#esther gonzález
miniyo · 3 months
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imverits · 1 year
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glimmerofawesome · 1 year
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miniyo-original · 1 year
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sociedadnoticias · 1 year
Pretende Morena engañar a los mexiquenses, con demagogia: Eric Sevilla
Pretende Morena engañar a los mexiquenses, con demagogia: Eric Sevilla #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #AleDelMoral #AlejandraDelMoral @AlejandraDMV @PRI_Nacional @EricSevillamx @PRI_EDOMEX
Con demagogia pretende Morena engañar a los mexiquenses: Eric Sevilla Por Eric Gómez | Corresponsal                                    Toluca, edomex.- Propuestas engañosas y una oferta política que sólo busca polarizar a los mexiquenses es el sustento que tiene la campaña de Morena con sus aliados en este proceso electoral que renueva la gubernatura del estado de México el próximo 4 de junio,…
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futbol16 · 2 years
Your Four Tigers ・Barcelona Femení
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Finally wrote this request! Hope you enjoy!
Request: "Could I request one where it takes place during El Clasico and the teams break into a fight, R usually the softest of the team but when she’s met with a heavy push and tries to stand up with a bloody face and concussed head,  the entire barca team fires up especially mapi, alexia, amc and irene jdjhsgss your work is so good I’d die for this"
Part 2 La Princesa 
Word count: 1,2k
Your team had been doing amazing in the Copa de la Reina so far, Barcelona leading 3-0 by the 52nd minute.
You have assisted two of those goals to Aitana and Mariona, Alexia assisting the first goal of the match to Lieke.
You’ve been on fire the whole game creating chances any second you got and racing past any and all of the Real Madrid players.
Perhaps that is why you had been targeted the entire match.
You’ve been tripped and pushed several times but you shook them off each time. You could see though that Alexia and Mapi weren’t taking it as lightly.
You were the most gentle and soft person the Barcelona team has ever played with and so a lot of your teammates often took it upon themselves to protect you, their Ángel.
You had four main protectors though, who took their job way more seriously than any teammate you ever had.
Mapi, Alexia, Irene and Ana-Maria, or your four tigers as they were often referred to by the spanish fans.
This was why as the game hit its 60th minute and Alexia was subbed off for Pina, Ana-Maria was jumping up and down  on the sidelines, impatiently waiting for her number to be shown.
As she jogs onto the pitch she gives you a high five as she passes you, but the determined look in her eyes was hard to miss.
Your team’s next chance on goal arrives at the 67th minute and as you receive a pass from Asisat you neatly curve the ball into the top left corner of the goal.
Now that Barca is even more confident in their win, Real Madrid’s team seems to get more reckless with their tackles especially the ones directed at you.
It’s obvious that they are getting frustrated by your versatile gameplay.
You're somewhere near the halfline when Esther González corners you and tries to take the ball away from you, but you’re faster.
The next time you come face to face with the number 10, you end up on the ground.
You had the ball at your feet and as Esther ran at you, you attempted to nutmeg her which would have worked if you had watched out for the elbow coming at your face.
It’s too late though as her body turns, elbow smacking into the side of your head before she pushes you.
As she starts running towards your team’s goal the referee quickly blows her whistle as she realizes you’re still laid out on the turf and clearly in pain.
Sitting up you look up at the referee and see Irene running towards you out of the corner of your eye.
You’re still holding the right side of your head when she gets to you and she gently removes you hand allowing you to take a look at your palm. It only takes the sight of your own blood running down the length of your hand to get you panicking. 
Irene immediately recognizes the look on your face and she moves closer to you, cradling your head and muttering gentle words into your ear. The referee is also calling for the medical team to get to the scene.
On the other side of the pitch, not too far from where you’re sitting with your bloodied face, Mapi and Ana-Maria are raging.
It’s not often that the two of them get along ever since their breakup happened, but your safety was always their priority.
They surround some of the Real Madrid players with your other Barca teammates and instantly get into a screaming match with Esther who is denying their accusations.
This only fuels their anger more and Mapi sends a shove to her shoulders, the girl stumbles back a bit and her teammates also join, pushing around the two blondes. 
