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tellmeamiley · 2 years
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1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV): Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
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I honestly dk what to do with this blog bcuz I haven't been on here since like last winter😭😭 BUT I am popping in to encourage you guys to stay STEADFAST IN UR FAITH!!
To those who wanna do great things in Christ without knowing how to start, GO TO HIM IN PRAYER! bcuz sometimes He's just asking us to spend time with Him CONSISTENTLY!! And most importantly, have GRATITUDE! Today and God's hand in our lives wasn't promised to any of us!
To dwell in Jesus' presence is to listen to Him, read His Word, TALK to Him about ANYTHING YALL (repentance, requests, mutual convo, questions, vents, etc.), chill with Him, literally wtvv. His peace will dwell within us as long as we abide in God ♡♡
Don't be discouraged today, Jesus is patient with us always and loves us forever, reciprocate His goodness today (and thank Him even if you're discouraged!) ♡♡
♡ 2 Corin. 12:8-10 ♡
[8] Three times I begged the Lord to make this suffering go away. [9] But he replied, “My gift of undeserved grace is all you need. My power is strongest when you are weak.” So if Christ keeps giving me his power, I will gladly brag about how weak I am. [10] Yes, I am glad to be weak or insulted or mistreated or to have troubles and sufferings, if it is for Christ. Because when I am weak, I am strong. (CEV)
(header credit to : https://anitalenia.tumblr.com/?source=share ♡)
Have a great day, yalll! Jesus loves you and so do I 💗
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destinyimage · 3 years
Soul Ties and Sexually Transmitted Demons
Healthy relationships are a building block of life and are necessary for our growth and development.
However, when relationships are unhealthy, they have the potential to create bondages in our lives. Sometimes evil spirits can gain access to a person’s life through unhealthy relationships and ungodly bonds.
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The term soul tie is simply a reference to a deep bond with another person. This can be godly or ungodly, depending on the situation. David and Jonathan walked in a covenant friendship together, and the Bible says that “the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David” (1 Samuel 18:1). The marriage covenant, and sexual intimacy between a husband and wife, creates a bond where the “two become one” (see Genesis 2:24). These are examples of good and godly bonds. But there are other types of connections that are unhealthy and toxic, and these can be a doorway to demonic access. These ungodly soul ties seem to create an invisible bondage to the person involved.
One of the main ways that ungodly soul ties are created is through sexual intimacy outside of marriage. God created sex to bring oneness in marriage. Any sexual activity outside of the marriage covenant between a husband and wife is a violation of God’s design and is therefore a perversion. Engaging in sexual relationships outside of marriage creates an ungodly bond, and this can give evil spirits an open door. Let’s look at the apostle Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 6:15-20 (ESV):
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Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two will become one flesh.” But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
Paul clearly states that sexual intimacy creates a oneness with the person whom you engage with, whether or not the person is your spouse. When we give ourselves to someone sexually, a bond is created. Sex is a sacred act, reserved only for the marital relationship. When this standard is violated, bonds are created with other people that were never meant to be created. These type of sexual soul ties can cause an attachment to someone and allow for demons to enter. (This gives a whole other meaning to STDs—it is not just sexually transmitted diseases that we should worry about, but also sexually transmitted demons!)
Other Examples of Ungodly Bonds
Another way that ungodly soul ties are created is when there is a destructive or toxic relationship with another individual. Examples include abuse of any kind, manipulation, control, and co-dependency. Relationships of this nature cause great damage and an unhealthy tie that needs to be broken.
When a person is in an abusive relationship, there is a bond that gets created. Counselors sometimes call this a trauma bond. God intends for us to bond with others in healthy ways: mutual love and respect, healthy communication, sharing of hearts, God-ordained friendships and connections, and other godly and loving ways. There is never meant to be control and domination of another person’s will, or co-dependent attachments. We are meant to need each other in a healthy, interdependent way, but our main source of love and fulfillment is meant to come from our relationship with God.
In an abusive relationship, a bond is created on the basis of control, fear, and trauma. This bond sometimes keeps people attached to the ones who have abused them or keeps them in a cycle of abuse. Even when there is a physical separation from the abusive individual, there can be a spiritual connection that still remains. This can come from a one-time traumatic act, such as sexual abuse, or an ongoing pattern of abusive behavior. (The abuse in these situations might be sexual, verbal, spiritual, emotional, physical, or a combination of these.)
