opcaoturismo · 1 month
Francisco Calheiros reeleito presidente da CTP
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01ABR24 - A lista encabeçada por Francisco Calheiros para liderar a Confederação do Turismo de Portugal, em representação da Associação da Hotelaria, Restauração e Similares de Portugal - AHRESP - foi eleita para o próximo mandato de 2024 a 2027. A eleição decorreu no passado dia 27 de março de 2024, em Assembleia Geral Eleitoral, tendo a lista única que se apresentou ao ato eleitoral recebido 94,9% do número total de votos expressos. Os novos órgãos sociais para o próximo mandato têm como presidente da Mesa da Assembleia Geral, a Sociedade Grupo Pestana, SGPS, S. A., representada por José Theotónio e como presidente do Conselho Fiscal a Vila Galé – Sociedade de Empreendimentos Turísticos, S. A., representada por Jorge Rebelo de Almeida. Para o triénio 2024-2027, a direção da Confederação do Turismo destaca como principais eixos estratégicos do novo mandato, num âmbito geral, a reforma do Estado; a execução do PRR; o PT2030; a fiscalidade e os custos de contexto e as questões da demografia. Especificamente para o Turismo, os temas prioritários da direção da CTP até 2027 são os apoios à consolidação e internacionalização das empresas; a transformação digital, a privatização da TAP e obviamente a decisão sobre o novo aeroporto. A tomada de posse dos novos órgãos sociais realizar-se-á no dia 11 de abril, às 15h00, no Ritz Four Seasons Hotel Lisboa. ORGÃOS SOCIAIS CTP 2024-2027 Conselho Diretivo Presidente: Francisco Calheiros (AHRESP - Associação da Hotelaria, Restauração e Similares de Portugal) Vice-Presidente: Bernardo Trindade (AHP – Associação da Hotelaria de Portugal) Vice-Presidente: Carlos Moura (AHRESP - Associação da Hotelaria, Restauração e Similares de Portugal) Vice-Presidente: Pedro Costa Ferreira (APAVT – Associação Portuguesa das Agência de Viagens e Turismo) Vice-Presidente: Jorge Armindo Teixeira (APC – Associação Portuguesa de Casinos) Vice-Presidente: Rodrigo Pinto de Barros (APHORT - Associação Portuguesa de Hotelaria, Restauração e Turismo) Vice-Presidente: Vítor Costa (ATL - Associação Turismo de Lisboa – Convention and Visitors Bureau) Vogal: Hélder Martins (AHETA – Associação dos Hotéis e Empreendimentos Turísticos do Algarve) Vogal: Joaquim Robalo de Almeia (ARAC – Associação Nacional dos Locadores de Veículos) Vogal: Luís Eduardo Miranda (ALEP – Associação de Alojamento Local em Portugal) Vogal: José Luís Arnaut (ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal, S.A.) Vogal: Manuel Proença (Hoti Hotéis, SGPS, S. A.) Vogal: Luís Rodrigues (TAP, Transportes Aéreos Portugueses, S. A) Mesa da Assembleia Geral Presidente: José Theotónio (Grupo Pestana, SGPS, S. A) Vice-Presidente: António Moura Portugal (RENA – Associação das Companhias Aéreas em Portugal) Secretário: Rosa Maria Costa (Associação Visit Azores) Conselho Fiscal Presidente: Jorge Rebelo de Almeida (Vila Galé - Sociedade de Empreendimentos Turísticos, S. A.) Vice-Presidente: António Jardim Fernandes (ACIF - Associação Comercial e Industrial do Funchal - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria da Madeira) Vogal: Frederico Sanches (CNIG – Conselho Nacional da Indústria do Golfe). Read the full article
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diariodeumestranho · 2 years
Quase acabandooo, logo mais é tchau brigado ihuuu...
Quando vc é forçado a se retirar por estar com o trabalho em dia, o povo te vê parado e acha q vc n ta fazendo nada, é sinal que chegou a hora de vc ir fazer acontecer em outro setor.
Assim vc se protege dos fofoqueiros de corredor q n trabalham e criticam quem trabalha e prova o seu valor... E ao mesmo tempo cria novos aliados e possíveis melhoras salariais.
