revclver-jesus · 9 months
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Takaya, standing shirtless in the snow:
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chibitantei · 11 months
This doesn’t inspire a wave of confidence when he’s outnumbered. There’s nothing she can do, not when her reserves are drained and the only thing she could do besides run is be a hindrance. Before she can respond with an affirmative, he already launches into action.
So she runs, screeching blade covering the sound of her footsteps. Maybe Kanzato knows what he’s doing. Maybe he doesn’t. He seems to be at this Persona business longer than she has, at any rate.
She rounds the corner, no threats in sight, and with her heart digging against her chest, she waits, loading all five of her revolver’s chambers with bullets.
@eternalfratricide and Naoto, continued from here
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fatedprincess · 2 months
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eternalfratricide asked: ❛ There’s no time for indecision ❜ ( From Shin !! ) ☁️Persona 5 OST lyric prompts☁️
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THE HEROINE MUST STRIKE AGAIN WITH PURPOSE. the shadows shall not take her life , not now. " i will not hesitate any longer. all of my decisions will be strong and resolute ! " and that is her promise. " PERRRRSONA .. ! " with great elegance , haru's other self forms behind her.
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tacitusauxilium · 3 months
@eternalfratricide sent:
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"So you can't fly?"
He stands a short distance from her. He wasn't part of SEES, but having a Persona meant he didn't succumb to the Dark Hour, so he would sometimes tag along. Today, he'd finally found the courage to actually talk, instead of standing around pretending Fuuka needed a bodyguard.
"I get not fighting. But you can't... Really? That's..."
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"No, I cannot. But, it's fine."
Fuuka states softly, walking alongside Shin and interlocking her fingers and keeping a small smile on her lips. Granted, she wished she was able to fight and make sure her allies were safe and sound, but Fuuka was too frail to fight. Period. "It does suck, I'll admit it. But, being able to keep a watchful eye on the shadows and my friends calms my heart down. Being connected with them makes me feel wanted and I'll do anything to make sure they are safe."
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tvstarkuma · 8 months
"... Bear suit?"
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"As if falling through the television screen wasn't enough..."
He stares with tired eyes at the obnoxiously coloured creature that waddles before him, and he cannot decide which of the two events in his immediate past are more bizarre; bear, or tv portal. After a few moments of laying there, he decides they're both equally insane.
And sits up, retrieving his glasses (mercifully undamaged) and putting them back on his face, regarding the creature with a critical (and suspicious) eye.
"It's always something awful when it comes down to Personae, isn't it? I suppose you're some sort of twisted parasocial entity that is formed by human perception but actually just wants to eat me?" A sigh. "Well, come on then, let's get it over with."
Luck was on the stranger’s side. Teddie had decided to inspect his world today for any abnormalities and smelled an unknown presence. Human, he realized after diving in to give chase, and with a Persona.
What laid before him was the most pitiful display of anyone with glasses he’s ever seen. His voice almost a whisper while Teddie assumed he was regaining his bearings. Encountering the TV World can be awfully confusing at first. Best to take everything one step at a time.
“This is the TV World. You must’ve fallen in here by accident.” Better and more hopeful than the alternative: being thrown in by a malevolent entity.
Teddie’s initial hypothesis on how this stranger could be here at all was confirmed by his mention of Personae. Not that that mattered anymore as Mr. Sad Glasses Man was outing himself from the count already! Sitting up he was still plenty down on himself.
“What are you saying?!” Teddie exclaimed in a mix of confusion and annoyance for this guy’s attitude.
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“I’m the least threatening bear in the world!” And was actually a little offended over treating him like he wasn’t, “You mentioned Persona, so that means you have one, right? If you were surrounded by shadows, would you lay there and wait for them to kill you? That doesn’t sound good for you at all!”
The mascot walked his squeaky feet to the man’s side and lightly kicked his legs.
“Come on, up and at em’. I’m here to save you.”