A final type of soul tie that I have come across is related to the occult. When a person gets involved in occult groups, there is often a leader whom you connect to, bond with, and give allegiance to. It is the devil’s counterfeit of discipleship. The same principle can be applied to secret societies and spiritually abusive cults. Sometimes ties like this need to be severed when people are coming out of these types of destructive scenarios.
Prayer to Sever Ungodly Soul Ties
Thomas came as a visitor to the young adult service that my wife and I were leading several years ago. I was on staff at a church as a youth and young adult pastor and we had recently seen God begin to move in healing and deliverance in our Friday night young adult meetings. I felt the need to teach on deliverance to give some understanding of what was happening, and that night was my first message on the topic.
When I finished my message and gave an invitation for ministry, Thomas jetted to the front. He told me that he was coming out of an immoral relationship and needed deliverance and freedom from the tie to this woman. I anointed him with oil and barely began to pray when he suddenly fell backward to the ground. A demon began to manifest, his countenance turned angry, and he gripped the leg of a nearby chair as if he was about to throw it! Thankfully, God’s peace was upon me and I knelt down next to him and calmly ministered to him until he was delivered. He later said that it was as if he was pinned to the floor and unable to move until the demon left. Praise God!
There is deliverance from ungodly bonds and destructive soul ties. Whether the bond was created through sexual sin, a toxic or abusive relationship, or some other way, we have authority to break free in the name of Jesus. Use the prayer below as a guide to sever every ungodly soul tie.
Heavenly Father, I thank You that You are a relational God and that You made us to have healthy and loving relationships. Help me to relate to You and others in the way that You intend and help me to discern when there is an unhealthy bond.
I repent of any sexual sin that I have committed and sever any ungodly soul ties that have been created. I set myself free from any unhealthy relationship or ungodly bond to another person. In the name of Jesus, I break the power of any bonds that have been created through abuse or trauma.
In particular, I break the tie with _____________________. I declare that the blood of Jesus separates me from him/her. Now in the name of Jesus, I command any unclean spirits that have entered my life through ungodly soul ties or unhealthy bonds to come out. Go now, in Jesus’ name!
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faithfulnews · 4 years
War, disease, and the Holy Spirit at work in Yemen
Yemen (MNN) -- The last two weeks brought new waves of crisis to Yemen.  Health officials confirmed the presence of COVID-19, and the UN began cutting support programs due to a funding shortage.
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(Photo obtained via Wikimedia Commons)
More people face death, hunger, and disease in Yemen than any other nation.  A massive coronavirus outbreak would have devastating consequences; health infrastructure is extremely fragile and two-thirds of the population already struggle to meet minimum food needs.  Half of this group, or 10 million Yemenis, are on the brink of starvation.
Yemen is known for war and violence, yet God is doing some incredible things.  The Church is growing in a place where Christians aren’t allowed to exist.
In Yemen, everyone’s considered Muslim, and following Christ could get you the death penalty. Believers exist in Yemen, but the risk is so high they must live out their faith in secret.  More about that here. Through a secure connection, Yemeni believers spoke with MNN about what God is doing in their country and how the global Body of Christ can support them. We’re including the full discussion below for you in a Q&A format.
Q: Most news headlines focus on war and violence in Yemen, yet God is doing some incredible things. What do you want Christians to know?
A: We want them to know that we are facing the most difficult challenge of our lives, and one of the most challenging situations in the world. There is a lot of destruction, suffering, and pain and most people do not have anything to hope or trust in.
The Christians in Yemen experience the impact of war just as others do, but we know that the Lord is with us and has not forgotten us. We would ask Christians in other parts of the world not to forget us.
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(Photo obtained via Wikimedia Commons)
We have seen that God is faithful to answer prayers and we see Him at work as He draws people to Himself. Much of the fruit that we see today has come in spite of the stealing, killing, destroying that the enemy is doing. God’s plans to seek and save the lost have not changed.
Q: We’ve heard there is a great hunger for God in your country. Can you tell us more about that?
A: When a person’s understanding of life and his or her values are challenged, it can make that person question their beliefs. This war and the humanitarian disaster have shaken the foundations that the Yemeni people have stood on for centuries. People are trying to understand why this is happening and questioning their faith, a faith which really does not have a good answer for the struggles and pain they are experiencing. This is how God is using the crisis to draw people to Himself. Many times we get to be a part of answering the questions of the people around us, or those around us with no hope get to see us live with peace and hope in a loving God. God has given Christians in Yemen a great opportunity, and although it comes with a big risk, we are taking the opportunities to speak of our faith.
