#especially if you’re Black 🖤✊🏾😊
multifairyus · 1 year
Hobie and Grandma Brown Headcannons
Shout out to @brown-spider for their recent post on Hobie’s family and Grandma headcannon. These are questions that need answers and it’s been stewing in my mind so here goes my first contribution to the fandom:
I personally headcannon Hobie to be Jamaican British. The silly reason is cuz Bree Runway's ATM works with it, the interesting reason is him knowing/speaking Patois to a select few of the resistance members...the language was made in resistance, so it makes sense to me thematically?
Anyway his Grandma (or another older woman he is protective of but I want him to have familial community) is somewhere relatively safe in his universe. And he stops by to drop off groceries, check in and get a plate since she couldn't eat it all himself and he's still too skinny!
I like the idea that Grandma is aware and accepting of his alternative look. Maybe one of the few from his family/culture who does.
If she's SUPER cool then she deffo made him one of those crochet crop tops oh what a SLAY??
Imagine him swinging in a fight with the Arachkids in summer or something in a punk crochet fit?! "oh this? Grahhny made it for me. She even put a 'lil spider in there too. Special innit??" And he is just CHEESING
Though, I do also like the idea of Hobie taking out a few of his piercings when he goes to see her, out of respect. Mans does not do authority, or consistency, or respectability politics….but that's his Grandma mate!! She’d have a heart attack if she saw all that, what do you want from him?!
(Side note on alternative Hobie accessories… Hobie with glasses, reading some Audrey Lorde..? Just thought I'd drop that gem for the fan artists to consider)
But he more so “tones down” his look cuz doesn't want his sharp edges and lose ends of his get up to mess with the litter of fiber arts works she has in her tiny flat.
As a punk Hobie's no stranger to DIY and crafting. Wouldn't be surprised if the rebellious attitude was handed down alongside the thread and needles.
I think him having an ongoing project he works on with her with her like a quilt would be SO sweet 🥹 The telly droning about the “Spider-Punk' fellow but neither of them listening, just absorbed in their work and the other's company ❤️
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