Afinal, o que esperavam que eu iria fazer, baixar a cabeça e chorar? Hahahaha...
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dzurc-blog · 2 years
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O exército de CRISTO! #forte #imbativel #unico #verdadeiro #invencivel #estrategico #vencedor #motivado #glorioso #vitoria #inigualável #fe #palavra https://www.instagram.com/p/CfU-FY8MLQ4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pedrodelanube · 1 year
Cómo diferenciarte de la competencia ofreciendo una experiencia personalizada a tus clientes online 2023
¿Cansado de ver cómo la competencia se adelanta a tu negocio online? ¿Quieres destacar y atraer a más clientes? Descubre en este artículo cómo diferenciarte de la competencia ofreciendo una experiencia personalizada a tus clientes online y convierte a tus visitantes en fieles consumidores. Prepárate para ser ese emprendedor que marcará la diferencia. ¡Sigue leyendo y comienza el cambio hoy a…
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360group · 1 year
Optimización de redes sociales: estrategias para aumentar el alcance y engagement
¿Quieres mejorar el alcance y engagement en tus redes sociales? Aquí te presentamos algunas estrategias para optimizar tus perfiles y aumentar tu visibilidad en línea. 1. Define tus objetivos: Antes de iniciar cualquier estrategia es importante tener en claro cuáles son tus objetivos de negocio y cómo las redes sociales pueden ayudarte a alcanzarlos. 2. Conoce a tu audiencia: Identifica a quiénes…
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adribosch-fan · 10 months
Ilegal: La Administración Nacional de Aviación Civil argentina-ANAC- nombra funcionarios a dos venezolanos y un colombiano en lugares estratégicos
La ANAC, tiene entre muchas de sus funciones, Ejercer vigilancia sobre los sujetos que ejercen actividades aeronáuticas de superficie y llevar el Registro Nacional de Aeronaves cumpliendo todas las funciones inherentes al control ordenado, confiable y oportuno de las aeronaves de matrícula nacional. La ANAC está en manos de Paola Tamburelli de La Cámpora, y según pilotos consultados por Total…
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serlinke · 1 year
Descubre cómo el human-centric marketing está ganando terreno y cómo puede beneficiar a tu negocio 🚀
¿Quieres conectar con tus clientes y mejorar tu negocio? 🤩 Mira este video y aprende sobre el human-centric marketing. 🚀 Dale al play y compártelo con tus amigos. 😊
El marketing tradicional se ha basado durante mucho tiempo en el producto o en el consumidor, pero las cosas están cambiando. Ahora, las empresas se están dando cuenta de que lo más importante son las personas y sus valores, y están adoptando un nuevo enfoque que pone a la humanidad en el centro de todo: el human-centric marketing. En este artículo te voy a explicar qué es el human-centric…
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enlacedelacosta · 2 years
Publican decreto que modifica aranceles de importación de diversos productos de la canasta básica e insumos estratégicos
>> La medida se deriva del paquete contra la inflación anunciado por el secretario de Hacienda.