Mapi and Ana-Maria quickly turn it into a shoving-screaming match, yelling profanities into Esther’s face.
It takes a while for the referee to notice what’s going on but as she does, she starts separating the two teams, threatening anyone with a yellow card who would dare to move any closer.
Pulling out her yellow card she shows it towards Mapi and Ana and then she pulls out the red card writing Esther González’s name on it who’s then sent off the field.
The two blondes make their way over to you and Irene, the two of you now accompanied with three medics as they try to wash the blood off your face and check for a concussion.
One of the medics moves over to let the Barca players get closer to you and Mapi squats in front of you.
As your eyes focus on the number 4 you reach for her and Mapi smiles softly, taking ahold of your hand and squeezing it. 
“I don’t want to go off, I wanna continue playing.” your voice comes out hoarse and Irene pushes a water bottle into your hand, urging you to drink from it.
“You have to go Y/N/N, we can’t risk you getting seriously hurt.” Crnogorcevic speaks up as she finally reaches you all.
It’s obvious to three out of your four tigers that you’re not done playing and Irene glances over to the medic assessing your cut. He shakes his head at her, indicating that you will not be allowed to get back.
“Come on cariño, let’s get you to Alexia.” Mapi tries and you reluctantly give in at the mention of your captain.
Mapi and Irene help you stand up and you lazily hold onto their waists as you’re led off the field, Mapi holding a rag to your head.
Reaching Alexia she studies your face a bit longer as the other two place a kiss on the crown of your head and get back on the field. 
The medic from earlier approaches you two and informs Alexia that it would be best for you to be somewhere darker. The brunette hears your protests though and decides that the two of you would continue watching the match from the benches.
As you go to sit down next to her she pulls you into her lap to sit sideways and you automatically tuck your head into the crook of her neck.
For the last 15 minutes of the match she gently rubs a hand up and down on your back, Lieke also checking up on you every once in a while.
It doesn’t take you long to fall asleep in Alexia’s comforting embrace and as she later gets on the bus with you still wrapped up in her arms, the three other girls start arguing over who you get to sit with.
Alexia rolls her eyes at their banter, though smiling at the care. 
She decides for them however, and makes her way to the back of the bus, sitting down on one of the four seats.
The other three look after her before springing into action and claiming a seat each, eagerly waiting as Alexia lays you over the four of their legs.
You stir a bit as your head is gently placed on someone’s thigh and Ana leans down.
“Go back to sleep bébé.” she whispers then presses a kiss to your cheek as you bury your face in her stomach.
A few seats in front of them Lieke and Leila giggle softly as they film the five of you before posting it on their Instagram stories. 
You and your four tigers.
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walesfootball · 2 years
Over My Head - Leah Williamson x Reader
This was requested by anon who wanted a Leah fic. I changed it up a little bit, I hope that's okay. I was inspired by the recent Antonio Rudiger injury in the Real Madrid Champions League game. Hope you enjoy it, I'm not crazy about it, but it's alright.
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You were exhausted from running up and down the field constantly. You hadn’t stopped the whole game. It didn’t stop Real Madrid’s Esther González from scoring in the 46th minute. All Arsenal needed was a point, a single point, to make it through to the last 16 of the Champions League. That was your dream, to win the Champions League with Arsenal, or to at least make it through the quarter-finals. It felt right this year.
You usually played right back, a position you’ve played comfortably since you could kick a ball. The art of defending. You were strong enough to hold up the attackers. The best at 1v1 battles. You were known to be a quick thinker on the pitch, it felt as if you knew what the other player would do, and knowing when to go into a tackle was a strength of yours. You had a good track record with cards received, earning only four yellow cards in your career… so far, of course. You were still young.
Jonas had moved you to play centre-back. You didn’t mind, but you didn’t like the reason why you were moved. Your girlfriend Leah received a knock to her foot during the international break with England. You called her after Ireland’s final in the World Cup Qualifiers against Scotland. That was another game you ran like a mad person up and down the field. You’d won that game 1-0, and remember Katie jumping on your back in celebration. After the game, you saw the headlines, and a short text from Leah to say that she’d hurt her foot but was fine. You were on the phone for the majority of the night, knowing that she wasn’t really fine. She was excited for the season ahead with Arsenal and to captain her country in the upcoming friendly games. To go out with an injury that could last for a few weeks, months at best, was devastating to her. She could hide it well, but not with you.