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foolshoujo · 3 months
"Have you ever wanted it all to just ..."
He looks out at the sky, searching for the stars that would normally dot a blackened sky. Of course, they aren't here. And he reaches out to that abnormal sky, as if he could pluck the bizarre colours from the fabric of the atmosphere and strip them from the night. The entire thing, he feels, is an afront.
To what?
"... I hate it here," he admits quietly, "Suffering surrounds us and people just, just ... Get on with their days."
Abel floats quietly, ominously, the blade's point resting in the floor as his hands grip the hilt tightly. Always ready, always... Anxious. Expecting an attack, a threat, a problem. Always ready to sever the fabric of one thing from the flesh that anchored it, or from the world that tolerated it.
Shin turns his head to look at Abel, who inclines his head to look back. He wonders if he could use Abel's unimaginable power to do more than just sever Personae and Summoner, or Shadow and Place. Could he use Abel's power to sever the world? To separate the suffering in this place from the place itself?
Is that too much? Is it too grand? Maybe.
"How do you do it, Minako-san?"
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XXII ███ "NO." ONE WOULD THINK SHE had not even thought about his questions. to answer so quick, without hesitation. but she didn't have to. she knew the answer to these questions before he'd even asked. so many people have spoken his exact words to her. attempting to find some peace within their souls about their conflicted feelings. it was hard, she could agree. to go through each & every day in this world. this world that can be so uncaring, so cold. a world that chews up everyone & spits them out.
no one is safe from it's maw, that is just how things are. humans left to be fodder & food to the ever hungry creature that is fate. that is time, that is living. from the day we are born to the day we die we all suffer life for it's betters or it's worses. oh how easy it is to get sucked into the black. hands reaching out & grasp at you, pulling & pulling & pulling you down down down down down down down down down. down into those depths. down into the darkness of one's heart, one's mind. those negative emotions that fill every single piece of a person's body, mind, & soul. plugging up one's mouth & nose, pressing downward on their chest until their lungs collapse.
it's so easy. to let life simply turn you into apathy.
she understands why he looks to the sky, why he calls to his personae & why abel answered his call. why he wants to badly to help in the only way he can fathom how. that such a fate is better than whatever this was.
"i've never once wanted to stop, to make it end." an explanation comes at last. her words dry, flat. unlike her usually cheery deposition. && yet each one that passes her lips is as deathly serious as the last. her answer is short, but the weight it holds is ever so heavy. carried upon her shoulders are these beliefs so stalwart alike atlus. holding up the world against all odds. for as easy it would be to allow the machine to swallow her up, she persists. she fights, she struggles. breaking free every day of the grasp of negativity that demands attention. turning away from it's siren call & marching forward with unfaltering intent to live her life with love ever boundless from within her. she may not be able to save the world, save humanity. but she can try to bleed out this truth from within her & let it infect all that she can allow. this love for her fellows, this love for this world, this love for humanity. it's so bright & blinding. time will come to take her one day & she can only hope that death once it takes her hand smiles so warmly upon her & tell her that with love she lived & with love she died. " i just believe that people are not inherent to suffering.
we live to simply live as we came into this world: with love. && i intent to go each day believing that more than i did the last day & the day after that. no matter the cost or whatever comes my way. that's how i do it. "
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revclver-jesus · 8 months
The sound of a heel on concrete. Ryo turns his head just slightly, enough to give an eye to the intruder. And that eye narrows. He's vaguely aware of this person, enough to know that tonight might not be the same monotony every other night has been.
He was rather enjoying that monotony streak.
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"I don't fancy your chances," He mutters, "Do us both a favour, stranger. Go in peace."
