#especcialy episode 6
ilclaudio · 2 years
Some really pretty Sailor Moon screenshots I took.
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walkingdeadrewatch · 3 years
1x01 Days Gone Bye.
Overall, it was fun to see the characters at the start of this again. Their rookiness (is that a word) infurtiates me to no end but it’s been so long I can’t find my self caring too much, that will probably change.
Okay so first of all, I need to know what happened to that truck. It looks like it has fur growing on it.
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Something I don’t understand is why the walkers are so weird. I can’t remeber them being like this later on. Why did that little girl pick up the teddy, and why did it take her 12.6 seconds to turn around after hearing Rick call for her?
I completely forgot how much I hate Shane. Let’s go Season Two Finale!!!
That was some pretty sweet teamwork from Rick and Shane to get that spike strip in place.
Over the radio it’s mentioned two suspects. Now I’m British and not sure on American police procedure, but how did they miss the third guy?
Also, depsite shooting the suspects, why didn ‘t any police officers go to see if they were definately dead?
Is that also American Police procedure? I feel like if the officers went to make sure they were dead/disaremd they would have noticed the other g uys and Rick wouldn’t have gotten shot.
I know it’s for the drama of it and I don’t understand american police procedure but to me it feels wrong that they didn’t check.
Also, why are the all such bad shots?
Is it normal for matches to be on the desk at a hospital?
I don’t spend a lot of time in hospitals, especcialy in America, but it jsut seems a little too well placed there.
Just because it’s the apocalypse, doesn’t mean you can be a disgrace to the grammar gods?
Honestly, if I were Rick, I probably would have fallen down the stairs.
Feel sorry for sweet baby Rick. Waking up to this world? Would not reccomend.
Why does he think it’s a good idea to ride a bike while recovering from a gunshot wound?
Disclaimer, I will be keeping tabs of the “Carl” count.
I know he berates himself for this later, but why does Morgan shoot? The walker wasn’t aware of him.
What’s your wound?
Morgan is such a good dad. He is still actively trying to improve his sons grammar and manners, during an apocalypse. And when Duane is crying he doesn’t tell him to be brave, he let him cry, just asks that he keep it quiet for their own safety.
Again, walkers are weird in this episode. Walker Jenny, doesn’t head to the car alarm, basically looks into my sould through the peephole and tries the doorhandle. I understand it was the first episode and that it was dramatic, but they act so strange in this episode.
Yasss Rick, wear your face shield!
Okay, I love my family, but taking photo albums and framed photos? If I had to leave in an emergant apocalyptic situation, I would maybe take a non framed photo. 
Again, not American, but why are there so many sets of keys? Is that normal? I understand that maybe two sets are for cars/house. One set is for the Police station. But there were 6 sets there. 
Gas lines down maybe a month? How is Rick not more curious as to how he is still alive?
PSA. Even in the apocalypse, manners matter!
R.I.P Leon, careless and dumb.
Rick ‘Conserve your ammo’ Grimes, goes out of his way to find and kill a walker he saw much earlier, depsite it being virtually harmless. Makes sense.
If the group heard that someone was actively going down the I-95 heading towrds Atlanta, they should have sent someone out. It’s one thing putting up posters on the off chance people will go, but when you KNOW someone is, pretty rude.
Sweet baby Carl! (Fun fact, I am three days older than Chandler Riggs)
Even after all these years, it’s still sucha cool shot! 
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R.I.P Horsey McWhythelongface
I like sharks (If you know, you know)
I’m only now noticing the tank still has ammo.
I love Glenn.
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