#essem: rosemary by moonlight
soybeantree · 4 years
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pairing: kim junmyeon x reader
genre/warning: fluff, magic!au
word count: 5k+
description: apparently blowing off some steam - one too many times - leads to a one way ticket to servantdom. at least that’s how you viewed the newest link in the perverbial chain called ‘eventual obligations of being a familiar’. turns out it actually doesn’t matter how much you argue the rightness of your life choices to the higher ups. and turns out you don’t mind being attached to a certain kim junmyeon all that much either.
a/n: from the ‘rosemary by moonlight’ universe. not necessary to read that first, but some things may not make complete sense. we’ve been working on fleshing out this universe, so there will be more to come very soon!
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The assignment sheet mocks you, promising the end of your freedom. You ball up the paper and throw it in the nearest trash bin. It doesn’t matter though, the damn sheet will show up on your bedside table tomorrow. Once signed a contract is unbreakable. It’s only six months though. You continue to remind yourself as irritation crawls across your skin.
Shoving your hands into your pocket, you head towards the exit but pause when you catch sight of a familiar figure. “Yuri!” You call. The healer turns. Her brows furrow when she sees your raised hand. She returns the wave and stops as you jog up to her. “What are you doing here?” 
“City Council business.” She gestures to the hall she came down. The doors at the end lead to the City Council Chambers.”
“But you’re not on the City Council.
“Only because it’s full of bigoted assholes.” She scoffs as she resumes walking. You fall into step beside her.
“Doesn’t your family head the City Council and make up about half of it?”
“Doesn’t mean their not bigoted assholes. Anyways, what are you doing here?” She reaches for the exit door and holds it open for you. 
The sun glares down at you, causing your eyes to transform. Cat eyes are easier to adjust to the bright light which outweighs the con of seeing everything in black and white. “I was picking up an assignment.”
“What?!” Your shoulders hunch, and you hiss. Yuri laughs and slaps you on the shoulder as she comes up beside you. “Don’t get your whiskers in a twist. I just never thought the day would come when Y/N would tie herself down to a sorcerer.”
“It’s not voluntary.” Your mumbling quirks Yuri’s brow. “I may have started a riot with my neighborhood cats,” you explain, quickly adding, “but I had good reason. This dick wad kid at the end of my street keeps shooting at strays with his pellet gun. I reported him to the neighborhood watch, but they did jack shit. So I took it upon myself to right the wrong.” Yuri nods along approvingly as you head down the steps in front of Town Hall, and you smile. If she or Uko were on the Board of Familiars, your hearing would have gone in your favor. 
“Long story short, the dick wad’s father brought charges against me, and the Board of Familiars thought my rebellious behavior is due to a lack of an authority figure in my life and that I have gone too long without a master. After all, what is a familiar without a master?” You roll your eyes and scoff.
“That’s ridiculous, so you had to sign your entire life away?”
You shake your head as you reach the sidewalk and head toward the nearby bus stop. “Familiar Law may be traditional, but it’s not barbaric. I signed a six month contract, and I’ll have an evaluation at the end. If I’m good, they’ll let me decide when and who my next master is.”
“They chose your master?” You nod. “Who?” She asks as the bus pulls up to the stop. The one question, you had hoped to avoid. You use the excuse of boarding the bus to delay your response, but all too soon, you two are sitting. She stares at you waiting for an answer. 
“Jun- Suho.” You correct yourself. “Why do sorcerers have to take a new name when they gain the title? It’s so stupid. He was Junmyeon all through school, and now that he has the fancy title of Sorcerer, I have to call him Suho.” You blabber on, avoiding her gaze. “It’s not like there are a lot of options in the area.” You huff.
“I know.” Yuri sighs, and you chance a glance at her. She’s staring out the window. You nudge her, but she waves you off. It’s not her fault that her family has only produced one sorcerer in the past two generations, but that argument has grown tiresome.
A mischievous grins tugs at your lips, and you settle into your seat. “Yep, so it was either Suho or Kyungsoo – whatever his sorcerer name is – and I didn’t think you’d like me being his familiar.”
Yuri whips around. “It’s D.O, and why would I care if you were his familiar?” You shrug but continue to grin. She glares, and you crack up. “Are you going to meet up with Suho now? He was at the Town Council meeting.”
“Fuck no. The contract doesn’t start till tomorrow, and I plan to enjoy my last night of freedom. Do you want to join me?” You cock a brow, but she shakes her head.
“Can’t. Chanyeol’s in town, and I promised him I would help him with something. Stop by my house in the morning though if you need a hangover remedy.” She offers as she presses the button for her stop.
“You’re the best.” After a quick grin, she is off, leaving you to your night of revelry.
The revelry should have stopped at 11:59. After all, come midnight, your six months of servitude began, but you had to push your boundaries, had to stay out till dawn drinking and dancing. 
Standing in front of Junmyeon’s townhouse after two hours of sleep and with a stomach threatening to unleash everything you imbibed during the last twelve hours, you question your life choices. With a shrug, you step forward and hammer the door. 
Nothing. No creak as the door swings open on rusty hinges and no smoke billowing from an empty corridor. No faint wail of departed spirits welcoming you to a place of death and despair. You definitely have suggestions for your sorcerer, and with Halloween around the corner, they are desperately needed.
Raising your fist again, you pound out the opening to Beethoven’s 5th symphony. Before you make it too far into the song, the door swings open soundlessly to reveal a sleep disheveled Junmyeon in purple silk pajamas with a matching silk robe. 
“I expected the robe. The pajamas not so much.” You comment as you lower your sunglasses to allow a full examination.
With a huff, Junmyeon jerks his robe closed. “What are you doing here, Kitty?”
Your lips pull back as you hiss at the nickname. Middle schoolers think they’re so clever. But the stupid nickname has stuck with you through high school and beyond. Shoving past Junmyeon, you enter the house. He blusters behind you, but you hear the door click shut soon after. 
“Didn’t you hear?” You ask as you glance around the impeccably groomed foyer. Every vase, frame, and piece of furniture glistens with a fresh coat of polish. “Do you clean all of this yourself or do you have a spell for that?” You turn back to face him, pulling your shades off and tucking them into the top you’d pulled out of your laundry basket that morning. It was the clean laundry basket, but it has been sitting on your bedroom floor for upwards of two weeks.
“Hear what?”
“I’m your Familiar.” You sweep your arms out and pop a hip as you dazzle him with your million-watt smile. 
He stares at you, mouth parted and chest still, for entirely too long. As a Familiar your magic extends beyond the ability to shift and a photographic memory, but not to immobilizing sorcerers. 
“Would you stop being a dick and say something? Listen, I’m not happy about this either. I’m even less happy that the stupid Board of Familiars didn’t give you a heads-up even though this was their brilliant idea. But here I am and here you are, and we’re stuck together for the next six months. We should just be happy that they didn’t insist that I live with you. 
“Now, do you have any ginger tea? My stomach is all kinds of upset, and I didn’t have time to stop by Yuri’s and get her hangover remedy.” You about-face and head towards where you think the kitchen is.
“Other way.”
You about-face again and head in the other direction. The kitchen is as disgusting as the foyer. He has everything in glass jars with labels, but none of them have ginger tea written on them.
“In the cabinet to the right of the microwave.” He directs you as he takes a seat at the counter. 
You swivel the Lazy Susan until you find the jar of ginger tea. “Mugs? Tea kettle?” 
He stands and stomps over to another cabinet to grab a mug. Filling it from the sink, he hands it to you, steam rising above the rim. You cock a brow. He returns the gesture, and you snort grabbing the mug and dropping a tea bag in it. “Look at you warming water without a spell. You really are a sorcerer, aren’t you?” You tease as you wait for your tea to steep.
“I didn’t ask for a Familiar, and I don’t need one.”
“And I didn’t ask for a sorcerer, and I don’t want one. But yet again, here we are?”
“Six months?” You nod. “And you signed a contract?” You nod again. “I didn’t sign.”
“Apparently a request was made by the head of your family. No signature needed when it’s stamped with the family crest.”
Junmyeon sighs, running a hand through his already disheveled hair. “Why is my grandfather like this?”
“We’d all like to know that.” You blow on the tea before taking a tentative sip. The warmth slips through your body easing through your stomach and bringing it to rest. “Did Minseok make this tea blend?” You ask as you take another sip. 
He shakes his head, his cheeks tinging pink. “No, he only works with coffee.”