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ He smirks at the familiar words. ❝ I intend to... ❞
He sighs the word, a sound more than tired, beleaguered, an exhaustion that seemed to just be a permanent part of his voice when he dare thought of rest. Deep rest. The kind you don't have to wake up from. Bliss. ❝ ... When our time comes. ❞
Those lethargic eyes, golden like a panther's in the pale moonlight, narrow thinner as he tilts back his head and purses his silver brows. ❝ Come now... Don't be unfriendly. Do you mean my chances for polite conversation or something else? ❞ He sarcastically hummed in feigned innocence, a lazy and long hand raising to gesture in shrug, the other always seeming to rest on the handle of his large gun-- not even like one ordinarily would, in threat or preparedness, he rests almost like the arm of a chair, so accustomed to it there it was but a place for his boney hand to be.
They've been watching him. Him and that brother of his. Of course they know of him, of his powers, nothing could disturb the still air of the Dark Hour without them knowing it, these strays, these runaways. They were the very shadows the falling moon cast, you simply ran aimlessly amongst them.
Of course, he was also a criminal, yes. Though to what extent they may truly not know. Not just during the Dark Hour, at that, but still, look at how the tall young man approaches without fear, the confidence in his reclining, exposed spine-- do you really think you can incarcerate a ghost, even if you knew its name? And that is what he is, after all. Something alive that should be dead. Pale, eyes aglow, able to disappear at the witching hour, unaccounted for by every file and record, left to rot, with every intent of dragging you to the after life with him. They were all ghosts, this remaining three, blessed be by the night herself. And lo'-- for this little... natural persona user has been wandering a little too close to a place haunted. ❝ Won't you tell me what it is you're looking for... stranger? ❞
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chibitantei · 3 months
@eternalfratricide has a point:
"we can’t stay here!" (also from Shin !)
Misc Sentence Prompt Collection #3
Her thoughts are scrambled, nothing lines up. Have they been going around in circles? At least... At least she thinks they are. That hole in the wall, it looks familiar. Something rolls down her forehead and Naoto wipes it away. A touch too red for what she’d been expecting. 
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A small problem considering how almost every other joint in her body seems to be aching, there’s something wrong with them, or it’s just her mind over exaggerating the pain. Neither, all of the above, figuring it out takes a backseat.
No healing spells. No healing items. Until they reunite with the others, they’re, she’s.
She leans- No, she had been leaning against it for... some indeterminate amount of time. Long enough that Kanzato reminds her that they really need to go.
A wise choice considering what had been chasing them.
“You should... go.” Liability. That’s what she is right now.
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chibitantei · 3 months
@eternalfratricide says:
"... i wish i could unsee things..." (from Shin !)
Misc Sentence Prompt Collection #3
So there is a benefit to being the last to join. Never seeing that dreaded wardrobe malfunction that plunges everyone into an ice cold silence. Even Teddie, who is one of many words, grows quiet.
The extremely mundane are treated with the same gravitas as a choice between life and death. Naoto finds it absurd, a comment she does not say out loud.
It’s just the way they are.
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“Well, you lived to tell the tale, even if the scars remain.” This is the sort of thing they like to hear, is it? Agreement mixed with humor. The exact opposite of the police.
She isn’t sure who she’d rather be locked in a room twenty-four hours with, but she knows the Investigation Team has a better chance of concluding the case—a fact ever since she had confronted them about Kubo.
“Surviving cooking of mass destruction counts as another achievement, no?”
How could anyone elevate terrible dishes to, quoting Hanamura, extreme levels of gross?
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chibitantei · 3 months
@eternalfratricide asks:
"... do you have a gun on you right now?" (also from Ryo !)
Misc Sentence Prompt Collection #3
Under normal circumstances, no teenager is allowed to carry a firearm. Fortunately, Naoto is not an ordinary one. Her family, Grampa, in particular, has enough sway to make an exception. Kept to the same standards as everyone else who owns one, just a touch more rigorous because Shirogane or not, she is still a child.
She doesn’t think she needs to explain the riveting tale of how it came to be, but Naoto can’t help but raise an imaginary brow at the question.
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He... isn’t going to take it away, is he?