Q: How can Christians in the West pray for Yemen?
A: Obviously, we want to pray that if it’s God plan, the war will stop and the situation will improve. They can also pray that Christians in Yemen will experience the presence and power of God in a very dark place. Pray that with wisdom and discernment, the brothers and sisters will share His love with the people that desperately need it, and see a harvest that brings glory to God. Pray Ephesians 3:17b-19a, that believers “rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.” (ESV)     Header image is a 2016 photo obtained via Wikimedia Commons.
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
This Artist’s Mechanical Obsession Is on View at the Whitney Museum
When he was working on his Master of Fine Arts degree at Yale in 2011, Kevin Beasley went to Virginia to visit his relatives. Though he grew up in Lynchburg, his family maintained a nine-acre property a few hours southeast, in Valentines. The family hosted regular reunions at the site and his grandparents had farmed there, but that visit seven years ago was the first time the then 26-year-old had seen the fields planted.
“It was planted with cotton,” Beasley says in a phone interview from the Whitney in Manhattan, where his first New York solo museum exhibition, A View of Landscape will open this weekend. Cotton has an extraordinarily laden history for African-Americans in the South, to say the least, and the planting startled him. “It was a very heavy emotional space for me,” he says. “It was something I wasn’t really prepared for.”
On a subsequent visit, Beasley picked some cotton and brought it back to his studio in Connecticut, and the bolls left him in something of a quandary. “I was thinking about how to process it—process what I had just experienced, and actually physically process the material, like maybe I wanted to make something out of it,” Beasley says.
Beasley has a deep affection for classic automobiles. His father is a mechanic and the owner of an original 1972 Dodge Demon. His first car was a 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger. So in order to help determine how to deal with this material dilemma, he did what any old car lover would do: He went on eBay.
There, he came across a motor. “I have the ad, a printout of it, but it was basically, like, ‘Large induction motor, ran a cotton gin, hasn’t run in thirty years, extremely heavy,’ ” Beasley says. The 2200-pound electric motor was in Alabama, and when Beasley ventured down there to complete the purchase, he ended up having a long dialogue with the seller. “He said, ‘I still hear the way it sounds.’ And I asked him if he could articulate that, but he didn’t have the language,” Beasley says. “And that fascinated me.”
Beasley’s work has often incorporated sound. So for his installation at the Whitney, he decided he wanted to separate the machine’s sound from its operation. Working with designer David Tasam, acoustic engineers from BuroHappold, and museum fabricators Goppion in Milan, he created an elaborate glass and metal vitrine to hold and insulate the motor—the baffling foam inside is layered in rows, like a planted field. Silenced, but visibly whirring, the motor’s physical action is thus separated from its effects.
Artist Kevin Beasley.
An elaborate system of microphones inside the vitrine captures the motor’s sound. It is then manipulated through a synthesizer and piped into a separate room. The resulting aural experience is haunting and visceral—special speakers under the listening room’s benches provide a throbbing tactile kick. Directional speakers on the ceiling make the audio experience distinctive in different parts of the room. The sensation is akin to being rendered, or ground down. (While in Italy working with Goppion, Beasley had very different aural experience. “My first drive in a Ferrari was at the Goppion facility, because the owner had a 612 Scaglietti,” he says.) Three large resin sculptures line the passage between the two spaces, incorporating cotton picked on Beasley’s family property, and comment on his family history, the transatlantic slave trade, and the motor’s acquisition.
Beasley’s love for cars transcends his father’s formative influence. As an adolescent obsessed with drawing and painting, and seeking a profession in which he could put these skills to real-world use, he pursued a career as a car designer. He was accepted to Detroit’s prestigious College for Creative Studies, and even made the selective sophomore-year cut to join the automotive design department. But desiring the ability to define his artistic practice more independently, he, as he says, “walked over to the fine-arts department,” and earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree there.