“You got this from Yuri, didn’t you? How did you swing that?”
“If we are going to be working together for the next six months, we need to set some ground rules.” He sneaks by your question, and you let him because you agree. “Let me shower and change, and then we can go over them.” You nod, sipping at your tea. He starts to walk off but stops and swivels back to face you. “Don’t touch anything.” You roll your eyes, and he narrows his.
“Calm down, Mr. Sensitive. Sorcerers aren’t the only ones who know about the delicate nature of magic.” His lips purse, but whatever retort he has remains unspoken. He walks off, and you shake your head. This is going to be a long six months. 
Strolling out of the kitchen, you follow the scent of magic up to the second story of the townhouse. The door to Junmyeon’s work room is locked, but what good of a Familiar would you be if that stopped you. The door pops open, and the scent of magic overwhelms you. Sneezing, you glance around. The large still at the end draws your attention. Witches simply brew their potions in a cauldron, but sorcerers have to be pretentious and make it seem like their work is more advanced and complicated. 
Passing in front of a mirror, you pause and raise a brow. Surely, Junmyeon knows the mirror is an open dimension portal. Why he would have an open dimension portal is beyond you, but he must have a reason. You stand in front of the mirror, chewing on the inside of your lip. He said not to touch anything, and you had given your word. However, you would be a shitty Familiar if you left the portal open. 
Eyes closed, you breathe in and out, feeling your magic hum through your hair and all the way to your toes. Your bones reform themselves, and your skin shrinks itself as fur sprouts across it. When you open your eyes, the world appears in shades of grey, except for the creatures on the other side of the mirror. They glow a sinister black. Raising a paw, you rest the pads against the cool glass. It ripples at your touch. The creatures stir, and you hiss at them to stay back. Your claws are good for more than catching mice. 
Magic surges through you, and you purr at the sensation. Releasing the magic, you watch as it coats the mirror’s glass. The rippling surface stills, and when you stare at it, only your reflection stares back.
“What are you doing?” Junmyeon’s scream grates on your ears, and you hiss at him. “I told you not to touch anything.”
And I wouldn’t if you weren’t stupid enough to leave an open portal in your work room. Who knows what shit those creatures would have caused in here. Your words are unspoken. They call upon your magic to reach him, and judging by his frown, they did.
“The portal wasn’t open.”
You cough, your throat unable to snort. Wow. Now I understand why your grandfather requested a Familiar for you. 
He bristles, his shoulders rolling back as he draws himself up to his full height which is considerable from where you sit on the floor. “I was doing quite well without one. I am close to a breakthrough on my research, and I will not have you causing me any delays.”
Delays? I’ve been here for less than an hour, and I’ve already saved your research. 
“Will you become human, please? We have a lot to discuss.”
You shrug, and by the time your shoulders settle into place, you are human again. “Better?”
With a nod, he heads to his work table and sits down on one of the stools, indicating you should take the other. 
Stretching, you ease the tightness which always comes from transformation and do as requested. Junmyeon starts talking, but the burbling beakers behind him capture your attention. One’s color shifts from bright blue to dark purple as you watch. Above it, a valve releases a droplet of water in ten seconds intervals. The liquid continues to darken with each drop. 
“I have a feeling that you don’t want that turning black.” You cut Junmyeon off as you point to the beaker. 
He glances over his shoulder and nearly falls off his stool as he rushes to remove the beaker from under the valve. He curses and mutters low to himself as he sloshes the liquid around. A light traces the surface of the glass before disappearing. Junmyeon sets the beaker on the table and scratches the back of his head. His eyes focus on a shaft of light coming through one of the work rooms' high windows. He continues to mutter, and you stand, moving closer to him to catch the vein of his thoughts. But, he senses your presence and steps back, glowering at you.
“What are you doing?” 
“I’m your Familiar. I’m supposed to help you with your magical problems, but I can’t do that if I don’t know what they are.”
“We have not established the rules of our relationship, and I don’t need your help.” He places his hand on the beakers top, muttering a spell. The liquid disappears, and he picks up the empty vessel, carrying it over to a previously unnoticed cauldron. You smile to yourself. Maybe, he’s not as pretentious as you thought. Returning with a bright green liquid circling the base of the beaker, he sets it under the valve and adjusts its speed, increasing the time between drips. 
“What are you working on?” You ask and quickly add. “I’m your Familiar. I should know.”
“We are setting up our ground rules.” He retakes his stool and you plop into yours, propping your head against your palm. The tea calmed your stomach, but using magic while hungover and exhausted is brewing a nasty headache. 
“Fine. Can we make it quick though? I need a nap.” 
“First, you are not to enter my home if I am not present.”
You nod. The movement sends a stab of pain through your head. “Going forward. If I don’t say anything, I agree. Also, even though my eyes are close, I am still listening.”
“Why did you go so hard last night?”
You grunt in response. “Consider it my ‘bachelorette party’. Gotta party hard before-“ You stop when you feel cool finger tips against your temple. Cracking an eye open, you still. Junmyeon’s face is a breath from yours. His eyes, warm as a sunrise, focus on you. His lips, soft and supple, part. His words are a whisper, but your mind fails to process anything he says. Magic flows from his fingertips. The ache in your head eases. 
He steps back, his eyes still upon you. “How does that feel?”
You stare at him, both eyes wide open, and your mouth silent. Your brain has forgotten what words are and how speaking works. 
“Better.” The response is a guttural growl. You clear your throat and repeat in your regular voice. 
“Given the current circumstance,” he says as he reclaims his seat. “The second rule is do not show up to my house drunk or hungover.” You nod. “Three, do not touch anything without my permission.” You roll your eyes but motion for him to continue. “Four, do not give advice unless I ask for it.”
“Yeah, that’s not possible.” You smirk at him. “I’m a Familiar. My job is to give unsolicited advice. Like you should try a different type of water to purify that potion.” You point back to the beaker which is once again on its way to black. 
Junmyeon’s head falls back as he groans. Your attention catches on the strong column of his throat. You shake the image out your head. Your close encounter has addled your brain. Junmyeon is an Essem, and you shouldn’t be staring at any part of him.
“I don’t understand.” He growls, and you refocus on the darkening potion. “This water was charged during the full moon and distilled by my cousin. It should work.” He grabs the beaker, vanishing the contents once again. This time though he does not refill it. Instead, he sets it down and pulls a leather journal from a shelf above his work bench. 
“Charged during one full moon or many?” He glances up from his notes, a question in his glance. You sigh. “Water charged during one full moon is fine for scrying, but if you’re trying to purify a potion and make it stronger that shit isn’t gonna work. You need stronger water. What’s the potion and what do you want to accomplish?”
His finger taps against the journal, and his whole face scrunches up. 
With a huff, you stand up and walk towards him. He pulls the book to his chest before you can catch a glimpse of anything. “Really? What do you think I’m going to do? Run off to the Stahns and tell them what you’re working on? They don’t use spies.” You pause, allowing the weighted silence to convey what you are leaving unsaid. “And even if they did. I wouldn’t spy for them. Despite how much I fucking hate the Familiar institution, I do uphold our value of loyalty.”
He lowers his arms. You snatch the journal from him. He makes a noise, but you ignore him as you flip through the pages allowing your magic to commit it all to memory. “Do you really think you can make an invisibility potion last longer?”
“Yes, I think that by purifying a potion, you can increase both potency and longevity. I’m trying to establish the process with an invisibility potion and then expand to other potions.” His shoulders go back and his chest puffs up as he speaks, but his voice quavers revealing a glimpse through the peacocks feathers.
You nod, turning a page. “Why potions? I always thought sorcerers were more interested in spells and rituals.”
“Spells and rituals are fun.” His chest deflates as he rearranges the equipment on his desk. “And you get a lot more prestige from accomplishments with them, but they aren’t that useful for everyday life and people.”
You pause on a page, the scribbles already committed to memory. Junmyeon has the fancy script of a sorcerer, but perhaps not the motivation. “But a long lasting invisibility potion is?” You smirk as you snap the journal closed and hold it out to him. “I feel like that’s only useful for pervy teens and maybe thieves. Which is your market?”
“Neither.” He snatches the book from your hand. “It’s a basic potion, an easy starting point. I don’t intend to hand it out to anybody who asks.”
You shrug but continue to smirk. “Any more rules?”
He shakes his head. “But I reserve the right to additional ones as I see fit.”
