#esp you know when IDW comis exist with their writing
eldritch-araneae · 2 years
Lol I genially don’t understand where some ppl getting the idea that TFE Bumblebee is violent??? Like it’s so bizarre as fuck fjhnghfgh
Like seriously, do ppl really enjoin this thing when they woobify and justify bad guys, but the second a good guy shows a flaw - they are horrible monster that must be teared to sherds? Daaamn, what an exhausting way to engage with creative media and ruining it for others.
Good thing tho that majority of people don't act like this)) But it's still feel like whiplash when I accidentally come across it.
Okay I think this is the last time I will mention Bee character discourse, really getting tired of this. Ikm just a bit sad I’ll probably will have to leave that server bc some ppl just cant be normal about him =/
Not to mention that in this case showing my Sparkpulse related works would be bad there since if ppl get so angry about TFE Bee...and I can’t imagine their reaction to my Sparkpulse Bee, bc he has two sides of coin ( and gentle one and terrifying one) and ACTUALLY can be violent sometimes fjhgfhjgf
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