#especially proud of nebula (left pic)
darkstarcore · 1 year
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Two more Art Fight attacks of some funky guys I found
Nebula: TsunamiAquari
Sprinkle: aliwyrm
My Art Fight profile
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wifeofbath · 6 years
Infinity War Thoughts
Sooo, Infinity War.  Even though I had guessed a lot of the things that would happen (thanks to Linkara’s reviews of Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity War), I still wasn’t emotionally prepared.  As Jeeves would say, Infinity War has “the dark inevitability of Greek tragedy.”
 Spoilers, spoilers, spoilers
This movie starts grim, and apart from some well-placed jokes and light-hearted moments, it doesn’t let up.  The destruction of the Asgardians’ refuge ship was chilling.  I was relieved when Thor said that half of his people were killed, so hopefully Valkyrie led those to safety.  Heimdall, oh Heimdall.  I did not expect that we would see his death, but it was great to see him use the last bit of his power to send Hulk to earth.  As for Loki…we all knew it was coming.  Loki’s had the shadow of Thanos’ wrath hanging over him since the first Avengers film.  But I though Proxima Midnight would just stab him with her spear.  No, we had to see Thanos lift him up and crush his neck!  I go back and forth on whether this is the end of Loki.  On the one hand, even though it was short, it was a respectable end to his character arc, and Loki’s death helps drive Thor’s need for vengeance.  On the other, it reminded me a lot of Loki’s death in The Dark World, and the fact that Thanos explicitly said that Loki was really, truly dead almost felt like an acknowledgement that Loki will be back.  From the filming pics for Avengers 4, we know Loki’s going to be in some sort of flashback/time travel scene. However, I feel like this is the end of Hiddles’s Loki, but I bet that we will get kid!Loki in the future.
  And then Thor crawls bleeding to Loki’s body and holds him while he waits to die too while everything burns around them AND THIS IS NOT OKAY!
  I liked Dr. Strange in his own movie, but it was interesting how much he’s changed since then.  He really is the Master of the Mystic Arts now, who’s playing by a whole different set of rules.  It makes sense why he was so determined to protect the Time Stone because once Thanos got that one, it pretty much was game over.
  Bruce, Bruce, poor Bruce!  *wraps Bruce up in a blanket*  He and Hulk were so terrified of Thanos.  Also, it’s interesting that Bruce know that Thanos was behind the attack on New York.  I’m guessing that Loki or the Black Order must have mentioned something during the initial attack on the Asgardians, and Bruce somehow remembered it.  Also, I liked how Bruce was the one to call Steve.
  I will never be over how protective Tony is over Peter.  Loved every moment of their interactions, especially when Dr. Strange looked at them and said, “Is he your ward?”  Speaking of Dr. Strange again, he and Tony had a fascinating dynamic and tension.  A lot of people have commented on their similarities (even calling Dr. Strange Iron Man with magic), but seeing them together really highlighted their differences.  Tony’s ruled by his emotions, while Dr. Strange is coldly logical.
  All of the Black Order was cool, but Ebony Maw was my favorite.  I have a huge weakness for proud, cold intellectual villains.  His telekinetic powers made him even more awesome to watch.
  Wanda and Vision!  They made me melt when Vision kissed her hand.  So tender.  Admittedly, during the fight with Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive, I was thinking, “Oh I recognize that spot.  And that one! Oh look St. Gilles!”  It was two romantic couples against each other, although I’ll have to watch the movie again to see if there were any parallels between them.
  When Steve showed up and the Avengers theme played, my theater erupted in applause.
 Peter trying to imitate Thor’s voice was the funniest moment in the movie for me.
 Like with Wanda and Vision, we don’t see the moment Peter and Gamora became a couple.  I got the feeling that had happened sometime between Guardians 2 and this, and kudos to the Russo Brothers because I hadn’t been particularly rooting for Peter/Gamora to happen, but they are surprisingly good at writing gentle, established couple romance.  Of course, both of those couples end tragically, but they were happy while they were together.