“I reserve the right to argue them. I accept the first three, but not the fourth.” You hold out your hand, allowing your magic to fill it. After a moment’s hesitation, he grasps it. His magic meets yours, sealing the agreement. “Alright, now that’s settled, I’ll let you get back to work while I try to figure out your water problem.” He sputters out a response which you ignore as you head out of the room. 
Three weeks in the Essem library leaves you more frustrated than the day you were forced to sign your damn contract. Getting access to the library had been bitch enough. Grandpa Essem had been adamant that no outsider should have access to their family’s knowledge and especially not someone with a photographic memory. When you pointed out to him that he was the one who had registered Junmyeon for a familiar, he had blustered insensible nonsense which you had tuned out. In the end, it took Junmyeon and Kyungsoo vouching for you and a gag spell before he allowed you access.
Not that the library has been any help. The Essem’s have plenty of books about enchantments, spells, rituals, charms, and all other forms of high magic, but something as simple as supercharging water no. Aside from spending the next three years charging the same water during each full moon, you are at a loss, and that would not be practical for Junmyeon’s purposes. 
“You wouldn’t happen to know any aquamentals would you?” You ask Yuri as you spin in her swivel chair. 
“No. You know how rare elemental magic is.” She glances between her notebook and the ritual she has set up on the table. A bowl sits in the middle. She said it was a salve for wounds which would help knit flesh back together if she could empower it properly.
“Yeah.” You sigh, giving yourself another push.
“You’re going to make yourself sick.”
“Well, then it’s a good thing I’m with a healer.” She ignores your comment. “You work with charged water don’t you.”
“I’m not offering any advice that will be used to help an Essem.”
You scowl. “Don’t think of it as helping an Essem. Think of it as helping one of your oldest friends.”
“Who is working with an Essem.”
“Don’t you owe Kyungsoo for something.”
Her hands ball into fists. “Junmyeon is not Kyungsoo.”
“What if I convince Kyungsoo that this counts?” 
“No.” She snaps her notebook closed, ending the conversation.  She closes her eyes and draws upon her magic. You can smell it in the air, a hint of herbs and growing things. Sweat breaks across her forehead, but even with all her effort, it is only a hum compared to the current of Junmyeon’s magic. She places her hands on the table. For a moment, the ritual hums. You hold your breath. The magic fizzles, sputters, and explodes. The contents of the bowl covering the table, Yuri, the ceiling. You manage to stay clear of the blast zone.
Yuri unleashes a string of curses and nearly flips the table before collapsing back in her chair and banging her head on the table. “This should not be so hard.” She moans.
 As you fumble for something to say, the workshop door opens. “Uko.” You breathe a sigh of relief. She has always been better at cheering Yuri up. She also believes that magical knowledge should be accessible by all. “Really quick before you help Yuri, what’s the best way to charge water? And don’t say moonlight because I’ve tried that and it’s not powerful enough.”
“Which crystals have you used?” She asks as the door closes behind her.
“Doesn’t matter. None of them could give the water a high enough charge.” You wheel towards her, grabbing onto her hand and peering up at her with the softest kitty eyes you can muster. “Please you’ve read so much.”
“You know you look creepy not cute when you only transform your eyes.” She taps your forehead before walking to Yuri. She brushes against you, swiveling you to face them both. Yuri is continuing to bang her head. 
“Stop it.” She commands. Yuri drops her head with a final thud.
“You still haven’t answered my question.” You whine.
Uko shakes her head as she glances between the two of you. “If crystal and moonlight isn’t enough then you would have to steep it with an object of pure magic.” 
“Where the fuc-” But your brain answers the question before you can finish. You’re an idiot. A straight idiot. “Thank you, Uko. You’re the best.” You jump out of the chair and wrap the girl in a quick hug. “Also, Yuri, I’m pretty certain Kyungsoo would help you with your ritual if you asked.” She lunges at you, but you dart out of her reach, laughing as you head for the door. 
A week later, you skip into Junmyeon’s workroom, positively purring. If your idea was successful which you know it will be, you will see the results today. As you cross the door’s threshold, your footsteps falter. Junmyeon stands at his work table with his back towards you. Red tinges his magic, leaving the taste of sulfur on your tongue. “Suho?”
“Kitten,” the word is a low growl. Not Kitty, Kitten. Anger or, perhaps, fear should explain the surge of blood through your system, but it takes second place. An unwanted and unwarranted emotion causes warmth to travel from cheeks to toes. You have been spending way too much time with Junmyeon. 
“I have a name.” You spit back, calling on your anger.
Junmyeon’s hands clench on his work table. “Where did you get the water?”
Fear rises and mingles with your anger. Neither produces an answer though. The words remain locked within your throat. 
As he turns to face you fear overwhelms every emotion. You had misinterpreted the red. Rather than anger; fear has mixed with his magic. Fear for you if the Council finds out? Fear for himself. Regardless, his fear frightens you. “From the Lake.” He knows which lake. He knew before he asked. 
“Why?” His voice breaks on the question and brings your head low.
“We were out of options.” You whisper. “There are no spells for charging water, we don’t know any aquamentals, and relying on the full moon would have taken too long. The Lake has been steeping for centuries.”
“Steeping dark magic.”
You scoff at that. “Magic is neither dark nor light. It’s magic. We are dark and light and use magic to suit our purposes.”
He presses his lips together until they are a thin line across his face. You swallow the rest of your argument. In the current conversation, it is irrelevant. Junmyeon knows it too.
“It is forbidden to go to the Lake or take its water.”
“Only because the Council is full of bigoted assholes.” You borrow Yuri’s description. “Just because they think they know everything doesn’t mean they do. The spells placed on the Lake are older and more powerful than anything the sorcerers of today can conjure. The Stahns may be diminished in power now, but they were at the height of their power when they sealed away the Paen’s sorceress. Taking a beaker of water isn’t going to do anything to those spells. Short of draining the lake of all its water, I don’t think there is anything we could do today to affect those spells.”
“Regardless, it is the law, and you broke it.” His fist pounds on the table behind him, shaking the still. The invisibility potion, clear with only a hint of green, ripples beside his fist.
“Are you-“ The question sticks in your throat like a hairball. You cough. “Then be a good little Essem and turn me in.” You call on the remnants of your anger and force the fear out.
“No.” Your eyes snap to his. You were ready for the Council to come storming in and bind your magic for the rest of your life.
“No.” He leans against the table and folds his arms across his chest. “I should because that was stupid and reckless.” He sighs and shakes his head. “But you are my Familiar. You acted to help me. More importantly though.” He holds your gaze, offering a glimpse of the deepest depths of his soul. “You are my friend, and I trust you.” 
You run your tongue across your lips, suddenly parched. Friend? You have known Junmyeon since kindergarten. You have been his line buddy, his teammate, his lab partner, but he has always been an Essem. A bigoted asshole and the enemy. You nod. 
“Thank you, friend.” You smile at the odd taste of the word. He returns the smile. “Do we go back to work now?”
“I’m adding another rule.” Pushing himself off the bench, he comes to stand before you and extends a hand. “Please consult me before you break any laws.” With a chuckle, you reach for his hand, but pull back and cock a brow. His face furrows as you tuck your hand behind your back. 
“Before I agree I have a rule of my own.” He sighs and crosses his arms, nodding for you to continue. “Don’t call me Kitten again unless you mean it.”
“What do you mean ‘mean it’?”
“You’ll know what I mean if you mean it.” You purr. 
A flush creeps up his neck, but he clears his throat and shakes it off. “Fine.” He offers his hand again. This time, you take it and let your joined magic rush through you. 
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soybeantree · 5 years
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rosemary by moonlight
pairing: park chanyeol x reader, kyungsoo x oc  genre/warning: fluff, MAGIC, mild language  word count: 5.4k description: when you realize signing on for a ‘witch’ friend isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. especially when said friend comes with a lot of very dumb baggage.  a/n: woo! y’all a second story. we are two for two with this whole ‘kyungsoo drabble’ thing. arguably this story has a lot of chanyeol, but still. also - it almost ranges on the crack side so be aware. alrighty, toodles!  essem!magicverse
A week ago, if you had woken up and found a full grown beagle peeing in your toilet, you would have thought a lot of things. Where did this dog come from? Why is he peeing in my toilet? How does he know how to pee in a toilet? Today though, you sigh and close the door.