Being a rising art star with previous group exhibitions at the Whitney and MOMA/PS1 and representation by Chelsea gallery Casey Kaplan has not diminished Beasley’s fascination with the automobile. His work at last year’s Frieze Art Fair, “Sport/Utility” consisted in part of a crushed 2008 Cadillac Escalade ESV [pictured above], a commentary in part on the brand’s overt policy forbidding direct sales to black owners during its first 30 years of existence, and the subsequent manner in which black consumers, once they were welcomed into the fold, helped to save the marque during the Great Depression. He is the proud owner of a Dodge Grand Caravan, which he describes as “perfect for being an artist. I can stuff whatever I want in it.” And he also has a 2010 Challenger R/T that used to belong to his dad and which he’s since customized.
“I put a supercharger on it, new cat-back Corsa exhaust, headers, Stop-Tech brakes, an Air Lift suspension. I went all the way,” Beasley says, of the work. He also remains definitively interested in automobiles from a physical and intellectual standpoint. “I’m trying to figure that out, what this thing is about cars, about the way they look, the sculptural form of them. But also thinking about it consciously, and the conundrum,” he says. “My car is now more of a gas-guzzler than it was before. It’s a conundrum I feel like I’m willing to embrace, and I’m also trying to understand what it means.”
Ultimately, the Challenger’s challenge may remain unanswerable. “Maybe I’ll crush it,” Beasley jokes, laughing. “I don’t know. We’ll see.”
The post This Artist’s Mechanical Obsession Is on View at the Whitney Museum appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
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jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
This Artist’s Mechanical Obsession Is on View at the Whitney Museum
When he was working on his Master of Fine Arts degree at Yale in 2011, Kevin Beasley went to Virginia to visit his relatives. Though he grew up in Lynchburg, his family maintained a nine-acre property a few hours southeast, in Valentines. The family hosted regular reunions at the site and his grandparents had farmed there, but that visit seven years ago was the first time the then 26-year-old had seen the fields planted.
“It was planted with cotton,” Beasley says in a phone interview from the Whitney in Manhattan, where his first New York solo museum exhibition, A View of Landscape will open this weekend. Cotton has an extraordinarily laden history for African-Americans in the South, to say the least, and the planting startled him. “It was a very heavy emotional space for me,” he says. “It was something I wasn’t really prepared for.”
On a subsequent visit, Beasley picked some cotton and brought it back to his studio in Connecticut, and the bolls left him in something of a quandary. “I was thinking about how to process it—process what I had just experienced, and actually physically process the material, like maybe I wanted to make something out of it,” Beasley says.
Beasley has a deep affection for classic automobiles. His father is a mechanic and the owner of an original 1972 Dodge Demon. His first car was a 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger. So in order to help determine how to deal with this material dilemma, he did what any old car lover would do: He went on eBay.
There, he came across a motor. “I have the ad, a printout of it, but it was basically, like, ‘Large induction motor, ran a cotton gin, hasn’t run in thirty years, extremely heavy,’ ” Beasley says. The 2200-pound electric motor was in Alabama, and when Beasley ventured down there to complete the purchase, he ended up having a long dialogue with the seller. “He said, ‘I still hear the way it sounds.’ And I asked him if he could articulate that, but he didn’t have the language,” Beasley says. “And that fascinated me.”
Beasley’s work has often incorporated sound. So for his installation at the Whitney, he decided he wanted to separate the machine’s sound from its operation. Working with designer David Tasam, acoustic engineers from BuroHappold, and museum fabricators Goppion in Milan, he created an elaborate glass and metal vitrine to hold and insulate the motor—the baffling foam inside is layered in rows, like a planted field. Silenced, but visibly whirring, the motor’s physical action is thus separated from its effects.
Artist Kevin Beasley.
An elaborate system of microphones inside the vitrine captures the motor’s sound. It is then manipulated through a synthesizer and piped into a separate room. The resulting aural experience is haunting and visceral—special speakers under the listening room’s benches provide a throbbing tactile kick. Directional speakers on the ceiling make the audio experience distinctive in different parts of the room. The sensation is akin to being rendered, or ground down. (While in Italy working with Goppion, Beasley had very different aural experience. “My first drive in a Ferrari was at the Goppion facility, because the owner had a 612 Scaglietti,” he says.) Three large resin sculptures line the passage between the two spaces, incorporating cotton picked on Beasley’s family property, and comment on his family history, the transatlantic slave trade, and the motor’s acquisition.
