#especially outside of school where i dont have someone to tell me the interesting historical context
thinking about Antigone (by Anouilh), one of the only books I actually enjoyed reading for school
I really liked Antigone, the main character. I'm not sure i remember why i liked her so much, except that it felt like i could sort of relate.
giving it more thought, it does occur to me that, in all my school-imposed reading, Antigone was a rare female protagonist story in a big crowd of male protagonist stories.
And also, thinking back on the two other books I most enjoyed/least hated reading for school, both of them also have female protagonists (Liaisons Dangereuses and Huis-Clos).
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frywen-bumbles · 4 years
The Way to a Man’s Heart Goes Through His... Cat? Ch3
As much as Jaskier adores the fact Roach seems to warm up to him, there's one thing he can't stand.
<I think the cat is planning to kill me>
Jaskier snaps a picture where all that's visible are glowing eyes in the dark, staring down at him and sends it.
<She keeps staring at me> <And tries to sleep on my face> <And licks my hair!> <She won't let me drive her away> <help>
   <Maybe she secretly likes you>
<Then why won't she let me touch her?> <I have to hide under my blanket so she won't eat my hair>
   <yeah, i'm with Essi, you're on your own>
   <think of it as a free haircut>
<Firstly eww> <Secondly how can you be so cruel> <Have you no mercy for my luscious locks???>
   <absolutely none>
<screaming emoji> <you are horrible friends>
   <good night Jaskier try not to die>
   <good dying>
<when you don't hear about me in the morning you will regret those were your last words to me>
   <your thesis supervisor will drag you back from the grave to finish your thesis>
<don't remind me I'm trying to sleep!!!>
   <sleep tight don't let the type errors bite>
<I hate both of you>
   <kissy face emojis>
The morning routine is something Jaskier has learned to both love and hate. His alarm rings at 8 like every morning and like possessed Roach jumps on top of him and screams.
"Mmmm yeah, I'm awake, Roach..." Jaskier mumbles and tries to sleep just one more minute. Roach is having none of it. She runs over him, to the door and screams bloody murder and jumps on top of him again.
"Please... Roach... just two... minutes..." Jaskier tries to bury his head under the blankets but Roach walks on top of him and screams again.
"Ugh... you're heavy... Okay, okay, I'm getting up. See Roach, I'm getting up..."
He walks downstairs to feed Roach who keeps screaming and thrilling until her bowl is full and walks back up to brush his teeth.
Roach doesn't take long until she demands to be let in the bathroom, scratching and meowing making her demands known.
"One of these mornings I will get to brush my teeth in peace," Jaskier sighs as Roach curls herself into the sink. This is not one of those mornings.
He checks his phone over morning coffee and is surprised to find a message from Fiona so early.
   <Help me out>
<Sure, swallow. What do you need?>
Fiona sends him a picture of her math assignment.
<What is it you're having trouble with?>
   <I don't understand anything.>    <I asked uncle L but he was no help.>    <I usually ask uncle E but he's not here>    <What do i do?>
Jaskier looks at the math over and starts to explain it in detail. It's somehow endearing how much trust Fiona puts in him and he does not want to ruin it for her. Not that third-grade mathematics is hard, he suspects 'uncle L' just isn't that good at explaining things.
He can't help but venture to reread a different conversation entirely while he waits for Fiona to finish.
A picture of Cat Dad and Fiona. And actual texts after it.
   <how is roach>
<She's very fine! Quite vocal about what she wants but still lovely!>
   <good>    <let her outside>    <she enjoys it>
And on another day:
   <thank you for the pictures>
Then another selfie with Cat Dad and Fiona, this time taken by Cat Dad. He is very bad at taking selfies, but somehow even that is endearing, despite the man looking like he's a member of a biker gang with the beard and all of the black leather. When he got the first picture, he hadn't even noticed. He had been too distracted by... other things. Jaskier really shouldn't feel this giddy just looking at a picture. Just rereading the texts. But he can't help himself.
   <i like seeing roach happy>
The man is clearly crazy about his cat. And what's hotter than a person who loves their pets to the moon and back. Nothing, if you ask Jaskier.
