visa-xamore · 8 years
Visa was fighting yet another battle  on her planet,when a colliding of magic had struck her head. She dispatched her current target, with sickening sound of hooves slamming a head repeatedly into a large rock. She rather dispatch others with her physical strength, which always shocked her other kind, while they relied on magic of any kind, they lack physical brute strength, so she trained.  Instead of resting afterward, she went to see Prince Vane’s order, it was odd but then when they tested her, she began to panic, the familiar feeling bubbled up. She heard shouting and terror, then in her own attempt to stop whatever happening, she cast a spell to make herself escape. ..Thats how she wound up here. On a planet she had no freaking clue of, and she couldn’t sense anything familiar. So she figured she was out of her universe. That wasn’t good. Also, whatever they were doing was probably not good. Why did she agree to that test..? Oh well. She slowly got up, her limbs shaky as her tail swished back and forth. It was best to lay low, hide. well until whatever beings on this planet found her, then she’d figure out what the hell do to then.
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belliigerent · 8 years
eternitywills replied to your post:"Are you certain you haven't lost your line of...
laughing. so. hard. WHAT IS THIS IDK
I laughed too, like Gohan wtf. Mouthy little shit now when it comes to Vegetas. XDDD 
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crusader-of-time · 8 years
☮:Something you're confident about with your writing
Ask the Mun
☮: Something you’re confident about with your writing
((Ok. I have to be bloody honest on this one. And I probably will seem like the biggest, most boasting bitch in the entire world … But I’m VERY. VERY. VERY confident about my writing in a whole. I never doubt on my abilities concerning English. I really don’t. I know I should probably get better in grammar anD GET THE FUCKING PAST PERFECT AND CONTINUOUS TENSE RIGHT but I’m overly happy with the way I write.
However, if you guys ever feel like you’re not having a good time with the way I write I’d kindly ask you to give me a feedback in case of cases. Anytime you want!))
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gokukake-blog · 8 years
“Why did you do it? Tell me.”
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Goku was nearly staggered by the question. It had been a long time since the events of the Cell Games. "Why did I do it?" He chuckled. "I did it for the same reason you did when you were fighting Majin Buu. We both let people down and needed to do everything in our power to fix it."
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artificialanomaly · 8 years
Send me ⊙ and my muse will bold all that applies to yours
I think you are:
Ah I want Mirror!Cell to interact with your Vegeta. For now just gonna give an answer based on my current headcanons on Mirror!Cell’s thoughts about the Vegeta he knows from the timelines in his Mirrorverse (so MIrror!Vegeta…who just never really reformed):
| Admirable | Attractive | Absentminded | Amusing | Abrasive | Aloof | Arrogant | Brilliant | Bizarre | Bland | Caring | Charming | Clever | Confident | Courageous | Creative | Cute | Careless–Mirror!Vegeta still allowed Mirror!Cell to absorb Mirror!18 out of a desire for a more challenging fight | Childish | Clumsy | Cowardly | Cruel | Dignified | Dramatic | Desperate | Devious | Disrespectful | Elegant | Energetic | Emotional | Excitable | Faithful | Forgiving | Friendly | Flamboyant | Foolish–Again, Mirror!Vegeta allowed MIrror!Cell to obtain Perfection. | Frightening | Generous | Gloomy | Greedy | Gullible | Helpful | Honest | Hateful | Intelligent–When he turns his ego off. | Ignorant | Impulsive | Insensitive | Irresponsible | Lovable | Lazy | Mature | Malicious | Misguided | Monstrous | Narrow-minded | Optimistic | Obnoxious | Peaceful | Persuasive | Protective | Power-hungry | Quirky | Reliable | Romantic | Ridiculous | Sexy | Sophisticated | Selfish | Trusting | Treacherous | Understanding | Unpredictable | Unstable | Vulnerable | Witty | Weak |
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indomincswrecks · 8 years
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Friday nights were fight nights for the hybrid. Typically, she and Echo went to the fight club during tag team matches and split their winnings.  While her new sisters weren’t fond of their activities, the money they received allowed them some sense of independence. She alternated between spending her winnings and saving it in a small box under her bed. Alternating Fridays, on the other hand, were her solo fighting nights. She loved the challenge of fighting on her own, in spite of the affection she felt toward Echo.
Her fist cracked against her opponent’s face, causing the large man to  stumble back as he tried to right himself. Indy bounced on the soles of her feet as the burly man lunged at her. She dodged the maneuver and countered with a forceful punch to the center of his chest. Indy watched as he endeavored to right himself, falling to a knee as he looked up at  her. She waited for a single moment for the “Stop,” but one didn’t come. A wicked smirk pulled at the corner of her mouth as she kicked the man’s side, watching as he sunk to the ground.
“Okay, that’s enough,” the referee said, standing between the two opponents.
Indy left the ring and set about undoing the wrappings that covered her hands before she caught a vaguely familiar scent. The smile settled on her face as she started to stretch, waiting for her next opponent. The source of the scent drew closer and her sigh was  almost audible as she turned around and sat on the bench.
“Y’know Echo’s not here, right?” she asked, her tone inviting.
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crusader-of-time · 8 years
You are made of stardust and galaxies and I love you. Send this to your ten favorite people on this website. 💚💙
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