Beasley’s love for cars transcends his father’s formative influence. As an adolescent obsessed with drawing and painting, and seeking a profession in which he could put these skills to real-world use, he pursued a career as a car designer. He was accepted to Detroit’s prestigious College for Creative Studies, and even made the selective sophomore-year cut to join the automotive design department. But desiring the ability to define his artistic practice more independently, he, as he says, “walked over to the fine-arts department,” and earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree there.
Being a rising art star with previous group exhibitions at the Whitney and MOMA/PS1 and representation by Chelsea gallery Casey Kaplan has not diminished Beasley’s fascination with the automobile. His work at last year’s Frieze Art Fair, “Sport/Utility” consisted in part of a crushed 2008 Cadillac Escalade ESV [pictured above], a commentary in part on the brand’s overt policy forbidding direct sales to black owners during its first 30 years of existence, and the subsequent manner in which black consumers, once they were welcomed into the fold, helped to save the marque during the Great Depression. He is the proud owner of a Dodge Grand Caravan, which he describes as “perfect for being an artist. I can stuff whatever I want in it.” And he also has a 2010 Challenger R/T that used to belong to his dad and which he’s since customized.
“I put a supercharger on it, new cat-back Corsa exhaust, headers, Stop-Tech brakes, an Air Lift suspension. I went all the way,” Beasley says, of the work. He also remains definitively interested in automobiles from a physical and intellectual standpoint. “I’m trying to figure that out, what this thing is about cars, about the way they look, the sculptural form of them. But also thinking about it consciously, and the conundrum,” he says. “My car is now more of a gas-guzzler than it was before. It’s a conundrum I feel like I’m willing to embrace, and I’m also trying to understand what it means.”
Ultimately, the Challenger’s challenge may remain unanswerable. “Maybe I’ll crush it,” Beasley jokes, laughing. “I don’t know. We’ll see.”
The post This Artist’s Mechanical Obsession Is on View at the Whitney Museum appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
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rc182 · 6 years
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AFE Twisted Steel Headers GM Silverado/Sierra 1500 14-17 V8-5.3L/6.2L $739/set Order today Features: Constructed out of 16-gauge, 1-3/4" mandrel-bent stainless steel tubing for unrestricted flow 4-to-1 mitered merge collectors eliminates flow-block turbulence seen on formed collectors Optimized tube lengths improve flow and performance 100% hand MIG-welded construction ensures optimal strength and durability Potential for up to +18 horsepower and +26 lbs. x ft. of torque when combined with aFe's y-pipe (P/N 48-44004) Also Fits Cadillac Escalade/GM Tahoe/Yukon/Suburban/Yukon XL (See list below) Fitment: 2015-2017 Cadillac Escalade Includes ESV V8 6.2L Gas 2014-2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 V8 5.3L Gas 2014-2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 V8 6.2L Gas 2015-2017 Chevrolet Suburban V8 5.3L Gas 2014-2017 Chevrolet Tahoe V8 5.3L Gas 2014-2017 Chevrolet Tahoe V8 6.2L Gas 2014-2017 GMC Sierra 1500 V8 5.3L Gas 2014-2017 GMC Sierra 1500 (Includes Denali) V8 6.2L Gas 2014-2017 GMC Yukon V8 5.3L Gas 2014-2017 GMC Yukon (Includes Denali) V8 6.2L Gas 2014-2017 GMC Yukon XL V8 5.3L Gas 2014-2017 GMC Yukon XL (Includes Denali) V8 6.2L Gas https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqh1QvxF3l3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1eftr8e07aa8l
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chrisbowler · 6 years
Using the ESV API
I mentioned last week that my Bible study set up using Ulysses was published over at The Sweet Setup earlier this month. This resulted in a handful of people asking about my reference to using the ESV API to populate Ulysses with Scripture.
I was (obviously) not quite clear in the article. It was my intention to start that a person could use the API. But I have not been doing that myself. Instead, I manually copy and paste 10 chapters at a time from the Bible Study app into Ulysses when needed. I do this for a couple reasons:
It’s easier to focus on my notes and highlights this way. I would have to go through the entire app to get my content out anyway (Olive Tree, like so many other companies, has not made it easy to get your data out), so I might as well include this in the migration process
Whether you copy and paste manually or use the API, there’s going to be some massaging of the content required
But since there were a few people curious about this, there may be some value in walking through how one could use the API.