Leah and you had been dating for a few months. The both of you wanted to keep it quiet for a while, to navigate through the difficulties of Leah’s surging fame after the Euro win. It made sense.
Leah was sat with Rafa, also harbouring a foot injury, above the Arsenal bench. They were watching the game unfold with Leah screaming orders at the players. She was passionate about Arsenal, and it showed on and off the pitch. You could hear her from the other side of the pitch sometimes. Her booming voice reached your ears, a smile appeared on your face when you could hear it.
The ball began moving quickly for Arsenal. Madrid had been playing this fast Spanish game throughout, and now Arsenal were doing it back to them. The 90 minutes were up, with an added 6 minutes on the clock.
You began running up the wing with Lotte sending a through ball your way, skipping past Athenea in the process. The Madrid player was quick, but not a quick thinker like you were. You passed the ball down the middle where Mana had made space. Steph Catley ran up the opposite wing. You had now made it to the box. Time was running out. The last-minute ticking down, the referee holding the whistle in her hand carefully, ready to blow it at any second.
Steph looked up to see if you had reached the box, knowing a defender's head was needed on this ball. Steph pings a pinpoint ball into the box for your waiting head. You were only watching the ball, nothing else. Nothing mattered.
Leah got up from her seat, holding her breath in desperation for a goal. Could this be?
You jumped up into the air for the ball, your head connecting perfectly with the ball. Your head also connected perfectly with Misa’s fists, the Madrid goalkeeper. The ball rolls into the net. While the team held their hands up in celebration, you could only lie on the floor in pain. You could hear the cheering and the referee’s whistle. Viv walked up to check on you, being the closest to you. She placed a hand on your back, not noticing the pain you were so clearly in. She turned you around only to turn around herself to signal that you needed medical attention.
“Shit! That doesn’t look so good. You okay?”
“That went in, right?” You could only open your left eye to look up at Viv. You saw the look of confusion mixed with an impressed look on her face. Impressed with this warrior mentality, but also disgusted at the amount of blood rushing down your face at an alarming speed.
“Yeah, it did. But I think you need to worry more about… that.” She gestured to the cut on your eye. It didn’t bother you too much, it couldn’t bother you. You got up slowly, just in time for the medical team to reach you.
“Do you want to lay back down so we can check that you’re okay?” One of the doctors said calmly, trying not to alarm you.
You could feel the blood dripping down onto your red shirt, you weren’t sure what was blood and what was cotton.
“I’m fine. I want to finish the game.” You brushed them off, wanting to walk off the injury. Viv stepped in front of you, not wanting you to hurt yourself more.
“You are not finishing the game looking like that.” Viv worriedly said.
“I’m fine!” You walked away from Viv, only to feel yourself stumbling. Your head was aching, your eye was stinging, and the cut was profusely bleeding. Nothing was going right for you at that moment. Viv grabbed you and took you over to the benches herself.
In her haste, Leah had climbed down onto the side of the pitch to get a closer look at what was happening. The rest of the team had traveled over to the bench to grab some water, also watching you talking and stumbling around next to Viv with blood splashing everywhere. Some couldn’t take their eyes off of you in shock, and the more squeamish ones looked away as it proved difficult for them to look at a steady stream of blood dripping onto your kit and onto the grass. You were covered.
Leah began to walk onto the pitch. She knew how stubborn you could be, especially after injuring yourself. You’d play with a broken foot if you had to. It’s one of the many things she admired about you. But also thought you were completely stupid. You’d laugh at her as she’d shake her head.
Beth grabbed Leah before she could venture further, dragging her back to the bench.
“Beth, no! I need to see her and get her off to get to the hospital!”
“And she will. Don’t worry. But if you walk on that pitch, you’ll get a card.” Beth tried to reason with Leah. She wasn’t sure if Leah could get a card but needed her off the pitch.
“I get that, but-"
“You’re worried about her. It’s okay. But Viv’s over there with her, and Viv won’t let her stay on the pitch. Not looking like that anyway. She looks like a victim from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films.” Beth got lost in her thoughts as she continued to stare at Viv holding you up.
