#especially in Hypnotize pv
ladsofsorrow24 · 2 years
hibari-kun from ziyoou vachi kinda reminds me of yoshida in some ways
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squidney01 · 6 years
I totally forgot about this episode and all its potential
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I forgot about this episode, but @vinan-rhaplanca reminded me of its awesome theory potential that I completely forgot about!!! Thanks for reminding me
Ok, so let’s go into the theory. What was the purpose of Ernesto hypnotizing the students when he was their substitute teacher? Specifically, why was he teaching KO’s class? Was there any significance to it? Let’s get into the details.
So in the episode “The So-Bad-ical” new textbooks are received by the students of KO’s school. Suspiciously named ‘Booksmore’ and they’re to teach the students basic math that they’ve already learned. And when their teacher, Ms. Quantum, goes on sabbatical a substitute teacher is hired to take her place. This person or rather robot was Ernesto from Boxmore. When Ernesto starts reading from the text books all the students go into a trance except for Dendy and KO (who falls asleep). We all know how it ends so I won’t go any further when explaining the episode.
But what is important is, why Ernesto was teaching KO’s class? Why would the Boxmore robots become involved with kids as young as KO?
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It isn’t really what they’re known for. In fact, they probably prefer destroying things physically than anything else. And while they’re smart they aren’t the type of robots to have a well thought out plan. I know that they’re succeeding financially, but that’s probably because they spend their time better than Boxman ever did. Anywho, it just isn’t ‘in their programming’ if you catch my drift. They were made to follow orders by whoever was in charge. Whether that was Boxman or Darrel or maybe someone else....
As @vinan-rhaplanca suggested, maybe it was neither Boxman nor Darrel that gave the order to hypnotize the students at KO’s school. Perhaps it was Professor Venomous.
In the few occasions we’ve seen him in action, we know that PV is fairly respected by his fellow villains. We’ve never seen him use any sort of power. All we know about him is that he’s a bioengineer. What does this mean? Let me tell you.
To put this simply, a bioengineer is someone who uses the biological characteristics of certain living things and uses technology to innovate them. They’re the kind of scientists that can make artificial muscles, cells, etc.
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Anywho, PV used bioengineering to create that ‘bio-chip’ that he gave to Bowman, which he used to give Boxman Jr. enough power to take down anyone in the plaza. However, he was almost no match to TKO/KO. I say almost because even TKO wasn’t able to destroy him right away. TKO was able to destroy a level 100 Darrel, but had a harder time taking down Boxman Jr..... but that’s a theory for another day.
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Anywho, this wasn’t a typical Boxmore plan. Obviously they needed some guidance for this plan. Who was behind this plan? We don’t know for sure, but PV could be the one behind this. So IF he was behind this, what was his motive? Why would he want Ernesto to hypnotize KO’s class?
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On another side note. What was the deal with their principle?!? I mean really? How dull do you have to be to hire a villain as a substitute teacher? Especially when a majority of them are looking to be heroes when they grow up. Perhaps the principal has a similar situation like Chip Damage, where he’s super friendly with people in public but once the curtains close he’s a different person... Who knows. He could just be that dull and irresponsible... maybe that’s why the students only see him once a year...🤔 but allow me to continue.
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Maybe, PV wanted to kidnap KO where he knew no one would be watching him. Just think about it. His mom can’t watch him cause he’s at school and neither can Enid, Rad, or Gar. His strict teacher who keeps an eye on everyone just went on sabbatical. The principal needs a substitute. Soooo, he’s pretty much on his own. And to ensure he could get at KO without any repercussions he sends in someone KO doesn’t know as well as the others. Someone that KO hasn’t really faced, but is still somewhat feared. The best out of all the robots for the job is Ernesto (after all he is a business robot and isn’t really known for being violent).
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Perhaps he knows what KO is capable of and wants to get his hands on his turbonic energy. I mean he’s already experimented with it before (remember that collar he made for Fink?)
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Idk. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk everyone.
Special thanks to @vinan-rhaplanca for suggesting this theory to me!!! (This theory was really fun to write about)
Also if any of you have any thoughts/theories that you think I should write about, or maybe you saw something that got overlooked, please feel free to share!!! I’m always open to new ideas!!!!
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