#estinien teases her for hating camping but she likes comfy beds and indoor plumbing okay
The Professor
Eighteen-year-old Agnes learns not use to LB2 as a healer and is told inns are expensive by the three experienced adventurers she travels with...some of those lessons stick and others don’t. This was a prompt from The Wholesomely Debauched and Enabling Book Club.  SFW.
“Preparing to limit break!” Neila shouted as the boss of the current dungeon she and her party were fighting was on its last legs. “What the…?”
“HEALS FOR EVERYONE!” Eighteen-year-old Agnes Currai yelled, white light enveloping her and the others.
Mauritenne blinked several times.
Brash Waves shook his head.
Once the beast was dead, Neila approached Agnes, who was overjoyed at her first time completing a dungeon. She raised her hand for a high-five, which was fucking adorable if I’m being honest. She’s like a giant adorable puppy. “Congratulations Agi, but the limit break is for me and Mauritenne, not you.”
The teenager’s expression shifted from joy to horror within seconds. “Oh fucking hells! I am SO SORRY! It won’t happen again, I promise. I’m a faster learner! I would never put you all at a disadvantage!”
Is she tearing up? Shit. Neila gave her hand a squeeze. “It’s okay. You’re very new to all this.”
“Trust me, if Brash were angry, you’d know.” Mauritenne chuckled while counting gil. “Besides, congratulations are in order!” He rose (stiffly, his knees must be bothering him, poor dear) and offered his hand. “You’re now officially an adventurer, Agi.”
Agnes blushed and shook his hand. “Thanks.”
“Just don’t do it again, lass. Unless we be in dire straits.” Brash Waves took his share of the gil and then kissed Mauritenne. My two lovers. Simply the best.
Mauritenne then slapped Brash’s behind. “Well, that is unless Brash is unable to move after a night of—”
Agnes’s eyes widened, and she began to laugh nervously. “Fun! Lots of fun! Yes, I’ll keep that in mind.” When Mauritenne handed Agnes her share, she gasped. “Is this all for me?!?!”
“Aye, lass. Don’t spend it all in one place.”
“I-I won’t! I’ll be sending quite a bit home to my Mum and Da—”
Neila smiled and patted Agnes’s arm. “Remember to keep enough for supplies and such for you too, okay? Your parents wouldn’t want you to not be prepared while you’re traveling.” The way Agi speaks about them shows she loves them very much. Maybe we’ll go to Costa del Sol in a few weeks and have a jolly time by the sea…Brash’s nameday is coming up, so it’ll be the perfect excuse.
Agnes nodded eagerly. “Yes, yes. Right! I’ll make sure to have plenty for supplies and inn rooms.”
The three froze in place.
Inn rooms?!?!
“What?” Agnes glanced at the three experienced adventurers. “Do you not use inns? Are we supposed to camp? I’m not the biggest fan of camping…”
“Ye will be. Inns are expensive, lassie. Cheaper to use hostels or camp.”
That’s quite an expression she has her face! A mix of…hmmm, horror and disgust. Oh Agi, you’ll learn.
Agnes once again laughed nervously. “I’m sure. I just like a comfy bed—”
“And I’d like some bloody wine and Neila in my lap. To the pub!” Mauritenne shouted as he began heading back to Gridania. Brash quickly followed, leaving Neila and Agnes alone.
Neila giggled. “You’ll get used to the two of them. However, what they said is true---inns can be very expensive, Agi.”
“I-I’ll keep that in mind, Neila.”
Years later, while watching her two lovers bicker over who took down a beast faster, Neila remembered their friend’s accidental limit break fondly. She never did it again but chose not to take our advice about inns. She foraged or fished to save money on buying meals, so she’d have a comfy bed to sleep in at night. Oh Agi, I hope you’re well. Never ever change.
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