Get a client
First, a disclaimer. I am no developer so there will likely be better ways to go about this. But I am technical enough to get content via an API 😀
The first step is to decide how you’re going to interact with the API. You can certainly make cURL requests from the command line … but that’s pretty neck beardy. When I have to work with an API, I prefer to use a graphical client. A coworker recommended Postman multiple times and it’s the best option I’m aware of.
Setting things up
Once you have that, you can head over to the ESV site and create yourself an account. From there, you need to create an “app” so you can get an access token to use in your API calls. This needs to be included in the headers of each call, so no, you can’t skip it.
From there, you can head to the ESV API docs to figure out how to build your requests. There are a lot of options available, but for this purpose, you want a very minimal return to your response. Just the text and verses. You can set build your desired query right on their API page (click in the text boxes, then use the “Try It Out” button at the bottom.
It can take some twiddling and tweaking to get this just the way you want, but here’s a sample query of how I would use it:
This is where Postman makes things pretty easy. You can simply copy and paste this URL into the GET request field at the top of the app.
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Be sure to also include your authorization token in the Headers tab. It took me a bit to figure out how the ESV API wanted this to be formatted, but do not use the default options Postman provides. I set their authentication Type to No Authentication, then manually entered in the correct values in the headers.
Clean up
Once you have tested this a few times and you get the content that you want, you can run a query and then copy & paste the results into Ulysses. And this is where some clean up will be required.
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If you have development chops, you could probably script up some solution for formatting the text as you want it (Regex, anyone?). The API does things like add square brackets to each verse number, so Ulysses treats them as links (see above). So it can take some time to get the content as you personally prefer it.
But at the very least, you can get what you need from the API. I hope that helps anyone who was considering this option!
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thedisbelieverblog · 7 years
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
I apologize to my regular reader for the long absence. I've been busy with school and work and sometimes being social. Despite all of that, it was not time wasted! I've also found time to fit in some philosophizing and thinking.
Philosophy Resources
There are some great resources for nuggets of philosophy. For the time being, that's all I can really digest. I like thinking abstractly and mulling over big ideas, but sometimes philosophy gets too abstract and big. I spend my free time watching YouTube videos about some basic ideas. I'm trying to lay a groundwork. Religion, at least my old one, didn't put a great emphasis on philosophy. It was all prescriptive (you believe this, no questions). I even remember an old Bible of mine translating a topic header from one of Paul's letters as "Christ, Not Philosophy".
Here are two of my favorite YouTube channels for philosophical noms:
Philosophy Tube
Wireless Philosophy
Miscellaneous Thoughts
I wish I had kept a journal or blog through my transitional phase. I remember the early days of doubt and uncertainty, and how ashamed of that I was. Looking back I can see how ridiculous that is. And I have no record of what exactly those early doubts were, how I tried to reason through them, or how they changed over time. It's a gap in my personal history that was forever changed my life, and which is unrecorded. It's sad.
The Great Flood is such a goddamn ridiculous story. Like, 'oh my god, what?' A boat? Eight humans? Two of every animal (with some stipulations and exceptions). Where did all the water go? If, as the Bible says, the waters reached above the mountains, how did they not die from lack of oxygen? Where did all the corpses go? Wouldn't they be wading through dead, bloated, water-logged bodies once they landed? Why has the boat never been found? Now, one could say "well, God took care of all of that." Then why even mention it in the first place? If you're going to erase all evidence of something happening, why say you did it? At the same time, God says he will "blot out the memory" of the Amalekites...and tells Joshua to record he said that. It's a really bad idea to have someone record the very name of that which you want utterly forgotten in a book you intend to have passed down through the ages.
Speaking of putting everything a book...eh, I'll save that one for another post.
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robot-radar · 8 years
2016 Cadillac Escalade Black
2016 Cadillac Escalade Review
Cadillac presented the new 2015 Escalade, a refined extravagance SUV intended to build up new references for craftsmanship and innovation to hand.
The fourth era of Cadillac Escalade is a fresh out of the plastic new yet conspicuous outline in the meantime. A significant part of the narrative of Cadillac’s updated SUV leader is inside, where new levels of extravagance are consolidated with the most recent innovations.
Since its presentation, Cadillac Escalade has rapidly turned into the standard among extravagance SUVs with a strong plan recipe, effective limit and extravagance convenience for up to eight inhabitants. Three progressive eras have driven extravagance SUV clients to give the status symbol on it.
The 2015 Escalade takes components of plan and improvement of specialized items to raise the Cadillac SUV mark.