“Beth. This isn’t helping.” A year slipped down Leah’s cheek.
“Oh fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t realise you were that worried. Hey, she’s going to be okay. You know her better than anyone, she’s a proper fighter.” Beth kept her arm around Leah’s shoulder, trying to steady her. “Look, she’s coming over now. She looks… yeah.”
You made it to the sidelines where the medical team stopped you. As long as you were off the pitch, the game could carry on. The last few seconds of the game anyway. Leah stood where Beth had left her in shock at the state you were in. The medical team pressing towels on your face, trying to stop the bleeding. Leah could hear you trying to convince them that you could still play. She didn’t doubt that but needed you in her arms to make sure you were okay.
“Y/N…” Leah croaked out quietly.
You looked up suddenly, still drenched in blood with only one eye open, but you heard her. You were being so stupid. You knew how much she hated seeing you hurt, whether that be mentally or physically. You nodded and walked over to her, the medical staff coming with you holding the towels to your face.
“Hey, I’m okay. Just a bit of blood.”
“A bit? You scared the shit out of me, Y/N.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“Just get it checked out, please.”
She was angry at you. You could tell. Leah was just disappointed and cared too much about you. You’d been friends longer than a couple, and she always knew you to be a live-life-on-the-edge sort of person. And it always freaked her out. She followed you into the dressing room with the two medical staff. A massage table had always been in the middle where they told you to lie down on it. You did as you were told, with Leah standing by your feet at the bottom of the table. They began working on the cut above your eye, placing 20 stitches on the cut. Next was your eye which had turned purple, black, and red. It was swollen and all they could do was place multiple tissues on the eye. They bandaged everything up and left the room. You sat up to see the worried look on Leah’s face still there.
“I really am sorry. I should’ve come off straight away. I'm too stubborn for my own good sometimes."
Leah chuckled a little and shook her head, “You really are. I just worry about you, okay? I haven’t liked anyone like this, probably ever. And I know it’s coming out as if I’m angry with you, but I’m not. I just want you to be safe. I want to wrap you in bubble wrap and plasters so you don’t get hurt again.”
You laughed and reached out for Leah’s hand. You pulled her closer to you when she did, sitting down beside your torso. You smiled at her, and she smiled back.
“If it’s any consolation, I feel the same way.” You offered her a dopey smile, suddenly the tiredness of the game catching up to you as you yawned straight after. The adrenaline wearing off.
“Don’t sleep here. Come on, we need to get to the airport soon anyway.” Leah held onto you and you slid your body off the table. Your arm went around Leah’s shoulder as hers circled around your waist. You look over at Leah, with one eye working. Leah looked up towards you, a blush forming on her cheek as she quickly looked back down. You laughed and kissed her cheek, loving the effect you had on her. She turned back and placed a soft kiss on your lips, not wanting to hurt you more.
“Come on, you big idiot.” Leah pulled you with her as the team came rushing in. They all came up to you one at a time to hug you and give kind words.
The both of you were sat on the plane on the way back to London. You took your phone out of your pocket and took a selfie of yourself smiling. Leah looked over to you going onto your Instagram page and posting the selfie on your page. She couldn’t believe you sometimes. You had a horrible head injury and you could always see the funny side in anything.
She took her phone out to see the picture with the caption, “We alive” underneath it. She turned to look at you giggling to yourself. She couldn’t help but smile at you, thinking to herself, I absolutely adore this massive idiot.
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honestly think misa needs a mentor. cata had paños at club for so long but misa has no one. honestly, a year at atleti on the bench behind lola and learning from her, i wouldn't mind because i think she needs an experienced mentor at whatever clubs she moves to
agreed, but i think that's the issue with real madrid as a club. if you listen to nahikari garcía, ari arias, or esther gonzález or others who have left the club talk about their experiences, it seems like there's a range of terrible experiences from a lack of transparency to outright abuse.
you see how barça takes care of its own and there's such a great relationship between the first team and the filial/b team girlies that the leadership and mentorship is so apparent. you just don't hear that same level of camaraderie or support at other clubs. and it all goes hand in hand as to why there's a significant drop off between barça and other clubs in liga f.
mentorship, mental well-being, and support is one such pillar that barça really emphasised when it became professional and expanded in the 2015-2019 time frame and beyond.