“Chanyeol, I know you can’t lock the door, but in future can you give me some indication that you’re in the bathroom? I’d really appreciate it.” He barks, and you nod before heading back to your room. A week ago, your life had been normal, or at least as normal as life can be when your best friend is a witch. On a whole though, your life is still pretty normal. You wake up, go to work, come home, and repeat. It’s just certain days your best friend Yuri shows up, and your normal day becomes anything but. Chanyeol trots into your room and hops on your bed. “Out.” You order.
He whines and burrows into your covers, looking up at you with the saddest brown eyes you’ve ever seen. If he was a normal dog, you’d let him stay. “I’m about to change.” His feet tangle in the blankets as he jumps up. He scurries from the room, and you can hear him sliding down the hallway’s wood floor. You smother a snort as you close the door.
Entering the kitchen dressed and ready for the day, you find Chanyeol sitting at the table. He’s even brought his bowl for your convenience. You roll your eyes as you grab the bowl. “You know you’re only getting away with this because you’re a dog.” He woofs, his tongue lolling out as he smiles. You pat his head before heading to the fridge. His breakfast consists of boiled chicken and sweet potato puree because he refuses to eat dog food. Yours is left over pizza from the night before. He eyes your plate with a whimper which you ignore. “I need to run a couple errands today. Do you want to come with me?” He nods. “You’ll have to wear a leash.” He whines. “It’s the law. People don’t know you’re special, and we don’t want them to, right?” His head hangs as he shakes it. The movement makes his ears slap against his head. You chuckle which earns you a growl. After breakfast, you two head out on your errands. Going out with Chanyeol is always an adventure. He is full grown, but he’s a puppy at heart which means he wants to sniff everything and he has the strength to do it. Tugging him away from a garbage can, you head down the street. You love dogs and always have which is probably one of the reasons why Yuri thought you’d be the best choice to watch Chanyeol. If he had been a normal dog, she would have been right.
One week ago, you had come home to find Yuri on your doorstep with a dog beside her. “You have a dog? I though witches were required to have cats.” Your joke had only produced a grimace. “What’s wrong?” “Can we go inside and talk?” You nodded and unlocked the door, letting dog and girl in. Yuri had gone straight to the living room where she plopped on your couch. The dog had sat beside her and rested his head on her lap. He gazed up at her, his eyes the definition of pitiful. She stroked his head. “Yuri?” You asked as you took a seat in a chair across from her. “I came to see if you would watch him for a bit.” She raised her eyes from the dog’s and met yours. “But before you agree, I need to explain some things.” A nod signaled for her to continue. “As you know, the full Council is in town for a meeting.” You nodded again. The Council was the governing body of witches and wizards, and as Yuri’s family was the head family in your area, her father was a member of the Council. Being a Council member means their family has to play host to the traveling Council members.   “Okay, do you remember me telling you about my cousin Chanyeol?” “The cousin without magic?” “Yes, him. He’s also in town with his parents for the Council meeting.” “And they brought their pet dog?” She grimaced. “No. Not at all.” She chewed her lip. Unease churned in your stomach. Yuri never falters. She barrels ahead with an exuberance for life which leaves you exhausted. “Chanyeol was playing ‘hide and go seek’ with E, except the dumb ass decided to play ‘hide and go boo’.” The dog barked, raising his head. Yuri had glared down at him. “Really? You’re a fucking dog right now. I think that qualifies you for dumb ass status.” The dog had growled, and Yuri had growled back. You had sat there wide eyed, staring at the two. E is Yuri’s nephew, and at age four, the youngest member of her family. He’s also arguably the most powerful. Powerful enough to change a human into an animal. “This is a joke right?” You had finally managed to say. “E got scared. His magic reacted, and now Chanyeol is a dog.” “And you want me to watch him? Just change him back.” “We can’t because the Council is here.” Your expression must have revealed your confusion because she continued. “Certain spells have to be sanctioned by the Council. Transformation spells are one. If we apply for a sanction, the Council will investigate. If they find out about E, they, with prompting from certain assholes,” (she meant the Essem family, a powerful magical family in the area), “will label him a danger and bind his powers. They could even be convinced that my family is no longer fit to lead and instate a new Head Family. Ten guesses what family that would be.” Yuri’s family has been Head Family for over a hundred years. They have diligently kept the peace between the magical and non-magical community and offered their magic for the benefit of both communities. Even people who fear and despise witches and wizards respect her family. If they were removed, the Essem family would be the choice to replace them. “But, what if E is a danger though?” “He’s a little boy who was scared and was trying to protect himself. He’s not evil, and this is his first offense. He doesn’t deserve to have his magic bound. No child should be kept from their magic.” She stroked Chanyeol’s head. “And I have taken steps with E to ensure something like this won’t happen again.” “Okay.” You had acquiesced. “Back to your original request. You just want me to watch him until the Council meeting ends.” “Yes.” “But, you’ll still have to go to them to sanction the spell?” “Yes.” She offered no further explanation. With a sigh, you leaned back in your chair and asked, “Then what exactly is your plan?” “I’m going to change him back.” Both of you went silent. Chanyeol had placed his head back in Yuri’s lap. With a sad smile, she scratched behind his ears. “I’ll be okay.” You weren’t certain to whom she was saying it, but you knew none of you believed her. Yuri is a healer and considered a hedge-witch by most in the magical community. Whether the term bothers her, she never shows. But, there is truth behind the term. Yuri’s magic is the weakest in her family. “What about repercussions?” “I’ll be okay.” “Yuri,” you pleaded, leaning forward and forcing her to meet your eyes, “just let someone else in your family do it.” “My family is full of rule followers. They can never know about this.” “What you’re saying then is that E’s magic and your family’s status is more important than your life?” Your argument over simplified everything, but your best friend was talking nonsense. Yuri had remained silent, a simple smile on her face. Her silence had fueled your rage, but with a deep sigh, you had released it all. “Fine. He can stay.” Yuri beamed, and Chanyeol woofed. You shook your head. “Granny always said never get mixed up with witches. I should have listened.” “Hey! Knowing witches has its perks. When was the last time your allergies bothered you?” You had refused to respond. “Exactly. Now, I need to get going.” She had stood up. “I have a lot of research and planning to do.” She started walking towards the door. “I don’t have any special instructions. There shouldn’t be any side effects. He understands everything you say and will find a way to communicate. If you need anything or anything weird happens let me know.” “You know there is someone outside your family you could ask for help.” The suggestion was part retaliation and part last ditch effort to keep your friend from risking her life. Chanyeol had glanced up at you, but your attention remained on Yuri who had stiffened. “You had better not be about to say Kyungsoo.” She threatened as she swiveled to face you. “Because I’ll turn you into a dog.” “From your rants though, it seems like he’s powerful enough and would be willing enough to help.” Your smirk threatened to turn into a smile as laughter built in your chest. Yuri’s face reddened. “I am not going to crawl to some Essem wizard for help. Were you not listening early? His family is trying to ruin mine. He and his whole family can go shit in a ditch.” You shrugged. “I feel like Kyungsoo would keep your secret.” Chanyeol had barked at that which earned him a glare from his cousin. “I’m not asking him.” And with that she left. The past week has been strange. Chanyeol insists on still acting as a human which is why you had the pleasure of walking in on him this morning. As Yuri had said, he also found a way to communicate, and you have found yourself having lengthy conversations with a dog.