Generation of 2015 Escalade begins in spring 2014 in Arlington, Texas. The scope of items comprises of the standard Escalade demonstrate, and in the amplified length ESV release, with a wheelbase of 14 inches longer (355 mm) and roughly 508 mm in complete length, augmenting space for third travelers Row and 60 percent more payload space behind the third line of seats in the Cadillac Escalade.
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2016 Cadillac Escalade Exterior
2016 Cadillac Escalade Front
2016 Cadillac Escalade Interior
2016 Cadillac Escalade Review
2016 Cadillac Escalade Specs
2016 Cadillac Escalade Price
2016 Cadillac Escalade Black
2016 Cadillac Escalade Sky Captain
2016 Cadillac Escalade White
2016 Cadillac Escalade Engines and Performance
Offered with 2WD and 4WD transmissions, Escalade has another 6.2L V-8 motor is more effective and more proficient than past models. The Magnetic Ride Control Cadillac, the quickest suspension framework reaction on the planet, is presently standard and offers controlled execution with exactness driving.
The outside components clear, new and refined surfaces, highlighted by sensational light discharging diode, or LED, lighting.
New materials of inside components cut-and-sewn and wrapped with wood completing choices picked by polish and genuineness. The seats were intended to be more agreeable and etched look. The new inside is significantly calmer, as well, because of another more grounded body structure, as good as ever acoustic material, and Bose Active Noise Cancellation innovation.
Signal, Cadillac’s propelled framework for availability and control, is standard with the most recent era voice acknowledgment normal touch orders with the world’s most well-known tablets and cell phones. A 12.3 inch standard advanced bunch gage can be reconfigured with four topics and accessible head screen data anticipated onto the windshield.
A Blu-beam DVD amusement framework incorporates a nine-inch screen mounted on the Escalade roof and two nine-inch screens Escalade ESV.
The front seat territory offers more extra space to move around more than 1.5 inches (44 mm) and 101 mm wide contrasted with past models, while the second and third line seats overlap level for one Load flexibility and – The principal matrix section incorporates programmable handsfree stature parameters.
2016 Cadillac Escalade Inside Design and uncommon capacities
New Cadillac Escalade advancements incorporate security highlights that help inhabitants ensure some time recently, amid and after a crash, for example, before programmed brake raise and, in light of short-range radar innovation and ultrasonic sensors to help the driver to Avoiding front and back low-speed impacts through movement of cautions that reach out to finish braking if vital.
Another oddity is the main airbag mounted in the focal point of the front seat that is intended to give extra security to drivers and travelers before the effect of mischances on the opposite side where the inhabitant is influenced on the inverse side and Not touched vehicle.
Learning bundle incorporates the propelled impact cautioning framework Lane Departure Warning and Patented Seat Safety Alert, which gives directional vibration to alarm the driver of a potential danger crash.
A driver help bundle includes full-speed versatile voyage control, front and back auto brake, programmed impact arrangement and programmed safety belt.
What’s more, the Blind Side Alert Zone, Alert and Rear Cross Traffic Alert path change are standard on Luxury and Premium.
2016 Cadillac Escalade Hand inside
Sets the 2015 Escalade traveler shuttle, intended to be a standout amongst the most genuine and sumptuous lodges in the business, mixed with consistent combination of innovation for now’s associated extravagance clients.
Certifiable wood consolidated with cut material and top quality sewn and softened cowhide emphasizes, and in addition encompassing lighting, have been intended to add tastefulness to inside beautification. Tight resiliency on the dashboard and entryway boards, accuracy controls and fixed triple entryways have been planned and intended to upgrade a feeling of value.
“A remarkable level of craftsmanship has gone into the update of the Cadillac Escalade 2015, and everything concentrates on quality materials and broad utilization of cutting and sewing live – delightful track furniture is delivered,” Said Eric Clough, Director of Design, Interior Cadillac.
“We outlined Escalade with what we call the complexity of magnificence, it offers an extraordinary blend of intense character, similar to a truck, additionally the vocabulary of refinement innovation and Cadillac.”
The seats were intended to be more agreeable and look with a leaning back second line cut. The outline consolidates double firming froth that guarantees travel solace and jam appearance after some time.
Warmed and invigorating seats are standard on the front seats and the second line of the plate are standard warmth. The seat of the second line is accessible seats and warmed seats outside.
