#especially when most of the other recs on the list are pieces of literature level stories
starseungs · 5 months
i genuinely get so startled whenever my work gets recommended because what??? my work????
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hotchley · 3 years
hey sumayyah! just an update:
firstly oh gosh i just realized i missed the reply from 🐝 anon (regarding the kpop song recs?) AND IT'S BEEN SO LONG so to 🐝 anon: i apologize!!!!! but i have just seen your reply!! and yes i will check them out, thank you so much 🥰🥰
secondly: i got the vaccine jab! the actual injection itself didn't really hurt but i still don't like injections lmao. but yeah your arm gets really sore and achy after a few hours, and especially the next day. other than that, i was relatively lucky in the sense i didn't really experience any more side effects (yet, maybe)? like i had a mini, really short headache the next day, and that's it i think (i didn't measure my temperature so no way of knowing if i ever had a fever, maybe I'll do it later, just to check & be safe)
lastly! the literature essay was on Hamlet! we're doing a few texts for my English Literature class (I'm doing (Cambridge) A levels E-Lit), and the texts include The Great Gatsby, Hamlet and The Caretaker (there's 2 other set texts too but I've forgotten their names oops) — we've gone through & (kinda) finished Gatsby & Hamlet, and we're starting The Caretaker next term. the essay was supposed to be practice for the upcoming test & we could choose any question we wanted to write on (there was a supplied list) & the question I chose was to talk about how the characters in Hamlet concealed and revealed their differing state of mind! quite interesting to consider but also lowkey very frustating because unpopular opinion: i don't actually like Hamlet that much & much prefer Gatsby instead 🥴 all my friends insist I have issues and keep telling me that Hamlet >>>> Gatsby and I appreciate Shakespeare really, but Hamlet is just.... Not Vibing ™ with me 😭 even when we did Macbeth last year I had a much easier & better time but really Hamlet is Not It i guess.
okay oops that turned out into a really long rant hahaha, i just wanted to check in! & tbh I'm fine with going off anon but I'm just a little shy because my blog is NOTHING compared to yours 😳🥺 (you might see me in your notifs sometimes 🥴) but I'll type out the hc slash small drabble i wrote soon! (it's currently 4am here where i am and i need to get back to sleep soon LOL) i hope you're doing well, sending lots of love and hugs! take care of yourself & here's your daily reminder to stay hydrated now!! 🥰❤️❤️
- 🌙
YAY! You have recommendations!!
Oh okay :) I haven't had either dose yet because it's not being offered to my age group, but only my mum and sister were properly unwell after so...
I've never read Hamlet. Probably never will, so I can't comment... I have lots of unpopular book opinions, one of which is: I didn't like The Great Gatsby. I feel like I was missing part of the context, but I just didn't vibe with it....
Oh I actually did enjoy Macbeth!! I did it as part of my English Lit course, and it wasn't bad... I saw a production of it too, which was cool :) I also got dubbed Lady Macbeth, because I was softly-spoken and seemingly very sweet, but in things like debate I won't hold back... so yeah
You can't compare your blog to others!! Some of the people I follow are Very Cool and Very Popular, but at the end of the day, we're all just people putting a little piece of ourselves on a site most people think of as dead so...
Aww thank you... and yeah I should probably do the hydration...
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