Returning home from your errands sends Chanyeol into a frenzy. He tugs at the leash and nearly pulls you over as you head up the walkway. You shout at him, but he ignores you, pawing at the door. The moment it’s open, he darts inside. The leash slips from your hand, and you charge in after him, still shouting. Your shouts die out when you enter the living room. All the furniture has been pushed to the fringes. In the center of the room, Yuri sits a book beside her and black chalk in hand as she sketches symbols from the book on your clean wood floor. Chanyeol sits at the rooms edge, tongue out, panting in delight, but delight fails to register in your mind. “Why is there a pentagram on my floor?” “It’s a pentagon, not a pentagram. A pentagram looks like a star. A pentagon is a five sided polygon.” Yuri corrects. You blink through the explanation and force yourself to wait ten seconds before responding. Beside you, Chanyeol woofs in amusement. If you didn’t think it would be considered animal cruelty, you would kick him. Clearing your throat, you rephrase. “Why is there a pentagon on my floor?” “It’s part of the spell.” Yuri explains as continues to chalk marks on the floor. “You’re doing the spell in my house?!” You shriek. Chanyeol whimpers and shakes his ears. A quick pat on his head is your apology, but your attention remains on your friend. The chalk has fallen from her hand, and she stares at you wide mouthed. “I should have asked before setting up the spell here.” Her mouth closes in a grimace. Chanyeol trots up to her and rubs his head against her hand. She scratches behind his ears. “Sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I forget that not everybody just casts spells in their house. I’ll clean this up and find some other place to set up the spell.” She grabs the book and the other items scattered around her and shoves them in a bag. The pentagon draws your eye. The lines marking its edges run in complex swirls and patterns and around the pentagon runs a circle of equally intricate design. The whole thing must have taken hours to set up. “Leave it.” You sigh. “But make sure there’s no backlash. I don’t want to have to buy new furniture.” She beams at you and shakes her head. “I’ve already set up a protection circle.” She indicates the one you noticed before. With a nod, you head into your kitchen to let her finish her work in peace. Chanyeol follows you. “Do your parents cast spells in your house?” He shakes his head. “Does it destroy their house?” He gives no immediate response, but his head tilts and his eyes glaze over. “That’s not comforting.” You head for the fridge and pull out ingredients, setting them on the counter. Soup feels like the perfect meal for the day. “Is magic easier to handle if you’re around it more?” It’s not the question you want to ask, but with your limited communication it’s the best option. Chanyeol hops onto a stool and then the counter. You eye him, but he keeps his distance from your vegetables. He nods, then shakes his head in answer to your question. You grab your grandmother’s cook book from its shelf and set it on the table, flipping to your favorite soup recipe. “Do you think it’s possible to get used to it if you can’t use it?” Chanyeol nods. “Have you gotten used to it?” He sits back on his haunches and scans himself before meeting your eyes. “Fair point.” As you start to chop the vegetables, Yuri’s mutterings drift in from the living room. You two haven’t known each other your wholes lives, and sometimes you feel like your friendship would be easier if you had. You two met in high school, shortly after Yuri came into her magic. She rarely discusses her life before meeting you. Yuri is a later bloomer. Most witches and wizards come into their magic as children. That her magic manifested so late is a disgrace to her family. Her magic manifesting as a minor healer is another disgrace. When you met, you knew nothing of the politics of magic. Meeting a witch and her family had been exciting. Yuri’s joy in her gift had made it the peak of magical skill to you. Everything she learned and did was fascinating, and you were happy you could experience it with her. The more you learned about the world of magic. The more you hated it. Your friend who lived to see a child’s scrape heal without a scar began to push herself beyond her limits with disastrous results. “Do you really think this is a good idea?” You stop chopping and address Chanyeol. Lifting his head from where it rests on his paws, he glances to the living room then back to you. He sighs his shoulders slumping. “She could kill herself. Is it really worth it?”
Chanyeol pops up and nods his head, his ears slapping against his head from the force. “Family first, always.” Yuri says from the doorway. “As foreign a concept as it may be today, in the magical community, we still value the family above the individual.” “This goes beyond that, and you know it. This is your life, Yuri.” “I’m not going to die. I’m not that pathetic of a witch.” “I didn’t-” “Let’s go, Chanyeol. Everything’s set up.” She disappears back into the living room. Chanyeol steps towards you and rubs his face against your hand. “Thank you.” You scratch behind his ears. He nods and trots to the end of the counter, jumping off. You follow him into the living room. Curtains blot out the sunlight. Only the candles placed at each point of the pentagon illuminate the room. Chanyeol walks between two of the candles to stand in the pentagon’s center. A match flares to life revealing Yuri’s face and a book which rests on the floor before her. She lights two candles on either side of the book before extinguishing the match. “Stay on the outside of the protective circle.” She instructs. You take a step back, your eyes darting between your friend and Chanyeol. Yuri exhales and begins. The hairs on the back of your neck rise as the taste of copper fills your mouth. The hum of magic reverberates through the air. Nothing moves. Nothing changes. You always wonder if magic is visible to witches. Can they see it work? The spell continues. The words slip softly from Yuri’s mouth. Sweat begins to bead along her hairline. Her face wrinkles. The hum intensifies, growing discordant. Chanyeol whimpers and covers his ears. Yuri never falters even as her voice turns into a rasp and her body curls forward. Her eyes have gone white. Screaming her name or entering the circle would disrupt the spell, causing unknown damage. So you remain rooted to your spot as your nails draw blood from your clenched fists. The hum is deafening. Yuri shouts, but the magic swallows her words. Chanyeol howls. You cover your ears as your ear drums threaten to burst. Then nothing. For a moment, you crouch in silence. The hairs on the back of your neck sting. The taste of copper roils your stomach.
An explosion ruptures the silence, howling through the room as the magic breaks free of Yuri’s control. It rushes toward you and slams against the barrier. Before you can breathe, it whirls together a bright swirl of light casting out all shadows. The magic spirals searching, beating against the barrier until it finds the only opening: the conduit between the spell and the caster. The magic rips into Yuri. The light fills her, threatening to burst through. Her mouth opens in a silent scream. Then she falls. The light fades, and you are left in total darkness. The rasp of your breath sounds in the ensuing silence. The clock ticks, and the mutters of cars filter in from outside. The hairs on the back of your neck lay back, and the copper in your mouth comes from the blood of your bit lip. Your eyes adjust, and you can see Yuri where she fell. She doesn’t move. You scream her name as you rush to her side. A furry body brushes next to you as you grab her shoulders and shake her. No movement. No response. Before your fear can smother you, her chest rises. Your breath shudders out in a sob. A cold nose presses against your face. A dog stands next to you. He steps towards Yuri, nuzzling her cheek. Still no response. “We have to get her to a hospital.” Chanyeol barks. His face so close to yours you can see the glint in his eyes even in the dark. “She’s unconscious!” You start to stand, but teeth sink into your sleeve and force you back down. “Let go.” You hiss. He releases your arm and trots away. A moment later, light flares to life in the room. He walks away from the switch and circles the failed spell. He stops by Yuri and stares up at you. Magic caused this. Only magic can reverse it. “Then we have to take her to your family.” He whines and shakes his head. “Your family be damned! Yuri is unconscious. She could be dying. And you would really rather protect your family’s position than save her?” He yips at you, but you’re done with this bullshit. Your best friend is unconscious on your living room floor, and the only people capable of helping her are her family. You stand, but he steps in front of you. “Move out of the way, Chanyeol, or I will kick a dog.” He barks, the noise louder and more commanding than any before. Your eyes meet his. For a moment, you can see the human staring back at you. “Do you have a plan?” He nods. Stepping towards Yuri, he tugs on her sleeve before darting to the couch. Once you’ve settled her on the couch, he leads you to the door and out. So begins your wild chase through the city. Right as you’re deciding magic has addled his brain and you’re going straight to the family, he stops. Glancing up, you find yourself in front of a four story walk-up on the towns old main street. The faded red brick and boarded up windows reaffirm your earlier decision. But before you can abandon the dog, he walks up to the doorway and, standing on his back pause, noses a button you hadn’t noticed. “Hello?” A voice sounds from what you now realize is an intercom. “Hello,” you rush forward, “who is this?” “Who is this?” Comes the gravely response. “My name is Y/N. My best friend is Yuri. I was told you could help me.” A pause. “Did Yuri send you?” “No. But, she’s the reason I’m here.”