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alototournament · 2 years
hiiiii it’s your resident sports nut and ranking enthusiast (@sylviii)! I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep, and I kept seeing a bunch of fun poll tournaments so I decided to make my own for A League Of Their Own (2022)! Here is the bracket:
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The four main cast members get a first-round bye. Seeding was based on character prominence in both the series itself and fanworks and is intended to balance characters from both storylines.
Polls will be uploaded starting tomorrow (Sunday, Feb. 11), this post will be updated with links to every poll throughout the tournament. All polls will be tagged with #aloto tourney poll, please tag discussion as #aloto tournament and reblog this post so we can get as many votes as possible!
Shirley Cohen vs. Sgt. Beverly
(WINNER: Sgt. Beverly - 61% of 391 votes)
Gracie vs. the Pizza Twins
(WINNER: Gracie - 85% of 292 votes)
Edie (Vi’s partner) vs. Esther Warner
(WINNER: Esther Warner - 83% of 301 votes)
Uncle Bert vs. Dove Porter
(WINNER: Uncle Bert - 98% of 386 votes)
Guy vs. Charlie Shaw
(WINNER: Guy - 94% of 355 votes)
Edgar (Max’s dad) vs. Vi
(WINNER: Vi - 62% of 303 votes)
Red Wright vs. Cheryl
(WINNER: Cheryl - 95% of 287 votes)
Jess McCready vs. Toni
(WINNER: Jess McCready - 91% of 364 votes)
Terri (background Peach) vs. Jo De Luca
(WINNER: Jo De Luca - 98% of 326 votes)
Lupe García vs. Ana (background Peach)
(WINNER: Lupe García - 97% of 411 votes)
Esti González vs. Leah (the preacher’s wife)
(WINNER: Esti González - 96% of 290 votes)
Maybelle Fox vs. Gary
(WINNER: Maybelle Fox - 99% of 357 votes)
Max Chapman vs. Sgt. Beverly
(WINNER: Max Chapman - 92% of 427 votes)
Gracie vs. Esther Warner
(WINNER: Gracie - 52% of 349 votes)
Uncle Bert vs. Guy (WINNER: Uncle Bert - 87% of 344 votes)
Vi vs. Clance Morgan
(WINNER: Clance Morgan - 90% of 372 votes)
Carson Shaw vs. Cheryl
(WINNER: Carson Shaw - 78% of 405 votes)
Jess McCready vs. Jo De Luca
(WINNER: Jess McCready - 65% of 398 votes)
Lupe García vs. Esti González
(WINNER: Lupe García - 71% of 379 votes)
Maybelle Fox vs. Greta Gill
(WINNER: Greta Gill - 57% of 613 votes)
by the way, this blog is run by a queer trans lesbian. TERFs, bigots, fatphobes, and ableists fuck right off.
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docpiplup · 1 year
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Antena 3 presented this Tuesday, October 10, in the first edition of the South Festival, Beguinas, a series inspired by the beguinages, communities of women who, since the 13th century, defended an alternative way of life independent of marriage and Church. The new fiction bet will be available sooner for Atresplayer premium users.
Beguinas, which has ten 50-minute episodes, is produced by Atresmedia TV in collaboration with Buendía Estudios. The Beguines dedicated themselves to contemplation, but also to action, through crafts, teaching, or caring for the sick, which provided benefits to society while allowing them to be. This new series takes as reference the history of these women, which has remained hidden throughout the centuries.
The actors Amaia Aberasturi and Yon González star in the fiction. They play, respectively, Lucía de Avellaneda and Telmo Medina, two young people who will overcome the social impositions of the time and risk everything for love in a context that is not conducive to them. Beatriz Segura, Melani Olivares, Jaime Olías, Ella Kweku, Lucía Caraballo, Javier Beltrán, Meritxell Calvo, Silma López, Laura Galán, Elisabeth Gelabert, Ignacio Montes, Antonio Durán 'Morris', Jonás Berami, Jorge Kent and Cristina Plazas, among others , complete the cast of the series.