  Shall we talk about the parallels between Gamora and Nebula and Loki and Thor?  First, the estranged siblings have some sort of reconciliation.  Then, Thanos brutally tortures Nebula/Thor in front of Gamora/Loki in order for them to give him the Infinity Stones.  Thanos then kills Gamora/Loki, leaving their surviving siblings on a quest for revenge.  Granted, Nebula already sought revenge, but Gamora’s death just added another thing to the pile of Reasons to Kill Thanos.
  I never expected Thor and Rocket to have such a good dynamic as they did. Rocket appreciated Thor’s respect. Their conversation about what Thor has been through was heartrending, and I just wanted to wrap Thor back up in his blanket.  He’s broken, but he has to go on to avenge the deaths of his loved ones.  When Rocket asked what had happened to his best friend, I wondered if Thor was referring to the Warriors Three’s deaths in Ragnarok or Heimdall’s.  Either way, four of Thor’s close friends were stabbed in the heart.
  Speaking of Rocket, I wonder if the Russo Brothers have seen that comic where the Avengers are playing D&D and the Guardians are their characters with Rocket obviously based off Bucky?
Peter Dinklage’s cameo was a great surprise.  Did not know what he was going to be in the movie.
 Peter Starlord and Peter Spiderman’s interactions were great.  “Is [Footloose] still the best movie ever made?”  “It never was.”
  I haven’t said anything about Thanos yet, but it’s hard to say something that everyone hasn’t already.  He definitely lives up to the hype, and his respect for the enemies who put a good fight up against him is very interesting.  For all his cruelty, he has a surprising amount of gentleness, as seen in his scenes with Gamora and Wanda.  He and Kilmonger could definitely sit down and have a talk.  Infinity War definitely is Thanos’s movie, and he rightfully dominates every scene he is in.  He is terrifying, but at the same time, he is a Well-Intentioned Extremist.  Like Marvel’s best villains, his motivations are understandable, but the actions he takes are horrible.
  The battle in Wakanda as they stared at the forces against them and knew they were all going to get killed, but it was worth it to protect Vision and destroy the Mind Stone…major Return of the King vibes.
Like Loki, death has been hovering over Vision since he was created. But it was so much worse than I had expected.  THANOS RIPPED OUT A CHUNK OF HIS FOREHEAD AND VISION’S WHOLE BODY TURNED GRAY AND WANDA SAW THE WHOLE THING POWERLESS TO STOP IT!
  And then Thanos gets the Mind Stone and the bodies just start falling! I wasn’t expecting them to show everyone disappearing, but they did, and it was so brutal!  Bucky’s call for Steve.  Seriously, I expected Steve and Bucky to die together but no YOU SEPARATED THEM!  YOU MONSTERS! And Steve is left holding Bucky’s ashes. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Sam dies! Steve loses both his best friends. Rocket has had to watch Groot die twice! I really didn’t expect them to kill all the Guardians except Rocket.  And T’Challa dies!  Peter I was expecting, but no, they had him cling to Tony terrified as he faded away and Tony is left mourning the kid he was supposed to protect.
 Natasha’s look of shock as she stares at Vision’s body while Steve collapses.  It’s very hard to phase Nat, so seeing her so shaken was chilling.
  All hail Queen Shuri?  I hope she’s still alive.  We didn’t see her dissolve, so unless confirmed otherwise, she’s alive.
  Nice little nod to the comics of Thanos making a scarecrow out of his old armor. 
 Help us, Captain Marvel, you’re our only hope.  
  My favorite thing during the screening was when the line “Thanos will return” appeared on screen, a girl behind me yelled, “Oh fuck you!”
A lot happens in Infinity War and it’s so much to process.  It’ll definitely take another couple of viewings, even though it will rip my heart out every time.
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fullmoonfireball · 7 years
OC Recap-thingy???
hecc i put this off for too long 
i dont really know what that anon meant when they requested this, but i hope this’ll do (readmore bc this is gonna be Long)
Crinoline Parisa
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Ribbon’s mom
where’s her husband??? we just dont know
she’s doing her Best™ to be a good mom to Ribb
Lace Parisa
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Mirror World!Ribbon
an edgy lil shit
very grumpy
why have i never posted a coloured pic of her
Shadeleine Walsh
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Mirror World!Adeleine
Probably the OC I fiddle the most with.