<I'm glad you like the pictures! Like I told you, I'll send one or two every day!>
   <tell me before you run out of cat food>    <i know a person at a pet store>    <dont feed her too many treats>
<I won't, I promise>
What Jaskier doesn't tell is feeding the cat cheese every single day to get her brushed. Little treats never hurt anyone.
Fiona sends him a picture of finished assignments.
<Very good! You did it on your own, I'm very proud of you!>
   <Thank you, MrJ!!>
Jaskier thinks he will melt. While being a tutor wasn't in his job description he doesn't really mind. To him, it's evident what Fiona wants most of all is company and support and he's happy to provide. The family she's staying with is trying their best, Jaskier is sure of it. But from what Jaskier gathers through Fiona's texts, they don't seem to have enough time to look through her school work as much as she wishes they would.
How can two people he's never even met manage to occupy most of he's thoughts?
Jaskier has barely put the first forkful of instant ramen in his mouth when he hears the door open.
"Geralt, it's me!"
Jaskier scrambles to meet whoever just walked through the locked door using their own key, what the fuck.
"H-hello...?" he manages to greet through a mouth full of food before he even sees who it is.
Jaskier is not one to be intimidated nor is he one to be at loss for words.
Somehow, the woman in front of him manages to do both. She's gorgeous, her raven hair falling in curls over her shoulders, violet eyes staring straight at him like he's a piece of cheap meat and suddenly Jaskier is keenly aware of wearing nothing but pants and an undershirt, his hair a ruffled mess, hands covered in ink, pencil and pen marks.
"You're one of those... trainees. Melitele forbid, what sort of trash does Geralt drag in here, why aren't you with the old wolf?"
Jaskier opens his mouth to answer but is immediately interrupted.
"No, don't answer that. Where is Geralt, I need to talk to him."
"I... um..." Jaskier gets the feeling this is a person who gets what she wants. She quirks an eyebrow at him expecting an answer and when none come she sighs, a dramatic gesture Jaskier is not sure he could perform better even if he tried.
"Where. Is. Geralt?" she asks like he's an idiot and Jaskier things at this moment he really is.
"He, um... is not here?" Jaskier tries his best. He does. But something about the woman, no matter how beautiful she is, radiates power, like she could crush him without even blinking an eye.
The woman eyes him, up and down and glances behind him to the kitchen. And smiles. It's a small amused quirk of her lips, one that makes Jaskier spin around immediately only to spot Roach sitting on top of his papers, meticulously dropping every single pen to the floor.
"Roach, no!"
Roach meows and jumps down from the table with a mrrrp. She trots to the woman and rubs herself against her legs before she jumps up to her scratching post to stare at them.
Jaskier kneels to collect his pens, muttering curses under his breath.
"You know Roach."
"Um, yeah?" Jaskier mutters as he crawls deeper under the table to reach the pens.
"Soooo, witchers, huh? Interesting topic of research."
Jaskier hits his head on the table.
"Yeah... yeah I. I know it's not the most conventional one but I do find it quite fascinating especially when you look at all of the historical songs..." Jaskier crawls from underneath the table and is met with the woman standing next to him and suddenly he's keenly aware of being in his underwear on his knees on the floor in front of one of the most beautiful women he's ever seen.
He blushes.
He's sure he's never blushed as much as he is right at this moment and he honestly wishes the ground would open up and swallow him whole.
"You're not one of the trainees," the woman says eyeing him, amusement still lingering on her lips.
"No, I'm not," Jaskier admits and tries to get to his feet in a somewhat dignified way. He fails and all of his pens scatter to the floor again. "Fuck..."
"And who are you then?"
"I'm the cat-sitter. Julian." Jaskier gives himself a mental slap. He is an adult person why does he introduce himself like a toddler? "Can I please go put my trousers on?" he pleads. Maybe clothed he'll have a chance to be on equal grounds with the woman.
A few minutes later he comes back down, fully clothed this time, to find the woman sitting by the table and reading his scribbles.
"Um, hello?" Jaskier greets the woman again. She looks up but does nothing to stand up to greet him in return. "Julian Pancratz, the cat-sitter." Jaskier extends his hand to her and she takes it.
