog URL, I hope you won’t mind me doing this with my Black Sails sideblog (which is rather abandoned atm but I promise I haven’t forgotten it and I’ll start posting there again eventually  I don’t know to whom I talking to maybe the 2-3 people who follow me both here and there lol)... the name is also longer, so more songs yay (as if you were asking that lmao)!! ;)
Andante, andante - Lily James (Mamma mia! 2 OST) // all right, I didn’t mean to return to my Mamma mia! obsession phase - it was bad enough when the first movie got out - but I got to listen to one song (which was not this one, but another song about a student kissing her teacher, rather creepy if you think about it but the music is so engaging it’s still stuck in my head, damn it) by chance and started roaming through the soundtrack of this sequel (which I haven’t seen yet tbh, actually by choice since I already know a thing about the story that upsets me a lot, but I guess I’ll eventually watch it because the songs aren’t bad, though I’ve had the impression that the level of silliness is not even close to the first movie and that’s what I actually enjoyed about it in the first place :p ) and I got to listen to this song and :’) - I’m not even one for love songs but this is so sweet and warm and intimate and Lily James’ voice is delightful so yeah, another one bound to be stuck in my head for days! also it doesn’t help that I’ve been thinking about Philinda slow dancing to this song I have a HUGE problem
Never give up on your dreams - Two Steps From Hell // HA, my mandatory TSFH mention when I talk about music! XD (and be grateful it’s the only one as I tried to make the list varied) One of my favourites (mh, I say that A LOT regarding TSFH but oh well :p ), so moving and epic and heart-lifting, I’m undone whenever I listen to this, like, I can’t function, it’s almost too much for me! :’)
Amazing grace - J2 (feat. Chelsea Caroline) // Oh, I love J2′s covers of songs, they’re so badass!! This is a more pop-rock/epic rendition than the usual hymn, but I find it great, and the singer’s voice is powerful and rich!
Taking the hobbits to Isengard - Erwin Beekveld // I legit have this song in my music playlist - I mean, how could I not?! XD This will NEVER be outdated and not legendary!! 
I’ve no more fucks to give - Thomas Benjamin Wild. Esp. // About this song I’m just going to say LIFE GOALS!!! This is the level I aspire to achieve hands down!
Only happy when it rains - Garbage // I blame the Captain Marvel soundtrack for bringing back this song, which rocks and sometimes is also a BIG mood!!
Northern lights - Gaelic Storm // aaaaaaand Gaelic Storm is another band that tends to pop up when I get to speak about music! I love, love, LOVE this song, it’s so touching and enchanting and soothing and, dare I say, romantic... <33
One day - Hans Zimmer // catch me crying whenever I hear this goddamn piece... especially the godforsaken end, man... you know the scene when it plays... ;_______;
Fat bottomed girls - Red Hot Chilli Pipers // whoo hoo, catch me headbanging and dancing all around at this!! I love the original song, of course, but this version with BAGPIPES!!!!!!!! INSTANT LOVE, it was!!!! (well, it does good on my self-esteem a bit as well, since I think I can consider myself a part of this “category” of ladies celebrated by the song ;) )
Today we rise - Luke Youngblood (Galavant OST) // have I begged you today to watch this show??!!  This is one of my absolute FAVOURITES in the whole soundtrack and I get to sing along proudly every chance I get (which happens basically when I’m alone, since I have to skip this soundtrack while I’m outside in public because if I listened to it I would surely start smiling and giggling like an idiot and people would certainly think me mad) ... lol, Sid always complained about never having the opportunity to do a proper performance and in the end he was given one of the most brilliant songs to sing!!! :D I’m almost, ALMOST tempted to follow him into battle - surely I’ll sing the hell out of it until the end, only to likely hide with the other peasants because well, once you think about what you’re singing you’re not exactly encouraged to pursue!! XD
Helvegen - Wardruna // wow, this song always sends me chills down my spine, so haunting and enchanting!!!
In the end - 2WEI // I blame AOS season 6′s trailer for making me listen to this, although I already heard other pieces of 2WEI... What can I say, I’m rather drawn to epic covers of songs (although I still love the original song to bits)...
El tango de Roxanne - Ewan McGregor, Jacek Koman, José Feliciano (Moulin Rouge OST) // I rewatched the movie not long time ago and this song never fails to fuck me up, I always arrive at the end choked up... I love the soundtrack of this movie!
Vespertine (My crimson bride) - Kamelot // Can’t explain why, but this song, rather than being a fucking WONDER, has also been an anchor for me when my grandmother died... I don’t know really why it kept playing in my head during that period, but it was actually a soothing balm for my wounded heart and my broken thoughts, so I’m really grateful to it for keeping me steady (well, as steady as I could have been in that circumstance)... I love this song (and its album) to bits!!!
Everybody needs somebody to love - The Blues Brothers // This song (and its soundtrack and movie) is a sure antidote to sadness for me, nothing more to say!!
Sailing for adventure (on the big blue wet thing XD) - Muppet Treasure Island OST // let’s end on a VERY serious note, shall we?! Yep, I totally have this song on my phone and every time I listen to it I feel like I could embark on a ship and sail away! (though I’m rather sure I’d end up joining the two “figureheads” singing “should have took the train!” because I may get sea sick or something XD ) Can we appreciate the human actors singing along though?! Well, apart from the marvelous Tim Curry, of course...
I’m tagging (always, if you haven’t done it before and feel like it <3) @whitestnoise, @thelifeinmyshadesofgrey, @tirairgid, @queen-of-love-and-beauty, @valentinaonthemoon, @mednay, @ennaih ... Oh, I don’t know really, whoever wants to do this!! :)
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