>> La medida se deriva del paquete contra la inflación anunciado por el secretario de Hacienda. (more…)
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rogers23lundgren · 2 years
The Best Ways To Use Email Marketing
If you can show consumers what you are offering in an attractive and innovative way, they will probably purchase what you are selling. Is it actually this easy? Absolutely! By creating an email marketing plan that meets all these requirements, you'll experience increased profits. This article is here to help you learn more about email marketing. Email only the people on your list. Mailing people who are not familiar with you or your product can look like spam. They will wonder if they know you and whether or not they care about what you're offering. This can lead them to just toss your email, which just wasted your time. All emails should be proofread before they are sent out. It's important to make sure that your email communication is grammatically and stylistically correct. Before sending out messages, make sure the email layout is easy to use as well as nice to look at. Don't forget, if you have embedded links, to check the links to be sure they function properly. Make sure Gpa dominio estrategico funciona email subscribers who give you permission to do so. If you fire off unsolicited emails, the recipients are not likely to take you seriously. Some people may be so put off by it that they may actually end up not wanting to work with you anymore. Keep in mind that email marketing's ultimate goal is selling your products or services. Thus, each and every message ought to increase the likelihood of a sale. Each one should be informative on a new or existing product and announce current promotions. A double opt-in list is a great way to ensure that anyone who signs up for your list actually wants to be there. This will protect you from spam complaints, possibly saving your website from being shut down by your host over reports that you're sending out unsolicited email. The importance of branding your business extends all the way down to your email marketing efforts. That is why you must take time to build a great template that includes all of your sites primary features. Doing so can help your readers to recognize your company instantly. You want every email campaign to have feedback that is passive as well as active. Active feedback entails soliciting suggestions and opinions from your subscribers. Passive feedback can be much more subtle, and may even be undetectable by your readers. Passive feedback is comprised of the tools and monitoring techniques you use to see which links receive the most clicks and to determine the open rates of your emails. Keep in mind that with every passing day, the subscribers reading your emails are more likely to be doing so with a smartphone or other mobile device. Many mobile devices have lower resolution than the average computer monitor. Educate yourself about the constraints of these small displays, and test your emails for readability on such devices. Place a basic call to action within your emails. Subscribers should be aware of what you would like them to do, because you tell them flat out. If you use links, include instructions on what to do with them. Consider including your call to action at both the bottom and top of your email for ease of use. Don't add email addresses to your list unless the owners of those addresses have explicitly signed up to receive your messages. Adding random emails to your list will not only draw the ire of the owner of those emails, but other customers, as well. It may be the case that your service provider also takes action against you, even removing you from the service, for violating spam regulations. Be sure that you provide people with a way to opt out of your email marketing newsletters. There is a cost to sending email, even if it is small. Not only that, blowback and negative attention spammers get are terrible for the company's business and can ultimately result in black listings or blocks. Now that you have read this article, you surely have the tools you need to have a great e-mail marketing campaign. Think of what you would like to experience if you were someone curious about your products, and then sell to yourself. You'll amaze yourself at your results and how quickly you have them.
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erlandsen29bridges · 2 years
Tips And Ideas To Help Make Your Article Marketing Successful
Look into online advertising as a great way to get the word out about your website and build a strong base of readers. Article marketing is a great way for you to start advertising online. The following is some advice that you may find helpful. Add new articles as often as possible. There are search-engine robots that make the decisions on how often they need to re-index your site. If you post new content on a regular basis, the search engines will index your site more often, which means your articles start converting customers more quickly. Once you have done a good bit of writing, you will have built a large volume of content that can be found all over the Internet. You can compile your best works in one eBook to either give away or sell. If this eBook does well and people share it, you'll get a lot more business. The very first paragraph of your articles should be the highest quality. Search engines and readers look at the first paragraph as the most important part of an article. Tell them exactly what they're going to get below. Be certain to keep it fresh and interesting and avoid giving too much away. You want people to read the whole thing. Put your article on your site first, wait for it to be indexed by search engines, and then submit it to directories. This can assist you because this will allow your site to be on search engines while letting your other articles provide you with back end traffic. A creative and interesting article headline is essential. An interesting headline is more likely to catch a reader's attention than a boring one. Consider several different ideas rather than settling on the headline that comes to mind. Maybe you could get some feedback from friends and family. The more people that see your content, the more successful you can become. However, don't mistake this for targeting the overall population. It is more advantageous to have a smaller group of focused customers than a massive group of disinterested individuals. Remember your target market. Your title is just as important if not more than your actual content. Readers see a dull headline and automatically assume that the article itself is just as dull. Keep it appropriate for your content and very easy to understand. The title can also clearly inform the reader of the subject matter in your article. Before starting your article marketing plan, see what's already out there by visiting all of the major article directories and typing in your keywords. You can better create your article to compete if you know what everyone else is doing. Do you lack inspiration for your articles? Look to the news for interesting stories that you can tie to your niche. Try creating email alerts for news sites that will keep you up to date. Using daily news in your article writing is a great way to keep you articles topical and current. Create a style that's unique to you when you write articles. You want your personality to come through in your writing. You do not want your credibility affected by sounding like another writer and have your future earning potential affected. If you would like to market your articles and still have a life, you have to think about automation. Software and apps are available for any and every function, and article marketing is no exception. Look at the features of each, and think about which one will help you do your work the fastest. Finally compare Gpa dominio estrategico funciona and select the one that best meets your needs. Write good articles. Spelling and grammar errors can lead to directory rejection. Even if you do manage to get it accepted, the readers won't give you any credit as an authority if it is poorly written. If you cannot write well, hire a freelancer. As you have just read above, there are many ways you may have never thought of when it comes to writing and distributing your articles, in order to entice traffic or to promote your website. If you can follow these methods, you can start to increase your business's size and profile in no time.