The line goes dead. You punch the intercom again, but the static goes to silence. You slam the intercom. “This is a fucking waste of time.” You shout at Chanyeol. “We’re going to your family.” The door opens. You turn, your mind going blank as you blink. “You’re Do Kyungsoo.” “Is Yuri okay?” “Why…” You glance at Chanyeol then back to Kyungsoo. “Why would I come find you? Your part of the Essem family. Whatever. Doesn’t matter. We need your help.” On the way back to your house, you provide an edited version of the days events. Yuri attempted a spell and it backfired. When you mention her unconscious state, Kyungsoo begins to run. Chanyeol keeps up with him, leading the way while you lag behind. They reach your house before you, and when you arrive, you find them both already in your living room. Kyungsoo sits on the couch beside Yuri. His hands hover over her as he mutters. Chanyeol sits beside them, watching Kyungsoo’s hand. Leaning over Kyungsoo, you ask, “Will she be okay? Do you know when she’ll wake up?” “She’s a healer witch. Why was she attempting a transformation spell?” You glance at the spell remains scrawled across your floor then to Chanyeol. Kyungsoo’s eyes never leave Yuri as he continues to examine her. Chanyeol shakes his head. “You’re Essem. Yuri would kill me if I revealed any family secrets.” “But you came to me for help.” His voice is low, a deep rumble easing the tension from your body. “I did.” You eye Chanyeol. “I have no idea why I did, but I did. She’ll probably kill me for that too.” “It was Chanyeol wasn’t it.” He picks up Yuri’s hand, cradling it in his as he traces her veins. A brief hum fills the air. You eye Chanyeol who refuses to meet your gaze. “How did you know?” “Chanyeol’s my cousin, and the only member of their family who would trust me.” “Wait, what? You’re his cousin. Then why do you hate the Essem family so much?” You glare down at the dog. Kyungsoo glances back to watch the exchange. His body follows his head as realization dawns. “Chanyeol, you’re a dog?” Chanyeol nods, his head hanging low. A brief smile flits across Kyungsoo’s face. “Yuri was trying to change him back.” He nods to himself and returns to his patient, setting her hand down. “She’ll be okay. The backlash caused blocks in her magic. I’ve removed them. She overexerted herself, depleting her magic. She needs rest for now.” He stands. His gaze drifts over the spell before settling on Chanyeol. “Will you let me reverse the transformation?” “Stop. Before anyone does anymore magic in my house, I would like an explanation. How is he your cousin when he is also Yuri’s cousin? Your families hate each other. Also what about sanctions and magical law and all of that crap?” “Would you rather me explain our family relationship or him?” Kyungsoo asks. “Him.”
“And when Yuri wakes up and discovers she failed, she will try again. The results from a second failed attempt could be disastrous.” He’s right. Switching positions with him, you sit beside Yuri while Chanyeol trots into the center of the pentagon. Kyungsoo kneels in front of the book. With a wave of his hands, the lights go out and the candles come to life. A chill runs down your spine. He starts. Hairs rise and copper tingles your tongue. The hum fills the air. The melody continues unbroken as the dog you’ve known transforms. His limbs lengthen and continue to lengthen, the paws becoming hands and feet. His torso expands. The fur thins and disappears, revealing smooth hard flesh. Blood rushes to your face, and you bury your face in your hands before the transformation finishes. The hum ends, and your body settles, except for your heart which is still racing. A throat clears in front of you, but you refuse to open your eyes.  “Sorry. I didn’t think about clothes.” The voice is deeper than Kyungsoo’s. It sounds like a smile even with the embarrassment which tinges it. “Stay here.” Kyungsoo’s voice sounds. “I’ll go get clothes from my apartment. Y/N do you have a blanket or something for him to cover himself?” “Chanyeol knows where everything is.” Your eyes remain closed as your ears strain to fill in the activity around you. Feet shuffle. There’s scraping. The front door closes. A hand taps your shoulder. “It’s safe now.” Your heart which had finally calmed starts racing again. “Y/N, I promise you can’t see anything. I’m just a blanket with a head.” He chuckles. The sound sends a tingle all the way to your toes. Peaking one eye open, you find it’s true. He’s pulled a chair up, and he sits curled in it. The blanket surround him, leaving only his head visible. It’s a very attractive head. Opening both eyes, you view his face. His eyes still hold the sweet innocence of a puppy, and his ears are just as big as before. You wonder if they’d flap when he shakes his head. You chuckle at the image, and he smiles. Your heart stops. You look away, clearing your throat, as you try to find anything else to focus on. Your eyes settle on Yuri. “You’re all cousins then?” “No.” Your eyes slip back to him, and you find his are on Yuri. “I’m cousins with Yuri on my dad’s side, and with Kyungsoo on my mom’s side.” “The families allowed them to marry?” “Yes and no. My family allowed the marriage. The Essem family did not. When my mom married my dad, she was disowned.” “Her brother and sisters, everyone she grew up with, they all just turned their back on her?” You ask. “Family first, always.” He offers a weak smile.“They had no choice. My grandfather, the head of the Essem family, refused to allow the marriage, and my mother disobeyed. She chose herself over the family. They chose the family over her.” “But still.” He shakes his head. “It’s really common actually. Marriages have to be approved by the head of the family. It’s a power thing.” He pauses for a moment, organizing his thoughts. “You’re taught the family spells and lore growing up, and when you get married, you take that with you. If you marry someone from another family, they get all that knowledge, plus all the knowledge they already have, so that family gets more powerful.  And any outside marriage is also the lose of a member of the next generation which makes your family weaker.” Silence stretches between you two. You think he’s done, but he continues in a whisper. “My grandfather wants his family to be the most powerful. He’ll do anything to increase his family’s power and decrease the power of other families. It’s why…” His eyes meet yours for a moment as he searches. Whatever, he was looking for he must have found it because he shares, “It’s why my parents think I am a wizard, and that the only reason I don’t have my magic is because my grandfather bound them when I was in the womb.” Horror settles in your bones with a deep chill. While Yuri rarely talks about her life before her magic came, the brief conversations you’ve had have twisted your insides. A witch without magic is like a man without air. Words lodge in your throat, but you force them out. “Do you believe that?” “I don’t know.” His eyes gloss over as he looks beyond this moment. “There are times when I feel something like an itch, and I think something might happen. But I don’t know if it’s just wishful thinking.” “And there’s no way to test and know?” He shakes his head. “The only people powerful enough to undo a binding are on the Council, and to have them try, we would have to submit a formal accusation against my grandfather. And if it turns out that my grandfather didn’t bind me and I’m just not magical, well…” “It looks bad on your family, and your grandfather can use it as an excuse to remove your family?” He nods. You shake your head. “I can understand why you and Yuri hate the Essem family so much.” The words sound flat, but no words fit the thoughts whirling through your head. You clench your fists and breath through the emotions which threaten to rise. A hand rests on your fist. Chanyeol meets your eyes with a smile. “It’s okay. Not everyone in Essem is like my grandfather. Kyungsoo is one of them.” As if his name is a summoning charm, Kyungsoo arrives. He offers a bag of clothes to Chanyeol who disappears into the bathroom to dress. “You won’t tell anyone about this?” You ask Kyungsoo. The wizard kneels beside you and Yuri. Her hand is in his as he traces symbols on her palm. “No.” “Why not? Don’t you want your family to replace theirs?” “No.” He sets her hand down and reaches up to brush a few stray hairs off her face. His fingers linger on her cheek, but he quickly pulls them back. “She’s doing well. She should be up in a little bit. She’ll be hungry when she wakes up.” Your mind drifts back to the unfinished soup. You’ll order take out. “Why-” But Chanyeol emerges from the bathroom, cutting off your question. “If anything changes, call me.” Kyungsoo stands and hands you a slip of paper. With a nod to you and Chanyeol, he leaves. “He’s odd.” “He’s shy.” Chanyeol amends. He walks up to you, and you smother a snort. Kyungsoo’s clothes stretch across his frame. His ankles are on full display and the sleeves only reach to his forearm. The tight shirt clings to his chest, hinting at the muscles you had glimpsed earlier. “You’re a lot bigger than I expected.” Your eyes widen as you splutter. “I mean you were a small dog. I thought you’d be a small man, but you’re a big man.” Your face is so hot, but you refuse to fan it. Chanyeol chuckles which doesn’t help the situation. “I forgot that we’d never met before this. I’m Chanyeol.” He extends his hand. “Y/N.” You say as you stand and shake his hand. He smiles, and you can see a pink tinge on the tops of his ears. “I need to go see my parents. I’m sure Yuri has lied to them about where I’ve been so they won’t worry, but I want to check in.” “Yes, you should go.” You enthuse. Clearing your throat, you continue more calmly. “Not that I don’t want you to stay, but I can watch Yuri by myself. Kyungsoo said she’s okay and just needs rest.” He nods, his ears are fully pink. “Would be okay then if I came back?” “What?” “Now that I’m human, I didn’t know if it would be okay for me to come back and hang out.” “Of course you can, if you want to.” You blink rapidly as your mind stumbles over the words. He beams and nods. “Okay, I’ll see you later.” He gives a half wave, stares at his hand, then tucks it behind his back. “Bye.” He scurries from your house. Your heart thrums in your chest, and you can’t keep the smile from your face. A groan draws your attention to the couch. Yuri pushes herself up, and you rush to help her sit. “Easy now.” You grab a pillow and prop her up before taking a seat beside her. “What happened? Where’s Chanyeol? Why am I so hungry?”
