trafalgar-d-corace · 9 years
Corace had woken up super early in order to leave the ship without anyone noticing.
He was too young to buy something big but he didn’t want to give his mother nothing.
He scoured the fields for a specific colour of something. As he found them, he picked them up and gathered them in his arms. Soon enough to he was starting to struggle and they began to tumble from his arms. He hastily picked them up and made his way back.
All the Straw Hats had woken up but only Luffyko and his other mother had noticed that Corace was gone. Before they could worry anymore, he boarded the ship.
“Happy Birthday, Momma!” Just like his smile was, brightened flowers were cradled in his arms. The flowers shone a bright red that the captain loved the most.
There were so many, you could hardly see the boy.
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starauros · 9 years
✘ (Lucy)
Star leaned over the couch. Seriously? Someone just decided to conk out here?
“Um, hey… hello… wake-y, wake-y,” Star said, trying to get this strange girl to wake up. She would have considered poking her, but Star knew what happened to people that tried to wake her up like that, and decided that it was safer just to shout at the stranger than risk physical contact. If that didn’t work there was always throwing objects from a safe distance.
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inkedmesuarchive-blog · 10 years
Greed and Wrath (for the sin meme :3 alsohaithere)
7 Deadly sins Headcanons
Greed-  When he was younger Law would collect various small critter, bugs small animals to dissect on and practice his medical expertise. Even if he threw them away it became a problem his mother scold him. Although, his father would ask what he learned and than say only to do so during studies and to stop bringing them school, persay the dead frog.
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padthedemon · 10 years
Padraig had heard about the battle at Marineford between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Marines. Padraig then heard about how Ann was gravely injured, so badly that it was unsure if she would survive or not. Upon hearing that, Padraig did his best to track down the Whitebeards ship. He eventually stumbled upon it as he hired a captain and his crew to help find it. 
"Thank you guys. Here is ya pay. You can leave now." He told them before running to the railing and leaped to the large ship and boarded it.
"Where's Ann?!" He yelled hoping someone would tell him.
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marco-fushicho · 10 years
eternalburningwills replied to your post:// Vent incoming~[[MOR] So I see some people...
((*siiiiighs* Some people just aren’t patient or understanding. Don’t worry, okay? Just take your time responding. It’s your blog and you have every right to do what you want or vent~. UwU *huuuugs*))
//Thanks sweets~I will :3 I just felt like venting haha~ I haven't done it in the 5 months I have been here, so I didn't feel so bad about doing it >///< *hugs* it needed to be stated *sighs* 
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trafalgar-d-corace · 10 years
Luffyko giggled and ran after her child happily. The other parent had told her not to run in the hallway, but, hey, it was still her ship. When they entered the kitchen, she pressed her body against the fridge.
"Fooooooood~." she sighed happily before sticking her head into the freezer compartment, "Okay, now where’s the meat?"
When no sign of any form on meat turned up (well anything that was not obviously covered over in a pan), Luffyko pressed on by removing several items from the fridge. That was strange…she remembered Sanjiko stuffing leftover turkey from a few days ago into the fridge. Where was it? Closing the fridge, Luffyko began to glance about frantically before holding Corace close to her. "Cora, the meat’s trying to play hide n’ seek with us! We gotta find it! You think you can find it with your hearing powers?"
Corace swallowed when he heard his mum mention the turkey Sanjiko had left in the fridge. He knew what had happened to it. He had eaten it last night when everyone was asleep but he didn't say anything nor then or now.
"I don't know." He shrugged. He closed his eyes but he knew he couldn't hear meat so he listened to the ocean outside for a few seconds, trying to come up with something.
"My ears say check in the oven." He was hoping by luck that one of the crew placed their dinner in there last night to keep warm and forgot about it.
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inkedmesuarchive-blog · 10 years
eternalburningwills replied to your post: //Today i’m 20, and im actually loo...
((oWo Ooh nice~! Have a very happy 20th birthday~!))
//Thank you! its already been pretty great!! :D
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