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opcaoturismo · 1 year
Candidaturas abertas para o Portugal Events
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O Portugal Events - Programa de Apoio à Organização de Eventos de Interesse Turístico é uma medida prevista no Plano Reativar o Turismo | Construir o Futuro, com o objetivo de contribuir para a retoma da atividade económica, com os efeitos positivos daí advenientes para as empresas, para o emprego e para a economia nacional. O Programa agrega o sistema de incentivos - Portugal Events - com uma dotação de 10 milhões de euros que visa apoiar ​a realização de eventos, em 2023 e 2024.​ Aplicável a todo o território nacional, este sistema de incentivos lançado pelo Turismo de Portugal destina-se a eventos que, pelo seu posicionamento e notoriedade, contributo para a criação de dinâmicas territoriais, diversificação da experiência turística e consequente dispersão no espaço e no tempo, potenciem a dinamização das economias locais (particularmente nos Territórios de Baixa Densidade) ou favoreçam a projeção internacional do país e das suas regiões. A dotação global será repartida, em partes iguais, por 2023 e 2024, destinando-se a apoiar eventos que pela sua escala sejam catalisadores da atração de turistas e que valorizem, em simultâneo, os ativos e recursos de Portugal e das suas regiões, destacando-se neste aspeto uma clara discriminação positiva do interior. São enquadráveis eventos associados ao desenvolvimento de produtos turísticos estratégicos (Eventos Turísticos Estratégicos) bem como eventos associativos ou corporativos não consolidados no calendário de eventos dos territórios onde se realizam, como congressos, seminários ou reuniões. O apoio financeiro a conceder tem o limite máximo de 250 mil euros, no caso dos Eventos Turísticos Estratégicos, e o limite máximo de 50 mil euros nos restantes casos, acrescendo uma majoração de 25% se, em ambas as situações,​ os eventos se realizarem em Territórios de Baixa Densidade. As candidaturas estão abertas e devem ser apresentadas, através de formulário próprio disponível no AQUI. ​Para os eventos a decorrer em 2024, as candidaturas podem ser submetidas a partir do dia 1 de setembro de 2023. ​ Read the full article
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herberteason42 · 2 years
These Facebook Marketing Tips Can Really Make Your Business Take Off!