She has a really strong Texan accent for some reason??? I don't know why I gave her it
Takes magic lessons from Wiz( that magician guy that no one seems to remember/care about?). As it turns out, their brand of magic is not anything she can pull off.
Works as their assistant sometimes... Even if it can be slightly terrifying because of their methods (their magic lets them make the tricks a bit more than just illusions). Shaddy has gotten cut in half (or more parts) more times than she cares to count.
Actually more interested in drama, but she's taken what she got.
She's good friends with Shadow Kirby! They hang out a lot!
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Her name used to be Shado. And yes, that IS pronounced the way it looks like it is. She hated it.
Owns an oversized magenta sweater and wears it at ever chance she gets. Wiz hates it.
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there wasn’t originally another character in this picture what are you talking about
Shadow Marx (left)
Mirror World!Marx (no duh)
Mild insomniac. He hates it.
Just wants to sleep, like any other noddy.
Dating Mirror Magolor
May or may not have kept him up with his late-night thoughts a few times.
Syzzle (right)
Mirror World!Gryll
Doesn't care about Star Stacker (or any similar game) in the slightest.
A complete NERD
Probably owns a library or something
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Theatra (left)
Mirror World!Claycia
Complete drama queen
Which is good, because she's an actress.
Gay as hell for Shadow Elline
she’s supposed to have horns like Claycia, but I forgot them in this picture
Shadow Elline (right)
Mirror World!Elline (what a shock)
An inkbrush fairy-thing
Writes most (if not all) of Theatra's stuff
Gay as hell for Theatra
the ‘straight man’ of the duo, despite being neither straight nor a man
Mirror Magolor
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Mirror World!Magolor (obviously)
An anxious little negg (nerd egg)
A cinnamon roll (unlike his counterpart)
Protect him
Knows nothing about where he came from
Dating Shadow Marx
Slightly annoyed by how much he keeps him up. But he stops rambling... eventually.
More info on him can be found here
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Rose Symyva (left) and Violet Larivi (right)
They're married
Rose is pretty chill, Vi's a bit more eccentric.
Don't insult Violet unless you want to face Rose's wrath (which you don't).
I don't know much about them yet, they're mostly just designs.
Typhiste Nirymsu
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He was An Ass
Dated Magolor at one point.
Used to be a prince (now he's just dead)
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Also dead, but less so.
Died from electrocution.
Doesn't remember anything about her life, which distresses her.
When she was alive her name was Iris
Updated version of one of my first Kirby OCs 
Niaviri Taysin
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Also dead (for real this time)
A good little egg
Was a florist!
v gay with Odalania
Tislora Altryb 
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Mags’ mom
v sweet egg
maiden name is ‘Azaress’
was closer to her son than Aparctias was
idk what else to say about her
Aparctias Altryb
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Mags’ dad
firm, but kind
taught the egg most of what he knows about magic out of family tradition
also got him started on learning English
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Hynwari (left) and Sanfyria (right) Rimaddim
only exist in the Popa AU
super dead, even in the AU 
both of them are Very Short (Sanfyria especially). they could make Meta Knight look like he’s average height
Popopo (the green half of Kirby)’s parents
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she’s supposed to have speckles i just forgot them in the original pic
they were specifically targeted to be killed just so their son could be taken from them by Nightmare
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Hazel Pesyphomia (left) and Amelia Evitheth-Pesyphomia (right)
Adopted a certain artist as their child.They love that noodle-orb a lot
Amy would absolutely fight you if you were to insult her wife or her kid.
Were honestly really scared the first time one off their kid's drawings came to life
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You know her. She's the one with all of those scarfies.
Spoils those little beasts
Was actually supposed to be trained as a Spynum, not a Simirror, but was more interested in magic than archery.
Lives mostly-alone in the woods.
Amicia Tyopt
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technically that’s not actually her in that picture but let’s look past that
as implied above, her body was stolen by sectonia (shown above)
idk anything about her personality yet tbh
Osgifu Amata 
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handmaiden moth, in more ways than one
worked for Sectonia Way Back When
Eglantine Cujoi
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Into™ gals
first body stolen by Sectonia
deceased in both body and mind
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anime-verse oc
demon beast
just read this it’s got all you’ll need to know about her
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Jordan (the one with the spear) and Coral (on top of Jordan)
BWD's siblings
Jordan is their older brother, Coral their younger sister.