"I'm Yen. Geralt is my-... we're... friends. Now, where has that grumpy bastard gone?" The woman - Yen answers and looks at him expecting an answer immediately.
"I honestly don't know, he only told me it's work-related. I've never even met him. I was recommended by a friend of his who is also a client of mine. He occasionally answers the texts I send him, maybe you could try to reach him by phone?"
"He answers your texts? What did you do, enchant him?" Yen sounds honestly baffled and it makes Jaskier feel bad. She obviously has some sort of history with the Cat Dad so the least he could do is answer her.
"He only answers every now and then. I don't think it was even his idea to reply."
Yen smiles, a true smile this time, not just an amused quirk of lips, "You're probably right." She picks up one of the papers again and taps it, "Ever met a real witcher?"
"No, I haven't. I've just always found the stories interesting... I have plans for real research for my doctoral thesis as soon as I manage to finish my master's degree, I just need to get around to figuring out... well pretty much everything outside of the basic structure. I already know all of the material by heart, it's just... just look at this, how can someone write something so vile about people who work to keep us safe from monsters? And this here..." Jaskier rummages through the piles of papers and pushes the ones he meant on Yen's hands, not waiting for her to answer. "And look, I even came up with this account of someone killing a witcher after he had finished a job for them, just the audacity of it all!" He glances up at Yen, suddenly keenly aware he is probably either boring her or making her uncomfortable with all of this talk about monsters and monster hunters. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't bore you with this..." He reaches to take the papers from Yen's hands but she holds them out of his reach.
"No, you're not boring me at all. Please, tell me more about your current paper?"
Yen proves to be a far better company than Jaskier first thought. At the end of their discussion and a few cups of tea later, Yen turns the conversation back to him.
"Why do you live here? Wouldn't it be easier to write in your own place?"
"Oh, you know, roommates..." Jaskier mumbles, avoiding Yen's eyes. No way in hell is he going to tell a complete stranger he sleeps in his friends' sofas and in the musicology society's guild room at the uni when he can't find anyone to room him between jobs. His parents already think him a failure, no need to add a complete stranger to the mix.
"Hmm," Yen agrees and stands up. "I feel I have held you long enough. Good luck with your thesis. Here is my number, call me if you get into any trouble while you're staying here." Yen scribbles a phone number on the edge of one paper with a bright red pen she picks up from the floor.
"Um... what trouble?" Jaskier asks, suddenly wary. "I have only told one person the address like was the deal? I haven't told them anything else, I'm not in danger, right? This isn't some mob bosses hideout or something? I'm in trouble, aren't I? Melitele's tits, Essi will kill me..."
"Calm down, no trouble. Just... if anything comes up, like bills or something and you can't reach Geralt. He can be unreachable for days." Yen smiles at him, an uneasy smile, not quite reaching her eyes.
"Oh, okay, yeah, that's. That's good..." Jaskier feels so stupid. Not only has he managed to be half-naked while Yen walked in, but now he has also made a complete ass out of himself.
"Take care of Roach," Yen says as a goodbye and walks out of the door. Jaskier rushes to say goodbye but when he reaches the door, she's already gone.
Come night Jaskier is surprised how much he has managed to work on his thesis. Talking about it with someone made writing so much easier, even when most of the talk was him ranting about the unfair treatment of witchers which will never end up in the final paper.
He grabs something to eat before bed and spots Roach. She sits facing the front door, waiting for someone to walk through it.
It breaks Jaskier's heart.
Roach has done it every night, giving up only after Jaskier has gone to bed to crawl on the other side of the bed to stare at him.
Jaskier snaps a picture of Roach and sends it despite the late hour.
<Roach misses you>
Jaskier doesn't expect an answer.
   <tell her im sorry and i love her>
That. That is too cute. Jaskier can't handle it, he just can't.
"Roach, your owner is a big old sap and he wanted me to tell you he's sorry and he loves you, okay?" Jaskier tells her from a respectable distance away. Roach looks at him and meows pitifully.
"I know, girl. I'm sure he misses you as much as you miss him. Come on now, I'm going to bed, you can come and stare at me until I fall asleep."
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