No, she should trust him. He must have his reasons. He’s one of the only reasonable officers in this—backwater, bumpkin, country—quiet town. And people are naturally curious. Why else do so many rumors fly around Inaba?
“Is there a reason why you ask?”
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chibitantei · 3 months
@eternalfratricide says:
"you should get behind me." (From Ryo !)
Misc Sentence Prompt Collection #3
There are few people Naoto respects within the Inaba police force.
One is Dojima Ryotaro. The other is Kanzato Ryo. She’s sure neither like her presence—no one does—but they listen to what she says. When she’s with them, she can pretend she belongs, ignoring how she is about three decades and one younger than them, respectively.
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So when Kanzato gives her a suggestion that is more of an order, Naoto bites her tongue—I can handle myself—and does not argue. She steps behind him, although her eyes are locked on the immediate threat before them.
Don’t complicate things.
“You have a plan, right?”
Of course he does.
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chibitantei · 8 months
@eternalfratricide sends:
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"A town where people turn up dead on television aerials. If that's not the strangest thing ever, I don't know what is."
"Well, I'll try not to step on your toes during all this, Shirogane-san."
"Just let me know if you need any help or advice, I guess?"
He looks at Naoto, wondering if she has any idea what she's been handed by the people on higher rungs than them both. He's experienced stranger than this, he's going to be everywhere she wants to be because he's running an off-the-books parallel investigation and the less she talks to him the happier he'll be.
He's got enough on his plate without adding more to it.
Unprompted | Always Open
A tri-investigation: Inaba police, Kanzato from Ayanagi and herself.
Seems like a lot for something so simple. But it’s the simple things that are the most difficult to solve—something like that.
In the time they’re fumbling around, the culprit could be in another town, laying low, waiting for the next opportunity to strike. Or not. Surely they would stick around to watch everyone involved bumble.
The one thing she does know: things are, no, will be messy. Everyone has their own agenda.
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“Sure.” There are more ways to elegantly phrase it, but, it is what it is, apparently. “I’m still young and inexperienced, so if I need advice, I’ll ask.” He might be like Dojima. Maybe another person she can... trust(?)  to be reasonably sensible. “Especially since you’re more... experienced in abnormal cases.”
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foolshoujo · 5 months
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Compassion: 10000/10 Bitterness: 4/10 Happiness: 7/10 Politeness: 8/10 Chivalry: 8/10 Pride: 8/10 Honesty: 6/10 Bravery: 100000/10 Recklessness: 9/10 Ambition: 9/10 Loyalty: 9/10 Love: 100000/10 Sense of family: 6/10 Attractiveness: 10/10 Agility: 8/10 Sex drive: 5/10
tagged by: @obedientmade pinches paris' cheeks pinches paris' cheeks pinch- tagging: @asterites / @eternalfratricide / @honoosenshi / @quartarcade / @thuganomxcs / @journcys( any muses ! ) / @unmachine / @maregiis / @volot & you !
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foolshoujo · 8 months
pers/ona tri/nity soul is so unserious what the FUCK is wrong with u shin---
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read more bc large image anyway @eternalfratricide explain this
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chibitantei · 11 months
Which Old God are you affiliated with?
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An Old God. You find yourself affiliated with him. perhaps in you life you have been likened to a cat. you may have been called crafty or slick. sharp tongue and quick feet. you'd tell some it doesn't bother you. others you'd tell them it does. it picks at your skin until it tears. but when are you telling the truth? do you secretly love scaring people a little? being one step in front of them while simultaneously being right behind them. do you stick up for what is right or do you stick up for things because nothing is worse than being wrong. then being on the end of being bested. for once you fall flat on your face and realise it is not so easy getting back up when you have no one to lean on. Cats hide in the shadows but follow the line of the warm sun. to live is to not be stagnant. a corpse in the sky you say goodnight, farewell.
Tagged by: @scarlxtleaves (thank you!)
Tagging: @atoneternal, @eternalfratricide (shin), @squidsavior
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