Beguinas is a production of Atresmedia TV in collaboration with Buendía Estudios. Montse García, Sonia Martínez and Amparo Miralles are the executive producers of this fiction, which will be directed by Rómulo Aguillaume and Claudia Pinto. The script will be written by Irene Rodríguez, Esther Morales and Silvia Arribas.
Marta de Miguel signs the Production direction, Iván Caso and Álex García the Photography direction and Jorge de Soto the Art direction. Bubi Escobar will be in charge of Wardrobe, while Makeup and Hairstyling will be directed respectively by Mariló Serrano and Fermín Galán. Juan León is the Casting Director.
Segovia, 1559. Lucía de Avellaneda celebrates her engagement party with the Marquis of Peñarrosa, a nobleman chosen by her brother. This marriage promises to reinforce the financial and social status of the family, but, in the middle of the celebration, the fiancée receives an unexpected letter from a woman who claims to be her mother and who claims her on her deathbed.
Lucía shows up at the beguinage, where her mother has summoned her. In this place she lives with other women independently and outside the Church. The young woman opens up to a new world that will make her question everything she has known until now. And, furthermore, he will know love through a pure and uncontrollable, but forbidden, passion. He will risk everything for Telmo, a Jewish man who must hide his beliefs and his past.
Main cast and characters
Lucía de Avellaneda (Amaia Aberasturi) Intelligent, curious and combative. Educated and innocent, until her mother's call disrupts her life. In the beguinage she discovers an environment of sorority and critical thinking that revolutionizes her idea of ​​the world and breaks down the walls that her status as a Christian noble woman has imposed on her. When she meets Telmo she feels for the first time an attraction that she has never experienced, but his commitment and loyalty will stop her impulses, determined to fight for what really matters to her.
Telmo Medina (Yon González): Telmo is an attractive, lucid and mysterious young man who hides his Jewish origins. He works in a bakery and supplies the beguinage with what it needs from outside. He doesn't want problems, but he doesn't avoid them either. Loyal, sincere and honest, he cannot help but risk everything for a Christian noble woman.
Marie Anne (Beatriz Segura) Beguine and the successor of The Great Lady, she is wise, strong and enigmatic. Its mission is to protect the beguinage from certain ecclesiastical authorities who fear its independence. Guiding Lucía through the truth, she will help her connect with her mother's spirit and live in the beguinage with other women who, like her, long for a freedom that they cannot find outside. In her past, she loved intensely and had to overcome a traumatic breakup, but that passion is unleashed again, although this time she does not want to repress herself despite the danger of remaining in love with a clandestine and sinful love.
Sibila García (Melani Olivares): A distrustful, surviving and sensitive woman, who grew up in misery and prostitution. Pregnant, she decided to escape and found her place in the beguinage. Her biggest concern is her daughter and, even though she reproaches her for it, she will do everything possible to try to protect her. The succession of Lucrecia is disputed and she competes with Marie Anne for the position of Great Lady.
Guiomar Ruy (Ella Kweku): Nigua, an Antillean slave, was sold to a doctor from Seville who gave her her new name and educated her when he noticed the maid's innate curiosity. She learned the trade of midwife from her mother and cultivated her interest in the human body and botany. She obtained his letter of freedom and decided to move to the beguinage of Valladolid where he can develop his concerns and care for the sick. She has judgment, instinct and knowledge. She gets upset with ignorance, prejudice and evil. Shee feels a deep complicity with Gonzalo, the clergyman, a harmony that sooner or later, she will have to give a name to.
Beatriz García (Lucía Caraballo): Daughter of Sibila and one of the youngest of the beguinage. Innocent, happy and lively. Her sexuality is awakening and she enjoys her body with curiosity and without fear until life outside the walls pushes her to hide her most intimate impulses. Her freedom of thought and work contrasts with that of Lucía. She has a relationship with her mother that has ups and downs, but the love they have for each other is above all. Each has a lot to learn from the other.
Juana Aranda (Silma López): Daughter of Sancho, the owner of the workshop, and sister of Lebrín. She enjoys an independence that was uncommon at that time. She has chosen to enter the beguinage to avoid a bad marriage or ending up dependent on his brother. Intelligent, prudent and thorough. She is in love with Telmo, but wants to be reciprocated. He has such a noble heart that his love does not prevent him from empathizing with Lucía and helping Telmo when things go wrong.