2016 Cadillac Escalade Natural innovation
The innovation is a fundamental part of the Cadillac Escalade driving background. New components and improvements make what was at that point a standout amongst the most in vogue vehicle industry’s generally natural.
Surprisingly, the CUE Escalade standard. The eight-inch focus show uses capacitive touch innovation and motion acknowledgment, empowering normal knocks and avalanches in cell phones and tablets. Prompt uses nearness sensors to initiate normal settings and controls as the hand approaches the client.
A “Top picks” stretched out segment gives fast access to telephone contacts, route goals, including computerized music, in a similar one-touch design as conventional radio presets.
The dashboard includes a high determination 12.3-inch advanced determination reconfigurable, high determination, and also the Cadillac infotainment framework CUE. Key information is likewise shown on a shading screen accessible header.
With vehicle data frameworks, the shade of the driver’s data focus additionally gives insights about the sound, Bluetooth telephone and route frameworks, and can be effectively balanced through controls on the controlling wheel.
2016 Cadillac Escalade Outside required
The outside of the Cadillac Escalade 2015 in front of 15 years’ configuration recognizes a legacy with cutting edge highlights intended to include modernity. The total LED lighting makes an intense new translation of Cadillac’s mark vertical light.
The principal work headlights consolidate LED light pillar add up to inside impression of the business, comprising of four focal points and glass LEDs stacked vertically. The light shaft comprises of five glass focal points and LEDs to make the light example.
The Cadillac situation is set apart on the bezel of the beacon. Vast, thin, vertical LED raise lights achieve the highest point of the Escalade and the crown logo and peak check, which sparkles oblivious. Cadillac Escalade additionally has LED handles in the Premium Collection.
“The new Escalade is refined surface and the body area radiates more energy to fashion another notable nearness for the Cadillac SUV,” said Bob Boniface, outline chief for Cadillac Exteriors.
“Our fashioners have worked with stone workers’ reviews nearer than any time in recent memory to interpret a two-dimensional vision three-dimensional representation catches your consideration from far off, then enter the points of interest of wonderful lights, entryway handles and wheels.”
New installed entryways incorporate into the sidelong openings of the body instead of on the abdominal area, which drastically diminishes wind clamor and enhance optimal design that help vehicles sneak past the air out and about with less Resistance to wind.
Dynamic air shades are shut before the condenser/radiator gathering at certain roadway velocities to enhance streamlined features for more noteworthy productivity. A lightweight aluminum hood and rear end boards lessen add up to mass.
The empty body board are balanced. The new back end is intended to be more trendy in appearance coordinates the back wiper on the wing.
2016 Cadillac Escalade Execution and Driving Experience
The execution limit for the Escalade 2015 line increments with another 6.2-liter, more proficient V-8 motor with a SAE 420 pull (313 kW) and 460 lb-ft of torque (623 Nm) motor, nearly 5-per penny increment in strength and 10 percent more torque. The higher torque offers a more prominent feeling of vitality request, particularly from a stop and at low speed.
The new 6.2L fuses propelled advances, for example, coordinate infusion, dynamic fuel administration or barrel deactivation, variable valve timing and a propelled burning framework intended to boost power, torque and proficiency in an extensive variety of working conditions.
Particularly controlled ignition permits Cadillac Escalade to work with a higher-pressure proportion, which gives more power and more prominent expected proficiency.
The motor is connected with six-speed Hydra-Matic 6L80 with better TAPshift control.
The execution of the Escalade is diverted to an advanced body and suspension framework intended for a more grounded feel and calmer, smoother ride. A completely boxed edge – made out of more than 75 percent of high quality steel – is the premise of driving quality.
The new body bolsters the slicing style to decrease vibrations transmitted to the vehicle.
2016 Cadillac Escalade Security measure
The new Cadillac Escalade was composed with more noteworthy security elements to balance robbery endeavors, including an interruption sensor, tilt sensors and a glass breakage sensor. With the initiation of vehicle alert frameworks, a portion of the elements of the conclusion of the fundamental control frameworks to make it practically difficult to begin or move the vehicle.
The wellbeing gadgets are good with the help of the stolen OnStar vehicle, which can help the police find the vehicle.
2016 Cadillac Escalade – Effective limit and extravagance Convenience 2016 Cadillac Escalade Review Cadillac presented the new 2015 Escalade, a refined extravagance SUV intended to build up new references for craftsmanship and innovation to hand.
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