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soybeantree · 4 years
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pairing: johnny x reader
genre/warning: fluff, magic!au
word count: 3k
description: you hated him. his stupid face smiling. his stupid charisma that would always woo the customers - of which you had no doubt was aided by the use of magic. his stupid cousin - that you actually adored and would kill to have him even notice you, but who continuously chose johnny over you for assistance. and most of all you hated how your lungs forgot their one job whenever he was within 5 feet of you.  
a/n: from the essem: rosemary by moonlight universe. not necessary to read that first, but some things may not make complete sense.
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"I'd like an iced caramel Frappuccino with low fat milk and a pump of pep. To go." The customer rattles off her order as she approaches the counter, never sparing you a greeting or even a glance. From her clean-cut bob to her khaki shorts and salmon button down, you know exactly how this conversation is going to go.
Contorting your cheeks into your best customer service smile and using your most pleasant tone, you inform her, "I'm sorry ma'am, but any drinks with magical add-ins must be consumed within the cafe."
Now, she glances at you, her wallet poised in her hand as her face falls into what you refer to as the entitled scowl. "Excuse me?"
“Any drinks with magical add-ins must be consumed within the café.” You repeat, despite the fact that you enunciated clearly the first time. To help with any possible confusion, you gesture to the bright golden script at the bottom of the menu which states the same.
The woman scoffs, and you inhale a deep, imperceptible breath. “Why?” Indignation laces the word and colors her cheeks red.
Many reasons. Most of which revolve around negligence and exploitation, but that explanation drags. Reminding yourself that you want this job and have jumped through hoops to get it, you dredge up every ounce of patience in your body. With a smile still in place, you say. “We strive to abide by the standards set forth within the Council’s Magical Charter. I would be more than happy to complete your order, but any drink with magical add-ins must be consumed on property.”
“I-“ You brace yourself for the entitled tirade, but the woman’s face melts into a bewildered smile. A glance over your shoulder reveals the reason. Johnny, your fellow barista, stands behind you, his cheeks pulled back by a swoon worthy grin. 
With a sigh, you step away from the counter and let Johnny work his magic. Quite literally. Johnny, like you, has the skill of enchantment. As a member of the Essem Family, he has had access to training and knowledge all his life. You on the other hand come from a no name family who has one grimoire passed down from generation to generation, and the two-page section on enchantment only works for curing melancholy. 
In moments, Johnny has the woman pacified with an iced caramel Frappuccino with low fat milk and no pump of pep, to go. She sends him another smile before she nearly collides with the door on her way out. After a giggle which Johnny echoes, she is gone, and you’re ready to vomit. 
"Did you add a shot of charm to your coffee this morning?" You ask as you resume your position.
Johnny flashes you a grin while raising a single smug eyebrow. "No, I'm just naturally this charming." You gag as you turn away which elicits a chuckle from him. “What, you don’t think I’m charming?”
“I think you are a talented witch.” You say as you reorganize your station. While leaning over the counter to schmooze the woman, Johnny managed to throw the entire place into disarray. You return the business cards to their holder and the pencils to their cup.
“You really think I’m using magic when I calm irritated customers?” 
A twang in his voice draws your attention back to him. Glancing over your shoulder, your stomach twists. For such a tall man, he can make himself appear so small. His shoulders hunch in as he fiddles with the ties on his apron. The posture throws his long bangs into his eyes, obscuring them from your scrutiny.
The answer to his question is “yes”, but the answer brews from a petty spite which you stoke every time Minseok, the café’s owner and the foremost expert on enchantment magic, chooses him as an assistant over you. The whole reason you strived for a position at the café was to become Minseok’s apprentice, but every day he chooses Johnny to help with his brews. While you enjoy blaming Johnny, you know the favoritism is due to the inclusiveness of the covens. After all, Johnny is Minseok’s cousin. 
“Since when do you care what I think? I thought I was just the hired help.” 
His head snaps up, the ties of his apron forgotten as he gazes into your eyes. The contact cools your spite, and it sours. Your stomach rolls at the discomfort, and you clear your throat and return to your reorganization.  
“Minseok doesn’t hire just anyone to help in the café.”
You know this. You badgered him for a job ever since Johnny told you about his cousin and his café. Minseok had been the sole employee for years after the café’s inception, hiring Johnny only when the café’s popularity grew. Eventually, the work became too much for the two of them, and rather than hire a qualified enchantment witch, Minseok had hired the girl with little-to-no skill who practically lived at the shop.
“Whatever.” You grumble as you throw another pencil into the holder. The force sends the jar spinning. It falls on its side spilling its contents across the counter. With a growl, you reach for the scattered pencils, but Johnny’s long arms reach around you. The pencils disappear into one hand as his other rights the holder before returning the contents. 
You duck out from under Johnny’s unintentional embrace, your cheeks burning. He has to be using his magic. You hold tight to this belief as you breathe to calm your racing heart. 
“Minseok likes having you here. You’re as detail oriented as he is.” Johnny nods to the front and back counters both of which have everything in their place and a place for everything. “I’m pretty certain you’re the only person in the world who understands his organizational method.”
“It’s not that hard. Ingredients are organized first by purchase date and then alphabetical. Supplies are..." You trail off as you catch sight of Johnny’s smirk out of the corner of your eye. “You really expect me not to think you’re using magic when you always seem to know exactly what to say to distract me?”
He shrugs, but his smirk only grows. “There are other reasons, I might know that.” Before you can question him further, the bell above the front door jingles. “Duty calls.” He tips his head to you before disappearing back into the brewing room. 
With a deep breath, you shove the conversation from your mind and rattle off the customary greeting as you turn to face the new customer. 
“Good morning, Y/N. How goes the grind?” You blink a moment as your brain registers that your cousin is here. She misses your confusion as she is too busy chuckling at her pun.
"It’s great. How goes your fruitless endeavor to start a school of magic?"
She scowls which brings a genuine smile to your face. "It's not fruitless. It's slow moving because covens are full of stuck up assholes who refuse to share their knowledge because of what? They're afraid it will diminish their power and their prestige. They need to get their heads out of their asses and think about how much better the world would be if we all worked together and shared our knowledge." 
This tirade is as familiar as the Entitled tirade. "And yet, you always get coffee at an Essem café?" You comment as you punch her order into the register.
"Minseok has the best coffee.” She hands you her card. “Everyone in the city knows that. Everyone in the world probably knows it too."
"But you're supporting the coven with the most stuck up assholes." You return the card to her.
"You're working at the coffee shop."
"But I don't have the same issues with them that you do." Not mostly at least. You would appreciate it if Minseok occasionally asked you back into the brewing room. 
She shrugs. “Did you place that order for here or to go?”
“To go?” You raise a brow. 
“I need it for here.”
“Why?” You stretch the word into two syllables. 
“Because I’m staying here.” Rolling your eyes, you adjust the order. "I'm supposed to be meeting up with Yuri." She explains as she checks her watch. "But, she's late as usual."
Your finger pauses above the register as you gawk at your cousin. "Yuri? As in the hedge-witch of the Stahn Family?"
"Yuri is much more than a hedge witch."
"Okay, whatever,” You hold up your hands, stopping whatever tirade she will surely start. “But she’s a Stahn and this is an Essem cafe?"
"Yes,” she crosses her arm, and there is no stopping this coming tirade. “Why is it so hard to understand what me and the Fantagios are trying to do? We want to create a world where people can see beyond their family covens and share knowledge for the benefit of the world."
Leaning forward, you shorten the distance between you and your cousin. The more heated she becomes the louder she gets. The customers have already started to side eye her, and the last thing you need is for Johnny and, especially, Minseok to hear her. "That's great and all. But your dream is not reality and you agreed to meet up with a Stahn on Essem territory. They're basically mortal enemies. This could end in bloodshed, and I could lose my job because I'm related to you."
"Calm down. Yuri wouldn't have agreed to meet here if she was worried for her safety."
You swallow your rebuttal as you hear the hinges of the brewing room door squeak. Your cousin’s eyes grow to the size of saucers, and you wonder why Minseok is delivering her coffee. He rarely leaves the brewing room, leaving all the deliveries to Johnny.
Minseok extends a mug to your cousin who whimpers a “thank you” as she takes it. She sips. Her cheeks flush, but whether that is due to Minseok or the heat of the coffee only your cousin knows. 
“Is it good?” Minseok’s question raises one of your brows. In the year and a half that you’ve been working for Minseok, you have never heard him ask a customer’s opinion of his work. Pink tinges the tips of his ears, and you have to refrain from pinching yourself. Maybe, this whole day has been a dream.