There are very few tools that are as effective in marketing campaign as Facebook. Facebook has become the largest social networking site in the world and business are now using it as a part of their marketing strategy. Seriously consider the following helpful tips for marketing your business using Facebook. One method for generating interest in your business is by having a giveaway. You can encourage buyers to join when you offer some free products to your regular subscribers. Be sure that you announce winners on Facebook. Repeat this process whenever you need to gain more subscribers. Facebook lets you share content. Facebook isn't just about informal chit chat, it's also a major content format. Use it in this way. Make sure that you incorporate professional posts about your product on your page. This will increase your traffic and profit in the long run. When you utilize Facebook Offers, you are able to promote freebies and contests you're running on your site. You only need to set up the specific offer and then promote it on your page. If it is a really good offer, you can even promote it to non-fans. Check comments on your Facebook page regularly and respond promptly. Be sure and thank each person for contacting you, and make an effort to provide them with the information they require. If you can answer someone's question with a link leading to content you've already published, that's even better. Your current customers need to be your main focus. Your current fans can easily be forgotten in the effort of bring in new fans and increasing likes for your page. Your audience should feel respected. Doing so creates brand evangelists that will spread the word to others. Consider buying advertisements on Facebook. You can target it by sex, age, geographical location and even likes. There are a lot of options when it comes to how much you spend, too, so you can adhere to a tight budget when needed. Finally, there is Gpa dominio estrategico funciona -term commitment. You can stop your ad whenever you want. One easy way to get people to engage with your campaign is to give something away. Offer a free gift to people who opt in to your newsletter or like your social media pages. It may cost you small amount, but you will have more people to communicate with. Make sure to answer every question or comment left on the wall. When someone shows interest in your business, take time out to speak with them, Answer Facebook inquiries as swiftly as you answer a telephone when it rings. Everything you put up on Facebook needs to have value. In other words, you need to share content that people find interesting or posts that have something in them that people can use. Try to include news about interesting products or services as well that you're offering. Refrain from promoting your brand too much, as this can get frustrating. There are many other avenues to market your product on the web. This is an extremely popular network but some subcultures or age groups favor other sites. Do more research on your target audience to get a better idea of which social networks they use the most before launching your campaign. Allowing people to comment on your page is an absolute necessity. It may seem smart to keep bad comments away from your page, but really it creates the perception that you have zero interest in hearing from your customers. Attract extra likes to your Facebook page by running a special promotion or contest. You can offer a discount as the prize or something that is free to the winner. This is a great way to gain subscribers in the short term, and get positive reviews from the contest winner in the future. You should be able to create a lot of relevant content that is unique and full of variety. Talk about your business and brand, but don't repeat the same sentiments over and over again. Find different ways to post relevant content. Post photos and ask questions in your posts. As this article stated in the beginning, Facebook is a great place to market due to how popular it is. This marketing strategy will help you engage with potential customers and increase profits. Keep what you have learned in this article in mind, to help your business to be as successful as possible.
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aicad-business-school · 3 months
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Transformar al mundo es posible
Aicad Business School y la Fundación TECHO nos complacemos en invitarte a nuestro próximo webinar: ¿Cómo crear un plan estratégico para tu organización sin fines de lucro?.
Este importante webinar centrado y alineado con el lanzamiento del innovador programa de maestría, "Project Management con enfoque a organizaciones sin fines de lucro", ha sido creado en colaboración con la Fundación TECHO, para ofrecerte una formación completa y multidimensional en la gestión de proyectos, enfocándose en las habilidades prácticas y teóricas necesarias para liderar y gestionar proyectos con éxito en el contexto de las organizaciones sin fines de lucro.
Aparta tu entrada ahora mismo TOTALMENTE GRATIS: https://www.aicad.es/webinar/como-crear-un-plan-estrategico-para-tu-organizacion-sin-fines-de-lucro
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sombraoscura15 · 3 months
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Dibujo hecho por nuestro amigo hank :D.
El personaje de fissure esta hecho para sufrir pero pense en una linea alterna donde tuvo su final feliz.
En esta continuo su vida con Alter Tori y dejo la venganza de lado, cuida el mundo donde se encuentra y los aus que estan cercanos a este.
A los años junto con Tori tuvo una hija que la nombraron Sunriel, fissure agradece que saliera como su madre y no como el, pero lo que desconoce es que ella heredo el poder de las fisuras , tomando una forma corrupta como asriel y rodeada de fuego cuando la vida de ella o sus seres queridos esta bajo amenaza.
Fissure perdio parte de su poder y a envejecido un poco, ahora usa lentes pero sigue mantiendo el humor.
Tambien su estilo de combate a dejado de ser aleatorio para compensar la falta de poder ahora es sumamente estrategico y sus ataques son muy dificiles de esquivar, esta equipado con ciertas armas y es experto en el combate cuerpo a cuerpo.
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360group · 9 months
Social media optimization: strategies to increase reach and engagement
Do you want to improve your social media reach and engagement? Here are some strategies to optimize your profiles and increase your online visibility. 1. Define your objectives: Before starting any strategy it is important to be clear about your business objectives and how social networks can help you achieve them. 2. Know your audience: Identify who you are targeting and what topics are of…
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