He works as one of Dedede's guards. She's too young to work.
Jordan's a little jealous about Taylor (BWD) outranking him, but he's proud of them at the same time.Coral is a little ball of energy.
They were the other Waddle Dees in Dream Collection's intro, and the sleeping Dees with the eye implants next to Bandanna Dee in Robobot( in the modern train level I think?).
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Really freaking good at magic
Lean Bean
Worked for Typhiste's family
Gay™ with Niaviri
also has a casual clothes ref
Magolor (not that one)
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yes, every other time ‘Magolor’ has been mentioned I was referring to canon one. i call this one Old Magolor/Classic Magolor/etc. for simplicity
this is who canon mags named himself after
Old and Dead
one of the lor’s previous captains
Cymboria Taysin
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niaviri’s younger sister
she’s the bigger one
very sweet
good at magic
likes to travel 
often brings foreign flowers back to nia!
Morastrum Altryb/Nirymsu
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doesnt exist in the mainverse
a Good Lil Girl
... even if her dads (mags and ty) are both Asses
last name depends on if Typhiste is alive or not
likes sweet foods
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mirror world!drawcia
an automaton made by wiz 
speech has a Low Quality Garble
incredibly bitter over the loss of her sister
always has at least 5 throwing knives on her
Glorious Nebula
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really old 
their language shows their age 
how are they still functioning
no one’s really sure how they lost that quarter of their face
used to have one of those shooting star decorations, but it got broken off at some point i totally didnt just forget it
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??? (left) 
old and dead
one of the ancients
married to garulin, was very happy with her
probably worked a lot on the clockwork stars, but did help with other artifacts as well
pleasant guy, but not really anything special if you ignore his place in history
Drusorig (middle)
also old and dead
another one of the ancients
i don’t have a proper ref for him, but there is this
he has dark fur, for all that matters
i dont trust him
very strong magic
the master crown was his own personal project
he didn’t trust anyone else with it so i think you can imagine who the subject of his experiments with it was.
destroyed most of the evidence of his experiments before his death so no one would know about them
it worked
Volzavair (right)
also also old and dead
guess who’s also one of the ancients (it’s him)
actually has a proper ref
gay, but ended up marrying a woman out of convenience and desire for offspring
relatively weak magic, specialized in technology
worked on the Lor Starcutter, but died before it was completed
his oldest kid probably finished it
Kyneriun Snekell
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press ‘f’ to pay respects
sweet pastel boy
loves baking
a little younger than magolor
Dalindia Nirymsu
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was queen regnant
could be a pretty strict ruler, but tried to be a just ruler
her husband is dead(er?)
ty’s mom
tried to keep him in line
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i’m not even sure if that should be their name but i’ll just... roll with it
theyre nonbinary
a literal doodlebug (pillbug artist)
painted these portraits
doesnt have any magical abilities unless floating their hands counts
bought Paintra from Paint Roller, and was... pretty surprised, to say the least when she suddenly came to life
regardless of their surprise, they’re trying to take good care of her
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a honey bee
runs a cafe
very polite, but not a pushover
more or less a design with a few ideas attached at this point
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married to the unnamed green ancient
technically one of the ancients but not commonly acknowledged as one
pretty good at magic
mostly worked with the artifacts’ ‘mind’s, both through programming and magic
Shadow Sectonia
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mirror world!sectonia (what a shock)
floralian jewel wasp
accidentally ended up corrupting other world!sectonia by having too much contact with her
naturally a wasp. hasn’t stolen anyone’s body
she’s too nice to do that
dead. actually got murdered around the same time her counterpart died
spoilery elements below (don’t worry he’s the last OC here)
Shadow Taranza
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mirror world!taranza (who would’ve guessed)
like, ‘would unhesitatingly die for someone he cares about’ kind of loyal
nervous mess, even before Sectonia died. that only worsened things
he’s not okay
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