“It’s delicious.” Your cousin, the queen of social justice tirades, simpers.
The nausea from earlier returns as you suffer through the ensuing conversation. Despite your effort to tune it out, you hear Minseok comment on your cousin’s frequent visits to the café. She explains that you’re her cousin, which you wish she would have left out given what is about to happen, and that he makes the best coffee in the city. His whole ears brighten at the compliment, the red creeping into his cheeks. Surely, a customer is bound to come in soon and end this disgusting display of emotions.
“Y/N can keep you company while you wait.”
 Your name snaps your attention back to the conversation. You blink as you search your brain for the lead into the statement but find nothing. “What?”
 “I was telling Uko,” Your cousin must have introduced herself while you attempted disassociation, “that you can take your break early to wait with her.”
“Oh, I mean sure if you’re okay with that.” The look on Minseok’s face screams that he would be okay with anything that your cousin wanted. 
“Go ahead.” He motions for you to be on your way, and with a slight nod, you head into the brewing room which offers the exit into the main area.
Johnny, busy at a cauldron, eyes you as you walk past him and remove your apron. “Where are you going?”
“I’m taking my break.” You say with a shake of your head as you hang your apron on its hook.
A glance at the clock scrunches up Johnny’s face and puffs out his already large lips. “But, your break’s in an hour?”
“Listen,” you say, turning to face him completely. “I don’t know what I just witnessed out there.” You gesture to the door behind which you are certain the uncomfortable situation is continuing. “But, Minseok said go to break, so I am going to break.”
“What did you witness?” Johnny grabs a mortar and pestle from the counter and adds three pinches to his cauldron. A faint smell of strawberries wafts through the room bringing with it the image of sunlight fields and a gentle breeze. He’s brewing happiness. The ingredient he added was green. Was it an herb? A stone? A mixture of different things? “Y/N?”
“What?” Your mind snaps back to the moment as you remember that Johnny did ask a question. “Is your cousin dating anyone?” You ask rather than answer.
Johnny pauses mid-stir and stares at you. “No.” He draws out the word as he slowly starts to stir the cauldron counter clockwise. “Are you asking for a friend?”
Your eyes narrow at his tone. “No, I’m asking because he’s currently flirting with my cousin, and it’s gross.”
“What?!” His whole face lights up, and he nearly spills the cauldron in his haste to reach the door to the order counter. Sprinting across the room, you reach the door before he does and block it with your body.
“What are you doing?” You pant as your lungs struggle to refill.
“Our family, at least the cool people in our family, have a bet going that Minseok has a wife and two kids in hiding or that he is a celibate monk. I bet that he hasn’t found the right one. Now move, so I can prove I was right and win the bet.” He tries to shove you to the side, but you dig your heels in and refuse to budge. “Come on.” He whines, pulling his bottom lip up into a pout.
“If you want me to move, then you had better use your magic because this is already ridiculous enough.” Fortifying yourself for the oncoming attack, you blink in surprise when Johnny steps back with a shrug.
“I don’t need to. I can ask Minseok about it when he comes back here.” He returns to the cauldron. The potion has turned a putrid shade of green, and Johnny hisses as he tries to fix the problem. 
Staying would provide you valuable knowledge, but Minseok has yet to approve your assistance with the brewing. Staying also means you would witness the next installment of this non-thrilling saga.
Minseok and your cousin are still talking when you exit the brewing room into the main area. They probably haven’t even realized how long you’ve been gone or that their conversation was almost interrupted by an overly inquisitive mind.  
“There’s a free table over there.” You bust into the middle of a conversation about magical vs. non-magical cleaning products. 
“Right.” Your cousin looks to you, then back to Minseok. “It was very nice talking with you.” Her smile stretches across her face. “Maybe we could talk more later.”
Minseok’s smile is more subdued than your cousin’s, but it’s more than what you witness on a typical Tuesday. “Yes, I would like that.”
“Minseok.” Johnny’s head pops out of the brewing room. “I need your help with something.” The stench of rotten fruit leaks through the open door. Minseok mutters a quick apology before disappearing into the brewing room. 
You take a seat at the free table, a smug smile on your face. Your cousin is slower to take her seat, her smile still in place. “Is this really the first time you’ve met Minseok?” You ask when she finally settles in her seat.
“Yes,” she answers though her eyes remain on the brewing room door. “He had already graduated when I started high school. I heard about him from the upperclassmen, but they did not do him justice. He is one fine man.”
“Gross. Can you take your thirsty ass and get out of my place of work?”
“You work in a coffee shop, a place where thirsty people are literally supposed to come.” She quips back, finally glancing at you.
“Please, people don’t come to cafes because they’re thirsty. They come to work, socialize, or take aesthetic photos, and maybe sometimes for caffeine.” 
Before she can formulate a rebuttal, the bell above the front door jingles, and in walks the reason for your cousin’s visit. In your disgust, you had forgotten the threat to your job. Panic races through your veins as your attention shifts to the counter. You wish for all the luck in the world, but luck abandons you. Instead of Johnny coming to greet the new customer, Minseok emerges once again. Habit controls him as he smiles and gives the customary greeting. Only after the last word leaves his mouth does recognition register in his eyes. 
"Yuri." The name is a question and a greeting.
The hedge-witch tilts her head a fraction of a degree in the semblance of a nod. "Minseok." She returns the greeting. You wait - breath held, heart racing - for the coming altercation.
"Kyungsoo's been looking for you. He seems to be worried about something. Is everything okay?"
"You can mind your own damn business." She huffs, her arms crossing over her chest.
You flinch, but Minseok chuckles. "I'm merely a messenger."
"Well messenger, you can tell Kyungsoo - and please make this verbatim - 'I'm fine. Thank you. You can suck my dick'."
Minseok jots the message down on his guest check book, glancing up at Yuri when he finishes. "Anything else?"
"No, that's all."
"Would you like to order anything?"
"Hell, no. I'm here to meet with someone." She glances around the shop. 
You shrink down in your chair, hoping to avoid detection, but your cousin shreds that hope. She waves her hand, drawing both of their attention to you two. Minseok’s eyes rest on you for a moment before shifting to your cousin. 
Yuri returns the wave as she walks to your table. "Hey Uko, sorry I'm late. The potion needed to brew a little longer this morning than I anticipated. I blame this muggy weather. It's messing with everything I make. Is this your cousin?" She nods to you as she plunks into the last of the three chairs at your table. Uko nods her head. "Nice to meet you."
"You might not think it's so nice. She works here."
A hiss slips out as Yuri shakes her head. "Why must the young always be corrupted?"
"Don't worry. I might not have a job for much longer." You sigh as you push yourself out of your chair. "Breaks over. I’ll find out soon enough if I do or not."
"Minseok might be an Essem, but he's not going to fire you because you have a connection to me.” Yuri assures you. “If he does though, let me know and I'll kick his ass." Yuri grins, showing all of her teeth, and you chuckle despite the anxieties waging war in your stomach.
Walking back into the brewing room, you grab your apron and slip it on while keeping your back to Minseok and Johnny. With a deep breath, you turn to face them. Johnny stands over the cauldron which is a deep forest green and simmering pleasantly. You breathe in the smell of strawberries and hope the happiness has rubbed off on Minseok who is standing beside Johnny and whispering instructions. 
With a glance up, Minseok pats Johnny on the shoulder and walks towards you. Lifting leaden feet, you meet him by the door to the ordering counter. 
A volley of words waits on your tongue, but they retreat when Minseok asks, “Can you give this to your cousin?” The “this” he is referring to is a folded scrap of paper.
You take the paper, nodding as you slip it into the back pocket of your jeans. “Sure. What is it?”
A small smile lifts his cheeks, and his voice is soft when he says, “My number.”
You choke on your response, and you can hear Johnny chuckling as you attempt to regain your breath. Minseok offers to get you a drink, but you wave off his concern. “What?” You finally manage to get out.
“I forgot to ask for your cousin’s number when we were talking.” He pouts. “I was hoping you would give her mine and tell her she can text me whenever.” 
“Sure.” You pause before asking, “Should I go back to work now?”
“Of course.” His response is instantaneous and a flood of relief washes through you. “And thank you.” He adds, the corners of his mouth quirking up. With a nod, he returns to Johnny’s side. 
Exiting the brewing room, you shake your head. On the plus side, you still have your job. On the negative side, your cousin might start dating your boss which may not be a complete negative but it definitely isn’t a positive.
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