Lebrín Aranda (Jonás Berami): Close friend of Telmo, son of Sancho, the owner of the bakery and the only brother of Juana, the beguine. Rogue, generous and lively, he knows how to live avoiding laws, rules and sins. He enjoys carnal pleasures and lets himself be carried away by Jimena's lust until he discovers her danger and her evil ways. He will use his best resources to try to save the Beguines from the Inquisition.
Rodrigo de Guzmán, Marquis of Peñarrosa (Javier Beltrán): He is Lucía's fiancé. Castilian nobleman, of ancient ancestry and fortune. He is very well connected and has negotiated with his future brother-in-law to settle his debts and open the doors to him in Court in exchange for this marriage. He loves Lucía, she seems to him the right woman to fulfill her role as marchioness. He is dutiful, splendid and traditional, but he does not hesitate to bring out his most sinister side when his commitment is threatened.
Munio de Avellaneda, Count of Vellaví (Jaime Olías): Lucía's brother and heir to the County, but also to the debts left by his father. He needs to recover privileges and fortune, and his sister's marriage is the perfect deal. Arrogant, irascible and proud. He is willing to do anything to save his lineage and keep up appearances.
Jimena Suárez de Córdoba (Meritxell Calvo): Munio's wife. Intelligent, frivolous and capricious. He hoped to live up to his condition, but the Avellanedas' fortune is in debt and the only thing that can solve it is his sister-in-law's wedding. She will do everything possible to help her husband achieve it. She likes to seduce, get the most out of life and cleverly circumvent the rigid rules that her lineage demands. She won't hesitate to play with fire when she meets Lebrín, a hummingbird who, like her, doesn't want to miss out on the pleasures that life offers.
Catalina (Laura Galán): Lucía's faithful maid. Affectionate, smiling, devout and superstitious, she is torn between loyalty to Lucía and fear of Munio. Lucía, her mistress, and the beguines, who will pay dearly for her ignorance. She will do everything possible to correct her mistakes and ease her conscience.
Lucrecia de Avellaneda (Elisabeth Gelabert): The Great Lady of the Beguinage. Daughter of its founder, Leonor Labrit and heir to her legacy for which she had to sacrifice her children, distancing them from her side. Married to Pedro de Avellaneda, who called her crazy, she took refuge in the beguinage where she served as Great Lady. Cultured and mystical, her life and death are surrounded by mystery.
Gabriela Grijalvo (Cristina Plazas): Widow of a renowned printer and mother of Gonzalo. Cultured and respected lady from Valladolid renounced her true love for fear of facing her son's rejection.
Gonzalo de Grijalvo (Ignacio Montes): Clergyman related to the beguinate. Intelligent, attractive and empathetic. She admires the Beguines for their devotion and devotion to those in need, but above all Guiomar, with whom he has great complicity.
Father Lasarte (Antonio Durán 'Morris'): A priest with pretensions, whose greatest ambition is to end the privileges of the beguinages and become part of the Court of the Inquisition. Cunning and scheming, he uses fear and ignorance to manipulate the people and get them to demonize these women, inventing falsehoods about them. His main objective is Marie Anne, the Great Lady, whom he cannot defeat.
Commissioner Utrera (Jorge Kent) The executing arm of the Inquisition in Valladolid. Pursue crimes that threaten the power of the Church. He has the beguines in his sights, but knows the risks of attacking them because they enjoy important social support. Shrewd, arrogant and libidinous, he exercises his power with the arrogance that his position gives him.
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miniyo · 6 days
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Esther González [instagram miss.pad_thai]  [instagram motherofcactus]  [web]  [twitter]  [facebook] 
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imverits · 1 year
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2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup Final (20/08/2023)
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glimmerofawesome · 1 year
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miniyo-original · 1 year
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gamergirl929 · 1 year
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tvmusiclife · 11 months
That patchy ugly af pitch
Pinoe out with a non-contact injury 3' in
Purce to Williams goal
Rose Lavelle with the equilizer
Esther González coming through in stoppage
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